M.I. Glinka entertaining facts about Russian composers ...

M.I. Glinka

Portrait of M.I. Glinka, artist I.E. Repin

Sick genius, gentlemen! ...

Once in the house of Glinka, friends were gathered on three piano, which stood at the composer in the hall, all together began to play the works of Beethoven. I must say that they are all, although they loved the music of Beethoven, were amateurs. Five minutes later, Glinka, having laid his hands behind his back, began to break nervously around the room.

- Mikhail Ivanovich, what about you? Why are you so true? - Finally, turned around, finally asked one of the most musitizing guests.

- So it is impossible, gentlemen! - exclaimed the glint in despair. - You are still half an hour of the already unfortunate martyr Beethoven. Remember mercy! Beethoven never wrote your Anthrash!

Glinka M.I. Portrait

They say that in the youth Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka possessed a phenomenal beautiful voice. He had tenor, who led to admiration to the public. Once quite a lot of people gathered. Among the gathered was the Junker of the Hengean Shelf, the young Prince Castrivo Skanderbeck. He first heard Glinka.

Mikhail Ivanovich was in a blow and sang is incomprehensibly well. When he was fallen, it was discovered that the poor junker is close to fainting ...

- What is with you, prince? - asked the young men by spraying it with cold water and leading to the feeling.
- It seemed to me that it was sang angels, and I was afraid that a terrible court would start ...

"My little mozzart"

The mother-in-law Glinka has fallen to the musical hobbies of Mikhail Ivanovich and even called him "my little mozzart."

Hearing this appeal, someone from friends asked the composer:

- She loves Mozart so much?

- What are you! - Holinka waved his hands. - She does not know him, but somehow he having heard that Mozart thanks to music scary rich, hopes that this fate will comprehend and her son-in-law ...

Opera Glinka "Ivan Susanin"


Glinka's wife was completely indifferent to music. Once, the glint came home after the concert, in which the seventh symphony of Beethoven was performed, shocked to tears. The wife appeared frightened:

- What's wrong with you, Michel?!

"Beethoven ..." - barely able to repulse the glint and cried.

- My God, what did he do to you, this Beethoven?

Ivan Susanin

Tastes could not be discussed

Of all the composers, Glinka recognized only three: glitch, chopin and ... herself - only these composers he played. He did not tolerate brilliant and famous pianists, saying: "Someone play, and not good-keeping." Sheet, who was conquered by the work of Glinka, adored the composer for some time, but then he preferred to not respond at all, sending the opinion about the game of a sheet to his friend Kalmykov, who voiced the opinion of Glinka: "face Hood, her hair is long and Belokour. In one hand, I walked in one hand, in the other - stake. I sat down, possessed: the hall shook, and many pregnant women enhanced "...

Waltz Fantasy Glinka


Working with singers over the opera parties, Glinka very long and unsuccessfully rehearsed with the singer Lileeva. She had a wonderful, but alighting voice. And in the party of Gorislav in "Ruslana and Lyudmila", first of all, the expressiveness of singing should have been. Glinka, in order to somehow disgrace the singer, burst into the back and hurt her. Lileeva cried out.
- Here! That's what I need it! - Mikhail Ivanovich laughed. "Now you see, my soul, that in this phrase you can add life, and expressiveness. That's how and sing, otherwise I will repeat my little pedagogical trick again ...

Mikhail Glinka with his wife

Awful punishment

The Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich very much did not love Glinka and could not tolerate his music. When it was necessary to plant his own officers to arrest, he sent them to the presentation of Glinka and Lyudmila's opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila", saying:

- More terrible torture for my guys I can't come up with! ..

Opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (head)

Send the motcher! ..

It is known that Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka some of his writings wrote abroad, namely in Switzerland. He settled somewhere within the Geneva Canton, such a favorite British and Russians. His name was already fame. Not always located to an empty chatter with idle compatriots, he allowed himself sometimes not to take anyone.
More than others born, some young man from countrymen's visits. One of these days, the young man went to the composer.

- Houses Barin? He asked the servant.

- They left.

- Soon returns?

- Unknown.

Mikhail Ivanovich, who ordered by no means to take an annoying visitor, a conversation listened behind the curtain. The young man cleverly turned on heels and, singing a song, came out.
- Run, turning rather, "suddenly shouted the composer servant, hastily sighing into the front.
Surprised servant obeyed.

"Barin ordered you to ask you," he turned confused to a young man.

The young man, of course, has grown.

"I ask me to forgive me a thousand times," Mikhail Ivanovich said with a smile, meeting the guest. "By giving orders a servant, I completely forgot to exclude you from among those who are not dedicated to my work, and even waited for you."

Approached the usual dining hour.

"You would bring me great pleasure if they had not refused to dine together than God sent," Mikhail Ivanovich added.

The young man did not expect such courtesy and found a special honor to take advantage of the proposal of musical celebrity. He, of course, could not guess that the intent here was another.

For dinner, Mikhail Ivanovich was very cheerful, joked, laughed, not wanting to seem like a boring young interlocutor.

- Tell me, don't you remember the song that was sanging by leaving me? He suddenly asked the young man.

- I seem to have fallen anything.

- Sen, I heard, but hurriedly and confused, so I could not catch the motive.

The young man, wanting to please the hospitable owner, went over all the reserves of his repertoire from the operas and chansoniths; Finally attacked "Camarinskaya".

- She, she! This very, - cried the delighted composer and immediately made the entire motive in the score.
This is the case, we are obliged to appear in the work of the great Russian composer of an old dance folk song, now known to everyone.

Opera Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

"In Glinka, it is especially expressive to the connection of a wide variety of qualities: both the strength and softness, wealth of thoughts and the wealth of their development, their development, wonderful technique and harmonic, and counterpactic - all this is in it, and the amazing elastic eases, naturalness reigns , clarity, simplicity and inexhaustible inspiration reserve ... "(Caesar Kyui)

Glinka M.I.

"If a genius as creative power in its quantitative and qualitative relationship could be measured and determined in the form of some known value, the genius would be approximately the same in Mozart and Glinka."

"A luxurious flower rose on Russian musical soil ... take care of him! He is a tender flower and blooms once in a century." (V. Odoevsky about the opera Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila")

12. Regarding the premiere of the opera M.I. Glinkle "Ivan Susanin", Glinka admirers arranged honored by the composer. In honor of Glinka, friends composed canon.

Sing delighted, Russian choir,

New novelty came out,

Have fun, Rus! OUR GLINK -

Not a glint, and porcelain!

For a beautiful novelty

Pleasure will be glasses

Our Orpheus Glitu

From rough to the Neva.

The third verse was composed by V.A. Zhukovsky himself:

In honor of only Slavnya novelties

Swat, pipe and drum,

Let's drink Glinka

We are mulled glass.

And the fourth verse belonged to A.C. Pushkin:

Listening to this novelty,

Envy, angry darling,

Let it gripe, but Glinka

Falill can not be in dirt.

And Odoevsky wrote music to these verses.

"Maybe these songs hearing in the guys were the first reasons for the fact that later I began to mainly develop popular Russian music." (M.I. Glinka)

"Living abroad, I am more and more convinced that I am writing the soul of Russian and it is difficult for me to fade under someone else's way." (M.I. Glinka)

"The more difficult to achieve the goal, the way I, as always, stubbornly and constant striving to her." (M.I. Glinka)

"I could not sincerely could not be an Italian. Thank you for the deposit brought me gradually to write in Russian." (M.I. Glinka)

The composer spoke sister: "Your Misha will understand. When it is not, and" Ruslan "after a hundred years ..."

"Susanin's scene in the forest with the Poles I wrote in winter; all this scene, before I started writing, I gladly read out loud and so vividly moved to my hero's position, that my hair myself became endan and frosted on the skin." (M.I. Glinka)

"Teacher [Drawing] told me once that he notices that I would just think about music." What to do? - I answered. - Music - my soul!. "(M.I. Glinka)

"Some of the aristocrats, speaking of my opera, put it with contempt:" This is Kucher Music! "It's good and even true, for Kucher, in my opinion, a little gentlemen." (M.I. Glinka)

"The sounds are natural when they correctly express the idea or feelings of the composer." (M.I. Glinka)

"To which phenomenon of Russian music is neither contact - all the threads will lead to Glinka." (George Vasilyevich Sviridov)

"If the genius as creative power in its quantitative and qualitative relationship could be measured and determined in the form of some known value, then the genius would be approximately the same in Mozart and Glinka." (Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov)

"Glory Glinka, which indicated the path of truth!" (Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky)

"Probably no one more appreciates me and does not like Glinka's music. Glinka is a real creative genius!" (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)

"Giant Pushkin, the greatest pride of our and the most complete expression of the spiritual forces of Russia, and next to him the wizard of Glinka." (Maksim Gorky)

"Happy composer! .. All the birthplace of Glinka, and not only Russian, stored in memory of his lyrics, Glinka melodies entered the people's consciousness, they live!" (Boris Asafiev)

"Words not to describe the charms of the Melock melody." (Boris Asafiev)

"... This is such a truthful result of everything that Russia poured in a song; This music hears such a complete expression of Russian hatred and love, grief and joy, full of darkness and shining dawn ... This is more than opera, this is a national epic, it is Lyrical drama ... " (A. Memerime, French historian and critic about Opera "Ivan Susanin")

"These songs surprised me with your delicious melody in the genre, exactly the opposite of the one I still heard!" (Hector Berlioz about Russian Songs Glinka)

"... a lot of Russian symphonic essays are written. We can say that there is a real Russian symphony school. And what? The whole is in the" Kamarinskaya ", just like the whole oak in the hell!" (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky About "Kamarinskaya" Glinka)

"Glinka" ... Suddenly, he became one step along (yes! Along!) With Mozart, with Beethoven and with anyone. It is possible without exaggeration to say about the person who created "nice!". This anthem, according to the observation of Critica V.V. Stasova, is "indisputably the highest and most advanced anthem, which ever was heard in Russia." (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky about opera "Ivan Susanin")