Boredom is a feeling or emotion? Medicine from boredom

Boredom (synonym for longing and apathy) is one of the main reasons preventing pleasure from life. Medical preparations that help get rid of this spiritual state, unfortunately, was not yet invented. However, you can try to remove unnecessary sensations forever in other ways.

Loneliness, boredom, apathy - all this dangerous states that harm individuals. Therefore, it is required to get rid of them. And it is about this that will be discussed in this review.

Dangerous sincere torment

Why is boredom so dangerous? It is not considered a simple variety of human mood, which periodically arises, without carrying the threats of our personality. In fact, it is one of the main sources of numerous problems.

Boredom is a feeling or emotion? It is an emotional state that makes it constantly look for external stimuli, any activity to get rid of the sensation of discomfort caused by the lack of activity.

And it seems to be nothing terrible in it. However, it is worth understanding that during the search for classes, selectivity completely disappears. A person who is subjected to "attacks" by boredom, is ready to engage any, even the most senseless work, just a negative feeling disappeared. Boredom is emotion, and far from the most good.


Agree, it is very much similar to the dependence, where information is in the role of narcotic substances, some kind of activity. In such a situation, a person will begin to arise a sharp desire to do something, the satisfaction of which is not capable of bringing some tangible pleasure.

Moreover, it is practically impossible to control its condition. All you can achieve, - to reduce the feeling of discomfort for a while. And then life is at least a bit, but will become brighter.

No one denies that fresh impressions of a person are needed in the same way as the change of places, and familiarity with new people, and entertainment. If this is not, then the person will stop developing. However, all this is good in acceptable limits. And boredom is that the most sensation that is able to make go all the faces of reasonable.

What lies in danger?

Boredom is a mental state that is extremely dangerous. What troubles can cause going to chronic phase?

  1. A man will start constantly experiencing nervous tension.
  2. The probability of the appearance of dependence is alcohol or narcotic.
  3. Long-term trips, rest, meetings - all this will begin to cause the torment, from which only work will help to get rid of.
  4. It will not be possible to concentrate.
  5. There will be chronic fatigue, which will interfere with relax.
  6. There will be a painful traction for a variety of and useless shopping.
  7. The brain is simply clogging from information debris, numerous tasks.
  8. All the time there will be a feeling of anxiety and apathy.

This list looks quite impressive. Few people consider boredom from the position of the main source of evil, so such a set of problems is able to surprise.

So why is boredom so dangerous? After all, at first glance, it is quite commonplace arising in the absence of activity. Something like hunger or thirst. However, boredom is not only a feeling or property of nature, but also a serious lack of personality. Therefore, it must be eliminated.

Or maybe this is a motivation?

There will always be people who will say that boredom is a serious motivator. And without it, someone is unlikely to move from the place and do something. Perhaps she even helped someone to achieve high heights in a particular field of activity.

But it is worth conducting an analogy with narcotic and alcohol addiction. After all, she also makes people work to have money for drug acquisition. And if he does not look for opportunities for earnings, you will have to endure the torment. What do you think a person should be grateful to narcotic substances for helping him to achieve something?

And the same can be said about boredom who can turn anyone into a robot, which obediently and diligently performs the tasks. And if you think that boredom is synonymous with motivation, then this is an erroneous opinion. As a motivator should be a living interest, the desire to improve and achieve certain vertices, realizing its potential.

Why she arises

Often you have to pronounce the phrase "dying from boredom"? Before telling how to get rid of this emotion once and for all, it is worth dealing with the reasons that cause it.

  1. A person is not able to dispose of his time. In connection with the constant progress, people appear more free time, because now it is not a significant part of their lives to spend, trying to get funds for food. And these minutes, not filled with work, many do not know how to occupy.
  2. There is no point in life. A person can go ahead, and can stand in one place. And at the same time, nothing changes in his perception. It is simply not able to notice the difference between active activities and a waste of time.
  3. Work is not a vocation, but tasks are performed only for money. There is no interest as such. In such a situation, a person is waiting for a lunch break, the end of the working day and an employment week. He is not interested in the qualitative fulfillment of his tasks, and the work visits simply because it is necessary.
  4. Not enough communication. In this situation, their own thoughts are able to poison.

In trying to get rid of boredom, you can go on the wrong way. It should be considered how this spiritual state can be eliminated, applying even greater harm.

Do you benefit alcohol?

Alcohol, of course, will help get rid of the daily routine, add brightness. But this cure for boredom is characterized by a temporary effect and has a large number of side effects. The day after "treatment" will be worse, as a heavy hangover appears and and the more often resorting to the help of alcohol, the stronger the life will deteriorate.

Will new sensations help?

Search for new sensations and impressions. It seems that permanent travels at first glance are a harmless way to get rid of boredom. However, there is a practically bottomless wallet and a huge amount of time. In addition, over time and this entertainment is bored. The same can be said about the change of sexual partners. It seems to be boredom and disappears, but then again arises. And the more often a shift occurs, the less long it is a period of time spent without this sensation.

Is adrenaline a tool from boredom?

The pursuit of adrenaline is a kind of drug, requiring all big and large doses each time. And at the end usually an overdose comes. For example, a tightening parachute jump no longer causes previous emotions, so it is worth trying to open the dome as close as possible to the ground. And the loss of control in such a situation will lead to a planning result.

Should I spend all your time on the Internet?

Care in virtual reality, social networks, games, views of the rollers - all this kills time and brains. You do not just sit in the free minute wasted, but also reduce your mental abilities. After all, instead of finding food for the mind, you simply view a bunch of unnecessary information and the stepping series. At the same time, the next morning you can even remember what they watched in the evening.

Right methods

So how to get rid of this negative feeling right? Some fairly effective ways should be listed, and you will only need to choose the most suitable boredal medicine.

  1. Find a few goals in life that will push to development, improving skills. Due to this, you can improve physical and intellectual parameters, as well as relationships with people. You can create an action plan for the near future to know in which direction to move.
  2. It is necessary to learn correctly dispose of your time. Looking in the morning, a person must be aware than he will do during the working day and after him. In this again will help planning. The weekend should not pass exclusively on the sofa for watching a film or television. You can devote free time to communicate with friends, movies in cinema, theaters and other events. You can go to nature or make a list that look and read. Do not forget about sports. With their help manage to get rid of apathy, and not just boredom.
  3. An excellent way to get rid of negative sensations is to change the work on the one that will like and bring satisfaction. In such a situation, it will be possible to take thoughts not to how to quickly fulfill the tasks and go home, but how to do everything qualitatively.
  4. Close people will get rid of boredom. It is necessary to communicate more often with friends and relatives, relax together, share thoughts and help each other.


What is boredom? Psychology considers this concept as a negative feeling that destroys the personality. And it is necessary to get rid of it. In fact, there is a huge number of ways. Above the most efficient are described above. We hope that this review will help you bring your life in full order, and you will get rid of such negative states as loneliness, boredom, apathy.