My tongue is my enemy

It may be not very clear - but I hope that this article will be a kind of detonator to start learning information from the authors listed above. This article I would like to cause a certain discussion among readers regarding the topic, in it touched.

Touching this topic, I did not even suspect how deeply the reservoir of our being it covers. Therefore, I decided to first give the canvas for further deepening and clarifications on this issue. I hope that there are no obvious readers to work independently to work out not fully disclosed details, which will be undoubtedly a big impulse to understand the importance of the Russian language. The same method of filing the material was used by N. Levashov, the last and I am.

The title of the article was born after rethinking information, which slowly, but persistently penetrates the level of consciousness and when reading materials relating to new knowledge, and with direct contact with the "subconscious". Such missed through itself, and conscious information becomes the knowledge of the complex constructive form of knowledge and their software and independent existence in the noosphere. The brain of biological "shirts" knowledge is not formed, i.e. People do not have any attitude towards the formation of the structure of knowledge. The form of knowledge is not morphology, as it is now presented in the generally accepted form. This is the form obtained either from the memory archive, or additionally formed during the current development of the control system itself, or rather the substance of its mind. If, according to the functional endowment and the corresponding set of brain functions, some individual does not have a relation to specific information, it will not be able to gain the possibility of a contact state for obtaining such information and corresponding to this, knowledge.

"My tongue is my enemy" - an interesting expression, which, like all Russian settings, carry not only the philistine concept - "Do not talk too much, for to harm yourself," and contains also hidden (sacred) meaning - the spoken word is The essence-product of mental processes and the state of the human brain, and all the consequences of this affect its actions, on the development of thinking and health. The development of the colloquial speech of various ethnic groups in the framework of the program of the Interventian Earth Management System to form a certain genotype of the brain (GM - the functionality of the human brain, such as mental and mental activity) turned the language (means of reproduction of articular sounds) into a human enemy. The reproduced speech not only affects knowledge, but also is formed in the process of cognition of the illusory reality given as a means of an adequate display. Philosophers have repeatedly drawn attention to the mistakes arising from the wrong use and imperfected the natural language, and called for caution in the use of them.

Over the past over 500 years, the lattice of information exchange and control in the overall structure of the lattice of the atmosphere has been actively created. The presence of such a specific lattice, and in the terminology of modern science, this was determined as an electromagnetic field, allowed not only to effectively manage all bio-objects on Earth, but also preventing the creation of unnecessary deviations in the occurrence of other bio-objects. So far, such a lattice was formed, no "science" simply could not be, it was obvious and historians noticed! However, those changes that have already happened and occur in our eyes, allowed "appear" and the "psi-generator" called "Svetl", which counteracts the destructive consequences of the dieting Ebrov system, provides a person to energy protection, helps his adaptation to new living conditions, healing the body, and, most importantly, "appeared" programs that are being implemented today Generator and through it not only by improving. Changing the lattice parameters, occurs by planned order, as the elimination of the consequences of intervention for the transition period.

All that does not fit into the specified parameters is subject to gradual destruction or transformation that has already begun. As an example of transformation - "Suddenly emerged" interest in Russian. Russia has always been an object of close attention of the Western countries, but, mainly, as a country of incomprehensible barbarians, great scientists, inventors, literary geniuses and Russian ballet. Today, Russia becomes a leader country, which is holding back any attempts to unleash the 3rd World War and go forward, thanks to the strategy and tactics imputed geographically from SUV. The books of Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov were significantly promoted to the Russian language, which, although with difficulty, can only be able to those who are the carrier of the Russian language on the fact of birth in Russia. Even more difficult, people perceive the language of the native system of the Earth's control system, which information is transmitted in adaptive form by the authors of the materials of the site of the NII TSUS. To facilitate understanding of this "Language" by our comrades to Yuri outlined Dictionary of main terms, concepts, definitions For which the author expressing sincere appreciation and gratitude for such a painstaking and important work!

Nevertheless, the brain that is not prepared for this, in most cases, this information may not accept this information, but the users of the "light" programs with great confidence "will" will "accept" and become co-applied in the implementation of the intended target vector. The mind of a truly recreative person begins to awaken with his need for the knowledge of the truth since the beginning of the new energy information transmission from the recreation of the management system. This is a big chance of "integration" into the future. It is time to say it openly.

Let's return a little in the past ...

In the works of the great Russian scientist Nikolai Viktorovich Levashova repeatedly indicated and actually justified the main source state of the civilization of our planet (Midgard-land) - she was Set up White racial , People who spoke in Russian and had Russian genetics!

The civilization of the Earth was created by the association of civilizations that had a total culture, a practically identical level of their development, MUTUAL LANGUAGE.In this language was an in-art language with an in-art semantic matrix. This language corresponded " holy alphabet letter "Different "Divine Revelation",that is directly brain from a single resonant information and energy space.

If you argue logically, it could not be otherwise, since the formation of life and mental processes directly depends on the design of atomic structures. Each atom sounds individually, each atomic structure has its own set of notes. A single control system created by forming the planet and the planetary cluster system transmits information on the preservation of the brain cell and the flesh cells in accordance with the lattice of the atmosphere structure and the set of basic control frequency, using the codes of the musical series and the specified time tact (magnetic pulse). All living things are subordinate to a single cycle in the design of the atomosphere. Therefore, the language is formed under the control of this unified system, and not random territorial wishes of local aborigines. After the intervention frequencies in the management program of captured servers and complexes of the native earth control system, the thought process imputed to the restored biostructures of people began to gradually deviate from the true state, from the mind development vector, which led to the formation of many languages \u200b\u200band the separation of people.

"On all the land there was one language and one adverb. Moving from the East, they found Sennar Valley in the ground and settled there. And they told each other: put on bricks and burn fire. And they have become bricks instead of stones, but an earthy resin instead of lime. And they said: build a city and tower tall to heaven; And make yourself a name, before they disperse on the face of the whole land. And gone Lord See the city and the tower that human sons were built. And said Lord: Here is one people, and one in all language; And that's what they started to do, and they will not stop from what they thought to do. Sivem same i. mix There is a language there, so that one does not understand the speech of another. And scattered them Lord from there along the whole earth; And they stopped building the city. Therefore, it is given to him: Babylon, for the Lord mixed the Lords of the whole earth there, and from there scattered their Lord along the whole land ... " (Gen. 11, 1-9)

18,000 years ago On the planet was SINGLE language. But Ebra (" Lord "spiders ) Violated this unity, did not allow to "build a tower to heaven," rejected the development of civilization along the way of the opposite orientation from the target vector to completely seize the "shirts" of people (human influence) and in the new camouflage to merge with more developed civilizations. For this purpose, the brain of people was rebuilt for high-quality conformity to the state of the Ebrov brain.

Now all existing languages \u200b\u200bnature should lead to Generaldenominator. This denominator, the key to the base of consciousness, is chosen Russian. The whole information component broadcast through new (native) programs is produced ONLY In Russian (previously all the broadcast was carried out only in English). That is why the Russian language was chosen by the world in communication. Why Russian? Because, at one time, no other languages DID NOT HAVE.The language was one. It was a few other language than the one on which we are talking today and write, but we must return to this our native language.

Explorer of the ancient Russian alphabet and follower of the Slavist of the 18th century Faddey Volansky, pp Oreshkin was engaged in deciphering the ancient written monuments. As a result of his research, he came to the conclusion that the oldest documents were written through various alphabetic systems, but in the same language, and this is the key to their decryption. " Signs - DIFFERENT, LANGUAGE - SINGLE"," Said Peter Oreshkin. And a simple accessible output that is not doubtful: since the carriers of the Russian language are RESS, then RevivalMankind will begin (already started) in Russia in the widest historical understanding of this word.

The Earth Management System in the transition process will gradually eliminate the distinguishability of the mental processes of people who endorstalized the Ebrov cubic structure of the lattice and fragmentary (false) information blocks, leading to a single spatial-structural cushion of existence of energy.

For example, the structure of the thought process in countries using hieroglyphs differs from generally accepted. This structure of images and changes in this structure, not characteristic of the stereotype, would lead to the destruction of a significant part of the brain matrices. The control system of the program makes a change in charge potentials on the respective octaves, shifting a musical row of the atomic structure (limits: lower 11%, upper 122%), - Simply put, softens the difference in potentials, which preserves the stability of the biostructure.

In experiments on people, the aliens, first of all, tried to increase the octaves of the brain. It gave humanity only level Cave development. This significantly changed the morphology of the biostructures, leading to ethnic differences and the image of thinking. Experimentsover people Ledto the appearance of colored races and various types of monkeys. In the previous stages, the Ebrov system, Forcedsaving speech , imposed Thatweighing taboo in the awareness of people! After all, people never Did not payattention to such things. After the interventory intervention, the Ebra had to save a certain number of people, without providing them sufficient the former condition of life . Just in case, realizing that Out of Human appearance, their existence in physical plan on earth is simple Impossible. However, these (left) people have degradation and extinction went fast enough. As they learned and knowledge of a person, they improved the biological "shirt" with an increase in the octave of the brain. Ultimately, they were able to improve the human brain and brought it only to 66 octaves. In terms of individual experiments, 71 octave of the brain was achieved. In order to keep control of every "biological shirt", they were attached to it PROGRAMMEDhumanoid.

In order to be clear what the word "Humanoid" means, not rolling into the usual framework of philistine ideas about the green men, it is possible to call it a software energy bunch, a substance in the nonerier mass. It can be represented as a plasmoid (energy programmatic matrix), which has a certain intelligence, that is, it is the energy states of the essence of the entire diversity of the biosphere in their not physical plan. Sometimes they can be seen in the form of small spheres.

According to the Academician V.P. Treasurer hypothesis, together with us on the planet there are creatures in the form of an energy field form. One of the specialists in this area, Pavel Poliyan, believes that the field forms of life exist billions of years and they have formed much before protein. Naturally, they went much further than a person in their technical development. According to the semi-man, the field forms can easily change the state of matter, concentrate energy in huge amounts and take any appearance.

In the last century, Candidate of Technical Sciences Boris Aleksandrovich Solomin put forward the hypothesis about the possibility of the existence of a reasonable plasma life in the sun. And in 1956, such a concept was included in the use of a plasmoid - plasma bunch, limited configuration of magnetic fields and plasma. These plasmoids have a left-sided and right-hand structure of the flow of matters - men's and women's matrices of life.

In the process of accomplishing capture humanoidsHuman (earth mental entities with the level of octaves of the brain within 96-12) was captivated and contained in the "chambers" of the interventical objects (mainly type 440), sowing to the ground. The first attempts were made to create people (in the image and similarity of the proto-human) on the basis of prisoners of humanoids.

Since the capture of the control system, all the processes of the body of the body were worked out in the image of captive humanoid humanoids under the protection of type 440 facilities. The settlement was organized in the "Tents" zones, the primary fragments of the culture of communication with a changed environment were developed, addressed to new habitat conditions were worked out.

"It is through the individuals of the 384 brain genotype of a true system of land management system, elements of approaching the truth about the" created world "were preserved. Given the level of development of the mind in relation to each stage of the event chronoprocess, such information was pretended more often in object-esoteric world-world, either in a demonic understanding, or in some particular forms of world, given the territorial-functional empowerment of people, their "national" and geographical features. Then there were still people, the so-called Vedas, the same applies to the forms of conservation of information (with the help of people), and on signs, scrolls, in the form of any artifacts, etc. - is not important. But they were really in Russia.

Periodically, by the "True Earth Management System" went hidden information support for the life of this particular genotype, this is 384 genotype. The individuals of this particular genotype of the brain were perceived by the Interventian system (Ebrovskaya), as the main material for "practical use" under the program "Development of the Energy Motion of the Flem" cell on which many experimental processes were mainly tested. Separate functional and territorial empowerment of Russia allowed (in contrast to other territories) to keep with minimal distortions of the brain of people 384 genotype. The most "capable" part of them and were Vedas. They were carried out through them Energy information translation From the true system of earth control system in such a hidden form, which was possible at different stages of development to bring to people. " (B.V. Makov - answers to questions\u003d1074. )

The main thing TaskThe control system was the creation of such biostructures whose brain should fully comply with all system software settings and be fully controlled. At the same time, the embodied management of all the birth of individuals, and the social organization of society should only be in the form of a pyramid (since it was necessary for the imported Basicbasic when building management information).

At this stage, the question arises: "How did the intervention system begin to change the genotype?" After all, for this it is necessary to introduce information in an already distorted state. This act was peaked at the level of additional introduction of entities (lunar) into the energy buildup of women !!! After all, it is not by chance an expression - "All people, like people, and women live in the moon." The information that was supplied through the introduction of additional lunar (submachings) to women of Judaian origin, formed a receiving device in the brain of the infant born. That's why Jews define "their" on the mother!

Just return to the information from the book of Nikolai Levashov "Mirror of my soul" about such subripers:

Another path of transformation and simplifying the language is the limitation of the conceptual basis by simplifying texts and communication environment. The limitity of the interests of the community, the more narrows the information support channel of the individual. (Fig.5 Moses gets talked from God).

But back to the essence of the broadcast of the "language" at the present stage of the revival of civilization ...

The information "comes" with the musical Russian near, which is basic, it is not necessary to translate it into other languages, Oktawa is clear to everyone.

The modern Russian alphabet of 33 letters and language is the very holy alphabet and a language that can help humanity to continue its evolution in the universe (if humanity really appears such desire).

The greater the alphabet corresponds to an in-art symbol matrix, reflected frequency fractals,especially effective is the communication of a person with information and energy levels of space, theme " revision (E) Tee " are alphabet and language. Only in such a language and alphabet made sense to write scriptures (e). That is exactly the same alphabet and language that is currently called russian.

Sacred alphabets and languages, in particular, Moses (the historic leader of the trusting Jews), Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, had the basis of the Russian alphabet and language. As a result of natural global cataclysms, humanity has repeatedly lost the sacred alphabets, but always tried to restore them.

These attempts were more or less successful. System superimposed on this activity esoterismand hermeticism That is, the encryption by the system of hieroglyphs of higher knowledge, both to maintain higher knowledge, and to ensure the monopoly of priests on knowledge of management of socio-economic processes.

All this, gradually, led to the formation of a set of alphabetic systems, whose symbols were largely not met in the in-art information matrix.

As a result, humanity lost direct informational communication with a single information field, lost higher knowledge of the laws of evolution, other concerns of the universe, mainly about requirements of moral law to the life of human societyAs part of the unified organism of the universe.

The result of the loss of orientation of mankind, its place and purpose in the general structure of the universe, led to a spiritual and global environmental crisis, with the real possibility of the elimination of modern civilization.

Effective concepts were formed, which carried out the ideas of people about the nature of matter in the wrong direction. For example, heraklite is believed that the source of any movement, the development of nature is the struggle of opposites. Democritis and Epicur counted the movement of the attribute of matter. Aristotle believed that "ignorance of movement must entail ignorance of nature" ("Physics", III 1, 200 V; Rus. Pen., M., 1936).

One of the main reasons for this was the fact that the population of the countries of the ancient world was formed as a result of several waves of resettlement and military invasions of the Horde of Roguez from the Land of the Slavic-Aryan Empire. Resetting certain births occurred due to the deterioration of climatic conditions on the expanses of Western and Eastern Siberia. The hordes of the rogue went to the Wild West (Europe) because these lands were not yet occupied by anyone after the melting of the European Glacier and after these lands became suitable for habitat, which happened about five to six thousand years ago.

Such a mixture of races led to the fact that there was a change in the language due to the introduction of words into Russian and concepts from the languages \u200b\u200bof the Black Race tribes, with whom Migrants of the White race were mixed. The peoples of these countries have already spoken in languages, although similar, but already quite different from the Russian language, and cultural traditions differed quite enough. Yes, and knowledge accumulated and transmitted through writing often disappeared irretrievably.

As a result of their research, Professor V.A.. Chudinov It comes to the conclusion that Slavic writing and, above all, Russian writing, there is at least Several tens of thousands of years.

"Now it is quite obvious," says Valery Chudinov, - Our ancestors for many millennia have the traditions of writing, very thoughtful and in their own way - and this is at a time when most European peoples write and read did not know » (Chudinov V.A. Russian language millions of years).

For example, an excerpt from the "dialogues" of Plato (the priests of the ancient Egypt informed Solon legend about the ancestors of Ellinov (Slavic-Aria), and he, in turn, retold her critting, which, already be a ninety-old old man, retraced her His ten-year grandson is also kity - one of the participants " Dialogs"Plato. And so that the priests of ancient Egypt Solon talk about loss of information and gradual simplification of knowledge and language of concepts:

"... In fact, the bodies rotating in the sky around the Earth are deviated from their paths, and therefore, through well-known intervals, all on Earth dies from the Great Fire. At such times, the inhabitants of the mountains and sublime or dry places are susceptible to more complete extermination than those who live near the rivers or the sea; So there is a regular benefactor of Neil eliminates us and from this misfortune, spilling. When the gods, doing cleansing over the earth, flooded with her waters, the survive can be survived in the mountains, while the inhabitants of your cities turn out to be carried out in streams in the sea ... "

"... but in our country (Egypt - approx. Author) Water at any time, nor in any other falls on the fields from above, but, on the contrary, by nature it rises from below. For this reason, we have the oldest legends of all, although it is true, what in all lands, where there is no excessive cold or heat, the human race invariably exists in a larger or smaller number ...


Whatever glorious or great act or at all the wonderful event happened, whether in our region or in any country that we receive news, all this since ancient times imprinting in the records that we store in our temples; Meanwhile, you and other peoples every time, writing and everything else will have time to work out, which is necessary for urban life, again and again in the urgent time from heaven will overthrow the streams as if by the sea, Leaving from all of you only illiterate and unaccustomed ... "

And you again begin all over again, as if you had just born, nothing know about what was committed in ancient times in our country or you themselves. To take at least those of your pedigrees, the salt that you just exhibited, because they almost do not differ from children's fairy tales. So, you keep the memory only about one flood, and there were many of them before; Moreover, you do not even know that the most beautiful and noblence of people lived once in your country. You yourself and your whole city come from those few who remained from this kind ... "

That is, during his heyard, civilization of ancient Greece was in the infant level of its development, even in relation to its distant ancestors! That is why, priest of ancient Egypt, transferring information about the distant past, says Solon In the language he Can understand !!! This is equivalent to how an adult is trying to answer the question of a small child with words that he can understand. This priest of Ancient Egypt, speaks of the distant ancestors of "Ellinov", which also belong to related tribes and its people, just because Solon - "Baby" would not understand him anyhow! And precisely because of this, it can be argued now that civilization of ancient Greece is nothing but the civilization that the descendants of Slavic-Arya created, the descendants of the Ants, or, as they are called - Pelasgi.

And at each transmission of the information, psychological appeping was inevitably occurred (the feeling already perceived by consciousness), that is, the perception of perceive never converged quite with the reports of the reporting, and the aberration during verbal or written transmission was the stronger than one-sidedly developed narrator and listener. Or the writer and the reader, and the worse they owned them with a Latin or Greek. Therefore, any compromises in the distinguishability of thought processes, formed on the basis of conscious perception, are possible only on the basis of physical sensations through the senses, "I will not see if I don't try, I do not understand, I do not die, I do not measure!" And on this basis the whole modern science was built.

Now let's go directly to the concept LANGUAGE.

"The movable muscular organ in the oral cavity of vertebrates and a person who contributes to exciting, chewing, etc. Food. // Such an organ as an organ of taste. // Such an organ involved in the formation of speech sounds (in humans). " (From the vocabulary of Ozhegov)

It can be added that this is also a body that hints to humanity to a huge sell in the field of physics of the material world and in the formation of the scientific worldview of the entire human civilization.


Unlike Humanoids, a person knows how to talk. A detailed analysis of sound forms is given in the monograph N. Morozov "Christ", volume 3. However, the reason for the formation of a coherent speech is unclear to modern science.

Not scientific point of view: The brain of each person contains a "translator", that is, the method of translating the musical series obtained by the spinal octaves, or stored in operational or long-term memory. There may be several such translators. Without such a translator, you can use a language for a hundreds of years to learn. If there is no translator, the brain will not make an unfamiliar language. With reincarnation, not only the transfer of events entries that occurred with the tolerated brain, but also transfer the translator, which makes it easy and quickly fill the knowledge of the language.

The control system for monitoring the brain checks the correct operation of the translator and, if necessary, complements (increasing the frequency potentials) of the brain "instructions" by changing the ionic part (shirt). With a reduction in frequency potentials, you can forget everything, lose memory.

A method of learning a foreign language in a dream is known. In fact, it is necessary to use 8-discharge music certificate, not 7 (12), as taken now. In addition, the recording must be performed in the corresponding Octave (the maximum possible frequency of radio equipment is 16 octave, which is not enough to form the potential of the command magnetic pulse).

Instead of the exact "requests" to establish a translator from the language at present, we have noise effects of the conversation type of the crowd, and the control system can only either increase the potential density of the capabilities of the opportunities previously, or to remove them at all (wake up and discover that they have forgotten the native language, and there is no other) . With increasing potential density, there may be effects (not immediately).

Russian language was developed 257 years before the birth of A.S. Pushkin (and English too), and from that time the frequency balance of the living cell and bone resonators was changed under new structures . These changes were produced throughout the land, but taking into account the "local management structures", for example, in China, Japan, Korea.

However, in a number of places on Earth, sounds were recorded, from the depths of the ocean. These objects, using the same settings, passed the texts through the grille. Each letter of the text corresponded to the note, since 2007, a tight literacy was transferred to Russian (4 octaves).

All sounds performed by nuclear structures are available to external reproduction because we have a common lattice and a common recognition table. Management is only software. If you yourself change the properties of the chemical element, you can hear the perturbed exclamations of this item, but there will never be sounds that go beyond the table.

Especially chatty water (tritium).

A person has everything you need to listen to the music of nuclear structures - spine, brain. What is not audible is clear, you can listen to other structures (ears are coming to the news).

To break with the true "language" of the Earth even more, introduced new words, replaced the pronunciation, removed the "extra" letters, replaced the concepts.

After the "Great" October Revolution of 1917 in Russian, "reform" was carried out by people who did not have a relation to the Russian people and his culture, but "invented" the reduction of the letters of the Russian alphabet, introduced new rules of grammar, spelling and pronunciation of words.

As a result of this "revolution" of the Russian language, a lively Russian language has become a dead language that does not cause resonance in the genetic level among Russian people. From the Russian language, several letters were thrown, declaring them "unnecessary"! There is only a question: unnecessary to whom?! Now these letters can no longer print any keyboard (except for museum, pre-revolutionary printing machines)! Only one "unnecessary" letter can be printed, only already using the English alphabet - the letter " i. "! Although this letter was left in the Ukrainian alphabet, for quite understandable reasons. In addition, the rigid rules of grammar of the Russian language were introduced, which "correctly" were determined, in which sequence of the word should be in the proposal, etc.

A special place in the formation of the desired brain genotype is given to special professional terms. Formed whole estates with specials. Language: Lawyers, doctors, economists, physics, chemists, etc., which puts obstacles in perception and does not allow to make the right forecasts, diagnose the disease, create full theories in accordance with the accumulated data.

It turns out, you need a completely different approach to replenishing the gaps of understanding. Interesting about creating f.ormal e.spent n.ormalized izyka ( Fena.) It is written on the website of the Research Institute of Proceeding Strategies

Fenia Economy

"In the 70s it took the correct prediction of public (socio-economic) dynamics. We, then engineers KB, were invited to try to do this, at the existing at that time, analog computing technology. From the first days of the start of development, it was found that in economic texts that we have not seriously studied seriously, there is no correct terminology. Some of us remembered that at the end of the 50s in one of the volumes of the fivetomnik N. Bombaki, which were then published in the USSR, three were formulated necessary The conditions for the existence of a formal theory. The first condition required the presence of a language of theory. This gave rise to a painstaking work on creating a dictionary of economic terms, the verbal definitions of which can be written by algorithms. Duplication of verbal text Algorithms allowed to immediately reject those definitions of terms that do not comply with the rule: definition of the term understandablyIf it can be reflected by the algorithm. Compliance with this rule led to the fact that the mathematical description of the economic (social, political, etc.) of the speakers began to be obtained from verbal and, as a result, were fulfilled, with the help of dynamic models that perform very correct economic forecasts for the development of the national economy. Since then, over 40 years, a dictionary of formalized terms continuously expanded and adjusted.

At that time, this dictionary of formal definitions of terms was called the Fenia of the economy (formally natural normalized language) for the synthesis of models. However, when trying to first publish it in 1983, censored forbid such an abbreviation, referring to the coincidence of the name of the dictionary with criminal jargon. Fenia was renamed Fairy that was preserved in all subsequent publications. In fact, it is a dictionary of normalized definitions of terms, i.e. Fenia. "

The task presented here is the example of a Fenal Dictionary ( f.ormal e.spent n.ormalized izyka) is illustration the possibility of creating such definitions of terms to

. each definition in the verbal description was short (as a rule, no more than one verbal phrase) in order for it to be reproduced only oneformal algorithm;

. definitions of terms not formed " cycles"(For example, deception is false, and false, it further, etc.);

. all definitions of terms should obey the clear structure of the coented in the form of a chain, wood, tables, etc. (see Attachment).

In the dictionary presented here, all definitions are made on resourcethe basis that simplifies the wording for their use in the dynamic modeling of the economy. The presented dictionary is imperfect and, most importantly, incomplete (only about 1000 terms). He can be

1) applied to create an automated transformation system of the verbal socio-economic, political, psychological and other similar information describing the original in its formalized model, which will detect the ruptures of the circuits of logical initial information algorithms.

2) useful for creating "mutual understanding" conditions between the source of the message and its recipient. This is necessary due to the fact that in the overwhelming majority of cases, the terms of communication, without having a functional reflection in algorithms, are understood as ambiguously by the sender of information and its recipient. For example, in the phrase "was found constructivesolution to the problem », the term "constructive" will be understood by each recipient in its own way and almost always not as the source of his message understood. Another example. Term confrontation often defined as confronting. Such a definition leads to the fact that two neighboring objects can algorithmzed as those located in confrontation. The Fairy Termines Dictionary eliminates the incorrect perception by the reader of special verbal descriptions (see Terms: analysis, economy, love, offense, justice, panic, intellect, creativity, scientist, professional etc.).

The example of a functional dictionary designed for dynamic modeling of socio-economic (C-E) originalsformed by nonstationary structures (which are classified as chaotic systems).

You can get acquainted with the dictionary on the site

In 2007, the management system switched to the command Russian language. Prior to this, the Russian language was introduced to the entire population of the Earth 257 years before the birth of A.S. Pushkin. The Motherland of the Russian language is Ethiopia, all the necessary frequencies for the restructuring of the brain were obtained by a complex of communication with satellites of the planets (located in Ethiopia). Since 2006, an information vacuum has been observed in a large part of the population and certain manifestations of knowledge of the language (which was not taught). Since 2006, information began to receive only those whose brain has a full environment of perception in Russian.

The following key event is connected with the same date, which is described in the book Nikolay Levashov "Mirror of my soul" about the submissions of the Moon Humanoids:

In the same 2006, Nikolai Viktorovich returned to Russia, where he organized the Russian social movement "Revival of the Golden Age" - in order to inform the sleeping genetics of the Rus (genotype 384), he taught not just to read the books, and consciously skip new knowledge through himself, removing the blocking of Ebrov Systems at the level of Russian language, true concepts. Probably, everyone remembered his recommendations, loudly say "I - Rus!" And many - it immediately was heard !!! Nikolai understood how important Resonation (reasonable compliance is a nation) of a true natural language with a human genetics.

Due to the fact that the management system has completely passed into Russian, it no longer perceives the texts (complaints, requests, etc.) in other languages \u200b\u200b- only in Russian (correct). There is no point in striving to study the English language, which impose on every corner in the cities of Russia to finally destroy the possibility of awakening the brain of people, to deprive his residual contact state with true SUZ. Moreover, the Russian language should not be rejected by the borrowed terms for the extraction of gesheftshercy.

In conclusion, it is necessary to emphasize that only returning to true sound Native planetary system language - Russian, you can wake the genetics of those who have fallen by the rules - carefully protected genotype 384.

Respecting to researchers in Russian and comrades,

Elena Bittner, 09/16/2016

In this case, Nehumanoid, it is simply not the earthly entity used by the ebrami for its purposes.

Aberration - deviation from the norm; Errors, violations, errors.