What is the meaning of the phraseological unit "Gordian knot"?

According to legend, there really was such a knot that it was impossible to untangle.

And the legend goes like this:

Once the priests of the Phrygian temple of Zeus uttered such a prediction - whoever steps outside the city gates first must become a ruler, and he will be a king of kings.

The unsuspecting and unknown poor man Gordius entered the city on his cart and was recognized as king of Phrygia.

The cart was presented as a gift to the temple, in which the divination was performed and tied to the altar.

But this knot was so tangled and cunning that no one could cope with it.

And then a second prediction arose that the one who untied this knot would become an even more powerful ruler and conquer the whole world.

And then one day, the great Macedonian was in front of the knot and everyone froze in anticipation of submitting the knot to him or not, how he would untie it. And looking at the tangled bast, Alexander drew his sword and cut it open.

Expression value:

Phraseologism "Gordian knot" is a description of any confusing situation in which it is difficult to understand. And the more you solve it, the more it gets confused.

But "to cut the Gordian knot" means to resolve the situation in one fell swoop, and to approach it outside the box.