Beauty will save the world! A selection of quotes and statements about beauty

Beauty is a terrible force, because it is impossible to resist her. Beauty always cares look, fascinating breathing and impressive imagination. What is beauty? Perhaps it is difficult to answer this question, because the real beauty cannot be described in words, it needs to be felt. Beauty is different. The external beauty of a person, nature or things is available to everyone, everyone can see it. But there is still inner beauty, the beauty of the soul. It is though hidden from universal ferris, but no less important than external. If a person inside is rotten, has evil and envious nature, then the price of his appearance. Even the most expensive cosmetics and outfits are unable to replace the lack of beauty inside.

You can talk about a lot of beauty, because it is infinite. Where do not look around, everything is beautiful. In this selection, we suggest you to get acquainted with the statements about beauty. Also, we will find quotes of fair sex representatives, which in all centuries were considered a reference to beauty. In addition, we have prepared for you a selection of quotes about beauty in English. Read quotes, let them increase your inner beauty. After all, if your inner world is rich in beauty, then the appearance will be beautiful.

Beauty is rarely combined with wisdom. (Petronide)

Beauty just prevents wisdom ...

That is her custom: Beauty is always right. (Babur Z.)

Where there is beauty, and there is nothing to prove.

Beautiful birds sing worse than others. The same refers to people. In a finished style, you should not seek deep thought. (Lichtenberg G.)

For clarity, as a rule, lies insecurity.

Beauty is like a gem: what it is easier, the more precious. ( Francis Bacon)

Beauty lies in simplicity.

Beautiful - this is something that belongs to an exceptional taste. (Cant. Immanuel)

The absence of taste involves the absence of beauty.

Beauty is also virtue, a beautiful woman cannot have flaws. (Schiller F.)

Beauty is one solid dignity, that says it all.

Beautiful eyes are just someone who looks at you with tenderness ...

What is expensive to heart is always beautiful.

Love is a desire to enjoy beauty. Beauty There is some radiance, which attaches the human soul. ( Martilyo Ficino)

Beauty see little, it needs to feel.

There are many people with beautiful appearance, which, however, have nothing to boast inside. (Cooper James Fenimore)

If there is no inner beauty, then the price is external.

Beautiful woman for eyes - paradise, for soul - blood pressure, and for pocket - purgatory. (Bernard Fontinel)

Beauty requires attachments ...)

Sin, if a woman looks less beautiful than could be. (Miguel Cervantes de Saoveoverov)

The fact that a woman is beautiful, depends not from nature, but from her ...

Young beautiful woman is a miracle of nature. Unclear beautiful woman is a miracle of art. (Yanina Ipokhorean)

The woman is older, the more she has to work on her beauty.

Beautiful woman should not be too smart - it distracts attention. (Mark Zhilbez Sovazhon)

If a woman and beautiful, and smartly, then men are simply afraid of her.

Beautiful woman feels free. (Joseph Heiz)

Beauty gives freedom and right to choose.

Beautiful woman always feels happy. (Joseph Heiz)

At least one she is exactly satisfied - with his appearance.

There are no beautiful women - there are ugly and well-painted. ( Oscar Wilde)

Beauty is the work of hands and no fraud)

The French say: "If the girl is ugly, nature is to blame if the woman is ugly - she is to blame for this."

Nature gives the beauty, followed by which then you need to follow.

Beauty is self-satisfaction, and it is reflected in your eyes. (Sophia Loren)

To see beauty, you need to look into the eyes.

Caring for beauty, you have to start with the heart and soul, otherwise no cosmetics will help! ( )

Beauty should come from the inside.

Age for a woman is not the most important thing: you can be delicious in 20 years, charming at 40 and remain irresistible until the end of their days.

The woman looks as much as she feels.

Not every woman is born beautiful, but if she did not like such a 30 year old - she just simply stupid. (

Today, how many technology, that sin is not beautiful.

True, beauty has always been the main thing in human life and in general on earth. (A.P. Chekhov)

True and beauty is the greatest jewels in the world.

Little in the world of women, whose advantages would survive their beauty. (Francois Larancy Fuche

The beauty is so strong that the other advantages of man eclipses.

To create beauty, it is necessary to be a clean soul. ( Mikhail Glinka)

All beauty begins with the beauty of the soul.

Beauty - a gift for several years. ( Oscar Wilde)

So that beauty delayed longer, you need to work well)

With the lamp, all women are beautiful. (Plutarch)

The twilight hides all the shortcomings.

Beautiful women are rarely alone, but are often alone. (Henrik Yagodzinki)

Men enjoy beauty, and at the same time they do not want to see the soul.

Beauty acts even on those who do not notice it. ( Jean Cockto)

Before beauty is all powerless.

Biology is a lot of us surprising us, proving statistically that beautiful women are not the most stupid. ( Jean Rostan)

If a woman is beautiful, then it is already smart.

Beautiful expressions decorate a beautiful thought and save it. ( Victor Hugo)

Beautiful words make the world better.

Beauty without kindness dies unclaimed. (Samuel Johnson)

Beauty can not live without kindness.

Beauty is not represented, beauty is the light in the heart.

Beauty is a radiance that comes from the inside.

Beauty does not tolerate pursuing.

Clothing is the simplest personality disclosure. (Sophia Loren)

Clothing Much can tell about man.

Character is the most important considerable beauty. (Sophia Loren)

If the character is unbearable, then beauty is depreciated.

Women's beauty is not in the form of a face, not in the clothes she wears and not in her hair. This female beauty is reflected in her soul, it manifests itself in how passionately a woman gives her love. Women's beauty grows over the years. (Nina Ricci)

If a woman is beautiful in the soul, it means it is beautiful and outward.

Cosmetics can make you beautiful outside, but it will not help if you are ugly in the shower. Unless if you eat it. (Audrey Hepburn)

Nothing helps to bring beauty inside.

There are no ugly women, there are only lazy. (Helena Rubinstein)

There are beautiful women and those who do not know how to care for themselves.

No one comes to light with perfect eyebrows. (Linda Eavankhelista)

Each woman should take care of the eyebrows.

A woman should not hide her beauty to such an extent to lose the human look. (Paul Negri)

Hiding beauty, a woman becomes a man.

If a man crashed into someone else's car, he first of all looks into his wallet, and a woman in his mirror. (Margaret Terenibull)

Woman thinks for her beauty to be formed everything)

Inspective women know about men more than beautiful women. (Ketrine Hepburn)

Increasing women trust, from beautiful - they hide their shortcomings.

Grace Is To the Body, What Good Sense Is To the Mind.
The elegance for the body is the same as common sense for mind. (Francois VI de Larancyfort)

The beautiful body should be each.

Grace Is The Outcome Of Inward Harmony.
Grace - the result of internal harmony. (Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach)

External appeal is the result of inner beauty.

Charm Is A Way of Getting The Answer Yes Without Asking A Clear Question.
Charm is a way to get a positive response without a given question. (Albert Cami)

Beauty helps to succeed.

What Delights US In Visible Beauty Is The Invisible.
In visible beauty, we admire invisible. (Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach)

Beauty fascinates when she is not all dilated.

A Look of Intelligence In Men Is What Regularity of Features Is To Women: It is a Style of Beauty to Which The Most Vain May Aspire.
The smart expression of the face in men is the same as the correctness of the traits in women; This is a beauty of beauty that the most vain people would like to have. (Jean de Labryuer).