Kremenchug: Where to go and what to see. Kremenchug

Kremenchug is a huge industrial city (224 thousand inhabitants, and with satellite cities and all half a million) in a hundred kilometers from Poltava, Kirovograd (Kropyvnytskyi) and Dnipro (Optrovsk) a. With the one shown by Poltava, it corresponds to approximately as Cherepovets with Vologda: there is administrative and cultural, and here is an economic and transport center. But the uniqueness of the Kremenchug is that it stands on the two banks of the Dnieper in about the place where the historical Little Taloria was replaced by the historical Novorossia, and this is indicative: the results of the elections in Kremenchug are unmistakably predicted by the results of the elections in Kremenchug. But in terms of sightseeing here, let's say straight, frankly boring ...

From Poltava to Krechenchug, I drove on a private minibus, the phone of which I learned on one of the Poltava bus station. In the cabin turned movies, and what is characteristic of Russian. I looked at the screen more than the window, the minibus jumped one of the killed roads on the Colds, which I know (not Lviv Parcarpathia, of course, but comparable), but at some point I saw the edge of the eyes that the landscape outside the window changed:

Kremenchug, in contrast to almost all those shown earlier in this series of cities, did not have the ancient Russian past. But from the 14th century, the victories of Lithuania over the Golden Horde, the fishing farm has been known at this place, near which "river bank" was created (the base of the Cossack flotilla held under the control of Tatar crossings), and in 1637 - the fortress, together with Kodakov (prototype) held under the gun already Zaporizhzhya Schish. The Cossacks, of course, were also not confused, and in the same year, the Cossack Slobodka hooks appeared on the right bank of the Dnieper, well, and then the Cossacks were completely driven by Poles. With Hetmanshene, Kremenchug has already been listed by the city, but in fact he remained a deaf periphery until 1764, when it was first said in the Russian capitals - "Novorossia to be!". On the lands of the wild field, on Zaporizhzhya nomads, to which the colonies of Serbov-Berbonar were added, the Novorossiysk province was established, and Kremenchug as the lowest city at that time in the Dnieper became its center, and formally remained such before 1783, and in fact - and before 1796, so far, Caterinoslav was built below the Dnieper. Then Kremenchug and returned Malorossy at all, and since 1802 he became the county town of Poltava province. But those 30 years have not passed the gift - the city managed to get rich, get rid of connections and traditions, and did not hurry to take positions, by the beginning of the twentieth century with a population of 61 thousand people remaining the largest city of the entire Left Bank Norse, surpassing the provincial Poltava and Chernigov. But alas - the city was a storm with the face of the land of war, and in the Longsovtsevtsky time finally reborn into an industrial giant. In 1958, he released his first truck, the famous KRAZ, in 1960 gave the first current Kremenchugaya HPP in Svetlovodsk (then he was called Khrushchev, while Nikita Sergeyvich himself canceled this name, submitting to them the same law), in 1966 earned the largest oil refinery in Ukraine (in terms of capacity is comparable, but it only works at 25-30%), in 1970 - the Komsomolsky mining and processing plant, the most important, along with the supplier of raw materials for Ukrainian metallurgy, for which the city of Komsomolsk was specially built, recently renamed the Gorishyn village (top ) Floating. That is, that we have in essence: absolutely Mid-Ukrainian on history and location city with absolutely East Ukrainian industrial contemporary.

I had two walks on Kremenchugu - I came here at dusk, squeezed out of them everything could dohemna, and I left for a taxi in a fightening hotel somewhere in the depths of the warzing industrial zone. In the morning, I went to walk literally with the first rays of the sun - until the evening, I had to have a simple hitchhiking jerk to Kirovograd through Chigirin with three cities walks, and there was a literally every minute. I passed the station, however, in both walks, and I can't really remember what kind of frames morning, and on what evening.

The railway came here in 1870, the same as in Poltava, the highway Kharkov-Nikolaev and even with the same tract. Moreover, the highway since 1888 was actually Libavo-Kremenchug, taking Baltic not just with a Ukrainian resident, but with Dnipro and became the Black Sea. Old station, the same as in Poltava, was destroyed in the war:

Behind the station - Promsons, single-storey suburbs, distant microdistrict, known under the general dialing name, and with the station Square there is a 350-meter winding overpass:

Privinal, and once the fairground is marked by St. George's chapel. In 2006, it was built by railway workers in memory of Georgy Kirp, Minister of Transport of Ukraine, by origin (Khmelnica) and a career (Lviv railway) of an explicit vestman, but at the same time, moderately pro-Russian views. Undoubtedly, the fact that "Ukrainized" with him flourished that I myself remember very well on the visits to Ukraine in 2004, and they were built with it - and Russia did not dream of such roads or such trains and train stations. More than once came across the opinion that it was Kirpa who could be a potential Savior of Ukraine, who would provide the country to develop, would not allow polarization and would not give the oligarchic game of the throne. But after the 2004 elections, Kirpa shot himself, and if it was true, there was a suicide (in what, as it is not difficult to guess, there are big doubts), then maybe he just understood what curved the track was his country? And however, it is evilatively that his chapel was perpetuated here in the median city.

Mostly the center of Kremenchug looks like that, and frankly, this is one of the most durable cities that I have seen. The old town was destroyed by war, and the large industry came here only during Khrushchev and Brezhnev, so the appearance of Kremenchug is determined by the five-story buildings and the most primitive version of Staliance, at the foot of which the "county" houses come across. At the same time, the city is well-groomed, lively (not at 6 am, of course, when this frame was removed) and clearly rich - local plants, especially mechanical engineering, work better, and the loss of markets at least could compensate for the army.

Kremenchug is divided into two districts - Avtozavodsky and Kryukovsky, different so much that I would call them separate controversial cities. The border of them is the most logical to present the Dnieper, but no: the Kryukovsky district besides Zarechny Kryukov includes the center of Kremenchug with the station, the auto plant covers industrial areas of the corruption and the oil industry away from the river. Both of my walks started from the station, but in different directions and to different areas.

Walk first, evening. Avtozavodsky district.

From the station in a straight line there is a short noisy street of Khalamenyuk, and opposite the stationary area - superior parking in front of the Amstor shopping center. Then I bought dinner in it, and now on Wikimapia, it is marked closed. Further on the street - DC "Kredmash", and I broke my head for a long time over what the technique does it (banking equipment?), Until I realized that this means the Kremenchug Road Machinery Plant, which produces asphalt installation plants. He originated in the 1870s, then releasing, like most machine-building factories of south, agricultural motor. His little platform - immediately for DC, and from the facade of DC, the Cathedral Street begins (at the time of the trip - Lenin), which will come in hand in time to us in the second walk.

On the other hand, the plant is a city garden, laid down by another Potemkin in 1787, for the visit of Catherine II in the then center of Novorossia:

On the contrary, the Space Square with a simple Trinity Church (1999) and the Monument to Komsomolets (1972), I do not know, decommunicated since then or not yet.

The church looks much more interesting as "in the profile" than from the apse, but I did not fit closer to her. This is the succession of the old Trinity church (1915), demolished in the 1930s. Nowadays I met the turnover of the Trinity Church at the Power Plant:

The power plant itself is a little further, behind the church of a five-reed disconnection separating the Avtozavodsky district, which is departed wide to the spacious prospect of freedom, at the time of the trip, the former 5th anniversary of October is the 60th anniversary of October - precisely by this time, judging by the appearance, and formed the area.

And from the power station and the fire department, he began to begun - although the power plant itself pulls in the 1920s, and the fire complex and at all at the pre-revolutionary, in fact, all this was built by 1950:

Graffiti on the wall of the power plant with shadows believed people:

Most of the prospectus of freedom looks like this, and the power of Brezhnev regions in the industrial cities of Ukraine is invariably impressive:

20 minutes I walked until the next square in the development of roads to Poltava and Kiev:

There is a "McDonalds", but I took a picture not:

Opposite the fountain - the memorial "eternally alive" (1973) on the site of one of the camp of prisoners of war. They were somewhat in Kremenchug, and up to 100 thousand people died. Here the scene's hero is a military doctor who in the departed by the Germans Hospital Thai treated and wounded captives, for which in the end was executed.
Kremenchug according to Ukrainian standards such a rich city, which can afford to support the eternal flame:

The Memorial opens the Zhilgorodok (1950-52), a kind of historical center of the Avtozavodsky district. On the same area there is a typical post-war Palace of Culture Clause:

A little solid, industrial buildings of all kinds of old mills and factories are watching:

But only the old church survived from the temples (1910), in the 1990s, became the Orthodox Nikolsk Church:

In one of the courtyards near the main street, a synagogue was attached, with a closer examination, it turned out to be a new model:

It is not quite obvious that almost half of the population of district Kremenchug, that is, about 30 thousand people, the Jews were, and among the county cities, a larger community could only boast. There were 3 choral synagogues and 30 challenging houses, but also there was no famous Hasidianssic Tsadik or Writer to Yiddish, so nothing is reminded about the past scale.

But the Orthodox churches in Kremenchug were a little (). For example, the Savior Transfiguration Church (1801-20) among the endless quarters of the Meshchansk houses:

And although there are now high-rise buildings in their place, from many courtyards, a completely Chekhov district did not destroy the day to this day:

And in some places, the appearance of which is the most accurate of everything describes the word "ku":

Now we will pass towards the Dnieper on the main street - now the Cathedral, under the advice of Lenin, and in times they are at all Ekaterininskaya. In a kilometer from the already familiar DK "Kredmash", it takes place between Stalinok- "Gate":

Next door mandatory in the industrial town of Stalinka with a tower:

And then there was a former October Square between the Cathedral and Parallel Street of Igor Serdyuk, and in July renamed Oleg Babayev Square. The last, with a completely incredible patronymic Maidanovich is not a hero of heavenly hundred or ATO, and the local township killed in the summer of 2014, and I do not assume that it was he who prevented and as far as popular in the people. In the square, a monument to the Soldier-liberator, delivered in 1949, when the burnt ruins were still lying:

At the end of the boulevard - a monument to the victims of repression and a couple of old houses: from here to the Dnieper, their concentration will be the greatest. The frame is removed in the essence of the case from their former yard, and Igor Facades overlooking the parallel street I managed to watch. The left belonged to Condettra Silayev, the right-burgomaster of the Cossack. But the strangest building of this former courtyard is a turret, similar to the chapel extended at councils, is now busy cafe:

Ahead of another, stripped tower:

Another piece of pre-revolutionary with a mosaic on the former firewall:

Behind the next intersection - Bank (1900-03):

At first glance, it seems strange that the pruring part of the city has been preserved better than the districts away from Dnipro. But the fact is that the strongest war destroyed the city on the western banks of the rivers - the Germans went to the east to Blitzkrieg, we retreated to the west, clinging for every span, and most likely, having lost the fortified outskirts, from the coastal preferred to move away to the fortified positions for the Dnieper, not Being waiting until the Red Army starts to trammed them in the river. On the backyards of the bank - a very touching monument "First day after the war", and the backyards themselves are drawn to the deserted area of \u200b\u200bVictory:

Opposite him to Maidan stood clearly not typical Ilyich. The appearance of his "hemp" intermediate between regional centers (where they are usually painted with plot graffiti yes painted by verses) and the outback (where they stand lonely).

On the left - a monument to the fighters of the revolution (1938), I do not know if almost a year later. Apparently, in the title of Square we are talking about victory in the Civil War:

To the Great Patriotic War, the main temple complex of the Umbered Kremenchug - Assumption Cathedral (1808-14) of the authorship of Giacomo Kurengy and the Winter Church-Bell Tower Alexander Nevsky (1858-63):

And the Alexandrovsky Real School (1878), now college. In general, it seems that really beautiful county Kremenchug has never been, but was something like Krivoy Horn or Surgut, only the 19th century - a big and rich city, not too taking care of his appearance. An overview of the surviving architectural monuments is in Ukrainian Wikipedia.

We are getting closer closer to the river facade, to the transition from the left bank of Ukraine to the right. Below the Victory Square is a Dnieper Park, in which there are many and completely well-groomed angles, but I am more remembered painted by mysterious inscriptions abandoned cinema. Mysterious inscription "Elephants not died" apparently reminds that's about this episode When the circus elephants grated in one of the squares of Kremenchug.

And on the edge of the park - the oldest buildings of the Kremenchug, the set of military settlements headquarters (1853-54) in place and possibly with fragments of even older pretty places in Novorossiysk province:

I came out on the rocky Dnieper bank, fortunately, before that episode, so I pulled it calmly. Dnipro is here in his estabular bed, and let's say right - not very wide, God forbid if Polkilometer. In the middle - a rocky island fantasy, where it is probably well to retire on the opposite city:

Under the Pridneprovsky Park - the granite embankment as it were not for the 18th century, at least in pre-revolutionary photos it is:

At the end of which - the granite registry, that is, the rock, on a flat stone of which, from the end of the 18th century, the flood level is fixed. Such were in other cities, for example, under Zaporizhia, but most of them with the construction of HPP went into the water forever, the same most likely, on the contrary, never floods.

I went downstream. The river station looks like "with a needle", although there are no passenger ships for a long time. The pre-revolutionary Kremenchug was one of the largest ports of the Dnieper, and even the first tram in it went from the station to the shipping pier:

The deserted beach can be seen a Kryukovsky bridge, which means it has come time to go through the Dnieper:

What I did on a minibus, taking pictures of its rear window. The bridge was built in 1945-49, and luxurious pylons from two ends resemble that this also a monument to victory. Its length is not really very high - 1.2 kilometers, but subjective bridge seems ambitious. Below in the flow in the water there were still frangments of the supports of the old bridge built in 1872 for the Kharkov-Nikolaev Railway.

The Right Beach meets the monument (1940) the sailors of the Dnieper flotilla, who fought at the Civil War, and the poster-testimony of the new war.

The Kryukovsky Posad took shape in front of the Kremenchug fortress in the 17th century, and the first inhabitants of him were the Cossacks, who looked around, the exact saber, and smoking the tubes, behind the Poles, who looked at the Kremenchug bastions behind them. In 1752-64, the borders of New Serbia were quartered here, with the abolition of which the hooks became the place of the Novorossiysk province, and with its abolition - was included in the composition of Kremenchug. They say, actually local self-government worked until 1817, refusing to submit to the river to the river, but in any case, Kremenchug became the first city on the two banks of the Dnieper - he overshadowed the river only at the end of the 19th century, Kiev and Zaporizhia just at all at the councils, a and cities One shore is even now. But for the feelings of hooks - still another city, more quiet, sleepy and dilapidated, than a completely regional rhythm of the life of Kremenchug. There is here and its industrial giant - the Kryukovsky trap, based on the arrival of the railway in 1768 and eventually became one of the main in the USSR. It costs quite far from the Dnieper, the facade is facing the opposite center to the side of the prison slobs, but I did not go there, the more the factory is considered a military and risks to sleep again and I didn't want to risk it at all.

The long street of the narrow triangular Kryukov leads the long street of Ivan Prikukov, and here is the name to some extent colonial - in honor of the most successful director of the left-bank crazing: "Hooks - Cremenchuk!". In its principle, eyeliki predominate - here, unlike the center, the pruringonal part was destroyed more:

And Churkin (1901) with an extremely beautiful lantern:

Not a house, but the gate. Over the railway there is another Assumption Cathedral (of course, not a couple of debris) and the house-museum Anton Makarenko, youth held in Kryukov.

But mostly hooks look like this:

At the station hooks from the old days, only this house with the laid windows remained:

The old station was clearly typical, but still more interesting what is in its place now:

The most remarkable building of the district is the DC named after Kotlov (1925-27) in late until Soviet times, but a completely recognizable style of Ukrainian modern:

And in general, I agree with the fact that I did not see a lot in Kremenchug. But I was in a hurry and was tired, and in a situation where this visit to Ukraine may well be the last, frankly regrolled the time spent on Kremenchug. Maybe I will come here to go comfortable here, it would be different impression, but I remember Kremenchug to be remembered the most dull from the largest cities of Ukraine.

At the monument to the fighters of the Dnieper flotilla, on a quiet street between high-rise buildings and Dnipro smoothies, I caught a Pazik to the city of Hydroenergy Svetlovodsk, who had long asleep on the hills of the High Right Coast, with whom the trees were opened by the blue reservoir. In Svetlovodsk, I jumped on a bus to the side of Chigirin, intending to drive a document in it possible and to Chigirin himself continue to break through the hitchhiker. The fact that from this came out - in the next part. The end is already close, and I tired of all this topic even more than you ...

Ukraine and Donbass 2016
. Review and table of contents.
Two sides of one war - See Table of Contents.
DPR and LNR. - See Table of Contents.
Vinnitsa, Zaporizhia, Dnipro - See Table of Contents.
Kievan Rus - See Table of Contents.
Maloros Ring - Posts will be.
. Keynets ..
. Cat Street.
. Centre.
. Outskirts.
. In the footsteps of the Poltava battle.
Kremenchug. City on the two shores.
Chigirin and Saturles. What is all starting ...
Kirovograd (now Kropyvnytsky). Great promising.
Kirovograd (now Kropyvnytsky). Streets of the Old Town.
Kirovograd (now Kropyvnytsky). Suburb.
Kiev before and after Maidan - Posts will be.

Kremenchug - The city of regional subordination, which is located in Central Ukraine, in the Poltava region. It is not part of the district of the same name, but is its administrative center. Most of the city lies on the left bank of the Dnieper, and only a small part of it, namely hooks, lies on the right bank.

In Kremenchug, there are areas such as Avtomavodskaya and Kryukovsky, but consists of a city from the left-bank and right-bank parts, which are connected by the Kryukovsky Bridge. Avodoroga "Alexandria - Kharkov" and "Dnepropetrovsk - Kiev" are also held through the city. The city itself is extended from the south to the north, and its width is not more than 8 km.

Kremenchug district includes 19 rural councils.

According to the results of the main management of statistics, the population of the city is 224.997 people, and the population density is 2460 people / km 2.

To those interested in what the city lives today, we recommend to get acquainted with current information about Kremenchug:

History of Kremenchuga


The official date of the founding of Kremenchug falls for 1571. Polish king Sigismund II signed a universal in which he indicated that it was necessary to build a fortress to protect the Dnieper from the permanent attacks of the Crimean Tatars. The name of the city takes from the Turkish word "Kremenchuk" and means "little fortress".

City on Dnipro

In 1638, the fortress was erected in the town, the plan of which was a military engineer from France by Guillaume Levasser de Bonplan. At the same time, there were already mentioned hooks.

Kremenchug was a trading city where the fairs were arranged, who visited merchants from different cities and countries, and also constantly sold grain, forest and salt.

History in the composition of tsarist Russia

In 1764, Kremenchug was as part of the Novorossiysk province and in 1765-1783 was considered its provincial city.

During the Russian-Turkish war (1787-1791), Russian troops were based in the city. It was then that a weapon plant with blacksmith, plumbing, foundry and other workshops was built here. And in 1788, the famous commander of the hospital was treated in the Kremenchug hospital, Alexander Suvorov, who was injured during the Kinburg battle.

From 1796, the city began to refer to the Malorossiysk province, due to the disappearance of Ekaterinoslav pricing. In 1798, Kremenchug had his coat of arms, and in 1802 he became the county town of Poltava province.

In 1782, here, for the first time in the country, a conservatory was opened. The reason for the discovery was a visit to Kremenchug Catherine II. The director of the conservatory was Giuseppe Sarti, a composer from Italy.

Since the compound of Kremenchug with Kryukovsky Posad, he became the largest trading and industrial city in Poltava province. During this time, the cloth and stocking factories were found here, a leather plant and other enterprises, also the right bank became the center of Salt Trade.

With the development of capitalism in 1861, new plants and factories appear here, the old are rebuilt. In 1873, the railway bridge coming through the Dnieper appears. At the end of the XIX century, the railway, a power station, a library, a county school, theater, deflection and much more are already functioning, and in 1899 the first tram appears.

Kremenchug during the war

In 1941, September 9, Kremenchug captured the fascists. During the war, all educational and cultural institutions, 93 industrial enterprises, railways, a power station, a bridge, which passed through the Dnipro, as well as 97% of the residential foundation were destroyed here.

In 1943, September 29, the fifth Guards Army of the Steppe Front released the city from the invaders. It was on this day that the residents of Kremenchug celebrate the day of the city.

Post-war time: Restoration of infrastructure and active industry development

After the war, the heavy industry began to develop here, 3 Kremenchug Machine-Building Plants were built: Carriage, automotive and road vehicles. In 1959, residents first saw "cities".

For 20 years (1960-1980), a complex of chemical enterprises were built in the city, the most powerful CHP in the region, one of the most powerful oil refining factory and, of course, new homes.

Infrastructure and industry of modernity

Today, engineering and processing enterprises operate in the city at Dnieper: 11 factories that specialize in the production of cars, cars, oil processing, wheels, manufacture of bakery and alcohol, meat processing, milk, etc.; leather-shore plant; 2 sewing and one tobacco factory; Confectionery factories "Lukas", "Roshen", "Chamomile" and others.


The city employs a large port, airfield, Kremenchug HPP. Two railway stations are functioning in Kremenchug: "Hooks-on-Dnieper" and "Kremenchug" is one of the largest stations of the South Railway. Kremenchug has a direct railway party with Kharkov, Odessa, Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Lviv, Moscow and other cities.

River port

Attractions, Education, Culture and Social Sphere

In Kremenchug there are many attractions:

  • museums
  • art and art galleries,
  • a variety of monuments (revolutionary sailors, underdental partisans, plumbers, etc.);
  • rock "Granite Reper";
  • obelisk of the dead;
  • stele in honor of the 400-year-old anniversary of the city;
  • pushkin Boulevard;
  • garden "Alpine Hill"
  • pike from Kremenchug and many others.

Local Lore Museum

The scope of the formation of Kremenchug is represented by the following educational institutions:

  • 21 secondary school.
  • Specialized secondary school.
  • Night school.
  • Educational union.
  • Private school.
  • Jewish scientific and educational complex.
  • Boarding school.
  • 6 lyceums.
  • 2 gymnasiums.
  • 4 college.
  • Academy of Development of Humanitarian Education.
  • Higher professional school.
  • Railway transport technical school.
  • Pedagogical school.
  • 2 vocational schools.
  • Kremenchug Institute of the Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law.
  • 3 universities.

The social sphere includes the Central District Hospital, two district hospitals and 8 ambulatory, also in the city of Vibitshenka Sanatorium-profilators. In addition, there are 2 museums and 2 galleries, the city's Palace of Culture and 3 DSSS.

Famous Persons Kremenchuga

The city can be proud of the Ukrainian and world celebrities, which were born here and rose:

  1. Alexey Leonov is the first cosmonaut, the Hero of the Soviet Union, an honorary citizen of the city.
  2. Pedagogue and writer Anton Makarenko.
  3. Singer and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR Leonid Rockov.
  4. Jewish Soviet writers, critic and publicist Gechha Kazakevich.
  5. Ukrainian footballers Maxim and Pavel Pashayev.
  6. Israeli Children's poetess and writer Mirillas Yalan-Pleklis.
  7. Poet and Proszais Emmanuel Kazakevich.
  8. American avant-garde composer and pianist Lion Ornstein.
  9. Ukrainian Professional Billiardist Anastasia Kovalchuk.
  10. Master of Sport, Olympic champion of 1980 in the pushing of the nucleus, the repeated champion of the USSR Vladimir Kiselev.
  11. American composer Dmitry Tomkin.
  12. Officer of the Soviet Army Alexander Pechersky.
  13. Boxer Professional, WBA World Height Champion Vyacheslav Senchenko.
  14. Ukrainian footballer, Player Premier League Dmitry Lepa.
  15. Theater and cinema actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR Vladimir Zamansky.

Reference information Kremenchuga

The city on the map is indicated by the following coordinates: 49˚04'39 "S.Sh. 33˚25'26 "V.D. Its area is 109.6 km2.

Phone code: +38005366.

Kremenchug Postal Codes: 39600-39689.

The city is located in the time zone of UTC + 2 h (+3 hours - taking into account the translation of the clock at the "summer time").

The building of the Kremenchug City Council is located at: 39600, Kremenchug, Victory Square, 2.

To date, there are more than 50 churches of different denominations. Among the believers, the most part is the Orthodox Church (Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Kiev Patriarchate and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate)). They own most of the temples of the city.

Museums of Kremenchuga

There are two utility museums: the Museum of Local Lore and the Museum of A.S. Makarenko. There are also 5 public folk museums and opened the center of culture and leisure, the city art gallery, the art gallery of Natalia Yuzfovich.

Granite rock on the shore of the Dnieper, Geological Monument of Nature and ancient Geodesic Sign (Reper). It is a yield of gray biotit-plagioclase magmatites with age of 2.5-3 billion years. On the rock, towering on 5-6 m above the river level, the slope to the dnipro is stepped. On this slope from the XVIII century, the levels of Dnipro floods were noted. The first mark of 1787, then 1789, 1820, 1842, 1845, 1877, 1888, 1895, 1915 and the last date of 1942.

Address: Kremenchug, Embankment

Ul. Timiryazeva. At the very beginning of the street at the line Zh.D.

On the other side of the road from the monument to the revolutionary sailors of the Dnieper flotilla, there is a modest obelisk on the grave of major builders who died during the undermining of ice fields during the ice drift on the r. Dnieper On March 30, 1946, the price of his life four of the soldiers and sapers saved the destruction of the railway bridge over the river. Dnipro, thereby ensuring his speedy recovery. The restored bridge allowed to open the uninterrupted movement of trains along the southern railway towards the sign, Odessa, and from the south to Kharkov and Romodan.

In September 1971, a stela was established in honor of the 400-year anniversary of the city in honor of the 400-year-old anniversary of the city, which is four 18 meter pylon, crowned with sickle and hammer. Decorate with stele image of the old and new coat of arms of the city. The authors of the monument Kremenchug artists A. Kotlyar and L. Sidorenko. Pylons symbolizing four centuries are lined with stainless steel sheets. The whole structure, aspiring in Vash, looks easily and solemnly and immediately became the symbol of the new Kremenchug, his business card.

On February 22, 1990, the decision of the city executive committee No. 137 "On the construction of a monument of T.G. Shevchenko in Kremenchug ", a certain place for him and a memorable sign (Pushkin Boulevard, near Prominvestbank). The city began collecting funds. But the monument was not installed this time. The epic continued: in 1994, the symbolic first stone of the future monument was already in another place - on the Embankment of the Dnieper. And only 10 years later, on April 19, 2004, the Bronze Figure TG Shevchenko finally was installed. The solemn discovery took place on the poet's reburial day on May 22, 2004.

It is believed that the genius of Ukrainian and world literature in 1843 and 1845. visited the city. At least, the route of his journey of Ukraine flew in such a way that it must certainly pass through the city. Certificate of this is considered to mention Kremenchug and Kryukov in the works of the "servant" and "Captain".

The museum was founded in 1937. The foundation of the museum was based on the collections of the Teachers Institute and the Department of People's Education. During the war years, the museum building was destroyed, and his collections were looted. The newly exposure of the museum was opened in 1975 in a reconstructed building. On the three floors of the new building, the Departments of Nature, the Doktyater Period and the Department of the Modern History of the City are located. In addition, the museum hosts the most different exhibitions: the works of artists, sculptors, embroiderers, folk craftsmen. Its funds have more than 60 thousand exhibits: the archaeological collection of the era of iron, the Rangesland period, ethnographic collections, vintage books, documents, photos. The museum funds are constantly updated with new exhibits and documents.

From Palace G.I. Petrovsky takes his beginning one of the most beautiful streets of Kremenchug - Boulevard A.S. Pushkin. Length of the boulevard 600 m.

In the center of the boulevard, Square arranged, planted with puzzles, birch, chestnuts, rowabins, landed a large number of pink bushes. The pedestrian zone is decorated with fountains, lamps are installed under ancient and benches. On the semicircular area, the marble bust of the Great Poet - A.S. Pushkin. The authors of the monument are sculptors I. Yastreb and Y. Shoreokhov, Architects L. Ostrygin and S. Tkachenko. The name of Pushkin Street acquired a year celebration of the 100th anniversary of Alexander Sergeevich's birthday. Before that, the street wore another name - the city. Pushkin visited Kremenchug twice: in May 1820, on the road to Ekaterinoslav and in August 1824, on the road from South Links to Mikhailovskoye. He stopped in the house of his friend's parents on the lyceum A. Deligus. Delvig, after graduation, he stayed in the summer in the Nadnepryan city, the warmth about him responded and in the letters invited Pushkin to himself. Kremenchuzhan remembers and honor the Great Poet. The memory of him is immortalized in the title of the most beautiful street of the city.

The city was released by the evening of September 29, 1943 after stubborn battles of the 5th Guards Army General A.S. Zheadova, the 53rd Army of General I.M. Managarov with the support of Aviation 5th Army General S.K. Goriunova. Directly outside the city fought the 97th Guards Poltava Division, 6th Guards Airborne Division, 214 Rifle Division, 219th Tank Brigade, 469th Mortar Regiment, 1902th self-propelled-artillery regiment, 308 Guards mortar regiment. All these compounds received the honorary name of Kremenchug.

On the territory of the river station, the Garden "Alpine Hill" is broken. Lined numerous rock slides with waterfalls and fountains. Everything is seated with flowers, decorative plants, paths paved by pebbles are laid. Among this kingdom of greenery and all sorts of colors colors are bangible bronze characters fairy tales: Snow White and seven dwarfs, a cat in boots, crocodile gene and Cheburashka, Turtle Tortela, Pinocchio with a golden key. Golden fish swim in small lakes. Among the flower beds are treated with a fine work of the mock of cathedrals. Especially from these wonders in the delight of the bastard: to recalculate the gnomes, sit on the bench next to the crocodile Geno and Cheburashka, stand up near the cat in boots, find a turtle hiding among the grass. This was certainly, at least once came every Kremenchuzhanin, and numerous guests of this city come.

In 1968, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol and in memory of dozens and hundreds of young Patriots-Kremenchuzhan, who gave their lives during the years of the Civil and Patriotic War, a monument to the Komsomoletsians of the 20s - 30s was built in the square on Lenin Street. On the paved concrete slabs, a stele of marble is installed. On the one hand, the white-branded plate - the burning image of the Komsomol members and the inscription - "Memory of all who gave us a happy and joyful life, a calm and clean sky, - the Komsomolets of the 20s - 30s, Burgodar descendants - Komsomol members 60 For years. " On the opposite side of the plate - the burning image of the Komsomol residents of the 60s. On the protruding Neck, the inscription: "50 years of the WLKSM, 1918-1968." Standing in the Honorary guard at the monument blue ate, blooming flowers in the foot - life continues, memory remains.

Not far from the sensational horns, there is such a city on the Kremenchug River. You will not meet it in tourist guidebooks. A rare tourist is specifically torn from the other end of Ukraine to see the industrial capital of Poltava region. It is the homeland of "KRAT", "Ukrtatnafta", car market and many large factories. But the city can boast the proximity of the crushing of the Dnieper - is surrounded by a variety of green islands.

Often look here on business, relatives and friends visit. But taking guests, the inhabitants themselves are often wondering - what to show them in their city? Where to lead? And if you are an independent traveler, then finding the answer to this question will be even more difficult. So what to do if you "listed" in the industrial town? Where to go to hold your leisure time?

What to see in Kremenchug: interesting places

With historical sights in Kremenchug not densely. It is not Kiev, not Lviv, not Odessa. The city is not small - more than 200 thousand Kremenchuan live in it, and he is far from the poor. Restaurants, coffee shops, pubs, hookah just on every corner. You can spend the week without getting out of the bars. And the question than, actually, to do in Kremenchug, will disappear by itself. However, the bars are not all. From Kremenchug, you can take a lot of pictures with merry monuments and exciting views.

Photo source: Google Maps, author - Garry Art.

Bridge over Dnipro

For Kremenchug, this is the same business card as the Eiffel Tower for Paris or Big Ben for London. He is in all paintings dedicated to the city, on all books and book covers. Since the bridge connects the main part of the city with a hook, in everyday life he got the name "Kryukovsky".

Source Photo: Social Socket Vkontakte, author - Stas Osipov.

Bridge - "Three in one": for cars, trains and pedestrians. Walk takes about 20 minutes. Suitable for photographers, romantics and lovers of extreme. From here, beautiful views of the river, the city beach, the green islands are opened. Especially impressive landscapes at sunset. Well, a little extreme in addition: when trains or trucks ride on the bridge or trucks feel that he just "goes" under his feet. This attractions will soon be 70 years old, and have long been talking about sending a bridge to a pension, building "Brother-twin". But the bridge, as well as all Ukrainians, decided to increase the retirement age - not soon.

How to get: Minibuses number 3b, 11.

Embankment Kremenchuga

One of the most popular places among citizens. For the holidays sometimes you will not find the place to sit on the parapet. The embankment is visible to the exciting panorama of the Dnieper and the neighboring islands. The most romantic island, frozen in the middle of the water stroit, is the elegant name "Fantasy". In Soviet times, the beaches were equipped on it, but now he is always unused.

How to get: Minibuses No. 15, 16, 17.

Ferris wheel

Look at the Dnieper from the height will help the attraction in the park Pridneprovsky. The park is located along the embankment.

Source Photo:, author - Oleg Gersionoph.

Monument to Pikeke

"Schuk's Schuka sails" - the name of the song from the collection of Taras Shevchenko Kremenchuzhan decided to perpetuate in bronze. And so on the embankment there was a monument to Pike. Now everyone wants to "hold in their hands", at least in the photo. And the newlyweds put her fingers right in the mouth: It is believed that then their marriage will be happy.

Source photo:

Embroidery on Victory Square

Kremenchug Square not so long ago dressed in the embroidery. The fact is that earlier the monument to Lenin stood in the center of the main square of the city. The monument was demolished, but the granite pedestal did not give up. And the "glass", as it was nicknamed by Kremenchuzhan, long stretched the panorama of the square. This year, the pedestal was removed, and the area was decorated with the Ukrainian ornament.

Photo source:

Museum of Military Equipment Open Sky

Do not be surprised when the most real tank and fighter will see in the world park. You fell into the museum of military equipment under the open sky. Among the exhibits are the famous "Katyusha", artillery guns, fighter MiG-31 and more.

How to get: Minibus number 30, stop "Park of the World".

Gong Mira

Do not rush to leave the world from the park. Pay attention to the original gazebo. Inside it - Gong of the world, presented by the city by Indonesian partners in friendship.

Source Photo:, author - Vitaliy Matyash.

Monument to Plumbing

Kremenchug Vodokanal perpetuated the work of Plumbers in Bronze: It is possible to take pictures on the territory of the enterprise.

Photo source:

How to get: Before the "Gorodokanal" stop (almost all the minibuses of the city pass through it), then turn in the alone of the Heroes of Brest and go through 5 minutes.

Light music fountain

The most well-kept corner in the city - Square them. Babayev. In the summer, this is a wonderful place with flawless lawns, elegant bears and lanterns stylized under the antiquity.

Photo source:

The main decoration is a light-music fountain. In the evening it is always crowded here: many come to look at the dance of multicolored jets.

Source photo: Social Socket Vkontakte, Author - Bogdan Petrenko.

And so cozy Square looks in autumn.

Source photo: Kremen.Today.

How to get: Minibuses No. 3-b, 11, 28, Stop Center.

Ostap Bender

Ostap Bender, who, according to his own admission, held "Hungry Childhood in Kremenchug," became one of the symbols of the city. Sit on the table and take a picture with him you can be near the TPC "Galaxy".

Photo source:

How to get: Minutes No. 11, 15, 17, 16 and a little walk along the main street of the city - Cathedral.

Stork Grisha

If you are lucky, you will see this chatting attraction. Yes, yes, the most real stork has become a symbol of the city. For a long time, residents shared in social networks with joint photos with Grisha (why it was Grisha - remains a mystery). He is the star of the central beach, then walks on the market, then near the city hall, then in the school yard. The stork became so popular that the local political party used his photo for agitation. But Grisha is still unbeligious, not aggressive and loves treats. Do not be surprised if you meet.

Photo source:

Where to go with a girl in Kremenchug

Island of lovers

Kremenchug City Park recently acquired a charming island to which an arched bridge leads. Often in a gazebo, towering in the middle of the lake, are arranged photo shoots. Romantics add black and white swans, gracefully moving water alcohols. Ducks live in the park. So, gathering here, grab the bread to feed the birds and get to know them closer. The crumbs will be glad and fish - the lake is simply sisit of fry!

Photo source: Google Maps, author - Sergey Capanta.

How to get: Almost all minibuses of the city pass through the Gorsad stop. For example, No. 15-b, 15, 3-b, 11, 17.

Alley Sakur

Each spring in the city happens a small miracle - sakura flashed with pink color. The Kremenchug Alley is not very big and planted along the road. But nearby there is a cozy corner, from where it is convenient to admire gentle flowers. Sticks in the shadow of a shops, unobthered for passersby, and the murmur of the fountain create a charming atmosphere.

Source photo: Kremen.Today.

How to get: Minibuses are suitable No. 15, 17, 3-b, 11gg. Go to the stop "Memorial" forever alive. "

Heart near the wedding palace

Opposite the wedding palace there is a romantic town, where all the newlyweds are photographed and just in love with couples.

Source photo:

How to get: Minibus number 15.

River Station

Beautiful view of the Dnieper opens from the river port. You can enjoy them, sitting on a bench - here calmer than on the waterfront. Ships are incredible infrequently, but occasionally can take a lucky ship. Original and reclocked building, made in the form of a ship.

Rock "Granite Registry"

Not far from the Central Embankment there is a geological monument of nature -. Usually it is quiet, and at sunset there are chic species on the Dnieper.

For lovers of beautiful: architecture and theater

During the Second World City, it was almost destroyed. Restore it literally from the ash. Therefore, historical buildings that would be pleased with the eyes with elegant forms, almost no remaining. But, nevertheless, you can find interesting buildings. To do this, it is worth walking around the city center, especially at the main street of Kremenchug - Cathedral.

Photo source:, author - VKRUTEV.

Near the Victory Square, one of the most famous and old urban buildings remained. It was erected especially for the bank. It has not changed its purpose since then.

Photo source:, author - Taras Kushnirenko.

Look in the hooks. There is one of the most beautiful palaces of Kremenchug culture.

Photo source:, author - Vadim Novikov.

And nearby, on ul. Prikhodko, a former mansion of the famous Kremenchug merchant has been preserved.

Photo Source:, Author - Wad K.

If you see posters with the announcement of theatrical representations, do not think. Many fun and good mood you are guaranteed.

Source photo: social foot VKontakte.

Where to go with a child in Kremenchug

In a mini-zoo, Pine Square

There is no full-fledged zoo in the city, but a living corner where you can get acquainted with various animals, you will find in the square "Pine". There is also a spacious playground.

Photo source:

How to get: To drive to the stop "Gorodokanal", there will be any trolleybus and almost all minibuses.

Pour squirrels in the park "Pridneprovsky"

In the most famous Kremenchug Park - Pridneprovsky, live red beauties. They are not at all afraid of people and have become accustomed to take treatments from them. In addition, there are attractions and a huge playground in the park.

Source photo: Social Socket Vkontakte, Author - Bogdan Petrenko.

How to get: Minibuses No. 15, 17.

Go to the Museum of History of Aviation and Cosmonautics

How to get: Any vehicles traveling through the bridge toward Kryukov. Get away at the first stop, then roll down and walk to the gas station on the highway. Opposite her, a trail is visible, which goes towards the river. Go minutes 10.

In the summer, it is not even necessary to reflect on where to spend time in Kremenchug. After all, he is adjacent to smoothies and islands.

Source Photo:, author - Uranus 235.

Some of the islands refers to the National Summary Fund. But there are those where you can go calmly. For example, in summer motorboats, Shalamyai and Green islands are forced, and the local live there and the whole summer. But the guests of the city will have to break the head, how to get there. There are no river messages in Kremenchug. Therefore, you need to ask on boat stations, who will agree to take you to rest.

Photo source:

Many Kremenchuzhan are avid fishermen. Join now!

Source photo:, Author - Denis Plumber.

Walk on the ship. In the yacht club "Poseidon" you can order a walk on a boat and, if you wish, get to the neighboring village of Kemebere - there are beautiful views. Price - 900 UAH / h.

What to do in Kremenchug: Go for entertainment

There are several nightclubs in the city, the most famous of them are "Walnut", the Pati Bar "Vanil", "Joss". You can play in bowling in the TRC "Europe", and most of all the tables for billiards - in "Grande". To exercise in the stand shooting or shooting from Carabarb, in the summer, go to the Greet's Sports Club. The choice of cafes and restaurants in the city is large. In one institution, guests are welcomed by a pig, in another in the evenings "comes life" a pianist, in the third floor of the skins of peanuts ... There is Timkafe, cafe of Indian, Armenian, Japanese, Belarusian, Ukrainian cuisines. Wanted fast food? MacDonalds lovers will find him on the street. Kiev.

Source photo: Social Socket Vkontakte, Author - Alexander Grinka.

Who wants the sweetheart - "Velk" in the Lviv master of chocolate.

Source photo: Kremen.Today.

Where to stay

In the city at least a dozen hotels. The most expensive of them is a "helicopter", on its website as excursions offers guests flying on the Mi-8 helicopter.

Photo source:

The oldest hotels in the city - "Flint", "Dniprovskaya Zori". For economical tourists in the city there are a couple of hostels, the price is from 100 UAH per day. And a large selection of suggestions about the daily help of housing.

You can choose a hotel in Kremenchug by.

To help guests of the city

  • The city rides trolley buses and minibuses. Minibuses run almost every minute, passage - 4 UAH. They work all night, but after 23:00 - 7 UAH. Late night, you can only count on route number 17.
  • The city has a free Wi-Fi network. It covers the parks and squares of Kremenchug.
  • Has a laptop? Need an urgent computer? You can use for free in the libraries of the city. Only passports with you grab.
  • Stuck on the road? Need to satisfy with the machine? The city has a community of mutual arms on the road - help free. You can find their page in the social network Vkontakte.
  • In Kremenchug it is almost unrealistic to lose. The whole city is concentrated around one long highway.
  • The main street of the city is the Cathedral. If you find it, then easily oriented in a further walk around the city. We hope it will leave you only positive impressions!

August 27th, 2012, 07:56 am

Kremenchug, located in the Poltava region, leads its history from the 16th century. He began with a fortress designed to protect the surrounding territory and crossing the Dnieper. The name of the city inhabitants most often associated with the word "flint", which confirms the frequent use of it in local everyday life. Kremenchug - the city of industrial, giving 7% of the budget of Ukraine. Local products were known in the Soviet Union. For example, Craz trucks are manufactured here. The presence of a large number of plants has its own negative and positive parties for the settlement. To the last, except for creating jobs, enterprises include the contribution of enterprises to the improvement of the city. Plant "Kredmash" landed a new birch grove.

And the passage is banging an impressive fountain.

It is installed with a wheelchair. According to sellers of outlets next door to him, there is no clear schedule for the fountain, here and today he, to their joy (on them splashes), turned off ...

Trade enterprise for the sale of flowers.

Near a small oasis.

In Kremenchug, during the Great Patriotic War, there was a concentration camp for prisoners of war and other categories of obsistent fascists of people. They killed 97 thousand people. The population of the 115th thousandthly pre-war city decreased to 18 thousand by the end of the war.

A new church has been built in the square. Or around the new church is equipped with Square.

The bells are clearly temporary. Although, what can be constant temporary structures?

Immediately a monument to the Komsomol residents of the 20s of the 20th century from the Komsomol residents of the 60s. Probably quite deserved, because Those took an active part in the formation of the urban industry. I wonder if they will remember the good word of the current young guys? And for what?

In one of the parks he met the old man's time. According to his person, it was necessary to assume that there was once a place of belonging to culture. Does he remember that time? Or is indifferent waiting for a certain fate of the thorough end?

I am on the barn of the Methan, scrapers scrapers ...

In many places, the urban areas of the sidewalk tiles are now actively underway. Especially where the leadership of the settlement owns it. Kremenchug does not lag behind in this work. At the work stadium almost ended. It remains to lay only a small plot in the middle ...

In the city you can meet the panel to the entire wall of the house remaining from the Soviet period.

Fire calans, in the absence of church dominant, very by the way.

DK Auto Plant. Judging by his state, production continues. Although in Russia Kraz is now in the wonder.

At the time of office planktonization of the underage part of the population of civilized countries, strong men's hands are transferred to the category of rarities. (Kremenchug with his considerable fraction of workers among the citizens this concerns, of course, less). Those who wish to lay, how they should look and touch steel muscles, can pass into the courtyard of the local "Vodokanla".

Kremenchug strongly suffered during the Great Patriotic War. Naturally, after her graduation, the city was restored.

These houses are like those who built the captured Germans and their allies throughout the USSR.

The city attempted to separate garbage collection.

But whether the types of tanks are missing, whether the holes for the reception of garbage are not enough. Or did a bunch made some kind of conservative resident?

It would hardly approved A.S. Makarenko, the Great Educator who received a pedagogical education here, and here began to work as a teacher. Now in the courtyard of the school monument to him and children.

Nearby. In the meadow, in the meadow, in the meadow they graze about ...? (Or, rather, Lo ...).

Not bad Orthodox churches are obtained by simple alterations from Catholic churches.

Religious structures in the city a little. In the area there was another chapel of the railway station.

And the new Catholic Church.

I think that it is worth the possession of the wishes of Taras Grigorievich and remember him. Quiet word. The man was good. He just did not know that his statements would be disassembled by quotes and posted on the streets of all cities of Ukraine. Otherwise, they would prepare them more.

It is good that in the current state he appeared a very productive assistant.

For urban veterans, a concert was arranged.

The Military Orchestra reminded them of the years of youth.

Architecture veterans are closer. Many of them need to repair facades.

But surrounded by thick vegetation, these buildings look more fun.

Some vintage mansions look quite decent.

In the turret, similar to the chapel of the cafe "Beijing".

Another commercial institution of Eastern appearance.

In Kremenchug was Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Academician Vernadsky here collected bricks for the foundation of their theory about the biosphere.

Modern students from theory switched to practice, and support the acceptable state of the biosphere, removing the garbage for non-conscious citizens on the embankment.

I must say that the embankment in Kremenchug is good.

She is shorter than in Dnepropetrovsk, and not so large-scale, but continued with magnificent beaches.

On all over the shore of the Dnieper, the park zone stretches. The scale of the created along the Dnieper suggests that the Soviet leadership had certain types of Kremenchug. But something did not work out. Perhaps just did not have time, because Started restructuring ...

In dense thickets there are quite a few animals.

Not all of them managed to pass this difficult period in the life of the country, but it is worth hoping that the wisdom would be a bone (in this case, the armature) - the meat is growing "this time will work ...

Widely known in narrow circles urban pike.

A rare boat will flow until the middle of the Dnieper. But, if it woofs, it can detect a comfortable sandy sandy.

Next to the parks are central square. Part of it is given to children.

Vladimir Ilyich thought was satisfied "this generation will live with communism." But, remembering that the objective reality is little depends on the imagination, I decided at the end of the phrase, just in case, add a question mark.

Memories of the first day after the war. Probably, there were no such happiness for our people before, nor after this important event.

The memory of the destroyed cathedral. Perhaps someday it will be restored.

The river station was just repaired.

There is a different sculpture around it. The main topic is a female beauty.

Have a good man should be a lot?