Event for Cosmonautics Day in elementary school. Eor for Cosmonautics Day in elementary school

Quiz for younger schoolchildren with answers “Flight into space.”

Alla Alekseevna Kondratyeva, primary school teacher, Zolotukhinsk Secondary School, Zolotukhino village, Kursk region
Description: The quiz is dedicated to International Cosmonautics Day and is intended for primary and secondary school children. The holiday material can be used for conversations, classroom activities, and extracurricular activities.
Target: formation in children of knowledge about the development of astronautics, about the first flights into space.
1. Teach children to see and hear, to peer inquisitively into the world, to observe this world.
2.Summarize, consolidate and deepen students’ knowledge about space acquired in lessons about the surrounding world and in the geographical circle “Living to Live.”
3. Contribute to the formation of knowledge about nature and its patterns.
4.Develop the emotional and sensory sphere of schoolchildren’s personality.
5. To promote the development of thinking, attention, observation, moral and patriotic education of schoolchildren.
Preliminary work:
1. Reading fiction about space and astronauts, research work in the “Live to Live” circle, active participation in various competitions on the surrounding world, visiting the Museum of Cosmonautics and the Planetarium in Kursk.
Literature for reading:
I. Series “Astronomy for smart children”:
1. “Your Sunshine.” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2005. 5000 copies.
2. “The Moon is the granddaughter of the Sun.” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2005. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
3. “The stars are Sunny’s sisters.” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2005. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
4. “Everyone in Sunny’s family dances.” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2005. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
5. "Long-haired stars." Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2007. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
6. "Little planets". Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2007. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
7. “Stones that fell from the sky.” Artist Z.N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2007. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
8. "Star pictures". Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2007. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
9. “Our star city is Galaxy.” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2007. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
10. “Oh, aliens!” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2007. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
II.Small encyclopedias for children
1. “Astronomy from A to Z.” Artists S. Volkov and G. Volkova. M.: Arguments and Facts, 1999. 19,980 copies.
2. “Entertaining physics” (co-authored with T.A. Nikiforova). Artists S. Volkov, G. Volkova. M.: Arguments and Facts, 2004. 15,000 copies.
3. “Cosmonautics from A to Z.” Artists S. Volkov, G. Volkova. M.: Arguments and Facts, 2000. 14,500 copies.
4. “How the Universe was discovered.” Artists S. Volkov, G. Volkova, Zh. Zubtsova. M.: Arguments and Facts, 2004. 15,000 copies. 65 pp.
5. “Russia’s star sons” (co-authored with S.A. Gerasyutin). Small encyclopedia of astronautics. M.: Gelios, 2007. 1500 copies. 226 pp.
6. “Your Universe.” A book for lovers of unusual travel. Artists E.A. Dyukova, V.V. Efanov, E.V. Lenchevskaya, O.V. Popovich, V.A. Prokudin. M.: Education, 2007. 5000 copies. 160 pp.
7. "Travel through the Universe." My first book on astronomy and cosmonautics. A book to read. Artists N.A. Shevarev, A.B. Yudkin, N.A. Dymova, E.V. Semenov. M.: Education, 2007. 10,000 copies.
The sky split open
And we go to Eternity,
Where the starry tale is
And Milky Infinity,
Where the stars give us Tenderness,
Changing its spectrum.

And promises fidelity
Foggy Unreality! /Pause/

After man invented the airplane and conquered the sky, people wanted to go higher. One of the first to think about space flights was the Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky.
K.E. Tsiolkovsky is the pride of Russia, one of the fathers of astronautics, a great scientist.

In 1955, a decision was made to build a launch pad for space rockets.
It was in Kazakhstan, far from large populated areas.
The location of the cosmodrome is BAIKONUR.

All the most cherished dreams of the founders of astronautics were brought to life by Sergei Pavlovich Korolev

October 4, 1957 became a significant date in the history of the country - the first artificial Earth satellite was launched. The space age has begun.

The first satellite of the Earth was a shiny ball made of aluminum alloys and was small - with a diameter of 58 cm and a weight of -83.6 kg.
On November 3, 1957, the second artificial satellite was launched, and on May 15, 1958, the third. The launch of satellites made it possible to begin the study of outer space.
Scientists were faced with the task of putting a living creature into orbit. Dogs paved the way to space for humans. Animal testing began in 1949. The first “cosmonauts” were recruited in the gateways - a total of 32 dogs were caught.

Doctors believed that mongrels were not capricious, unpretentious, and easy to train.
The weight of the dogs had to be 6 kg, and their height should not be higher than 35 cm.
The first dog race took place on July 22, 1951.

The mongrels Dezik and Gypsy survived the flight successfully! Gypsy and Desik climbed 110 km, then the cabin with them freely fell from a height of 7 km. At this mark the parachute opened, and both “cosmonauts” landed safely. The second launch ended in failure: the parachute did not open and Desik and his partner Lisa died. During the entire period of experiments - until the spring of 1961, 29 rockets with animals were launched, and 10 dogs died. In addition to dogs, guinea pigs, monkeys, parrots, mice, and rabbits flew into space - all of them honestly served the great dream.

This is a monument to the dog Laika, who flew into space on the second artificial satellite on November 3, 1957.
Since 1952, they began to practice animal flights in spacesuits.
August 20, 1960 a spaceship was launched with dogs on board Belka and Strelka.
On April 12, 1961, Russian citizen Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin went into outer space on the Vostok spacecraft.
He became a space pioneer for all mankind.

Everyone recognized him by his smile -
There was never a second smile like this!
The whole world applauded! Everyone rejoiced:
Gagarin flew around our globe!
Since then, unknown distances have approached,
Ships are exploring space...
And it started with a Russian, nice guy,
Gagarin is the first cosmonaut on Earth!

Since 1968, the domestic Cosmonautics Day has received official worldwide recognition after the establishment of World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day.


1.What is space? (Cosmos is a Greek word that denotes the order and interconnectedness of the Universe. There are many planets, satellites, stars, systems and galaxies in space.)
Teacher: What is space? Even in ancient times, the ancient Greeks called the World (or Universe) Cosmos, which literally means “order”. “The modern concept of space includes the entire space of the Universe, including the Earth, near-Earth and interplanetary space.”
2. Who is an astronaut? (An astronaut is a person who tests and operates space technology in space flight).
Teacher: Of the many professions that exist on Earth, the profession of an astronaut is the most difficult, dangerous and responsible. Being an astronaut is a real feat, therefore all cosmonauts who have been in space have the title of Hero of the USSR and Russia.

3.What is the name of the astronaut suit? (Space suit)

4.What device did people use in ancient times to study the starry sky?

5.What is the name of the artificial structure where you can see the celestial sphere with stars, planets and satellites, as well as solar and lunar eclipses? (Planetarium).
6.What is the name of the star closest to us? (Sun).
7. How many planets are there in our solar system? List.
(There are 8 of them: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune)

8. Which planet is closest to the Sun? (Mercury)
9.Name the giant planets.
(Jupiter. Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)

10. Until 2006, this planet was considered the 9th planet of the solar system, but in August 2006, the Assembly of the International Astronomical Union excluded it from the class of planets and transferred it to the class of dwarf planets. What is it called? (Pluto)
11. When did the first successful human flight into space take place? (April 12, 1961)
12. Who became the first cosmonaut on Earth? (Yu.A. Gagarin - the first cosmonaut of the Earth)

13.What famous phrase did Yu.A. Gagarin say before the flight? ("Go!")
14. How many minutes did Yu. Gagarin’s flight last? (108 minutes)
15. Name the first female astronauts. (Valentina Tereshkova and Svetlana Savitskaya)

16.Name the state that an astronaut experiences when the spacecraft enters orbit. (Weightlessness).

17.What does the phrase “spacewalk” mean?
(The astronaut goes outside his spacecraft to work in outer space).

18. Which astronaut was the first to go into outer space? (A. Leonov)

Municipal educational institution

Vozrozhdenie secondary school

Extracurricular activity

for primary classes,

dedicated to Cosmonautics Day

"Journey to the Land of Cosmonautics"


GPA teacher

Filenkova Lyudmila Valerievna

Explanatory note.

An extracurricular event dedicated to Cosmonautics Day “Journey to the Land of Cosmonautics” for primary classes is aimed at repeating and consolidating knowledge on this topic in a playful way.

Goals: 1. fostering patriotism, a sense of pride in one’s people;

2. expanding students’ horizons on the topic “Space”;

3. development of cognitive activity and creative abilities.

Tasks: 1. cultivate respect and pride for the achievements of Russian cosmonautics, the will to win using historical examples;

2. conduct a travel game that helps expand students’ horizons on the topic “Space”;

3. create conditions for the development of curiosity and persistence in acquiring knowledge.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, screen, selection of literature about space and astronauts, presentation, music.

Contents of the event

    Introductory part 3-5 min.

    Travel game 25-30 min.

    Reflection 3-5 min.

Humanity will not remain on Earth forever,

it is in pursuit of light and space

at first it will timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere,

and then will conquer the entire circumsolar space.”


1 student(Slide No. 1)

I would like to fly to the moon
Plunge into an unsolved world.
And like a beautiful dream,
Touch the brightest star.

2 student

Fly to distant orbits,
Dimensions unknown to all of us,
Where the mysterious cosmos keeps
There are many secrets of the vast universe.

3 student

To visit other planets,
Which science doesn't know about.
And to see unearthly creatures, -
That they fly on strange saucers.

Leading: We are happy to greet you. The conversation will be about World Aviation and Space Day. This is a holiday of high dreams, quests and achievements. You and I will take a trip to the extraordinary and interesting country of Cosmonautics. During the course of which we will talk about how people began to explore outer space, we will learn the names of many famous people who worked on the creation of spaceships and made flights to explore space, and why on April 12 we celebrate Cosmonautics Day. I hope our journey will be interesting and exciting.

Leading: We meet the crews. Our cosmonauts passed a strict selection process. (2 teams of 6 people each) (music sounds)

Leading: Throughout the flight, their work will be monitored by the flight control center (jury presentation)

The starry sky has always attracted people. People are designed in such a way that it is always not enough for them to do what they already know: they know how to walk - they want to ride, they have learned to ride - they need to fly like birds. People have long dreamed of flying. Remember the fairy tales they came up with: who managed to fly and on what (students’ answers) On a magic carpet, in a mortar on a broom, Baron Munchausen flew to the moon on a cannonball, and in Andersen’s fairy tale, if you remember, the young man even flew in a chest to the princess. But all this is in fairy tales. There is no magic in life.

Leading: In order to fly, we need interplanetary rockets. And the first one is ours Station "Design Bureau".

Exercise: Each team has puzzles of an interplanetary spacecraft in their envelopes. Whichever team collects it first will receive a star. (Slide 2)

Leading: The interplanetary spacecraft has been built. (Slide 3).

Student: Distant stars are burning in the sky,

They invite boys and girls to visit.

It won't take long for us to get ready for the trip.

And now we are ready to fly!

Leading: Pilots, check your calculations.

Fill the tanks with fuel.

Listen to the command: 5-4-3-2-1! Start!

Student: Drawing in an album

We are a school and a kindergarten.

Above the school, above the garden

An astronaut is flying.

To the starry sky

We look for a long time:

Go to space

We want it too.

Now we'll get another pencil,

And our crew will rise into the sky.

Above the school, above the garden

Let's hit the road

So that from the sky not the earth

Take a look at my native one.

Leading: To make time fly by faster on the road, listen to a story about the history of the development of astronautics. (Music plays) (Slide 4)

The first satellite was launched on October 4, 1957. It was just a metal ball the size of a large ball with four ear antennas. He weighed 85 kg. There are currently thousands of satellites flying in space. They do a very important job. We watch television programs from different countries - satellites help us. We can make a phone call even to the other side of the globe, to America - these are also satellites. They predict the weather. Forest fires are reported in a timely manner. Study the starry sky. Can you really list everything?

Leading: And we arrived at station "Starry Sky"» (Slide 5).

Exercise: At this station you will have to answer quiz questions. Teams take turns answering questions. For each correct answer, the team receives a star.

1. Boldly floats into space,
Overtaking birds in flight.
Man controls it.
What's happened? (Starship)
Slide 6

2. There are no wings
But this bird
It will fly and land on the moon. (Lunokhod)
Slide 7

3. Miracle bird - scarlet tail.
Arrived in a flock of stars. (Comet)
Slide 8

4.Growing up, growing up,

He was horned - he became round.

Only a circle, this circle -

Suddenly he became horned again. (Moon, month) Slide 9

5. The grain scattered at night,
And we looked in the morning - there was nothing. (Stars)
Slide 10

6. From which bucket?
They don't drink, they don't eat,
Do they only look at him? (Constellation Ursa Major)
Slide 11

7. Entire track
Strewn with peas. (Milky Way)
Slide 12

8. Wanders alone
Fire eye,
Everywhere it happens
The look warms you. (Sun)
Slide 13

9. Floats boldly in the sky,
Overtaking birds in flight.
Man controls it.
What is this? (Airplane)
Slide 14

10. A man sits in a rocket.
He flies boldly into the sky,
And at us in his spacesuit
He's looking from space. (Astronaut)
Slide 15

11. This red planet

Flying somewhere in space

We'll send a rocket there

To see it for yourself. (Mars) Slide 16

12. Well, which one of you will answer:

It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but shining brightly,

And not a baker, but a baker? (Sun) Slide 17

Leading: Well done teams. We continue our journey and acquaintance with space. (Music)

A month later, the second artificial Earth satellite entered orbit. On board was the first space traveler, the dog Laika. Scientists wanted to find out whether it was possible for a living creature to be in space. Is it possible to live there or not? Without an answer to this main question: there was no point in thinking about preparing a person for interplanetary travel. The flight gave the answer: you can! However, more checks and checks were required. At that time, people still knew very little about space and spacecraft did not know how to return from orbit. Therefore, Laika remained forever in outer space. 3 years after the unsuccessful flight of the dog Laika, two dogs are sent into space - Belka and Strelka. They spent only one day in space and successfully landed on Earth. (Slide 18-19)

Leading: And the next one station "Animals in Space".(Slide 20)

Exercise: Teams take turns naming animals that have been in space. The last team to name the animal wins and receives a star. (Slide 21)

Leading: We continue our journey. And finally, April 12, 1961. The Vostok spacecraft launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The world's first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, sat in his cabin. The flight lasted one hundred and eight minutes, about 2 hours. (Slide 22)

Leading: What do you think, is astronaut a male profession? (Students' answers)

Since Yuri Gagarin, 436 earthlings have been in space. There were two women among them - Valentina Tereshkova and Svetlana Savitskaya. And for the first time, the famous cosmonaut Alexey Leonov went into outer space. Astronauts spend many months in space. Everything in the rocket is designed to make it as comfortable as possible for them. (Slide 23)

Leading: To continue the journey, we need to refresh ourselves. But in conditions of weightlessness it is very difficult to do this. You can experience how difficult it is for yourself.

Exercise: the apple that is hanging must be eaten, but not touched with your hands. Participants receive a star for a successful attempt, or lose it.

Leading: We are in outer space and approaching an unidentified planet. Let's make a short stop and meet the aliens. It is clear from their habits that they are friendly, but they do not understand your language. How will you try to explain yourself to them? Try to do this with facial expressions and gestures. Each team will need 2 participants. (Slide 24-25)

Exercise: you need to explain the phrase using gestures:

    What is your name?"

    Let’s be friends with you!”

    What time is it on your planet?”

    Will you fly with us to Earth?

    Do you have a sea?”

    I need a doctor"

(Each participant chooses a phrase by drawing lots and pantomimes it.)

Leading: The journey continues. The first cosmonauts were pilots. Then designers and doctors continued working in space. Now space is a testament to those who know how to operate electronic computers. Today, work in space means scientific research and everyday work for the sake of progress throughout the world. That's why international crews fly into space. The next station is Zvezdny Gorodok. (Slide 26)

Exercise: you need to choose the correct answer to the question from the three proposed and pick up the card with the correct answer. Having answered all the questions correctly, we will find ourselves in the Land of Cosmonautics.

1. Founder of modern cosmonautics? (Slide 27)

- K.E. Tsiolkovsky

- A.N. Tupolev

- S.P. Korolev

2. The world's first astronaut? (Slide28)

G.S. Titov

- Yu.A. Gagarin

V. Nikolaeva-Tereshkova

3. In what year was the first artificial satellite launched? (Slide 29)


- 1957


4.First spacecraft? (Slide 30)

- "Sunrise"

- "East"

- "Union"

5.The first man to walk on the moon? (Slide 31)

Edwin Eugene Aldrin

Michael Collins

- Neil Armstrong

6.What was the name of the first dog to go into space? (Slide 32)




7. When Yu.A. Did Gagarin fly into space?(Slide 33)


- 12.04.1961


8. How long did Yu.A. Gagarin’s space flight last? (Slide 34)

1 day

-108 minutes

12 hours

9.The world's first female astronaut? (Slide 35)

- V.V. Tereshkova

S.E. Savitskaya


10. How many monuments to Yu.A. Gagarin are there on Saratov land? (Slide 36)


11.What is the name of the Russian orbital station? (Slide 37)


- "Apalon"

- "Baikonur"

12. Who was the first to go into outer space? (Slide 38)

-A. Leonov

G. Titov

S. Korolev

Leading: You and I have arrived in the Land of Cosmonautics. You have learned a lot of new and interesting things about the history of space exploration.

Well done boys. Our journey has come to an end. The path was not easy, but you all overcame it. And which of the teams knows the most about space, we will find out when counting the stars. (Counting the stars and awarding the winners.) Good luck to you! (Slide 39)

Used literature and Internet resources:

1. Yuri Gagarin on Saratov land; Authors: Yu. Zverev, G. Oksyuta; Privolzhsky book publishing house; Saratov 1972.

2. Gagarin's lesson;

3. Magazine “Ogonyok” No. 15, 1968.





When planning an event and scenario for Cosmonautics Day, the main attention should be paid to the variety of its elements - it should be interesting for children. This holiday is held taking into account the characteristics of each age category of schoolchildren.

Junior classes

Young children should not be overloaded with information about space exploration. Events should contain more active and logical games. You can invite children to create decorations for the holiday with their own hands: toys, drawings, crafts dedicated to Cosmonautics Day.

For students in grades 1-4, information should be presented in a playful way. Only in this case will the holiday be remembered for a long time and will evoke many positive emotions.

You can select several children from the class and assign roles for them, let them learn short poems. This will help to involve the kids in the event and increase the degree of their participation in the celebration.

High school

Older students will find it more interesting to perceive information using media presentations and slide shows. Competitions must also be present in the scenario describing Cosmonautics Day. The class hour will be active and interesting.

It is preferable for high school students to present more serious, in-depth information on the topic of the event. You can pay attention to the biographies of legendary cosmonauts, the main events on the path to space exploration, etc.

High school students should also take an active part in holding events for Cosmonautics Day. This could be a form of work such as distributing roles between children or preparing information on a given topic. The main thing is that it is original and dynamic. Don't delay the event too much.

Motivation of children

When planning Cosmonautics Day, the script should begin with the introduction and motivation for holding this event. This can be done independently or with the participation of child leaders.

It is imperative to pay attention to the question of why April 12 is celebrated as a national holiday. It is necessary to talk about the feat of Yuri Gagarin, who opened the way for humanity to the stars, to convey information to children in a form accessible to their age.

You can talk about the events that preceded the first flight into space, after which people began to celebrate Cosmonautics Day. The year 1957 marked the beginning of the era of human exploration of space beyond our planet.

Competitions and games for Cosmonautics Day for primary schoolchildren

There are many competitions that are held on this day. Little children will have a lot of fun imagining themselves as cosmonauts of an ultra-modern interplanetary spacecraft and learning about the life of astronauts. To do this, it is recommended to hold a competition “Cosmonaut Breakfast”. Several apples are tied on a string and children are invited to eat the fruit without touching them with their hands. Almost like being in zero gravity. The winner is the one who eats his “breakfast” the fastest.

The "Real Cosmonaut" competition will allow everyone to take part in the game. To carry it out, a rope or tape is placed on the floor. Before starting their route, each competitor turns around himself 5 times (representing overcoming the overloads when entering orbit), and then tries to walk in a straight line without leaving the path.

It is very good if before the celebration a system of rewards and incentives for participants was thought out.

Thematic creative works

The Space Artists competition will also add variety to the school Cosmonautics Day. Crafts made by children should tell about comets, astronauts, and starships. This will promote the development of creativity and will bring a lot of positivity to the class hour dedicated to Cosmonautics Day.

You can also offer to build a rocket on which the children will all go on an imaginary flight to the stars. Before the event, it will be interesting to invite children to prepare a musical number on a space theme. Such a performance will become a vivid memory for both participants and spectators.

Thematic techniques in high school

When writing a script for Cosmonautics Day for older students, you can pay attention to such forms of active participation of children in the event as quizzes, slide shows and pre-prepared speeches.

When spending Cosmonautics Day at school, you can invite children to divide into 2 groups, choose names for them and take part in the game “Greetings from Space”. Students must write a message from astronauts from the depths of the universe using the letter "P". The letter should be informative and original. Whose message is longer, that team wins.

Everyone present will enjoy a pre-prepared musical performance by one or more participants. The performance is rehearsed by the children in advance, and appropriate costumes can be made.

Games for high school students for Cosmonautics Day

Another interesting competition is called "Meteor Shower". The spaceships came under attack from asteroids. Each team member must show composure and mutual assistance to avoid collisions with destructive objects.
It is necessary to give the correct answer “yes” or “no” to the question posed in order to protect the ship’s crew from an accident.

The presenter asks questions on space topics. For example:

  • Yu. A. Gagarin flew around the Earth in 1 hour 48 minutes? (Yes)
  • Is the sun smaller than the earth? (No)

Each “accurate” answer adds 1 point to the team and helps its spaceship avoid a collision with a meteorite.

More active competitions are allowed. When celebrating Cosmonautics Day, events of this type should be placed next to passive forms of work.

The game "Rocket" will bring great excitement to the classroom. To do this, two couples are invited to take part in the construction of an interplanetary spacecraft. It is advisable if it is a tandem “boy and girl”. The student raises his hands and puts his palms together, representing a rocket. The student begins to wrap a paper towel around him without covering her face (leaving the porthole for the astronaut). The couple that completes the task faster receives a reward and the title of Chief Designer.

Material for the event

Cosmonautics Day at school should be designed accordingly, so it is necessary to prepare theoretical material.

You should bring a portrait of Yu. A. Gagarin, materials for competitions, select appropriate musical accompaniment and slides. You can decorate the room thematically, for example with stars, posters with drawings prepared by students, etc.

If you plan to present a theory, you can use a projector or special slides to present visual material. Interesting facts about the space industry, the space of the Universe and other information will also be interesting for children to listen to.

The biographies of the legendary cosmonauts Yu. A. Gagarin, G. S. Titov, V. V. Tereshkova will become an example for the younger generation. They achieved their goal thanks to strength of character, perseverance, and devotion to the Motherland.

A well-planned Cosmonautics Day at school will be a real event for all participants. This event will be remembered for a long time. Taking into account the age characteristics of children, holding Cosmonautics Day every year will develop in schoolchildren team spirit, a sense of respect, patriotism, as well as creative thinking, imagination, and the ability to express their thoughts. The holiday will bring a lot of bright impressions and positive emotions.

Scenario for the holiday “Cosmonautics Day”

1. Where did the snow go?

Became spring water,

Here is this stream -

There was a snowdrift recently.

The snow is old, and the stream is

April, young...

And therefore in the spring

So fun, so nice.

Ved. On one of these cheerful glorious days 52 years ago, an unusual event for those times took place: on April 12, 1961, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin made the first flight into space in the history of the Earth on the Vostok spacecraft. Since then, every year on April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. This is a holiday of cosmonauts, scientists, engineers, workers who invent and make rockets, spaceships and satellites.

We live on our planet

In such an amazing age.

And the first of the first in the rocket

Soviet man flies.

Not for military intelligence purposes

On a super-fast ship

He flies alone in the Universe

To return to the Earth again.

Ved. People have long dreamed of exploring outer space. They thought for a long time about building a spaceship to fly above the stars. People dreamed of knowing the sky, and not just setting altitude records.
New thousands of inventive minds and new hundreds of thousands of skillful, talented hands joined the common work... And so they created spaceships and flew into space. But before the famous cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin flew (display of a painting depicting Yuri Gagarin)

On November 3, 1957, in the lifeless, cold, always black space of space, a living heart beat. In the pressurized cabin of the satellite, the dog Laika lived, breathed, and flew over the world.

Other dogs flew after Laika. Maybe some of you know these two famous dogs? After Laika, children, Belka and Strelka followed (showing photos of Belka and Strelka). Guinea pigs, monkeys, parrots, mice, rabbits also flew - they all honestly served the great dream.

This is who is around the planet

Is he flying in his ship?

Sends greetings to all nations,

He speaks to the whole world.

Having lunch in the universe

The onboard keeps a diary...

This is him, the ordinary one

Rural school student

So who is Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin?– the first cosmonaut of planet Earth? Where he was born? How did you grow up and study? Why did you choose such a difficult and wonderful profession? Why did the Motherland entrust him with such a dangerous and responsible task?

Yuri Alekseevich was born in the Smolensk region, in the city of Gzhatsk, now this city is named after the hero - Gagarin.

As a child, Yura loved to play ball, hide and seek, and climb trees. But Yura’s carefree childhood suddenly ended: the Great Patriotic War began.

After the war, Yura went to school. It was difficult to study: there were not enough textbooks, notebooks were made from old newspapers, and it was very cold at school. Yura graduated from school with straight A's and went to study at a technical school. Here he attended a flying club, where he learned to fly airplanes and parachute.

Guys, what do you think a person who is entrusted with a space flight should be like? (hardworking, hardy, disciplined, healthy, not lazy, kind)

And who knows how many minutes Yu. Gagarin’s flight lasted? (108 minutes, less than 2 hours). Nowadays, astronauts spend quite a long time in space.

The street is full of ordinary noise

Spring is coming. The working day is in full swing

And from the universe a radio wave

Brings a Russian name: GAGARIN!

It bursts into everything,

To all hearts, like a swallow takes flight

And mother Earth, holding her breath,

He watches the flight of the hero - his son!

And an ordinary day blooms with a holiday,

All life from now on is a fabulous flight,

A giant step of the space age.

Happy victory people! Congratulations!

It's finished! The long-awaited hour has struck!

The human heart rushed to the stars!

After Yuri Gagarin, many other cosmonauts went into space.

Which Soviet and Russian cosmonauts do you know? (Tereshkova, Nikolaev, Leonov, Titov, Savitskaya, etc.)

But also, guys, we must always remember the person who made a great contribution to the development of space - this is Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, he was involved in the construction of rockets and rocket systems.

Very important

Don't forget their names -

To all astronauts and scientists,

Which necessary laws were discovered

And they paved the way for us into space

But who built the first rocket,

You know about it

Designer, academician Korolev.

The first satellite was ready for flight

In the last century, fifty-seventh year.

Four years later there was a new success -

The first man went into space

Gagarin Yuri completed the flight

Our pilot flew around the earth.

Successfully completed the round

Spaceship "Vostok"

Titov, Popovich, Nikolaev and Bykovsky

After Gagarin they flew into space.

More and more new astronauts

And Valentina Tereshkova

She was among the first cosmonauts.

Of course, everyone may want

Look at Earth from space

But will you have enough patience and strength?

Only the one who bravely endured everything

Will go on a space flight.

Let's go guys, space is calling us!

Today you and I will also take a flight - a journey, but only an imaginary one. During the game we will find out who is really ready to fly into space. And your organization, attention, and speed of reaction will help you. For every small victory you will receive a star, and at the end of the game we will count them and determine the winner.

Doctor. Hello guys! I heard that you are going to fly into space?

Ved. Yes, doctor. We want to fly into space with the guys, look at the stars, and visit interesting planets.

Doctor .

To become an astronaut,

You must have good health

And lead the right way of life,

And it takes a long time to prepare.

And only after many trials

You will become an astronaut.

Now we will check whether you can be sent into space or not. You will need to pass several tests.

So, 1 test 5 people.You need to stand on one leg for as long as possible in 1 minute.

2 test 5 people.You need to stand for 1 minute, stretching your left leg forward and raising your right arm up.

3 test 3 people. You need to turn around yourself several times, then walk along the rope laid out straight.

Ved . Well, doctor, can the guys and I fly into space?

Doctor . Can! I see that you guys are capable and healthy. Good luck on your journey!


Don't yawn around

Today you are an astronaut.

Let's start training

To become strong and agile:

We stood up, pulled ourselves up,

They jumped and looked around,

And they jumped again,

And again look over your shoulder.

Now take your seats.

I hope there was enough room for everyone?

Guys, let's fly with you on the Spaceship. How does an astronaut fly? (W-w-w-w). Let's fly, Let's fly!

We've arrived! They turned off all their engines!

Here we are on the first planet. No one has ever been on this planet before us. Not once has a human foot stepped on it. Let's come up with a name for it. (Children come up with a name for the planet). Martians live here. And now we'll playgame "I am a rover"

All participants stand in a circle (15 people), one in the center. With his hands he depicts an antenna, walks in a circle and with the most serious look says: “I am planetary rover-1, trying to make the others laugh. The one who laughs joins the first one, stands behind him and says: “I am a planetary rover-2”, the next one “I am a planetary rover-3”, etc.

Planet "Alphacentauri".

This is the planet, guys, Alphacentauri. Who do we see? Look, guys, we are greeted by an alien, his name is Vertunchik.

Pinwheel: I'm very glad you came. Do you like to solve riddles? (Yes). Then listen.


1. Miracle - bird, scarlet tail,

Arrived in a flock of stars. (Rocket)

2. I’ll grumble, I’ll grumble,

I'll fly to heaven. (Helicopter)

3. There are no clouds on the horizon,

But an umbrella opened in the sky,

In a few minutes

Dropped... (Parachute)

4. At Grandma's over the hut

The sky is hanging

Dogs bark, they can’t get you (Month)

5. Blue fur coat

Covered the whole world (Sky)

6. On clear nights

Mom and daughters are walking

She doesn’t tell her daughters:

Go to bed late!

Because the mother is the Moon. And the daughters... (Stars)

7. An aircraft on which aliens fly. (plate)

8. The aircraft on which Baba Yaga flew (stupa)

Pinwheel: Well done! You guessed everything - all my riddles!

The next planet on our way is Planet Zastavnaya. To continue our journey, we need to complete the following task: list all the planets you know.

Planet "Stardalia".

Let's fly! (W-w-w-w). Let's fly, let's fly! We've arrived.

This planet, guys, is Stardalia. There are a lot of stars on this planet and the stars on this planet just fall. (Multi-colored stars made of paper fall from the hands of the holiday leader.)

Game "Who will collect the stars faster"

I need 5 people. (5 people come out). You see how many stars there are. Let's collect gifts. I count to 5, and you collect these stars (stars are scattered on the floor). So, are you ready? Let's start! 1-2-3-4-5. Stop! Let's count how many stars you have collected. (The leader approaches each child and counts the collected stars from each one). I award the winner (the one with the most stars) an honorary star. (Given a large red star drawn on paper). And whoever lost, don’t be upset, because you still have the stars that you collected. (Children take their seats.)

Planet "Moon".

Let's fly! (W-w-w-w). Let's fly, let's fly! We've arrived.

This time, guys, we got to the moon. The moon, guys, is a satellite of the Earth. (Display of the atlas with the image of the Moon). Since we flew to the Moon, then we are all Lunatics.

Balloon relay

12 people are selected from the audience. Each team has 6 people who form columns. The top two players on each team are given a balloon. Players from both teams raise their hands. At the leader’s command, the game participants pass the balloon from hand to hand to the back of the column. The team that completes the given task faster wins. The winners are awarded an honorary star.

Planet Earth.

Let's fly! (W-w-w-w). Let's fly, let's fly! We've arrived.

Here we are with you on the last planet. Planet Earth. Arrived home

Guys, what do you know about planet Earth?

Guys, what color is our planet? Why?

What shape is it?

Many different people, animals, birds, insects live here.

Now let's play a game with you.

Game "Flying"

If I say a word that flies, you raise your hands. What doesn't fly, you don't raise your hands. But be very careful, because I will confuse you.

Is the plane flying? ...Flies.

Does the table fly? ... Doesn't fly.

Does the goat fly? ... Doesn't fly.

Does the eagle fly? ...Flies.

Does the machine gun fly? ... Doesn't fly.

Does the helicopter fly? ...Flies.

Is the swallow flying? ...Flies.

Does a hippopotamus fly? ... Doesn't fly.

Does a sparrow fly? ...Flies.

Does the chicken fly? ... Doesn't fly.


Well done! You know what flies and what doesn't fly.

So our journey through unknown planets has ended. And again we found ourselves in our hall. With this our holiday has come to an end, thank you all for your participation.

Tatyana Zhukova

Scenario of the holiday dedicated to Cosmonautics Day for children of the preparatory school group "School of Young Cosmonauts"


Expand and deepen children's knowledge about space. Continue to introduce children to the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day and space heroes. Teach children to be proud that the first cosmonaut, Yu. A. Gagarin, was a Russian man. To consolidate children's ideas about outer space and the planets of the solar system. To cultivate respect for the profession of astronaut and pride for our great country, which was the first to send a man into space, and for the people who glorified Russia. To bring children to an understanding of such moral and volitional qualities as perseverance and fearlessness, which help to become a famous person. Continue learning to answer questions using different types of simple and complex sentences. To foster mutual assistance, friendly relations, organization in sports games, as well as the ability to work in a team and coordinate their actions.

Dictionary enrichment:

Cosmonautics, astronaut, Solar system, names of planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Orbital station, orbit, telescope, atmosphere, weightlessness.


The hall is decorated with stars, portraits of Yu. A. Gagarin,

V. Tereshkova, S.P. Korolev, K. Tsiolkovsky, drawings of the Vostok rocket, the Solar system, planet Earth. Game tables, 4 baskets, 20 balloons, 2 rackets, 2 pairs of fins, 2 spoons, 4 plates, 20 colored pebbles, spinning ball, chips for the jury, team emblems, neckerchiefs for teams of two colors, space details rockets, 2 rocket building diagrams, letter cards, envelopes, 2 magnetic boards, hourglass.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about astronauts, the solar system, planets. Looking at illustrations about space. Reading “Starships” from the story by V. P. Borozdin, “The Road to Space” from the story by Yu. A. Gagarin. Lotto, dominoes about space, watching DVD films “Journey to Mars”, “The Secret of the Third Planet”, “What the Stars Say”. Drawing and modeling on the theme “Space”, applique “Alien”, making crafts together with parents on the theme “Space travel”. Participation in the “Great Space Journey” competition at the MBDOU “TsRR-d/s “Lastochka” Star City. Test cosmonaut O.G. Artemyev, with whom there was correspondence during his stay in space, was invited to the lesson.

Video accompaniment:

Presentations “Our amazing planet”, “Space travel”,

slide show “How they live on the ISS.”

Musical accompaniment:

“Gravity of the Earth” lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky, music by D. Tukhmanov.

Space music performed by the group "Space".

“Our Merry Crew” music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by K. Ibryaev, P. Sinyavsky.

"Big round dance" music. B. Savelyeva, lyrics. L. Rubalskaya.

Musical screensavers for games.

Progress of the lesson:

The room is dim, and the video “Our Amazing Planet” appears on the screen. The song “Gravity of the Earth” sounds

R. Rozhdestvensky, music by D. Tukhmanov. Children come out with emblems with team names on their chests and scarves tied around them. Children perform musical changes. At the end of the music, they line up in a semicircle.

1 child:

For many centuries, earthlings have dreamed

Conquer the heavens

Like birds fly and the wind,

And fly off to the stars in a rocket.

2nd child:

And then the 20th century came.

A man made his dream come true.

The news spread all over the world:

There is the first man in space!

3rd child:

Man in space!

Man in space!

This news was flying over the planet!

Man in space!

Man in space!

How long have everyone dreamed about this!

4th child:

His soul yearned for heaven,

And a smile that matches the sky,

She was so good

Which pleased all peoples.

5th child:

He was the first, and therefore a hero,

Having conquered extraterrestrial space,

He placed his native house in the palm of his hand,

Having looked at all the details of the decoration.

6th child:

The country rejoiced and hummed:

Gagarin has returned from orbit!

And spring was shining everywhere.

The whole world was grateful to him.

7th child:

Glory to Gagarin, honor!

All our people rejoice.

Half a century has passed since then.

And now there is no stopping the man.

8th child:

Space stations operate for six months.

And a lot of people have already been in orbit.

Both scientists and tourists.

Progress is happening very quickly.


These are our children's dreams,

Rush to the stars in a rocket.

And let us just play for now,

But today we will also go to space.

Children sit on chairs to the music.


Guys! You and I have gathered in this hall, which today is so unusually and festively decorated. Do you know what holiday our country will soon celebrate? That's right, Cosmonautics Day!

What is astronautics? (Cosmonautics is the science of space flight.)

What is space? (This is all the space outside the Earth.)

Space is a boundless space that a person will explore as long as he lives on this Earth, until all his inquisitiveness and curiosity dry up.

There is probably not a single person on Earth who has not admired the stars at least once. The mysterious world of stars and planets has attracted the attention of people since ancient times, attracting them with its mystery and beauty. Space has always been interesting to people, and how many secrets and mysteries it contains for people! After all, you really want to know, for example, is there life on some other planet? And what do its inhabitants look like? I also wanted to see what our planet Earth looks like from a great height. First, people invented airplanes and helicopters and began to fly in the air envelope of the Earth.

What is it called, guys, can anyone tell me? (Atmosphere.) Right. But it was impossible to fly to other planets on airplanes. Why do you think? (On Earth there is a force of gravity that they cannot overcome.) People didn't stop there. Space attracted them. And they began to dream of inventing a machine that would take them to other planets. Remember who invented the rocket engine? (This was designer Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.) People from many countries thought about flying to other planets. But it was in our country that a person flew into space for the first time.

Who was this man whom the whole world remembers? (children's answer).

Yes, that's right: it was our pilot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. All people on the planet know this day - the day when the first man went into space. And we are proud that it was this day, this holiday that our country, Russia, opened! The 108 minutes spent by the first astronaut in space paved the way for other space explorers.

Understanding the Cosmos, humanity has something to be proud of. Who will name these great achievements of earthlings?

Expected children's answers:

Valentina Tereshkova is the world's first female cosmonaut on planet Earth. Man's entry into outer space. He was Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov. Launch of artificial Earth satellites. American astronauts flew and landed on the Moon.

The most powerful Hubble telescope was launched into earth orbit, which allows scientists to make new discoveries and obtain images of deep space. The launch of an orbital complex into orbit, where astronauts fly and work for a long time. The aircraft reached the planet Mars. The Mars rover managed to make many discoveries, expanding our knowledge and understanding of the Red Planet. A human flight to Mars is being prepared.


Yes, guys, and this list of achievements is constantly updated with new discoveries. Let's plunge into this amazing and mysterious world.

Screening of the presentation “Space Travel”.


Did you guys like the movie? Would you like to become a corps of young cosmonauts? Well then!

To become an astronaut,

We have to work hard:

Start the day with exercise,

Study well!

They can take it on the ship

Only strong, dexterous ones.

And that's why it's impossible

No training here!

Attention! Young cosmonauts: stand at attention! To the first space training - go ahead!

Physical exercise "Cosmonauts"

We will try very hard (children do jerks with their arms bent in front of their chest)

Play sports together:

Run fast like the wind (Running on tiptoes)

Swimming is the best thing in the world. (Make hand strokes)

Squat and stand up again (Squat)

And lift dumbbells. (Straighten bent arms up)

Let's become strong and tomorrow

We will all be accepted as astronauts! (Hands on belt)

Well done! At ease!

What kind of profession is this - an astronaut, what qualities does it require from a person? What kind of person can become an astronaut?

(Strong, brave, dexterous, courageous, decisive, persistent, intelligent, inquisitive.) That's right, guys! When a person possesses such qualities of character, then he will be respected and loved. Being an astronaut is an honor, of course difficult, but also very interesting! I would like to introduce you to a test cosmonaut who recently returned from an orbital spacecraft; it was to him in space that we wrote a letter and sent photographs of an exhibition of our space crafts. Meet Oleg Artemyev.

We invite the astronaut to the center of the hall. The boys are preparing a chair and a table for him. The girls give him flowers.

Oleg Artemyev:

Good afternoon guys!

(A story about weightlessness, space food, going into outer space, accompanied by a slide show.)


Oleg Germanovich, the guys and I learned a lot about space, but they still have questions that they would like to ask you. Guys, you have such an opportunity to get answers to what interests you most. Ask questions please!

Children ask questions to the astronaut. During the conversation, he also asks questions to the children.

Oleg Artemyev:

You are really great, you already know a lot about Space, and I think that you can be enrolled in the school of young cosmonauts.


Then, I invite you guys to the astronaut school. And you, Oleg Germanovich, we invite you to join the jury to evaluate today’s tests.

Here today two space squads will compete in strength, agility, speed, and courage. Meet!

Background music sounds, children go to the center of the hall. The song “Our Cheerful Crew” is performed, music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by K. Ibryaev, P. Sinyavsky.

1. Like on the field of the cosmodrome we run out into the yard,

Let's get down to business together.

You need to make an exercise machine out of a swing near the house,

You need to get used to weightlessness.

Chorus: If we want to go into space, then we’ll fly soon.

ours will be the friendliest,

our cheerful crew!

2. If we don’t have a spacesuit to go on a flight,

We can make it ourselves.

Glass from an old headlight is suitable for a spacesuit,

and a cardboard box too.

3. We made a cookie salad and a candy vinaigrette.

Instead of paste, they filled a tube.

And, of course, an invitation to a space dinner

Our Tuzik was the very first to receive it.

4. Why aren’t we astronauts, if each of us

Do you even dream about the orbital complex?

And we agree, even tomorrow, even today, even now

Ride a rocket into space.

Presenter: Captains, introduce your teams.

Space squad "Comet".

Motto: “Comet” has a motto – never fall down!”

Space squad "Rocket".

Motto: “We are the Rocket team, we will fly to any planets!”

A jury will evaluate today's tests at the cosmonaut school. (Introduction of the jury, which takes its seats.)

For each correctly completed task, the team will receive a chip; whoever has the most of them wins.

Now attention!

Captains, come to me and take the envelopes from the table.

1 task.

The envelopes contain cards with letters.

Teams will have to post the names of their ships while the sand is flowing in the hourglass. Let's start the countdown!

Conclusion: The astronaut must be “ATTENTIONAL, SMART, COMPETENT”

Task 2:

Remind me, what is the name of the condition in which a person and the objects around him lose weight? (Weightlessness.)

Our competition is called “Weightlessness”. Players on each team receive a balloon. You need to carry it from start to finish, giving it acceleration with one hand and trying not to touch the floor.

Let's start the countdown!

Five, four, three, two, one - start!

Conclusion: An astronaut must be FAST, AGILITY

Game "Boasters".

Guys, now I’ll test your intelligence. Sometimes people like to exaggerate everything and are called braggarts.

Let's play the game "Boasters".

One day an alien flew to Earth and began to brag about his planet:

Our planet is the most beautiful.

Children: And ours is even more beautiful.

Our seas are the deepest.

Children: - And with us it’s even deeper.

Our mountains are the highest.

Children: - And ours are higher.

Our rivers are clean.

Children: - And ours are cleaner.

Our bread is delicious.

Children: - And ours tastes better.

Our apples are sweet.

Children: - And ours are sweeter.

Well done boys! I see that you love your planet very much!

Task 3:

Before launching a rocket into space, scientists design and draw up diagrams of spaceships, and design engineers assemble them using the drawings. This competition is called “Design Bureau”. You will be given a diagram of a rocket construction plan. Each player takes one part at the start and builds a rocket, strictly adhering to the diagram. Let's start the countdown!

Five, four, three, two, one - start!

Conclusion: An astronaut must BE ABLE TO WORK IN A TEAM AND BE SMART

Task 4:

Would you like to see other planets?

But to go on a trip to the planets, we need to know the conditions that await us on their surface. In the next competition we will test what you know about the planets.

How many planets are there in the solar system?

How are planets different from stars?

What is the name of the planet closest to the Sun (Mercury)

Which planet is called the Morning Star? (Venus)

Which planet is called "blue"? (Earth)

Which planet is called “red”? (Mars)

The largest planet in the solar system? (Jupiter)

Which planet has rings around it? (Saturn)

Which planet rotates while lying on its side (Uranus)

Who can name the eighth planet from the Sun (Neptune)

Task 5:

In preparation for a flight into space, an astronaut goes through a school of survival in difficult, unforeseen situations. He must be able to do everything, even the unexpected. Our next competition is called “Move Your Fins”! The player must put on the fins, run to the finish line, overcoming obstacles, take them off, and pass them on to the next player.

Let's start the countdown!

Five, four, three, two, one - start!



Our competition has come to an end. We ask the jury to evaluate today's tests.

The jury gives the floor. At the end of the competition, friendship must win.


Guys, let's stand in a big circle and see what I have in my hands (children's answers). Yes you are right. This is a globe, a model of our planet. Earth is a beautiful planet, full of wonders and mysteries. People, animals, plants live on Earth, they should all be happy, and people should take care of nature. See how beautiful our planet is. It is also called the “blue” planet. Why do you think? (Children's answers.) That's right, there is a lot of water on Earth. To prevent such beauty from perishing, we must treat it with care.


“There is one planet - a garden,

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Birds, calling migratory ones.

It's the only one they bloom on

Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

And dragonflies are only here,

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other like it!”


Guys, let's wish our Planet all the best!

(The musical composition “Wind of Change” by M. Dunaevsky is played. Children, holding a globe, express their wishes. The globe is passed around.)


Take care of your planet, Earth!

Love her and appreciate her.

Protect her, guard her,

Don't offend anyone!

Children perform the song “Big Round Dance”

(music by B. Savelyev, lyrics by L. Rubalskaya)

1. We were born into the world,

To live joyfully.

To play together

To be strong friends.

To smile at each other

Give flowers too

To be fulfilled in life

All our dreams.

Chorus: So let's arrange it

Big round dance,

May all the people of the Earth

They will stand in it with us.

Let it sound everywhere

Only joyful laughter

Let there be a song without words

Clear for everyone.

2. We want to somersault

In the green grass

And watch them float

Clouds in the blue

And into the cool river

Dive into the summer heat

And catch it in your palms

Warm mushroom rain.

3. We were born into the world,

To live joyfully.

So that flowers and smiles

Give to each other.

For grief to disappear

The trouble is gone.

To the bright sun

It was always shining.

Oleg Artemyev:

You showed yourself to be brave, strong and friendly guys. This was the first cosmonaut. I'm sure when you become adults, one of you will end up in the astronaut corps.

For your efforts, all participants are awarded “Ready to Become an Cosmonaut” certificate and commemorative ribbons with space symbols. (Presentation of memorable gifts.)

I wish you to always remain so cheerful, be inquisitive, do well in school and become good people in the future.


Time flew by so unnoticed

And it's time to part with friends.

Everything in our life is so fleeting,

Have time to live your life not in vain!

Dream, create, play, be friends,

Let the boundless distance beckon you all.

The world is endless and unexplored,

Many discoveries await our guys!

Children and the astronaut take a commemorative photo.


Internet resources; music http://x-minus.org

“For children about space and Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut of the Earth: Conversations, leisure activities, stories / T. A. Shorygina, M. Yu. Paramonova. -M. : Sphere shopping center, 2014-128p.