Spiritual blog of faith lyon. Ukrainian news portal UATiMES

We continue to inform readers about news from the future contained in Vera Lyon's blog. The latest predictions do not inspire optimism in a thinking person. Soon we will all be convinced that the past was calm and comfortable, despite real and informational wars, shocks and so-called revolutions. We have already entered a new reality, the latest predictions of Vera Lyon emphasize this and confirm it at the event level. Those who don’t like it have a chance to indulge a little in the current almost comfortable situation. It's time for the rest of us to get down to business. Which? Now you'll find out.

Psychic Vera Lyon decided not only to write down her latest predictions. She complains that she doesn’t have time to record everything, so she uses a voice recorder in her work. The recording is interesting for a specialist. Surely a person who is not immersed in the world of probable reality will be able to understand little from it. However, Vera Lyon supplements the site with similar materials so that there are no questions or complaints later.

You know, it's quite funny to watch how people react to the hard work of a clairvoyant. She regularly has to make almost exculpatory explanations to those who have the audacity to scold the psychic. You yourself would try to look behind the curtain at least once, at least move it a millimeter to warn the planet from taking a wrong step! No, these critics only have comments at the ready; we don’t like to work. For those who are not interested in the latest predictions of Vera Lyon, take a look here: what awaits us in 2019 (all the prophecies of the Kazakh Vanga are collected in one article). The rest of us will dive into the details, try to comprehend and analyze them.

Psychic Vera Lyon: latest predictions

It should be immediately noted that the clairvoyant pays a lot of attention to the probable (from her point of view, accurate) eruption of the Yellowstone volcano (USA). This event will definitely happen, but when? Vera Lyon's latest predictions on this matter are very categorical. The disaster will happen in May (7th). Should we believe this? The question is quite complicated. It relates to the field of psychology even more than to planning the future. And that's why.

Video prediction about cataclysms:

Have you heard that we are living during a change of eras? The era of Aquarius is upon us, replacing Pisces. Such changes can neither concern social life nor affect every person. If you collect what Vera Lyon writes (prediction for the last days), it turns out that she details the indicated change of eras. That is, it shows global changes with pictures and puzzle pieces. For a person accustomed to the logic of events in which we previously existed, they are incomprehensible and scary.

For example, let's turn to the same volcano, which will certainly explode (). Imagine, an entire continent with its more than three hundred million population will disappear. But this phenomenon will affect the entire planet. Vera Lyon writes that we will hear a rumble, no matter where our houses stand. You can't get away with just noise effects here. If a continent sinks and collapses, it means that the entire mantle of the planet is being rebuilt. Remember your fifth grade geography lessons. The earth's crust is one. The piece will fall apart, cracks will appear throughout the “ball”. The blog of Vera Lyon, whose latest predictions we are discussing, does not contain scientific explanations or theories. Therefore, it does not answer the question of whether the explosion of a supervolcano will destroy the entire Earth into small pieces. Kazakh Vanga simply describes what she spied in the future.

What awaits Russia after the volcano?

Those who analyze the likelihood of a super catastrophe argue that the Eurasian continent is less at risk than others. Vera Lyon confirms this. There will be flooding, but serious casualties will be avoided. The Far East will suffer. Just recently, the clairvoyant pointed this out again. Residents of this region need to be careful and keep documents nearby. They will have to evacuate deep into the mainland when the hour “X” comes. The explosion of the volcano will be followed by a tsunami that will hit the Eurasian continent from two sides.

Europe will be hit hard, Great Britain will be completely sunk. Kazakh Vanga wrote about this two years ago. Japan will perish under this terrible flood of water. All that will remain of it is a small island. The same fate awaits Australia. It is in vain that the American rich hope to sit out the terrible time on this continent. As Vera Lyon says, the site is intended for ordinary people. She works so that we understand what is happening now and what to expect. But the “rulers of the world” who turn up their noses are also recommended to descend from heaven to sinful earth. They will die in Australia.

Video forecast for Russia for 2019:

The latest predictions of Vera Lyon

But let's return to our continent. If North America turns, as they say on the Internet, into the Kurchatov Strait, then people will look for a quieter place where they can survive. This will be Russian territory. This is where those who manage to survive will be drawn. Think for yourself what this means for the locals. Vera Lyon provided her website with an answer. He says that people will help visitors and share. It is, of course, difficult to imagine such things. After all, in a hypothetical world, a continent could perish, but the rest of the planet would retain conditions for growing food and producing electricity. In reality, everything will be different. Nobody says that people will spare a piece of bread for the suffering. Will the locals still have it?

But the seer is sure that everything will work out. Her latest predictions indicate that the territory of Russia will also be affected by a global catastrophe. The sea will go to the continent, the earth will instantly turn over, but will return to its original place. This is the direct speech of Vera Lyon. This most likely means that the continental plate will wobble. Can you imagine the level and strength of the earthquake? In her last visions, Vera Lyon saw an earthquake to save people, strange water that behaves in an unusual way. But all this was crowned with the rising sun. Consequently, “Russia will get out.”

Video about the presidential elections in Ukraine on April 21, 2019:

Vera Lyon's latest predictions about Lake Baikal

This incredible and wonderful body of water is rightfully considered the pride of Russia. He is the envy of all other countries. But of course! Strategic fresh water reserve! Nobody has this. However, if you believe the seer, Russia will soon no longer have it. After the disaster, the lake will go into the ground.

Vera Lyon: prediction for the last days

Of the spring updates, the positive ones should be highlighted. The seer says that soon the war will stop somewhere. She doesn't name the place. I saw how the tanks were driving away from the contact line. This means that the conflict that is brewing or has begun will be stopped. This is probably Nagorno-Karabakh.

In the United States, everything is ready for the eruption. The clairvoyant predicts hour “X” for the month of May. Lava will pour into the ocean, sweeping away cities. Water will pump all over the planet. Storms and tsunamis will affect all coasts. Above the rift the seer was shown Jesus. He tries to help, holding a crystal ball. But the forecast is disappointing, since the sun in the vision is painted crimson-red.

You know, whether to believe or not these unoptimistic forecasts is up to you. However, you can play it safe and find out whether disasters will affect you personally here. Share the information with your friends (social network icons below). Perhaps they are looking for information that will help them survive.

The instability of the political and economic situation makes people look into the future with anxiety, because horse races, crises in commodity markets, an increased number of conflicts and paramilitary clashes will make anyone feel fear of the coming days. In pursuit of any information that can open the veil of tomorrow, we study in the field of economics and finance, get acquainted with the opinions of leading political scientists and specialists in the field of global studies.

However, such experts can only draw conclusions based on past experience and personal subjective judgments, and in general they rarely give unambiguous answers to pressing questions. That is why many of us follow the forecasts of clairvoyants, who have revealed many more secrets and events from the future. One of these seers is Vera Lyon, who has earned her fans a reputation as a person whose predictions often come true. Let's find out what it promises to the world for the coming calendar year.

A little about Vera Lyon

A native of Karaganda began to show psychic abilities in early childhood, when prophetic dreams and spirits of dead people began to appear to her. Over time, these abilities developed, so that in adolescence, Vera simply had to close her eyes for visions to visit her. However, then the future seer could not realize the power of her gift. Perhaps that is why he began to weaken, only to open up after reaching the age of thirty.

At first, Vera Lyon predicted the future using tarot, but soon mastered the trance

Vera was strongly recommended to develop her abilities by a psychic, who warned that such powers must have a way out, otherwise Vera will face a serious illness. First, Lyon mastered working with tarot cards, and over time, her ability to foresee the future began to intensify. Now Vera is immersed in a trance, listening to Tibetan chants, and a dynamic image appears before her eyes, which can be compared to a short film.

In 2012, Lyon stated that her predictions regarding the collapse of the USSR, hostilities in the Middle East region, and the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite were one hundred percent correct. However, these events had already happened by that time, and it is not possible to verify the information that they were predicted in advance. Well, it is all the more interesting to find out her current forecasts in order to draw conclusions about their viability.

Forecast for the world

Lyon promises a bleak picture for the world over the next few years. By the end of 2017, the melting of Arctic glaciers will become even more active, so you should prepare for floods and storms. In 2018, most countries may be hit by a pandemic of hitherto unknown infectious diseases. Western states will especially suffer - they are threatened with an intensification of epidemics, and at the same time as this problem, European countries and the United States will be engulfed in a wave of terrorist attacks and suicides by representatives of various sects.

Natural disasters will not end there - the clairvoyant predicts attacks on people by certain killer animals. Their species affiliation has not yet been reported. As a result, many refugees will leave European countries, and the rest will begin mass looting, as more frequent earthquakes will lead to looting. As a result of natural disasters, parts of the UK will be flooded, and its climatic conditions will become more severe. After the country leaves the EU, it will face riots and terrorist attacks.

Lyon foresees that the climate of Europe will change dramatically due to cataclysms

Snow storms of unprecedented power will approach Germany, the consequences of which will not be so easy for the government to cope with. Greece will become the location of hostilities, as a result of which many citizens will die. In Italy, Lyon predicts the strangest events in the form of volcanic eruptions that will lead to the complete destruction of the Vatican. As a result, the Catholic religion will gradually begin to lose supporters. In addition, the Japanese and Philippine islands will completely go under water.

In a few years, when the cataclysms have subsided, the efforts of the whole world will be aimed at finding alternative types of energy, improving the environment and fighting diseases. At the same time, representatives of alien civilizations may visit Earth. As for the political component, Lyon talks about the decline of the EU and NATO, which will lead to the creation of a new bloc of states. Russia will also be included in it. Lyon also talks about the gradual deterioration of US-German relations during the reign of Donald Trump.

Forecast for the Russian Federation

By the end of 2017, according to Lyon, the situation in Russia will improve - in 2018, the country's residents will receive increased social benefits, and the macroeconomy will soar that the Russian Federation will be able to leave many Western countries behind. Relations with Israel will actively develop.

The clairvoyant also saw the emergence of a certain island from the water, which could mean either the literal emergence of a new island territory, or some kind of allegory in the form of economic and cultural upsurge. The fortuneteller also made a forecast for the Russian President, saying that at the end of 2017 he will marry a fair-haired girl, but he should pay more attention to his health so that he does not have to miss it.

Prophecies for Ukraine

The clairvoyant predicted military conflicts in the east and west of Ukraine

But Lyon does not predict a bright future for Ukraine in 2018. Military conflicts will continue in the eastern part of the country, but residents of unrecognized territories will be able to boost industry and the agricultural sector. The western part will be mired in clashes with Poland, so that by the end of the year this territory may go to another state.

Is it possible to believe the predictions of Vera Lyon?

The clairvoyant claims that her prophecies come true in 95% of cases. However, judging by the latest forecasts that she posted online, several of them turned out to be unfounded (for example, the forecast that elections in Ukraine will be disrupted, and the DPR and LPR will defeat the country’s army).

The prophetic words about the death of almost all Ukrainian politicians did not come true - Poroshenko, Kolomoisky, Tymoshenko and Klitschko were supposed to die in 2016. And not so long ago, Vera Lyon said that on June 16, 2016, the world expected the coming of the Antichrist, which also did not take place. In any case, whether to believe or not the predictions of psychics is a personal matter for each person.

The new Vanga appeared in Kazakhstan. The fortuneteller Vera Lyon has already gained fame not only in her homeland, but also far beyond its borders.

Vera Lyon predicted that the next year would be turbulent. And although serious cataclysms will bypass the Earth, many serious changes and upheavals will still occur on the planet. The United States faces real problems related to global citizen discontent. This will lead to the fact that America will soon split into several parts. China's progress, according to Vera Lyon, will noticeably weaken. This will be especially noticeable against the background of the power of Russia. A new terrible disease will appear in the world that will affect exclusively men (similar to HIV). Various mutations and changes in people's bodies due to modified products and poor ecology will become clearly visible. At the same time, faith in God will strengthen, and the number of believers will increase noticeably.

Prediction about the USA

Over time, Vera Lyon's predictions become more stunning and louder.

In her latest predictions, Vera Lyon foretells a difficult fate for America. According to the prophetess, the United States will pay for all its actions. In the near future, due to the fault of America, a very bloody war may begin, but it will not take place in Ukraine or Russia.

“While Russia will increase its territories with parts of Central and Northern Kazakhstan and eastern Ukraine, the United States will face collapse and chaos. This year will also be marked by the strengthening of the ruble and the abandonment of the dollar. Because of this, America will suffer great damage, after which the United States will face a deep crisis,” says Vera Lyon.

She also reports that she does not see that there will be a revolution in Russia or that it will lose its integrity; most likely, such a fate awaits America.

Prediction about Ukraine

The latest predictions of the Kazakh Vanga about Ukraine are becoming more and more interesting, because it is she who has already become famous throughout the world for her accurate forecasts about the events taking place in Ukraine. New predictions will open the door to what is happening today and to the mysterious future.

All of Vera Lyon’s latest predictions relate to events taking place in Ukraine. This is not surprising, since the clairvoyant was never indifferent to the tragic events of the civil war. Even before the first coups on the Maidan happened and the government passed into the hands of the opposition, Kazakh Vanga already knew that this would happen.

She also predicted down to the smallest detail that Alexander Muzychko would die. In addition, in her predictions she spoke about the division of Ukraine and the gravitational pull of the eastern part of the country towards Russia.

The entire fate of Ukraine has always been before the Kazakh clairvoyant like an open book. In her latest predictions, she says that a young politician will become the head of Novorossiya. She thinks either his name or his zodiac sign will be Leo. According to her, the lion will be, perhaps an insignificant, but obligatory attribute of the new ruler. Vera Lyon also claims that Kolomoisky died on April 20 and does not believe that he was seen alive. She considers this a hoax, but the truth cannot explain who benefits from such a deception.

Political strife, local wars, economic collapses and natural disasters are heating up the situation in the world. Experts are no longer able to give advice that would help us meet the future with dignity. More and more people are looking for answers in prophecies, studying them verbatim and finding parallels with what is happening. From this perspective, the predictions of Vera Lyon deserve special attention. Kazakh Vanga has already managed to look into 2019 and see what awaits Russia and the United States. It was revealed to her what the fate of Ukraine would be and what the solution to the conflict in Donbass would be.

Who is Vera Lyon?

This woman has more predictions that have come true than the woman herself. The fortuneteller has an official website, which states that she was born in 1976 in the city of Yekaterinburg. Now Vera Visich (Lyon is a pseudonym) lives in Kazakhstan. About herself she says that:

  • is interested in psychology, poetry and photography;
  • practices white magic and witchcraft;
  • has strong psychic abilities

Even in early childhood, Vera began to experience strange visions. Since then, she has been trying to capture every “picture” and convey it verbatim. A difficult life taught Vera to be attentive and persevering. Her every day begins with checking her email and answering letters from people who are worried about the fate of the world and are looking for support from the unusual chosen one of fate. But this is now, but before everything was different.

When she was five years old, Vera Lyon had a dream in which her father was in a terrible accident. Waking up, the frightened girl recorded the vision and showed it to her parents, begging them not to leave the house. They didn’t believe the child. Dad went to work, and a few hours later there was an accident. He was saved only by a miracle. Despite the incident, no one even thought about looking into what had happened. The girl withdrew into herself, trying to survive her nightmares alone. At the age of 14, her “third eye” opened. It was as if a bright screen appeared in front of my face, broadcasting often terrible events. This phenomenon also had to be kept secret, for fear of being branded crazy.

Clairvoyance: Gift or Curse

It is difficult to imagine how a person feels who knows in advance what will happen in a minute, hour, day or year. How does he see the world, his own destiny, the fate of his loved ones, and how does it feel to know that a war is about to begin in a neighboring state? Vera says that now it’s easier for her, but in adolescence, dreams caused a serious illness. Even in her youth, the seer learned everything about her own destiny: from her profession to her husband’s surname and the color of her children’s eyes, but she was getting worse.

A fateful meeting saved Vera Lyon. One day a strange stranger approached her and inquired about her health. The girl had the feeling that it was not of her own free will. It was as if someone was controlling the woman, but it was she who called on the clairvoyant to curb the energy tearing apart her brain, relying on intuition. “Just start studying,” the messenger said verbatim. From this moment the formation of the Kazakh Vanga began. She studied literature, which helped her learn:

  • predict the future;
  • treat people too;
  • find missing people

The illness gradually subsided. An extraordinary personality has emerged, capable of not only looking into the future, but also communicating with incorporeal entities from other dimensions. The psychic dubbed them plasmoids and tries to capture them on film, but the equipment fails or breaks down.

Current forecast for 2019

As usual, Vera Lyon records her visions. It is difficult to convey the “broadcast” verbatim, but the “mediator” knows how to interpret shaky symbols. On her page she regularly publishes announcements about what awaits Russia and the world. Here are just a few accurate prophecies:

  • crisis in the USA;
  • snow storms in Germany;
  • volcanic eruption in Italy;
  • Maidan in Ukraine;
  • war in Donbass and Syria

All these predictions came true. Now New Year 2019 is on the agenda. He, the medium is sure, does not promise Russia any special surprises. For this country, the most difficult trials are behind us. It remains to stay the course for transformation, reap the benefits and expand cooperation within the BRICS framework. The organization will include at least 15 states. America will have a hard time. The seer warns the people of the United States about an approaching catastrophe. Most likely, this will be an eruption of the Yellowstone volcano, and maybe bombing, because the planet has long been on the brink of World War III.

The fortuneteller also has a forecast for Ukraine. Unfortunately, it is disappointing. In 2019, only deterioration is still expected here. Having learned what awaits Russia and the United States, inquisitive citizens will definitely want to hear how the situation will change. The psychic answered unequivocally: “Peace will be restored in Novorossiya and the economy will gradually improve.”

Verbatim interpretation of some prophecies of Vera Lyon

World economy “She will continue to experience instability. And the dollar is its priority. And this will definitely be felt in countries of all regions of the world. In the end, the most affected countries will be the quite prosperous states, about which this is impossible to even think about now. In them, unemployment can take on catastrophic proportions, which will create chaos in people’s minds. There are many who will simply lose themselves in the urban jungle, where money, material wealth and nothing else rule the roost.”
Situation in Russia “I see a staircase that goes very high up. This means that the ruble will strengthen. At the same time, an improvement in the economic situation may provoke a large influx of people wishing to enter the country, which in turn will entail a tightening of Russia’s migration policy.”
Geopolitics “The situation in Syria will improve. It will begin the restoration of infrastructure and construction of housing for civilians. The Islamists, of course, will still try to take revenge. However, there will be a leak of some very important - resonant - information, which will most likely force the world community to take a different look at the circumstances in the Middle East. Perhaps the true culprits of all the problems of the last decade will even be named.”
Society “The humanity of people in various countries will increase. Many people will begin to come to spirituality. By the way, this will be one of the significant reasons that the risk of a third world war will begin to decrease. A massive turn towards real human values ​​will make people less susceptible to zombie aggression coming from the media.”
Ukraine “Complete disregard for Ukrainian affairs on the part of the US leadership will push Ukraine to the abyss, but Trump will remain adamant and will make a corresponding official statement, as well as a statement about the refusal of any financial investments in this state.”
Donbass “The attempt to send NATO troops into Donbass will fail. Novorossiya will win when it is led by a lion. This could be a name, zodiac sign, etc.”
Ecology “The planet will begin to actively respond to the “economic” activities of humanity. The consequence of many decades of thoughtless spending of its resources and causing harm will be a series of cataclysms from which the United States and Japan will suffer the most.”

Today is full of new events. Political and financial instability is increasingly making people interested in the words of psychics. Vera Lyon is a clairvoyant who was nicknamed the modern Vanga, thanks to her predictions that came true.

Vera Lyon is a clairvoyant who was nicknamed the modern Vanga

A little about Vera Lyon

Her real name is Visich. She is a psychologist, psychic, children's writer, poet, photographer. Born in 1962 in Yekaterinburg, and now lives in Kazakhstan. She predicted the following events:

  • the collapse of the Soviet Union;
  • Gorbachev's resignation;
  • Yanukovych's victory in the presidential elections;
  • world financial crisis;
  • events in Ukraine: rallies, deaths, change of government.

She claims that about 95 percent of her prophecies come true. Her visions come to her in her sleep, and she shares them on her blog, openly describing dreams and analyzing their meaning. Kazakhstan Vanga touches on the problems of the whole world, individual regions and even specific people. It happens that the prediction does not come true, and Lyon admits his mistake. Today, many are interested in Vera’s prophecies for the last days concerning the fate of the Russian Federation and Novorossiya.

About Putin

This is not the first time that the clairvoyant has been making accurate predictions about the life of the Russian President. She has already noted the role of Russia in the fate of the whole world, saying that this country will save humanity from the power of the Antichrist. Therefore, the psychic is very concerned about the fate of the Russian leader.

She believes that Putin is now under the protection of a Higher Power, but at the same time his environment is full of enemies and envious people who seem to suck the inner life energy out of the ruler. Therefore, Lyon advises him to carefully and carefully choose his friends, assistants and advisers.

Vladimir Vladimirovich will be elected as president for a third term

Her predictions for these days indicate that a conspiracy to change power is being prepared behind the president’s back. Spiteful critics will not be able to carry out their insidious plan, but this could cause a lot of trouble for Vladimir Vladimirovich.

According to Lyon's visions, the President is often in danger. After the dreams, she describes the ground rising sharply under his feet, and how difficult it can be for him to maintain his balance. According to her, this is the influence of dark forces that are trying to lead the ruler astray.

The psychic claims that Vladimir Vladimirovich will be chosen as president for a third term. She saw this in her dreams, where the crowd threw the current leader in their arms three times, people rejoiced and rejoiced.

Russian presidential elections will be held in 2018. The question remains open: is it possible to remain in power for a third term under modern constitutional laws? The clairvoyant does not specify how this will happen.

About Novorossiya

Forecasts regarding the future of Novorossiya are quite positive.

Peaceful life in Novorossiya will be established, and destroyed buildings will be restored. The head of Novorossiya will be a young politician. Most likely, his name or zodiac sign will be Leo. He will lead Novorossiya to a bright future.

Lyon is confident that soon their own border troops will be created in this territory and Russian passports will be introduced. Moreover, the border between Novorossiya and Ukraine will be protected, and with Russia it will be more formal.

On the website, Vera is asked about the deployment of NATO troops to Novorossiya. The seer replies that such an attempt will happen, but something will interfere with these troops. In her dreams, the army fell into a steep cliff.

Regarding the economy of Novorossiya, in the near future the psychic promises a transition to the Russian ruble, and also predicts a big purge in the government.

Peaceful life in Novorossiya will be established

About world politics and economics

According to Lyon's predictions in recent days, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict will not be resolved in the near future. It will take some time to see positive results.

Visions of Russia are associated with an illuminated staircase rising high. This indicates the country’s stable position and its strong influence on world politics. The Russian Federation will not lose its integrity, and the position of the ruble will strengthen. In 2017, the number of arrivals from other countries will increase significantly. The government will have to tighten laws on migrants to control their flow.

God's punishment for America will be the Yellowstone volcano. The fortuneteller calls him salvation for Novorossiya and other countries. The years 2020-2030 for the United States will be the peak of the collapse of this power due to the frivolity of the authorities.

The political situation in her native Kazakhstan will resemble the situation in Ukraine. Things may come to the Maidan. Soon, Kazakhstanis will begin to move to Russia en masse.

The psychic considers China a world leader. Lyon's predictions in recent days indicate that by 2017, the Celestial Empire will have major troubles in domestic politics, and it will transfer leadership to Russia.

Regarding the European Union, its fate will not be entirely successful. The seer believes that today the leaders of many member states do not see prospects for being in the EU. There will be countries that want to leave it.

The soothsayer says that soon there will be no major destruction due to natural disasters. But it does not exclude volcanic eruptions, melting glaciers and mountain avalanches.

Lyon pays special attention to the moral education of society. Her predictions indicate that the nation's health situation has become critical these days. Drugs and alcohol, debauchery and gambling addiction are threats of today. The clairvoyant's predictions for the last few days indicate an increase in the consequences of these evils, such as suicides.

Modern Vanga constantly talks about the “Great Transition” that awaits our society. This is a kind of transformation into something more ethical and fair. The latest predictions of Vera Lyon instill confidence in the future and give Russians hope for a bright future for the country. We can only hope that they will come true.