Lyudmila Artemyeva children husband. Lyudmila Artemyeva - biography, information, personal life

Today, the personal relationship of the public's favorite is shrouded in mystery...

A Russian cinema star recently celebrated her birthday. The performer of one of the main roles in the comedy television series “Matchmakers” turned 55 years old. Lyudmila Viktorovna became famous for her brilliant performance in the projects “Taxi Driver” and “Who’s the Boss?”

Lyudmila Artemyeva was born in the GDR, in the city of Dessau, but her family did not live there long. The father of the future artist was a military man, so her childhood and youth were associated with several large-scale moves: when the girl was five years old, the family went to Uzhgorod.

Lyuda had to finish school in Lvov, then the family went to Leningrad, and after that it was finally time to conquer Moscow.

However, the frequent change of cities did not in any way affect the girl’s interests: from an early age she showed an incredible craving for art, and her acting talent was noticeable. Moreover, Luda skillfully parodied many famous people, and also often copied the behavior of family members, which could not go unnoticed by her parents.

At the family council, it was decided to send the child to a theater arts club, and there Artemyeva’s path to celebrity status began.

After graduating from school, Lyudmila entered the Shchukin Higher Theater School, charming the admissions committee and convincing everyone of her talent.

The girl persistently studied the skill and immediately after graduation she ended up in the legendary Lenkom. From that moment on, the actress began to gain popularity: theater, films, filming in advertising... Offers came one after another. Among these was the role of an intelligent grandmother in the Ukrainian television series “Matchmakers,” which the audience fell in love with from the very first episode thanks to its good humor.

It seems to many that, being in the image of Olga Nikolaevna, a stylish, principled and sharp-tongued woman, Artemyeva is playing herself. But the characters of the performer and her television character are absolutely different. Lyudmila herself has a wonderful sense of humor, she easily finds a common language with people and is optimistic about many things.

The only thing that brings these two women together is the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. Olga on the screen plays sports and tries to eat right (nevertheless, she secretly smokes); Lyudmila douses herself with cold water after filming; she has long become a vegetarian and has completely given up bad habits.

“Olga’s behavior is completely out of character for me. What you see in the frame is an accurate selection of actors, a wonderful style of the scriptwriter, a well-positioned camera operator,” the actress herself admitted in an interview.

But if the character’s character does not go beyond the television screen, then Lyudmila’s relationships with her colleagues partially convey the atmosphere shown in the series. According to the script, Olga Nikolaevna is constantly in conflict with her in-laws; in reality, there are also quite strained relations between Lyudmila Artemyeva and Tatyana Kravchenko, who plays the role of Valentina Budko. Communication did not work out from the very beginning, although on the set the actresses behave professionally and do not allow themselves anything unnecessary.

“I’ll be honest: we weren’t friends, but we didn’t have to pull each other’s hair. We just tried to communicate less - she and I are too different. She is a complex person, and I’m probably not entirely simple either. She irritated her with her loudness and assertiveness. Well, and she told me... Well, it was all behind the scenes. We worked as expected. Maybe, by the way, it was good for filming. We constantly have fights over the plot, so it all fits into the theme,” Tatyana Kravchenko assessed the situation...

Lyudmila Artemyeva has an adult daughter, Ekaterina, she did not follow in her mother’s footsteps. Katya is a professional translator. Her father is Lyudmila's ex-husband Sergei Parfenov, with whom the star divorced after 15 years of marriage - due to his problems with alcohol. Today, the personal relationship of the public’s favorite is shrouded in mystery: Lyudmila Viktorovna does not like to comment on this matter.

Currently, Lyudmila plays both in films and on the theater stage: we can enjoy the roles of our favorite actress in the Modern Enterprise Theater, in the production of “The Happiness Syndrome, or Lies under the Contract”, and in the play of the Central House of Culture of Railway Workers “Close People”.

The capable and artistic child was noticed everywhere, she loved to parody and did it very effectively, so that all the teachers kept repeating the same thing: “People need to go to the theater!”

As a child, Luda attended a drama club and singing lessons, excelling in both areas.

After graduating from school in the northern capital, the actress did not want to go to theater school, but decided to follow in her mother’s footsteps and study music professionally. So the first university for Artemyeva was the Leningrad Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory.

After studying there for a year, Luda came to her senses and realized that she couldn’t live without theater and cinema. She went to Moscow and successfully entered “Pike”.

The girl eagerly devoured all knowledge and was a successful student; some classmates even asked Luda to study with them. This is how she met Sergei Parfenov from the senior year, they saw each other every day and Lyuda helped him rehearse an excerpt from “Oblomov”. This was in the first year, and in the second year he already proposed to her.

In the third year, the couple had a daughter, Katya, and Lyudmila’s teacher Marina Ter-Zakharova, with whom she was very close, then helped her find a good obstetrician for childbirth.

The girl was sent to her husband’s parents in Tallinn, since it was difficult with a small child in the hostel; they came to see Katenka only on weekends. When their studies were nearing the end, it was time to look for housing and register, with which Ter-Zakharova once again helped the young people, getting them a room in a communal apartment.

Sergei has always been more talented, more successful and in demand in the world of cinema than Lyudmila. She was proud of her husband and supported him in every possible way. Sergei began to be invited to theaters - first to the Central Children's Theater, then to the Theater of Satire, and also to the theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

In the 90s, Lyudmila was invited to work in one of the most famous and prestigious theaters in Moscow - Lenkom. It was then that Lyuda felt the first pricks and coldness from her husband. Meanwhile, little Katya grew up. They decided to send her to school in Moscow, for which they took the girl from Tallinn. A difficult time began for cinema, and for the whole country - the 90s.

Sergei began to lose his job, he was invited less and less to filming, but Lyudmila, on the contrary, began to slowly climb up.


At first, Sergei simply took a sip from the bottle. Lyudmila tried to talk with her husband, but it did not help, quarrels occurred more and more often.

Katya watched the drunken showdown, and later, when Lyudmila’s patience ran out, she would take her mother’s side and support her decision to divorce. After fifteen years of marriage, Artemyeva and Parfenov ended their relationship.

Having started a new life, the actress decides to leave the theater and try herself in cinema. She is immediately noticed and put on comedic roles, which she successfully performs.

Already in the early 2000s, Lyudmila played the charming taxi driver Nadezhda Romashova, with whom the audience literally fell in love, so much so that they had to film four seasons! Later, Artemyeva embodied another bright character - the typical urban intellectual Olya in “Matchmakers.” On the set of the sixth season of “Matchmakers,” 49-year-old Artemyeva goes on maternity leave; as it turns out, she has been happy in her new marriage for several years and has decided to have another child.

But after a couple of months, the actress felt unwell, they urgently called an ambulance, but the doctors were unable to save the baby. After the miscarriage, Lyudmila was only with those closest to her, not wanting to see anyone.

But, like a strong-willed woman, she pulls herself together and continues acting, delighting her fans. Now she works a lot, emphasizes that she is happy with her new husband and does not hide the fact that she has not yet given up the idea of ​​becoming a mother again.

The heroines of Lyudmila Artemyeva are vessels that contain an explosive mixture of kindness and toughness, looseness and integrity. At first glance, these women are divorced from reality and at the same time know the most unsightly sides of life.

The actress claims that there are few parallels between her and the characters. The only thing they have in common is openness and gullibility (not to be confused with naivety). Therefore, Artemyeva perceives everyday and professional events as a “natural acquisition of experience,” regardless of the colors in which they are painted.

Childhood and youth

Lyudmila Artemyeva was born on February 10, 1963 in the German city of Dessau, where her father, Soviet Army officer Viktor Filippovich, was serving at that time. Lyudmila’s mother, Maria Avdeevna, was a professional athlete, was a member of the Ukrainian national track and field athletics team, but left her sports career due to frequent moves.

When their daughter turned 5 years old, the Artemyev family moved to Uzhgorod, where Lyuda went to school. True, I had to finish my studies in Lvov, since the head of the family was again transferred to the service. The girl had a bright artistic talent, skillfully parodied the behavior style of her friends, and other children were clearly envious of her.

The parents, noticing this, sent their daughter to the studio, where Lyudmila finally realized her creative calling. Already in her youth, Artemyeva begins to think about an acting career.

After school, Lyuda entered the Leningrad Music School in the pop department, and after 2 years she transferred to the capital, where she successfully graduated from the Moscow Theater School named after Shchukin. The girl’s mentor was Honored Artist of Russia Marianna Rubenovna Ter-Zakharova.


After graduating from university, Artemyeva began working at the Moscow Lenkom Theater. Lyudmila's theatrical biography was associated with his stage for 17 years. During this time, the artist played in 10 performances, including the famous Beaumarchais comedy “Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro,” as well as a musical production based on the works “Funeral Prayer,” in which the actress played the role of Golda, the wife of the unlucky milkman Tevye.

Anatoly Kot and Lyudmila Artemyeva in the play "Kiss of Fortune"

Among other Lenkom performances with the participation of Artemyeva, one can note the comedy “Dictatorship of Conscience”, in which her character acts as the lawyer himself, and the musical play “The Town Musicians of Bremen”.

The actress also played in a private enterprise. Thus, Lyudmila was involved in the children's plays “Carlson, Who Lives on the Roof” and “Snow White and Others,” where she played the roles of Freken Bock and stepmother. Artemyeva appeared in the play “Winter,” which was received ambiguously by critics. In collaboration with the Independent Theater Project Elshana Mamedova, Lyudmila appeared in leading roles in the plays “Moulin Rouge Hospital” and “Ladies` Night”.

Lyudmila Artemyeva and Eduard Radzyukevich in the play "Carlson, who lives on the roof"

Over time, Artemyeva felt that existence within the walls of the theater was too prosperous, life went on as usual. This state of affairs did not suit the artist; Lyudmila felt a desire to try something different:

“And you think, how can this be, what is this, and try, and find something else.”

The actress believes that the desire to change places and circumstances is a normal desire for a creative person. In 2003, Lyudmila left Lenkom.


The actress’s film debut was a cameo role in the film “A Scary Story.” The first projects did not have significant success. The turning point, oddly enough, was Lyudmila’s participation in the filming of advertising. The bright and memorable image of the owner Lucy in the “My Family” mayonnaise advertisement in 2000 brought long-awaited fame, as well as a prize in the “Best Advertising Image” category.

Lyudmila Artemyeva in the series "Taxi Driver"

Real national fame came after the release of the comedy-drama telenovela “Taxi Driver” by Olga Muzaleva. The image of Nadezhda Romashova, a cheerful single mother turning the steering wheel, was so loved by the audience that the producers filmed 4 seasons, as well as a New Year's two-part film “Taxi Driver. New Year GMT”, in which the characters from the series participated.

A bright comedic role allowed Artemyeva to star in the sitcoms “Who’s the Boss” and “Toys”. The actress also took part in the sports melodrama “Hot Ice,” the melodramatic series “Montecristo” and the good children’s film “Cinderella 4x4. It all starts with desires.”

Lyudmila Artemyeva in the sitcom "Who's the Boss"

The next round of Lyudmila Artemyeva’s popularity came with the comedy project “,” which started in 2008, and was a resounding success with viewers. The character of the “typical urban intellectual” Olga Kovaleva quickly won the love of the public. In addition to the funny series, the musical “New Year's Matchmakers” and the TV show “Matchmakers at the Stove” were released.

The enormous popularity of the project led to the start of a new sitcom “Matchmakers”, in which Lyudmila Artemyeva played the main roles.

Lyudmila Artemyeva on the set of the series "Matchmakers"

Many TV viewers recognize the artist from her character as a fashionable urban grandmother. Directors and producers have no doubt about Lyudmila’s phenomenal acting skills, she is offered new roles, and critics positively perceive Artemyeva’s performance in comedy films. The image of the retired housing office boss was 100% perfect, despite the fact that the actress admitted more than once that she was not at all like her character.

Lyudmila Artemyeva in the detective series "Crime"

On October 12, 2016, the Security Service of Ukraine banned Lyudmila Artemyeva and (in “Matchmakers” - the role of Mitya Bukhankin) entry into the territory of the state.

The State Border Service of Ukraine officially informed that such a decision was made “due to the possibility of actors crossing the state border of Ukraine through inactive checkpoints and staying in territories that are temporarily not subject to the jurisdiction of Ukrainian government agencies.”

TV viewers have repeatedly talked about the resemblance of Lyudmila Artemyeva to the Russian TV presenter. Rumors about the relationship that spread in the media were not officially confirmed by the celebrities themselves.

A television

In 2002, Lyudmila made her debut as a TV presenter. For 2 years Artemyeva hosted the morning program “Vprok” on the RTR television channel, later known as “Expertise,” where each time a small investigation was conducted into the composition of certain consumer goods.

In 2013, Artemyeva became a member of the jury of the parody talent show “One to One” on Channel One, in which stars of Russian show business participated.

Lyudmila Artemyeva in the show "One to One"

The optimistic and cheerful manner of hosting the show led Lyudmila Artemyeva to the TV project about fashion and beauty “Fashionable Verdict”, where the actress in 2013-2014 was the defender of the guests of the program appearing before the fashion “court” awaiting the verdict.

Personal life

While studying at Shchuka, Lyudmila married a fellow student. This marriage produced a daughter, Ekaterina, who did not follow in her mother’s footsteps and chose a career as a translator. After 15 years, the couple divorced. According to the artist, the reason for the separation was financial problems and her husband’s addiction to alcohol.

In 2012, the personal life of Lyudmila Artemyeva became the object of media attention. The media reported that the actress was pregnant. The woman was preparing to become a mother for the second time, despite her 49 years. Unfortunately, the pregnancy turned out to be difficult, and Lyudmila Viktorovna lost the child.

Rumors that Lyudmila Artemyeva got married again arise regularly, but the actress herself does not confirm this data. She fundamentally does not want to disclose any details to the public.

“I don’t particularly advertise my personal life. This is respect for my men, who also do not give me away. Private life is still private. This is what we live for."

And happiness, according to the Honored Artist of Russia, is to be happy now, at this moment, the ability to love and respect yourself, not to focus on your own fears and overcoming them.

Artemyeva’s daughter shares the same opinion; the girl forbade her mother to talk about her and show photos.

The celebrity does not follow fashion trends that are familiar to most of his colleagues. By her own admission, she didn’t go to the gym, she “loves beauty salons in the abstract,” and can’t stand social events. Sleep helps to stay in shape; Lyudmila tries to fall asleep at every free moment. Page in "Instagram", however, the actress has a start.

Lyudmila Artemyeva now

At the beginning of 2018, Lyudmila posted on social networks a photo of a traditional plate that was broken on the set at the beginning of the next project. This is how fans of the actress learned that Artemyeva was participating in the 7th season of the sitcom “Matchmakers.” Politics intervened in the process: filming was moved from Ukraine to Belarus.

The director of the sitcom, Andrei Yakovlev, admitted that after the 6th season he thought: this is the end of the film. However, interest in the comedy from the audience did not fade, and the actors asked whether there would be a continuation. Therefore, the producers decided to live up to expectations, and the actors immediately agreed to filming.

Lyudmila Artemyeva on the set of the 7th season of “Matchmakers” in 2018

According to the script, the characters visited Georgia and ended up in the 19th century thanks to the hero’s dream, the children gave their parents new houses, and granddaughter Zhenya met her loved one.

In October of the same year, Lyudmila went to Tver to film the series “My Darling,” in which she plays along with, and. The plot of the melodrama centers on a girl who was abandoned by her mother and therefore grew up embittered towards the whole world. Only once behind bars does the heroine find the strength to start a new life.


  • 1995 – “The Young Lady-Peasant”
  • 2000 – “Envy of the Gods”
  • 2002 – “Two Fates”
  • 2004 - 2006 – “Taxi Driver”
  • 2006-2008 – “Who’s the boss?”
  • 2008 – “Montecristo”
  • 2008-2018 – “Matchmakers”
  • 2011 – “Pregnant”
  • 2013 – “Understudy”
  • 2014-2015 – “Matchmakers”
  • 2016 – “Crime”
  • 2019 – “My dear”

Lyudmila Artemyeva is 49 years old, she will soon be 50, but she decided to get pregnant and give birth to a second child. Lyudimla Artemyeva, star of the TV series “Taxi Driver” and “Matchmakers,” officially announced she is going on maternity leave. Akrtisa will stop participating in filming; there is only gossip about the child’s father, which we will not report on the pages of the site.

Lyudmila admits that the reason and motive for the birth of a child was her daughter, who is already 26 years old, and she has not yet given her mother grandchildren, whom Artemyeva loves very, very much.

The suspicion that Artemyeva was pregnant arose after her refusal to participate in the very successful play “Moulin Rouge Hospital.” This play, in which Artemyeva had the main role, always attracted crowds of spectators. For each appearance on stage she received a good fee.

The producers did not understand Artemyeva’s refusal and asked her a question about the reasons for such an act. But she just shrugged her shoulders and confirmed that she was not going to play in the near future. The producers appealed to the fact that she was disrupting the production, putting other good actors at risk and losing their income. However, Lyudmila Artemyeva was adamant. They tried to take Lev Durov's daughter Ekaterina in her place, but the public stopped buying tickets. It was not possible to find an equally charismatic comedian.

Subsequently, Artemyeva said that she was pregnant, going on maternity leave, and the child’s father was a scientist.

At the moment, Lyudmila Artemyeva continues filming the new season of the popular series “Matchmakers”; the producers of the series do not plan to look for a replacement for her; she will go on maternity leave, but not for long. The film set workers are simply amazed at Lyudmila’s stamina and restraint; she demonstrates miracles of performance. They say that Lyudmila is ready to film from morning to night, just to finish the season faster.

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