We study birds for children 3 years old. Summary of a game lesson in the younger group

Sofia Mikhalchuk


Hello, let's stretch our fingers.

Fingers clenched into a fist, thumb extended

Thick and big finger

I went to the garden to pick plums

We expose the index

Index from the threshold

showed him the way

set the average, etc.

The middle finger is the most accurate

He knocks plums off the branch

Nameless helps

And little finger gentleman

Plants seeds in the ground

Today we will go to the forest. Who lives in the forest? (children's answers) Yes, and various birds also live there. Let's see which ones.

The teacher shows color illustrations of a duck, rooster, cuckoo, nightingale.

We look at the pictures, the teacher summarizes the children’s observations: look, a motley cuckoo, a yellow duck, a chestnut nightingale. They all have beaks, feathers, claws.

We discuss that the duck has webbed feet and therefore can swim, but the cuckoo cannot.

Let's now listen to the birds sing:

Physical education minute.

Let's dance to A. Yaranova's song "Zhu-zhu"

We sit on the pillows and perform the movements.

To the song "On the Sofa" by E. Zheleznova

Game "Guess the Beast"

Performed while sitting, hitting your knees with your fists. Rhythm1: We take turns hitting our knees with our fists. This is how a bear gallops (at a slow pace). Rhythm2: At the same time we slap our knees. This is how the hare gallops (at a fast pace). Rhythm3: At the same time we slap the knees, then with the right hand on the left knee, then again with 2 hands at the same time. This is how the hare-son jumps. Rhythm4: The fingers of both hands run along the knees. (And this is how mosquitoes run).

Now we show it again, tap the rhythm on the child’s back and ask him to guess who is jumping?

Creative workshop.

I give the children a bird blank and suggest that they make feathers for it and give it to their mother.

Material: cardboard and plasticine.

Publications on the topic:

Karepova L.Yu. teacher of the preschool institution “Raadiku”, Tallinn, 2017 A laptop or thematic folder is a homemade folder with various.

Spring has come. Migratory birds have returned from warmer climes. Their spring trills make your soul feel warm and joyful. To learn more about life.

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How do wintering birds differ from migratory birds? Beautiful pictures of birds, simple stories about each bird and questions for a quiz on the topic “Birds”. The further the progress of science and technology goes, the more disconnected from the surrounding nature our children grow up.

Sometimes they cannot say the names of plants and birds that are often found within the city, let alone the inhabitants of the wild forest, especially the winter forest, which children are even less likely to visit than the summer forest. Therefore, it will be useful for every child to conduct a lesson on birds in winter.

Thematic lesson for children “wintering and migratory birds”

A thematic lesson is structured very simply if wintering and migratory birds depicted in photographs or drawings are used - pictures with names are simply necessary for children, otherwise they will not be able to form stable visual images and remember information that is new to them. Visual perception is usually well developed already in preschool age, so you can start studying such material with preschool children.

A lesson on the topic of wintering birds traditionally begins with a simple question - why does it become difficult for birds to live in cold regions in winter? This is how we voice the main problem of the lesson and look for its solution.

Typically, children offer answer options indicating uncomfortable living conditions in winter: cold, fear of freezing. This theory is refuted by the fact that the birds have well-developed plumage, which means they are not afraid of the cold. (Let's remember goose or swan down, which is used to stuff down jackets - warm winter clothes that people wear with pleasure in any frost).

We gradually lead the child to think about what other needs each representative of the animal kingdom has, including birds. We come to the key need of a living organism - nutrients, and remember what is usually included in the diet of birds: insects, berries and other fruits.

Riddles about birds:

To better remember the information received, invite your child to play a kind of quiz - you ask riddle questions, and he names the bird and finds its image among the photographs. Questions could go something like this:

  1. A fisherman bird, a lover of small fish (kingfisher).
  2. He sits on a hill, guarding his prey. As soon as the fly appeared, it immediately appeared in the beak (flycatcher).
  3. It flies over the fields, over the meadows in the sky, singing a melodious song loudly (lark).
  4. This bird is not too lazy to look for bugs in the tree all day (woodpecker).
  5. It will crawl up and down the trunk until it finds food for itself (nuthatch).
  6. At night, a clever little warbler sings and imitates birds.
  7. In winter, it is clearly visible: you can’t hide its bright red color (bullfinch) in the snow.
  8. Bird of peace and goodness, inhabitant of the city (dove).
  9. This little gourmet loves large insects: he turns a bush of a thorny plant into a restaurant (shrike).
  10. In winter, he goes on a tour (schur) through the fir trees, larches, and pines.
  11. This nimble daredevil (starling) will find all the worms on the arable land.
  12. In winter, wherever rowan berries are preserved, you can hear its trill (waxwing).
  13. A girl lives in a hollow - a bright bird (tit).
  14. He builds a house under the eaves and lives happily in it (swallow).
  15. A small, nimble robin gallops across the clearing in search of food.
  16. He will find food anywhere, and if necessary, he will steal it (crow).
  17. Small and timid, lives near people (sparrow).

Such simple questions with hints help children learn basic information.

Migratory birds pictures for children

In winter, all insects hide from the cold - therefore, birds that feed exclusively on this type of food have to fly to warmer climes. This group includes (we show pictures and study birds that migrate from one climate zone to another):

  • The flycatcher is an inconspicuous-looking, but very agile bird. It catches its prey on the fly, stalking it from an open hill or other elevated area.

  • The garden warbler is a vocal bird that loves to organize night concerts, imitating the voices of other birds. It feeds exclusively on insects.

  • The starling is a well-known inhabitant of the children's numerous spring new buildings - birdhouses. It tries to settle close to humans, as it loves to eat fruits, grains and worms thrown to the surface of the earth during plowing. Sings well and can imitate the voices of other birds.

  • Swallow - previously lived in rocky areas, but has adapted well to life in the city. It is one of the dexterous hunters, capturing prey - insects - right in the air. A distinctive feature of swallows is the ability to build unique nests under the canopy of the roof of a building. These nests are formed from lumps of earth, which are glued together by the bird's sticky saliva. Soft bedding is placed inside - grass, wool. A pair of swallows can return to one nest for several years in a row, repairing it if necessary.

  • The Robin is a bright bird that prefers to live on the surface of the ground, in thickets of grass or low bushes. It moves by jumping, looking for worms, snails and other insects. Considered one of the most vocal singers.

  • The Shrike is a quiet bird that loves to feast on large insects. To make the prey easier to eat, she impales it on plant thorns or barbed wire, and then plucks off small pieces.

  • The lark is one of the loudest representatives of birds, living in open areas. Its color helps it camouflage itself from predators by blending into the general background of the grass and soil. Unlike other migratory birds, it feeds on the seeds of grass and cereals (wheat, rye, buckwheat, millet), which in winter cannot be obtained from under the snow cover.

  • The kingfisher is a small bird that lives near bodies of water. A fisherman by nature, he feeds on small fish, frogs, freshwater shrimp and aquatic insects (he can eat about a dozen small fish a day). Forced to fly away in winter because water bodies freeze over at this time.

Wintering birds pictures for children

But birds, whose diet is more varied and unpretentious, can constantly live in the same place. These include:

  • The woodpecker is a famous forest pest fighter. By extracting larvae and harmful insects from under the bark of trees, he thereby builds houses (hollows) for other birds and small animals - tits, flycatchers, squirrels. It feels great in the winter forest because insects go into torpor and it becomes easier to get them out.

  • The bullfinch is a handsome red-breasted animal, an inhabitant of forests, gardens and parks. In winter, its bright color makes it more noticeable, so there is a misconception that bullfinches arrive in our region only with the onset of cold weather. It feeds on seeds, buds and some insects. Of berries such as rowan and viburnum, only the seeds are eaten away, leaving the pulp.

  • Shchur is a close relative of the bullfinch, a singer by nature. It loves the seeds of coniferous trees, so in winter, uniting in flocks, the gar travel through coniferous forests, collecting crops.

  • The sparrow is one of our most well-known neighbors; it feeds on any plant food that it can find near human habitation: cereals, berries, tree buds and food waste. In winter, it needs human help.

  • The tit is a forest nurse who helps trees get rid of insect pests. In summer it feeds exclusively on insects, but in winter it willingly eats sunflower seeds, meat and dairy products discarded by humans.

  • The crow is a noisy omnivorous bird that loves to steal eggs or prey from other animals and birds. In winter, it often looks for food in landfills and garbage dumps.

  • The waxwing is a taiga resident with a unique wing color: the tips of the largest feathers on them are painted bright red, which is noticeable only upon close examination. Lives in large flocks, in summer feeding on insects (catches them in flight), berries and young shoots, and in winter on berries remaining on the surface, including rowan. Therefore, in the cold season, it often moves to country and garden areas.

  • The pigeon is a favorite of children and adults, who often pamper it with seeds and pieces of bread in squares and parks. It eats mainly plant foods, but in the summer it does not refuse insects. It differs from other birds in its ability to drink water, sucking it in, as a person does through a straw, while other birds have to take a few drops of water into their beak and tilt their head up so that the liquid gets inside.

  • The nuthatch is a small forest dweller that, in search of its main food - insects - climbs back and forth along tree trunks, including upside down. Closer to autumn, he switches to plant foods - seeds and fruits. It loves nuts and acorns, from which it extracts the core by boring a hole with its beak. It makes reserves from seeds, hiding them in crevices of tree bark and covering them on top with pieces of moss and lichens.

K. D. Ushinsky “Alien Egg”

Early in the morning, old lady Daria got up, chose a dark, secluded place in the chicken coop, put a basket there, where thirteen eggs were laid out on soft hay, and sat the Corydalis on them. It was just getting light, and the old woman did not notice that the thirteenth egg was greenish and smaller than the others. The hen sits diligently, warming her testicles; she runs off to peck some grains, drink some water, and is back where she was: she’s even faded, poor thing. And she became so angry: she hisses, cackles, she doesn’t even let the cockerel come, but he really wanted to see what was going on there in the dark corner. The hen sat there for about three weeks, and the chicks began to peck out of the eggs one after another: they would peck the shell with their nose, jump out, shake themselves off and begin to run around, rake up the dust with their legs, look for worms.

Later than everyone else, a chick hatched from a greenish egg. And how strange he came out, round, fluffy, yellow, with short legs, and a wide nose. “I’ve got a strange chicken,” the hen thinks, “and it pecks and doesn’t walk like us; wide nose, short legs, kind of clubfooted, swaying from one foot to the other.” The hen marveled at her chick, but no matter what it was, it was still a son. And the chicken loves and takes care of him, like the others, and if she sees a hawk, then, fluffing up her feathers and spreading her round wings wide, she hides her chickens under herself, without distinguishing what kind of legs each has.

The hen began to teach the children how to dig worms out of the ground, and took her whole family to the shore of the pond: there were more worms there and the earth was softer. As soon as the short-legged chicken saw the water, it jumped straight into it. The chicken screams, flaps its wings, rushes to the water; the chickens were also worried: they were running, fussing, squeaking; and one cockerel, in fright, even jumped up on a pebble, stretched out his neck and for the first time in his life yelled in a hoarse voice: “Ku-ku-re-ku!” Help, kind people, my brother is drowning! But the brother did not drown, but joyfully and easily, like a piece of cotton paper, he swam through the water, scooping up the water with his wide, webbed paws. At the hen’s cry, old Daria ran out of the hut, saw what was happening, and shouted: “Oh, what a sin! Apparently, I blindly put a duck egg under the chicken.”

And the chicken was eager to get to the pond: they could force the poor thing away.

Listen to the story by K. D. Ushinsky “Alien Egg.” Were all the eggs the chicken sat on the same? What was the greenish egg chicken like? How was he different from other chickens? What did this strange chicken do when he saw the pond? Why did the chicken start screaming and rushing towards the pond? Who was this strange chicken? Who did you like most in the story?

K. D. Ushinsky “Cockerel with his family”

A cockerel walks around the yard: there is a red comb on its head and a red beard under its nose. Petya's nose is a chisel, Petya's tail is a wheel; there are patterns on the tail, spurs on the legs. With his paws, Petya rakes the pile, calls the hens and chicks together: “Crested hens! Busy housewives! Motley-pockmarked! Little black and white! Gather together with the chickens, with the little kids: I’ve saved you some grain!”

The hens and chicks gathered and cackled; If they didn’t share the grain, they got into a fight.

Petya the cockerel does not like unrest - now he has reconciled his family: one for the crest, that for the cowlick, he ate the grain himself, flew up the fence, flapped his wings, screamed cuckoo-cuckoo at the top of his lungs!

Questions to discuss with children

How does K. D. Ushinsky describe the cockerel in his story “Cockerel with his Family”? What kind of comb does he have, what kind of beard, what kind of nose, what kind of tail? What's on the cockerel's tail? What patterns can a cockerel have on its tail? What's on the rooster's legs? How does a cockerel call his family together? How does a cockerel restore order in his family? Did you like the cockerel? Draw it. What will the cockerel have the brightest, most beautiful?

M. Zoshchenko “Smart Bird”

One boy was walking in the forest and found a nest. And in the nest sat tiny naked chicks. And they squeaked.

They were probably waiting for their mother to fly in and feed them worms and flies.

The boy was glad that he had found such nice chicks, and wanted to take one to bring home.

As soon as he extended his hand to the chicks, suddenly some feathered bird fell from the tree like a stone at his feet.

She fell and lies in the grass.

The boy wanted to grab this bird, but it jumped a little, hopped on the ground and ran away to the side.

Then the boy ran after her. “Probably,” he thinks, “this bird hurt its wing, and that’s why it can’t fly.”

As soon as the boy approached this bird, it jumped again, jumped on the ground and again ran away a little.

The boy follows her again. The bird flew up a little and sat down in the grass again.

Then the boy took off his hat and wanted to cover the bird with this hat.

As soon as he ran up to her, she suddenly took off and flew away.

The boy was really angry with this bird. And he quickly went back to take at least one chick.

And suddenly the boy sees that he has lost the place where the nest was, and cannot find it.

Then the boy realized that this bird had deliberately fallen from the tree and was deliberately running along the ground in order to take the boy away from its nest.

Questions to discuss with children

What birds do you know? Where do birds build their nests? Why?

Did you like M. Zoshchenko's story? What is it called? Who did you like better in the story - the boy or the bird? Why? Tell me how the boy found a nest on the ground. Why was he happy? How did the bird manage to save its chicks?

I. S. Turgenev “Sparrow”

I was returning from hunting and walking along the garden alley. The dog ran ahead of me.

Suddenly she slowed down her steps and began to sneak; as if sensing game in front of him.

I looked along the alley and saw a young sparrow with yellowness around its beak and down on its head. He fell from the nest (the wind strongly shook the birch trees of the alley) and sat motionless, helplessly spreading his barely sprouted wings.

My dog ​​was slowly approaching him, when suddenly, falling from a nearby tree, an old black-breasted sparrow fell like a stone in front of her muzzle - and all disheveled, distorted, with a desperate and pathetic squeak, he jumped twice in the direction of the toothy, open mouth.

He rushed to save, he shielded his brainchild... but his whole small body trembled with horror, his voice grew wild and hoarse, he froze, he sacrificed himself!

What a huge monster the dog must have seemed to him! And yet he could not sit on his high, safe branch... A force stronger than his will threw him out of there.

My Trezor stopped, backed away... Apparently, he recognized this power.

I hastened to call the embarrassed dog away and left in awe.

Yes, don't laugh. I was in awe of that small, heroic bird, of its loving impulse.

Love, I thought, is stronger than death and the fear of death. Only by her, only by love does life hold and move.

Issues for discussion

Listen to the story of I. S. Turgenev “Sparrow”. Who is this story about? Who did the dog notice? Tell me what the sparrow was like. Was it an old or a young sparrow? What happened to him?

What did the dog do when he smelled the sparrow? Who saved the young sparrow from the big dog? What did the old sparrow do? Was he scared? Why did he rush to protect his cub? How did the story end? Who did you like best in the story? Why?

K. D. Ushinsky “Swallow”

The killer whale swallow did not know peace, it flew all day long, carried straws, sculpted with clay, made a nest. She made a nest for herself: she carried testicles. I applied it to the testicles: it doesn’t come off the testicles, it’s waiting for the kids. I hatched the babies: the babies squeaked and wanted to eat. The killer whale flies all day long, knows no peace: catches midges, feeds the crumbs.

The inevitable time will come, the babies will fledge, they will all fly apart, beyond the blue seas, beyond the dark forests, beyond the high mountains. The killer whale swallow does not know peace: day after day it keeps on the prowl, looking for cute children.

Issues for discussion

Listen to the story of K. D. Ushinsky “Swallow”. Why does a swallow fly all day long and never find rest? What was the swallow doing? What is the name of the swallow in the story? How do you understand the words: “The time will come, the chicks will fledge...”?

N. Romanova “Smart Crow”

When I walk down the street now, I look carefully at the birds that sit on fences or run along paths. That’s why I immediately noticed the crow that I’ll tell you about now. She was unusual. Crows are generally different from other birds. They are like the “scientists” among them. The head is large, the beak is important. And they walk and do not jump like sparrows.

The crow I noticed seemed to me to have a damaged wing. And suddenly I see a cat coming out of the basement. The cat has cunning eyes, she sees everything, understands everything.

Now, I think, I too will see how birds and cats live in the wild.

There are sparrows jumping next to the cat, but the cat does not pay attention to them. Of course, this is a yard cat, she’s not like my Kotka - she won’t chase birds in vain. She knows that no matter how many birds jump nearby, it is still very difficult to catch them.

Another thing is a crow with a damaged wing. You can catch this crow. I saw that the cat fell to the ground and began to sneak around. Only the crow also sees the cat, and this is what she came up with: the crow comes straight to me, saying, protect me, don’t give me offense, drive the cat away. Then the cat realized that I wouldn’t let her catch the crow, she stopped sneaking around and pretended that she didn’t need the crow at all.

Apparently, all cats know how to assume indifference! After all, my Kotka put on exactly the same indifferent look when he wanted me to leave him and the cannon Vanechka alone.

And the crow began to climb the tree. Jump, jump, the sick wing gets in the way, but quietly, calmly, higher and higher... she climbed a tree, settled comfortably among the branches and sits there, dozing. In a dream, all diseases disappear. Maybe the crow will be healthy when it wakes up.

Issues for discussion

What does a crow look like? What color is it? What does a crow eat? How does a crow scream? Where can you most often find a crow: in the city or in the forest?

Did you like N. Romanova’s story “Smart Crow”? Who is this story about? How are crows different from other birds? What was unusual about this crow? Who wanted to catch a crow with a broken wing? How did the cat behave when it saw the crow? What did the crow come up with to escape from the cat? Who did you like in this story: the cat or the crow?

V. Bianchi “The rooks discovered spring”

Large flocks of rooks appeared in villages everywhere. The rooks spent the winter in the south of our country. They were in a hurry to come to our north - to their homeland. On the way, they more than once found themselves in severe snowstorms. Dozens, hundreds of birds were exhausted and died on the way.

The strongest ones arrived first. Now they are resting. They strut along the roads and pick the ground with their strong noses...

Issues for discussion

What birds are the first to arrive in our region in the spring? Where do they spend the winter? Listen to V. Bianchi's story about rooks. What happened to the rooks on the way? Which rooks flew first? What are they doing now? What are rooks looking for in the ground?

Summary of the educational situation for children 3-4 years old

Topic: “Let’s help the birds.”

Teacher of preschool educational institution d.s. No. 172


Guseva E.G.

Summary of the educational situation for children of the second junior group.

Topic: “Let’s help the birds.”

Age group: second younger group (3-4 years)

Type of direct educational activity: integrated type, educational areas “Cognition”, “Artistic Creativity”.

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about winter phenomena in nature, expand their understanding of wintering birds.



- to form in children an idea of ​​wintering birds;

To form an idea of ​​seasonal changes in nature;

Introduce a new technique of unconventional drawing (with cotton swabs);

Learn to solve riddles.


- develop cognitive interest in the life of wintering birds;

Develop gross and fine motor skills of the hands;

Instill skills in accurate work with gouache.


Foster a caring attitude towards birds;

Desire to help birds in difficult winter conditions;

Contribute to the unity of the children's team.

Materials and equipment:

Gouache, album sheets, cotton swabs, audio recording of Tchaikovsky’s “Winter Morning”, toy sparrow.

Preliminary work:

conversations about birds, observing birds on a walk, a teacher’s story about the life of birds, seasonal changes in nature, making a feeder together with children, explaining its purpose, reading works of art.

Progress of educational activities.

1. Organizational moment.

-Guys, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them.

2. Main part.

Educator: Guys, listen and guess the riddle:

I swept the paths and painted the windows.

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers,

The blizzard is walking.

When does this happen?

Children: In winter.

Educator: That's right, in winter.

How will we know that winter has come?

(Children list: it became cold, snow fell, trees were bare, ice on the rivers). Look out the window and admire the winter!

Winter has come to us:

There is fringe on the trees,

Frost crackles on the glass,

A draft is knocking on the windows!

Educator: Would you like to hear a winter song?

(The melody of Tchaikovsky’s “Winter Morning” sounds).

Children: The birds are cold, many have flown to warmer climes.

Educator: Yes, in winter the birds are cold and hungry, so some have flown to warmer climes! Do you want to know which birds stayed with us for the winter? Let's solve the riddles.

Small bird
Has legs
But he can’t walk.
Wants to take a step
- It turns out to be a jump.

The back is greenish,
The belly is yellowish,
Little black cap
And a strip of scarf.

The fidget is motley,

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

The most chatty one.

White-sided prophetess,

And her name is...

The paint is greyish,

Habit - thieving,

Hoarse screamer -

Famous person.

Who is she?..

Educator: Well done guys, you guessed all the riddles correctly! Now let's rest a little and fly like birds.

Physical education lesson: “Birds.”
Oh, the birds were flying, small birds.
Everyone was flying, everyone was flying,
They flapped their wings. (flapping arms like wings)
They sat down on the path,
We ate the grains.
Kluk, kluk, kluk, kluk,
How I love grains! (squat down, tap on the path with your index fingers)
Let's clean the feathers
To be cleaner.
Like this, like this
To be cleaner. (use your hands to “clean” your forearms, as if hugging yourself)
We jump on the branches,
To make the children stronger.
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
We jump on the branches. (jumping in place)
And the dog came running
And I scared away all the birds.
Shoo - let's fly,
They sat on their heads,
They sat down, sat and flew again,
Let's fly, fly,
Sat on your tummy
Let's fly, fly,
They sat on the shoulders,
They sat down, sat and flew again.
Let's fly, fly,
They sat on their knees...
They sat down, sat and completely flew away.

Educator: Children, someone is knocking on our window, who is it:

Chick-chirp, jump to the grain,

Peck, don't be shy!

Who is this? (Sparrow)

The teacher brings in a toy sparrow.


I am a cheerful sparrow

Little gray boy

Midges serve as food for me,

Crumbs serve as my food!

My days in winter are hard:

There is not a crumb, not a bug!

Guys, I'm barely alive.


You guys, help me

And save us from hunger!!!

Educator: Guys, how can we help our wintering birds?

Children: Feed them.

Educator: That's right, well done! Do you want to help our guest?

Children: Yes we want.

Educator: Let's draw grains for our guest sparrow so that he can feed his friends.

Educator: And before we start drawing, let's play with our guest so that he can warm up. (Finger gymnastics “walking” is carried out).

One two three four five.

We went for a walk in the yard,

They sculpted a snow woman,

The birds were fed crumbs,

Then we rode down the hill,

And they were also lying in the snow,

Everyone came home covered in snow,

We ate soup and went to bed.

Educator: We played well, and the sparrow was amused. Now let's start drawing. And we will draw with cotton swabs. Children sit at tables on which they lie (sheets of paper, gouache, cotton swabs). They draw grains (an unconventional drawing technique).

Educator: Here you go, sparrow, some grains, our children have prepared a treat for all your friends, now it will be easier for you to survive the cold.

We made a feeder

We have opened a canteen!

Tit, neighbor sparrow

This will be your winter lunch!

Children give their works to Sparrow.


You guys tried your best

I know the birds will be happy!

I also brought a treat for you from the squirrel, (nuts) thank you, children, for helping my friends and me!

Educator: Goodbye little sparrow, come visit us again.

And you guys, at home with your parents, also prepare feeders for your feathered friends, in winter the birds need our care!

To get rid of different insects

The blooming gardens did not die in vain,

Always, at any time of the year

Let's take care of the birds, friends!


Guys, who visited us today?

Why did the sparrow fly to us?

How did we help the little sparrow?

Did you enjoy helping the birds?

Summary of the educational situation for children 3-4 years old

Topic: “Let’s help the birds.”

Teacher of preschool educational institution d.s. No. 172


Guseva E.G.

Summary of the educational situation for children of the second junior group.

Topic: “Let’s help the birds.”

Age group: second younger group (3-4 years)

Type of direct educational activity: integrated type, educational areas “Cognition”, “Artistic Creativity”.

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about winter phenomena in nature, expand their understanding of wintering birds.



- to form in children an idea of ​​wintering birds;

To form an idea of ​​seasonal changes in nature;

Introduce a new technique of unconventional drawing (with cotton swabs);

Learn to solve riddles.


- develop cognitive interest in the life of wintering birds;

Develop gross and fine motor skills of the hands;

Instill skills in accurate work with gouache.


Foster a caring attitude towards birds;

Desire to help birds in difficult winter conditions;

Contribute to the unity of the children's team.

Materials and equipment:

Gouache, album sheets, cotton swabs, audio recording of Tchaikovsky’s “Winter Morning”, toy sparrow.

Preliminary work:

conversations about birds, observing birds on a walk, a teacher’s story about the life of birds, seasonal changes in nature, making a feeder together with children, explaining its purpose, reading works of art.

Progress of educational activities.

1. Organizational moment.

-Guys, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them.

2. Main part.

Educator: Guys, listen and guess the riddle:

I swept the paths and painted the windows.

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers,

The blizzard is walking.

When does this happen?

Children: In winter.

Educator: That's right, in winter.

How will we know that winter has come?

(Children list: it became cold, snow fell, trees were bare, ice on the rivers). Look out the window and admire the winter!

Winter has come to us:

There is fringe on the trees,

Frost crackles on the glass,

A draft is knocking on the windows!

Educator: Would you like to hear a winter song?

(The melody of Tchaikovsky’s “Winter Morning” sounds).

Children: The birds are cold, many have flown to warmer climes.

Educator: Yes, in winter the birds are cold and hungry, so some have flown to warmer climes! Do you want to know which birds stayed with us for the winter? Let's solve the riddles.

Small bird
Has legs
But he can’t walk.
Wants to take a step
- It turns out to be a jump.

The back is greenish,
The belly is yellowish,
Little black cap
And a strip of scarf.

The fidget is motley,

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

The most chatty one.

White-sided prophetess,

And her name is...

The paint is greyish,

Habit - thieving,

Hoarse screamer -

Famous person.

Who is she?..

Educator: Well done guys, you guessed all the riddles correctly! Now let's rest a little and fly like birds.

Physical education lesson: “Birds.”
Oh, the birds were flying, small birds.
Everyone was flying, everyone was flying,
They flapped their wings. (flapping arms like wings)
They sat down on the path,
We ate the grains.
Kluk, kluk, kluk, kluk,
How I love grains! (squat down, tap on the path with your index fingers)
Let's clean the feathers
To be cleaner.
Like this, like this
To be cleaner. (use your hands to “clean” your forearms, as if hugging yourself)
We jump on the branches,
To make the children stronger.
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
We jump on the branches. (jumping in place)
And the dog came running
And I scared away all the birds.
Shoo - let's fly,
They sat on their heads,
They sat down, sat and flew again,
Let's fly, fly,
Sat on your tummy
Let's fly, fly,
They sat on the shoulders,
They sat down, sat and flew again.
Let's fly, fly,
They sat on their knees...
They sat down, sat and completely flew away.

Educator: Children, someone is knocking on our window, who is it:

Chick-chirp, jump to the grain,

Peck, don't be shy!

Who is this? (Sparrow)

The teacher brings in a toy sparrow.


I am a cheerful sparrow

Little gray boy

Midges serve as food for me,

Crumbs serve as my food!

My days in winter are hard:

There is not a crumb, not a bug!

Guys, I'm barely alive.


You guys, help me

And save us from hunger!!!

Educator: Guys, how can we help our wintering birds?

Children: Feed them.

Educator: That's right, well done! Do you want to help our guest?

Children: Yes we want.

Educator: Let's draw grains for our guest sparrow so that he can feed his friends.

Educator: And before we start drawing, let's play with our guest so that he can warm up. (Finger gymnastics “walking” is carried out).

One two three four five.

We went for a walk in the yard,

They sculpted a snow woman,

The birds were fed crumbs,

Then we rode down the hill,

And they were also lying in the snow,

Everyone came home covered in snow,

We ate soup and went to bed.

Educator: We played well, and the sparrow was amused. Now let's start drawing. And we will draw with cotton swabs. Children sit at tables on which they lie (sheets of paper, gouache, cotton swabs). They draw grains (an unconventional drawing technique).

Educator: Here you go, sparrow, some grains, our children have prepared a treat for all your friends, now it will be easier for you to survive the cold.

We made a feeder

We have opened a canteen!

Tit, neighbor sparrow

This will be your winter lunch!

Children give their works to Sparrow.


You guys tried your best

I know the birds will be happy!

I also brought a treat for you from the squirrel, (nuts) thank you, children, for helping my friends and me!

Educator: Goodbye little sparrow, come visit us again.

And you guys, at home with your parents, also prepare feeders for your feathered friends, in winter the birds need our care!

To get rid of different insects

The blooming gardens did not die in vain,

Always, at any time of the year

Let's take care of the birds, friends!


Guys, who visited us today?

Why did the sparrow fly to us?

How did we help the little sparrow?

Did you enjoy helping the birds?