The procedure for determining the nomenclature of a map sheet. Scales of topographic maps and plans Educational map scale 1 10000


For ease of use of maps or plans, a certain assignment system is used.

When mapping large areas of the earth's surface, the map is drawn up on several sheets. A sheet of a separate map is a trapezoid, the base of which are segments of parallels, and the sides are segments of meridians. Individual sheets of a map united by a single notation system are called nomenclature, and the system of dividing cards into separate sheets is called layout.

According to the International Classification, the layout is based on spherical trapezoids obtained on the surface of a spheroid, dividing it by meridians through 6˚ into 60 columns. The columns are numbered in Arabic numerals from west to east, starting from the meridian with a longitude of 180˚ (opposite to Greenwich).

The columns are divided into parallels and rows at 4˚ intervals and are designated by capital letters of the Latin alphabet from the equator.

As a result of this division, a plotting unit is obtained, that is, a million-scale trapezoid.


The map sheet contains a point with specified values



1.1. Based on the latitude and longitude of the point, determine the nomenclature of the map sheet at a scale of 1:1000000 according to the international map layout scheme (Figure 1.1).

Rice. 1.1 Scheme of the international layout of map sheets at a scale of 1:1000000

By the latitude of the point, determine the letter of the Latin alphabet denoting the row, and by the longitude - the number of the column N.

We find the letter of the Latin alphabet denoting the series using formula (1):

Nр= (Bº:4)+1(1)

Where Nр- serial number of a letter in the Latin alphabet

Bº- latitude given by condition (here only degrees are taken).


=13, this number corresponds to the Latin letter M.

Nз= (Lº:6)+1(2)

Where - six-degree zone number

Lº- longitude given by condition (here only degrees are taken)


Find the column number using formula (3):


Where Nk- column number

Nз- zone number


1.2 Determine the nomenclature of a map sheet at a scale of 1:100000. To do this, a sheet of a map at a scale of 1:1000000 must be divided into 144 sheets of a map at a scale of 1:100000 and calculated by interpolating the latitude and longitude of dividing parallels and meridians.

Interpolation of a map sheet at a scale of 1:1000000 occurs in this way: we find out the difference between the northern and southern latitudes and multiply by the number of minutes that are included in one degree, then divide by 12.


therefore, the latitude of a map sheet with a scale of 1:1000000 is interpolated every 20 minutes. Interpolation with million-scale longitudes is done in a similar way.


interpolation of the longitude of a million-scale map sheet occurs every 30 minutes.

Rice. 1.2 Division of a trapezoid scale 1:1000000

For the example under consideration, the required nomenclature M-41-12.

1.3 Determine the nomenclature of a map sheet at a scale of 1:10000. To do this, according to the scheme (Fig. 1.3), we divide the sheet of a map at a scale of 1:100000 in sequence according to the scheme:

4 sheets 4 sheets 4 sheets

1:100000 → 1:50000 → 1:25000 → 1:10000

A, B, C, D a, b, c, d 1, 2, 3, 4

Calculate by interpolating the latitude and longitude of the frames of a trapezoid on a scale of 1:10000 and, using the given values ​​of latitude and longitude, establish the required nomenclature.

After we have interpolated a map sheet at a scale of 1:100000, we proceed to interpolate a sheet for a scale of 1:50000. Draw the square of the number separately 12 and in each corner of the square we sign the geographical coordinate. Then we interpolate it again. By latitude of the map sheet, interpolation will take place after 10 minutes, and by longitude after 15 minutes. In Fig. 1.3 you can see that our original coordinates fall into a square IN. Now we have the required nomenclature M-41-12-V for a scale of 1:50000.

1.3 Division of a trapezoid scale 1:100000

Now we move on to interpolating the map sheet for a scale of 1:25000. Using exactly the same actions as written above, we perform interpolation. Here it will pass in latitude in 5 minutes, and in longitude in 7 minutes and 30 seconds. In Fig. 1.4 our initial coordinates fall into the square b. Required nomenclature M-41-12-V-b for scale 1:25000

1.4 Division of a trapezoid scale 1:50000

Now we move on to interpolating a map sheet at a scale of 1:10000. Drawing a square b, where in each corner we indicate the geographical coordinate. In latitude, interpolation takes place in 2 minutes and 30 seconds, in longitude - 3 minutes and 15 seconds. In Fig. 1.5 our initial coordinates fall into a square 2.

1.5 Division of a trapezoid scale 1:25000

Required nomenclature M-41-12-V-b-2 for a scale of 1:10000.

1.4 Calculate rectangular coordinates and convergence of meridians in the Gauss-Kruger projection for the corners of a trapezoid frame on a scale of 1:10000.

First, using special Gauss-Kruger tables, we find the coordinates and convergence of the meridians of the corners of the trapezoid frame at a scale of 1:25000, which includes a trapezoid at a scale of 1:10000. The selection of data from the Gauss-Kruger tables is carried out according to latitude B and the deviation of the frame angle from the axial meridian

l=L-Lo (9)

where l is the deviation of the frame angle from the axial meridian

Lo-axial meridian

L - western or eastern longitude of a trapezoid on a scale of 1:25000



Write out the found values ​​on the diagram (Fig. 1.6.) When the trapezoid is located west of the axial meridian, the ordinates and the convergence of the meridians will have negative values. Then calculate the rectangular coordinates and meridian convergence for the corners of the 1:10000 trapezoid frame by linear interpolation between the corresponding values ​​for the corners of the 1:25000 trapezoid frame. Write out the interpolation results on the diagram (Fig. 1.6).

Rice. 1.6 Scheme for calculating the rectangular coordinates of the corners of a trapezoid on a scale of 1:10000.

Enter the found values ​​for a trapezoid on a scale of 1:10000 in the table. 1.1. having previously converted the ordinates (adding 500 km) and indicating the zone number in front.

Table 1.1

1.5 Determine the linear dimensions of the sides of a trapezoid on a scale of 1:10000 in the Gauss-Kruger projection using Gauss-Kruger tables. Select the dimensions according to the latitude of the northern and southern sides of the trapezoid, taking into account corrections for the deviation of the axial meridian lav.

ac-length of the northern frame of the trapezoid = 43.08 cm

ayu-length of the southern frame of the trapezoid = 43.12 cm

c - length of the sides of the trapezoid = 46.36 cm

D- diagonal of trapezoid = 63.27 cm

1.6 Carry out a graphical construction of a trapezoid frame at a scale of 1:10000.

On drawing paper in A-1 format, divide the coordinate grid (kilometer grid) using a Drobyshev ruler. For a symmetrical arrangement of the trapezoid to be drawn later, mark the starting line and the point of the mesh to be divided, taking into account the dimensions of the trapezoid frame and the coordinates of its corners. Digitize the grid for a scale of 1:10000.

Check the correctness of the mesh construction with a regular ruler; deviations of the actual mesh dimensions from their nominal value should not exceed 0.2 mm.

Draw the corners of the trapezoid frame according to their coordinates with control. Check the construction of the frame of the trapezoid by measuring all its sides and diagonals with a normal ruler or caliper. The discrepancy between the actual dimensions and their theoretical value should not exceed 0.3 mm.

1.7 Perform border design of the applied trapezoid.

Apply a minute frame at 10 second intervals. To do this, calculate the linear dimensions of the parts of the minute frame, corresponding to the dimensions in angular measure 1´, 45´´, 30´´, 10´´, taking into account the established linear dimensions of the sides of the trapezoid (Fig. 1.7). Place the obtained values ​​in the table. 1.2

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    Tasks for determining the nomenclature of cards

    Task 1. Determine the nomenclature of a map at a scale of 1:10000 based on the geographic coordinates of a point located on a given map sheet

    B=55 0 26"10" ( latitude)

    L=36 0 57"15" ( longitude)

    The procedure for determining the nomenclature of a map sheet.

    We determine the nomenclature of sheets of maps at scales 1:1000,000,

    1:100,000, 1:50,000, 1:25,000, at which the point with the given geographic coordinates is located: latitude B and longitude L. We draw a diagram of the layout of these sheets (Figures 10 and 11).

    1. Determine the nomenclature of the millionth sheet of the map on which the point with these coordinates is located. In latitude, a sheet of a map at a scale of 1:1000,000 occupies 4 0. Therefore, 55 0 26 "10" is divided by 4 0 and the number of the belt is found out, and by the number, the letter of the belt.

    If 55 0 26 "10": 4 = 13 with remainder, i.e. the fourteenth belt, and the fourteenth letter - “ N" In longitude, a sheet of a map with a scale of 1:1000 000 occupies 6 0, so the longitude value of the point is 36 0 57 "15" : 6 0 = 6 with remainder. To get the column number, you need to add 30 to the zone number and get 7+30=37. the nomenclature of a map sheet at a scale of 1:1000,000 will be N-37.

    2. Determine the nomenclature of the map sheet at a scale of 1:100000, on which the point with the given coordinates is located. Since a sheet of a map at a scale of 1:100,000 occupies a latitude of 20′, a point with a latitude of 55 0 26 "10" will be located in a strip limited from the north by 55 0 40′. and from the south parallel with latitude 55 0 20′.

    A point with a longitude of 36 0 57 "15", will be located in a column limited from the west by a meridian with a longitude of 36 0 30', from the east by a meridian of 37 0.

    According to Figure 10, the sheet number will be 14. Therefore, the nomenclature of a map sheet at a scale of 1:100000 will be: N-37-14.

    3. A map sheet at a scale of 1:100,000 is used as the basis for drawing maps and plans of larger scales. One sheet of map N-37-14 a scale of 1:100,000 corresponds to 4 sheets of a map of a scale of 1:50,000, designated by the letters A, B, C and D. A sheet of a map of a scale of 1:50,000 contains 4 sheets of a map of a scale of 1:25,000 (a, b, c, d). A 1:25000 map sheet is divided into 4 sheets of a 1:10000 scale map, designated by numbers 1,2,3,4 (Fig. 11).

    The solution to this problem is to select a map sheet of the required scale according to the latitude and longitude of the boundary parallels and meridians of the sheet and according to the given coordinates of the point. The nomenclature of a map sheet at a scale of 1:10000 will be N-37-14-G-b-4. The solution is drawn up in the form of drawings: on top is a sheet of 1:1000,000, divided into 144 sheets of 1:100,000, below is the required sheet (Figures 10 and 11).

    Figure 10. Layout of map sheets at a scale of 1:1000000

    in a map sheet at a scale of 1:100000

    Figure 11. Layout of sheets of maps at a scale of 1:50,000,

    1:25000, 1:10000 in a 1:100,000 scale map sheet

    Task 2. Determine the geographic coordinates of the corners of the trapezoid frame using this nomenclature:

    a) L-41-112; b) M-32-A; V) J-37-13-A-6.

    a) L-41-112(this nomenclature is scale 1:100000)

    1. According to the letter of the belt " L» determine its number Letter « L" - twelfth in the Latin alphabet. Belt size – 4 0, 12 · 4 0 = 48 0. The latitude of the northern parallel is 48 0 00". The latitude of the southern parallel is 44 0 00".

    2. Column number – 41. Zone number – 41-30=11. The longitude column occupies 6 0, 11·6 0 = 66 0. The longitude of the eastern meridian is 66 0 00"; the longitude of the western meridian is 60 0 00"

    Figure 12

    3. The 112th sheet is in the third row from the south and in the fourth column from the west. The latitude of a map sheet at a scale of 1:100000 is 20´. Therefore, the latitude of the northern frame will be 44 0 00 "+ 20" · 3=45 0 00". The latitude of the southern frame will be 44 0 00", the longitude of the eastern frame will be 60 0 00´+30´·4=61 0 30´

    b) M-32-A(map scale 1:500000).

    Letter " A" - this is the upper left part of the map sheet at a scale of 1:1000000.

    1. Similarly to the previous task, we determine the latitudes of the northern and southern frames of the map sheet at a scale of 1:1000000 M-32 Letter " M» – thirteenth, 13 · 4 0 =52 0 (latitude of the northern frame). The latitude of the southern frame is 48 0. The zone number is determined as follows: 32–30=2, 2 · 6 0 =12 0 . The longitude of the eastern frame is 12 0. The longitude of the western frame is 6 0 .

    Figure 13.

    V) J-37-13-A-b(scale 1:25000).

    1. Similar to the previous tasks, we determine the geographic coordinates of the corners of the trapezoid frame on a scale of 1:1000000 ( J-37) Letter " J" - ninth. 9·4 0 =36 0 (northern frame). 37–30=7, 7·6 0 =42 0 (eastern frame).

    Figure 14.

    2. We determine the coordinates of the corners of the trapezoid frames at a scale of 1:100000 ( J-37-13).

    Sheet 13 is in the second row (belt) from the top (from the north) and in the first column from the left (from the west). The dimensions of a map sheet at a scale of 1:100000 are 20" in latitude and 30" in longitude in accordance with Table 1.

    3. We determine the geographic coordinates of the corners of the trapezoid frame at a scale of 1:50000 ( J-37-13-A). Dimensions of this sheet: latitude 10", longitude 15". Therefore we have:

    Figure 15.

    4. Determine the geographic coordinates of the corners of the trapezoid frame at a scale of 1:25000 ( J-37-13-A-b). The dimensions of this sheet are 5´ in latitude and 7´ 30´´ in longitude.

    Map scale is the ratio of the length of a segment on the map to its actual length on the ground.

    Scale ( from German - measure and Stab - stick) is the ratio of the length of a segment on a map, plan, aerial or satellite image to its actual length on the ground.

    Let's consider the types of scales.

    Numerical scale

    This is a scale expressed as a fraction, where the numerator is one and the denominator is a number indicating how many times the image is reduced.

    Numerical scale is a scale expressed as a fraction in which:

    • the numerator is equal to one,
    • the denominator is equal to the number showing how many times the linear dimensions on the map are reduced.

    Named (verbal) scale

    This is a type of scale, a verbal indication of what distance on the ground corresponds to 1 cm on a map, plan, photograph.

    A named scale is expressed by named numbers indicating the lengths of mutually corresponding segments on the map and in nature.

    For example, there are 5 kilometers in 1 centimeter (5 kilometers in 1 cm).

    Linear scale

    This an auxiliary measuring ruler applied to maps to facilitate the measurement of distances.

    Plan scale and map scale

    The scale of the plan is the same at all its points.

    The map scale at each point has its own particular value, depending on the latitude and longitude of the given point. Therefore, its strict numerical characteristic is the numerical scale - the ratio of the length of an infinitesimal segment D on the map to the length of the corresponding infinitesimal segment on the surface of the ellipsoid of the globe.

    However, for practical measurements on a map, its main scale is used.

    Forms of expression of scale

    The designation of scale on maps and plans has three forms - numerical, named and linear scales.

    The numerical scale is expressed as a fraction in which:

    • numerator - unit,
    • denominator M - a number showing how many times the dimensions on the map or plan are reduced (1:M)

    In Russia, standard numerical scales have been adopted for topographic maps

    • 1:1 000 000
    • 1:500 000
    • 1:300 000
    • 1:200 000
    • 1:100 000
    • 1:50 000
    • 1:25 000
    • 1:10 000
    • For special purposes, topographic maps are also created on scales 1:5 000 And 1:2 000

    The main scales of topographic plans in Russia are

    • 1:5000
    • 1:2000
    • 1:1000
    • 1:500

    In land management practice, land use plans are most often drawn up on a scale 1:10 000 And 1:25 000 , and sometimes - 1:50 000.

    When comparing different numerical scales, the smaller one is the one with the larger denominator. M, and, conversely, the smaller the denominator M, the larger the scale of the plan or map.

    Yes, scale 1:10000 larger than scale 1:100000 , and the scale 1:50000 smaller scale 1:10000 .


    The scales used in topographic maps are established by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation “On approval of requirements for state topographic maps and state topographic plans, including requirements for the composition of information displayed on them, for the symbols of this information, requirements for the accuracy of state topographic maps and state topographic plans , to the format of their presentation in electronic form, requirements for the content of topographic maps, including relief maps" (No. 271 of June 6, 2017, as amended on December 11, 2017).

    Named scale

    Since the lengths of lines on the ground are usually measured in meters, and on maps and plans in centimeters, it is convenient to express the scales in verbal form, for example:

    There are 50 m in one centimeter. This corresponds to the numerical scale 1:5000. Since 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters, the number of meters of terrain contained in 1 cm of a map or plan is easily determined by dividing the denominator of the numerical scale by 100.

    Linear scale

    It is a graph in the form of a straight line segment, divided into equal parts with signed values ​​of the corresponding lengths of terrain lines. Linear scale allows you to measure or plot distances on maps and plans without calculations.

    Scale accuracy

    The maximum possibility of measuring and constructing segments on maps and plans is limited to 0.01 cm. The corresponding number of meters of terrain on the scale of a map or plan represents the maximum graphic accuracy of a given scale.

    Since the accuracy of the scale expresses the length of the horizontal location of the terrain line in meters, to determine it, the denominator of the numerical scale should be divided by 10,000 (1 m contains 10,000 segments of 0.01 cm). So, for a scale map 1:25 000 scale accuracy is 2.5 m; for map 1:100 000 - 10 m, etc.

    Scales of topographic maps

    numerical scale


    Name cards

    1 cm on the map


    on the grounddistance

    1 cm 2 on the map


    on the area area

    five thousandth

    1:10 000


    1:25 000

    twenty-five thousandth

    1:50 000

    fifty thousandth

    1:1100 000

    hundred thousandth

    1:200 000

    two hundred thousandth

    1:500 000

    five hundred thousandth, or half a millionth



    Below are the numerical scales of the maps and the corresponding named scales:

    Scale 1:100,000

    • 1 mm on the map - 100 m (0.1 km) on the ground
    • 1 cm on the map - 1000 m (1 km) on the ground
    • 10 cm on the map - 10,000 m (10 km) on the ground

    Scale 1:10000

    • 1 mm on the map - 10 m (0.01 km) on the ground
    • 1 cm on the map - 100 m (0.1 km) on the ground
    • 10 cm on the map - 1000m (1 km) on the ground

    Scale 1:5000

    • 1 mm on the map - 5 m (0.005 km) on the ground
    • 1 cm on the map - 50 m (0.05 km) on the ground
    • 10 cm on the map - 500 m (0.5 km) on the ground

    Scale 1:2000

    • 1 mm on the map - 2 m (0.002 km) on the ground
    • 1 cm on the map - 20 m (0.02 km) on the ground
    • 10 cm on the map - 200 m (0.2 km) on the ground

    Scale 1:1000

    • 1 mm on the map - 100 cm (1 m) on the ground
    • 1 cm on the map - 1000 cm (10 m) on the ground
    • 10 cm on the map - 100 m on the ground

    Scale 1:500

    • 1 mm on the map - 50 cm (0.5 meters) on the ground
    • 1 cm on the map - 5 m on the ground
    • 10 cm on the map - 50 m on the ground

    Scale 1:200

    • 1 mm on the map - 0.2 m (20 cm) on the ground
    • 1 cm on the map - 2 m (200 cm) on the ground
    • 10 cm on the map - 20 m (0.2 km) on the ground

    Scale 1:100

    • 1 mm on the map - 0.1 m (10 cm) on the ground
    • 1 cm on the map - 1 m (100 cm) on the ground
    • 10 cm on the map - 10 m (0.01 km) on the ground

    Example 1

    Convert the numerical scale of the map to a named one:

    1. 1:200 000
    2. 1:10 000 000
    3. 1:25 000


    To more easily convert a numerical scale into a named one, you need to count how many zeros the number in the denominator ends with.

    For example, on a scale of 1:500,000, there are five zeros in the denominator after the number 5.

    If after the number in the denominator there are five more zeros, then by covering (with a finger, a pen or simply crossing out) the five zeros, we get the number of kilometers on the ground corresponding to 1 centimeter on the map.

    Example for scale 1:500,000

    The denominator after the number has five zeros. Closing them, we get for a named scale: 1 cm on the map is 5 kilometers on the ground.

    If there are less than five zeros after the number in the denominator, then by closing two zeros, we get the number of meters on the ground corresponding to 1 centimeter on the map.

    If, for example, in the denominator of the scale 1:10 000 cover two zeros, we get:

    in 1 cm - 100 m.

    Answers :

    1. 1 cm - 2 km
    2. 1 cm - 100 km
    3. in 1 cm - 250 m

    Use a ruler and place it on the maps to make it easier to measure distances.

    Example 2

    Convert the named scale to a numerical one:

    1. in 1 cm - 500 m
    2. 1 cm - 10 km
    3. 1 cm - 250 km


    To more easily convert a named scale to a numerical one, you need to convert the distance on the ground indicated in the named scale into centimeters.

    If the distance on the ground is expressed in meters, then to obtain the denominator of the numerical scale, you need to assign two zeros, if in kilometers, then five zeros.

    For example, for a named scale of 1 cm - 100 m, the distance on the ground is expressed in meters, so for the numerical scale we assign two zeros and get: 1:10 000 .

    For a scale of 1 cm - 5 km, we add five zeros to the five and get: 1:500 000 .

    Answers :

    1. 1:50 000;
    2. 1:1 000 000;
    3. 1:25 000 000.

    Types of maps depending on scale

    Depending on the scale, maps are conventionally divided into the following types:

    • topographic plans - 1:400 - 1:5 000;
    • large-scale topographic maps - 1:10,000 - 1:100,000;
    • medium-scale topographic maps - from 1:200,000 - 1:1,000,000;
    • small-scale topographic maps - less than 1:1,000,000.

    Topographic map

    Topographical maps are those whose content allows them to solve various technical problems.

    Maps are either the result of direct topographic survey of the area, or are compiled from existing cartographic materials.

    The terrain on the map is depicted at a certain scale.

    The smaller the denominator of a numerical scale, the larger the scale. Plans are drawn up on a large scale, and maps are drawn up on a small scale.

    Maps take into account the “spherical shape” of the earth, but plans do not. Because of this, plans are not drawn up for areas larger than 400 km² (that is, areas of land approximately 20 km × 20 km).

    • Standard scales for topographic maps

    The following scales of topographic maps are accepted in our country:

    1. 1:1 000 000
    2. 1:500 000
    3. 1:200 000
    4. 1:100 000
    5. 1:50 000
    6. 1:25 000
    7. 1:10 000.

    This series of scales is called standard. Previously, this series included scales of 1:300,000, 1:5000 and 1:2000.

    • Large scale topographic maps

    Scale maps:

    1. 1:10,000 (1cm =100m)
    2. 1:25,000 (1cm = 100m)
    3. 1:50,000 (1cm = 500m)
    4. 1:100,000 (1cm =1000m)

    are called large-scale.

    • Other scales and maps

    Topographic maps of the territory of Russia up to a scale of 1:50,000 inclusive are classified, topographic maps of a scale of 1:100,000 are chipboard (for official use), and smaller ones are unclassified.

    Currently, there is a technique for creating topographic maps and plans of any scale that are not classified and intended for public use.

    A tale about a map on a scale of 1:1

    Once upon a time there lived a Capricious King. One day he traveled around his kingdom and saw how large and beautiful his land was. He saw winding rivers, huge lakes, high mountains and wonderful cities. He became proud of his possessions and wanted the whole world to know about them.

    And so, the Capricious King ordered cartographers to create a map of the kingdom. The cartographers worked for a whole year and finally presented the King with a wonderful map, on which all the mountain ranges, large cities and large lakes and rivers were marked.

    However, the Capricious King was not satisfied. He wanted to see on the map not only the outlines of mountain ranges, but also an image of each mountain peak. Not only large cities, but also small ones and villages. He wanted to see small rivers flowing into rivers.

    The cartographers set to work again, worked for many years and drew another map, twice the size of the previous one. But now the King wanted the map to show passes between mountain peaks, small lakes in the forests, streams, and peasant houses on the outskirts of villages. Cartographers drew more and more maps.

    The Capricious King died before the work was completed. The heirs, one after another, ascended the throne and died in turn, and the map was drawn up and drawn up. Each king hired new cartographers to map the kingdom, but each time he was dissatisfied with the fruits of his labor, finding the map insufficiently detailed.

    Finally, the cartographers drew the Incredible Map! It depicted the entire kingdom in great detail - and was exactly the same size as the kingdom itself. Now no one could tell the difference between the map and the kingdom.

    Where were the Capricious Kings going to keep their wonderful map? The casket is not enough for such a map. You will need a huge room like a hangar, and in it the map will lie in many layers. But is such a card necessary? After all, a life-size map can be successfully replaced by the terrain itself))))

    It is useful to familiarize yourself with this

    • You can familiarize yourself with the units of measurement of land areas used in Russia.
    • For those who are interested in the possibility of increasing the area of ​​land plots for individual housing construction, private household plots, gardening, vegetable farming, owned, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the procedure for registering additions.
    • From January 1, 2018, the exact boundaries of the plot must be recorded in the cadastral passport, since it will simply be impossible to buy, sell, mortgage or donate land without an accurate description of the boundaries. This is regulated by amendments to the Land Code. A total revision of borders at the initiative of municipalities began on June 1, 2015.
    • On March 1, 2015, the new Federal Law “On Amendments to the Land Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (N 171-FZ dated June 23, 2014) came into force, according to which, in particular, the procedure for purchasing land plots has been simplified from municipalities.You can familiarize yourself with the main provisions of the law.
    • With regard to the registration of houses, bathhouses, garages and other buildings on land plots owned by citizens, the new dacha amnesty will improve the situation.

    2.1. Types and characteristics of source cartographic material

    The geodetic basis of topographic maps of various scales is the state reference geodetic network - a set of reference geodetic points located throughout the country, the planned position and heights of which are determined in the corresponding coordinate systems with high accuracy.

    The geodetic, so to speak, basis of sports maps are topographic maps of scale 1: 25,000 and 1: 10,000, topographic plans of scale 1: 5,000 and larger, aerial photography materials, land management and forest management plans. Let's call them the original cartographic material. These documents contain a lot of information about the area depicted on them and characterize it from various aspects, depending on their purpose and technical capabilities. However, not all the information available on the original cartographic material is possible or advisable to use when creating a sports map.

    Topographic maps at scales 1: 10000 and 1: 25000

    These cards are intended for use in the national economy. In accordance with the basic provisions for their creation and the current symbols, the following must be marked: points of the geodetic basis and survey network, populated areas, industrial and agricultural facilities, railways, highways and dirt roads, hydrographic network, vegetation, swamps, borders, fences, terrain.

    The contours of vegetation and soil are depicted on the map if, at a given scale, they occupy an area: 4 mm 2 or more - significant landmarks; 10 mm 2 and more - economically valuable; 25 mm 2 and more - other contours.

    The purpose of the maps and the list of objects to be plotted on them already indicate that the objects of human economic activity naturally located in open areas without forest cover are depicted in the most detail and reliably on the maps. The forested area, which is of main interest for orientation, is depicted on the map in less completeness and more schematically. This situation is directly reflected in the requirements for the accuracy of maps, to which we will move on.

    The height of the relief cross-section by horizontal lines, depending on the nature of the terrain and the scale of the map, as well as the average requirements for surveying the relief are given in Table. 4.

    Table 4

    The height of the relief section and the average error in surveying the relief on topographic maps of scales 1:10000 and 1:25000

    Filming areas Height of the relief cross-section by horizontals (m) Average error of relief surveying (in fractions of section height)
    1:10000 1:25000 1:10000 1:25000
    Flat with terrain slope up to 1° 1,0 2.5 1/4 1/3
    flat with a terrain slope of 1 to 2° 1,0 2.0 2.5 5,0* 1/3 1/3
    flat, rugged and hilly with a terrain slope of 2 to 6° 2.0 (2,5) 2.5** 5,0 1/3 1/3
    Mountain and foothills 5,0 5,0 In the valleys - 1/3 of the section.
    Alpine - 10 on slopes - the number of horizontal lines corresponds to the height difference between slope bends

    *In forested areas.
    ** In open areas with slopes up to 4°.

    Within one sheet of the map, as a rule, the height of the section does not change. In exceptional cases, a diagram of the location of sections with different section heights is provided outside the frame of the map sheet. This circumstance must be paid special attention when working with topographic maps.

    On each square decimeter of the map, elevation marks of the earth's surface and 5-15 characteristic points (including water edges) should be inscribed.

    Average errors in the position on the map of clear contours and terrain features relative to the nearest points of the planned survey justification should not exceed: 0.5 mm - when creating maps of flat and hilly areas with terrain slopes of up to 6°; 0.7 mm - when creating maps of mountainous and high-mountain areas.

    The average errors of field survey justification points relative to the nearest points of the geodetic basis should not exceed: 0.1 mm on the map - for planned justification points; 0.1 height of the relief section - for points of altitude justification.

    The average errors in surveying the relief in open areas relative to the nearest points of survey justification should not exceed the values ​​​​indicated in Table. 4. In completely forested areas, the average errors in terrain surveying are allowed to be 1.5 times greater than for the corresponding open area.

    The average errors in the heights of points marked on the map should not exceed 75% of the average errors in surveying the relief.

    The maximum errors in surveying contours and relief and determining the heights of characteristic points should not exceed twice the average errors. The number of maximum errors should not be more than 10% of the total number of control measurements.

    Modern topographic maps of scales 1: 10,000 and 1: 25,000 are created by two main methods: stereotopographic (stereophotogrammetric) and combined. Both of them are based on the use of aerial photographs, their subsequent interpretation and transformation, condensation of reference network points and the introduction of contour lines and elevation marks on them.

    The stereotopographic method involves surveying the relief and drawing horizontal lines in office conditions using measuring stereophotogrammetric instruments that use the ability to measure elevations of points on the earth's surface by analyzing a stereo pair of aerial photographs of the area. This is the most advanced, efficient and cheapest way to create maps.

    The combined method involves shooting the contour part of the map using aerial photography, and the relief using the method of scale surveying (field work). The combined method is more labor-intensive and expensive.

    An analysis of the purpose, content, accuracy requirements and methods for producing topographic maps leads to the following conclusions:

    1. Topographic maps of scales 1: 10000 and 1: 25000 serve as valuable material containing a lot of information. They are characterized by high accuracy of the planned and altitude position of individual points, especially in open areas. These katas should serve as the basis for creating sports cards.
    2. The accuracy, and most importantly the detail and completeness of the image of topographic maps decreases sharply as we move from open, economically developed areas of the area to forested areas with dissected relief and large differences in elevation. The purpose of these maps does not include (and therefore is not provided for by the main survey methods when creating them) a detailed image of the relief with the identification of all its medium and small forms, especially in forested areas.
    3. Many years of experience as compilers of sports maps leads to the conclusion that the requirements of the instructions for shooting topographic maps in terms of accuracy (especially the heights of points and contour lines) are not always met in practice. Moreover, the likelihood of errors appearing on them increases sharply in forested areas with complex terrain. The relief of the same section of the topographic map 1: 10000 and the sports map 1: 15000 with a section height of 5 m is shown on maps XII and XVI.
    4. As a basis for creating a sports map, it can be reliably used from topographic maps: as a planning justification - roads, clearings, ditches (in open areas), clear contours of vegetation (especially clearings), individual buildings and structures; as an altitude justification - elevation marks and the total number of contour lines on the main relief forms.
    5. Taking into account the aging of maps, it is advisable to check the planned position of points, which are used as fixed points during adjustment, by field surveys with precise measurements.

    Topographic plans scales 1: 5000, 1: 2000, 1: 1000, 1: 500

    Topographical plans of different scales are intended for the needs of the national economy. They depict reliably and with the required degree of accuracy and detail, depending on the scale of the plan: settlements, individual buildings, industrial, agricultural, cultural and public facilities and public utilities; road network; hydrography, terrain, vegetation cover and soils, boundaries and fences.

    The terrain is depicted by contour lines, conventional signs and signatures of elevation marks of characteristic points. The height of the relief cross-section with horizontal lines, depending on the scale of the plan and the nature of the terrain, is selected in the range from 0.5 to 5 m. On each square decimeter of the plan (all scales), at least 5 point height marks must be signed.

    Average errors in the position on the plan of objects and terrain contours with clear outlines relative to the nearest points of survey justification should not exceed: 0.4 mm - in areas with permanent multi-story buildings; 0.5 mm - on flat and hilly terrain; 0.7 mm - in mountainous areas.

    Average errors in terrain surveying relative to the nearest points of geodetic justification in open areas should not exceed 1/4 - 1/3 of the section height; in forested areas these tolerances increase by 1.5 times.

    Topographic surveys of plans are carried out using stereotopographic, combined, and scale methods.

    Analyzing large-scale plans, it can be noted that they provide a more suitable basis for drawing up sports maps than topographic maps of 1: 10,000 and 1: 25,000, although they are not without their inherent shortcomings. Unfortunately, very few territories (mainly parks and forested areas of cities) suitable for orientation are provided with large-scale plans.

    Aerial photography materials

    The topography of the area taken from an airplane is called an aerial photograph, and the process of extracting the necessary qualitative and quantitative information from it is called decoding.

    According to the geometric structure, an aerial photograph is a central projection of the earth's surface onto a plane. Basic terms and concepts are shown in Fig. 22. The point of intersection of the optical axis of the aerial camera (AF) with the plane of the photosensitive layer (O - in Fig. 22) is called the main point and is taken as the beginning of the rectangular coordinate system of the image.

    Images taken with a strictly vertical position of the optical axis of the AFA are called horizontal, and if the angle is 2-3°, they are called plan.

    Rice. 22. Basic concepts of aerial photography:
    S - projection center, rear nodal point of the aerial camera (AFC); Aa, Be, Oo, Cc. Dd - light rays; o - main point of the image; So=t - focal length of the AFA lens; SO - photographing height; oh, in. o, c, d - image on the photosensitive layer

    The shooting is carried out with a longitudinal overlap of frames of 60-90% and with a transverse overlap of 35-40%. Thanks to this, all the images can be assembled into one “overlay” montage, sequentially overlaying (“overlaying”) images and combining identical images of objects.

    The exposed film is called aerial negative film, and the prints obtained from it by contact on photographic paper are called contact prints.

    The scale of a horizontal image is determined by the formula:

    where: H is the photographing height, I is the focal length of the AFA. For flat or slightly hilly areas, it is the same for all parts of the image, and the image itself can serve as a plan of the area.

    In a plan photograph, lines perpendicular to the direction of flight are called horizontals, and parallel lines are called verticals. The horizontal scale of the plan image will be:

    1/mr=(f/H)(cos a - (x/f) sin a),

    where: a - angle of deviation of the optical axis of the AFA, x-coordinate of the image point. In such a photograph, the scales in different parts are different, and the image of the area is not geometrically similar to a map. To eliminate the difference in scale, a plan image must be turned into a horizontal one by phototransformation. A photographic plan is assembled from the transformed photographs, the scale of which is almost the same in all its parts.

    A lot of information about the area is provided by two overlapping images that make up a stereoscopic pair. Looking at such a pair through a stereoscope, we will see the terrain, three-dimensional images of buildings, trees and other objects. The three-dimensional terrain model obtained using a stereoscope can be measured and the elevations between individual points on the earth’s surface can be determined.

    You can learn more about aerial photography in the book “Topography” by G.V. Gospodinov and V.N. Sorokin.

    From this point of view, a plan (not transformed) image is a “rubber” card attached to the tablet at the main point of the image and stretched to the edges, and the closer to the edge, the more. There are no folds or tears on the “rubber” map of a plan image, since its deformation (change in scale towards the edges) is uniform. Knowing the photographing parameters (t, f, a), we can calculate the change in scale, which for a picture measuring 30 x 30 cm and a scale of 1: 20,000 will be: at a distance of 10 cm from the center - 1: 21,200, and at the edge of the picture - 1: 22,500 Is this material suitable as a base for a sports card? Obviously suitable. After all, the “rubber” map of a plan shot is “pressed” to the tablet in many places (contours, linear landmarks, individual objects). When working with such a base, you need to remember about the different scales, do not make long shooting moves, but work by filling in the small cells of the base - there are a lot of them in the picture. It is impossible to transfer the relief to such a picture by directly copying the contour lines from the map, but it can be done using elevation marks and an approximate reproduction of the pattern of contour lines from the map.

    To analyze the properties of the original cartographic materials, let us return to the concept of a “rubber” map. It is obvious that any measurement on the ground and construction on a tablet is carried out with a certain error - it stretches or compresses the “rubber” map - and these errors are proportional to the length of the survey traverse. Having a topographic map as a basis, we, as it were, attached a “rubber” map to the tablet in all places where there are points on the topographic map with reliable plan and elevation positions, and with our measurements and constructions between these points we deform the “rubber” map much less, since on short strokes the errors are smaller.

    From this point of view, a plan (not transformed) image is a “rubber” card attached to the tablet at the main point of the image and stretched to the edges, and the closer to the edge, the more. There are no folds or tears on the “rubber” map of a plan image, since its deformation (change in scale towards the edges) is uniform. Knowing the photographing parameters (t, f, a), we can calculate the change in scale, which for a picture measuring 30 x 30 cm and a scale of 1: 20,000 will be: at a distance of 10 cm from the center - 1: 21,200, and at the edge of the picture - 1: 22,500 Is this material suitable as a base for a sports card? Obviously suitable. After all, the “rubber” map of a plan shot is “pressed” to the tablet in many places (contours, linear landmarks, individual objects). When working with such a base, you need to remember about the different scales, do not make long shooting moves, but work by filling in the small cells of the base - there are a lot of them in the picture. It is impossible to transfer the relief to such a picture by directly copying contour lines from the map, but you can make it using elevation marks and approximate reproduction of the pattern of contour lines from the map.

    Transformed photographs and photographic plans are geometrically similar to a topographic map - these are the most reliable basis for work.

    We know from translated materials that, for example, in Sweden, when creating sports maps, they order special aerial photography equipment from lower altitudes - 2-2.5 km (instead of the usual 5-6 km). The relief is drawn using the stereophotogrammetric method by operators who specialize in deciphering images for sports cards. The cost of aerial photography and operator work is about 15% of the total cost of card circulation. Obtaining this kind of foundation is, hopefully, not far in the future. In the meantime, it is necessary to effectively and competently use the available aerial photography materials produced for the needs of the national economy.

    Forest management plans

    Forest management plans have been drawn up for territories included in the State Forest Fund. They come in two scales: black and white - 1: 10,000 and color - 1: 25,000. Forest plans show in detail everything that relates to forestry: various clearings, contours of forests and clearings, boundaries of taxation plots, as well as main roads and streams and swamps (generally). The relief is not applied.

    In Fig. 23 shows an example of a forest plan. It depicts a forest divided by a system of clearings into quarters. The clearing system is most often built according to strict rules: clearings are oriented along the geographic or magnetic meridian, the side of the block is 1000 or 500 m, 1 or 0.5 verst (1073 m). In each forestry, the numbering of blocks begins with one, which is assigned to the most northwestern quarter (in the upper left corner of the plan). First, the top row is numbered, then, in turn, all the rest. The numbers increase from west to east. There are quarter poles at the corners of the blocks. Their sides, facing the inside of the blocks, have notches on which the numbers of the corresponding blocks are written. On quarterly clearings, sighting posts numbered in Roman or Arabic numerals are placed every 200 or 250 m. From them, sight lines are laid into the forest, marked on the ground by notches in the trees facing the inside of the sight line, and by milestones - sticks pointed at the top, about 1.5 m high. In dense areas of the forest, a clearing up to 0.5 m wide is cut along the sight line. , the sights are parallel to the clearings, but there are oblique and even broken ones, for example in block 2, in Fig. 23.

    There are hundred-meter distance markers along the clearings and sight lines. They are made on tree branches or pegs 50-70 cm high. Each horizontal line means 100 m, each inclined line - 500 m. Sights and distance marks can be used during field work after appropriate verification.

    On the plan, the forest is limited by a broken line (line 1-7 in Fig. 23), which on the ground corresponds to a shallow ditch or clearing. At the turns of this line, pillars with the image of a hammer and sickle and the letters GL (Goslesfond border) are installed. Almost individual trees and young growth often go beyond the border into the fields. All poles installed in the forest are marked on the forest plan with bold dots.

    Black and white forest plans at a scale of 1: 10,000 are stored in forest districts and are working documents. They contain all the latest data on cuttings, plantings, thinning and other changes in the forest. Clear and selective cuttings planned for the coming year are also marked on them. This information is very valuable to the map maker.

    Colored forest plans are published in a scale of 1:25000. Tree species are applied to them with conventional colors: - spruce - lilac, pine - yellow, oak - brown, birch - blue, aspen - green. Open spaces are white. A young forest is depicted in a pale tone, a mature one - in a more intense one. These materials are stored in regional forestry departments.

    By themselves, forest plans are an unreliable basis for a sports map, but in combination with a topographic map or aerial photograph they can be successfully used. Many points and lines are marked on them with a sufficient degree of accuracy (meaning plans of 1: 10,000), which can be used for field work. In addition, they can provide reference information useful to the compiler of a sports map.

    Land development plans

    Land management plans are drawn up for collective and state farm lands on a scale of 1: 5000, 1: 10000 and 1: 25000. Their boundaries exactly match the boundaries of the forest plans.

    Land management plans are used for agriculture, so they show in detail the boundaries of land - arable, hayfields and others. Pastures for livestock, wastelands and other lands are allocated. The boundaries of the forest, built-up areas, and the boundaries of areas inconvenient for agricultural use (swamps, ravines, steep slopes) are shown.

    As the main material for drawing up a sports map, these plans are of no value, but can be used as additional and reference material. Their accuracy is lower than that of topographic maps.