Character guides: shooter, warrior, mage. Second Promotion (Knight Class) Post-Promotion Opportunities

Description of flash game

Warriors and archers

Warriors and Archers

"Warriors and Archers" is a game for two, which is most suitable for boys, because its basis is battles and battles, and girls are not interested in that. You can also play it alone, choosing to battle against computer enemies. The plot of the game is that there is one knight on the battlefield who has a sword as a weapon. Gradually, on his way he encounters various zombies and monsters that need to be defeated. To kick or sword, the player needs to press the Enter key, and the path of their character can be adjusted using the arrow keys. The game has several levels, with each level the player’s task becomes more complicated, new opponents attack him, which are much more difficult to deal with. But gradually gaining experience, the user will be able to understand the rules of the game even better and defeat even the most dangerous opponents. The game is made in believable pictures and really resembles a horror movie, and the frightening music adds even more fear and interest to users. Plunge into the atmosphere of the game and defeat your main enemies!

They decided to “bring up” the old TERA classes to the level of the new ones. Did it work?

Gambling addiction

Online games are like people: they are born, grow, mature, acquire friends and property. And then they die of old age or incurable diseases. As they grow up, they also change shorts for a business suit, a tricycle for a car, and posters with ponies... however, let the ponies remain.

Over the past few months, a number of Arborea heroes have undergone drastic changes. How much did this help them? Let's go to TERA and look.

There's no use in running

The archer redesign was a long time coming. After all, from the very beginning, one of the main “causes of damage” was not actually one. Beginners, who out of habit chose the archer as a simple and effective class, were constantly disappointed in him and went to start again, with a different class.

And in November 2016, the archer was seriously changed.

Getting close to an archer is not as easy as it seems.

With the class itself, everything should be clear without unnecessary explanation: this warrior is armed with a bow and fights at a considerable distance from the enemy. Its slowing and stunning traps are designed to keep the enemy away from the carcass, covered in fragile skin. And if someone managed to get close, the archer can turn his heel into the jaw and instantly jump away. Thanks to his maneuverability and control techniques, the archer felt good on the battlefield. But he couldn’t shine as brightly in the dungeons. And two archers in one group only interfered with each other.

To use the most powerful skill, you have to stand still for some time. And this is quite dangerous.

What did the November update change?

For starters, the archer has become even more maneuverable: now he can not only quickly jump back, but also instantly reduce the distance to the enemy in front. The new “Pursuit” skill is very useful on the battlefield, where half-dead opponents strive to move beyond the affected area. The skills “Retreat” and “Escape” can now be given a direction: the archer has learned to recoil to the side. Thanks to this, he feels much better in dungeons where he needs to constantly move around the boss.

In addition, in dungeons, several archers no longer “knock down” each other’s trademark “Velika’s Brand,” which means you can be sure that a chain of powerful skills built in advance will work extremely effectively. And the “Achilles Heel” ability allows you to further enhance a powerful attack, because it will be counted as delivered to the back.

Archers can now stop worrying about base damage and focus on increasing their critical hits and speed. But the old rotation of skills will have to be changed: now the doubled “Lightning Strike” comes to the fore.

Master of Improvisation

Classical magicians are slow and lazy. They read their spell scrolls for a long time and in detail, while taking tragic and pathetic poses. It costs nothing to kill them, so classical magicians tend to hide behind other people's backs.

Korean magicians have nothing in common with them except mastery of the elements. Mages in TERA flutter like grasshoppers and sting like gadflies. For one “slow” spell, they have five fast ones that can be cast on the go. Dealing with them is far from easy: they have three bounces and several control skills, and in close combat they are far from helpless.

The “old” magician had a lot of advantages and only one drawback: they were terribly difficult to play. A magician in inept hands and an experienced magician gave the impression of two completely different classes. A couple of mistakes - and instead of crushing blows, pitiful pinches rained down on the enemies’ heads.

And now the update has changed a number of magician skills. New spells have become more powerful, and some of them are also faster to read. The visual effects of the hits also changed, becoming so colorful and vibrant that players began to make up jokes: “The duel between the magician and the reaper ended in a draw. Both of their video cards burned out.".

Magic girls have the most graceful stances in the game.

After a radical overhaul, skilled magicians confidently took the lead in damage caused. And it became easier for beginners to handle the Korean version of wizards. Moreover, both in dungeons and on the battlefield: you just need to remember that the magician is quite capable of quickly avoiding a blow and protecting himself with a whole set of shields.

You don't have to turn away

In January, the warrior's turn for recycling came. With him, everything turned out to be not so clear.

Jump, bounce, back, forward, pirouette! Two swords sparkle in the air and strike cold sparks from enemies. But the warrior feels best behind the monster’s back: striking on the sly, his swords reach the enemy’s most poorly protected points. The longer a warrior fights, the harder he can hit: some skills accumulate "Warrior Advantage", which is then discharged by one powerful skill.

With "Advantage" everything has become easier. Now it accumulates not on monsters, but on the warrior himself, which means he can easily switch between targets without losing damage.

As a bonus, they tried to make the task of “tanking” easier for the warrior, almost doubling the level of critical damage when attacking monsters from the front. Alas, even with this, the warrior did not become a full-fledged “tank”. He has a set of skills to increase aggression, but full protection is not attached to them: instead of blocking a blow, the warrior dodges it. This further reduces its damage. And having accidentally missed the skill, the warrior moves behind the enemy in one jump, turning the monster to face the other players. They are dissatisfied with this, because not only warriors are endowed with reinforcements from backstabs.

The characters in Legend of Heroes are diverse. Guides for the characters warrior, shooter and magician are created by gamers themselves, having gained enough experience. A guide to a magician, a guide to a shooter, a guide to a warrior - all these are three different training episodes that help you look at the passage from different angles, using the unique skills of a particular class.

  • Mage - A wizard trained in the use of destructive magic. In battle, it can attack not only nearby but also distant enemies, causing area damage. He is especially good in mass battles, turning the outcome of the battle with powerful spells.
  • Warrior - This guy wears armor and only attacks the enemy on the adjacent square. Despite its clumsiness, it serves as an excellent shield for archers and magicians who clearly lack armor. It is advisable to have several warriors in a squad, so as not to turn less protected units into “meat”.
  • Archer - his arrow pierces all cells located in front of him. If you place an archer immediately behind a warrior, you can kill your opponent. The main thing is to correctly place units on the field, without exposing those who cannot withstand it to attack.

Guides are written about these characters in the Legend of Heroes. And they will be needed, because fighting serious bosses without good preparation is suicide. Before embarking on high-level tests, it is necessary to literally go through fire and water. Along the way, you will meet demons and angels, a group of accomplices will be gathered, and the entrance to magical lands will open. At first you will have to fight on your own, but by completing tasks you can recruit as many as five allies. And not only magicians, warriors, and archers will come across on the way - healers, barbarians, assassins, keepers of secrets, and ninjas also willingly join the squad.

Little hint

Before the battle, warriors should be placed on the field. This is the only way to influence the outcome of the battle. Once the massacre begins, nothing can be done - all that remains is to observe what is happening and hope that the right tactics were chosen. The main task is to protect ranged units from direct attacks. This is done by heroes with armor, this has already been discussed.

Routine but important tasks

Well, after the battles, you will need to develop the castle, build mines, sawmills, farms, forges and other buildings traditional for fantasy RPGs. They are needed to create equipment, enhance the skills of heroes, and so on. By the way, there is a summoning statue that allows you to change the hero if you don’t like him.

Where would we be without PvP?

PvP battles are simple - just throw a team into the Arena and wait to see if they bring gold or the chopped up bodies of their comrades. Even if this is not so interesting, it is still effective, because a pumped-up team will bring a lot of resources.

When it turns out that the strength of the first advance is not enough, then there is a way out - to make another advance, during which the skills and talents of you and your companions: the sylphs and guards will change. The knight class will open up the opportunity to compete in strength with the titans and gods.

Getting a Promotion

As with the first promotion, several conditions must be met to obtain the knight class:

Class Branch force Intelligence protection durability
magician DD >=6000 >=1500 >=1500
Glanders >=3000 >=3000 >=3000
warrior DD >=6000 >=1500 >=1500
glanders >=3000 >=3000 >=3000
archer DD >=7000 >=1000 >=1000
Glanders >=4000 >=2500 >=2500

DD is a branch of skills where the emphasis is on high damage, Sap is a branch containing skills to support yourself and the team. The ellipsis means that the parameter value does not matter. The table shows the minimum requirements that tattoo benefits must meet. For example:

With these parameters, an archer can already advance to the knight class for the DD branch.

3. Approach NPC Brad in the sky city, from whom the skill branch is actually selected.

After you have promoted to the knight class, the character’s old skills and talents are no longer available to you (except for the active talent Sacred Seal). As you know, among these skills and talents there are those that increase basic characteristics such as defense durability and intelligence. After they disappear, the basic characteristics associated with them will also decrease, which will inevitably be reflected in the battle rating. But it is not all that bad. Each class has two skills that are present in each branch. Each such skill, in addition to an active property, also has a passive one that increases basic characteristics. But this is not a problem, if for magicians and warriors after advancement the BR remains approximately at the same level or becomes even higher, then for archers the BR drops due to the fact that less health is added by the new skill than before. But archers will have interesting damage skills.

There is no point in accumulating experience like for previous promotions. At the moment of promotion, it is completely canceled and you will start from the lowest level of the knight class. Right away you will have 10 points to distribute among skills and one more point in general skills (which are in both branches), and you will also receive one skill point every 4 levels. There are also 80 levels divided into 8 titles with 10 steps:

  • Junior Warrior/Archer/Mage
  • Average warrior/archer/mage
  • Supreme Warrior/Archer/Mage
  • Baron Warrior/Archer/Mage
  • Viscount Warrior/Archer/Mage
  • Count Warrior/Archer/Mage
  • Marquis Warrior/Archer/Mage
  • Duke Warrior/Archer/Mage

Opportunities after promotion

  • New skills and talents.
  • Holy Gifts are sylph tools that can greatly enhance double sylphs.
  • More Powerful Guardians - Guardian Spirits can be summoned (created).
  • The Titan skill system becomes available.
  • In the outlands on the island of titans the following become available: Temple of the Titans, Gate of Time, Bottomless Pool.
  • New events become available in the Hall of Heroes:
    Part 1: Swamp of Epidemics, Black Pit
    events: Abandoned ring, Temple of the Holy Sacrament.
  • Ability to upgrade equipment to titled equipment.

In general, after advancement, it becomes possible to strengthen the properties of the character, sylph and guardian, and new ways open up for this.

Don't know what to do with adamant? Then we go to you!

Hi all!

In the last article we looked at it, but today we got to talents.

And here I will tell you - there is something to see and something to talk about...

Prerequisites and old talents:

Let me remind you that you will have access to Knighthood talents only after you have fully upgraded the previous “regular” and “advanced” talents. And here a rather interesting paradox arises...

The fact is that you will lose access to old talents (naturally, if you activate Knighthood). This is understandable, since most of them are tied to old skills - and if they are not there, then talents are not needed.

But the old talents themselves do not disappear anywhere. The tab with them still exists, although it is not accessible.

And how, in this case, will things stand, for example, with such talents of the same Warrior as Iron Wall or Steadfast?

Will they stack with new ones or just exist in their own parallel universe..?

Cost of new Knighthood talents:

Before moving on to the description, it should be noted that the new talents for all classes are absolutely the same. Whether you are a Mage, a Warrior or an Archer, there is and will not be any difference.

The problem here, in my opinion, is that you have to choose which talent to level up first. Why choose? It's simple - upgrading talents in the Knight class is paid.

Cosmos from calculated the price you need to pay in order to level up all seven talents to level 10.

Hold on tightly to chairs and if you are holding breakable objects in your hands, you better put them down. So... the price is 3,073,000. Three million adamant!

Even if we take into account that both real and bonus adamants are accepted for payment, in my opinion this is too much. By the way, in our version you can safely multiply this amount by 3 (do you think it will be less? Remember what I said about the price for merging sylphs - our “Chinese” will not miss theirs).

Well, after such a long (but undoubtedly important) preface, it’s time to finally move on to the talents themselves.


First there are 3 talents for elemental defense and it immediately catches your eye that they are grouped somehow strangely: Light + Water, Dark + Fire and Electro + Wind.

Light & Water Resistance.

As the same Cosmos writes, 10% is added for each level, so I will give only levels 1 and 10.
At level 1 protection from Light and Water increases by 10%. At level 10 100%

/Just in case, I’ll clarify that here, of course, we mean the bonus from your protection crystals. If you don’t have crystals for Water, then the bonus from the talent will not give you anything./

Dark & ​​Fire Resistance.

Similar to the previous one, increases your defense against Darkness and Fire from 10% to 100%.

Electro & Wind Resistance.

Increases your defense against Electro and Wind from 10% to 100%.

To be honest, it is completely unclear to me why such a division was made. The pairs Fire + Electro, Light + Darkness and Wind + Water would look much more logical. The only explanation is to force you to upgrade (read buy) all the talents in order to get the necessary protection.

Intensity & Crit.

Increases Crit. hit and Damage to players from 10% to 100%.

RES Reduction.

Increases the bonus from your Will Crystals from 10% to 100%.

Influence & Penetration.

Increases the bonus from your Resolve and Penetration stats from 10% to 100%.

Tenacity & Block.

Increases your Damage to Players and Block Rating from 10% to 100%.

Here everything is simple and clear - first of all, download RES Reduction, and the rest is optional.

What else can be said... at first glance it may seem that the top players (donators) will benefit more from Knighthood's talents. After all, the higher the characteristics, the greater the bonus you get from the talent %. But upon closer examination, it turns out that not everything is so simple:

  • Damage from players and Damage to players. These indicators do not depend on the donation, but are exclusively bonuses from the PvP medal (although pumping up a new medal is carried out practically with the help of one adamant).
  • Determination and Penetration. Penetration, in my opinion, is a very dubious characteristic, and you can’t really “accelerate” it, so the bonus from it will not be significant. Determination... here everything largely depends on the events in which there will be rewards for leveling it up.
  • Crete. and Block. These two characteristics are also regulated almost exclusively by gems and astrals.
  • Well it remains increasing bonuses from will crystals(reducing resistance). It is likely that by the time this patch reaches us, the difference in crystals between “average” players and top players will not be too big. Who knows though...

Despite the fact that the above characteristics do not depend too much on the investment of adamant, but due to a clever move by the developers, who guessed to divide the talents into “inconvenient” pairs, all of them turn out to be mandatory for leveling up. And of course price matters here.

That's probably all I wanted to tell you about the new Knight class talents on Wartune. Write in the comments what you think about this.