The meaning of the word "palm" Phraseologisms with the word “hand” and their meaning (with examples) Bible Dictionary for the Russian Canonical Bible

Anyone who understands Russian at least a little, please help... I need it very urgently and got the best answer

Answer from Lyudmila Shepeleva[guru]
Lexic. norm - the norm of using words in accordance with their meaning.
1) The use of a phraseological unit without taking into account its semantics distorts the meaning of the statement. So, A.S. Pushkin, having read “Answer to Gnedich” by K.N. Batyushkov, against the lines Your friend will forever give his heart to you, remarked: “Batyushkov will marry Gnedich!” Pushkin A. S. Complete works: In 16 volumes. M., 1949. T. 12. P. 275..
The use of phraseological units with a certain stylistic connotation may conflict with the content and style of the work. For example: He rushed about, looking for salvation. He came up with a touching story to justify himself, but it sounded like the swan song of this hardened scoundrel. The phraseological unit swan song, which contains a positive assessment, a sympathetic attitude towards the person being spoken about, is stylistically inappropriate in this context.
The decision of the meeting is stated in black and white... Or: A difficult life path befell Vasily Timofeevich. You can write in black and white, the path is taken, chosen. The choice of verbs in such cases “undermines” the imagery of phraseological combinations.
A prerequisite for the correct use of phraseological units is strict adherence to the peculiarities of their compatibility with the words of the context. Thus, the phraseological unit publish can only be used in combination with the names of printed publications. Therefore, the proposal is stylistically incorrect. The Musical Theater released the ballet “The Lonely Sail Whitens”; in this case, I should have written staged a ballet... or prepared the premiere... The following phrase is stylistically incorrect: Life, as in the palm of your hand, passed in public (the phraseological unit, as in the palm of your hand, requires the word visible).
When using phraseological units, various errors are often combined. Thus, a change in the lexical composition of a phraseological unit is accompanied by a distortion of figurative meaning. Some errors associated with the distortion of the composition of a phraseological unit and its figurative meaning are widespread in speech [At least there is a stake on the head of a scratch (you should: tesh - from the verb to cut); Bring to the white knee (necessary: ​​to white heat)] .
The reason for the incorrect use of phraseological units in speech may be the contamination of elements of various set expressions. For example: The tongue doesn’t rise to talk about it... The author combined the well-known phraseological units “the tongue does not turn” and “the hand does not rise” - a noun from the first phraseological unit, and a verb from the second. Also: “take action” (from take action and take steps), “pay attention” (from pay attention and give importance), “exert significance” (from influence and give importance).
Morphological norms and norms for using parts of speech in the correct form.
a) In noun. -a lot of partisans, dresses, stockings, tomatoes.
b) In attached. -more beautiful, the highest,
c) in number - by two thousand and five, five girlfriends by March 8th.
d) pronoun. -her dress, I’m going from her, on how many pages.
e) verb - hang, put, went blind

Right in the palm of your hand Razg. Unism. Very clear, distinct. With verb. nesov. and owls type: to be located, to appear, to appear... how? in full view.

In good weather, from the Ostankino TV tower the whole of Moscow is visible at a glance.

From above, Taras Bulba could see everything clearly. (N. Gogol.)

Zhilin... walked thirty steps, and saw that the forest ended. I went out to the edge - it was quite light; the steppe and the fortress are in full view before him... (L. Tolstoy.)

The Caucasus was all in full view... (B. Pasternak.)

The apiary was clearly visible from the hill - a gray hut with a rickety chimney... (V. Shukshin.)

(?) Most likely, the phrase is related to palmistry, according to which the course of a person’s life and inner world are determined by the nature of the lines on the palm of his hand.

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .


See what “at your fingertips” is in other dictionaries:

    in full view- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    in full view- (visible) openly, clearly Wed. I advised my friend to settle... with the village headman, so that his whole life, as it is, in every detail, would be in full view before the authorities. Ch. Uspensky. God tolerates sins. Suspects. Wed. I have, brother... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    In full view- Razg. Express 1. Very clearly, completely distinctly (to see, to be visible). From the other side of the house, facing the courtyards, she could see everything that was happening in the large courtyard, in the people's room, in the kitchen, in the hayloft, in the stables, in the cellars. She had it all... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    In full view- Like in the palm of your hand (visible) openly, clearly. Wed. I advised my friend to settle... with the village elder, so that his whole life, as it is, in all its details, would be in full view before the authorities. Ch. Uspensky. God tolerates sins... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

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    The matter is clear in the palm of your hand.- see. Apparently it’s like the sun in the sky... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

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  • , . Palmistry (from the Greek cheir - “hand”, manteia - “prediction”, “fortune telling”) has been known since ancient times. By the configuration of the fingers, the nature of the hills in the palm, the location and pattern of the lines... Buy for 774 rubles
  • Encyclopedia of Palmistry. Your destiny is in full view. Palmistry (from the Greek cheir - “hand”, manteia - “prediction”, “fortune telling”) has been known since ancient times. By the configuration of the fingers, the nature of the hills in the palm, the location and pattern of the lines...

Phraseologism is what makes a language special, mysterious and difficult for foreigners. Even if its main component is a banal part of the body (for example, a hand).

Lexical meaning

Without a noun, of course, you can’t get anywhere.

  1. First of all, it is a part of the body, or rather a limb, of a human or primate from the shoulder to the tips of the fingers.
  2. Part of an object or object that somewhat resembles a human hand.
  3. A writing style, a working style that is different from others.
  4. Influential, strong, rich patron.

What is a phraseological unit

Phraseologism (with the word “hand,” for example) is a stable unit that makes speech flowery, varied, interesting and colorful. To understand this unit of speech thoroughly and correctly grasp all the nuances of the context is possible only for a person who has lived in this linguistic environment all his life or for many years.

TOP 10 phraseological units with the word "hand"

Throughout the day, without noticing it, we use hundreds of common expressions. Phraseologisms with the word “hand” occupy not the last place among them.

Here are the most used and popular ones:

  1. It's just a stone's throw away - very close, within sight.
  2. Third-hand - from a stranger, through an intermediary.
  3. To take over - to appropriate without asking, using cunning or deception, to steal.
  4. washes - about people who have entered into a conspiracy or know something bad about each other and are covering for each other; also about mutually beneficial cooperation.
  5. A jack of all trades is a versatile craftsman who can do a lot of things and do them well.
  6. Raise your hand - hit, encroach, indicate your right (in a negative sense).
  7. To lend a hand - to take part, to provide assistance.
  8. A furry paw is an influential, omnipotent or wealthy patron.
  9. In a hurry - quickly, without trying, clumsily.
  10. To get under your arm means to interfere, to be annoying, to distract.

50 phraseological units with the word "hand" and their approximate meaning

In fact, there are many more:

  1. Pull yourself together - control your nerves, calm down.
  2. Out of hand - terribly bad, unsatisfactory.
  3. Have it at hand - in close proximity, at a short distance.
  4. To wash one’s hands means to withdraw oneself, to renounce, to absolve oneself of all responsibility.
  5. Carrying in your arms means warmly and tenderly caring for, protecting.
  6. As soon as it came off, it went away quickly and healed; helped effectively (about a medicine or folk remedy).
  7. Without resting your hands - without fatigue, without rest, for wear and tear.
  8. To fall under the hot hand is to be punished for nothing, for nothing, just because someone previously angered the person.
  9. The hand will not rise - it will not dare, it will not dare.
  10. Hand in hand - close.
  11. My hands don’t get around to it - there’s never, never enough time.
  12. My hands are itching - I really want to.
  13. It's a stone's throw - close enough.
  14. Grasping with both hands means really wanting, cherishing, afraid of losing.
  15. To rake in the heat with someone else's hands - to appropriate the result of someone else's work, to provoke someone to take an action that is beneficial to you.
  16. Golden hands are an excellent master.
  17. Long arms mean great opportunities (in a negative sense).
  18. Both left hands are incompetent.
  19. Like having no hands, it is necessary, something you can’t do without.
  20. To give up - to despair, to be disappointed, to give up.
  21. To get better at it means to acquire a skill, gain experience, develop a skill.
  22. To commit suicide is to commit suicide.
  23. To give up means to despair, to be disappointed, to give up on what you have planned.
  24. Handwrite - write with a pen, pencil, or felt-tip pen.
  25. Give a hand - say hello, help (antonym - do not communicate, despise).
  26. To be caught in the hand is to be caught red-handed, to be caught.
  27. A heavy hand is a good, strong, powerful blow.
  28. Shake hands - agree, make a deal.
  29. Clean hands means an honest person with a clear conscience.
  30. From hand to hand - personally, without intermediaries.
  31. Not by hand - inconvenient.
  32. Hand on heart - sincerely, openly, without deception.
  33. To spread your hands means to be at a loss, to be surprised.
  34. With a light hand - on someone’s successful initiative.
  35. Rubbing your hands means gloating, rejoicing (in a negative sense).
  36. Slap on the hands - discourage everyone, push them away.
  37. To be on hand is to be profitable.
  38. To be in favor with both hands - to support it warmly, not to object at all.
  39. To sit idly by means to be lazy, procrastinate, inactive.
  40. To be dishonest is to be dishonest, to deceive, to steal.
  41. A dream in your hand is a prophetic, prophesying dream, warning of a bad future or promising happiness.
  42. Asking for a hand means making a marriage proposal, getting married.
  43. To fall out of your hands means not to succeed.
  44. Get away with it - go unpunished.
  45. Letting go - fighting, beating, behaving impudently, insolently.
  46. To get out of hand - not to obey, to do what you want.
  47. The right hand is a deputy, an important person, an assistant.
  48. It’s better to have a bird in your hands than a pie in the sky - appreciate what you have, if you lose it you’ll cry.
  49. Hands grow from the wrong place - no matter what a person does, he does everything poorly, ineptly.
  50. Hook hands are about a person who cannot do anything properly; everything that can be spoiled or broken.

Human hands play an invaluable role in our daily activities. It was the development of manual labor that once allowed the primitive ape to turn into Homo sapiens. And in our modern life, phraseological units with the word “hand” are organically woven into people’s conversations. They make speech more succinct and concise.

Skillful fingers
About a man who does his job masterfully. There are no barriers for a man with golden hands - he is not afraid of any work. And if he takes on some work, he will do everything well.

Master Petrov has golden hands.

Just a stone's throw
This is what they say when it is very close to a certain place.

- How far is this hedgehog path?
- Just a stone's throw away.

Burns in my hands
About work that is done well and quickly.

With outstretched hand
Beg for alms, alms. Sometimes they also say this about a person who often turns to people with various requests.

Lend a helping hand
Help someone.

Have a finger in the pie
The expression is used when it is necessary to indicate the obvious participation of someone in any matter. The origin of the phraseological unit is interesting. At a time when many people were illiterate, instead of signing, they put their finger on the document, leaving their individual fingerprint. Hence the expression “to have a hand.”

About a person capable of deceiving and stealing.

— What can we say about Kuzma? Unclean. He needs an eye and an eye.

Free your hands
Give someone the opportunity to act.

Wash your hands
This is what they say when they abdicate responsibility for any actions. The expression comes from the biblical parable of Pilate, who, emphasizing his innocence, publicly washed his hands and said: “I am not guilty.”

When concluding any agreement, it is customary to say: “Deal!”

Using someone else's hands to rake in the heat
This is what they say about those who like to use the fruits of other people's labor to achieve their goals.

This one loves to rake in the heat with someone else's hands!

Hands in pants
About a person who is not busy with anything, idle.

He showed up, hands down his pants!

About the situation when information comes from the original source, without the participation of intermediaries.

Get away with it
About a situation where someone goes unpunished.

I settled in well. He gets away with everything!

No hands
This is how they talk about something that is extremely necessary.

Without glasses, I'm like without arms.

As if taken off by hand
It is used in relation to ailments when the disease quickly passes or unpleasant symptoms disappear.

The pain disappeared as if by hand.

twist your arms
To force a person to do something, or to limit his freedom of action.

Wave your hand
Stop reacting to something or someone, or consider the situation hopeless and give up trying to fix it.

They gave up on the liar Makar a long time ago.

Do something quickly, with minimal effort and resources.

We returned home late and had to cook dinner in a hurry.

To give up
This is what they say when you lose the desire to finish something, to finish it.

He completely dropped his hands.

Sit in one's hands
Do nothing, do nothing.

Hand on heart
This is what they say when they want to emphasize the sincerity of their words or actions.

Hand in hand
About people who are friendly and do everything together.

About a person who is good at various handicrafts.

Got out of hand
About a disobedient, wayward person who cannot be controlled.

Ivanov completely got out of hand. What will happen to him when he grows up?

Keep your finger on the pulse
Promptly control the situation or process. If necessary, quickly join the process.

My hands are itching
This is how we talk about a great desire to do something.

Keep in hand
Control a person’s actions and keep him in strict obedience. This also applies to self-control.

- Keep calm! - Tamara Germanovna calmly said to the student.

Carry on your hands
Give special attention, constantly pamper.

He carries his wife in his arms.

Warm your hands
Negative feedback about a person who takes advantage of his position or situation for personal gain.

Hand washes hand
People connected by unseemly common affairs protect and cover each other.

Under the hot hand
Enter into communication with a person who is in a state of anger, rage.

Oleg Ivanovich fell under the hot hand. How will it all turn out?

Tuck under your arm
About someone who happens to be nearby and is suitable for some urgent matter.

He stopped the first one who came to hand and sent him for help.

Grab with both hands
Be very willing to respond to any lucrative offer.

Be at hand
To be in close proximity to someone and be ready to help in some matter.

Working hard
Do something with great diligence, without stopping to rest.

The girls worked tirelessly. By noon, everything in the first building was sparkling.

Hand doesn't rise
It’s impossible to start doing something because of an internal prohibition.

Hands don't reach
There is not enough time to do anything.

The fence needs to be repaired. Yes, I just can’t get my hands on it.

This is what they say about a situation when a person is deprived of freedom of action in any matter.

With empty hands
That is, with nothing, to no avail.

Spread your hands
Express surprise.

Efremova's Dictionary


Inner side of the hand.

Architectural Dictionary


ornamental emblem.

(Architecture: An Illustrated Guide, 2005)

Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language


In full view (palm) -

1) very clearly, distinctly (to see, to be visible)

2) open, clear, easily understandable

Bible Dictionary to the Russian Canonical Bible

Phraseological Dictionary (Volkova)


Right in the palm of your hand (vernacular) - to be completely clearly visible.

I can see you clearly.

Be (prominent), in full view- be completely clearly visible.

From the mountain the whole city is at your fingertips or visible in the palm of your hand.

Ushakov's Dictionary


palm, palms, wives Part of the hand (except fingers) from the inner surface. “He wiped his forehead with his palm.” M. Gorky. “The coachmen around the lights scold the gentlemen and beat their palms.” Pushkin.

To be (visible) in full view - to be completely clearly visible. From the mountain, the entire city is at your fingertips or visible at your fingertips.

Ozhegov's Dictionary

LAD ABOUT NH, And, and. Inner side of the hand. Rough palms. In full view (about what is clearly visible; completely clear). In the palm of your hand clap, beat, hit (the same as clapping, beating, hitting).

| decrease palm, And, and. Beat, clap your hands (hit one palm against the other).

| adj. palmar, oh, oh. Palmar surface of hands and fingers.

Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language


Old Slavonic - hand.

For the first time, the word “palm” in its modern version appears in the dictionary in 1704.

The word came from the Old Church Slavonic language. The original meaning of the word “current”, “floor of the threshing floor”, i.e. “a level place on a threshing floor or threshing floor.” The word “dolon” ​​is found in written monuments of the Old Russian language. Subsequently, by rearranging syllables, the word “Lodon” was formed.

In other Slavic languages, this word is known as a formation corresponding to the Old Church Slavonic word "hand". The modern meaning of the word is “the inner side of the hand between the fingers and the wrist.”

Derivative: palm.

Sentences containing "palm"

Rubakhin looked at him and wiped the water off his chin with his palm.

Isabella covered her eyes with her palms: out of fear, out of pity, out of shame for him.

Sometimes there was even a country restroom with a window only the size of a palm, but also with a white cross.

So Remzik, even though he was guilty, still couldn’t resist and gave him the largest piece of meat and then, as if she realized that the scales were too clearly tipped in his direction, she slapped him on the forehead with her palm, as if pushing another cup with her hand.