Online Test on the story Warm bread. Synonym for the phrase "Warm bread"

Test for the fairy tale K.G.Pautsky "Warm bread" Grade 5.

Novik Nadezhda Grigorievna,

the teacher of the Russian language and literature of GBOU JSC "VyChigar Skashi".

1. Determine the genre of the work

a) fairytale

a) p.p. Bazhov

b) k.g. Powesty

c) V.V. Bianki.

3. Product theme:

a) labor and mutual manner;

b) concern for animals;

c) man and nature.

4. The main character is called:

a) Filk

b) Fedka

c) Pankrat

5. The action takes place:

a) in the village of Ozerki

b) in the village of pebbles

c) in the village of Berezhka

6. Why did the horse stayed in the village?

a) His wounded.

b) So wanted Pankrat.

7. Konya took:

a) Melnik Pankrat

b) Boy Filming

c) old man

8. The horse began to walk in the courtyards:

a) loved to eat delicious

b) it was difficult to feed

c) loved to walk around the village

9. Which nickname was the filter?

a) "I don't know anything."

b) "Well!".

c) "Well!".

10. Filming lived:

a) with parents

b) with grandmother

c) with mom

11. Filming in character was:

a) silent, incredulous

b) sociable, gullible

c) kind, responsive

12. What bad act made a filler?

a) hit the horse on the lips and threw the bread in the snow

b) driven horse

c) hit the horse on the lips and did not give anything

13. What happened when the film threw a horse in the snow?

a) a blizzard began.

b) was a flood.

c) flew a blizzard.

14. What story did the grandmother?

a) how she offended once a soldier.

b) How a man from the village offended the old soldier.

c) about how people hurt a horse.

15. The film realized that he made a disgusting, evil deed when:

a) offended the horse;

b) frost strengthened;

c) heard grandmother's story.

16. How did the filter pleased his guilt?

a) he did not want to change.

b) fed everyone.

c) cut ice with the guys at the mill.

17. When did the mill earned?

and in the evening

b) she broke forever

c) the next day

18. What did the forty over the dam tell?

a) that she woke up the summer wind.

b) that filter is bad person.

c) that she is the most chatty.

19. How did the filler come across a horse?

a) he asked him for forgiveness.

b) He brought him fresh bread with salt.

c) he fed him with carrots.

20. What is the fairy tale "Warm bread"?

a) that you need to be kind, responsive.

b) about evil sorcerers

c) about journey to uninhabited island

21. What proverb corresponds to the content of a fairy tale?

a) There is nothing bravely than the victory over himself.

b) tongue to Kiev will bring.

c) case - time, fun - hour.

22. The meaning of the word "warm" in the title of the work:

a) possessing warmth rushing with heat;

b) warming body, satisfying;

c) not enough hot.

Test for the fairy tale K.G.Pautsky "Warm bread" Grade 5.

Novik Nadezhda Grigorievna,

the teacher of the Russian language and literature of GBOU JSC "VyChigar Skashi".

1. Determine the genre of the work

a) fairytale

b) being

c) story

a) p.p. Bazhov

b) k.g. Powesty

c) V.V. Bianki.

3. Product theme:

a) labor and mutual manner;

b) concern for animals;

c) man and nature.

4. The main character is called:

a) Filk

b) Fedka

c) Pankrat

5. The action takes place:

a) in the village of Ozerki

b) in the village of pebbles

c) in the village of Berezhka

6. Why did the horse stayed in the village?

a) His wounded.

b) So wanted Pankrat.

7. Konya took:

a) Melnik Pankrat

b) Boy Filming

c) old man

8. The horse began to walk in the courtyards:

a) loved to eat delicious

b) it was difficult to feed

c) loved to walk around the village

9. Which nickname was the filter?

a) "I don't know anything."

b) "Well!".

c) "Well!".

10. Filming lived:

a) with parents

b) with grandmother

c) with mom

11. Filming in character was:

a) silent, incredulous

b) sociable, gullible

c) kind, responsive

12. What bad act made a filler?

a) hit the horse on the lips and threw the bread in the snow

b) driven horse

c) hit the horse on the lips and did not give anything

13. What happened when the film threw a horse in the snow?

a) a blizzard began.

b) was a flood.

c) flew a blizzard.

14. What story did the grandmother?

a) how she offended once a soldier.

b) How a man from the village offended the old soldier.

c) about how people hurt a horse.

15. The film realized that he made a disgusting, evil deed when:

a) offended the horse;

b) frost strengthened;

c) heard grandmother's story.

16. How did the filter pleased his guilt?

a) He did not want to change.

b) fed everyone.

c) cut ice with the guys at the mill.

17. When did the mill earned?

and in the evening

b) she broke forever

c) the next day

18. What did the forty over the dam tell?

a) that she woke up the summer wind.

b) that the film is a bad person.

c) that she is the most chatty.

19. How did the filler come across a horse?

a) he asked him for forgiveness.

b) He brought him fresh bread with salt.

c) he fed him with carrots.

20. What is the fairy tale "Warm bread"?

a) that you need to be kind, responsive.

b) about evil sorcerers

c) about journey to uninhabited island

21. What proverb corresponds to the content of a fairy tale?

a) There is nothing bravely than the victory over himself.

b) tongue to Kiev will bring.

c) case - time, fun - hour.

22. The meaning of the word "warm" in the title of the work:

a) possessing warmth rushing with heat;

b) warming body, satisfying;

c) not enough hot.

Tests in the story K.G. Powesty

"Warm bread"

Test number 1.

A. Lisa B.Soroka V.Kon.

2. To bring good people - it means ...

3. Heart cooling is ...

A.Serdz frozen. B.Serdz stopped fighting.

4. Real motifs in the works of Paustovsky:

Test number 2.

1. Name the chief hero-man in the fairy tale "Warm bread."

A. Babka Films B. Pankrat V. Filka

2. Who helped Filk Fix Bed?

A.Soroka. B.Kon. V.Pankrat.

3. Antonym to the phrase " warm bread»:

A. Laskov B. Good. V. Surge.

4 . Bring good people - it means

A. Help B. Live for Sebo. Think only about yourself.

5. Saving motifs in the works of Paustovsky:

A. War B. Pankrat-sorcerer B. Wounded horse

Test number 3.

1. Name the main character of the animal in the fairy tale "Warm bread."

A. Lisa B.Soroka V.Kon.

2. Real motifs in the work of Paustovsky:

A. Boltnya Soroki B. Pankrat-Koldun V. Wounded horse

3. Below to people - it means ...

A. Help B. Live for Sebo. Think only about yourself.

4. Heart cooling is ...

A. SERDSE ZERASLO. B. Cerdz stopped fighting.

B. Outlook, it became indifferent.

5. Synonym for the phrase "Warm bread":

A. Cholemnaya B. Shuray V.Gorichy

Test in the story K.G. Powesty

"Warm bread"

1. Why did the horse stayed in the village? A) His wounded.

B) So wanted Pankrat.

2. Which nickname was near? A) "I don't know anything."

B) "Yes, well!".

C) "All you are smart."

3. What story told the grandmother's filter?

A) how she offended once a soldier.

B) How a man from the village offended the old soldier.

C) about how the war ended.

4) What happened when the filler threw a horse in the snow? A) a blizzard began.

B) was a flood.

C) the earthquake happened.

5. How did the filter pleased his guilt? A) he did not want to change.

B) fed everyone.

C) cut ice with the guys at the mill.

6.Where told forty over the dam? A) that she woke up the summer wind.

B) that the film is a bad person.

C) that it is the smartest.

7. When did the mill earned? And in the evening.

B) she broke forever.

C) in the summer when he warmed.

8. How did the filter come across a horse? A) he asked him for forgiveness.

B) He brought him fresh bread with salt.

C) he fed him with carrots.

9. What is the fairy tale "Warm bread"? A) that you need to be kind, responsive.

B) about evil sorcerers.

C) about traveling to a uninhabited island.

10. What proverb corresponds to the tale content? A) There is nothing bravely than the victory over himself.

B) tongue to Kiev will bring.

C) case - time, fun - hour.

Check your answers. Answers: 1A, 2B, 3B, 4A, 5B, 6A, 7A, 8B, 9A, 10

Tests in the story K.G. Powesty
"Warm bread"

Test number 1.

A. Lisa B.Soroka V.Kon.
2. To bring good people - it means

3. Heart cooling is

4. Real motifs in the works of Paustovsky:

Test number 2.
1. Name the chief hero-man in the fairy tale "Warm bread."
A. Babka Films B. Pankrat V. Filka
2. Who helped Filk Fix Bed?
A.Soroka. B.Kon. V.Pankrat.
3. Antonym for the phrase "Warm bread":
A. Laskov B. Good. V. Surge.
4. To bring good people - it means
A. Help B. Live for myself. V. Think only about yourself.
5. Saving motifs in the works of Paustovsky:
A. War B. Pankrat-Koldun V. Wounded horse

Test number 3.
1. Name the main character of the animal in the fairy tale "Warm bread."
A. Lisa B.Soroka V.Kon.
2. Real motifs in the work of Paustovsky:
A. Boltnya Soroki B. Pankrat-Koldun V. Wounded horse
3. Just good people - it means
A. Help B. Live for myself. V. Think only about yourself.
4. Heart cooling is
A.Serdz frozen. B.Serdz stopped fighting.
B. Outlook, it became indifferent.
5. Synonym for the phrase "Warm bread":
A. Cholemnaya B. Shuray V.Gorichy

Test in the story K.G. Powesty
"Warm bread"

1. Why did the horse stayed in the village? A) His wounded.
B) So wanted Pankrat.
C) the horse did not want to go further.

2. Which nickname was near? A) "I don't know anything."
B) "Yes, well!".
C) "All you are smart."

3. What story told the grandmother's filter?
A) how she offended once a soldier.
B) How a man from the village offended the old soldier.
C) about how the war ended.

4) What happened when the filler threw a horse in the snow? A) a blizzard began.
B) was a flood.
C) the earthquake happened.

5. How did the filter pleased his guilt? A) He did not want to change.
B) fed everyone.
C) cut ice with the guys at the mill.

6.Where told forty over the dam? A) that she woke up the summer wind.
B) that the film is a bad person.
C) that it is the smartest.

7. When did the mill earned? And in the evening.
B) she broke forever.
C) in the summer when he warmed.

8. How did the filter come across a horse? A) he asked him for forgiveness.
B) He brought him fresh bread with salt.
C) he fed him with carrots.
9. What is the fairy tale "Warm bread"? A) that you need to be kind, responsive.
B) about evil sorcerers.
C) about traveling to a uninhabited island.

10. What proverb corresponds to the tale content? A) There is nothing bravely than the victory over himself.
B) tongue to Kiev will bring.
C) case - time, fun - hour.

Check your answers. Answers: 1A, 2B, 3B, 4A, 5V, 6A, 7A, 8B, 9A, 10

Applied files

Game to lesson literary reading on the fairy tale k.g. Powest "Warm Bread" for 3 Class Pupils

Ryabichenko Nadezhda Vladimirovna, teacher primary classes MKOU "Mikhailovskaya Osh" of the Kivdzensky district of the Volgograd region
Description of the material: This development Games are intended for grade 3 students and can be used by a teacher in literary reading lessons when consolidating knowledge on the work, as well as in extracurricular work on the subject.
Purpose: Fastening and summarizing knowledge on the fairy tale of the paustic "warm bread".
Tasks:develop thinking, imagination, memory, cognitive and intellectual abilities of students;
Rail interest in reading the works of Powest.

Game traffic:

1 Task "Find the Hero"
The task shows the philvord, in which you need to find the heroes of the work.

Answer: Melnik, horse, boy, old men, grandmother, women guys, forty

2 Task "Find the Hero"
Work with the Slide Presentation:
By clicking on the "Question" button, a question appears when you press the "Answer" button, an illustration of a hero and word-answer appears. When you click on the text of the question, the question disappears, an illustration of a hero and word-answer.

1. He was silent, incredulous, his favorite expression was: "Yes, you!" (boy filing)
2. Flour dust forever entered it. She lay a gray crust on his vitro and the Kartuze. From under the map, I looked at all fast eyes. This man was ambulance, angry. The guys in the village counted him sorcerer. (Melnik Pankrat)
3. She was old and experienced, lived in the Seine at Melnik Pankrat. I loved to brag up very much, I thought that it was one of one manages a horse with a boy with a filter. (magpie)
4. His cavalrymen left in the village of Berezhka, because he was wounded in his leg. (horse)
5. The heroine of a fairy tale, who told the filter about how a hundred years ago, a man from their village was very offended by a soldier. After the soldier's care, misfortune happened, in the district the strong frost frozen the wells, birds, forests and gardens died. (grandma)
3 Quest "Quiz"
1. Who did the horse live in the village when the cavalrymen left him in bass? (at Melnik Pankrat)
2. What work did the horse at the Melnik? (I drove the clay, manure and rhe, helping the pancrat to repair the dam)

3. Why did the horse go through the courtyards, washed? (Melnik was difficult to feed him)

4. Nickname Filters. (Well)
5. Who, according to grandmother, could help the boy fix the evil perfect. (miller)
6. How could Filka fix the evil that he made towards the horse? (He had to invent salvation from the journey)
7. How did the filter come, what was his decision? (He decided to collect all the guys of the villages and chop ice at the tray near the mill)
8. Why did you need to chop ice? (It was necessary to get to the water, without which the mill could not work)
9. Who helped the guys? (old men)
10. How many times should the Melnik turn the wheel to make the mill? (twenty)
11. Where did forty fly, hearing the trouble? (south, to the warm sea to wake the summer wind in the mountains, tell the wind about trouble and ask him to drive frost)

12. How did the filter come across a horse? (He brought a loaf of fresh bread, broke her, sat down and stretched her horse. Horse initially was afraid to eat bread, but when Melnik said that the boy was not angry, pulled out her neck and took her lips bread from the hands of the shape)

4 task "What is superfluous?"
In this task you need, looking at the illustration, determine what the horse was fed, when he came to them into the courtyard and pounded the muzzle to the gate, asking for food.

The right answer is beet tops, stale bread, carrots.
Excessive - Oats.

When you click in the presentation to the illustration, where the oats depicts, the illustration disappears.

Presentation on the topic: Literary game on the fairy tale of the paustovsky "Warm bread"