Real physics. What is ether? Aether theory returns Classical physics for high speeds

(Pros and cons of the existence of the ether: John Worrell Keeley, Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein)

Even before the discovery of radioactivity, after many years of deep thought, I came to the conclusion that solid matter does not contain any energy other than that which comes from or penetrates from the environment.

Even at the beginning of the 19th century, it became quite obvious that any specific movement on Earth is produced by the Sun and that the energy of all planetary bodies, including the Earth, comes from there. Explaining this kind of position in a broad philosophical vein, I considered the emergence of primordial matter from the ether, this primary substance that permeates the Universe. There is evidence that this process proceeds irreversibly, and in such a way that matter simultaneously dissolves in the ether.

It involves a rotational motion similar to the twisting or unscrewing of a watch spring; my fundamental discovery, which I intend to announce in the near future, showed that the first of these operations is superior to the other. I want to say that in space the amount of visible matter and its energy is gradually but steadily increasing, in contrast to the classical theory of Lord Kelvin, which, by the way, is universally recognized as one of the outstanding scientific truths.

Nikola Tesla. "Information about cosmic radiation." Unpublished article, 1935.
N. Tesla Archive, Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade

I delved into the available materials related to Keely’s experiments for a long time, when, after reading and other discussions about space and time, I came across Einstein’s lecture on the ether, which he gave in the Dutch city of Leiden in 1920. Delving into the harsh relativistic arguments denying the presence of ether, I suddenly realized that a serious mistake had been made in the final and official refutation of the presence of ether in physics (the science of matter, space and time). Before this, scientists tried to give the ether a definition, explanation and physical model. While justifying relativism as the main physical theory, the concepts of matter and space lost their main semantic connection. Why? Yes, because matter and space belong to the same ontology and cannot (either theoretically or practically) be completely separated, because something like “extra-spatial matter” does not exist.

Therefore, in a theory that keeps pace with reality, matter and space must always be together. The true solution, from such a point of view, lies in establishing their uniform measure. Until then, the question of the true nature of the ether will remain unanswered. Ether is something different from the fluid matter of weighty space, or, better, space with certain material properties.

By excluding the concept of ether from theoretical physics, Einstein closed the way to understanding the relationship between space and matter, which led to the emergence of insoluble difficulties in the general theory of relativity, such as the “peculiarity” of the cosmic aspect of infinity, which has no physical meaning, and Einstein’s failed attempt to logically -mathematically replace the force of gravity with spherical space, and reduce the movement of natural cosmic bodies to pure geometry.

And, although his idea was essentially correct, Einstein did not deepen it and did not derive a physical time line from the cosmology of Euclidean “Elements”. He did not perceive that Euclidean geometry is not a simple mathematical system, but in fact, it is the starting philosophy of Being or the philosophy of Plato’s ideas expressed strictly mathematically.

“Elements” begins with a (seemingly negative) definition of a point as “something that has no parts.” In essence it is an esoteric Eleatic designation for Being; it is the existent that “has no parts” (Eleatic school). This has been misunderstood in the general history of science. Essentially, a point is a geometric expression of infinity or wholeness. A point is a non-spatial entity (space is impossible without dimensions).<...>

However, Einstein’s theory was positivist and, having penetrated no further than the level of the mathematical play of the observer’s sensations, he failed to fulfill his life’s dream - to interpret the world order from the standpoint of a unified field theory designed to unite all world phenomena. As a result, he failed to connect together ontology, mathematics and physics, or rather, the fundamental designations of Substance (Point-Number´) and Time.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

He reasoned at the level of real space and matter, which is not deep enough, and, in principle, not so accurate. Let us explain: Einstein in 1920 personally, with his authority, testified that the ether does not exist. Until that moment, physics was a science open to philosophical reflection. Having displaced ether from physics, Einstein broke the conceptual connection between space and matter (matter necessarily includes spatiality) and postulated that time does not exist, that is, that time is only what is “visible to us on the clock,” and thereby Einstein to physics separated from metaphysics, or rather, the changing world of science separated from the eternal world of principles.

The discovery of natural laws cannot be identified with the personal characteristics of the scientist and his intuition, with the efforts he makes or the specificity of his feelings. Scientific laws have a cosmic, objective property and, once produced and mathematically formulated, they work separately from any psychological properties of the scientist. The point is that a scientist is just a “conductor” of ideas. If barriers are built in the conductor itself by misdirected will, then the result is that the Substance entrusts its secrets to another, endowed with a higher level of freedom.

Cosmic truth is perceived directly as a gift, and what is required from human efforts is to formulate it, translate it into a language accessible to everyone. Nature is the same, only science changes. For example, it is a well-known fact that neither Kepler nor Galileo knew the concept of force. For them, movement itself was a divine, and then a geometric or physical, force; the movement of celestial bodies, light and living beings flowed directly from the Universal Mind.

The concepts of force, mass and energy appeared much later. Force and mass were introduced into science by Newton, who defined force as “the product of mass and acceleration,” and defined mass as “a measure of the amount of matter.” At the same time, Leibniz defined energy as “the product of mass and velocity squared.” (The general concept of energy belongs to d’Alembert, who called it “the ability to do work,” and in modern physics the introduction of this concept finally belongs to Max Planck.)

From the following it will become clear that Keely, in his incessant search for the secrets of nature, came to the universal law of vibrations, common to both sound and light.

Ether and physical reality

Does ether exist or not?

Before moving on to the physics of vibrations and to the experiments of John Warrel Keely, which are very important for the future of physics, it is necessary to show in detail how it happened that the ether in physics was considered a fiction. It will become clear from what follows that Einstein tried to translate the old ideas about the ether into new concepts that did not recognize the main property of the ether - vibration. The new designation for the ether, according to Einstein, later used in the general theory of relativity, was not understood or truly accepted by anyone, but this vague attempt to transform the old ideas about the ether resulted in a mass refusal to use this concept, even to think seriously about it.

As is known, time, space and matter are three main categories that still play a prominent role in scientific thinking today. Space and matter are perceived empirically, directly, and time - derivatively. It is clear that the world we experience is unreal. All religions, free thinkers, mystics, philosophers of nature, metaphysicians and scientists who have tried in every way to explain the origin of the world agree on this. And, to paraphrase Descartes, who said that “every reasonable person must believe in God,” I would note that “every serious physicist must accept the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ether.”

John Ernst Worrell Keeley (1827-1898)

Einstein's arguments in favor of denying the existence of the ether

In his famous lecture, given on May 5, 1920 in Holland at the University of Leiden on the topic “Ether and the Theory of Relativity,” Einstein contrasted the special theory of relativity with the immobility of the ether. Below are the main stages of Einstein's logical chain, which undoubtedly led to a delay in the emergence of new ideas in modern physics.

The lecture begins with a rhetorical question and Einstein's answer about how it happened that physicists put forward the idea of ​​​​the existence of a special type of matter - ether. And then he says the following.

An explanation for this can be found in the theory of “remote influence at a distance” and in the specificity of light theory as a wave theory (wave theory of light. - V.A). Outside of physics, we know nothing about the “distance theory” (“actio in distanc.” - V.A.). When linking cause and effect with the natural objects of our experience, at first it may seem that all interactions come from direct contact... Weight... to some extent is a “remote effect”, we do not perceive it, since it is constant over time and in space... in his theory of attraction, Newton designated the attraction emanating from the mass as a “remote influence”.

Newton's theory appears to be the highest achievement ever achieved in establishing the cause-and-effect relationship between natural phenomena... contemporaries believed that this was contrary to experience and that reciprocal action could only be carried out by direct contact, and not through instantaneous “remote influence”... Is it possible to preserve the unity of nature in this way?..

Newton's remote influence can obviously only be like this, and in principle, the transfer of force is carried out with the help of some kind of intermediary... in order not to violate the unity of view on the nature of force, the hypothesis of ether was introduced... Newton's law is taken as an axiom, not subject to further analysis... light is considered as a vibrating flow in an extensible inert medium, spreading throughout space... the polarization of light is a propagating vibration, possible only in a solid body... which means the ether is solid... the quasi-frozen ether is also called motionless luminiferous ether...

Fizeau's experiment, proving that part of the ether does not participate in the movement of the body... according to Maxwell, the ether is a purely mechanical phenomenon... yet there is no mechanical model of the ether that can confirm Maxwell's laws regarding electromagnetic fields... research by Heinrich Hertz in the field electrodynamics were produced under the influence of Maxwell... electromagnetic forces, finally recognized as fundamental along with mechanical ones without the requirements of their mechanistic interpretation... a purely mechanical view of nature is gradually being abandoned.

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)

This turn led to fundamental dualism, which for a long time did not meet with support... the solution was seen in reducing the principles of mechanics to the principles of electromagnetism... the value of Newton's equations was undermined by experiments with beta rays and cathode rays... according to Hertz, matter is the carrier of not only speeds, that is, kinetic energy and mechanical pressure, but also the carrier of the electromagnetic field. Ether in its manifestations is indistinguishable from ordinary matter. In matter, the ether participates in its movement... has a given speed in empty space. There is no difference between Hertz's ether and ordinary matter. Hertz's theory suffers from a defect in the sense of attributing to matter and ether equal shares of the mechanical and electrical state, which are not in any speculative relation. Fizeau's experience is related to the speed of light and moving media.

This was the state of affairs at the moment Lorenz entered the scene. He coordinated theory with practice... having extracted mechanical qualities from the ether, and electromagnetic qualities from matter... just as in empty space, Lorentz guessed the atomized ether inside matter, which became the exclusive carrier of electromagnetic fields... themselves elementary particles of matter can produce motion... Lorentz simplified electromagnetic processes, reducing them to Maxwell's equations relating to empty space. The only mechanical property that Lorentz's ether does not lose is immobility... it should be recalled that mine (Einstein. - Ed.) the theory of relativity removes this last mechanical property from the ether, removes immobility... This is what this new approach consists of.

Here it is necessary to recall that Einstein’s idea was to leave the ether without mechanical properties and thus show that there is no ether at all. However, it is clear to everyone that from the denial of the “immobility” of the ether it does not follow that it does not exist. As will be clear from what follows, Einstein’s identification of the “lack of immobility of the ether” with the “non-existence of the ether” is not at all justified theoretically and is not consistent, which he himself openly admitted at the end of the lecture.

How Einstein abolishes the immobility of the ether

Here is the quote that is key for scientific consciousness, concerning space, matter and motion:

“The Maxwell-Lorentz equations take place primarily in relation to a certain coordinate system K. But the special theory of relativity leaves these equations without any changes in relation to any new coordinate system K 1, which moves translationally with respect to K. Now the exciting question follows: why should I, theoretically assuming that the ether is relatively motionless in relation to K, distinguish the system K in relation to all other systems K1, which are physically equivalent to K in any sense?”

Let's carefully analyze Einstein's thought process and try to reduce his compact logic to simplified diagrams in order to unambiguously understand what, in essence, we are talking about. The logical situation is this:

1. Maxwell - Lorentz equations;

2. K - system of space-time coordinates;

3. The Maxwell-Lorentz equations, put in relation to any other coordinate system K 1;

4. K 1 in relation to K moves relatively (not absolutely. - V.A.) in uniform translational motion.

Einstein poses a rather complex question here, building the following logical chain:

1. Assumption: the ether is relatively motionless in the coordinate system K (new premise.- V.A).

2. The coordinate system K is highlighted in relation to all other systems K 1.

3. All K 1 systems are physically equivalent to the K coordinate system.

Einstein's question boils down to his bewilderment, why is the coordinate system K considered privileged in relation to other coordinate systems K 1, if all these systems are equivalent?

For the sake of necessary clarity, let's do an even more precise summary of all of Einstein's remarks<...>

We have three systems: K, K 1 and ether. This means that in relation to K the system K 1 is “relatively mobile”. Giving K 1 the definition of “relatively motionless,” Einstein indicates that the K 1 system is essentially at rest, and, defining the ether as “relatively motionless,” Einstein indicates that the ether actually moves along with K, and with the same speed and direction . Realizing that he deliberately went too far with an unclear presentation, he nevertheless refers to this position several times as correct.

“Such asymmetry in theoretical structure” without corresponding asymmetry in practice is unacceptable to the theorist. If we assume that the ether is in relative rest in relation to K, but in relative immobility in relation to K 1, then the physical identity of K and K 1 seems to me from a physical point of view not so inaccurate, but still unacceptable.

And, after a whole series of logical inaccuracies, which, in my opinion, say nothing about the mechanical properties of the ether, Einstein directly summarizes that “the position that must be taken in such a state of affairs looks like this: the ether does not exist at all.”

During the lecture, Einstein wages his battle with the ether in an extremely inconsistent manner, at times deviating from the topic, speaking generally about matter and energy, and then returning to the ether again: “A careful consideration shows that the theory of relativity does not oblige us to deny the ether. One can even assume the existence of ether, but one must refuse to attribute to the ether “a certain state of mobility,” that is, rest. We need, with the help of abstraction, to remove from the ether this last mechanical property left to it by Lorentz... the special theory of relativity does not allow the assumption that the ether is built from individual particles, so the hypothesis of the ether itself is opposed to the special theory of relativity. What we must be especially careful about is the danger of attributing any movement to the ether. Of course, from the point of view of the special theory of relativity, the ether hypothesis is an empty hypothesis.”<...>

And at the end, Einstein introduces the model of the ether, which he considers correct: “The ether of Ernst Mach differs from the ether of Newton, Fresnel and Lorentz. The Mach ether not only determines the behavior of inert matter, but also produces the opposite effect on it. The idea of ​​Mach's ether found its full development in the ether of the general theory of relativity... space is essentially not empty, it is neither homogeneous nor isotropic, but filled with gravitational attraction, and thus different from the space of the wave theory of light... the ether of the general theory relativity is a medium that has neither mechanical nor kinetic qualities, but it participates in the establishment of mechanical and electromagnetic phenomena.”

The ether was equally recognized by both Faraday and Maxwell. Just like Newton, having introduced his “new” concept of the ether, which essentially consists of a set of all existing ones, Einstein does an unacceptable thing: he criticizes Newton’s ethereal model from the position of electromagnetism, and the Faraday-Maxwell model from the position of gravitation. In addition, he introduces the concept of “empty space” without giving it a definition, and immediately then claims that there is no gravitational force either, but simply space is curved, due to which the trajectories of celestial bodies are rounded, or rather, the planets move along elliptical trajectories.

In the same lecture, given on the same day, Einstein begins by declaring that the electromagnetic field is in no way due to the force of gravity, and soon asserts that these phenomena are related by cause and effect, in order to then call for an understanding of the natural unity between the force gravity and electromagnetic phenomena. I don’t know if anyone has analyzed this lecture before me, but I am sure that at least the scientific justification for denying the ether needs to be re-examined.

“What's new in the concept of ether of general relativity? - Einstein then asks the question, - ... this is that the electromagnetic field is self-reproducing without any influence from the outside... [which] follows from the etheric concept through further relativization... [at the same time] there is a rejection of Euclidean postulates under conditions of cosmic distances... space is spatially infinite, but closed... space cannot be imagined outside of metric properties, and the gravitational field is integrally connected with the existence of space... the electromagnetic field is only secondarily connected with the ether... the gravitational ether is consistent with the fields of scalar potentials instead of electromagnetic fields.

Elementary particles of matter are... condensations of electromagnetic fields... in the Universe there are two completely separate realities, despite their cause-and-effect relationship - these are the gravitational ether and the electromagnetic field, or, as they can also be called, space and matter.”

It is characteristic of Einstein’s thought process that he does not separate himself from the issue under discussion, or rather, he identifies method and object, human knowledge and the knowable world. This is not a scientific type of presentation, and the poetic feeling slips into every word of Einstein, paralyzes the mind of the listener, and the text, in essence, falls under allegorical, poetic discourse.

The problem arises when Einstein turns to mathematization. Then his poetry and magnificent philosophical intuition collide with inexorable mathematical precision.

There is no point in analyzing Einstein's mathematics, but it must be pointed out that this mathematics repeats the shortcomings of his logic. The special theory of relativity is based on two opposites: the first refers to relativity (current induction), the second to immutability (the speed of light). In the same theory, he geometrizes time, expressing it through length, and then introduces negative segments (measures of length in space-time), which excludes any physical explanation.

In general relativity, Einstein multiplies by zero and gets a model of the Universe. When the error was pointed out to him, he corrected the equation, after which space began to expand.

If he had mastered sacred mathematics, he would have received a direct correspondence between mathematics and nature. He would organize his science and his own mind in the most profound and cosmic way. Instead, Einstein will forever remain just a dialectician-dreamer, internally contradictory, and therefore without true cognitive power, just an amateur metaphysician.

“Understanding the physical unity between the force of gravity and electromagnetic phenomena would mean enormous progress... the difference between ether and matter would disappear, and thanks to the general theory of relativity, all physics would become filled with a single systematic thought... what needs to be traced is the connection of quantum physics and field theories... physical properties form the space of the general theory of relativity, in this sense the ether exists... by virtue of the general theory of relativity, space without ether is not possible, because light could not propagate through such space, and there would be no normative designations of space and time (measuring instruments and clocks) and in general there would be no space-time intervals in the physical sense of the word. But it cannot be argued that such an ether contains qualities characteristic of weighty media and consists of parts that can be observed in time. The idea of ​​motion is not applicable to such ether.”

As you can see, terminological chaos reigns in Einstein, and his reasoning about the ether is extremely disorganized, and he is, in essence, indecisive, because he did not complete the concept of matter. But, in addition to the fact that the idea of ​​ether is obviously not clear to him, he at times falls into categorical judgments, some of which should be listed, since they are replete with statements that are mutually exclusive within the same presentation:

1. “My theory of relativity excludes the presence of the last mechanical property of the ether - immobility.”

2. “Ether does not exist at all.”

3. “A more careful reflection shows that the theory of relativity does not force us to deny the ether.”

4. “The ether hypothesis itself contradicts the special theory of relativity.”

5. “From the standpoint of the special theory of relativity, the ether hypothesis is an empty hypothesis.”

6. “Denial of the existence of the ether is tantamount to non-recognition of all mechanical properties of empty space.”

7. “The electromagnetic field is only secondarily connected with the ether.”

8. “The gravitational ether in no way determines the electromagnetic field.”

9. “The cause-and-effect relationship consists of the electromagnetic field and the gravitational ether, or, as they can also be called, space and matter.”

10. “Based on the general theory of relativity. space without ether is unthinkable.”

11. “To such an ether (i.e., Einstein’s model of the ether. - V.A.) the idea of ​​movement is not applicable.”

For the sake of complete truth, one more confirmation can be given, which in itself speaks volumes about the scientific reasons that led to the fact that physics lost the ether.

Many years later, in 1954, in response to a direct question from Davenport regarding the key evidence against the existence of the ether, that is, both the Michelson-Morley experiments and their negative results, and to what extent all this influenced him in creating the special theory of relativity and introducing second postulate, Albert Einstein replied in writing:

“When I developed my theory, Michelson's results did not significantly influence me. I can’t even remember if I even knew about this when I wrote my first work on the special theory of relativity...” (A. Einstein Archive. Institute for Developmental Studies, Princeton, USA).

From all of the above, we can conclude that Einstein had a very vague idea of ​​​​the ether. He believed that the ether moves, but he was not even able to speak clearly about this, and he did not go into other even more important properties of the ether.

Keeley's physics coming from acoustic vibrations

Even the faintest sound produces an endless echo. The disturbance is caused by invisible waves of infinite space, and their vibrations never completely disappear. This energy, once released from the world of matter and penetrated into the non-material world, will live forever.

H.P. Blavatsky. Isis Unveiled. 1877

Acoustics and electromagnetism are identical both due to physical laws and mathematical elements included in the formulas. It is indisputable that oscillatory motion is mathematically universal. However, a mathematical interpretation of the same formulas for sound and light has not yet been found by science, although if the “wave frequency” (1/T) is given, then the “Doppler effect”, “wave number”, “wave energy” are calculated for light and sound in the same way. Moreover, physically these two, at first glance, different oscillatory phenomena have the same source - these are just different manifestations of the same thing ether.

Keely believed that ether corresponded to a higher energy level than mass and matter, and that it was a million times denser and harder than steel. It was his Liberator device that was designed to release the enormous energy hidden throughout space.

Sensitive from birth to acoustics, Keeley achieved the finest balancing of ethereal effects using rhythm (by hanging, rotating, lifting weights and numerous mental influences), as well as changing power - using tempo (by this he quantitatively equalized the effects of the device on various loads and speeds) . But he also knew a method for sequential, separate use of ether in a complex experiment. For example, with the help of rotation, he influenced objects up to the point of complete acoustic resonance, ending with the effect of suspension.

Acoustics can be reduced to electromagnetism, since ultimately all atomic and molecular vibrations are an exchange of quantum radiation emissions, just like vibrations in the space of the solar system caused by the force of gravity and due to the movement of the planets. And they all make sound. The sound range of the planets of our solar system, as is known, was established by Johannes Kepler.

Therefore, by producing sound, we essentially set light in motion. Of course, the opposite is also possible: to obtain sound from light, and if you know and apply the mathematical laws of the ether, then you can create matter, or rather, condense matter from an electromagnetic field.

The resonance of sound itself is the synchronicity of the sent and received signal. The same conditions apply to electromagnetic oscillations of a laser, only this has a different form of explanation.

Nikola Tesla, using vibrations and resonance within the electromagnetic spectrum, did the same thing that Keely did with sound. They used the same laws of nature, but the electromagnetic manifestations were different from one another.

In the winter of 1875, Keeley constructed two metal domes, one the size of an Earth globe. This device, he said, would have a power equal to two "horsepower" and would rotate until the device stopped due to friction. The device produced a force that, according to eyewitnesses of the experiment, came from “a hole in an iron ball that had a strange shape,” that is, the ball that corresponded to the globe of the Earth.

A reporter present at the demonstration of one of these engines recorded: "Keely turned two small keys, and immediately the axle on which the huge wheel rested turned, and it continued to turn." The device did not have a flywheel, and the only wheel was attached directly to the axle. The device made 25 revolutions per minute. Mr. Keely explained that this was all that was needed and that by using a switch the axle speed could later be achieved at any desired speed.

The new generator (3 m long, 5 m wide, 2.5 m high), demonstrated at the same time, was very unusual. It had many small taps - valves, some of which were as thick as telegraph wire. But there were also those that were thinner, with holes the size of the eye of a sewing needle. It was one of these small taps that led from the generator to the device, and Keeley, pointing to it, said that all the power entered the device through this medium and that the correct movement was ensured by a vibrator located inside a cylinder that looked like a large drum with a width of exceeding the height. Another visitor stated that he believed that such a collection of balls and tubes had never been observed before in history.

Keely considered himself not an inventor, but a person discovering natural laws.

In another case, he demonstrated a method where a force “invisible to the naked eye,” coming out of such a tube, reaches a power capable of lifting 350 kg of iron in exactly 29 seconds. In this experiment he also used water, but he carried out its rapid evaporation without heating it, but with the help of a special sound. Water vapor in a closed volume was produced with the help of external high-energy vibrations coming from a huge sound resonator. Keeley attached a very thin tube of unusually small diameter to a cylinder vibrating under the influence of a sound wave and in this way established a connection between the device and the room in which the generator was located.

Setting air molecules in motion with the help of a special sound, Keeley sometimes reached deeper levels of matter in his experiments, and thus he had the idea that there was something preceding the ether, creating the ether and controlling its vibrations. I believe it is time, which is a universal law and, like any natural law, has a speed of impact directly proportional to the distance at which the impact occurs; This means that time instantly informs all however remote physical systems in space about everything. Time has no flow and does not “pass through space”; time is not located, but exists everywhere in space. Universal time informs any physical system about its own time<...>directs it to the past, present or future.

Keeley Acoustic Technology

Keeley also made sound “lasers”: domes made of various materials were used by him in experiments as sound accumulators. In them, the sound strength with a typical, that is, most suitable for a given resonator, frequency grew to critical power, or rather, until the advent of acoustic “laser transmission”. The resulting amplified sound was conducted by Keely through tubes to a device which, therefore, worked like an acoustic machine, producing rotational effects, attraction, repulsion and suspension.

Endowed with absolute pitch, many hours before the experiments, Keely began searching for the sound frequency characteristic of a given resonator, looking for a suitable acoustic “laser” emission. This corresponded to the search for photon emission frequencies that occur during a certain quantum transition in atoms, that is, a quantum transition that provides laser generation.

The full period of sound vibration in the Keeley system corresponds to a quantum of light. He then reproduced the found sound frequency (specific to the resonator material) in relation to shorter waves than the natural vibrations of the resonator. He easily managed this with the help of low harmonics of the same sound. Thus, Keely achieved an increase in sound intensity over time - a physical accumulation of sound that had been locked and pulsating for some time in a spherical resonator. He then directed the amplified sound using tubes. The compression of a sound complex of multiple frequencies using a laser or resonator was facilitated by a metal sphere (dome) in the foundation of his laboratory.

By adjusting the periods of secondary oscillations and vibrations in the resonator, he built a monoacoustic vertical sheaf of waves of stable intensity and configuration, that is, he placed the minimums and maximums of oscillations in the same way as the distribution of modes, in other words, he produced an identical transformation of the image into sound, the visual into auditory , mandalas - into a mantra.

The essence of Keely's discovery is the harmonic law of the vibrational property of matter. By combining different levels of harmonic vibrations, starting from large masses, through sound and the structure of the atom down to the elementary particles of the ether, Keeley released practically unlimited energy from the parallel vibrating layers that make up the visible World.

If it is said about Pythagoras that he discovered the “music of the spheres,” then about Keely it can be said that he discovered the “music of the World” and began writing its ethereal score.

Keeley essentially tried to scientifically objectify for others, and for all humanity, the ancient knowledge of the technical transfer of heavy mass from one to another segment of cosmic time, that is, from one parallel reality to another.

See also article V.G. Budanova“The rhythm of forms - the music of the spheres” in “Delphis” No. 1/13)/1998. - Note ed.

Appeal to readers

The modern economic development of a society with serious environmental and energy crises indicates the weakness of the foundations of natural science, the leading discipline of which is physics. Theoretical physics is unable to solve many problems, classifying them as anomalous. The authorities of the Russian Academy of Sciences, having abandoned the democratic principles of dialogue with the authors of opposing hypotheses, use the principle of prohibition and defense of their position, resorting to declaring a fight against “pseudoscience.” For everyone who is looking for the truth of science, we offer a work that represents a brief overview of the authors’ long-term works.


(new theory in physics)

Brusin S.D., Brusin L.D.

[email protected]

ANNOTATION.It is noted that the creator of the generally accepted first form of matter (in the form of particles) is Democritus. Based on the works of Aristotle, the presence of a second form of matter is shown, located between all the bodies of the Universe and the particles of all bodies and called ether. The physical essence of the ether and its main property, the primary matter of the Universe, a fundamentally new understanding of thermal energy and pressure in gases, the nature of nuclear forces, and the non-planetary model of the atom are revealed. The neutrino problem is solved, and the essence of the processes in the Large Hadron Collider and the pointlessness of experiments on it are shown. In addition, fundamentally new fundamentals of magnetism and the fundamentals of the microscopic theory of superconductivity are presented.

A critical analysis of the theory of relativity is given and its inconsistency is shown.

I. Basic principles of the theory

§1. Second form of matter and ether

§2. Physical essence of ether

§3. Communication of the ether with bodies and particles. Ether of near-Earth vacuum and ether of matter

§4. Determination of the ether density of the near-Earth vacuum

§5. Ether - the primary matter of the Universe

§6. Etheric - atomic structure of matter

II. Further development of the theory and its application

§7. Ether and thermal energy

§8. Ether and pressure in gases

§9. The futility of experiments at the Large Hadron Collider

§10. The nature of nuclear forces

§eleven. Solving other scientific problems

III. A consequence of the theory of the ether is the inconsistency of the theory of relativity

§12. The main mistake in the theory of relativity

§13. On the inconsistency of Lorentz transformations

§14. About mathematical errors in the derivations of Lorentz transformations

§15. The theory of the ether explains the phenomena considered in the theory of relativity



§1. The second form of matter and ether

The struggle between two philosophical concepts in understanding the universe has lasted for more than two thousand years. The creator of the first concept is the famous ancient Greek philosopher Democritus. He believed that everything in the world consists of tiny particles (atoms) and the void between them. The second concept is based on the works of another, no less famous ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle. He believed that the entire Universe is filled with substrate (matter) and there is not even the slightest volume of emptiness . As the great Maxwell wrote, two theories of the structure of matter fight each other with varying success: the theory of filling the Universe and the theory of atoms and emptiness.

Thus, the creator of the generally recognized first form of matter (in the form of particles) is Democritus. All modern science is based on the consideration of the form of matter in the form of particles from which bodies are composed; At the same time, the search for the primordial particle, which is the primary matter of the Universe, continues. The vast expanses of the Universe are perceived in the form of fields (electromagnetic field, gravitational field, etc.), in which corresponding phenomena are observed. But it remains unclear what these fields consist of. In his works, Aristotle convincingly showed that in the entire Universe there is not the slightest volume of emptiness and it is filled with substrate ( matter) . Consequently, between all the bodies of the Universe and the particles of all bodies there is second form of matter, characterized by the fact that there should be no emptiness in it. Since ancient times, it was believed that the entire Universe is filled with ether and therefore we will retain the name for the second form of matter ether, especially since it is very convenient in presenting the text . There are different representations of the ether. In the future, ether must be understood as the second form of matter, representing the material medium located between bodies and their particles and not containing the slightest volume of emptiness. Now let's reveal the essence of this ether.

§2. Physical essence of ether

Below we provide a theoretical justification for the essence of ether and experimental data.

1. Theoretical background

First of all, as noted above, the ether represents a material medium and, therefore, has mass. Since this matter does not have the slightest volume of emptiness, it can be represented in the form continuous particleless mass(there cannot be particles, since between them there must be to be empty, which is unacceptable). Such a particleless representation of the ether is unusual, but it clearly characterizes the basis of the structure of the ether. For a clearer picture of the ether, let us add that its density has a very small value compared to the values ​​of the densities of substances that are familiar to us. Below (see §8) it will be shown that the density of the ether located between gas molecules at a pressure of 1 atm. and formed by gas molecules, has an order of 10 -15 g/cm 3 .

Without rejecting the presence of particles, we must admit that the material world of the Universe seems to consist of two forms of matter: a) particles (partial) and b) ether, which represents the particleless form of matter.

We affirm the “gaseous” structure of the ether, which was rejected by science, but not substantiated (see Appendix 1).

The mass of ether, like a gas, tends to occupy the largest volume, but at the same time, emptiness cannot appear in this mass. Therefore, the ether, increasing its volume, decreases its density. This property of changing density in the absence of emptiness is main and surprising; it differs from the property of a gas to change density, which occurs due to a change in the distance between gas molecules, representing emptiness in modern terms.

It is known that, by analyzing numerous data from observations of the motion of planets, Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation, according to which the force of interaction of celestial bodies is determined. Subsequently, in accordance with this law, the interaction of any bodies on Earth was experimentally confirmed. In his work, Newton systematically returned to this issue, trying to provide a theoretical justification for gravity. At the same time, he had great hopes for the ether and believed that revealing the essence of the ether would make it possible to obtain a solution to this most important issue. However, Newton failed to achieve a solution to this problem. Numerous attempts to provide a theoretical basis for gravity continue to this day without success. We will do it differently: We will consider the phenomenon of gravity as a property inherent in any mass of matter, including the mass of the ether. This postulate will allow us to solve the most important questions of science. We hope that in the future, as the properties of the ether are revealed, it will be possible to give a theoretical justification for this postulate. The gravitational forces acting on the ether from the side of bodies lead to compression of its continuous mass, which creates a certain density of the ether. If for some reason the density of the ether turns out to be greater than the density corresponding to the forces acting on the ether, then the ether (like a gas) will spread throughout the entire space available to it, reducing the density to the appropriate value. Obviously, the space available for propagation will be the space with a lower ether density.

Based on the above, we formulate the main property of the ether: “The ether, which is a continuous mass of a particleless form of matter that does not contain emptiness, tends (like a gas) to occupy the largest volume, while reducing its density, and is characterized by the forces of gravitational interaction with particles and bodies.”

Let us list the new things that the revealed property brings to science:

a) reveals the structure of the ether as particleless with a density corresponding to the forces acting on the ether;

b) ether is “gaseous”;

c) the ether has mass (this assumption was previously considered in science) and the law of universal gravitation is applied to this mass as the law of gravitational interaction.

The ether is continuous, i.e. any part of it cannot be “isolated” from the rest of the ether, unlike particles “isolated” from each other by the ether. Let us note that the considered main property of the ether concerns only its physical and mechanical structure. However, an unlimited amount of information passes through the cosmic ether, so the very important information properties of the ether remain to be considered in the future.

2. Experimental data

Let us present experiments confirming the main property of ether .

1. Fizeau and Michelson experiments (see Appendix 2).

2. Dependence of the mass of a particle on the speed of its movement (see Appendix 3).

3. Increase in body weight when a mass of ether is supplied to it (see §7).

4. Change in the volume and pressure of the gas when a mass of ether is supplied to it (see §8).

5. An increase in the lifetime of a particle with an increase in the speed of its movement (§5, paragraph 1.2.4).

6. The essence of what is happening at the Large Hadron Collider (§9).

§3. Communication of the ether with bodies and particles. Ether of near-Earth vacuum and ether of matter

The connection of the ether with bodies and particles is carried out by gravitational interaction in accordance with the basic property of the ether. Let's look at this interaction below.

1. Interaction of the Earth with the ether. Earth vacuum ether

First, let’s clarify the concept of vacuum space, for which we quote from the encyclopedia the modern concept of vacuum: “ Vacuum (from the Latin vacuum - emptiness) is a medium containing gas at pressures significantly lower than atmospheric... Vacuum is often defined as a state in which there are no real particles". We have shown above that the material world of the Universe consists of two forms of matter: ether and particles. Therefore, by vacuum it is correct to understand a medium in which there are no particles, but the ether is preserved, and emptiness is characterized by the absence of any form of matter.

Let's consider the interaction of the ether with the Earth. Let us choose a point at a distance R from the Earth at which the ether occupies an insignificant volume v 0 , within which the density of the ether will be considered uniform and having the value p 0 ; then the mass m 0 of ether in volume v 0 will be

m 0 = p 0 · v 0 . (1)

The force F G of the Earth's gravitational influence on the mass m 0 according to Newton's law will be determined:

F G = m 0 g G , (2)

where g G is the gravitational field strength created by the Earth at the selected point.

Since g G is inversely proportional to the square of the distance R, the force F G decreases with distance from the Earth. This force leads to a certain density of the ether, as a result of which an ethereal shell (the aura of the Earth) is created around the Earth, the density of the ether in which gradually decreases with distance from the Earth. Therefore, the ether of the near-Earth vacuum (i.e., not containing particles) has a certain density. This ether, pressed against the Earth by the force of gravity, moves with it in its movement around the Sun. This is confirmed by Michelson's experiment (see Appendix 2).

Similarly, we can talk about the auras of any micro and macro bodies, as well as the aura of living subjects. For example, the etheric aura of a person is known, which is called the energy field (E) and there is already equipment that, using the Kirlian method, makes it possible to obtain a photograph of a person’s aura. We will only add that this energy field E can be characterized by the ether mass m (the relation E = mc is known 2 ).

Speaking about the ethereal shells (auras) of any micro or macro bodies, we must clearly understand that these shells belong to their bodies and move with them in space. This applies to all macrobodies in outer space. The near-Earth ether moves together with the Earth in the etheric shell of the Sun, which, together with the Sun, moves in the ethereal environment of the Galaxy. From here it is clear that there is no world ether at rest.

2. Interaction of a particle with the ether. Ether substance

Similar to what was given in paragraph 1, the gravitational interaction of a particle with the ether leads to the creation of an ethereal shell around the particle (aura of the particle), the density of the ether in which smoothly decreases with distance from the particle. The set of particles (atoms, molecules) with their ethereal shells represents a substance, at each point of which between the particles there is an ether of the corresponding density (ether of matter).

Let us note that all substances on the Earth, together with their ethereal shells, are and can move in the ethereal environment of the near-Earth vacuum (the Earth’s aura). The ethereal environment of the near-Earth vacuum permeates all bodies and substances located on Earth.

§ 4. Determination of the ether density of the near-Earth vacuum

Let us determine approximately the density of the ether of the near-Earth vacuum from the following considerations. Light propagates in the ethereal medium, which represents the sum of the densities of the ether of the near-Earth vacuum and the ether located between the molecules of the substance. At

In the movement of matter on Earth, its ether moves relative to the ether of the near-Earth vacuum, entraining a photon of light. Therefore, part of the speed of moving matter is transferred to light. The ether drag coefficient α was determined by Lorentz and has the following value:

α = 1 – 1 / n 2 , (3)

where n is the refractive index of the substance.

For a more accurate calculation, we take as a substance the inert gas helium, which has the smallest molecular dimensions, and, therefore, the largest intermolecular region in which the ether of the substance is located. Under normal conditions, i.e. at a pressure of 1 atm. the density of the ether located between the gas molecules is 10 -15 g/cm 3 (see §8). The refractive index of helium is n = 1.000327, which gives, according to (3), the value α = 0.000654. Obviously, if the density of the ether of the substance was equal to the density of the ether of the near-Earth vacuum d, then the drag coefficient would be 0.5. Making up the proportion, we get

d = 10 -15 · (0.5 / 0.000654) ≈ 10 -12 g/cm3.

§5. Ether - the primary matter of the Universe

Throughout the entire history of the development of science, the most important question is what all the substances of the Universe are made of, i.e., what is the primordial particle of the universe, or the primary matter that underlies the structure of the material world. As science developed, such primordial particles were molecules, atoms, atomic nuclei, protons, and neutrons. According to modern quark theory, quarks are considered such primordial particles. However, despite significant efforts over almost five decades, the existence of quarks has not yet been experimentally confirmed.

Let us note the exceptional importance of understanding primordial matter for modern science. Considering quarks as the first matter, the popularizer of science Chirkov rightly notes: “The discovery of quarks was a true triumph of science! It would have been written down in golden letters, included in all textbooks and, undoubtedly, would have remained in them for the next, say, hundreds of years.” .

Below we will consider the solution to the problem of primordial matter and the related problem of understanding elementary particles.

We will consider these problems on the basis of the truth that the material world seems to consist of particles and the particleless form of matter (ether) located between them, the main property of which is revealed in §2.

Let's move on to consider the issue of elementary particles.

1. What are elementary particles made of?

To solve this most important issue of modern science, we will analyze well-known experimental data and then give their theoretical justification.

1.1. Analysis of experimental data

1.1.1. It has been experimentally established that the annihilation of an electron and a positron leads to the formation of two gamma rays. Let us note that each of these gamma quanta can no longer form particles (since the energy of such a gamma quantum is insufficient for this), and when they encounter any particles or bodies, these gamma quanta give up their energy to them and cease to exist . But where did the mass of particles - the electron and positron - go? The answer is clear if we consider that the mass of matter can exist in two forms - particles and ether, which represents the particleless form of matter, i.e. the mass of the particles in question has passed into the particleless form of matter. Consequently, a gamma quantum does not represent a particle (as is customary in modern science), but (following Einstein’s clear definition of a wave) the observed movement of a wave of the ether, which is the movement of some state of the ether, and not the ether itself.

1.1.2. It has been experimentally established that if a gamma quantum of appropriate energy is directed at an obstacle (for example, an atomic nucleus), then stable particles are formed - electron and positron or proton and antiproton. It follows that from a particleless form of matter of a certain size (located, as shown in paragraph 1.1.1, in a gamma quantum) stable particles of very high density, on the order of 10 17 kg/m 3, can be formed. The fact of significant compaction of the mass of matter from a very low value (which the particleless form of matter has) to a very high one is obvious.

1.1.3. The formation of a significant number of unstable elementary particles of various masses and with different lifetimes has been experimentally established.

Thus, all experimental data are explained from the positions under consideration and show that elementary particles represent a compacted mass of the ether and we can assert the existence the phenomenon of the formation of elementary particles from a particleless form of matter (ether).

Now let's move on to consider the theoretical justification of the experimental data.

1.2. Theoretical justification of experimental data

The proposed theoretical justification for the experimental data is fundamentally different from the modern theory of elementary particles. It is based on the basic property of ether. At the same time, gravitational interaction in the microworld is considered, which in modern science is considered inappropriate, since it is supposedly much weaker than the weak, electromagnetic and strong interactions that dominate in the microworld.

In Fig. 1 we depict a particle of mass m in the form of a ball, but it can be of any other shape. Let us consider the action of forces on a small part of the particle (magnitude ∆m) located on the surface at point B. These forces will be written as follows:

F = ∆m g    F 1 = ∆m g 1

where g is the gravitational field strength created by all m bodies surrounding the particle,

The force F will tear the mass ∆m away from the particle, trying to destroy it, and the force F 1 will hold the mass ∆m on the surface of the particle. Note that point B is selected at a place on the particle surface where the tension g is opposite to the tension g 1, as a result of which the particle will be most susceptible to destruction. Depending on the ratio of g and g 1 (and, consequently, the forces F and F 1)

Let us determine the criteria for the existence of particle m.

1.2.1. Criterion I

Criterion I corresponds to the relation

In this case, particle m is not destroyed and exists in the form of a stable particle. Experimental confirmation is the data presented in paragraph 1.1.2. Note that the lifetime of a stable particle is determined by the time during which criterion I is met.

1.2.2. Criterion II

Criterion II corresponds to the relation

where g 2 is the lowest value of the gravitational field strength on the surface of Jupiter.

It is known that the maximum possible value of the gravitational field strength on Earth g is several times less than the value of g 2, i.e.

Based on this, substituting the value of g into (6) instead of g 2, we have:

Relation (8) shows that criterion I is always met on Earth. Consequently, the electron and proton live on Earth forever.

3.2. The interaction of various elementary particles in accelerators or using cosmic rays leads to the formation of new particles whose mass is greater than the mass of the original particles. The paradoxical fact that more can consist of less is accepted by modern science as truth. As a result of this, it is believed that “the usual views about the simple and the complex, about the whole and the part of the world of elementary particles turn out to be completely unsuitable”. However, the solution to this problem from the positions discussed above becomes obvious: in the formation of elementary particles, in addition to the accelerated particles themselves, a mass of particleless matter takes part, which is “driven” in front of them by fast moving particles. It's clear that The greater the power of the accelerator, the greater the mass of new particles that can be obtained.

3.3. In the light of modern science, the proton radius and its density are respectively of the order of 10 13 cm and 10 17 kg / m 3 .

Let us calculate these quantities from the condition of the existence of a proton in accordance with criterion I (4). We will carry out the calculation approximately, considering the proton in the shape of a ball with a uniformly distributed density. Then the value of g 1 on the proton surface will be determined:

g 1 = γ ˑ mp / r 2 , (9)

where γ is the gravitational constant,

m P - proton mass,

r is the radius of the proton.

Substituting the value of g 1 from (9) into (4) and making calculations regarding r, we obtain:

r 10 29 kg / m 3

Some experimental confirmation of the obtained values ​​can be considered the results of a study at the Stanford linear accelerator in 1970, when it was discovered that electrons pass unhindered at a distance of 10 16 cm from the proton.

Let us formulate conclusions from §5.

1. The material world of the Universe is represented in the form of two forms of matter: particleless (ether) and elementary particles. All bodies and substances consist of elementary particles, between which there is ether of varying densities.

2. Ether is a “building material” for elementary particles. Elementary particles represent a compacted mass of a particleless form of matter and exist in the form of stable or unstable particles due to the gravitational force created by the mass of the particle itself.

3. The particleless form of matter (ether) is the primary matter underlying the structure of the material world.

4. The foundation is laid for a true understanding of phenomena in the material world and solutions to some pressing scientific problems are provided.

§6. Ethereal-atomic structure of matter

Modern atomistic teaching is based on the philosophical concept of Democritus and the basic paradigm of modern science is the atomic-vacuum structure of matter; in this case, vacuum means emptiness (according to Democritus). Above we showed that there is no void and that there are corresponding ethereal shells around microparticles, bodies and macrobodies. This leads us to the need to recognize as the basic paradigm of science etheric - atomic structure of matter.

The new paradigm will provide a powerful impetus for new advances in physics and will improve the quality of work in all scientific research.


§7. Ether and thermal energy

As noted above, between the particles of matter there is ether, which represents a particleless form of matter with mass.

Receiving thermal energy Q when heated, the body also increases mass m in accordance with the law of the relationship between mass and energy

Q = m c 2 , (12)

Where With- speed of light in vacuum.

But since during heating the number of particles of the body did not change, then, consequently, the mass m increases due to the mass of the particleless form of matter (ether) received from the heater. From relation (12) one can determine the value of the resulting mass m of ether. Thus, the carrier of thermal energy is the particleless form of matter (ether). Based on this, we formulate the essence of thermal energy: "Thermal energy Q is characterized by the mass of ether m; in this case, there is a dependence Q = mc 2 (With– the speed of light in the ethereal environment of the near-Earth vacuum) . This reveals a fundamentally new understanding of thermal energy, which makes it possible to develop fundamentally new ways to obtain thermal energy. As noted above, the particleless form of matter (ether) is located between all bodies and between the particles of all bodies, but at the same time the ether is connected with bodies and particles. Therefore, to obtain thermal energy, it is necessary to develop ways of releasing ether mass, which, in accordance with relation (12), will represent thermal energy; Attempts to obtain such energy from space are currently underway. Relationship (12) is observed experimentally in nuclear reactors, although there are already experiments confirming it when heating bodies. In atomic reactors, during nuclear fission, a difference is observed between the mass of the original nucleus and the sum of the masses of the new nuclei obtained. This mass difference represents the allocated mass of ether, which characterizes the resulting thermal energy in accordance with (12).

Since all particles of matter are nothing more than high-density ether, the general direction of solving the energy problem can be annihilation energy, as a result of which the mass of particles transforms into the mass of ether, which characterizes thermal energy. At the same time, the entire mass of matter is converted into environmentally friendly thermal energy, which is a thousand times more efficient than modern nuclear energy.

§8. Ether and pressure in gases

Modern understanding of the nature of pressure in gases, according to molecular kinetic theory (MKT), is explained by impacts of chaotically moving molecules on the wall. However, there is not a single experiment in which these molecular impacts were observed. It can be shown that Stern's experiment and Brownian motion, which modern physics considers to confirm MKT, are incorrect.

Below we will consider the pressure in gases from a theoretical perspective.

Figure 2a shows a vessel in the form of a cube with volume V 1 , which contains 1 mole of oxygen at pressure P and temperature T 1 . Oxygen molecules (black circles) are evenly distributed in the vessel and each molecule occupies a certain volume cube filled with an amount of ether corresponding to the existing oxygen temperature. Let us imagine that the walls of the vessel can move apart as the gas expands, leaving the pressure P unchanged.

Let's heat oxygen to temperature T 2 . At the same time, it will expand in all three directions and will already occupy a cube of volume V 2 . We get an increase in volume by the amount

v = V 2 – V 1 (13)

This occurs due to an increase in the distance between molecules. This increase in volume is shown in Fig. 2b in the form of a gap between cubes of the same size as in Fig. 2a.

Volume v is filled with the amount of heat Q received from the burner, which, as indicated in §7, represents the mass of ether m.

From a school physics course we know that the state of 1 mole of gas is described by the Clapeyron–Mendeleev equation:

where R is the universal gas constant.

Let us write this equation for gas states at temperature T 1 and T 2 :

PV 1 = RT 1 , (15)

PV 2 = RT 2 (16)

Subtracting equation (15) from equation (16), we obtain:

P(V 2 – V 1 ) = R(T 2 – T 1) (17)

From this it can be seen that to fill the increased volume v at pressure P, thermal energy Q is consumed, equal to the product of the universal gas constant and the temperature difference acquired by the gas. Taking this into account, expression (17) will take the form

Substituting the value of Q from relation (12), we obtain

P v = m c 2 , (19)

Since the ratio of the mass of the ether m to the volume v it occupies represents the density d of the ether, the result is:

P=dc 2 (21)

Based on this, we formulate the property of ether to produce pressure: “Ether of density d produces pressure p; in this case there is a dependence p = dc 2 (c is the speed of light in the ethereal environment of the near-Earth vacuum)."

Thus, in accordance with this property of the ether, the gas pressure is determined by the density of the ether located between its molecules. It is the density of this ether that determines the pressure in gases.

Substituting the value P = 1 atm. = 100 000 Pa into the found relationship and With= 300 000 km / s = 3·10 8 m / s, we obtain: at a pressure of 1 atmosphere, the density of the ether gas located between its molecules is about 10 15 g / cm 3 . Note that back in 1909, the famous English scientist J. J. Thomson received the same value.

The above understanding of pressure in gases makes a fundamental change in the field of scientific knowledge of pressure-related phenomena. For example:

a) it becomes clear that when fuel is burned in rocket engines, the pressure in the combustion chamber is formed due to an increase in the density of the ether released during fuel combustion. Therefore, the task of obtaining and regulating engine power comes down to obtaining different ether densities.

b) the presence of a certain ether density in the vacuum space (not containing particles) of the Universe is not taken into account in modern astronomy, both when calculating the mass of the Universe and in other calculations.

§9. The futility of experiments at the Large Hadron Collider

In 2008 In Switzerland, a super-powerful accelerator was launched - the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which cost taxpayers 10 billion euros. The main goal of tests at the LHC is to detect the Higgs boson, which, according to scientists, is an primordial particle representing the primary matter of the Universe. In addition, scientists believe that the experiment will make it possible to reproduce the “Big Bang” in miniature and gain fundamental knowledge about the properties of matter. It is believed that for this it is necessary to break protons, for which the work of the LHC is carried out in 3 main processes:

a) creating a deep vacuum;

b) acceleration of counter flows of protons to very high energy E = 7 10 12 eV;

c) collision of counter flows of protons, as a result the protons should break and the expected phenomena can be observed.

Let us immediately note: in §5 it is shown that the primary matter of the Universe is ether and it makes no sense to look for an primordial particle. In addition, in §15 , Clause 1 shows the fallacy of the expansion of the Universe after the Big Bang, because it is based on an erroneous understanding of redshift. Therefore, talking about the Big Bang also makes no sense. But let's consider all 3 processes.

1. Creating a deep vacuum

A deep vacuum is created by pumping air out of the working area of ​​the collider. In an ideal vacuum, all air molecules will be pumped out along with the etheric shells (aura) they created, i.e. the ether of the substance (see §3, paragraph 2) will be removed. However, in the work area

there will remain the ether of the near-Earth vacuum space (see §3, item 1), in which all substances are located (see §3, item 2). But in §4 it is shown that the density of this ether is 10 -12 g/cm 3 , which is a thousand times greater than the density of the evacuated ether created by air molecules at a pressure of 1 atm. (see §8).

2. Acceleration of protons

So, the movement of protons occurs in the ethereal environment of the near-Earth vacuum. Therefore, when a proton moves at high speed in the ethereal medium, it is forced to drive the mass of ether in front of it (like a car moving at high speed). In this case, the expended energy will already move the proton along with the mass of ether compacted in front of it (adhered to it). The adhesion of the ether mass to the proton is facilitated by the fact that the proton consists of the same matter as the ether (a proton is a super-dense ether, see point 4 in §5). The increase in proton mass corresponds to the applied energy E of the accelerator. Knowing the mass of a proton at rest m R =1,6726∙10 -27 kg its expression through the energy equivalent E R= m R c 2 = 0.94∙GeV, we can determine the value of the total moving mass m (proton mass m R plus the incremented etheric mass) depending on the energy of the accelerator E from the proportion:

m/m R= E / E R (22)

Where do we get m = 7∙10 3 / 0.94 = 7447 m R , (23)

According to the relation known from the theory of relativity

m = m 0 (1-v 2 /c 2)–1/2 (24)

you can calculate the speed acquired by the proton. It will be 0.99999999 c, i.e. approached the speed of light c. Figure 3 shows how the moving mass changes with increasing speed of the proton. At a speed of 30,000 km/s (0.1 s) the mass increases by 0.5%, at a speed of 100,000 km/s (0.333 s) it increases by 6%, and at its maximum value it increases by 7447 times.

We explained the physical essence of relation (24), which is not disclosed in the theory of relativity. In relativistic physics, this relationship is considered to be valid for high-speed mechanics. However, this relationship can be obtained from the standpoint of classical physics, if we consider the movement of a particle in the real environment of the material ether (see Appendix 3).

3. Proton collision

What happens when protons collide in any collider? As can be seen from Fig. 4, there is a collision of ethereal masses acquired by protons during acceleration. In this case, the compaction of various parts of these ether masses occurs, as a result of which various particles and their corresponding antiparticles are formed, which annihilate, forming gamma quanta of various energies (similar to how a proton and antiproton are formed and annihilated (see §5, paragraph 1.1) As a result, a rather colorful picture is observed, which is photographed and disseminated by the media as an imitation of the Big Bang. The same picture will be observed at the LHC as in a smaller

powerful collider. The difference is that in the LHC the picture will be more spectacular and larger particles can be observed (see §5, paragraph 3.2). The organizers of the experiment believe that it is possible to see a picture of the Universe at an earlier stage from the beginning of the Big Bang. But this picture is formed from the ether masses acquired by protons during their acceleration, and the protons themselves will not break up and after they stop, the mass of ether they gained as a result of acceleration will end up in the surrounding space, characterizing thermal energy in accordance with

relation (12).

Let us determine the limiting value of the released energy. Knowing that 1eV = 1.602∙10 -19 J, it can be calculated that when 1 proton collides and stops, energy will be released

W 1 = 7∙10 12 ∙1,602∙10 -19 = 1,12∙10 -6 J (25)

If the experiment, as planned, involves 10 -9 g protons (number of protons n = 6∙10 14 ), then the total energy released during the experiment (in an extreme case) will be:

W = 1.12∙10 -6 ∙ 6∙10 14 = 6,7∙ 10 8 J. (26)

Let us explain once again that the released etheric energy is thermal, which is confirmed by this experiment.

The peak power value, given the short duration of the process, will be enormous. This can lead to destruction of the equipment, but a 100-meter layer of earth is good protection on Earth. And experimenters will not allow an extreme situation, since the accelerator power and the number of protons involved in the experiment will be increased gradually.

Thus, the protons will not break up and the planned goals associated with the collision of protons at the speed of light will not be confirmed.

§10. The nature of nuclear forces

Let us consider what forces ensure the connection of a neutral neutron with a proton in the nucleus of an atom. In Fig. Figure 5 shows a neutron n with a proton p located at a close distance (next to it). Neutron represents the connection of a proton pn with an electron e. Since pn and e are not at the same point, then in a certain region (we denote it by ∆) an electrostatic field is formed around them, although further beyond this region the neutron is neutral. In the nucleus of an atom, the proton of the nucleus p falls into the ∆ region and enters into electrostatic interaction with a neutron. However, with the proton size accepted in modern science equal to 10 15 m, the electrostatic binding forces are three orders of magnitude smaller than the nuclear forces. But in §5, paragraph 3.3 it is shown that the size of the proton is less than 10 19 m. This allows the proton to approach the neutron at a distance at which the electrostatic binding forces will be equal in magnitude to the available nuclear forces. These forces provide the existing binding energies of the neutron in the nucleus of the atom. For example, in deuterium the binding energy of a neutron with a proton is 2.225 MeV.

It is known from experiments that “when a free neutron approaches the nucleus of an atom at a distance of 10 14 – 10 15 m, "click" and the nuclear field turns on". This just indicates that the proton of the atomic nucleus falls into the ∆ region of the neutron and then the neutron approaches the nucleus, creating the existing binding forces.

Thus, the nature of nuclear forces is electrostatic. In this case, the neutron at a short distance forms an electrostatic field, which ensures its nuclear bonding forces with the proton in the nucleus of the atom. Such a strong interaction is possible due to the small size of the proton (less than 10 19 m, and not 10 15 m, as is customary in modern physics).

§eleven. Solving other scientific problems

1. The properties of ether characterize a mass defect and produce repulsion of particles

Abstract. The work reveals the property of the ether to characterize a mass defect, from which the essence of the connection between the mass defect and the resulting energy becomes clear, and also reveals the property of the ether to produce the repulsion of particles, which is an important basis for the development of a non-planetary model of the atom. To do this, the connection of two particles with their ethereal shells is considered and it is mathematically proven that the mass of ether located in the ethereal shell of connected particles is less than the sum of the masses of ether located in the etheric shells of unbound particles. Based on this, it is formulated the property of ether to characterize a mass defect: “When particles combine, thermal energy Q is released in the form of ether mass m, which characterizes a mass defect; in this case there is a relation Q = m With 2 (c is the speed of light in the ethereal environment of the near-Earth vacuum) » This property of the ether allows us to give a simple explanation to many scientific problems and carry out their further development. An explanation of some of them is given.

1.1. Obtaining energy from the decay and synthesis of nuclei

During the decay of heavy nuclei (having less dense packing), nuclei with more dense packing are formed, as a result of which ether is released, which characterizes thermal energy according to relation (12), which is observed experimentally. During the synthesis of light nuclei, nuclei with a denser packing of nucleons are also formed, which also leads to the release of ether, which characterizes thermal energy.

1.2. Explanation of exo endothermic reactions

In exothermic reactions, the release of heat is due to the fact that the packing of atoms in the resulting reaction products is more dense than their packing in the initial products. As a result, ether is released, which characterizes thermal energy. In endothermic reactions, products are obtained with a less dense packing of atoms, i.e., the atoms are more spaced apart from each other and for this it is necessary to provide ether, which characterizes the consumption of thermal energy.

1.3. Explanation of the combustion process

The combustion process is an exothermic reaction of a combustible substance with an oxidizing agent (oxygen). For example, the combustion of coal indicates that the packing of carbon atoms in coal is less dense than the packing of carbon atoms with oxygen in the resulting gas. However, for coal to burn, it must first be ignited, since oxygen atoms cannot tear away carbon atoms in cold coal. Therefore, it is necessary to weaken the bond of atoms in coal, i.e., move them apart. This is done by communicating the ether to the surface atoms of the coal, i.e. by heating the coal until the reaction of the compound with oxygen begins. Part of the resulting heat (ether) is used to move apart the next coal atoms and thus the combustion process continues.

The property of ether to repulse particles is mathematically proven: “When elementary particles combine between them, an etheric “cushion” is formed, the pressure of the ether in which leads to the repulsion of particles.”

2. Non-planetary model of the atom

Abstract. It is noted that, in accordance with Coulomb's law, an electron tends to approach the positively charged nucleus of an atom. But at the same time, the property of ether to repulse particles is manifested, which consists in the fact that an etheric “cushion” is formed between the electron and the nucleus of the atom, the pressure of the ether in which leads to the repulsion of particles. Therefore, the electron will not fall onto the atomic nucleus, but will take a position in which the repulsive force will be equal to the force of Coulomb attraction (gravitational forces are many orders of magnitude less than Coulomb forces). The calculation of the position of electrons in a hydrogen atom and in a helium atom is given.

3. Fundamentals of the new theory of magnetism

Annotation. It is noted that the modern theory of magnetism cannot reveal the true nature of magnetism, since it does not take into account the presence of a material ethereal medium, which represents a particleless form of matter. Magnetic flux F through the cross-sectional area S is determined by the speed V movement of the mass of ether with density d and will amount to Ф = dVS. Accordingly, magnetic induction B = dV. On the basis of the theory of ether, the formula of Ampere's law is deduced, and it is also revealed nature: ferromagnetism, electromagnetic induction, alternating electromagnetic field, Lorentz force, interaction of permanent magnets.

4. Solution to the neutrino problem

Annotation. It is noted that the assumption of the existence of neutrinos arose in connection with observed experiments on the beta decay of element nuclei. The theory of neutrinos is deeply developed. It is based on the principles of quantum mechanics, which is based on the atomistic doctrine of Democritus and the movement of particles in a vacuum. But the work examines the physical essence of the problem on the basis of the developed theory of the material ether. From these positions, the beta decay of the nucleus and the decay of unstable particles are considered, resulting in the conclusion: “ The neutrino particle does not exist. The laws of conservation of energy and momentum during beta decay and the decay of unstable particles are observed in connection with the appearance of a jet of ether, which characterizes thermal energy. The short lifetime and very small cross section of this jet makes it difficult to experimentally detect its effect.”

5. Fundamentals of the microscopic theory of superconductivity

Abstract. It is noted that the existing microscopic theory of superconductivity, proposed by American physicists Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer (BCS theory) cannot reflect the true picture of the ongoing process, since it does not take into account the presence of a material ethereal medium inside the metal. This paper examines the foundations of the microscopic theory of superconductivity on the basis of the developed theory of the material ether. All phase states of the metal are considered: gaseous, liquid, solid. In the solid state there is a positive “+1” ion and a so-called “free” electron. With further cooling of the metal, the mass of the ether inside the ion decreases, which leads to the approach of electrons to the nucleus of the atom and to each other. At very low temperatures, the position of the electrons can become such that one more least bound electron is repelled from the atom: the result is a “+2” ion and two “free” electrons. This promotes an even closer approach of the remaining electrons to the nucleus of the atom, as a result of which a mass of ether (thermal energy) is released: the heat capacity of the metal increases, which is actually observed. The metal has entered a superconducting state. In metals that have one electron on the outer shell (Li, K, Na, Rb, Fr), the removal of the second electron is difficult, since it must already be removed from a stable shell, and this requires much more energy. Indeed, these metals do not go into a superconducting state. The critical temperature, critical magnetic field, critical current, depth of penetration of the magnetic field are considered and conclusions are drawn:

a) the transition to the superconducting state occurs with the formation of the “+2” ion;

b) to obtain high-temperature superconductivity, it is necessary to create a substance in which the formation of the “+2” ion occurs at high temperature.


Based on the theory of the ether from the standpoint of classical physics, Appendix 2 provides an explanation of the experiments of Fizeau and Michelson, and Appendix 3 obtains the dependence of the mass of a particle on the speed of its movement and reveals its physical essence, which is absent in the theory of relativity (TR). Below, based on the theory of the ether, the physical essence of a number of phenomena explained by TO will be revealed, and in some cases more accurate results will be obtained. In this regard, there is a need to analyze the main provisions of TO, which we will do below.

§12. The main mistake in the theory of relativity

Abstract. It is noted that the theory of relativity is based on the relativity of simultaneity, substantiated by Einstein. An analysis of this justification is given and the fundamental error in it is shown, which is as follows. In his justification, Einstein chooses a rod as a reference system, at points A and B of which there are observers with clocks. With a stationary rod, he considers the synchronization of the clocks located at points A and B of the rod using a light signal, and obtains the first relationships. Next, the rod is imparted uniform rectilinear motion with speed v. Since the speed of light in a vacuum does not depend on the speed of the light source, it determines the second relations for observers of a system at rest. Einstein claims that, in accordance with the principle of relativity, the speed of the light signal relative to observers moving with the rod should be the same as when the rod is stationary. From here Einstein draws the conclusion about the relativity of simultaneity. However, an analysis of the principle of relativity formulated by Galileo shows that in order to comply with the principle of relativity it is necessary, so that the reference system, all observable bodies and the environment, in which they are located, received the same inertial motion. In the example considered by Einstein, only the rod (frame of reference) receives inertial motion (velocity v), but the medium surrounding the rod and the photon of light moving in it do not receive this motion. Therefore, when the rod moves, the principle of relativity cannot be applied and observers located on the rod cannot apply the first relations.

This is the main mistake in the theory of relativity because if it had been discovered immediately, there would have been no erroneous theory of relativity.

Based on compliance with the generally accepted principle of relativity, a mathematical proof is given of the absoluteness of space and time, clearly formulated by Newton.

§13. On the inconsistency of Lorentz transformations

Abstract. It is noted that the need for Lorentz transformations is caused by the requirement to comply with the principle of relativity for a ray of light, which consists in the fact that a ray of light emitted from the origin of coordinates of combined reference systems (moving and stationary) must have the same speed With in a vacuum both relative to a stationary system and relatively mobile. For this purpose, the solution of the corresponding equations is given. However, errors in solving these equations are given in the following work. In addition, we note that, as indicated in §12, the principle of relativity cannot be applied to a ray of light in a moving system.

The following corollaries from the Lorentz transformation formulas set out in are considered.

1. Change in body size in the direction of movement. With the help of this corollary, an explanation was proposed for Michelson's experiment under the condition that the Earth moves through a stationary ether. Thus, this contributed to the false statement about the existence of a world motionless ether, but as shown in §3 there is no motionless ether. An explanation of Michelson's experiment is given in Appendix 2 without the need to change the size of the body. There is not a single experiment in nature that confirms the change in the size of a body during its movement. Thus, Lorentz transformations lead to an erroneous understanding of the existence of changes in the size of a body during its movement and direct science onto the wrong path of development.

2. The impossibility of obtaining the speed of relative motion of two inertial reference systems exceeding the speed of light in a vacuum. As we noted above, light does not propagate in a vacuum, but in a material ethereal environment. Inertial reference systems are located in the same environment. They should represent not abstract coordinate axes, but real bodies (for example, the Earth, a carriage, an elementary particle, etc.). The speed of movement of these reference systems is limited by the resistance of the ethereal medium in which they move and cannot exceed the speed of light in the ethereal environment of the near-Earth vacuum. In this case, an increase in the mass of bodies occurs at high speeds (see Appendix 3). If in the ethereal medium two inertial frames of reference (for example, elementary particles) move in opposite directions with a speed close to With, then the relative speed between these inertial systems will be close to 2 With. Therefore, the above corollary is erroneous.

3. Slowing down the clock as it moves. It is believed that “the relativistic effect of time dilation was brilliantly confirmed in experiments with muons - unstable, spontaneously decaying elementary particles.” In this case, the lifetime of a rapidly moving muon is greater than the lifetime of a muon at rest in accordance with the Lorentz transformation formula. The increase in particle lifetime is explained in §5, section 1.2.4.

Thus, the increase in the lifetime of a muon during its movement is associated with the movement of the muon in a real material ethereal environment, and not with a slowdown in the clock. Therefore, the existing explanations are incorrect and the considered consequence of the Lorentz transformations leads science down the wrong path.

4. Relativistic law of addition of velocities. The work shows (using the example of the Earth and Sun systems) that the addition of velocities in nature occurs according to the laws of classical mechanics. The relativistic law is derived from an erroneous derivation of Lorentz transformations.

5. Explanation of Fizeau's experiment. This experiment is explained in Appendix 2 without applying Lorentz transformations.

6. Explanation of the phenomenon of annual aberration of light. A ray of light coming from a star, entering the near-Earth ethereal medium, additionally receives the speed V of this medium. If the beam speed With perpendicular to the speed V, then the aberration angle α is determined from the condition tgα = V /c . Thus, the exact value of the aberration angle was obtained, and not an approximate one, as is obtained using Lorentz transformations.

§14.About mathematical errors in conclusions

Lorentz transformations

x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = c 2 t 2 (27) (x") 2 + (y") 2 + (z") 2 = c 2 (t") 2 , (28)

where unprimed values ​​are used in the K system, and hatched values ​​are used in the K′ system. The derivation of Lorentz transformations comes down to solving these equations.

The error in Einstein's conclusions of transformations is as follows. He reasons that " for the origin of coordinates of the K′ system all the time x′ = 0” and on the basis of this receives transformations. The error in this reasoning is that x′ = 0 not all the time, but only at t′ = 0 and therefore the conclusions of the transformations

There is an error in the conclusions given in Prof.'s textbook. Savelyev, lies in the fact that division by t = 0 and t′ = 0 occurs, but division by 0 gives uncertainty. There is a similar error in the conclusions given in .

The error in the conclusions presented in is that the solution of the found equations does not take into account the dependence x = c t.

Thus, Lorentz transformations do not have a strict mathematical proof.

§15. The theory of the ether explains the phenomena considered in the theory of relativity

Below we will reveal a number of the most important phenomena from the perspective of the ether.

1. Redshift

Spectral analysis shows a shift of the spectral lines of distant stars from the corresponding spectral lines of the Sun to the red side of the spectrum. In modern science, this is explained by the Doppler effect associated with the movement of stars. This is where the idea of ​​the expansion of the Universe was born. However, it is known that the spectral lines of the Sun are shifted relative to the spectral lines of the corresponding elements on Earth. But at the same time, the Sun does not move away from the Earth at a speed corresponding to the Doppler effect. Therefore, the redshift is not caused by the removal of stars and the conclusion about the expanding Universe in connection with the Big Bang is erroneous. In the general theory of relativity (GTR), Einstein explained this by saying that the gravitational potential of the Sun is greater than the gravitational potential of the Earth. In this case, the physical essence of the phenomenon is presented in such a way that a ray of light, entering an area with a lower gravitational potential, changes the frequency to the red side of the spectrum. But this explanation is incorrect, since the frequency specified by the oscillation source cannot change; it can only be perceived differently only by an oscillation receiver moving relative to the source (Doppler effect).

The theory of ether allows us to reveal the essence of this important phenomenon as follows. Since the gravitational potential on the surface of the Sun is greater than on the surface of the Earth, the density of the ether, in which the atoms of the elements whose spectrum is being considered, will be greater, i.e. the elements in the region of the Sun are somewhat different from the corresponding elements on Earth. This leads to some change in the emitted oscillation frequency. The well-known scientist, President of the USSR Academy of Sciences V.I., drew attention to the dubious convention of the accepted equality of terrestrial elements and those observed on other astronomical bodies. Vavilov.

The revealed essence of the red shift shows the fallacy of the expansion of the Universe, which is confirmed by the research of a number of astronomers.

2. Beam bending by the Sun

It is known that this important question, confirmed experimentally by expeditions in 1919, was a statement of General Relativity. Along with the possible causes of this phenomenon, we will consider them from the standpoint of the theory of the ether. The fact is that the beam in the region of the Sun passes through the solar atmosphere, the density of which decreases as it moves away from the Sun, and, consequently, the refractive index decreases. Therefore, the passage of a ray is similar to its passage through a prism, which leads to its deflection.

3. Shift of Mercury's perihelion

It must be borne in mind that Mercury (like other planets) moves in the ethereal environment of the circumsolar vacuum, the density of which decreases with distance from the Sun. Therefore, the perihelion shift of other planets decreases as the planets move away from the Sun.

4. Black holes

According to the theory of the ether, a black hole represents a region of space in which the ether is so rarefied that light no longer propagates in it, just as sound does not propagate in very rarefied air. This idea is extremely opposite to the modern idea, which is unlikely due to the need to obtain colossal density of matter for large masses, which is not observed experimentally (it is known that elementary particles have the highest density and this density is many orders of magnitude less than the calculated density for the modern idea of ​​a black hole).


In conclusion, we note that the work done applies the postulate of the application of the law of universal gravitation to the ether, which was recognized by all ancient philosophies and physics until the twentieth century.

Let us list the most important results of the work and prospects for the further development of this scientific direction.

1. Physical essence revealed second form of matter, which allows us to solve the most important scientific questions in the three-dimensional space of the Universe from the standpoint of classical physics.

2. The primordial matter of the Universe is substantiated, which eliminates the colossal costs of theoretical and experimental work (like the Large Hadron Collider) in the search for the primordial particle.

3. The nature of thermal energy has been revealed, which makes it possible to develop fundamentally new ways of obtaining it, up to the conversion of the entire mass of matter into environmentally friendly energy with an efficiency a thousand times higher than modern nuclear energy.

4. The nature of pressure in gases is substantiated, which allows for fundamentally new developments of aircraft.

5. The physical essence of the processes in the collider is revealed and the meaninglessness of the experiments being carried out is shown.

6. The nature of nuclear forces is revealed.

7. The results of work on the structure of the atom, the microscopic theory of superconductivity and magnetism are indicated, taking into account the presence of ether in matter and leading to new results.

8. An explanation is given for the experiments of Fizeau and Michelson (which were the root cause of the development of the theory of relativity) from the standpoint of classical physics. This alone casts doubt on the need for the theory of relativity (TR).

9. The inconsistency of TO is shown (errors in the justification of the relativity of simultaneity and in the conclusions of Lorentz transformations are shown, and a mathematical proof of the absoluteness of time is given).


1. Aristotle Works in 4 volumes, vol.1. M. “Thought”, p. 410.

2. Aristotle Works in 4 volumes, vol.3. M. “Thought”, p. 136.

3. Physical encyclopedia. M. “Soviet Encyclopedia”, 1988, vol. 1, p. 235.

4. Detlaf A.A., Yavorsky B.M. Physics course, vol.3. M. "Higher School", 1979, p.170.

5. Chirkov Yu. G. Hunting for quarks. M. “Young Guard”, 1985, p. 30.

6. Yavorsky B. M., Detlaf A. A. Handbook of physics. M. "Science", 1981, p. 474.

7. Einstein A. Collected. scientific works, vol.4. M. "Science", 1965, p.421.

8. Yavorsky B. M., Detlaf A. A. Handbook of physics. M. "Science", 1981, p. 473.

9. Ibid., p. 441.

10. Ibid., p. 469.

11. Yavorsky B. M., Detlaf A. A. Handbook of physics. M. "Science", 1981, p. 465.

12. Ginzburg V. L. Usp. Fiz. Nauk 134 492 (1981).

13. Andreev A. “Knowledge is power”, 1983, No. 10, p. 39.

14. Chirkov Yu. G. Hunting for quarks. M. “Young Guard”, 1985, p. 153..

15. Ibid., p.199.

16. Yavorsky B.M., Detlaf A.A. Handbook of Physics. M. "Science", 1974, p. 527.

17. Kishkintsev V.A. The phenomenon of dependence of the weight of a gas on the thermal energy imparted to it. Zhigulevsky Institute of Radio Equipment, 1993, p. 46.

18. Thomson J. J. Matter, energy and ether (speech delivered at the convention of the British Association in Winnipeg (Canada) in 1909). Book publishing house “Physics”, St. Petersburg, 1911.

19. Abramov A. I. Beta decay. M. OIATE, 2000., p. 72.

20. Kikoin I. K. Tables of physical quantities. Directory. M. "Atomizdat", 1976, p. 891.

21. Borovoy A. A. How particles are registered. M. "Science", 1978, p. 64.

22. Einstein A. Collected. scientific works, vol. 1. M. “Science”, 1965, p. 8.

23. Galileo G. Dialogue about the two most important systems of the world, Ptolemaic and Copernican. M.-L. Gostekhizdat, 1948, p. 146

24. Newton I. Mathematical principles of natural philosophy. M.-L. Ed. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1927, p. thirty.

25. Detlaf A. A., Yavorsky B. M. Physics course, vol. 3. M. “Higher School”, 1979, p. 173.

26. Einstein A. Collected. scientific works, vol. 1. M. “Science”, 1965, p. 588.

27. Savelyev I. V. Physics course, vol. 1, 1989, M. “Science”, p. 158.

28. Detlaf A. A., Yavorsky B. M. Physics course, vol. 3. M. “Higher School”, 1979, p. 178.

29. Bergman P. G. Introduction to the theory of relativity, M. Gos. published foreign literature, 1947, p.54.

Annex 1.

Refutation of the impossibility of the gaseous representation of the ether

We affirm the “gaseous” structure of the ether, which was rejected by science for the reason that a number of experiments allegedly indicate the transverse nature of light waves, and transverse waves, according to the theory of elasticity, cannot exist in gases. However, the particleless representation of the ether makes it possible to refute the evidence of the transverseness of light waves and, in particular, that given, for example, in. Here Einstein gives an experiment on the passage of a beam of light through two plates of a tourmaline crystal: when one plate is rotated around the axis determined by the passing beam, it is observed that the light becomes weaker and weaker until it disappears completely, and then it appears again. From this Einstein draws the following conclusions: " it possible to explain these phenomena if the light waves are longitudinal? If the waves were longitudinal, the particles of the ether would have to move along the axis, i.e. in the same direction in which the beam goes. If the crystal rotates, nothing along axis does not change... Such a clearly visible change as the disappearance and appearance of a new picture could not occur for a longitudinal wave. This, as well as many other similar phenomena, can be explained only if we assume that light waves not longitudinal, but transverse!"

However, in this experiment, when the crystal rotates, the transverse size for the passage of the beam changes and Einstein’s statement that a longitudinal wave must pass through an arbitrarily small transverse size is incorrect and is associated with the idea that ether particles, moving along the axis, must pass through an arbitrarily small transverse dimension. The longitudinal wave of the particleless ether presented by us is characterized by a clot having a transverse size, which leads, when the crystal rotates, to a weaker passage of the wave until it disappears. Therefore, this example does not give grounds to draw a conclusion about the transverse nature of light waves.


1. Born M. Einstein’s theory of relativity. M." World", 1972., p. 104.

2. Einstein A. Collected. scientific works, vol.4. M." Science", 1965, p. 432.

Appendix 2.

Experiments by Fizeau and Michelson

The experiments of Fizeau and Michelson in the second half of the 19th century were a fundamental milestone in the development of physics and were the primary reason for the development of the special theory of relativity. Fizeau's experiment showed that adding the speed of light in water to the speed of water does not correspond to classical physics; in this case, only part of the speed of moving water is transmitted to light. Michelson's experiment showed that there is no movement of the Earth through the surrounding ether.

1. Explanation of the Michelson experiment

Knowing the distance from the Earth to the Sun, as well as the masses of the Earth and the Sun, it is not difficult to determine that the strengths of the gravitational fields of the Earth and the Sun will be equal at a point approximately 250,000 km away from the Earth. This means that in the immediate environment of the Earth, the intensity of the Earth’s gravitational field is much greater than that of the Sun, and therefore the ether surrounding the Earth is attracted by the Earth and moves with the Earth, and, therefore, there is no movement of the Earth through the ether surrounding it. This was confirmed by Michelson's experiment. One could say so. Michelson's experiment was carried out in the ethereal environment of the near-Earth vacuum, which (as noted above) is connected to the Earth and moves with the Earth and therefore there is no movement of the Earth through the ether surrounding it.

2. Explanation of Fizeau's experiment

Fizeau's experiment was explained by Lorentz under the condition of motion in the motionless ether of any medium whose molecules are systems of electric charges.

But the structure of matter is molecules, and during the movement of matter on Earth, these molecules move in the ethereal medium of the Earth’s aura, which corresponds to the Lorentz condition.

The physical essence of the explanation of Fizeau's experiment is as follows. Light propagates in the ethereal medium, which represents the sum of the densities of the ether of the near-Earth vacuum and the ether of the substance formed by its particles. When matter moves on Earth, its ether moves relative to the ether of the near-Earth vacuum, entraining a photon of light. Therefore, only part of the speed of moving matter is transmitted to light, corresponding to the ratio of the densities of the ether of matter and the ether of the near-Earth vacuum.

The experiments of Fizeau and Michelson confirmed that the ether has mass and gravitational properties, due to which the ether of the near-Earth vacuum moves together with the Earth, and the movement of matter on Earth along with its ether occurs in the ethereal environment of the near-Earth vacuum.


1. Detlaf A.A., Yavorsky B.M. Physics course, vol.3. M. "Higher School", 1979, p.170.

Appendix 3.

Classic physics for high speeds

Based on the movement of an elementary particle in the ethereal medium, from the standpoint of classical physics, we will derive the dependence of the change in the mass of this particle on the speed of its movement.

Kinetic energy W k mass m is determined by speed v. This energy corresponds to the energy corresponding to the amount of mass dm by which the particle mass has increased. The energy of the ether mass dm in accordance with (12) will be dm∙c 2 . Equating this energy to W k, we get

W k= dm∙c 2 (1)

Let us determine the momentum p of a material point of mass m moving with speed v:

and the force acting on this point will be

F = dp/dt = m ∙ (dv/dt) + v (dm/dt) (3)

Kinetic energy over time dt is written as

W k= F·v·dt (4)

Substituting the values ​​of F from (3), we have:

W k= mv dv +v 2 dm (5)

Substituting this value into (1), we obtain the differential equation:

(dm/dv) · (s 2 -v 2 ) – mv = 0 (6)

Let's solve this equation, observing the initial condition: for v = 0, m = m 0 :

∫(dm/m) = ∫ v dv / (c 2 -v 2 ) (7)

m = (c 2 -v 2)-1 /2 B (8)

From the initial condition it will be determined: B = m 0 ·With

So, we obtain the solution to equation (6):

m = m 0 ·(1- v 2 /c 2)-1/2 (9)

We obtained the relationship known in the theory of relativity from the standpoint of classical physics, considering the movement of a particle in the real environment of the material ether. And this once again confirms the existence of a material ethereal environment.

Brusin S.D., Brusin L.D. THE SECOND FORM OF MATTER - NEW ABOUT ETHER (new theory in physics) // Scientific electronic archive.
URL: (access date: 01/12/2020).

Doctor of Philosophy in Physics K. ZLOSCHASTYEV (National Autonomous University of Mexico, Institute of Nuclear Research, Department of Gravity and Field Theory).

Ending. For the beginning, see "Science and Life" No.

Science and life // Illustrations

Rod deformation. Despite the fact that both the rod and the force acting on it are initially symmetrical with respect to the axis of rotation of the rod, the result of deformation can break this symmetry. © Kostelecky & Scientific American.

Comparison of clock progress: on the left - the International Space Station, where two clocks will be installed; on the right are clocks operating on different physical principles: quantum transitions in an atom (bottom) and microwaves in a resonating chamber (top).

Experiment with antihydrogen.

Spin pendulum.


After the creation of the theory of relativity, the ether was no longer needed and was sent into exile. But was the expulsion final and irrevocable? For a hundred years, Einstein’s theory has demonstrated its validity in numerous experiments and observations both on Earth and in the space around us, and so far there is no reason to replace it with something else. But are the theory of relativity and the ether mutually exclusive concepts? Paradoxically, no! Under certain conditions, the ether and the selected frame of reference can exist without contradicting the theory of relativity, at least its fundamental part, which is confirmed experimentally. To understand how this can be, we must delve into the very heart of Einstein's theory - Lorentz symmetry.

While studying Maxwell's equations and the Michelson-Morley experiment, in 1899 Hendrik Lorentz noticed that under Galilean transformations (consisting of rotations in three-dimensional space, while time is absolutely unchanged when moving to another frame of reference), Maxwell's equations do not remain unchanged. Lorentz concluded that the equations of electrodynamics have symmetry only with respect to certain new transformations. (Similar results were independently obtained even earlier: by Waldemar Voit in 1887 and Joseph Larmore in 1897.) In these transformations, in addition to three-dimensional spatial rotations, time was additionally transformed along with space. In other words, three-dimensional space and time were combined into a single four-dimensional object: space-time. In 1905, the great French mathematician Henri Poincaré called these transformations Lorentzian, and Einstein took them as the basis for his special theory of relativity(ONE HUNDRED). He postulated that the laws of physics must be the same for all observers in inertial(moving without acceleration) reference systems, and the transition formulas between the latter are given not by Galilean, but by Lorentzian transformations. This postulate was called Lorentz observer invariance(LIN) and within the framework of the theory of relativity should not be violated in any case.

However, in Einstein's theory there is another type of Lorentz symmetry - Lorentz invariance of a particle(LICH), the violation of which, although it does not fit into the framework of the standard SRT, still does not require a radical revision of the theory, provided that the LIN is preserved. To understand the difference between LIN and LIC, let's look at examples. Let's take two observers, one of whom is on the platform, and the other is sitting on a train passing by without accelerating. LIN means that the laws of physics must be the same for them. Now let the observer on the train stand up and begin to move relative to the train without acceleration. LICH means that the laws of physics must still be the same for these observers. In this case, LIN and LICH are one and the same thing - a moving observer on a train simply creates a third inertial frame of reference. However, it can be shown that in some cases the LICH and LIN are not identical, and therefore, when the LIN is preserved, a violation of the LICH can occur. Understanding this phenomenon requires introducing the concept spontaneously broken symmetry. We will not go into mathematical details, just turn to analogies.

Analogy one. The equations of Newton's theory of gravity, which govern the laws of planetary motion, are three-dimensional rotational symmetry(that is, they are invariant under rotation transformations in three-dimensional space). However, the Solar System, being a solution to these equations, nevertheless violates this symmetry, since the trajectories of the planets are located not on the surface of a sphere, but on a plane with an axis of rotation. Group of three-dimensional rotations (group O(3), mathematically speaking) on ​​a specific solution spontaneously breaks down to a group of two-dimensional rotations on the plane O(2).

Analogy two. Let's place the rod vertically and apply a vertical downward force to its upper end. Despite the fact that the force acts strictly vertically and the rod is initially absolutely straight, it will bend to the side, and the direction of the bend will be random (spontaneous). The solution (the shape of the rod after deformation) is said to spontaneously break the initial symmetry group of two-dimensional rotations on a plane perpendicular to the rod.

Analogy three. Previous discussions concerned spontaneous breaking of rotational symmetry O(3). It's time for a more general Lorentz symmetry, SO(1.3). Let's imagine that we have shrunk so much that we were able to penetrate inside the magnet. There we will see many magnetic dipoles (domains) aligned in one direction, which is called direction of magnetization. Conservation of LIN means that no matter what angle we are at in relation to the direction of magnetization, the laws of physics should not change. Consequently, the movement of any charged particle inside a magnet should not depend on whether we are standing sideways in relation to its trajectory or facing it. However, the movement of a particle that would move in our face will be different from the movement of the same particle sideways, since the Lorentz force acting on the particle depends on the angle between the particle velocity vectors and the direction of the magnetic field. In this case, they say that the LICH is spontaneously disrupted by the background magnetic field (which created a preferred direction in space), while the LIN is preserved.

In other words, although equations consistent with Einstein's theory of relativity preserve Lorentz symmetry, some of their solutions may break it! Then we can easily explain why we have not yet discovered deviations from the SRT: simply the overwhelming majority of solutions that physically realize one or another observed phenomenon or effect retain Lorentz symmetry, and only a few do not (or the deviations are so small that they still lie outside beyond our experimental capabilities). Ether may be just such a LICH-violating solution to some field equations that are fully compatible with LIN. Question: what are the fields that play the role of ether, do they exist, how can they be described theoretically and detected experimentally?


Quite a lot of theoretical examples when Lorentz symmetry can be broken (both spontaneously and completely) are already known. We will present only the most interesting of them.

Standard Model Vacuum. The Standard Model (SM) is the generally accepted relativistic quantum field theory that describes the strong, electromagnetic and weak interactions. As is known, in quantum theory the physical vacuum is not an absolute void; it is filled with particles and antiparticles that are born and destroyed. This fluctuating “quantum foam” can be thought of as a type of ether.

Space-time in quantum theory of gravity. In quantum gravity, the subject of quantization is space-time itself. It is assumed that on very small scales (usually on the order of the Planck length, that is, about 10 -33 cm) it is not continuous, but may represent either a set of some multidimensional membranes ( N-branes, as string theorists call them M-theories - see "Science and Life" No. 2, 3, 1997), or the so-called spin foam, consisting of volume and area quanta (as claimed by supporters of the theory of loop quantum gravity). In each of these cases, Lorentz symmetry can be broken.

String theory. In 1989–1991, Alan Kostelecky, Stuart Samuel, and Robertus Potting demonstrated how Lorentz and CPT-symmetries can occur in superstring theory. This is not surprising, however, since superstring theory is still far from complete: it works well in the high-energy limit, when spacetime is 10- or 11-dimensional, but does not have a single limit for low energies, when the dimensionality of spacetime tends to to four (the so-called landscape problem). Therefore, in the latter case, it still predicts almost anything.

M-theory. During the second "superstring revolution" in the 1990s, it was realized that all five 10-dimensional superstring theories are related by duality transformations and therefore turn out to be special cases of a single theory called M-a theory that “lives” in the number of dimensions one more - 11-dimensional. The specific form of the theory is still unknown, but some of its properties and solutions (describing multidimensional membranes) are known. In particular, it is known that M-the theory does not have to be Lorentz-invariant (and not only in the sense of LICH, but also in the sense of LIN). Moreover, it could be something fundamentally new, radically different from standard quantum field theory and relativity theory.

Noncommutative field theories. In these exotic theories, space-time coordinates are non-commutative operators, that is, for example, the result of multiplying the coordinate x to coordinate y does not coincide with the result of coordinate multiplication y to coordinate x, and Lorentz symmetry is also broken. This also includes non-associative field theories, in which, for example, ( x x y) x z x x x ( y x z) - non-Archimedean field theories (where the field of numbers is assumed to be different from the classical one), and their various compilations.

Theories of gravity with a scalar field. String theory and most dynamical models of the Universe predict the existence of a special type of fundamental interaction - global scalar field, one of the most likely candidates for the role of “dark energy”, or “quintessence”. Having very low energy and a wavelength comparable to the size of the Universe, this field can create a background that disrupts the LICH. TeVeS, the tensor-vector-scalar theory of gravity, developed by Bekenstein as a relativistic analogue of the modified Milgrom mechanics, can also be included in this group. However, TeVeS, in the opinion of many, has acquired not only the advantages of Milgrom’s theory, but, unfortunately, also many of its serious disadvantages.

"Einstein Ether" Jacobson-Mattinly. This is a new vector ether theory proposed by Ted Jacobson and David Mattingly from the University of Maryland, in the development of which the author is involved. It can be assumed that there is a global vector field, which (unlike the electromagnetic field) does not disappear even far from all charges and masses. Far from them, this field is described by a constant four-vector of unit length. The reference frame that accompanies it is isolated and, thus, violates LICH (but not LIN, since the vector field is considered relativistic and all equations have Lorentz symmetry).

Extended Standard Model (SME, or PSM). About ten years ago, Don Colladay and the aforementioned Kostelecki and Potting proposed extending the Standard Model with components that violate PIM but not LIN. Thus, this is a theory in which the violation of Lorentz symmetry is already inherent. Naturally, the RSM is adjusted so as not to contradict the usual standard model (SM), at least that part of it that has been verified experimentally. According to the creators, the differences between RSM and SM should appear at higher energies, for example, in the early Universe or at projected accelerators. By the way, I learned about RSM from my co-author and department colleague Daniel Sudarsky, who himself made a significant contribution to the development of the theory, showing, together with his co-authors in 2002, how quantum gravity and broken LICH can influence the dynamics of particles in the cosmic microwave radiation.


There are a lot of experiments to search for violation of Lorentz symmetry and a selected reference frame, and they are all different, and many of them are not direct, but indirect. For example, there are experiments that look for violations of the principle CPT symmetries, which states that all the laws of physics should not change with the simultaneous application of three transformations: replacing particles with antiparticles ( C-transformation), mirror reflection of space ( P-transformation) and time reversal ( T-transformation). The point is that from the Bell-Pauli-Luders theorem it follows that the violation CPT-symmetry entails violation of Lorentz symmetry. This information is very useful, since in some physical situations the former is much easier to detect directly than the latter.

Experiments a la Michelson-Morley. As mentioned above, they are used to try to detect the anisotropy of the speed of light. Currently, the most accurate experiments use resonating chambers ( resonant cavity): The chamber is rotated on a table and changes in the frequencies of the microwaves inside it are examined. John Lipa's group at Stanford University uses superconducting chambers. The team of Achim Peters and Stefan Schiller from the Humboldt University of Berlin and the University of Düsseldorf uses laser light in sapphire resonators. Despite the constantly increasing accuracy of experiments (relative accuracies already reach 10 -15), no deviations from the predictions of SRT have yet been discovered.

Nuclear spin precession. In 1960, Vernon Hughes and, independently, Ron Drever measured the spin precession of the lithium-7 nucleus as the magnetic field rotated with the Earth relative to our Galaxy. No deviations from SRT predictions were found.

Neutrino oscillations? At one time, the discovery of the phenomenon of transformation of some types of neutrinos into others (oscillations - see "Science and Life" No.) caused a furor, since this meant that neutrinos had a rest mass, even if very small, on the order of an electron volt. The breaking of Lorentz symmetry should in principle affect the oscillations, so that future experimental data may answer whether this symmetry is preserved in the neutrino system or not.

K-meson oscillations. The weak interaction forces the K-meson (kaon) to turn into an antikaon during its “life” and then back - oscillate. These oscillations are so precisely balanced that the slightest disturbance CPT-symmetry would lead to a noticeable effect. One of the most accurate experiments was carried out by the KTeV collaboration at the Tevatron accelerator (Fermi National Laboratory). Result: in kaon oscillations CPT-symmetry is preserved with an accuracy of 10 -21.

Experiments with antimatter. Many high-precision CPT-Experiments with antimatter have been carried out currently. Among them: a comparison of anomalous magnetic moments of electron and positron in Penning traps made by Hans Dehmelt's group at the University of Washington, proton-antiproton experiments at CERN carried out by Gerald Gabrielse's group from Harvard. No violations CPT-symmetry has not yet been discovered.

Comparison of clocks. Two high-precision clocks are taken, which use different physical effects and, therefore, should respond differently to a possible violation of Lorentz symmetry. As a result, a path difference should arise, which will be a signal that the symmetry is broken. Experiments on Earth, conducted in the laboratory of Ronald Walsworth at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and other institutions, have achieved impressive precision: Lorentz symmetry has been shown to be preserved to within 10 -27 for different types of clocks. But this is not the limit: accuracy should improve significantly if the instruments are launched into space. Several orbital experiments - ACES, PARCS, RACE and SUMO - are planned to be launched in the near future on board the International Space Station.

Light from distant galaxies. By measuring the polarization of light coming from distant galaxies in the infrared, optical and ultraviolet ranges, it is possible to achieve high accuracy in determining a possible violation CPT-symmetry in the early Universe. Kostelecki and Matthew Mewes of Indiana University showed that for such light this symmetry is preserved to within 10 -32 . In 1990, Roman Jackiw's group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology substantiated an even more precise limit - 10 -42.

Cosmic rays? There is a certain mystery associated with ultra-high-energy cosmic rays coming to us from space. Theory predicts that the energy of such rays cannot be higher than a certain threshold value - the so-called Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin limit (GZK cutoff), which calculated that particles with energies above 5 ґ 10 19 electronvolts should actively interact with cosmic microwave radiation at their path and waste energy on the birth of pi-mesons. Observational data exceeds this threshold by orders of magnitude! There are many theories that explain this effect without invoking the Lorentz symmetry breaking hypothesis, but so far none of them has become dominant. At the same time, the theory proposed in 1998 by Sidney Coleman and Nobel laureate Sheldon Glashow from Harvard suggests that the phenomenon of exceeding the threshold is explained by the violation of Lorentz symmetry.

Comparison of hydrogen and antihydrogen. If CPT-symmetry is broken, then matter and antimatter should behave differently. Two experiments at CERN near Geneva - ATHENA and ATRAP - look for differences in the emission spectra between hydrogen atoms (proton plus electron) and antihydrogen (antiproton plus positron). No differences have been found yet.

Spin pendulum. This experiment, conducted by Eric Adelberger and Blaine Heckel of the University of Washington, uses a material in which the electron spins are aligned in the same direction, thereby creating an overall macroscopic spin momentum. A torsion pendulum made of such a material is placed inside a shell, insulated from the external magnetic field (by the way, insulation was perhaps the most difficult task). The spin-dependent violation of Lorentz symmetry should manifest itself in the form of small perturbations in the oscillations, which would depend on the orientation of the pendulum. The absence of such perturbations made it possible to establish that in this system Lorentz symmetry is preserved with an accuracy of 10 -29.


There is an opinion: Einstein’s theory has become so firmly integrated with modern science that physicists have already forgotten to think about its overthrow. The real situation is just the opposite: a significant number of specialists all over the world are busy searching for facts, experimental and theoretical, that could... no, not refute it, that would be too naive, but find the limits of applicability of the theory of relativity. While these efforts were unsuccessful, the theory turned out to fit very well with reality. But, of course, someday this will happen (remember, for example, that a completely consistent theory of quantum gravity has not yet been created), and Einstein’s theory will be replaced by another, more general one (who knows, maybe there will be a place for the ether in it ?).

But the strength of physics lies in its continuity. Each new theory must include the previous one, as was the case with the replacement of mechanics and Newton's theory of gravity with the special and general theories of relativity. And just as Newton's theory continues to find its application, so Einstein's theory will remain useful to mankind for many centuries. We can only feel sorry for the poor students of the future, who will have to study Newton's theory, Einstein's theory, and X-theory... However, this is for the best - man does not live by marshmallows alone.


Will K. Theory and experiment in gravitational physics. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1985, 294 p.

Eling S., Jacobson T., Mattingly D. Einstein-Aether Theory. - gr-qc/0410001.

Bear D. et al. 2000 Limit on Lorentz and CPT violation of the neutron using a two-species noble-gas maser// Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 5038.

Bluhm R. et al. 2002 Clock-comparison tests of CPT and Lorentz symmetry in space// Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 090801.

Carroll S., Field G. and Jackiw R. 1990 Limits on a Lorentz- and parity-violating modification of electrodynamics // Phys. Rev. D 41 1231.

Greenberg O. 2002 CPT violation implies violation of Lorentz invariance// Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 231602.

Kostelecky A. and Mewes M. 2002 Signals for Lorentz violation in electrodynamics// Phys. Rev. D 66 056005.

Lipa J. et al. 2003 New limit on signals of Lorentz violation in electrodynamics// Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 060403.

Muller H. et al. 2003 Modern Michelson-Morley experiment using cryogenic optical resonators// Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 020401.

Sudarsky D., Urrutia L. and Vucetich H. 2002 Observational bounds on quantum gravity signals using existing data// Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 231301.

Wolf P. et al. 2003 Tests of Lorentz invariance using a microwave resonator// Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 060402.

Details for the curious


If the inertial reference system (IRS) K" moves relative to ISO K at constant speed V along the axis x, and the origins coincide at the initial moment of time in both systems, then the Lorentz transformations have the form

Where c- speed of light in vacuum.

Formulas expressing the inverse transformation, that is x",y",z",t" through x,y,z,t can be obtained as a replacement V on V" = - V. It can be noted that in the case when , the Lorentz transformations turn into Galilean transformations:

x" = x + ut, y" = y, z" = z, t" = t.

The same thing happens when V/c> 0. This suggests that the special theory of relativity coincides with Newtonian mechanics either in a world with infinite speed of light or at speeds small compared to the speed of light.

A friend of mine gave me this manuscript. He was in the USA and bought himself an old fireman's helmet at a street sale in New York. Inside this helmet, apparently as a lining, lay an old notebook. The notebook had thin, burnt covers and smelled of mold. Its yellowed pages were covered with ink that had faded with time. In some places the ink had faded so much that the letters were barely visible on the yellowed paper. In some places, large sections of the text were completely damaged by water and appeared as light ink stains. In addition, the edges of all the sheets were burnt and some words disappeared forever.

From the translation, I immediately realized that this manuscript belongs to the famous inventor Nikola Tesla, who lived and worked in the USA. A lot of work was spent on processing the translated text; anyone who worked as a computer translator will understand me well. There were many problems due to lost words and sentences. There are many small, but perhaps very important details, I still did not understand this manuscript.

I hope that this manuscript will reveal to you some of the mysteries of history and the universe.

You are mistaken, Mr. Einstein, the ether exists!

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about Einstein's theory. This young man proves that there is no ether, and many agree with him. But, in my opinion, this is a mistake. Opponents of the ether, as evidence, refer to the Michelson-Morley experiments, which tried to detect the movement of the Earth relative to the stationary ether. Their experiments ended in failure, but this does not mean that there is no ether. In my works I have always relied on the existence of a mechanical ether and therefore achieved certain successes.

Despite the weak interaction, we still feel the presence of ether. An example of such interaction appears in gravity, as well as during sudden acceleration or braking. I think that the stars, planets and our entire world arose from the ether when, for some reason, part of it became less dense. This can be compared to the formation of air bubbles in water, although this comparison is very rough. Compressing our world from all sides, the ether tries to return to its original state, and the internal electric charge in the substance of the material world prevents this. Over time, having lost its internal electrical charge, our world will be compressed by the ether and itself will turn into ether. Once it goes off the air, it goes back on the air.

Every material body, be it the Sun or the smallest particle, is an area of ​​low pressure in the ether. Therefore, the ether cannot remain in a motionless state around material bodies. Based on this, it can be explained why the Michelson-Morley experiment ended unsuccessfully.

World ether concept. Part 1: Why did the Michelson-Morley experiment to detect the “ether wind” show zero results?

To understand this, let’s transfer the experiment to an aquatic environment. Imagine that your boat is spinning in a huge whirlpool. Try to detect the movement of the water relative to the boat. You will not detect any movement, since the speed of the boat will be equal to the speed of the water. If you replace the boat in your imagination with the Earth, and the whirlpool with an ethereal tornado that revolves around the Sun, you will understand why the Michelson-Morley experiment ended unsuccessfully.

In my research, I always adhere to the principle that all phenomena in nature, no matter in what physical environment they occur, always manifest themselves in the same way. There are waves in water, in air... and radio waves and light are waves in the ether. Einstein's statement that there is no ether is erroneous. It is difficult to imagine that there are radio waves, but there is no ether - the physical medium that carries these waves. Einstein tries to explain the movement of light in the absence of ether with Planck's quantum hypothesis. I wonder how Einstein, without the existence of ether, can explain ball lightning? Einstein says there is no ether, but he himself actually proves its existence.

Take, for example, the speed of light. Einstein states that the speed of light does not depend on the speed of the light source. And it is right. But this rule can only exist when the light source is in a certain physical medium (ether), which by its properties limits the speed of light. The substance of the ether limits the speed of light in the same way as the substance of air limits the speed of sound. If there were no ether, then the speed of light would strongly depend on the speed of the light source.

Having understood what ether is, I began to draw analogies between phenomena in water, in air and in ether. And then an incident occurred that greatly helped me in my research. One day I watched a sailor smoking a pipe. He blew smoke out of his mouth in small rings. The tobacco smoke rings traveled quite a distance before collapsing. Then I conducted a study of this phenomenon in water. Taking a metal can, I cut a small hole on one side and stretched thin skin on the other side. After pouring some ink into the jar, I lowered it into a pool of water. When I sharply hit the skin with my fingers, ink rings flew out of the jar, which crossed the entire pool and, colliding with its wall, were destroyed, causing significant fluctuations in the water at the wall of the pool. The water in the pool remained completely calm.

Yes, this is a transfer of energy... - I exclaimed.

It was like an epiphany - I suddenly understood what ball lightning is and how to transmit energy wirelessly over long distances .

Based on this research, I created a generator that generated ethereal vortex rings, which I called ethereal vortex objects. This was a victory. I was euphoric. It seemed to me that I could do anything. I promised a lot of things without fully investigating this phenomenon, and I paid dearly for it. They stopped giving me money for my research, and the worst thing is that they stopped believing me. Euphoria gave way to deep depression. And then I decided on my crazy experiment.

The mystery of my invention will die with me

After my failures, I became more restrained in my promises... Working with ethereal vortex objects, I realized that they do not behave quite the way I thought before. It turned out that when vortex objects passed near metal objects, they lost their energy and collapsed, sometimes with an explosion. The deep layers of the Earth absorbed their energy as strongly as the metal. Therefore, I could only transmit energy over short distances.

Then I turned my attention to the Moon. If you send ethereal vortex objects to the Moon, then they, reflected from its electrostatic field, will return back to Earth at a considerable distance from the transmitter. Since the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, energy can be transmitted over very long distances, even to the other side of the Earth.

I conducted several experiments, transferring energy towards the Moon. These experiments revealed that the Earth is surrounded by an electric field. This field destroyed weak vortex objects. Ethereal vortex objects, possessing great energy, broke through the Earth's electric field and went into interplanetary space. And then the thought occurred to me that if I could create a resonant system between the Earth and the Moon, then the transmitter power could be very small, but the energy from this system could be extracted very large.

Having made calculations about what energy can be extracted, I was surprised. From the calculation it followed that the energy extracted from this system was sufficient to completely destroy a large city. That was the first time I realized that my system could be dangerous to humanity. But still, I really wanted to conduct my experiment. In secret from others, I began the careful preparation of my crazy experiment.

First of all, I had to choose a place for the experiment. The Arctic was best suited for this. There were no people there and I wouldn't hurt anyone. But the calculation showed that with the current position of the Moon, an ethereal vortex object could hit Siberia, and people could live there. I went to the library and began to study information about Siberia. There was little information, but still I realized that there were almost no people in Siberia.

I had to keep my experiment a deep secret, otherwise the consequences for me and for all humanity could be very unpleasant. I am always tormented by one question: will my discoveries be for the benefit of people? After all, it has long been known that people used all inventions to exterminate their own kind. It helped a lot to keep my secret that a lot of the equipment in my laboratory had been dismantled by this time. However, I was able to save what I needed for the experiment. From this equipment, I single-handedly assembled a new transmitter and connected it to the emitter. An experiment with that much energy could be very dangerous. If I make a mistake in my calculations, then the energy of the ethereal vortex object will strike in the opposite direction. Therefore, I was not in the laboratory, but two miles away from it. The operation of my installation was controlled by a clock mechanism.

The principle of the experiment was very simple. In order to better understand its principle, you must first understand what an ethereal vortex object and ball lightning are. Basically, it's the same thing. The only difference is that ball lightning is an ethereal vortex object that is visible. The visibility of ball lightning is ensured by a large electrostatic charge. This can be compared to touching up the water vortex rings in my pool experiment with ink. Passing through an electrostatic field, an ethereal vortex object captures charged particles in it, which cause the glow of ball lightning.

To create a resonant Earth-Moon system, it was necessary to create a large concentration of charged particles between the Earth and the Moon. To do this, I used the property of ethereal vortex objects to capture and transfer charged particles. The generator emitted ethereal vortex objects towards the Moon. They, passing through the electric field of the Earth, captured charged particles in it. Since the electrostatic field of the Moon has the same polarity as the electric field of the Earth, the ethereal vortex objects were reflected from it and again went to the Earth, but at a different angle. Returning to the Earth, the ethereal vortex objects were again reflected by the Earth's electric field back to the Moon and so on. Thus, the resonant system Earth - Moon - Earth's electric field was pumped with charged particles. When the required concentration of charged particles was reached in the resonant system, it self-excited at its resonant frequency. The energy, amplified a million times by the resonant properties of the system, in the Earth's electric field turned into an ethereal vortex object of colossal power. But these were just my assumptions, and I didn’t really know what would happen.

I remember the day of the experiment very well. The estimated time was approaching. The minutes passed very slowly and seemed like years. I thought I would go crazy with this anticipation. Finally the estimated time arrived and... nothing happened! Another five minutes passed, but nothing unusual happened. Various thoughts came into my head: maybe the clock mechanism didn’t work, or the system didn’t work, or maybe nothing should happen.

I was on the verge of madness. And suddenly... It seemed to me that the light dimmed for a moment, and a strange sensation appeared throughout my body - as if thousands of needles had been stuck into me. Soon it was all over, but an unpleasant metallic taste remained in my mouth. All my muscles relaxed, and my head was noisy. I felt completely defeated. When I returned to my laboratory, I found it almost intact, only there was a strong smell of burning in the air... I was again overcome by agonizing anticipation, because I did not know the results of my experiment. And only later, after reading in the newspapers about unusual phenomena, I realized what a terrible weapon I had created. I, of course, expected there to be a strong explosion. But it wasn’t even an explosion - it was a disaster!

After this experiment, I firmly decided that the secret of my invention would die with me. Of course, I understood that someone else could easily repeat this crazy experiment. But for this it was necessary to recognize the existence of the ether, and our scientific world moved further and further away from the truth. I am even grateful to Einstein and others for the fact that with their erroneous theories they led humanity away from this dangerous path that I followed. And maybe this is their main merit. Maybe in a hundred years, when people's reason takes precedence over animal instincts, my invention will benefit people.

flying car

While working on my generator, I noticed something strange. When it was turned on, a breeze was clearly felt blowing towards the generator. At first I thought it was due to electrostatics. Then I decided to check it out. I rolled several newspapers together, lit them and immediately put them out. Thick smoke billowed from the newspapers. I walked around the generator with these smoking newspapers. From any point in the laboratory, smoke went to the generator and, rising above it, went up, as if into an exhaust pipe. When the generator was turned off, this phenomenon was not observed.

Having thought about this phenomenon, I came to the conclusion that my generator, acting on the ether, reduces the force of gravity! To make sure of this, I built a large scale. One side of the scale was located above the generator. To eliminate the electromagnetic influence of the generator, the scales were made of well-dried wood. Having carefully balanced the scales, I turned on the generator with great excitement. The side of the scale that was located above the generator quickly went up. I automatically turned off the generator. The scales went down and began to oscillate until they came to balance.

It was like a magic trick. I loaded the scales with ballast and, by changing the power and operating mode of the generator, achieved their balance. After these experiments, I decided to build a flying machine that could fly not only in the air, but also in space.

The operating principle of this machine is as follows: a generator installed on the flying machine removes ether in the direction of its flight. Since the ether continues to press on all other sides with the same force, the flying machine will begin to move. While in such a car, you will not feel acceleration, since the ether will not interfere with your movement.

Unfortunately, I had to give up creating a flying machine. This happened for two reasons. Firstly, I don’t have the money to carry out this work secretly. But most importantly, a big war has begun in Europe, and I don’t want my inventions to kill! When will these crazy people stop?


After reading this manuscript, I began to look at the world around us differently. Now, with new data, I am increasingly convinced that Tesla was right in many ways! I am convinced of the correctness of Tesla's ideas by certain phenomena that modern science cannot explain.

For example, on what principle do unidentified flying objects (UFOs) fly? Probably no one doubts their existence anymore. Pay attention to their flight. UFOs can instantly accelerate, change altitude and flight direction. Any living creature, being in a UFO, according to the laws of mechanics, would be crushed by overloads. However, this does not happen.

Or another example: When a UFO flies at low altitude, car engines stop and the headlights go out. Tesla's ether theory explains these phenomena well. Unfortunately, the place in the manuscript where the generator of ethereal vortex objects is described was heavily damaged by water. However, from these fragmentary data I still understood how this generator works, but for a complete picture some details are missing and therefore experiments are needed. The benefits from these experiments will be enormous. Having built the Tesla flying machine, we will be able to fly freely in the universe, and tomorrow, and not in the distant future, we will master the planets of the solar system and reach the nearest stars!

Afterword 2

I analyzed those places in the manuscript that remained incomprehensible to me. For this analysis, I used other publications and statements of Nikola Tesla, as well as modern ideas of physicists. I am not a physicist and therefore it is difficult for me to understand all the intricacies of this science. I will simply express my own interpretation of Nikola Tesla’s phrases.

In an unknown manuscript of Nikola Tesla there is the following phrase: “Light moves in a straight line, but the ether moves in a circle, so jumps occur.” Apparently, with this phrase Tesla is trying to explain why light moves in jumps. In modern physics this phenomenon is called a quantum leap. There is an explanation for this phenomenon later in the manuscript, but it is a little vague. Therefore, from individual surviving words and sentences, I will give my reconstruction of the explanation for this phenomenon. In order to better understand why light moves in leaps and bounds, imagine a boat spinning in a huge whirlpool. Let's install a wave generator on this boat. Since the speed of movement of the external and internal regions of the whirlpool is different, the waves from the generator, crossing these regions, will move in jumps. The same thing happens with light when it crosses the ethereal tornado.

The manuscript contains a very interesting description of the principle of obtaining energy from the ether. But it was also heavily damaged by water, so I will give my reconstruction of the text. This reconstruction is based on individual words and phrases from an unknown manuscript, as well as other publications of Nikola Tesla. Therefore, I cannot guarantee an exact match between the reconstruction of the manuscript text and the original. Obtaining energy from the ether is based on the fact that there is a huge pressure difference between the ether and the substance of the material world. The ether, trying to return to its original state, compresses the material world from all sides, and electrical forces, the substances of the material world, prevent this compression.

This can be compared to air bubbles in water. To understand how to get energy from the ether, let's imagine a huge bubble of air floating in water. This air bubble is very stable because it is compressed from all sides by water. How to extract energy from this air bubble? To do this, its stability must be disrupted.

This can be done by a waterspout, or if a water vortex ring hits the wall of this air bubble. If, with the help of an ethereal vortex object, we do the same in the ether, we will receive a huge release of energy. To prove this assumption, I will give an example: When ball lightning comes into contact with any object, a huge release of energy occurs, and sometimes an explosion. In my opinion, Tesla used this principle of obtaining energy from the ether in his experiment with an electric car at the Buffalo factories in 1931.

Manuscript found in an old fireman's helmet at a street sale in New York (USA). It is assumed that the author of the manuscript is Nikola Tesla.

Every sound has a vibration and depending on what frequency this vibration is, it will have different effects on the world around us. Everything is subject to vibrations: humans, natural phenomena, Space and the Galaxy. The material in the article examines the influence of various sound frequencies on a person, his health, consciousness and psyche. The processes occurring in nature are also very educational.

Infrasound (from Latin infra - below, under) - elastic waves similar to sound waves, but with frequencies below the range of frequencies audible to humans.

Infrasound is contained in the noise of the atmosphere, forest and sea. The source of infrasonic vibrations is lightning discharges (thunder), as well as explosions and gun shots. In the earth's crust, shocks and vibrations of infrasound frequencies are observed from a wide variety of sources, including from rockfall explosions and transport pathogens. Infrasound is characterized by low absorption in various media, as a result of which infrasound waves in air, water and in the earth’s crust can propagate over very long distances. This phenomenon has practical applications in determining the location of large explosions or the position of a firing weapon. The propagation of infrasound over long distances in the sea makes it possible to predict a natural disaster - a tsunami. The sounds of explosions, containing a large number of infrasonic frequencies, are used to study the upper layers of the atmosphere and the properties of the aquatic environment.

Infrasound - vibrations with a frequency below 20 Hz.

The overwhelming majority of modern people do not hear acoustic vibrations with a frequency below 40 Hz. Infrasound can instill in a person such feelings as melancholy, panic, a feeling of cold, anxiety, and trembling in the spine. People exposed to infrasound experience approximately the same sensations as when visiting places where encounters with ghosts took place. When in resonance with human biorhythms, infrasound of particularly high intensity can cause instant death.

The maximum levels of low-frequency acoustic vibrations from industrial and transport sources reach 100–110 dB. At levels from 110 to 150 dB or more, it can cause unpleasant subjective sensations and numerous reactive changes in people, which include changes in the central nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and the vestibular analyzer. Acceptable sound pressure levels are 105 dB in the octave bands of 2, 4, 8, 16 Hz and 102 dB in the octave band of 31.5 Hz.

Low-frequency sound vibrations can cause the appearance of thick (“milk-like”) fog over the ocean that quickly appears and also quickly disappears. Some explain the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle precisely by infrasound, which is generated by large waves - people begin to panic greatly, become unbalanced (they can kill each other). “Infrasonic vibrations with a frequency of 8 - 13 Hz propagate well in water and appear 10 - 15 hours before the storm.”

The influence of sound frequencies on the human body and consciousness.

Infrasound can “shift” the tuning frequencies of internal organs. Many cathedrals and churches have organ pipes so long that they produce a sound of less than 20 Hz.

Resonant frequencies of human internal organs:

Infrasound operates due to resonance: vibration frequencies during many processes in the body lie in the infrasound range:

  • heart contractions 1-2 Hz;
  • delta brain rhythm (sleep state) 0.5-3.5 Hz;
  • alpha rhythm of the brain (resting state) 8-13 Hz;
  • beta rhythm of the brain (mental work) 14-35 Hz.

When the frequencies of internal organs and infrasound coincide, the corresponding organs begin to vibrate, which can be accompanied by severe pain.

The bioeffectiveness for humans of frequencies 0.05 - 0.06, 0.1 - 0.3, 80 and 300 Hz is explained by the resonance of the circulatory system. There are some statistics here. In experiments by French acousticians and physiologists, 42 young people were exposed to infrasound with a frequency of 7.5 Hz and a level of 130 dB for 50 minutes. All subjects experienced a noticeable increase in the lower limit of blood pressure. When exposed to infrasound, changes in the rhythm of heart contractions and breathing, weakening of vision and hearing functions, increased fatigue and other disorders were recorded.

And frequencies 0.02 - 0.2, 1 - 1.6, 20 Hz - heart resonance. The lungs and heart, like any volumetric resonating systems, are also prone to intense vibrations when their resonance frequencies coincide with the frequency of infrasound. The walls of the lungs have the least resistance to infrasound, which can ultimately cause damage.

The sets of biologically active frequencies do not coincide in different animals. For example, the resonant frequencies of the heart for humans are 20 Hz, for horses - 10 Hz, and for rabbits and rats - 45 Hz.

Significant psychotropic effects are most pronounced at a frequency of 7 Hz, which is consonant with the alpha rhythm of natural brain vibrations, and any mental work in this case becomes impossible, since it seems that the head is about to be torn into small pieces. Infrafrequencies of about 12 Hz with a strength of 85–110 dB induce attacks of seasickness and dizziness, and vibrations with a frequency of 15–18 Hz at the same intensity instill feelings of anxiety, uncertainty and, finally, panic.

In the early 1950s, the French researcher Gavreau, who studied the influence of infrasound on the human body, found that with fluctuations of about 6 Hz, volunteers participating in the experiments experienced a feeling of fatigue, then anxiety, turning into unaccountable horror. According to Gavreau, at 7 Hz paralysis of the heart and nervous system is possible.

Professor Gavreau's close acquaintance with infrasounds began, one might say, by accident. For some time now it has become impossible to work in one of the rooms of his laboratory. Having not been here for even two hours, people felt completely sick: they were dizzy, very tired, and their thinking abilities were impaired. More than one day passed before Professor Gavreau and his colleagues figured out where to look for the unknown enemy. Infrasounds and the human condition... What are the relationships, patterns and consequences here? As it turned out, high-power infrasonic vibrations were created by the ventilation system of the plant, which was built near the laboratory. The frequency of these waves was about 7 hertz (that is, 7 vibrations per second), and this posed a danger to humans.

Infrasound affects not only the ears, but also the entire body. Internal organs begin to vibrate - the stomach, heart, lungs, and so on. In this case, their damage is inevitable. Infrasound, even if it is not very strong, can disrupt the functioning of our brain, cause fainting and lead to temporary blindness. And powerful sounds of more than 7 hertz stop the heart or rupture blood vessels.

Biologists who have studied for themselves how high-intensity infrasound affects the psyche have found that sometimes this gives rise to a feeling of unreasonable fear. Other frequencies of infrasonic vibrations cause fatigue, a feeling of melancholy, or motion sickness with dizziness and vomiting.

According to Professor Gavreau, the biological effect of infrasound occurs when the frequency of the wave coincides with the so-called alpha rhythm of the brain. The work of this researcher and his collaborators has already revealed many features of infrasounds. It must be said that all research with such sounds is far from safe. Professor Gavreau recalls how he had to stop experiments with one of the generators. The participants in the experiment felt so bad that even after several hours the usual low sound was perceived as painful by them. There was also a case when everyone who was in the laboratory began to shake objects in their pockets: pens, notebooks, keys. This is how infrasound with a frequency of 16 hertz showed its power.

With sufficient intensity, sound perception also occurs at frequencies of several hertz. Currently, its emission range extends down to approximately 0.001 Hz. Thus, the range of infrasound frequencies covers about 15 octaves. If the rhythm is a multiple of one and a half beats per second and is accompanied by powerful pressure of infrasonic frequencies, it can cause ecstasy in a person. With a rhythm equal to two beats per second, and at the same frequencies, the listener falls into a dance trance, which is similar to a drug trance.

Studies have shown that the frequency of 19 hertz is resonant for the eyeballs, and it is this frequency that can not only cause visual disturbances, but also visions and phantoms.

Many people are familiar with the discomfort after a long ride on a bus, train, sailing on a ship or swinging on a swing. They say: “I got seasick.” All these sensations are associated with the effect of infrasound on the vestibular apparatus, the natural frequency of which is close to 6 Hz. When a person is exposed to infrasound with frequencies close to 6 Hz, the pictures created by the left and right eyes may differ from each other, the horizon will begin to “break,” problems with orientation in space will arise, and inexplicable anxiety and fear will occur. Similar sensations are caused by light pulsations at frequencies of 4–8 Hz.

"Some scientists believe that infrasound frequencies may be present in places that are said to be haunted, and that infrasound is responsible for the strange experiences commonly associated with ghosts - our study supports these ideas," Wiseman said.

Vic Tandy, a computer scientist at Coventry University, dismissed all ghost legends as nonsense, not worth attention. That evening, as always, he was working in his laboratory and suddenly he broke out in a cold sweat. He clearly felt that someone was looking at him, and this look carried with it something sinister. Then this ominous materialized into something formless, ash-gray in color, scurried across the room and came close to the scientist. Arms and legs could be seen in the blurry outlines, and in the place of the head there was fog swirling, in the center of which there was a dark spot. It's like a mouth. A moment later, the vision disappeared into thin air without a trace. To Vic Tandy's credit, it must be said that after experiencing the first fear and shock, he began to act like a scientist - to look for the cause of an incomprehensible phenomenon. The easiest way was to attribute it to hallucinations. But where did they come from? Tandy didn’t take drugs and didn’t abuse alcohol. And I drank coffee in moderation. As for otherworldly forces, the scientist categorically did not believe in them. No, we need to look for ordinary physical factors. And Tandy found them, albeit purely by accident. My hobby, fencing, helped. Some time after the meeting with the “ghost,” the scientist took the sword into the laboratory to put it in order for the upcoming competition. And suddenly the blade, clamped in a vice, began to vibrate more and more, as if an invisible hand was touching it. The average person would think of an invisible hand as such. And this gave the scientist the idea of ​​resonant vibrations, similar to those that cause sound waves. So, the dishes in the cupboard begin to clink when the music is blaring at full blast in the room. However, the strange thing was that there was silence in the laboratory. However, is it quiet? Having asked himself this question, Tandy immediately answered it: he measured the sound background with special equipment. And it turned out that there is an unimaginable noise here, but the sound waves have a very low frequency that the human ear is unable to detect. It was infrasound. And after a short search, its source was found: a new fan recently installed in the air conditioner. As soon as it was turned off, the “spirit” disappeared and the blade stopped vibrating. Is infrasound related to my night ghost? - this is the thought that came to the scientist’s head. Measurements of the infrasound frequency in the laboratory showed 18.98 hertz, and this almost exactly corresponds to the frequency at which the human eyeball begins to resonate. So, apparently, the sound waves caused Vic Tandy's eyeballs to vibrate and caused an optical illusion - he saw a figure that was not really there.

Infrasound can affect not only vision, but also the psyche, and also move the hairs on the skin, creating a feeling of cold.

British scientists have once again demonstrated that infrasound can have a very strange and, as a rule, negative effect on the human psyche. People exposed to infrasound experience approximately the same sensations as when visiting places where encounters with ghosts took place. An employee of the National Physical Laboratory in England, Dr. Richard Lord, and psychology professor Richard Wiseman from the University of Hertfordshire conducted a rather strange experiment on an audience of 750 people. Using a seven-meter pipe, they managed to mix ultra-low frequencies into the sound of ordinary acoustic instruments at a classical music concert. After the concert, listeners were asked to describe their impressions. The “test subjects” reported that they felt a sudden decline in mood, sadness, some had goosebumps, and some had a heavy feeling of fear. This could only be partly explained by self-hypnosis. Of the four works played at the concert, infrasound was present in only two, and the listeners were not told which ones.

Infrasound in the atmosphere.

Infrasound in the atmosphere can be both the result of seismic vibrations and actively influence them. The nature of the interchange of vibrational energy between the lithosphere and the atmosphere may reveal processes of preparation for large earthquakes.

Infrasonic vibrations are “sensitive” to changes in seismic activity within a radius of up to 2000 km.

An important direction in the study of the connection between ICA and processes in the geospheres is the artificial acoustic disturbance of the lower atmosphere, and the subsequent observation of changes in various geophysical fields. Large ground explosions were used to simulate the acoustic disturbance. In this way, studies of the influence of ground-based acoustic disturbances on the ionosphere were carried out. Convincing facts have been obtained confirming the influence of ground explosions on ionospheric plasma.

A short acoustic impact of high intensity changes the nature of infrasonic vibrations in the atmosphere for a long time. Reaching ionospheric heights, infrasonic vibrations affect ionospheric electric currents and lead to changes in the geomagnetic field.

Analysis of infrasound spectra for the period 1997-2000. showed the presence of frequencies with periods characteristic of solar activity of 27 days, 24 hours, 12 hours. Infrasound energy increases as solar activity decreases.

5–10 days before major earthquakes, the spectrum of infrasonic oscillations in the atmosphere changes significantly. It is also possible that solar activity influences the Earth's biosphere through infrasound.