What is self-education: examples of self-education from the lives of great people. An example of self-education from life

  1. (49 words) In the work of A.S. Pushkin Evgeny Onegin paid great attention to reading books, also making notes in them. We can say that partly thanks to educational literature, he formed his personality and cultivated certain qualities in himself: “He scolded Homer and Theocritus, but he read Adam Smith and was a deep economist...” This is self-education.
  2. (51 words) In Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor,” Mrs. Prostakova spends a lot of money on her son’s education, but Mitrofanushka remains a poorly educated and ignorant young man. The reason is that the hero himself did not educate himself, unlike the virtuous Sophia, who exercised her mind and maintained spiritual purity. Her example serves as an answer to the question posed.
  3. (51 words) In Bulgakov’s story “The Heart of a Dog,” the professor understood the meaning of self-education when he decided to stop the main experiment in his life - to turn Sharikov back into a dog. He realized that a creature becomes human only when it educates itself and strives for the best. His creation only echoed the will of others and did not think about personal growth.
  4. (44 words) In Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man,” Andrei Sokolov brought up a real hero in himself. Both at the front and in captivity, he did not become bitter and did not betray his fatherland, but retained the best human traits in himself thanks to discipline, fortitude and integrity. All these traits are the result of self-education.
  5. (45 words) In Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” the hero did not have time to go through the school of life, but was already under threat of death. He educated himself under bullets and in the trenches. An ordinary boy developed valor, courage, patriotism and selflessness. Such heroic work on oneself can be safely called “self-education.”
  6. (47 words) In Ilyina’s book “The Fourth Height,” the heroine conquered heights all her life thanks to the fact that she was able to cultivate courage, determination and willpower. As a nurse at the front, she achieved the ultimate heights: she sacrificed herself, but saved dozens of soldiers. This feat became possible because Gulya prepared herself for this.
  7. (61 words) In Bykov’s story “Sotnikov,” the main character during the war learned to overcome difficulties and faithfully serve the fatherland. He cultivated an iron will in his thin and weak body, therefore, being sick, he volunteered to go get provisions for the detachment. Because of such regular training, his character really stood the test of strength: Sotnikov, unlike Rybak, did not betray his homeland, but went to martyrdom for its sake.
  8. (58 words) In the play by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" Lopakhin's father was a serf to Ranevskaya's father. According to the hero’s recollections, he drank a lot and did not teach his son anything. But even without support, Lopakhin managed to break out among the people and become a symbol of the new generation thanks to self-education. He saved money, studied the merchant business, denied himself many things, while the landowners went bankrupt, living on everything they had.
  9. (54 words) In Griboyedov’s play “Woe from Wit,” Chatsky cultivated his character in an original way and away from Famus society. He studied diligently, sparing no effort to obtain a foreign education. As a result, his advanced ideas were ahead of their time and were not accepted, but he was firm in his convictions and defended them to the end. His strength of thought and will is the result of self-education.
  10. (51 words) Bazarov from the novel by I.S. Turgenev’s “Fathers and Sons” says: “Every person must educate himself.” By this statement he means that the individual must develop his own ideals and values ​​and strive for them. Bazarov became a nihilist, but we have no right to condemn him, because self-education through the choice of worldview is everyone’s personal matter.
  11. Examples from life, cinema, media

    1. (51 words) Self-education is the ability not to give up. The main character of the film Whiplash by Damien Chazelle had a dream to become a great musician. On his way he came across a cruel maestro, whose goal was to reveal the talent of his students through psychological stress, to give them a chance to achieve true greatness. Despite all the difficulties, the hero does not give up, performing an impromptu solo and winning public recognition.
    2. (59 words) Self-education is confidence in a goal, dedication and effort expended to realize a dream. The famous figure skater Alina Zagitova had to leave for Moscow without her parents when she was just a child in order to build a sports career. She admits that living alone is very difficult, but she sets herself up only for victories, believing that this will benefit not only her, but also her family.
    3. (57 words) The ability to say “no” to laziness is one of the main conditions for self-education. Waking up at six in the morning to go for a run, which is obviously healthy, is quite difficult. Every day I wake up, imagining the final result, and I understand that it can only be achieved through work. It makes me jump out of bed, grab my sneakers and run to the park.
    4. (54 words) The hero from the parable about the hunter and Buddha understood that killing innocent animals is wrong. In order to correct himself, he went to the Buddha, who forced the hunter to give him three vows. He agreed. No matter how much he wanted to break his oath to Buddha, the man managed to survive. Self-education is the ability to get rid of your vice.
    5. (49 words) The hero of John Avildsen’s film “Rocky” of the same name, having received a chance to become a world boxing champion, was not afraid of responsibility, but began intensive training. For the sake of the goal, every day he set himself up for victory and made incredible efforts. Despite the fact that he lost the final battle, this did not stop him from continuing to do what he loved.
    6. (47 words) All films of the Marvel and DC television companies about superheroes tell the story of their formation. For example, Batman overcame his childhood fear (his parents died at the hands of a criminal) and began the fight against crime. All his exploits are the consequences of daily self-education. He trained and studied every day to fight crime on his own.
    7. (45 words) Famous public figure Nick Vulich was born without vital limbs. In his youth, he even wanted to commit suicide because he did not see a future for himself. However, having rethought his fate, Nick cultivated fortitude and indomitable optimism. Now he is a successful man and a happy family man.
    8. (46 words) Canadian snowboarder Mark McMorris has been seriously injured several times in his life. However, he returned to the slopes again and again, saying that snowboarding is something he must continue to do, it is his habit and his future. Thus, self-education is the key that helps to overcome life's difficulties.
    9. (66 words) I believe that self-education is the main triumph of life. Victory over yourself. It’s not for nothing that the 33rd President of the United States, Harry Truman, said that with victory over oneself, all other victories will come. Behind every success there is a tremendous amount of work. For example, inventor and billionaire Elon Musk was abused at school as a child, but he persevered and developed the willpower, thanks to which he became one of the most progressive people in the world.
    10. (41 words) In H. Jackman’s film “The Greatest Showman,” the main character was poor, but persistent and smart. Thanks to self-education, from a poor boy he became a rich and famous man who achieved everything on his own. This story is based on real events and serves as a good example for motivation.
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Our world has existed for millions of years. During this time, a lot has changed in him, but there is also something eternal that always remains. New people will be born who will go through a difficult life path. They have to solve problems, overcome obstacles, strive for excellence. Without self-development, a person cannot become a truly intelligent living being. You need to engage in spiritual development throughout your life, starting from primary school age, and the heroes of literary works will come to your aid.

The importance of self-education

People have always looked for ways to improve their own souls. In all centuries, this problem has been given special importance.

In the age of computer technology, when it is difficult to understand values, the problem of self-development is especially relevant. It is important for a person to find his place in life, resist negative influences, and identify his own moral values.

According to popular wisdom, “live and learn,” you can work on yourself throughout your entire life. Thanks to self-education, you can develop such personal qualities as courage, patience, self-confidence, and perseverance.

Works on self-education

Let's take a closer look at examples from the literature. Self-education is mentioned in the book by A.I. Kochetov “Educate yourself.” It talks about how you can find your own ideal, analyze your abilities, eliminate shortcomings, and learn to work on yourself. The author studied this problem for twenty-five years and developed his own theory. As a result, he determined the purpose, methods, techniques, tasks of self-education, and gave recommendations for the development of speech, memory, mind, and thinking.

Professor A.G. Kovalev also paid great attention to self-education. His work “The Personality Educates Himself” tells readers about methods of self-education. A book “Organization of self-education of schoolchildren” was created for teachers, recognized as a full-fledged manual for working in educational institutions. An excellent example of self-education from literature is Dale Carnegie’s book “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” Here you can find practical advice, real help in winning the respect and love of friends and loved ones. Currently, many psychologists, writers, and teachers are dealing with the problem of self-education.

"War and Peace" in self-improvement

Self-education in classical literature is a common phenomenon. For example, in the work of L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” it is shown how the system of own values ​​is formed in the main character, Natasha Rostova. The author seems to demonstrate through her example that you can always find a way to change, to become sincere, kinder, smarter. Natasha, meeting different people, tries to find her own path in life, borrow some qualities from others, challenge something, give up something. Her literary image becomes an example of a certain value system, which readers can accept or reject.

Folk epics and fairy tales in self-development

An excellent example of self-education from fiction is Russian folk tales and epics. Their main characters strive for self-development and try to change themselves for the better. In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil, which demonstrates the importance of developing the following qualities in oneself: kindness, compassion, decency, honesty. The patriotism of epic heroes is an excellent example for educating the younger generation.

Role models

Various examples of self-education in classical literature are presented in the school curriculum. The child chooses a role model himself after reading the work and making a qualitative analysis of it. Despite the fact that modern children pay less and less attention to reading, literature lessons involve the analysis of classical Russian works. It is in this process that schoolchildren form their own attitude towards the main characters, their personal qualities, and the desire to imitate their behavior. In pedagogy, there is such a term as “education by example.” One of its authors was the Polish teacher Jan Kamensky. He argued that classical works are a real treasury that can be used for self-improvement.

Dostoevsky and self-development

Let us give specific examples from the literature. Self-education is a theme that can be seen in the works of Dostoevsky. The main character of Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov, feels real remorse for having committed such a terrible crime. Throughout the novel, he seeks the strength within himself to change and improve himself. The Raskolnikov who appears before readers in the epilogue is a completely different person, with a new system of values. There are other examples from the literature in which self-education is seen as a necessity. As such an example, we can mention the work of A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”.

Modern literature

Let's consider such an issue as self-education. In literature, examples of heroes who were looking for their path in life are presented not only in the classics. Modern authors do not ignore the problem of the development of human values; in their own way they try to explain to the reader how to defeat evil. In her adventure books, for example, A. Marinina pays attention to the self-improvement of her heroes.

Examples from literature, in which the self-education of the heroes can be traced in the storyline, are included in the school curriculum: “Destruction”, “War and Peace”, “Crime and Punishment”, “The Golden Cloud Spent the Night”. These works were written at different times, but the relevance of the problems considered in these works is not lost. In all centuries, self-education in literary works has been a common occurrence. Even ancient philosophers paid attention to this problem. They noted the importance of a wise mentor, who should, by his example, his life principles, be a model for the younger generation. Nowadays, unfortunately, respect for elders has been lost; teenagers trust the World Wide Web more than their parents. They try to imitate the main characters of virtual computer games, and not the characters of classical Russian works by Tolstoy, Pushkin, Lermontov.

Features of primary school age

At this age, children are not capable of independent choice, they tend to become dependent, so you need to choose the right literary sources. K. D. Ushinsky noted that “whoever imitates does not obey, but does what he wants.” At this time, imitation comes to the fore. If the teacher and parents can find the “right” character, self-education will begin. Examples from the literature will help explain to the child the rules of behavior in society and show the importance of working on oneself. Jean-Paul Sartre (French philosopher) said that “man is what he does.” Moral self-improvement has been a pressing problem in all historical eras.

S. Lvov developed his own formula for self-education, which still works today. If we consider a topic such as self-education, examples in the literature can be found in large numbers. The ancient Greek orator Demosthenes, who became an orphan, was disinherited, had a quiet voice, lisped, was clumsy, awkward in actions. But he managed to overcome all his shortcomings and turn into a brilliant political speaker. This example demonstrates that a person is able to influence his destiny, resist life’s circumstances, working on himself.

The mechanism of self-education from Leo Tolstoy

After birth, a person acquires certain qualities: habits, manners, behavioral skills, that is, personality formation occurs. At this time, a process such as self-education is important. In literature, examples of heroes’ self-improvement can be found all over the place. The Russian commander Alexander Suvorov had poor health, a modest family estate, and could only consider the title of state councilor as a prospect. But, working on himself, the sick Sashenka turned into the greatest commander who was responsible for the fate of great Russia. In his diary, L.N. Tolstoy himself noted the importance of self-education in literature. The examples he mentioned primarily concern the writer himself. In his youth, Lev Nikolaevich wrote in his diary, noting his shortcomings and thinking about ways to work on himself. He managed to overcome such shortcomings as vanity, laziness, and passion for playing cards. Tolstoy's whole life is an excellent example of moral development and improvement. He became a real humanist writer who believes in man, his inner strength and capabilities.

Personality can be judged by certain characteristics, such as:

  • The formation of certain social qualities (this includes dignity, responsibility, firmness of convictions, social activity, individuality).
  • The level of mental development that allows you to manage your activities and behavior.

Material for self-development

At this time, enough information has been accumulated to carry out self-education. It’s easy to find examples in literature; you just need to open the books of Russian classics. Psychologists are convinced that it is in early childhood that it is necessary to teach children self-development. The new federal educational standards being introduced in Russian schools imply self-education. Examples suitable for schools are easy to find in the literature. By opening any book and carefully studying the storyline, you can see how the character becomes formed, develops, and changes in life priorities depending on the situation in which he finds himself. Understanding the seriousness of the problem, teachers and psychologists are trying to find the optimal version of the program so that self-education is present in works of literature. Examples of characters should become guidelines for children to work on themselves, awaken in them the desire to become better, more interesting, and more tolerant of other people.


Self-improvement has a certain mechanism. First, a person must choose the goals of life, select ideals, taking into account the norms of social behavior. Next, preparation for life in modern society is carried out, the ability of collective coexistence is formed. Psychologists are convinced that contradictions are important for self-development. In addition to positive characters, the teacher should consider negative characters in the classroom and study their negative qualities together with the children. In the book “Organization of Self-Education of Schoolchildren,” A.I. Kochetov mentions that any personality is contradictory; periods of decline, conflicts, and clashes constantly occur in its inner world. But without these processes, the child has no chance of self-development and improvement of his personal qualities. There are five “musts” that help a child begin self-education. Examples from literature teach us to help elders, conscientiously carry out teachers’ orders, put collective interests above personal interests, and be honest and conscientious.



In body psychotherapy, special attention is paid to working with voice and breathing. Deep breathing restores contact between consciousness and feelings, consciousness and bodily sensations. (Therapy for joylessness. Bringing joy back into your life. Secrets of health and longevity. Working with breathing.) What does working with the voice give us? The first is the removal of throat and jaw clamps, which arise in early childhood.

The lower jaw serves as a kind of locking mechanism that does not allow anything from the outside to penetrate inside us. Initially, a jaw clamp is formed as a result of resistance to force feeding or eating unwanted food.

In everyday life, each of us often encounters situations when we need to be focused on one thing. Usually it is very easy to distract a person and get him out of this state. Therefore, such concentration does not last long, fatigue quickly sets in.

The thoughts of most people are uncontrollable horses that gallop on their own, now stopping, now rising in the gallop of memories. As a result of such an uncontrollable state of mind, it is difficult for a person to concentrate on one thing, his thoughts constantly run away somewhere. As a result, a person cannot deeply understand the essence of what is happening and find the right solution to the problems that he sets for himself.

To begin with, I would like to quote an excerpt from the novel “12 Chairs” by Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov.

The brilliant hussar, Count Alexei Bulanov, as Bender correctly reported, was truly a hero of aristocratic Petersburg. The name of the magnificent cavalryman and reveler never left the mouths of the prim inhabitants of the palaces along the Promenade des Anglais and from the gossip columns.<...>Count Bulanov gained fame as a participant in many secret duels that had a fatal outcome, obvious romances with the most beautiful, unapproachable ladies of the world, and crazy pranks against respected persons in society.

Stephen King "How to Write Books" I love to write. I've had this since childhood. Read and write. Write and read :-). At first glance, it may seem that Stephen King's book "How to Write Books" is of interest only to writers or those who are planning to become one. I thought so too, until I read the book itself. Yes, there are chapters dedicated exclusively to writing techniques, but there are not many of them and you can skip this part if you wish. Most of the book consists of autobiographical moments from the writer’s life and his reflections on the topic of creativity and more.

Here are some excerpts from Stephen King's How to Write Books that I particularly enjoyed and that I hope will make you want to buy (or at least download) and read the entire book.

You can spend your time in different ways. “Save up the time that was previously taken from you and stolen. Some of our time is taken from us by force, some is stolen, some is wasted. But the most shameful thing of all is the loss of time due to our own negligence.” (Seneca).

And immediately a little historical background. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (c. 4 BC - 65 AD) - Roman philosopher and writer. Mentor, then advisor to Emperor Nero. He was subsequently accused of plotting against Nero and committed suicide. He was the most prominent representative of Roman Stoicism. Seneca expressed his views in “Moral Letters to Lucilius”, “Questions of Natural Science”, etc. He is also the author of nine tragedies. Seneca's philosophical writings subsequently influenced the memoir-moralistic genre, and his tragedies influenced William Shakespeare and the playwrights of French classicism.

“Why don’t you... - Yes, but...” (PBVDN). Example one. The psychological game “Why don’t you... - Yes, but...” (PBVDN) is one of the most popular methods of psychological vampirism in everyday life. And here is a clear example from life. Recently a young girl came to my classes. We talked about choosing a future profession. I want to immediately note that the girl is very bright, beautiful and artistic. She started a conversation on this topic:

You know, I love the theater. I love performing on stage. I dance and participate in school amateur performances.

You can read about the 4 levels of beliefs (basic, genetic, historical and soul level), how to test the presence of beliefs in the subconscious through a muscle test and where negative beliefs come from in the publication Negative attitudes about personal life, men and family.

Sometimes I get asked the question: “Why work on your beliefs at all? And what is a negative belief?” Belief is the mental acceptance of something as truth. Understanding that emotions, feelings and thoughts directly affect our physical health is very important. Every thought, every emotion, idea or belief has its own neurochemical consequences. We can confidently say that our thoughts, words, emotions and physical body are in a complex synergistic connection. Any human thought is an electromagnetic wave that transmits a message to neuropeptides, which, in turn, are shot into the central nervous system so that our body can react in a certain way.

An incident forced me to ask myself this question. One of my friends’ birthday was approaching. We created a group on VK with friends and started discussing the gift. Or rather, I started discussing it. And with herself. There was no response at all. It became amazing. Why is that? Why? After all, he did a lot of good not only to me. A good person, a good friend and everyone is silent. Why?

I won’t go into details about choosing a gift. In the end they congratulated us. Everything ended well. Ask yourself: “To lie or not to lie?” It was forced by the fact that already when the gift was chosen and purchased, one of my friends wrote: “Sorry for not taking part in the discussion. There was no Internet.” And then I thought about how often we lie and why we do it.

Goals of self-development and personal growth

There is absolutely no doubt that many people are interested in the topic of self-development and personal growth. Most, of course, understand why this is needed. However, there are people who do not clearly understand the goals of these processes, even when involved in them, not to mention those who are not interested in such things at all. In fact, developing your potential is of great importance in everyday life and can offer significant benefits to every person. Let’s understand the peculiarities of the process of a person’s development of his personality and answer the questions: why is this necessary at all and what does it give?

To begin with, it’s worth clarifying what self-development and personal growth are.

Self-development is a process conscious and carried out by a person without the assistance of any external forces, aimed at developing his potential and realizing himself as an individual. Self-development always implies the presence of clear goals, certain beliefs and attitudes.

Personal growth is, firstly, a psychological concept used by various branches of psychology. And secondly, the process of nurturing a person’s special qualities of his personality and increasing the level of his personal effectiveness and productivity in order to increase personal potential and achieve a higher life result in all its manifestations.

The concepts of “self-development” and “personal growth” can be considered identical to each other, because they, by and large, pursue the same goals. But such goals as increasing potential, developing qualities, etc. look quite abstract to serve as a worthy definition of why a person needs to self-develop and grow personally. Let's try to specify them.

So, the main goals of self-development and personal growth, as a rule, are:

Development of awareness - in our time of rapidly developing technologies and automation, a person himself is increasingly becoming reminiscent of an automated mechanism. Any actions he performs can be safely called mechanical. Starting from getting up in the morning, getting ready for work and traveling in transport, and ending with the working day itself, returning home, watching TV and going to bed. Naturally, this does not apply to all people and we do not “cut everyone with the same brush,” but if you look at most people, you can see exactly this picture. People live unconsciously, do not observe themselves, their actions, their way of acting and thinking - this is much more comfortable and familiar than starting to track down all their manifestations and leading the most conscious life possible. But this turns people into robots of the system. If a person begins to think about this and, so to speak, become aware of it, he automatically takes the path of self-development. And vice versa, if a person begins to engage in his personal growth, his life gradually begins to become more conscious, and he himself begins to change, becoming somewhat different than he was before, drawing certain conclusions, looking at himself from the outside, determining his strengths and weaknesses and starting to exert an intentional influence on some (or even all) facets of one’s personality.

Correspondence to the times - and again we are talking about the modern rhythm of life and, mainly, about the development of technology. Everything changes. What was familiar to us yesterday is now becoming irrelevant, outdated, and less effective. A person must correspond to the so-called modality of time. And, first of all, you owe it to yourself. New inventions, discoveries, methods, practices, theories and rules require us to be as mobile and alert as possible. Otherwise, we simply will not be able to function effectively in the modern world, we will get confused in changes, lose our grip; our knowledge and skills will become outdated and become unclaimed, and will immediately be replaced by someone who is more adapted to modern conditions. Self-development allows you to avoid all this, keep up with the times, be on the same level even with young specialists, if we are talking about the professional field of activity, be aware of all new trends and fashion trends, etc. Of course, it is not necessary to accept everything new with open arms and become its ardent supporter, but a person must know about it, which is facilitated by actively engaging in personal development.

Knowing a little about everything - you can be a narrow specialist and professional in one area and know nothing about others. This is, of course, good, but it is an indicator of one-sided thinking and inattention to oneself. It is much better if a person strives for diversified development. This means that in addition to his professional field or range of interests, he has at least a superficial understanding of other areas of life. For example, you can be an experienced programmer and keep abreast of all computer innovations, but this does not prevent you from knowing some interesting facts about world wars, from the history of various states, about the structure of the solar system, etc. This is just an example, but, you see, it makes life somehow more interesting. It is impossible and not necessary to know absolutely everything, but if a person is not only a professional in his field, but also knows a little about everything, this speaks of his broad outlook, developed intelligence, interest in his development - this is self-development and personal growth. In addition, thanks to this, you can easily support any conversation, interest your interlocutor, make useful contacts and do much more, including improving the quality of your life.

In addition, people engaged in self-development are much more likely to achieve their life goals and, most importantly, clearly understand both them and their purpose. All personal resources, such as health, time, abilities, knowledge, skills and abilities - all this is not wasted, but is invested in some activity and can produce great results. Last but not least is the issue of health and physical development. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” A person engaged in self-development, even if he no longer leads a 100% healthy lifestyle, then at least thinks about it and strives to minimize the harmful effects of various destructive factors on his health, for example, gets rid of bad habits, runs in the morning, perhaps adheres to some special concept of nutrition, etc.

It should also be said that a person engaged in self-development masters, among other things, a number of very useful skills in life, namely: the basics of time management and time management, studies the basics of planning, and also learns to set goals, think through their achievement and, ultimately achieve. The fact is that a person who cares about his comprehensive development automatically comes to know many different sources of different knowledge: books, audio and video materials, seminars, trainings, courses, Internet resources and, of course, interesting and developed personalities. By the way, meeting and communicating with new people is another advantage of self-development. This may well not be the goal, but when a person begins to develop, he begins to “grow out” from the circle of those with whom he communicated before. As a result, there is a need for new people. And in many cases it is realized spontaneously, because a person with a certain level of development begins to attract people with the same level or exceeding it, and is also attracted to them.

And the last thing I would like to touch upon is that personal growth not only stimulates the development of a person’s potential, but also contributes to the harmonization of his life, in general. A developing person, along with the fact that he learns a lot of information that allows him to improve his, so to speak, external life, ennobles and enriches his inner and spiritual world, feeds it with all kinds of knowledge about any spiritual aspects of life, teachings and practices. He begins to look at the world with completely different eyes, to see in it what he has not seen before, to notice what others do not notice, to appreciate every moment he lives, his family, loved ones, and friends more. As a result, his whole life becomes more harmonious, bright, fulfilling and happy.

Based on all this, we can conclude that self-development should be practiced by anyone and everyone who wants to become their “best self”, maximize their intellectual, spiritual, creative and personal potential, as well as change their life or simply make it better.

Develop, friends, grow as individuals and improve yourself! Take the first real step towards yourself and, believe me, then you simply won’t be able to stop.


You need to plan not only things for every day or great milestones in your life. You also need to have a clear self-development program so that there is no chaos in your life. And your personality change should match your aspirations and goals.

In your personal program, you must definitely include the processing of those qualities and skills that you need to achieve your goals. Any person, first of all, acquires the necessary tools, and then begins to master some kind of skill. And his training consists of a series of successive steps in the gradual development of a skill.

How is your life different from your work environment? Is it just because they pay money for work, and you develop for yourself. People turn into workaholics because there is never enough money. Their work drains all their strength and energy, and fatigue becomes a constant companion of life. They have no time to think about personal growth and self-development. They would like to get some sleep at least someday.

But even in the process of self-development there is a payment, only an invisible one. And the highest currency here is your Happiness. We develop in order to live happily. Is it really worth less than any currency?

What does Mission mean?

Moreover, working on yourself does not require much time. You just need to do something regularly. It’s much more difficult to take action. Although this is not so difficult to do if a person understands his Purpose or Mission on Earth. When he realizes this, then all he can do is follow this path.

Mission is a very lofty concept that reflects the purpose for which man appeared on Earth. Sometimes it takes not even years, but decades to find it.

But there are two points that can bring a person closer to realizing his Mission.

  • First, purpose is always related to what you like to do. Therefore, if you follow this path and start doing what you love, then sooner or later you will find your Mission.
  • Second, your business should benefit other people.

Where to find time

When people say they don't have enough time for anything, it only means one thing - they can't manage it. Not a single person has a “furry paw” somewhere up there and no one will add an extra hour to him. Only some people can use their time rationally and they have enough of it for all their affairs. And others are simply wasting their time.

To get out of the endless bustle and find the path to your Mission, start with developing time management skills. Start by working on the three biggest eaters: interrupts, time traps, and time pockets. Don’t immediately set yourself an impossible task - to remove all this from your life. Your first step is to cut the time it takes to do them exactly in half.

Personal self-development program

It is necessary to work on the Personal Growth Program in writing. It may take you a few days to process the important issues and get your thoughts in order.

We begin our work by analyzing what we already have at the moment. You should have a list of what you already have: knowledge, skills, work, connections, property...

The next step is to work out your desires. You need to understand and write down what you want most now. Write everything, regardless of the possibility or illusory nature of your dream. The main thing is that all this is yours, and not imposed from the outside, and that it gives you true pleasure.

The third step is building a chain of steps that could lead you to your goal. You should have a thread that connects what you want with what you already have.

The fourth step is deep soul-searching. There is a standard set of qualities that usually prevent people from achieving their goals: fear, uncertainty, timidity, low self-esteem, etc. Your task is to identify all your fears that arise inside you as soon as you start thinking about what is missing to achieve your dreams. Each fear must be written on a separate sheet of paper. For example, you don't have enough money. There may be the following fears - I am afraid:

The fifth step is to determine the quality (character trait) that is hidden behind each fear. For example:

  • I’m afraid to demand a salary increase - I’m shy;
  • I'm afraid to change jobs - I'm indecisive;
  • I'm afraid to start my own business - I lack self-confidence.

So you have received your first list of those traits (qualities) that you need to develop. Write them down in a separate list and look at it again to see if you missed anything. As a rule, for most people the stumbling block is low self-esteem. Many people do not know their talents and cannot be proud of themselves. And real success always starts with a confident “I”.

The sixth step is more difficult. You need to combine the compiled list of necessary qualities with your chain that you compiled in the Third Step. This way you will immediately see the trait that you need to start developing.

Seventh step - write your first action, your first step in self-development. Be sure to indicate what result you expect. Give yourself deadlines. The first version of your Self-Development Program is ready. You'll figure out the rest later.

Let's hit the road

It is very important to start implementing your Program as early as possible. There is a well-known effect of 72 hours - if you do nothing during this time, the likelihood of achieving your goal drops sharply.

When you start working on yourself, you will have new tasks because the boundaries of your perception will expand and your way of thinking will change.

Therefore, over time, you will see your mistakes more clearly and be able to reduce their number. Remove the restriction immediately. that making mistakes is bad. Give yourself the right to make mistakes, the main thing is that you draw the right conclusions and move on again.

I can say right away that one of the most common mistakes is setting too high goals. Learn to break them down into small steps so you can better see how to achieve them.

Be sure to develop persistence within yourself. No great peak can be conquered in one moment. The best example of perseverance in achieving your dreams is perhaps the story of Bert Monroe. Take an example from such people and no problems can stop you.

Don't hesitate to reach out to others with questions and help. When you ask questions, you get to the bottom of things better. And people often dream of helping someone.

The Success Diary will greatly support you. Just write down in it not only all your achievements, but also those qualities that helped you achieve this. And then you will be able to achieve the highest goals, because you will be worthy of them!

Did you like this Self-Development Program? Share in the comments what you think about this.

I believe that this is the pursuit of an ideal, working on eliminating one’s bad qualities, developing good ones. Without it, we would not have developed at all, because no matter how much we force a person to learn, until he wants it himself, he will not succeed.

Let us turn to the text of Maxim Gorky. It tells about a young man who is not satisfied with his current life. He understood this from books that showed him a different reality. It contains true feelings, exploits and crimes. Not a hint of the ordinariness and insignificance of his existence. In sentence 27 he says that he doesn't want to live that kind of life. From his decisive words it is clear that the young man will change himself and achieve the ideal that the books revealed to him.

A lot of confirmation of our conclusions can be found in journalism.

One of them is the biography of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. This great man, having learned the idleness of secular life and the immorality that reigned in it, abandoned it, left the university, going in search of true ideals. And he found them. He strived for them all his life, never being satisfied with what he achieved. Self-criticism did not allow him to stop. This seems to be the reason why Tolstoy is still an example to follow.

So, self-education is hard work to eliminate shortcomings and develop virtues.

Updated: 2017-02-22

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In my opinion, self-education is the formation of personality with the help of the will and desire of the person himself. In order to achieve your cherished goal, most often you need to seriously work on yourself. The path of self-education is very difficult, but only it leads to the fulfillment of dreams.

The text by V.A. Kaverin tells about a hero who is passionate about aviation. The narrator understands that in order to enter a flight school, one must train hard. Hiding his intention from others, the boy daily “did gymnastics according to the Anokhin system and cold rubbing according to the Muller system” (sentence 34). It seems to me that success awaits the hero, since he cultivates in himself the qualities necessary for a pilot: determination, strength of character, perseverance.

As another argument, I will give an example from my own life. My friend Alexey never liked to read, so he often received unsatisfactory grades in literature. But when he learned that to enter college he needed to take an exam in this subject, Lyosha decided to overcome his laziness and began to devote an hour a day to reading. At first it was difficult, but gradually my friend began to understand literature. Now Alexey easily completes exam tasks. This became possible only thanks to self-education.

Thus, self-education is a process necessary for the development of a person’s personality. Without self-education it is impossible to overcome difficulties and achieve success in life.

Read others on the OGE in Russian

Original text(option 1 from the collection edited by I.P. Tsybulko) :*

(1) Even in those years when I became interested in Amundsen, a simple thought occurred to me. (2) Here it is: by plane, Amundsen would have reached the South Pole seven times faster. (3) With what difficulty he moved day after day through the endless snowy desert! (4) He walked for two months following the dogs, who eventually ate each other. (5) And by plane he could fly to the South Pole in a day. (6) He would not have enough friends and acquaintances to name all the mountain peaks, glaciers and plateaus that he would discover on this flight.
(7) Every day I made huge extracts from my polar travels. (8) I cut out notes from newspapers about the first flights to the north and pasted them into an old office book. (9) On the first page of this book it was written: “Forward” is the name of his ship.” (10) “Forward,” he says and really strives forward. (11) Nansen on Amundsen.” (12) This was my motto. (13) I mentally flew past Scott, Shackleton, and Robert Peary on the plane. (14) Along all routes. (15) And since I had an airplane at my disposal, it was necessary to take care of its design.
(16) According to the third point of my rules: “What is decided, do it,” I read “The Theory of Aircraft Engineering.” (17) Oh, what kind of torment that was! (18) But everything that I didn’t understand, I learned by heart just in case.
(19) Every day I disassembled my imaginary plane. (20) I studied its motor and propeller. (21) I equipped it with the latest devices. (22) I knew him like the back of my hand. (23) There was only one thing I didn’t know yet: how to fly it. (24) But this is exactly what I wanted to learn.
(25) My decision was a secret to everyone. (26) At school they thought that I was throwing myself away, but I didn’t want them to say about my aviation: “(27) A new hobby.” (28) It was not a hobby. (29) It seemed to me that I had long ago decided to become a pilot, back in Ensk, on that day when Petka and I lay in the cathedral garden, with our arms outstretched in a cross, and tried to see the moon and stars during the day, when a gray plane that looked like a winged fish easily walked around the clouds and disappeared on the other side of the Sand. (30) Of course, it only seemed to me. (31) But it’s not for nothing that I remember this plane so much. (32) It must have been then that I first thought about what now occupied all my thoughts.
(32) So, I hid my secret from everyone.
(34) Every morning I did gymnastics according to the Anokhin system and cold rubbing according to the Muller system. (35) I felt my muscles and thought: “(36) What if they don’t accept me?” (37) I checked my eyes, ears, heart. (38) The school doctor said that I was healthy. (39) But health varies - after all, he didn’t know that I was going to flight school. (40) What if I’m nervous? (41) What if there’s something else? (42) Growth! (43) Damn growth! (44) Over the past year, I have grown only one and a half centimeters.
“(45) They will accept,” I answered decisively.

Everything in the world moves and changes, and so do we. Therefore, it is necessary to find your place in life, decide on moral values ​​and principles, develop talents, self-realization, and learn to resist negative factors.

In a dynamic life, only those who will constantly change and improve themselves will find themselves. And thanks to self-education, you can develop character traits such as willpower, determination, self-confidence, and patience. This is exactly what we will talk about in our article.

The meaning of the term “self-education”

This is the conscious work of an individual aimed at improving positive characteristics and eliminating negative character traits.

The essence of self-education lies in the targeted implementation of the genetically inherent potential. To get it out, you need to know well the characteristics of your character. And not only positive character traits, but also negative ones that we don’t want to admit and don’t know how to identify. To do this, you need to learn to think critically, analyzing your actions.

Troubles that happen, as a rule, are attributed to anything, the life situation, the people around you, bad weather, and even poor health. The goal of self-education is to learn to find the problem in yourself and take responsibility for everything.

Stages of self-education

We found out that its goal is to get rid of shortcomings and acquire advantages. The main thing is to get rid of laziness, which interferes with the achievement of the task. So, the stages:

  1. Decision-making. This is nothing more than an awareness of the way of life and an understanding of what self-education will give.
  2. Knowing yourself and assessing the level of self-development of your qualities and personality as a whole. Acquiring independent work skills in the area in which a person wants to succeed.
  3. Drawing up a self-education plan.
  4. Its implementation. Work on yourself in your chosen activity. Without it, the desire to improve yourself will not be realized.

It is necessary to put a barrier to factors that distract from the process of self-improvement. Let's look at this using the example of self-education from life. Let's say a child decides to do his homework, opens a textbook, and a friend calls and invites him to play on the computer. The first one is thinking about doing homework during recess or trying out a new game with a friend. Prolonged decision-making is indecision that needs to be eliminated. How to overcome it?

He offered a visual comparison of all the pros and cons of the event. Let's look at the example of solving the question “Should I play computer games or not?” We will compare the arguments, rating them on a three-point scale. The most important aspects are rated highest, with less than one or two points.

Pros for playing computer games:

  1. A very exciting new game - 3.
  2. It is extremely inconvenient to refuse a friend - 3.

Arguments against the game:

  1. I won’t be able to prepare my lessons - 1.
  2. I’ll take one for an uncompleted task - 3.
  3. I'll have to blush in front of class - 3.
  4. Not ashamed of the teacher - 3.
  5. A bad grade will disappoint mom and dad - 3.

Total - 13.

Having set priorities, we conclude: we need to do our homework first.

L. N. Tolstoy

Let us give examples of self-education from the lives of great people. L.N. Tolstoy, as a young man, kept a diary in which he set out moral principles and followed them, wrote down rules for training the will. At first they were simple, such as a daily routine, and then they became more complex. Some of them:

  • Focus on one subject.
  • If possible, manage on your own.
  • Do everything written.
  • Only if necessary, start a new business without finishing the old one.
  • Always think about the main goal.

Tolstoy and other great people understood that freedom and character can be cultivated in the struggle with oneself, overcoming difficulties, performing a series of exercises, going through all obstacles, and performing actions. He was happy when he was able to make a note about the work done. The diary helped the great writer get rid of his shortcomings.

His life example of self-education shows how he achieved this. Tolstoy was extremely self-critical, serious and mercilessly demanding of himself.

The phenomenon of self-education of the remarkable teacher-educator K. D. Ushinsky

The future famous teacher worked seriously on developing his personality. He developed a special plan for self-education. I set myself goals to improve character, strengthen willpower, and develop perseverance. Subsequently, in the textbook by L. N. Yakovenko, based on his works, students were asked to draw up a self-education plan and follow it. Let's consider his requirements for himself:

  • Complete peace, albeit external.
  • Straightforwardness in everything.
  • Fearlessness.
  • Prudence in actions.
  • Use your time profitably, do what you want, and don’t have to.
  • Don't brag.
  • Every day, summarize the work done and others.

His example of self-education from life is a role model for the younger generation and teachers.

Let's talk a little about self-education methods

When planning your own plan, you need to decide on the methods:

  1. Self-conviction. The method is to identify shortcomings and convince yourself to eliminate them. Moreover, the found negative character trait that is being worked on must be spoken out loud. Self-hypnosis. The student independently undertakes to influence his psyche and feelings. Once these attitudes are firmly established in the mind, they will determine his actions.
  2. Self-commitment. The method is similar to the previous one. Its essence is to take on certain obligations in achieving the goal of eliminating the deficiency.
  3. Self-criticism. When working on himself, the student undergoes self-criticism in order to activate his determination to overcome as quickly as possible.
  4. Empathy. This is the ability to empathize, to put oneself in another person’s place. Seeing how people perceive callousness, anger, and callousness with hostility, and empathizing with them, the child thinks about how to eradicate them from himself.
  5. Self-order. An effective method that allows you to cultivate strong-willed qualities that help, force you to work through and follow the written rules.
  6. Self-punishment. Everything is clear here; in case of non-compliance or deviation from the intended rules of behavior, it is necessary to select and apply a certain punishment to oneself.

The presence of a teacher who will monitor the correct implementation of the compiled program will, of course, facilitate the process of self-education of the individual. But independent work still brings more fruit, because willpower is cultivated. So, we looked at examples of self-education from the lives of great people, its methods and stages.

Let's talk about famous people involved in self-education

The brilliant Russian traveler V.K. Arsenyev also engaged in self-education of himself and his son. To develop willpower, he prescribed the following recommendations for the child:

  • Don't put things off until the next day.
  • Never hesitate.
  • Don't wait for the right time, act.
  • You need to constantly work hard.
  • Be bold in making a decision.
  • Don't waste your energy in vain.
  • You need to get rid of bad habits today, not tomorrow.
  • Respect yourself and others.

Examples of self-education from the lives of famous people are a kind of reminder for creating your own self-improvement program. And only daily hard work on yourself will allow you to achieve your goal.

What example of self-education from life can you choose for an essay?

The great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov will become an example of the education of will. As a small child, he was weak and sickly. He dreamed of a military career, and went against the will of his parents. And he managed to become an example of masculinity, perseverance, and perseverance. Suvorov acquired a strong character and achieved outstanding achievements in military affairs. There are many examples from life about the self-education of great people, each story will be unique and interesting.

If your child does not have the qualities inherent in Suvorov?

When a child is not able to set such great goals, and in general he does not want to change anything, the only effective method is the example of his parents. The child will subconsciously absorb your behavior model: a healthy lifestyle, neatness, self-education, and so on. Here is another example of self-education from a person’s life.

A seventh grade student began to keep a diary on his own, in which he made notes - obligations in order to develop willpower and the desired positive character traits. Here are some of them:

  • When the time comes for lessons, he leaves everything.
  • Will not go to a friend's house until he has done his homework.
  • Every morning he does physical exercise.
  • Brings everything to completion.
  • Doesn't boast about successes.

He posted this list of obligations in a prominent place. Gradually changed the rules as he acquired certain advantages. Until I developed the habit of following them. And remember: the success of working on yourself will depend directly on the correct daily routine.

So, in our article we gave examples from life on the topic “Self-education”, learned what the term means and why a person needs to educate himself. Self-education has a beginning, but has no end. Examples from life show that you can change yourself at any age, the main thing is to find your own approach.