Lessons on physical education. Open lesson Physical education class at school

GTO is the path to health.

( lesson on preparing for passing the GTO standards)


lesson on preparing for passing the GTO standards

Location : gym

Lesson type : circuit training

Lesson type : improving skills and knowledge.

The purpose of the lesson : preparation for passing the GTO standards (comprehensive development of motor qualities).

Lesson Objectives :

Improving the technique of performing individual elements in preparation for passing the GTO standards.

Promote the development of muscle and visual memory, strength, flexibility, speed, endurance.

Educational: formation of a value-based attitude towards health, active citizenship.

Inventory : didactic material (cards with technique, cards with standards, tablets or phones, rulers for measuring flexibility, handouts (insignia), cones, gymnastic mats, stopwatches.



Organizational and methodological instructions

Preparatory part (11 min)


1 min.

Class be equal! Attention!

A)An excerpt from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” Questions to the topic.

Discussion of the content of the animated film: Why did I show you this fragment? What is the plot about? Why was the main character unable to cope with the task of maintaining weight? What conclusions can we draw for ourselves based on the adventures of the main character?

Students should conclude: Human health is the main value in life (list the rules of a healthy lifestyle: physical education, sports, outdoor games; healthy eating, daily routine; hardening;

b)Poem reading:

To be healthy and brave,

Be assertive and skillful

You need to do sports:

Run, swim, toughen up.

We need to follow the rules

Don't just run away.

Need to get points

And they will give you badges for them.

From the icons you can tell:

We are all ready for "five"

And maintain health,

And defend Russia!

What do you think this poem is about? (about GTO) What is GTO? (Answers learn)

Let's try to formulate the topic of the lesson.

So, let's try to formulate the topic of the lesson:

Message about the topic and objectives of the lesson:

Lesson topic: “GTO - the path to health.” Lesson objectives: Today webWe will improve the technique of performing individual elements in preparation for passing the GTO standards. Let's try to fulfill several standards for passing the GTO and evaluate their implementation.

Video clip: What is GTO?

23 years later, according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, from September 1, 2014, the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) was introduced in our country.This abbreviation is well known to people of the older generation.

The updated transcript of the TRP sounds like:“I’m proud of you, Fatherland!”

The goal of reviving the GTO-21st century:

1. attempt instill in you the habit of a healthy lifestyle and mass sports, so that instead of computer games you engage in physical education and sports.

2. strengthening your health;

3. education of a well-rounded, physically developed person, preparing him for work and defense of the Motherland.

4.U increasing the life expectancy of the population through systematic physical training.

The answer to this question may be different for each young person. Someone wants to compare themselves with older family members who have the Soviet GTO sign. Someone wants to try to achieve a specific result and test their willpower and perseverance. And some are simply used to being first in studies and sports. All people are different. However, everyone who voluntarily decided to undergo the GTO complex test has one thing in common -determination. It is this trait that is most important for people of the 21st century.
Only purposeful and physically prepared people will be able to achieve success in a competitive labor market.

Schoolchildren who meet the standards of the complex are awarded gold, silver or bronze insignia, and also receive sports titles. Possession of such insignia gives bonuses when entering higher educational institutions.

Formation in one line

Class stand in one line! To the right, to the left, march around in step!

2. Slow running on one half of the hall with tasks (with high hip lifting, with shin overlapping, right and left side, running with your back, with changing the direction of movement, side step). SBUs are performed with a snake between gymnastic mats.

2 minutes.

The distance between students is 2 steps.

3. Flash mob to the music “Charging”.

3-4 min.

Checking homework (two of the students show, the rest repeat).

Main part(32min)

Now we will divide into teams, each team should have the same number of people, you will choose captains who will complete the tasks first, then the team will be evaluated. We will perform two approaches: the first round, you perform tests in the ways you are accustomed to, the second round, you do it before. To complete the tasks, you read the instructions with the whole team, watch the video, and after that you follow the rules according to the rules. You evaluate yourself only after the second execution.

1st station - Shuttle run, 2nd station - jumping, 3rd - press, 4th - flexibility. We change in a circle counterclockwise.

1. Division into stations.

The class is divided into groups. Exercises are performed using a whistle.

1. Test to determine coordination abilities:

Target: Determine the ability to quickly and accurately adjust your actions in accordance with the requirements of a suddenly changing situation in the 3*9 m shuttle run.

Each station - 4 minutes


Step onto the starting line.

Do not touch the line with your fingers.

Putting your foot over the line while taking a test.

Shuttle running at a distance of 9 m, 2 parallel lines are drawn - “Start” and “Finish”.

The exercise is performed as a competition and the winner is determined.

2. Station: Test to determine speed-strength qualities:



A standing long jump with a push with two legs is performed in the sector for horizontal jumps. The participant takes the starting position (hereinafter referred to as IP): feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, toes in front of the measurement line. A simultaneous push of both legs is used to jump forward. Arm swing is allowed.


4) pelvic displacement.

4. Station: Flexibility test.



1) bending the legs at the knees;

When performing a test on a gymnastic bench, upon command, the participant performs two preliminary inclinations, sliding his fingers along the measurement ruler. On the third bend, the participant bends as much as possible and records the result for 2 seconds.

Final part (2 min).

1. Poll on the topic of the lesson

1 min.

Theoretical survey.

What new did you learn about the GTO today? Why is it necessary to pass the standards, especially for the younger generation?

2. Summing up.

1 min.

Evaluate the completion of tasks.

Let's see what results you got in class today? Raise it up and show who has fulfilled the standards for the insignia. Well done! Take a step forward those who have completed 4 types of insignia. You will now exchange your signs in accordance with the instructions, which are located near the box, for a sign of a larger size and attach your signs to our New Year tree, everyone who received signs for individual types, attach them to signs in A4 format. Today there are not many decorations on our Christmas tree. But we still have everything ahead, I hope that by the end of 2017 there will be more decorations on our Christmas tree specifically in your class.


When preparing a lesson, it is necessary to take into account the individual, physiological, psychological and age characteristics of the class team. This lesson has the advantage that it can be used from grades 5 to 11, changing only speed-strength training.

It is advisable to conduct the lesson immediately before the main passing of the GTO standards.

The purpose of the lesson : preparation for passing the GTO standards.

Lesson Objectives :

1. Educational

Comprehensive development of motor qualities

Strengthening the skills of basic types of exercises

Promote the development of muscle and visual memory, strength, accuracy of hitting the target, speed, endurance

2. Educational

Fostering patriotic feelings and love for the motherland

Cultivating willpower when performing weight-bearing exercises

Formation of mutual assistance skills when performing exercises

3. Wellness

Development of physical abilities

Promote the development of muscles of the musculoskeletal system

To develop and maintain students’ interest in the subject of physical education, it is advisable to use a group form of organization of students in the lesson, which helps to increase the motor density of the lesson.

Planned educational UUD results:

Personal: Development of aesthetic feelings, skills of cooperation with peers, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations, development of independence and personal responsibility for one’s actions based on ideas about moral standards.Endurance, speed, coordination, team spirit.

Metasubject: ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, ability to respond quickly.

Cognitive: Knowledge about the history of the GTO, why was it revived again? Why is it necessary in the 21st century? PGo through circuit training stations (be able to perform: standing long jumps, exercises to strengthen the abdominal (abs) and back muscles; flexibility test; shuttle running).

Regulatory: see the mistake and correct it not only at the direction of an adult, but also yourself, maintain the given goal.

Communicative: Present specific content and communicate it orally, listen and hear each other, the captain and the teacher.

Subject: Know how to go through circuit training stations, the rules of outdoor games, how to choose elements of outdoor games, taking into account common interests.

Methods :

By the nature of cognitive activity


By way of organizing educational work


Group work

To functionally prepare the body, a warm-up is carried out, which includes varieties of running, jumping and outdoor gear in the form of a flash mob on the spot.

At the main stage of the lesson, students solve assigned tasks: perform exercises that improve coordination abilities. Students are divided into groups randomly (or according to the strength of their physical abilities) to carry out work at 5 stations: each group performs certain work for 4 minutes in turn at each station. The competitive method at each station contributes to the emotional background of classes and increases interest in the lesson. The exercises at each station are aimed not only at the development of motor skills themselves, but also at the formation of applied skills; for this purpose, exercises such as jumping and running were used, which can be used by students in real life, in extreme situations. Freed from physical activity, students actively participate in the lesson, helping to record the best results at stations.

The group form of classes promotes the cohesion of students, increasing their communication abilities, developing strong-willed qualities, self-control, self-organization, discipline, restraint, and mutual assistance. A significant problem when organizing physical education classes is the contradiction: lack of time with significant downtime and loss of active time. The group form of conducting classes eliminates this contradiction, ensuring the assimilation and implementation of a larger volume of educational information in a shorter period of time (compared to other forms).

In the final part of the lesson, I conducted a survey aimed at consolidating knowledge in physical culture and sports, which is facilitated not only by the restorative nature, but also by the emotional background of the game. It is possible to survey the rules of various competitions, knowledge of the history of sports, the history of the GTO, knowledge of the full complex of the GTO.

Control of the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities was carried out mainly orally (question-and-answer; dialogue and monologue statement). The students also developed modeled self-control skills.

The high performance of students throughout the lesson was ensured by the creation of a favorable microclimate and background due to the variety of types of work and its uniform dynamism, good mutual understanding. The form of the lesson and the emotional mood allow students to independently draw a conclusion at the final stage, as well as evaluate their activities.


passing GTO standards

8 "A" class

team no.

1 lap




Jumping with



30 sec.

Test for










2 round




Jumping with



30 sec.

Test for










Team captain:


1. Test to determine coordination abilities:

Target: Determine the ability to quickly and accurately adjust your actions in accordance with the requirements of a suddenly changing situation in the 3*10 m shuttle run.


Shuttle running is carried out on any flat surface with a hard surface that provides good grip on shoes. At a distance of 10 m, 2 parallel lines are drawn - “Start” and “Finish”.

The participant, without stepping on the starting line, assumes a high start position. On the command “March!” (while starting the stopwatch) the participant runs to the finish line, touches the line with his hand, returns to the start line, touches it and overcomes the last segment without touching the finish line with his hand. The stopwatch is stopped at the moment of crossing the “Finish” line. Participants start in groups of 2 people.

It is forbidden: Step onto the starting line.

2. Test to determine speed and strength qualities:

Target: Determine speed and strength qualities in a standing long jump.


A standing long jump with a push with two legs is performed in the sector for horizontal jumps. The take-off point should provide good grip on the shoe. The participant takes the starting position (hereinafter referred to as IP): feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, toes in front of the measurement line. A simultaneous push of both legs is used to jump forward. Arm swing is allowed.

The measurement is taken along a perpendicular straight line from the measurement line to the nearest mark left by any part of the participant’s body.

The participant is given three attempts. The best result counts.


1) stepping beyond the measurement line or touching it;

2) performing repulsion from a preliminary jump;

3) pushing off with legs at different times.

3. Test: “Raising the body from a supine position.”


Raising the body from a prone position is performed from the IP: lying on your back on a gymnastic mat, hands behind your head, shoulder blades touching the mat, legs bent at the knees at a right angle, feet pressed by a partner to the floor.

The participant performs the maximum number of lifts (in 1 minute), touching his hips (knees) with his elbows, followed by returning to the IP.

The number of correctly performed body lifts is counted.

To perform testing, pairs are created, one of the partners performs the exercise, the other holds his legs by the feet and shins. Then the participants change places.


1) absence of elbows touching the hips (knees);

2) lack of contact with the shoulder blades of the mat;

3) fingers are open “from the lock”;

4) pelvic displacement

4. Test to determine strength abilities:

Target: Determine the strength in pull-ups on the bar from a hanging position with an overhand grip for boys,from hanging while lying on a hanging bar (up to 110 cm) for school-age girls.

Girls: Pull-ups on a low bar are performed from the IP: hang lying face up with an overhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart, head, torso and legs form a straight line, heels can rest against a support up to 4 cm high.

The height of the crossbar bar for participants of stages IV - IX is 110 cm.

In order to take the IP, the participant approaches the bar, grabs the bar with an overhand grip, squats under the bar and, keeping his head straight, places his chin on the bar of the bar. Then, without straightening your arms and without lifting your chin from the bar, stepping forward, straightens so that your head, torso and legs form a straight line. The assistant referee places a support under the competitor’s feet. After this, the participant straightens his arms and takes the IP position. From the IP, the participant pulls himself up until his chin crosses the bar of the bar, then lowers himself into a hanging position and, fixing it for 0.5 seconds. IP continues performing the exercise.


Pull-ups on a high bar are performed from an IP: hanging with an overhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart, arms, torso and legs straightened, legs not touching the floor, feet together.

The participant pulls himself up so that his chin crosses the top line of the bar, then lowers himself into a hanging position and continues performing the exercise.

Countsthe number of correctly performed pull-ups, recorded by the judge’s score.



1) pull-ups with jerks or bending of the body;

4) bending the arms at different times.



1) pulling up with jerks or swings of the legs (torso);

2) the chin did not rise above the bar;

3) lack of fixation for 0.5 seconds. IP;

3) bending the arms at different times.

5. Test to determine flexibility.

Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on a gymnastic bench

Target: To determine flexibility while standing on a gymnastic bench from a standing position on a bench in school-age children.


Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs is performed from the IP: standing on the floor or gymnastic bench, legs straightened at the knees, feet parallel at a width of 10 - 15 cm.

When performing a test on a gymnastic bench, upon command, the participant performs two preliminary inclinations, sliding his fingers along the measurement ruler. On the third bend, the participant bends as much as possible and records the result for 2 seconds.

The amount of flexibility is measured in centimeters. The result above the level of the gymnastic bench is determined by the - sign, below - by the + sign.


1) bending the legs at the knees;

2) fixing the result with the fingers of one hand;

3) failure to record the result within 2 seconds.

Outline of a physical education lesson at GBPOU TMB No. 67

for students of group 1PK9. Date: 10/02/2017.

Teacher: Sorokin Sergey Nikolaevich

Subject: Development and improvement of motor qualities

Target:. Repeat and systematize classes on the development of motor qualities.

Lesson Objectives :

1. Popularization of physical culture and the GTO complex.

2.Develop cohesion in the group.

3. Develop coordination abilities

4.Improve general physical fitness to pass the GTO standards.

Lesson type - practical training lesson

Lesson type - lesson on strengthening physical exercises

Interdisciplinary connections - life safety, music.

Inventory : Mats, weights, jump rope, benches, hoops, basketballs, cones, whistle, laptop, speakers

Location : College gym.

Time spending : Lesson 4 (45 min).

Teacher: Sergey Nikolaevich Sorokin.


Organizational and methodological instructions.


Preparatory part

15 minutes

Formation, greeting

roll call

TB instruction. Signature of students in the journal

Reporting the topic and objectives of the lesson

Pay attention to your posture.

Walking and its variations in a column, one at a time, around the hall.

Pay attention to your posture.

Pay attention to the distance.

Even running:

a) in a column, one at a time around the hall

b) snake;

c) side steps

d) with a high hip lift.

e) sweeping the lower leg backwards;

f) side steps with a jump up and imitation of blocking the ball at the net.

Self-control of breathing

Keeping your distance

Execution accuracy

Raise your thigh to a position parallel to the floor.

Keep your distance

Walking in a column one at a time, maintaining distance around the hall.

Raise your hands up - inhale, lower your hands down - exhale.

ORU. Formation in a circle

After the teacher, each student demonstrates the exercise clockwise.

1..I.P.-feet shoulder width apart. The hands are clasped. Circular movements in the wrist joint.

2. Circular movements in the elbow joint.

3. Circular movements in the shoulder joint

4.IP - feet shoulder-width apart. The right arm rotates forward, the left arm rotates back. Then the left one goes forward and the right one goes back.

5.Rotate your arms forward, alternately first in one direction, then in the other.

6. IP - feet shoulder-width apart, right

hand up, left on the belt. Tilts to the left and right sides.

7.I.P - feet shoulder-width apart. Place the palms of your hands on your knees. Rotation in the knee joint with pressure from the palms of the hands

8. Lunge your left leg forward as far as possible. Springy movements.

Sit forward with your right foot. Springy movements.

9. IP - legs as wide as possible. Arms with elbows bent. On the count of one, we raise our arms up, bend back, on the count of two, three we bend forward

10. I.P. - feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your right leg at the knee and make eight circular movements with your thigh to the inside, then eight circular movements to the outside. Do the same with the left leg.

8 times to the right and 8 times to the left

8-10 times forward, eight times back

8-10 times forward, 8 times back.

8-10 times one way and 8-10 times the other

Make sure that the body does not lean forward

Back straight

Make the tilt as low as possible.

Apply pressure with your hands to the knee joint

Do not bend your legs at the knee joint.

Try to keep your balance


Main part

25 min

1 .

Circuit training

The number of stations is indicated depending on the number of students. .. Exercises are performed in pairs or one at a time.

1 station– squats

2 station- pushups

3 station- lifting the torso by catching your feet on the wall bars.

4 station– pull-up on the bar

5 station- jumping rope.

6 station– crouching emphasis, lying position while jumping.

7 station- I.P – feet shoulder-width apart, stand in front of the bench, step onto the bench with your hands forward, then step back to the starting position.

8 station– work in pairs and throw a medicine ball to each other.

9 station– lifting a 16 kg weight upwards.

Girls with dumbbells (2 kg) spread their arms to the sides

10 station– lunge forward with your left leg, hands on your waist. Two springy movements. After the second springy movement in the jump, we change legs. We repeat the exercise.

5 times right, 5 times left

When squatting, we raise our arms forward.

Make sure your back is straight

With your feet resting on the crossbar. Make sure your chin is higher than the bar.

When receiving the ball, bend your arms at the elbows.

We alternate hands every five lifts of the weight.

The back is straight, arms forward parallel to the floor.

Back straight

Relay races

1. Running (Pass the baton). Participants are divided into two teams. They sit on benches with their heads at the back of their heads. On the march command, each participant runs to the counter, runs around it and runs to the end of the back end of the bench, runs around it and again runs to the counter, runs around it, runs to the end of the bench, runs around it and passes the baton to the person in front. The salted participant performs the same actions.

2. Throwing a tennis ball.

On the march command, each participant runs to a certain line, throws the ball at the wall, catches it and runs with the ball in his hands to the next participant and passes the ball to him

The next participant does the same.

3. Jumping rope.

On the command “March”, the first participant runs to the rope, jumps over it 4 times, puts the rope in place, runs around the counter and runs to the next participant, flips his hand and sits back.

4. “Shuttle run”.

On the command “March”, the first participants run to the first white line and touch it with their hand, then run back and touch the starting line with their hand, then run and touch the second line with their hand, then run back and touch the starting line again and run to the counter, run around it and runs back, shakes his comrade’s hand and sits back. etc

5. Jumping on one leg.

Participants jump on one leg to the counter, run around it and run back.

6. "Locomotive". On the command “March”, participants run to the counter, run around it and return back. He takes the hand of the second participant and both of them, holding hands, go around the stand, return back and the second participant takes the hand of the third and already three of them run and go around the stand. They go back, take the hand of the fourth participant and do the same thing with four of them. If there are more than five people in a team, then a maximum of four people team up.

7. Caterpillar.

The participants of each team sit on all fours one after another, placing their right hand on the shoulder of the person in front. On the command “March” they begin to move on all fours until the last participant crosses the second white line.

Summing up the relay race.

Time from 2 min to 3 min

From 1 min to 2 min

The group forms in columns

The team that completes the relay first wins.

Make sure that the throw is away from the line. If you don’t catch the ball, you need to take the ball in your hands and return to the throwing location.

Make sure that the jump rope is put in place.

Touch the line with your hand

The team that finishes the relay first wins.

You can jump on either leg

Do not release your hands.

There is a maximum of 4 people in the "Locomotive"

The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Do not take your hand off the shoulder of the person in front

The team that finishes the relay first wins.


Final part

5 minutes



Walking in a circle while restoring breathing


Homework. Make the same outdoor switchgear as in the lesson.

Organized care.

Keep your distance.

Evaluation criterion:

Rating 5 - the exercise was performed in accordance with the task, correctly, without tension, confidently. The student demonstrated knowledge of the relay race, the ability to use the learned exercises to quickly achieve individual and collective goals.

Score 4 - the exercise was completed in accordance with the task, correctly, but with some tension, not confident enough; in relay races, the student showed the rules, but is not confident enough in using the learned movements to quickly achieve results.

Rating 3- The exercise was performed correctly, but not accurately enough, with a lot of tension, and minor mistakes were made.

When assessing preparedness in physical education, a physical education teacher implements not only the evaluative function itself, but also stimulating and educational functions, taking into account the dynamics of changes in the development of physical qualities over a certain period of time, and not at the moment, and the individual characteristics of students (body types, mental and physiological peculiarities). At the same time, one must be as tactful and attentive as possible, without humiliating the human dignity of the student, taking care of increasing and further developing interest in physical culture.

General characteristics of the lesson

Meaning and objectives. A physical education lesson is the main form of systematic teaching of physical exercises to students. The special task of a physical education lesson is to teach children of all age groups correct motor skills and the development of physical qualities.

The significance of a physical education lesson lies in the systematic implementation of interrelated health, educational and educational tasks, the implementation of which ensures physical development, strengthening the health of the student, acquiring correct motor skills, nurturing an emotionally positive attitude towards physical education and sports, and the comprehensive development of his personality.

The currently existing three-part structure provides for the implementation of physiological, mental and pedagogical laws in physical education lessons.

This is the inclusion (gradual) of students in the main activity; maintaining performance at a certain level, reducing the load, leveling the functional state and psychological adjustment to rest or another type of lesson.

Consequently, work capacity is distributed unevenly in the lesson and represents 4 levels: pre-start state, workability, steady state, decreased work capacity.

In accordance with this, physical education lessons consist of three interconnected parts: introductory (preparatory), main and final. For each part of the lesson, all tasks - educational, educational and health-improving - are equally important. Fulfillment of these tasks ensures a comprehensive impact on children.

Typical lesson structure:

Introductory and preparatory part (5-10 min)

Tasks: organize students, explain the objectives of the lesson, prepare for the upcoming physical activity in the main part of the lesson.

Main part (25-30 min) .

Tasks: learning new material, repeating and improving previously learned (theoretical information and motor skills), developing physical qualities.

Final part (5-10 minutes)

Tasks: gradual transition from a state of increased activity to a state close to the original one; preparing students for subsequent lessons; summing up the lesson, assigning homework, an organized transition to new actions.

Dividing the lesson into parts is relative. Each lesson is a single whole, the elements of which are closely interconnected.

Types of lessons

In the practice of physical education, there are several types of lessons:

introductory lesson;

lesson on learning new material;

a lesson to consolidate and improve the material covered;

mixed lesson (complex);

test lesson.

Introductory lesson: carried out at the beginning of the academic year or quarter (if necessary). In this lesson, the teacher introduces students to the tasks of the upcoming classes, talks about the main content of the educational material in accordance with the program, explains the rules of behavior in the gym, requirements for students, their sportswear, etc.

Lesson on learning new material: The focus is on exercises that are still unfamiliar. Motor activity in such a lesson is not very high.

Lesson of consolidation and improvement covered material: the main focus is on repeated repetition of the studied movements in various changing conditions. Motor activity is very high.

Mixed lesson(comprehensive): combining the study of new material with consolidation and improvement of what has been covered. Most typical for the physical education of younger schoolchildren.

Test lesson: dedicated to assessing the performance of schoolchildren in physical education. As a rule, they are carried out at the end of the quarter or after completing sections of the program (skiing, swimming, athletics, etc.).

Types of lessons. Depending on the use of physical education means, lessons are classified by type. This is how lessons in athletics, gymnastics, ski training, etc. are distinguished.

Methods for organizing students in the classroom.

When conducting lessons, the following organizational methods are used:

Frontal method is used in every lesson, when the same exercise is performed by all students simultaneously while walking, running, or outdoor gear. The teacher can give instructions and assessment only in a general form to all students.

In-line method- everyone performs the exercises in a “flow”, when one student has not yet completed the task, and the other is already starting it. These can be exercises with forward movement (for example, balance exercises when walking on a gymnastic bench).

In this case, there may be 2-3 such flows.

Shift method is that children perform exercises in shifts, several at a time, while the rest watch their friends at this time.

At the beginning of training, when the teacher must control the actions of each student, the exercises are performed in shifts of 2-3 people.

As they master the movement, the number of children in a shift increases.

Group method- consists of dividing students into 2-3 groups. One learns a new exercise under the supervision of the teacher, while the others independently perform familiar exercises or play on instructions from the teacher. Then the children change places.

Can be used during classes individual method when each student independently completes the task given to him under the supervision of the teacher. In order to clarify the details of the exercise common to all, it is also performed individually upon the call of the teacher (this is one of the varieties of the individual method).

The use of each of these methods of organizing students in a lesson depends on the tasks set by the teacher, the conditions in which the lesson is conducted, and the age of the students.

When teaching children, it is most appropriate to use mixed methods of organization, leading to increased effectiveness of physical education classes.

The nature of physical and mental stress in classes and methods of regulating it.

Physical activity is determined by pulse dynamics. A properly structured lesson with a sufficient degree of load is characterized by its increase after the introductory part by no less than 20-25%, after outdoor training - by no less than 50%, after training in basic movements - by no less than 25%, after outdoor play - up to 70 -90 and even up to 100%. At the end of the session, the heart rate either returns to its original level or is 15-20% higher than it.

The physiological curve clearly illustrates the changes in heart rate during exercise. The horizontal axis shows time in minutes, and the vertical axis shows the increase in heart rate as a percentage.

Definition mid frequency heart rate is used to identify the training effect of physical education. This indicator is calculated by summing the heart rate at the end of the introductory part, outdoor training, teaching basic movements, outdoor games, the final part and dividing this sum by the number of measurements.

Achieving this level of pulse excitability is possible with a wider inclusion of running, jumping, skipping, playing with a ball, etc. in the activity.

Physical activity causes fatigue. Based on the degree of its severity, you can judge the load and make adjustments if necessary. A slight degree of fatigue is required. If there are signs of moderate fatigue in individual students, the load should be limited (reduce the number of repetitions, eliminate the most difficult ones, lengthen the rest). Pronounced signs of fatigue in most exercisers appear as a result of excessive load. In this case, it is necessary to rearrange classes in such a way that the load corresponds to the level of physical fitness of the students.

Based on the presence and severity of external signs of fatigue, the teacher can judge the physical activity being applied and make the necessary adjustments to the lesson.

External signs of fatigue

Observable signs and condition of the child

Severity of fatigue


Complexion, neck

Slight redness

Significant redness

Facial expression



Sweating on the face



Somewhat quickened, smooth

Sharply rapid


Cheerful, movements are performed clearly

Uncertain, unclear, additional movements appear. Some children have motor excitement, others are lethargic


Good, no complaints

Complaints of fatigue, refusal to complete tasks

An important requirement for organizing physical education classes is the individualization of the load. It should be carried out taking into account the level of motor preparedness of the student, state of health and physical development, type of higher nervous activity.

The level of motor readiness is determined by the teacher throughout the year.

When conducting physical education classes with children of primary school age, the most appropriate alternation of load and rest is required.

Rest during classes can be active and passive. Active rest involves switching the previous activity that caused fatigue to another.

Passive - characterized by relative rest, excluding active motor activity.

A change in the student’s activity, which brings rest to the body, promotes the activation of recovery processes, which receive a stimulus from the load that precedes them.

Thus, the organic connection and mutual transitions of the processes of fatigue and recovery determine the natural interdependence of load and rest.

It has long been proven that physical education in schools plays a huge and decisive role in the formation and education of a child’s full-fledged personality. This subject solves the problems of not only strengthening and preserving the future health of schoolchildren, but also social adaptation, activity and sociability.

Where are school physical education lessons held?

Physical education lessons in schools can be held in gyms, available in almost every school, on a specially equipped site for classes, or on the street. Conditions for exercise must be created in the gym and on the playground in accordance with established standards. They determine how many schoolchildren can study at the same time in the allotted area, what the height of the ceilings in the room should be, and the standards also establish the mandatory presence of ventilation and heating, the necessary lighting, the number of utility rooms and locker rooms, showers and sports equipment. Sports games are held on the grounds: football, basketball and volleyball. For them, the standards establish the location of football goals, basketball baskets and volleyball nets.

What does a physical education lesson consist of?

Physical education lessons at school, as a rule, consist of three parts: introductory, main and final.

The introductory part, or warm-up, helps prepare the child’s body for the upcoming load. In the main part, children learn new physical exercises, run, jump, throw, climb a rope, play outdoor games, and conduct relay races. And in the final part, schoolchildren are invited to rest so that the heartbeat and pulse return to normal, and the body has time to rest.

It has been noted that physical education lessons in schools are usually tiring for children if they are structured strictly according to the program. Therefore, during such lessons, children are often offered independent physical activity. The teacher conducts such lessons either in the gym or on the street, with or without sports equipment. It is also very useful to carry out a certain system of exercises to music; this relieves stress in schoolchildren, helps to develop their sense of rhythm, coordination and attention.

Physical education minutes

The concept of “physical education in schools” also includes warm-ups or physical education minutes, which can be carried out in other lessons. If the teacher sees that the children are tired and are not learning the material well, you can give them the opportunity to do simple exercises, squats and bends for a couple of minutes, this helps relieve mental stress. In recent years, physical education classes have been held mainly in primary and, less often, middle classes, and, unfortunately, they have completely forgotten about high school students. But in vain. By spending a few minutes to warm up, teachers could achieve better results in their work as well as good academic performance.

The importance of medical examinations

All schools conduct mandatory routine medical examinations of schoolchildren, the purpose of which is to assess the health status of each student and the level of his physical fitness. Based on medical examination data, the doctor recommends the optimal types of physical exercises and the amount of load. During medical examinations, students are identified who, due to their physical and mental disabilities, are indicated for physical therapy; such children are exempted from physical education classes in schools. But this is wrong, since it is these children who most need the beneficial effects of physical exercise on their weakened body. Depending on their health status, schoolchildren are divided into 3 physical education groups: basic, preparatory and special medical. Classes for each group are set by the school.

Physical education: program in elementary school

A lesson in elementary school is aimed primarily at the general health and physical development of students, as well as the development of independent and creative thinking among elementary school students. Physical education in grades 1-3 is necessary for children, as it helps develop endurance, helps develop agility, flexibility, coordination of movements, and initial skills in team games.

Physical education class in elementary school is very important. The task of a physical education teacher in primary school is to convey to primary schoolchildren the physical education knowledge, motor skills and abilities available for their age, as well as the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Physical education in elementary school helps children keep their bodies in good physical shape from an early age, develops a respectful attitude towards their health and the health of others, and cultivates collectivism, willingness to help, courage, responsiveness, and diligence in future citizens.

What exactly do primary school children do in physical education lessons? Physical education lessons in primary school are devoted mainly to sports games, various relay races and competitions. Theoretical classes usually take 3-5 minutes at the beginning of the lesson - the teacher tells the children the topic of the current lesson. In addition to games and relay races, much attention is paid to drill exercises, running, walking, jumping, climbing and throwing, and acrobatic movements. In northern latitudes, physical education lessons also include skiing. All this is aimed at developing movement and coordination.

Currently, a physical education lesson in primary school is held for 3 hours a week. The program allows the replacement of one lesson per week with a rhythm or choreography lesson.

Physical education lesson in middle school

Physical education classes at school, in middle grades, help teach children the following skills:

  • Alternating walking and running.
  • Running with obstacles.
  • Proper breathing during movements.
  • Running long jump.
  • Running high jumps.
  • Throwing a ball at a target from various distances.
  • Catching the ball with one or both hands.
  • Exercises on the gymnastic wall.
  • Swimming and skiing.

In addition to the above skills, physical education classes in middle classes teach children how to conduct hardening, massage, mental regulation and self-control - all this is part of the education process.

Physical education lessons in high school

Physical education in high school serves to form the habit of the younger generation to engage in physical education and sports after graduating from school; it should guide young people towards leading a healthy lifestyle, set them up for independent sports in the future, teach them to understand the enormous value of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and giving up bad habits .

Injuries to children during physical education lessons at school

According to statistics, children aged 12-14 years are most susceptible to various injuries during school physical education lessons. Sad figures indicate that teachers, coaches, lecturers, medical workers and parents should work to prevent injuries to students in physical education lessons. All these categories should be aware of the degree of injury risk of each sport included in the school physical education program, and also keep under constant control the causes that can lead to disastrous consequences.

Among all the numerous reasons leading to injuries in physical education lessons, the most important are:

  • Insufficient control by medical workers over the health status of students.
  • Violation of discipline during lessons.
  • Faulty equipment or its discrepancy with anthropometric data.
  • Lack of sportswear and shoes for students.
  • Adverse weather conditions.
  • Low qualifications of the teacher or trainer.

Statistics show that the largest number of injuries children receive during physical education classes at school occurs in gymnastics.

Organization of physical education lessons in schools in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards (Federal State Educational Standards)

Forms of organizing the process of physical education at school (FSES) are directly physical education lessons, sports competitions and holidays, healthy warm-ups during the day, participation in sports clubs and sections, physical education and sports at home outside of school. In turn, all physical education lessons are divided into 3 types:

  1. Educational and training orientation. During the lessons, students are introduced to practical material and educational knowledge of the subject (name and description of exercises, methods and techniques of implementation, etc.). In such lessons, training takes place with the gradual formation of children's motor activity - initial study, in-depth training, consolidation of material and improvement of acquired skills.
  2. Educational and cognitive orientation. During the lessons, children get acquainted with the basics of independently organizing physical education classes, learn to directly plan and carry out activities for general physical health. In the learning process, they actively use textbooks and teaching aids.
  3. Educational and training orientation. It is carried out directly in physical education lessons to develop children’s physical abilities and their activity.

Teaching practice

Future teachers and physical education teachers undergo mandatory practice in physical education schools during their training. During the internship, students are asked to complete a number of tasks:

  1. Familiarization with the student intern's instructions and the program. The necessary information is presented in the trainee's diary. The program includes visiting the school at an agreed time to get acquainted, conduct physical education lessons in elementary, middle or high school. Each student trainee must teach 6 lessons independently and 6 lessons as a teaching assistant. The total internship load is twelve hours per week.
  2. Attend 3 physical education lessons from a fellow student. The purpose of such visits is to conduct a complete pedagogical analysis of the lessons.
  3. Develop an independent plan for teaching some motor action for the period of practice.
  4. Write a holiday script for students, develop it and hold the event.

At school, both in high school and elementary school, physical education classes are provided. Currently, the educational program at the school provides for three physical education lessons per week. From this it is not difficult to conclude that physical education at school is a necessary and important subject, and not banal physical education, as we have all been accustomed to think for a long time. In many schools, one of these lessons is replaced by a rhythm or choreography lesson.

What is physical culture

Physical Culture– is a social activity that has the goal of maintaining and strengthening health and developing a person’s psychophysical abilities with the help of conscious motor activity.

Means of physical culture

Physical education means include:

  • physical exercise,
  • natural forces of nature (hardening procedures using the sun, air and water),
  • hygiene factors (personal hygiene, daily routine, healthy sleep and nutrition, giving up bad habits).

Of course, physical exercise is the main means of physical education. These should include all motor actions created and used with the aim of improving the physical condition, physical abilities and capabilities of a person.

In combination, physical education means can provide maximum health-improving and developmental effects.

Physical education at school

Goals and objectives of physical education lessons

Physical education lessons at school have the following main goals:

  • physical development and general health of students,
  • their development of independence,
  • development of creative abilities and thinking.

Every physical education teacher sets general educational goals:

  • to train those involved in physical education knowledge, motor skills and abilities accessible to their age;
  • teach methods of physical activity and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

In physical education lessons, they try to instill in schoolchildren a love of sports and physical activity, which is necessary for overall health improvement and keeping oneself in good physical shape. They learn to take care of their own health and the health of others.

Of course, physical education lessons are also educational in nature. The child becomes stronger, more courageous, respect for the team and the perception of the team as a whole develops. Physical education classes develop in schoolchildren such character traits as responsibility, courage, determination, perseverance, collectivism, diligence and mutual assistance.

In addition, the following health-improving tasks are solved during physical education lessons:

  • general health promotion,
  • prevention and correction of flat feet,
  • prevention of diseases and stress conditions,
  • comprehensive physical development, development of motor coordination, increased mental performance.

How is physical education conducted at school?

Physical education teachers in primary grades need to, first of all, organize children. Next, they teach them the basic skills available to them based on their age and physical development. Every child should understand that physical activity not only improves health, but also improves mood, and that paying attention to exercise can and should also be done at home with parents.

The lesson includes both theoretical and practical parts. The teacher explains the specifics of performing the exercises, determines their purpose, and learns the rules of conducting sports games.

We can say that a physical education lesson is a seasonal lesson. In winter it’s skis and skates. In spring and autumn - running, jumping, race walking on the street and much more. Classes in the indoor pool are held year-round.

Like any other lesson, a physical education lesson involves various stages. New material, its consolidation and control. Skills can be monitored both by passing standards and by holding various kinds of relay races and health festivals.

What do children do in physical education lessons?

First grade is the time when children are just getting acquainted with school life. Physical education in 1st grade also involves only familiarization with the basic concepts of this subject. In physical education lessons, first-graders mainly learn various outdoor games and relay races. The theoretical component in physical education classes in elementary school is allocated no more than 3–5 minutes, within the framework of the topic of the current lesson.

To develop initial skills and abilities, drill and physical exercises are conducted in physical education lessons aimed at developing simple movements: walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing, simple acrobatic and dance movements. Children also receive basic knowledge in basketball, volleyball, skiing and swimming.

When holding relay races, outdoor and sports games, the following goals are pursued:

  • consolidate formed motor skills,
  • develop coordination of movements,
  • develop general endurance and flexibility.

In the middle classes, physical education lessons are more sporty. Children improve their physical qualities in the process of athletics, skiing, and gymnastics training. They study in detail the rules of some sports games, their technical and tactical features.

At the same time, it is important to know that students assigned to the main or additional groups due to health reasons may be allowed to attend physical education lessons. The remaining children are exempt from physical education at school and must engage in physical therapy as prescribed by a doctor.

Open lesson in physical education