What is the difference between the prose from the poem - the main differences

The creative process is a concept of mud and personal, so it is impossible to accurately and clearly distinguish between the genres of poems and prose. Whatever the parameter, it turns out not always. There are relative rules that conventionally divide these two text expressions of creativity.

Pooh prose text

The first type of text represents all sorts of genres - songs, poems, poems, ballads, chastushki and much more. In fact, it is the author's expression of the original thought through the construction of rhythmic proposals. That is, words endowed with meaning and possessing rhyme.

Poems are extremely emotional and very personal creativity. Even tough civil works or melancholic weather descriptions often contain bright experience of the author. For example, behind the simple rows of "Paws in the fir trees tremble in the wind" Vysotsky sounds some inner tremor and anxiety of the author. In addition, the work of the poet is often symbolic and communicating with readers not direct formulations, but hints.

Prose text is considered more landed and thorough. For most part, it describes events, and on their background, emotions are already fail. Propese genres usually more and do not imply such a fraud as a poetic text.

Prose texts are a description of emotions, and not their symbolic expression, like in verses. However, all these rules, especially after the era of modernism and postmodernism, are greatly loosened and some authors, for example, Charles Bajler, call their obviously prosaic stories by verses. It is pointless to argue with the author, so the art of the word takes all the innovations of the new time.

Differences between prose and poem

If you do not take into account radical innovators, you can assert the following differences between these types of creativity:

  1. The poem in the overwhelming majority is more emotional than prosaic text, and therefore cause a more sensual reaction than mental.
  2. Poems These are rhythmic proposals decorated in strict rules, even texts that do not differ in melodies usually have a number of conditions, without the execution of which they do not belong to the desired genre, for example, Japanese hockey. Prose, especially modern, free from such conditions and can manifest itself in any form. For example, there is a novel in the form of a crossword puzzle of the Milorad "Landscape, drawn by tea" or the book of recipes with the plot from the laurray sketch "Champurrado for my husband's wife." Of course, prosaic texts have a certain rhythm, but it is less strict and does not require any hearing melody. Of course, the beauty of prose can not be compared with the poetic - it is absolutely different things.
  3. Prose often implies a more general and disrupted description of events. Even if the author expresses something very personal, like Marseille Proust, he describes it somewhat removed, through the story about the external world. Poems express acute emotion almost in its pure form, as far as possible in words. There is no circumstance in the description.
  4. The poetic text is much more densely filled with symbols and associations. If the author of the verse writes about IW, it is almost always not just a tree, but the designation of the girl's purity or fragility, the sad fate of the country or the hero and so on. Prosaika has any tree, almost always just vegetation in the soil and need for the background.
  5. The meaning of the verse is often narrower, but this is not necessarily flatter or simple. Rather, on the contrary, the possibilities of such a text building are endless, because literally a couple of proposals the author can cause a storm of emotions, impressions, thoughts. The essence here is wider, and therefore everyone can understand her in his own way, according to his belief, nature and moral principles. Prose, on the contrary, thanks to the exact description, it may cause meaning and bring the reader precisely to those thoughts that the author thought.
  6. Poems are harder to unambiguously decipher, to say for sure what the author meant. The prose is often more understandable, it is easier to perceive the same, although it can cause various emotions.
  7. The poem components often approximately equal size. This situation is dictated by the need for rhyme and melodiousness. The prose can be in any form, chapter, paragraphs, may be any size, it will not affect their sound.

All these differences are valid for the overwhelming majority of texts. I must say that there are poems and prose, not fitting in this or that rule. For example, there were authors inventing new words for their poems that are not clear to anyone. As a result, the work looked like a rhythmic set of sounds and in fact, there were no meaning for the audience.

It's not always easy to distinguish

Written works of artistic nature began to appear in the time of antiquity. The bottom line is that any such text was considered poetry, whatever form had. And the prose and poems have some roots therefore, even by purchasing a solid number of differences, they constantly come into contact and mix.

Therefore, in order to distinguish these two types of text, it is worth relying not only to the rules, but also to intuition, as well as read what exactly the authors speak about their works.