What is Onegin Stanza? Characteristics and features of Onegin Strafs

"Eugene Onegin". Many admire his charming and at the same time such simple rows. However, few people know what kind of construction, literary size, the type of rhyme is based on poetic lines. Alexander Sergeevich became the founder of a new concept in the literature - "Oneginskaya Strak". Let's deal with what the features of this magnificent work, and what is Onegin Stanza?

Structure structure

In the rows of the novel "Eugene Onegin" there is a huge number of serious thoughts, nevertheless reading "Onegin" is easy. Rhymes are so pleasant to the hearing that the work is very quickly remembered. And even one who did not take into his hands this book from school years, can easily quote some lines. Onegin stanza in the novel plays a key role. The author managed to skillfully use various types of rhymes in each stanza, combining them into one.

What is the peculiarity of Onegin Strafs in verses? It is 14 lines, which are composed of 3 quatrains and 1 two-benty. Moreover, each of the quit is unique and does not look like the previous one. We will analyze in detail what onegin stanza is, on specific examples.

Onegin Stanza in the work of A.S. Pushkin

To begin with, take the first Stroke of the Roman - the speech of Onegin:

"My uncle of the most honest rules,

When not a joke,

He forced himself

And it was better not to invent.

His example is another science;

But, my God, what boredom

With sick sit and day and night,

Do not go away!

What a low cunning

Sexing to fun

He pillows to correct

Adopt the medicine

Suggest and thinking about yourself:

When damn take you! "

The first quatrains of this stanza are based on cross-rhymes - the most simple form of rhyme. Consigning words are found through the string. So, we see RIFMU "Rules (1 line) - forced (3 string)" and "Zalenor (2 string) - could not (4 string)".

The next quatrain contains parallel rhythm, that is, consonant words are found in the two following lines. Namely, "Science (1 line) - boredom (2 row)" and "Night (3 string) - away (4 string)".

In the third quatrain there is a more complex and less common type of rhyme - ring, or a rhyme rhyme. That is, consonant words are contained in the first fourth line and in the second third. "Deceit (1) - a medicine (4)" and "fun (2) - correlate (3)."

It should be noted that the poetic size of Onegin Strafs is a four-stranded yamb. This means that in each row, the shock syllables are 2, 4, 6 and 8. For example, "One'gin would like, for me, Manyhich" or "We all learned by Funeno'gu ".

For clarity, we will analyze another Onegin Struck "Eugene Onegin":

Winter! .. Peasant, triumph,

On the woods updates the path;

His horse, snowing sneaking,

Sheet trot someday;

Fluffy bluffing bras

Chibiot flies removed;

The yamper sits on the irradiation

In Toulup, in Krasnaya Kushak.

The yard boy runs

In Salazki. bug putting

Himself in the horse transforming;

Shalun froze his finger:

Him and hurt and funny

And the mother threatens him in the window ...

It is relative of the first stanza, so we will conduct a similar analysis.

The first quarters are cross-rhymes: "triumph - so much" and "path is somehow."

In the second quatrain there is a parallel rhyme: "exploding - deleting", "on the irradiation - in Kushaka."

The third quatrain is a sliding (ring) rhyme: "The boy is finger" and "putting - transforming."

Stroat also ends with a two-seater (rhyme "funny - in the window").

Definition of Onegin Strafs

So, what is Onegin Stanza? This is a special kind of stanza, consisting of 14 lines and combining various rhymes and various rhythmic patterns. At the heart of Onegin Strafs is a four-stranded yamb.

Oneginskaya stanza from other works

The brightest example of Onegin Strafs are lines M.Yu. Lermontov, who even pointed out the structure of his work:

Let I hear I Strover,

I don't care - I'm even glad:

I write Onegin size;

I sing friends, on old way.

Please listen to this fairy tale!

Her unexpected junction

Approve, perhaps you

Concluding light heads.

Custom ancient watching

We are beneficial wine

Poems non-smooth stuff,

And they run, chrome,

For peaceful family

To the river of the slaughter on peace.

In this sample of Oneginskaya Strafs can easily see its main signs: two quatrains with cross-shit, parallel and sliding rhythm, and then a two-seater. In addition, in each of the 14 lines, a characteristic poetic size is a four-stranded jamb. For example, the conversion of Dre'vnya Jaid.

Also, Onegin Stanza is found in the work of Yurgis Casimirovich Bal-Tru-Shay-Tisa "Two Poems":

How hard it is to express - ulzvily,

To at least not to deceive -

What our heart is secretly alive

What, longing, crying breasts ...

Speech about dreams and needs hours

In the lips of people - always - a glitter,

And Silen in the soul - any -

Fear of nudity in front of them, -

The fear of the truth is Nelitarying

Ile, brother fear, cunning shame,

About miserably crying van

To the exact word, measure of the right

It is accidentally not disclosed

What is hidden better be ...

In this example, the rhyme is traced and rhythmic pattern. The first quatrains are cross rhyme ("Ulzhivily (1) - alone (3)" and "fool (2) - breasts (4)"). The next quatrain is a parallel rhyme ("hour (1) - an abridge (2)" and "any (3) is (4)"). Third quartew - ring, or rhyme-sized rhymes ("non-estater (1) - the right (4)" and "shame (2) - vnavid (3)"). Next follows a two-seater with rhyme: "Open-be".

Onegin Stanza is the basis and second part of the "two poems":

But there is an hour of another naughty,

When we vain looking for words

So with the mystery of thoughts Ile Passion

Although b to the moment to crate the cover, -

So that the chest, dazzling from flour,

He was in the sign, or in sound,

Il in silent tears silent,

That God judged that the world brought ...

And, if torture with fire

All, all covered by man

It is only cold as snow,

And only with a downhill head

On fire is before the secret darkness,

Attention is alien and dumb.

So, in this article we learned what Onegin Stanza is, and became acquainted with the examples of its use in other works.

It is always necessary to remember the geniuses of Russian literature and study their works, because they still live in the souls of the Russian people.