Talent - what is it? Talented man. The problem of talent (Unified State Examination in Russian) How to find talent in yourself

Recently, various talent shows have become very popular, thanks to which we learned that there are many talents among ordinary people! What is talent?

At first glance, everything is simple. Talent is a manifestation of outstanding abilities in a certain area; it is a special talent that cannot be ignored.

But the question is: is talent a gift that only exceptional individuals are endowed with, or can it be developed in oneself?

Is talent a gift of nature?

In the Brockhaus dictionary, talent is defined as a high natural talent, an outstanding ability to perform in any field.

The names of famous actors, scientists, musicians, and writers immediately come to mind. Dostoevsky, Beethoven, Mendeleev, Mironov - these are the ones who, undoubtedly, can be called talented people, these are the ones whom nature has generously endowed!

A talented scientist, as if living in a world of abstractions, a writer reflecting on a new work, or a composer creating music sometimes seems somewhat strange to other people...

That is, a talented person is special, one who has outstanding abilities from birth? And only a select few can have talents?

Yes, talent is undoubtedly an indicator of special talent. But not chosenness!

And when applied to ordinary people, we also often use the word “talent”. And even more - every person by nature is talented in some way.

How to find your talent

Not everyone is given the gift of being a genius in one of the sciences or possessing a unique artistic or musical gift. What prevents an ordinary person from beginning to develop the abilities given by nature? But first you need to find them within yourself. How to do it?

Listen to your desires, remember what you dreamed of as a child. After all, abilities are primarily manifested in an irresistible desire to engage in some specific activity, to express oneself in something.

Such a desire may arise in childhood or adolescence. And it happens that the spark of talent flares up in adulthood. In any case, you should not ignore this inner feeling, but trust it.

What are the types of talents?

A talented person - what is he like? And what kinds of talents are there?

Back in 1980, American psychologist Howard Gardner, in his book “Frames of the Mind,” identified seven types of talent. And although more than 30 more species were described after him, these seven are still considered the main ones. Here they are.

Kindness and love for people is also a talent!

Today, people who can truly sympathize, help, and lend a shoulder are becoming increasingly rare. The ability to remain a decent person in our time can also be considered a special and rather rare talent. Even sincere friendliness and friendliness is definitely a talent. And it is no less important for the development of humanity than the talent to move science forward or develop art.

If the ability to be humane is not given by nature, it is worth making an effort to cultivate it.

So it turns out that talent is not only a gift given by God; it, first of all, depends on human perseverance and the desire to become more perfect.

Talented children

Almost all children have a special inclination for something, and sometimes show talents in several areas at once. To help a child fan the nascent spark, parents must discover these abilities in time and begin to develop creative talent in the child as early as possible.

After all, a small person can hardly learn to play a musical instrument or paint pictures on his own, even if he has remarkable abilities for these activities. And if a talented person does not have the opportunity to encounter the subject of his talent, then he may never know about his talent.

Therefore, it is so important to let the child test himself in different activities and determine what exactly the baby likes most, what his soul is about.

Children can try their strengths and abilities by visiting various clubs and sections, as well as participating in children's creative competitions, which are organized specifically to find young talents.

And having discovered the rudiments of abilities in a child, they need to be nurtured and developed. After all, if this is not done, he may remain just a person who is passionate about what he loves. Yes, he will delight his loved ones and friends with his talent, but nothing more. But having received proper training and development, talent can dramatically change your entire life.

But talent can be so pronounced and bright that it will not allow itself to be forgotten, it will burst out like a delicate flower breaking through the asphalt, and it will not be possible to “bury it in the ground” even under unfavorable conditions.

Two meanings of the expression “Bury talent in the ground”

Previously, the expression “Bury talent in the ground” had a completely different meaning than the one we put into it today. Like the word “talent” itself, which originally meant the largest monetary unit in Ancient Greece, Persia, and Babylon.

The expression “Bury a talent in the ground” comes from the Gospel parable about how one rich man, before leaving for another country, distributed talents (coins) to three of his slaves. He gave 5 talents to one of them, 2 to the second, 1 to the third. The first two slaves invested the coins given to them in the business, and the third buried his silver talent in the ground.

When the master returned, the two slaves gave him more money than they received. The third returned only one coin, which he kept in the ground. Those who did not bury their talents, but multiplied them, received praise. The master called the third one wicked and lazy.

In modern language, “burying talent in the ground” means not developing a gift given from above.

How to develop talent

The discovered abilities need to be developed, and this requires considerable effort. After all, talent is not only an extraordinary gift given from birth, but also developed under the influence of exercise.

Many people achieve great success and achieve fame due to the fact that they develop the inclinations inherent in nature through hard work and perseverance. It is from these people that over time, outstanding economists and lawyers, outstanding scientists, creative designers, talented musicians, actors and writers emerge.

After all, talent in itself has no power and is of no interest to anyone. It requires processing, like a precious stone, which, being uncut, is not visible to anyone. In order for the ability or giftedness inherent in a person to be transformed into talent, a lot of time and effort must be spent. But it's worth it!

Every person contains the seed of talent. We need to be able to recognize in our children the future great scientists, athletes, artists, musicians in order to help them develop and realize their natural abilities.

You also shouldn’t forget that it’s never too late to find talent in yourself, you just have to look at the child inside you and remember what he dreamed of... And the main thing is not to be afraid to realize these dreams! You need to be afraid to bury the talent given by nature.

No less important than extraordinary abilities in science or creativity is the talent to be a Human being - kind, compassionate, sympathetic. If our reader is like that, he is undoubtedly extremely talented.

Reading time: 3 min

Talent is the potential or inherent ability of an individual. In explanatory dictionaries, the meaning of the word talent is defined as a person’s special personal predispositions. As they gain experience, they form a skill. In contrast to genius, when a person is considered gifted in everything, and that, it should be noted, history knows only isolated cases when a talented person has high abilities relating to one, two, and less often several areas at once.

The meaning of the word talent is interestingly revealed thanks to the Greek root, which also denotes a measure of weight, monetary calculation in ancient times. Here we recall the parable of the distributed talents, which tells not only about coins, but also teaches how to deal with the skills that nature has endowed us with - not to “bury” them, but to increase them in every possible way.

What is talent

Talent is higher than just a good result; it is special, noticeable even to others as extraordinary abilities. For example, if a person has a high ability to play chess, then with some effort he shows a good game. However, the talent for the game will begin to manifest itself, as if on its own, will be felt through the attraction to chess, and the results will exceed the results of those who simply have good skills. Others will notice this, considering such a player special, as if he has natural superpowers. There is always some kind of awe in relation to talent. However, talent is not always immediately visible. If a talented person has never had the opportunity to encounter the subject of his talent, he may be completely unaware of his ability.

This happens in life in conditions that are unsuitable for the development of this area. More than one film has been made about people from the lower economic strata of the population or poor countries, who, when entering a new life, became brilliant boxers, dancers, even scientists, with at least a little training.

The difficulty of identifying talent is also associated with other special conditions, not only economic ones - there are cases when a child at school was considered mentally retarded, but with special training he not only achieved high indicators in the field of his talent, but also made discoveries and was a pioneer in a new field . What is also important here is freshness of view, unclouded knowledge of how to do it right, which is typical of ordinary people who do not try to look at the subject of study or training from a different angle, but as if according to a template they perform the necessary actions.

A talented person will be able to achieve super results both using the usual development method, and even often without it, or he will try to make a personal contribution to it. In what a talented person does, her special style is always visible.

Without developing his natural gift, a person often remains simply interested in, for example, singing, and pleases himself and his acquaintances with this hobby. But having found himself in the right conditions - at a talent show, and having received the basics of training, he can radically change his life. However, a pronounced talent often does not allow its bearer to live in peace, forgetting about it. It’s as if it’s rushing out, the power of talent sometimes even rules a person, captivating him and demanding that his aspiration find a way out - like a strong plant breaking through the asphalt.

There are stories when a person was forbidden to follow his passion by parents, mentors, and society. Then a serious conflict flared up in the individual between the unconscious powerful desire to do what he loved and the prohibitions against it. This was especially true in earlier, more despotic times. And here you can even partly understand those who imposed the ban. For example, hereditary doctors could be guaranteed to provide their child with a decent and prosperous future by teaching him medicine, passing on his clients and a famous name. However, a particularly gifted, naturally talented son or daughter could not always submit to this course of events, feeling they had no right to follow this faceless, empty and unhappy path for them. If, in addition to talent, a person had at least some pronounced strong-willed qualities, then he could resist the pressure of the environment and defend his gift, sometimes receiving recognition only after death. However, what a recognition this is!

More than one truly great man was unrecognized in his fatherland and time. Often, this environment does not want, is not able to perceive something new, different from the usual, resists the new trend or even aggressively defends itself against it. Some talents were so contrary to socially recognized activities that the bearer himself could not explain to himself that he possessed it, and tried to fight and eradicate the desire for talent. However, neither external nor internal struggle with true talent brings the desired results; the power of talent only grows from the struggle. Many outstanding, sharp, talented works, usually artistic, were created precisely under the influence of this conflict, as if at a turning point, they can be traced with the mental hesitation and even suffering of the creator. But, as in the case of their creator, they later captured the minds and hearts of their viewers, and often even laid the foundation for a new, revolutionary direction, later becoming classics.

By itself, without development, testing, training, sometimes even painful hours spent on it, without its manifestation, talent has no power and is not interesting to others. Like a precious stone, it requires filigree processing from its master in order to turn from a rough piece of stone into a shining jewel. Time and work spent in developing your talent is the next necessary step for the inherent ability to transform into something more and find its manifestation.

In order to be useful and recognized, I must not only know that I am talented, but also determine in what form the world can perceive my talent today, and then make an effort and spend time. Working based on his talent, its owner needs to catch up with those who, through hard work in this direction, are now getting the best results.

Today, talent often has practical applications, is a source of income and the dream of many people is to work in their field of interest. Therefore, understanding the market as a receiver of the results of talented work is very important today.

Types of talent

Back in 1980, Gardner, in his book, divided abilities and identified types of talent. They still well illustrate the main groups of talents, although after Gardner more than 30 more types were identified.

Verbal-linguistic talent is the ability to clearly formulate your thoughts and express them beautifully, mental acuity and words. This talent is inherent in outstanding journalists, speakers, and writers.

Digital talent is the ability to deal with numbers and various kinds of precise symbols. It is characteristic of mathematicians, programmers and economists who perceive the world through precise expressions and are able to quickly carry out calculations. Clearly digitally gifted people seem to live in a world of abstractions and, without developing social skills, may even look strange to other people.

The spatial type of talent is nothing more than the ability to navigate space and creatively transform it, which is found among designers and artists. They often have their own special view of reality, and they express it in objects of art. However, there are those who are talented specifically in conveying a realistic world and can accurately recreate the view, as if on a photograph.

Physical talent is characteristic of people who have excellent control of their body and senses. It offers the widest range of occupations from outstanding manual workers to accomplished dancers. People of this type are opposite in their style of perception to people of a mathematical disposition, therefore training for the physically gifted should be in practice, through physicality.

Personal or emotional talent is responsible for the ability to recognize one’s own feelings and live a deep inner life. This type of talent is akin to observing one’s mental life and is the opposite. It can be seen, for example, in the outstanding writer Dostoevsky.

Interpersonal talent helps in communicating with other people and is needed by teachers, politicians, actors and public figures.

Gardner also identifies a type called environmental talent as a separate group. This ability to harmoniously fit into nature and the surrounding world and correspond to it is characteristic of born farmers and animal trainers.

These types of talent can be combined with each other. For example, a person gifted with spatial and digital talents can become a good architect. And someone who is emotionally and interpersonally gifted is a good psychologist.

How to find your talent?

Recognizing talent is similar to finding your strengths, but there is more to finding your talents and abilities.

How to discover talent in yourself, your children, recognize it in other people, and help in revealing it? To do this, you should analyze previous achievements or facts, answering which of these results are outstanding.

You can recognize talent in a small child by trying it in different types of activities: offering to sing, dance, design. And it may turn out that the child sang perfectly, with, without special training, better than other children. Often even children themselves are drawn to what their talent lies in. A child who is talented in singing does not need to be forced to sing; he will probably hum often, with pleasure, and his parents will easily notice his love and ability to sing. And here it is important to properly use the talent given by nature - to give it the opportunity for further development, to provide conditions, like soil, watering, light and fertilizer for a flower.

How to find your talents and abilities? Below is a methodology through which you can identify your talents in successive steps.

Step 1. What is your dream? Remember your dreams from childhood up to the present moment, write them down.

Step 2: Divide them into categories: to have and to be. The first category concerns desires to possess certain things. Whereas the second is the desire to be someone, to become the person you dreamed of. In further work according to the methodology, we take only dreams from the second category.

Step 3. Write down those professions that resonate with you. Remember those people in whose place you wanted to be.

Step 4. What do you like to do? Add to the list those activities that bring you true satisfaction, those that do not require coercion for you, but on the contrary, make you happy.

Step 5. Combine all the dreams, favorite activities and professions you have written down, and check which ones evoke positive emotions in you. For the greatest accuracy, imagine yourself in each role in as much detail as possible, visualize it as if it were your reality now. Rate your sensations in your body and emotions on a scale of 10.

Step 6. Cross off from the list those areas that received low marks - these are the desires that can be easily abandoned.

Step 7. Group the resulting list of your inclinations if some of them are related. For example, in one desire you want to sing, and in another - to gain recognition and fame, then they are logically combined into the desire to become a famous singer.

Step 8. Name each group a talent, for example, as in the previous example, the talent of singing.

Step 9. Look for connections between the formed groups. In life, in practice, your inclinations necessarily support each other or conflict, but in the end they form a unique individual combination.

Step 10. What use can you find for your abilities? Consider each group of inclinations combined as a talent and the connections between them to find ways for you to realize these abilities. Give each profession or field of activity a rating on a scale out of 10 again and highlight the most promising ones.

Step 11. From specific activities, choose the one that is closest to you, likes it and has a high chance of bringing you success. This will be your talent.

I believe that every person is talented. But everyone has talent in different areas. Some are excellent at drawing, some are successful in sports, some can add and subtract great numbers in their head, some can understand a large amount of information the first time. Therefore, there are no people who have absolutely no talent. Everyone can do something better than those around them. You probably don’t even know what talents you have yet. In order to reveal them in yourself you need to put in a lot of effort. Continuously try something new, something that you have never done before.

And in no case should you retreat if it doesn’t work out the first time.
How often can you meet people who have made just one attempt, they didn’t succeed, and then they immediately give up and move away from their goal. But when we all learned to walk, how many times did we fall? A huge number of times. But did that stop us? No! We stubbornly stood up and tried again and again, until in the end we started to succeed. Our first step meant almost everything to us. How hard it was to get it, how many attempts were made before it, how everything started to work out. The same thing has to be done in order to find, demonstrate and reveal your own talents. At first there will be a tiny bit of success.

After all, it is very difficult to do perfectly something that has never been done before. But the main thing is not to give up, but to continue to move towards your goal, to try again. And after several attempts, or maybe 10 or even hundreds, something will definitely start to work out. After these small successes, your talent will begin to gradually develop and improve. But even if you don’t have any significant successes in this particular area, you shouldn’t despair. After all, there are still a huge number of different activities in which you can succeed. The main thing is to try and not give up.

Then the process itself will be enjoyable. It’s so nice when you do something better than others. But this is achieved not only by desire alone, but also by stubborn work. If we recall great athletes who achieved stratospheric success, then all their victories were achieved only after an enormous amount of training. And it’s unlikely that everything worked out for them the first time. But they were moving towards their own sacred goal, becoming professional and not giving up. When you see such examples in front of your eyes, you have something to strive for yourself.

When you look at professional people, you understand that there are no limits to a person’s capabilities, and that everyone makes themselves their own. If you want to achieve something, you will first have to put in a lot of your own effort. If you just lie on the sofa and expect that your talent for painting will suddenly be revealed to you, then bad new things await you. This will never happen. To learn how to paint, you need to try everything first. Then practice, create pictures of varying difficulty. You can take special courses, study literature that describes drawing techniques. And after that, anyone must learn to paint. And those who will study hard will also become professional painters. And this scheme will work not only for drawing, but also for any area of ​​human life. The main thing is to believe in yourself and that every person is a professional, you just need to discover these talents in yourself. And also try to bring your ideas to life. After all, positive thinking is also the key to success. Believe in yourself and your talents!

The essay contains references to B. Kremnev’s story “Beethoven”.

Option 1

Talent is a gift that can manifest itself in various areas of human activity, most often in art. A talented person is able to create beautiful creations that the whole world admires.

Let us pay attention to how the author conveys the impressions that Beethoven’s music and playing evoked in Mozart. In the music, he heard “fierce combat”, felt how “the struggle... was crushing the universe”, understood that “the world would be plunged into chaos.”

Only when performed by a talented musician can a piece evoke such sensations.

This is true. I remember that my whole family went to a concert by the famous pianist Denis Matsuev, and I will never forget the emotions that overwhelmed me when I listened to this amazing artist play.

I think that without work and inspiration, talent is unthinkable.

Option 2

Talent is an outstanding ability that develops if a person is hardworking and faithful to his gift. The creativity of talented artists has been inspiring and impressing people for many years.

In B. Kremnev’s story, the reader has the opportunity to share the experiences that Beethoven’s playing gives rise to. These are strong, exciting emotions. The chords are “like screams of horror,” the accompaniment is “stormy and bright, like the murmur of spring streams,” the music evokes “joy and happiness.”

Indeed, the talented performance of a pianist, composer, or actor can not only awaken amazingly powerful feelings, but also make it possible to understand how much effort, inspiration and work is invested in it.

Option 3

In my understanding, talent is a set of abilities received by a person from nature. The works of talented people are impressive and make us experience very strong emotions.

For example, Beethoven's ability to create beautiful music that can impress the listener is described in the story of B. Kremnev. “Formidable chords” during the performance are replaced by “an indomitable passage, like a flame breaking free.” Beethoven's playing is capable of making the imagination draw strong and vivid images: “light pierced the darkness.”

In fact, talent is a unique gift!

Option 4

Talent is a special, rare gift given to a person from above. And if a person has it, then sooner or later it will definitely manifest itself.

In the story by B. Kremnev, Beethoven is shown not as a famous composer, but as an aspiring young pianist who came to audition for the great Mozart. Excitement, confusion and timidity took away all his mental strength, so playing the clavier, he himself understood this, was mechanical. But the topic proposed for improvisation seemed to awaken all the senses. Screams of horror and silence, joy and happiness, light and warmth - all this began to sound, seethed, and formed into the sounding music.

The talent of the future great composer was uncontrollably rushing to the surface, and Mozart could not help but see it.

An example of a great talent that could not fail to be realized is the gift of A. Suvorov as a commander. Having gone through a difficult path from private to generalissimo, he wrote his name in the heroic history of Russia.

In my opinion, a person’s true talent, like a spring, will certainly find a way out, and others will always notice it.

Option 5

Talent is outstanding ability in a particular area. And the person who is given this gift will definitely overcome all obstacles to show it to the world.

Young Beethoven, wanting to have Mozart as a mentor, experienced many difficulties: he barely got money for a long trip, arrived in a foreign city and, having overcome shyness and excitement, appeared before the great master. Material from the site

The experience made itself felt - Beethoven at first was unable to show everything he was capable of. But he did not give up, but asked permission to improvise. And it was improvisation that showed how talented the young man is. The delighted Mozart brought his friends to show them the future genius.

As we see, hard work and perseverance help to reveal talent.

Option 6

Talent is a person’s natural giftedness, a rare ability to do something. Talented people are always goal-oriented.

This is how we see Beethoven in B. Kremnev’s text. The young musician set his goal to become a student of Mozart. He did not give up even when he realized that the game did not impress the famous composer. Beethoven's improvisation showed how talented he was. Flames, sparks, darkness, light - all this visibly appeared in his playing and captivated Mozart.

Talented people, showing examples of purposeful work, adorn the history of mankind.

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I believe that every person is talented. But everyone’s talent manifests itself in different areas. Someone is good at drawing, someone is successful in sports, someone can add and subtract large numbers in their head, someone can remember a large amount of information the first time. Therefore, there are no people who have absolutely no talent. Everyone can do something better than those around them. Perhaps you don’t even know yet what specific talents you have. In order to reveal them in yourself, you need to put in a lot of diligence. Constantly try something new, something that you have never done before.

And in no case should you retreat if it doesn’t work out the first time.
How often can you meet people who have made just one attempt, they didn’t succeed and immediately give up and retreat from their goal. But when we all learned to walk, how many times did we fall? A huge number of times. But did that stop us? No! We stubbornly stood up and tried again and again, until we finally started to succeed. Our first step meant a lot to us. How hard it was to get it, how many attempts were made before everything started to work out. The same thing has to be done in order to find, demonstrate and reveal your own talents. At first, little will work out.

After all, it is very difficult to do well something that you have never done before. But the main thing is not to give up, but to continue to move towards your goal, to try again. And after several attempts, or maybe a dozen or even hundreds, something will certainly begin to work out. After these small successes, your talent will gradually develop and improve. But even if you do not have any significant success in this area, you should not despair. After all, there are still a huge number of different activities in which you can succeed. The main thing is to try and not give up.

Then the process itself will be enjoyable. It’s so nice when you do something better than others. But this is achieved not only by desire, but also by hard work. If we remember the great athletes who achieved sky-high success, then all their victories were achieved only after a huge amount of training. And it’s unlikely that everything worked out for them the first time. But they went towards their cherished goal, became talented and did not give up. When such examples are before your eyes, you have something to strive for yourself.

When you look at talented people, you understand that there is no limit to a person’s capabilities, and that everyone creates themselves. If you want to achieve something, you will first have to put in a lot of your own personal effort. If you just lie on the couch and expect that your talent for painting will suddenly appear in you, then bad news awaits you. This will never happen. To learn how to draw, you must first try. Then practice, create drawings of varying complexity. You can take special courses, study literature that describes drawing techniques. And after that, anyone will definitely learn to draw. And those who will study hard will also become talented artists. And this scheme will work not only for drawing, but also for any area of ​​human life. The main thing is to believe in yourself and that every person is talented, you just need to discover these talents in yourself. And also try to bring your ideas to life. After all, positive thinking is also the key to success. Believe in yourself and your talents!