Magic city Hyderabad - India. Open Left Menu Hyderabad India City Hyderabad

Hyderabad is one of the places of India, which must be visited. So categorically, I argue this because the city in which they would have joined, it would seem intact, - the antiquity of the majestic temples and the Indian "Silicone Valley", the world's largest film studio and cheerful chaos of the pearl market ...

This is a city of a very ancient culture that combined the features of Muslim and Indian civilization ... An acquaintance with him is better to start with the Mecca Mosque Masdzhid (18th century), rising at 149 steps on her top, you will see a fantastic Hyderabad, as on the palm. Next to the mosque are the famous triumphal gates of Charrminar (four minarets), their beauty far echoing similar triumphal arches of Europe. Be sure to go to the fortress of Golconda (11 km from the city), in the catacombs and basements of which diamonds are stored for legend, and numerous hiker people roam there, as the "shadows of the Hamlet's father" in search of interesting findings ... Whether because the greed of human It does not know the limits, or from a delicate time, but from the fortress it remained only ruins located on a high 120-meter beautiful hill. There are now in the evenings, enchanting light shows are held, which are forced to beat the heart from the game of light on the background of the picturesque ruins ...

This sixmillion city is simply sisit of attractions, this is the 19th century complex Poan Havlel with luxurious interiors, silver and porcelain, and the old building of the royal morning ... Read more

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Weather in Hyderabad for months:

Month Temperature Cloud Rainy days /
Number of precipitation
hours per day
Day At night
January 29.1 ° C. 19.3 ° C. 7.9% - 11h. 13m.
February 31.8 ° C. 21.8 ° C. 8.5% - 11h. 35m.
March 35.8 ° C. 25.2 ° C. 8.0% - 12h. 3m.
April 38.7 ° C. 28.7 ° C. 10.0% 1 day (8.4 mm.) 12h. 32m.
May 39.5 ° C. 30.9 ° C. 10.9% 1 day (18.6 mm.) 12h. 56m.


Hyderabad was laid in 1591, when Mohammed Kuli from the Kutb Shahi dynasty decided to postpone the capital from nearby Golconda here. In 1687, the Mogolsky Emperor Aurangzeb Schrung Dynasty Kutb and appointed the governor, whose heirs who wearing the title of Nizamov ruled Hyderabad until 1949.

He looks like an elderly superbly dressed princess, whose time has already passed. Today in the old town is still alive in centuries with its old Islamic monuments and even older charm. In fact, the entire city is an axampy of architectural diamonds: decorated with patterns of graves, mosques, palaces and houses from the past hid, plucked and fascinate passersby in every corner of the city. Look carefully on the sides.

In recent decades, with the growth of the western part of Hyderabad - the sexy and popular granddaughter of our elderly princess - a new style appears. "Kiberabad", along with Bengaluru (Bangalore) and PUNU, is a place of deployment of the most powerful Indian dynasties specializing in software development, and generates jobs, wealth and luxury recreation facilities.

The main attraction of the city is the famous Charminar (Charminar) ("Four Minaret"), Dated 1591. This is a majestic square vaulted passage, which is supported by four 56-meter towers.

Nearby is one of the largest mosques of India, Mecca Masjid (Mass Masjid)built from black granite. According to legend, the red bricks of the central passage are made of clay brought from Mecca. Charminar surround the bazaars - narrow, cobbled streets, along which rows of benches selling spices, tobacco, grain, essential oils and other goods are drawn, characteristic only for Hyderabad. There is also a pearl market.

It seems that wealth is laid in the genes of this city.


Hyderabad must its existence of a lack of water in Golcond at the end of the XVI century. The rules at that time, Kuto Shahi were forced to move, and therefore Mohammed Kuli (Mohammed Quli) And the whole ruling family left the fortress Hondas and headed for the banks of the Musi River. A new city was laid, with a new charminer in the center.

In 1687, the city switched to the Mogolsky Emperor Aurangsebu, and all the subsequent rulers of Hyderabad were appointed by the Mogoli administration to Delhi.

In 1724, the governor Hyderabad Asaf Jaha (ASAF JAH) It took advantage that the Mughal Empire weakened, and proclaimed Heidarabad an independent state, and his head. So the Dynasty of Nizamov Hydarabad began, and with her, and the flourishing of Islamic traditions. Hyderabad became the center of arts, culture, science and Islamic India. And the abundance of rare diamonds and minerals in it is the world-famous diamond kokhinor from there, they gave a huge wealth of nizamam. (In the book of William Dalnimmple "White Mogola" (William Dalrymple "S White Mughals) is greatly described by the city of that time.)

When independence came in 1947, then Nizam, Osman Ali Khan (Osman Ali Khan), preferred union with Pakistan - and then achieved sovereignty. The voltage between the Mugulmans and Hindus grew, and as a result of the Middle Intervention, Hyderabad joined the Indian Union in 1948.

Fortress Gorconda

indians / Foreigners 5/100 rupees;

Despite the fact that almost the whole fortress was built during the reign of Kutb Shaha in the XVI century, its origins, as a defensive structure, are rooted to the early years of the Yaaava and Kakatia dynasties.

The citadel is built on a granite hill with a height of 120 m and is surrounded by toothed fasteners built of large stone blocks. Massive thoughts were equipped with iron spikes to delay combat elephants. Outside the fortress is another fortress tree, the perimeter of which is 11 km, and another wall behind it. In Naya Kila (Naya Quila; New Fort)which is on the border with a golf course, you will find a magnificent 400-year-old Baobab (Hathian - "Elephant Tree") With a circle of 25 m, which is said to be grown from grain brought by African Abyssinian troops (ABYSSIANIA). Exploring the rolling fortress tree in the area you will find scattered cannons everywhere (Some with beautiful inscriptions) and excellent types of fortress and burials.

Survival in the fortress also depended on the water and hearing. A series of hidden grinding clay pipes guaranteed reliable water supply, while the inventive design of the rhombid overlap of Grand Portico creates an acoustic system that carries even the smallest echo through the entire fortress to its highest point - used as a security system. Guides can demonstrate the same impressive acoustics and in the royal palace, which was designed specifically to catch conspirators: a whisper in one corner is perfectly audible through the walls in the opposite.

Eruded guides (1.5-hour excursion 600 rupees) You can order in the management of tourism Andhra Pradesh. Also available there are small guidebooks in the fortress.

If you want silence and peace, take a walk there in the morning. Authorisk from ABIDS (Abids) It costs about 150 rupees. You can get there for an hour there is a bus - from Nampalli along the route 119 or from Charmina route 66G.

Also here is a cool high-sounded show (input 50 rupees; in English 18.30 from November to February, 19.00 from March to October).

Lada Bazar.

If you want to get lost in Hyderabad, then a great place for this is Lady Lada Bazar, located in the West of Charminar. It can be found literally everything from excellent perfumery, clothing and jewels to a stiff sari and kitchen utensils. Craftsmen are skilled here in the creation of jewels and fragrant oils, large pots and chadras. The alleys in the Charminna region are also the center of India in the pearl trade. If you understand it, here you can find a very cheap product.

Salar Jung Museum; Salar Jung Marg; Indians / Foreigners 10/150 rupees;
10.00-17.00 Saturday-Thursday

A huge and diverse collection, some exhibits of which are dated 1 in. N.E., collected together the world of Yuzaf Ali Khan (Salar Jung III) And the Great Vizier of the Seventh Nizam Osman Ali Khan (Rules in 1910-1949). 35,000 exhibits from all over the globe, including sculptures, wood carving, ivory products (including the sad-ironic set of elephants), religious attributes, Persian miniatures, highlighted manuscripts, weapons, toys and more than 50,000 books. You can also sometimes see a stunning collection of nizamm jewels. Photo - and video is prohibited. Avoid Sunday when chaos reigns there. From any bus station in the Abids area, sit down to the bus, next route number 7, which stops at A Afzal Gundzh AFZAL GUNJ)which is located north of the nearest bridge over the Musi River.

To the west of the bridge there is a beautiful public hospital of Ottoman (Osmania General Hospital), on the northern and south side - court (High Court) and urban college (Government City College)All buildings are built during seventh Nizam in Indo-Saracen style.

Palace Chowmakhalla;
Indians / Foreigners 30/150 rupees,
Photo and video shooting 50 rupees;
10.00-17.00 Sat-Thu

Nizam's family sponsored the restoration of this dazzling palace - or, from a technical point of view, four (Char; Char) palaces (Mahalla; Mahalla). Started in 1750, she continued over the next hundred years, absorbing Persian, Indo-Sarazinsky, Rajasthan and European styles.

In the southern courtyard is Mahal (palace), whose rooms are restored by the best nizamov furniture; Another Mahal gives an idea of \u200b\u200blife in Xenan (Zenana; female part); Also in the southern part you will find antique cars and different interesting things, such as elephant saddles and the Remigraton printed machine, which has been typing in Urdu.

In the northern courtyard, Hilwat Mubarak is located, a magnificent hall of solemn receptions, where photographs, weapons and clothes are held.

His Museum of His Highness Nizam

adult / student 70/15 rupees;
10.00-17.00 Saturday-Thursday

In the XVI century, Purans Haveli was a house of sixth Nizam, Fatah Dzhang Makh-Bub Ali Khan (Rules 1869-1911)which, according to rumors, never put on the same thing twice and the same thing. Confirmation of these rumors serves his 72-meter 2-storey Burmese wardrobe from teak, which will be the first room in which you will get. In the premises of the former servants of the Palace are the personal belongings of Seventh Nizam, Osman Ali Khan (1886-1967) Gifts with his "Silver Jubilee" are luxurious exhibits, among which the silver mailboxes in the Art Deco style.

The remaining part of Puna Haveli is now located the school, but you can wander around and inspect administrative buildings that have previously previously residensed Nizam.

Central Museum of Tribal Nehru

Mazab Tank (Masab Tank);
Indian / foreigner 10/100 rupees;
10.30-17.00 Mon-Sat

33 Tribal groups inhabiting, mainly northeastern Andhra Pradesh, have several million people. The newly renovated museum, which is contained and managed by the Government Department of Social Protection of the tribes, offers to your attention the exhibition of photographs, diors of rural life, musical instruments and several exquisite masks of the Tribe Tribe. You will get an elementary idea of \u200b\u200bthe culture of the peoples of this edge. Also, there is an excellent library, which is 13,500 books on tribal groups of India. L nearby, in Girijan, you can buy products produced in tribal communities.

Tombs Piigakhov

Fisalbanda, Santoshnagar;
10.00-17.00 Saturday-Thursday

Members of the Aristocratic Family of Payigas, presumably the descendants of the second Islamic Caliph and the Jar Supporters of Nizamov, were in their civil service, they were philanthrops and generals both under their leadership, and side by side with them. Pihagah necropolis, standing in a quiet place four km from Charminar to the South-East, is a small group of exquisite mausoleums built from marble, which was brought from agra, and covered with limestone plaster. The main complex contains 27 graves with intricate inlaid surrounded by elegantly decorated walls and canopies, stunning filigree windows with geometric patterns, and it is crowned with all high elegant turrets. Tomb go into a small alley near the Hospital of Ovasi (Owasi). Look for the Preston Junior College sign. Information booklet "Tombs of Payigach" (20 rupees) Sale in the Andhra Pradesh Museum, but not here.

Buddha statue and Hussein Sagar

In Hyderabad, there is one of the largest stone free standing, which was completed after five years of work, in 1990. However, when monolithic height of 17.5 meters and weighing 350 tons were ferry on the ferry on his permanent place, Barge drowned. Fortunately, in 1992, the old one managed to get the whole and unavigible from the bottom, and now it stands on the pedestal in the middle of the lake. Especially magnificent appearance appears with the onset of the night.

The statue often go boats (adult / children's 50/25 rupees), and for half an hour you can go there and back as with EAT (14.00-20.40) and from Lyumbini Park (Entry 10 rupees; 9.00-21.00). There you can enjoy a sunset and a famous musical fountain. And Walk through Tankbud Road (TankBund RD) On the eastern coast, Hussein Sagar promises magnificent views of the Buddha statue.

Andhra Pradesh State Museum

Public Gardens Road, Nampallley;
Entry 10 rupees; photo- / video shooting 500 rupees;
10.30-17.00 Saturday-Thursday.

The continuously restored State Museum stores a pretty dusty collection of important archaeological finds of this region, as well as the exhibition of the Buddhist history of Andhra. There are also galleries dedicated to Jain and bronze sculptures, decorative art gallery and a 4500-year-old Egyptian mummy. Museum, as well as those located on the road, the magnificent building of the Legal Assembly (both appeared during the reign of seventh Nizam) highlighted at night.

Birla Mandir and Planetarium

work schedule 7.00-12.00 and 14.00-21.00

Birla Mandir was built in 1976 from White Rajasthan marble carved from Kalabahad (Black Mountain), one of the two rocky mountains on the shore of Lake Hussein Sagar. The temple is dedicated to Venkatshwar and is a popular Hindu pilgrimage center, from there, excellent views of the city are opened, especially at sunset. Library (16.00-20.00) At the temple costs attention.

Nearby is Planetarium Birla and Scientific Museum (Museum / Planetarium 20/35 rupees, 10.30-20.00, until 15.00 Friday, show in Planetarium and 18.00) and curious gallery of contemporary art (Entrance 10 rupees, 10.30-18.00).


In mixing the Hyderabad sights of worlds, some are embarrassed out of the overall picture and make it possible to translate a little from contemplating the "decent and right" places.

Rodmodyi Film City;
adult / children's 500/450 rupees;

The house of the reviving film industry India, also known as Tollywood (Tollywood)Is the Rod Modi Filgorod, who, without a doubt, should be the first point of travel on the "short-haired" Hyderabad. This is the world's largest complex of film studios, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is more than 670 hectares. It produces films in different eastern languages \u200b\u200b- a body, Tamil, Hindi, and so on. And, although you will not have the opportunity to directly watch the shooting of the film, during a four-hour excursion in shaky scenery and beautiful fountains, while making a stop to view dance productions and stunting tricks. Film studio is located on the outskirts of the city 20 km from Abids, and you will be able to get there, sowing near the Koti Women "S College for the bus, following the route 205 or 206. The road will take you about an hour.

Health Museum

Public Garden Road (Public Gardens RD), Nampalley (Nampally);
entrance freedom;
10.30-17.00 Saturday-Thursday

The fancy collection of medical and sanitary supplies is stored here, as if immersing you in the atmosphere of the classroom of the 50s of the 20th century. Also here you can see the awesome exhibit -gigant model of the pubic chief.

Snow Mir

Nizhny TanBund;
input 300 rupees;

Snow world is a beautiful and, importantly, the coldest place in the city that will allow you to hide from the heat. You will suddenly find yourself in warm waterproof clothing among people who throw snowballs riding on sledding and playing snow volleyball. Every hour under joyful dams is snow. Also in the park there is a snow disco and a light show.

Museum of Cars Suddha;
Bahadurpura (Bahadurpura);
Indian / foreigner 30/150 rupees;

The museum represents the brilliant work of Sudhakar. Here you will find working cars in the form of a toilet, computer, bits for cricket, hamburger, condom and other eccentric forms. He also belongs to the world achievement, witnessed in the Guinness Book of Records - the largest three-wheeled bike, whose height is 12.8 m. You can also look into the workshop and see what the master works on (at the time of writing it was "Auto" in the shape of a spilette shoes). The museum is east of the Nehru Zoo NEHRU ZOOLOGICAI PARK).


children's / adult 10/20 rupees;

In this park, everything is done so that it was nice to walk - beautiful gardens, rides, games. And if you want to eat a cupcake, it can be done in a restaurant with a bizarre design in the form of a giant vase with fruit.

Amurutha Castle;
Saifebad (Saifabad);
day from 4800 rupees

Have you always dreamed of staying in the Bavarian Castle during your stay in Hyderabad? Maybe not, but if suddenly decided, then this massive castle-hotel, built according to the Schloss Neuschwanstein model, at your service. Although this pleasure is not cheap.

Drink and have fun in Hyderabad

More and more places in Hyderabad more and more, however, the peetic institutions are limited to the Commandant hour and work until 22.00. Unless otherwise indicated, the bars are open to 22.00 (but it is not a miracle to go earlier than 21.00). At certain evenings are allowed inside (500-1000 rupees) Only couples, i.e. The guy needs a girl to get inside. Beer begins from 150 rupees, cocktails from 300 rupees.


the Internet

Anand Internet (hour 15 rupees; 10.30-21.30) Opposite the sec-darabad railway station.
Net world (Taramandal Complex, Saifabad; hour 15 rupees; 9.30-19.00 Mon-Sat)
Reliance Internet (Himayathnagar; hour 15 rupees 8.00-22.00)
Reliance Web World. (MPM Mall, Abids Circle; For 4 hours 100 rupees; 10.30-21.30 Mon-Sat. 12.30-21.00 Sun)


Good guidebooks with bills - this is "Channel 6" (, GO HYDERABAD and CITY INFO. The most colorful - "WOW HYDERABAD" (; 25 rupees). Also good is the local newspaper "Deccan Chronicle"; There are posters and in "Hyderabad Chronicle". All newspapers come out in one of the official languages, incl. in English.

Medical services

Apollo Pharmacy;
Hyderguda Main RD; around the clock; Delivery.

Saga Hospital Bandjar Hills (30418888; RD NO 1); Nampallli (30417777; Mukarramjahi rd) Hospital with a good reputation and a 24-hour pharmacy.


The best exchange rate of currencies - in banks. ATMs are everywhere. State Bank of India (23231986; HACA BHAVAN, SAIFABAD; 10.30-16.00 Mon-Fri)

post office

Postal office (8.00-20.30 Mon-Sat, 10.00-14.00 Sun) Secunderabad RASHTRAPATI RD); ABIDS (Abids Circle)

Information for tourists

Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation (APTDC; 24-hour information 23450444;; 7.00-20.30) Bashirbagh. (Bashirbagh; 23298456; NSF Shakar Bhavan, opposite the police post); Secunderabad (27893100; Yatri Nivas Hotel, Sardar Patel RD); TankBund Rd. (65581555; 10.30-17.00) Organize tours.

India Tourism (Government of India; 23261360, 23260770; Netaji Bhavan, Himayathnagar RD; 9.30-18.00 Mon-Fri, to 12.00 Sat) Very useful for information about Hyderabad, Andhra Pradeshe and other areas.

Transport in Hyderabad

To the airport / airport

The new airport is magnificent and is a 45-minute drive to the city.

Public buses are often sent from RTS in the direction of Jauba and Imlibun stations. With great comfort you will get on AC AEROEXRESS buses (18004192008; around the clock; 175 rupees)who go every half an hour to Charminar, Secunderabad, Bempeat, Mehdipatam and Haytec City.

To prepaid taxi call, pay the corresponding rack in the terminal and take the machine on the RTS.

Radiotaxi Meru (44224422) and Easy. (43434343) There are in line at the exit from the arrival terminal and stand 15 rupees per km, and 18.75 at night. A trip to Abids or Banjara Hils costs no more than 450 rupees. If you are going to the airport, try calling Yellow Taxi (44004400) .


The minimum taxi fee is 12 rupees for the first km and 7 rupees for each next km. From 22.00 to 5.00 - extra charge 50%. Unfortunately, new electronic counters work far from always, and drivers do not always use them, so be prepared to bargain.


Most local buses leave from Coti Station (23443320; RANI JHANSI RD)So, if you arrive here, there is a chance to find a place. Single travel for 1 day (Normal / Express 40/50 rupees)Which can be bought right on the bus at the conductor, gives the right of unlimited trips throughout the city on the day of purchase. CITY BUS ROUTE GUIDE CITY BUS ROUTE GUIDE (10 rupees) You can buy in bookstores in the Koti area.


There are several locations near the railway station Hyderabad, where you can rent a car. Links Travels (9348770007) -Amber firm for renting a car both for travel around the city and long-distance long distances.

A train

MMTS trains ( Convenient, especially for the three main railway stations. There are two main branches: from Hyderabad (Remyrhood) to Lingampalli (Lingampalli; Northeast Bandjar Hils) Consists of 11 stops, including Lakdikapul (lakdikapul), Hairatabad (Khairatabad), Nekleis Road (NECKLACE RD), Beumpeet. (Begumpet) and Haytete City. (HITEC CITY); Branch from Falacnuma (Falaknuma; South of the Old Town) Until Secunderabad passes through Yakutpur (Yakutpura)Dubierpur (Dabirpura), Malakpet. (MalakPet), Kacchiguda (Kachiguda) And others. The trains indicate the departure point and point of arrival: HL is Hyderabad-Lingampalley (Hyderabad-Lingampalli), FALKNUM-Secunderabad (Falaknuma-Secunderabad) etc. The trains are an effective way of movement, but they go with an interval of 30-40 minutes. Tickets are 3 and 10 rupees.

Road to Hyderabad and back


In Hyderabad, a large and modern international airport. Rady Gandhi (RA IV Gandhi International Airport; 66546370; It is located 22 km on Southwest, in Shamchabad (Shamshabad).

The best offers you will find yourself online or through travel agencies. Try Neo Globe Tours & Travels (66751786; saifabad; 10.00-19.30 Mon-Sat. 11.00-14.00 Sun), near the Nizam Club.

Airline offices are usually open from Monday to Friday from 9.30 to 17.30, with an hour break for lunch, as well as on Saturdays until 13.30.

Offices of national airlines:

  • Goair. (Airport 922322211111800222111; Rady Gandhi International Airport)
  • Indian Airlines. (23430334, Airport 24255161/2; HACA BHAVAN, SAIFABAD)
  • Indigo. (23233590, Airport 24255052; INTERGLOBE AIR Transport, Chapel RD) Jet Airways. (39893333, Airport 39893322; Hill Fort RD; 9.00-19.00 Mon-Sat) Also reservation of tickets Jetlite.
  • Jetlite (30302020; Rady Gandhi International Airport)
  • Kingfisher Airlines. (40328400, Airport 66605603; Balayogi Paryatak Bhavan, Bempeat) Spicejet. (18001803333; Rady Gandhi International Airport)

International airlines:

  • Air India. (1800227722, Airport 66605163; HACA BHAVAN, SAIFABAD)
  • Airasia. (66666464, Airport 66605163; HACA BHAVAN, SAIFABAD)
  • Emirates. (66234444; RD NO 1, Bandjar Hills)
  • GSA TRANSWORLD TRAVELS. (3298495; Chapel RD) For Qantas.
  • Lufthansa. (4888888; Rady Gandhi International Airport)
  • Sri Lankan Airlines. (23372429/30; Raj Bhavan RD, Somadji-Hood) Opposite the Hospital Yasoda (Yashoda hospital).
  • Qatar Airways. (1244566000, Airport 66605121; RD NO 1, Bandjar Hills)
  • Thai Airways (23333030; RD NO 1, Bandjar Hills)


The long-distance car station Hyderabad works very effectively. On the bus station them. Mahatma Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi Bus Station; 24614406), More famous as Embulong (Imlibun), there is a ticket for pre-booking tickets (23434269; 8.00-22.00) . In Karnataka (Karnataka) Drive on KSRTC buses (24656430) . To get acquainted with the departure time and prices visit

From the bus station Dzhubili. (Jubilee Bus Station; 27802203) In Secunderabad, cars are sent to Volvo in the following directions: Bengaluru (801 rupees, 11 hours, 6 per day), Chennai (844 rupees, 12 hours, daily) and Visakhapatnam (Visakhapatnam; 701 rupees, 13 hours, daily).

Private bus companies (with air conditioned buses) are in Namparalley on High Road (HIGH RD), near the entrance to the railway station.

A train

Secunderabad, Hydarabad - also known as Namparalley - and Cachpud - three main railway stations. Most of the passing trains stops in Secunderabad and in the katch, from where it is convenient to go to ABIDS. Tickets can be booked at Hyderabad and Secunderabad Stations from 8.00 to 20.00 from Monday to Saturday (until 14.00 on Sunday). Both trains have an information bureau for tourists. General Information 139; Questions related to booking 135.

Hyderabad's attraction lies in his amazing story. One of the largest cities in India is well known to the palaces, tombs, Islamic minarets, hindu temples, British colonial architecture and diamond centuries-old trade. Essentially, the whole city is permeated with architectural pearls (as in the old days, the clothes of their rulers were sleeping with gold and pearls). Once an important center of Islamic culture, Hyderabad architectural heritage, is quite comparable from Delhi, Agroy and Fatechpur Sicry. Here, in the old town, there was one of the Islamic cultural centers of India. Nizami (the title of ruler) Hydarabad in the past were the most rich people on the planet built by them historical monuments are a vivid confirmation. The time of Nizamov passed, but the heritage left by them still exudes the magnificence of the ancient Hyderabad. His low attendance by foreign tourists is surprising, given the many historical monuments and the wealth of culture.

Hyderabad - General Information

The city with a 400-year history was named after the wife of the ruler of Muhammed Kuli Kutb Shah. He planned Hydarabad, following the example of the legendary city of Isfahan in Persia, "not having analogues in the world and who was a paradise city on Earth." The wealth and prosperity of Hyderabad was based on the trade in pearls, gold, fabrics, but, first of all, diamonds, which, as some believe, still remain hidden under the foundation of the Fortress of Golconda 11 km from the city. Once it was the most famous area of \u200b\u200bdiamond mining in the world, which produced a kokhinur weighing 105 carats, Eagles 189.62, Resent 140.64 and Hype 45.54. The legendary wealth of Hondas attracted the attention of the emperor of the Great Mughal Auragseeb, who captured the fortress in 1687. When the Empire of the Great Magnies began to collapse, the enterprising local governor Asaf Jakh I quickly proclaimed himself to Nizam and established his rule over the Khaiderabad principality. Having strengthened his power with the Union with the British East India Company in 1798. Hyderabad became an influential principality of British India.

The last, the Seventh Nizam Hydarabad became ASAP JAH VII in 1911. He headed the largest of the principalities in the British India. The territory of 223,000 km ² approximately equal to the square of modern UK. Her ruler was the highest-level prince in India, and one of the five princes, which, according to the protocol visits, was relied on a 21-gun salute. For a significant financial contribution to the military efforts of the British Empire, he was granted a unique title "His Highness Elevated" and "The Fair Ally of the British Crown".

On February 22, 1937, Time Magazine magazine called ASAP JAH VII the richest man in the world. His condition was estimated at 2 billion American dollars in the early 1940s or 2% of the US economy at the time. For comparison, the budget of the newly formed state India was 1 billion dollars. Nizam was considered the richest person in South Asia to his very death in 1967, although his condition was reduced to 1 billion US dollars by the time. His enormous wealth was accumulated by receiving income from the right to develop subsoil. It is worth noting that his princess Hyderabad was a monopoly supplier of diamonds to the global market until the 19th century.

Asaf Gazha VII was a generous ruler, patronized education, sciences, crafts. The period of his 37-year-old reign was marked by the beginning of the use of electricity, the construction of railways and roads, the development of air transport, carried out irrigation projects. Up to 11% of the Principality Budget Nizam spent on education. Primary education has become mandatory and provided for free for all the poor. With it, the Ottoman University was founded in Hydarabad, who marked a new era in the history of British education policy in India. Almost all major public buildings in Hyderabad, and many other monuments were built during his board.

Hyderabad was the only native principality in the composition of British India, where the ruler had the right to have his currency. In 1941, Nizam received the right to establish the State Bank of the Principality.

After the announcement of India independence in 1947, the country was divided into two parts: India and Pakistan. When British troops left India in 1947, the Nizam refused to join India or Pakistan, preferring a separate state as part of the British Commonwealth of Nations. But most of the subjects of ASAP JAH VII were Hindu, and its principality is surrounded from all sides of India's territory. Indian government troops invaded Hyderabad in 1948 and after 5 days of fighting Nizam capitulated.

ASAP JAH VII died on February 24, 1967. The death of Nizam marked the end of the Prince of Epoch. His funeral procession was one of the largest in the history of India.

Hyderabad once served as a residence of the Diamonds of Nizamov, and now turned into a city of high technologies, concentrating on its territory of the electronic and computer industry, research and educational centers. Hyderabad became the leading center for the development of the IT industry in India. Many companies producing software advising their firms, including several transnational corporations, have created their offices and production in the city, including Microsoft, Oracle, InfoSys, Dell. Thanks to the active development of information technologies, Hyderabad is the second exporter of software in India, and the city itself is called the second silicone valley in India after Bangalore (while the Chennai is ahead).

Despite the development of the modern business, the city is immersed in history: the wagons harvested by camels and oxen rose on the roads, on the streets, meet Muslim women dressed in black barge, and in the center of the Megapolis will get acquainted with a rich historical heritage left after themselves by Nizammi.

Hyderabad: Review of attractions

Hyderabad - Pearl City

Hyderabad is well known in the world under the name of the city of Pearls. What is interesting, Hyderabad is located far from the sea, but got the name of the city of Pearl! Nizami were passionate fans of pearls, diamonds and in every way patronized their trade. They not only wore clothes decorated with pearls and diamonds, but also used chopped pearls as a cosmetics. The patronage and the rich way of life of Nizamov attracted the city of qualified masters from all over the world. Since then, the art of processing pearls is transmitted from generation to generation.

High mastery and low labor costs made Hyderabad the largest pearl trade center in India, and one of the world's largest. Unprocessed pearls import from China and Japan. There are villages on the outskirts of the city, in which almost the entire population is involved in a thin processing process of pearls, and then sorting in accordance with the shape, size, glitter and homogeneity. Jewelers are decorated with pearls with gold, rubies and emeralds. Processed pearls export to the markets of Europe and the USA.

Hyderabad attracts tourists and connoisseurs of jewelry of pearls. Patther Gatti Street consists mainly from shops for selling pearls, some stores are engaged in selling more than a hundred years. A good choice of pearls in the area of \u200b\u200bthe charmin mosque. A visit to Hyderabad cannot be considered completed without buying jewelry of pearls.


Charminar literally means four minaret. Kuli Kutb Shah built this famous structure in 1591 in memory of the end of the epidemic of the plague in the city. It is said that he prayed at this place and swore to build a mosque in this very place. Charminar has long turned into a Hyderabad symbol and is among the most recognizable buildings of India. The towers rise to a height of 48.7 m above the ground. There is a mosque on the top floor, the founding of one of the towers is the Hindu temple. Unlike the Taj Mahal, the four corrugated minaret of Charminar are built into the main building. 149 Staircases inside minarets lead to the top floor, offering panoramic views of the city.

Especially beautiful Charminar looks at night. It is located in the center of the road with an intensive movement of vehicles, but the project is already in full swing on the transformation of the adjacent territory in the pedestrian zone.


Located 11 km to the west of Hyderabad, the city-fortress of Golconda lies in the ruins. The city was built in the 13th century by the rulers of the cocatia dynasty. It is located on a granite hill with a height of 120 meters and is surrounded by massive gear shafts. The fort is a giant defense complex, the length of the external walls is about 10 km. At the time of the dynasty of Kutb Shahi (1518-1687), the city was the core of one of the most powerful Muslim Sultanates in the region and the center of thriving trading in diamonds. In 1687, the fortress was withstanding the nine monthly siege of the emperor of the Great Mughal Aurangseeb and fell through betrayal. Capturing the fortress and diamonds, Aurangzeb became the richest monarch in the world. After the siege, the fort came to decline.

One of the interesting features of the fortress was an excellent acoustics system, thanks to which the cotton in his hands near the main gate of the fort was heard at the top of the citadel located on a high granite hill.

In the 16th century, Golconda became the center of the thriving trading in diamonds and precious stones, mined on nearby forecasts. At that time it was the only diamond world in the world. Many famous diamonds were extracted from these mines. The famous diamonds Kochinor, Houpa, Regent and many others were kept in the Fort dungeon. In the Renaissance and a later period, the name "Horconda" acquired the legendary aura and became synonymous with vast wealth. Prii served as a source of wealth of the Nizamov Hydarabad right up to the inclusion of the principality in independent India.

After sunset, the show is demonstrated, during which the fortress is illuminated by backlight and the story of the fort is dissolved. Near the fort there are many narrow streets with numerous shops.

Palace Chowmakhalla

Chahar on Persian means four, Mahalat in Arabic means places, therefore, the name of Chowmamal can be translated as four places, or four palaces. The Chowmakhlla Palace in Hydarabad served as the official residence of the Nizamov Assaph Jach dynasty.

All official ceremonial functions, including the inauguration of nizamov, the receptions of the Governor general took place in this palace.
The construction of the palace began in the second half of the 18th century and ended between 1857 and 1869. For decades, he absorbed the synthesis of many architectural styles and influences. The palace is unique in his style and elegance.
Chowmämalla consists of two courtyards, southern and northern, hall for audiences, fountains and gardens. Initially, he occupied an area of \u200b\u200b180,000 m2, until today, only 57,000 m2 has been preserved.

On March 15, 2010, Chowmämalla Palace received the prestigious UNESCO Award for the Merit of the Security and Restoration of the Monuments of Culture of the Asia-Pacific Region.

Palace Falaknuma

Palace of Falacnum is one of the best palaces in Hyderabad. At first, he belonged to a well-known family of Payigas, but later he acquired the sixth Nizam Hyderabad.

The design was designed by the English architect, construction began in 1884, and after 9 years it was completed. The palace has a form of scorpion and is a rare combination of the Italian and English architecture of the period of Tudor.

Palace of Falaknum in Hyderabad suffered the same fate as many other magnificent fortresses, palaces and mansions after finding India independence. Delighted funds for maintenance, they slowly descended.

In 2000, the repair and restoration of the palace began. After the end of the restoration (November 2010), the palace was opened as an elite hotel. It has 220 luxuriously decorated rooms and 22 spacious hall. The interiors include Venetian chandeliers and complex frescoes, open terraces, rare valuable items, including paintings, statues, furniture, handwritten books. The palace has a famous dining room capable of accommodating 100 guests and is considered the largest in the world. The reception room is furnished with walnut furniture, handmade mirrors, ceilings are decorated with complex decorative carvings. The halls of the palace decorate the rich collection of Venetian chandeliers.

Spanish mosque

The Spanish mosque was built in 1906 following the example of the Cordoba Cathedral Mosque in Spain. The exterior and interior of the mosque basically reminds the cathedral-mosque in Cordoba. This is the only mosque in India in the Mauritan style architecture, the main feature of which are spiers instead of ordinary minarets and domes, who give this mosquit-church special appearance.

Tombs Sultanov Dynasty Kutb Shahi

The famous seven patches of the rulers of the Kutb Dynasty Shahi are located 10 km from Hyderabad next to the fortress of Golconda. All tombs are one-story buildings with the exception of the Mausoleum of the fifth Sultan dynasty. In the center of each tomb there is a sarcophagus that covers the tomb above.

The tombs of the sultans of the Kutb Shahi dynasty, founders and rulers of Hyderabad, withstood the test of time and perfectly preserved. In the early 19th century, they were restored, a beautiful garden was broken nearby. Everyone is buried here, except for the last of the sultans of the Kutb Shahi dynasty.

Mecca Masdzhid

Mecca Masjid is one of the oldest mosques in Hyderabad, and one of the largest in India. Mohammed Cutb Shah began construction in 1617, and the emperor of the Great Mogolov Aurangzeb completed in 1694. The main hall of the mosque is able to accommodate ten thousand believers at the same time. It is believed that Mohammed Cutb Shah ordered to deliver bricks from Mecca to build a central arch, hence the name of the mosque.

Film Studio Rammaji.

Film studio Rammaja, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is the largest movie with a complex in the world: more than 800 hectares of shooting sites, artificial urban landscapes, recording pavilions, warehouses, installation studios, hotels, restaurants and a huge theme park. The complex was opened in 1996 and is located about 25 km from Heidarabad.

Ramotzhi film studio complex has more than 500 places for filming movies. On its territory there are simultaneously shooting of several dozen movies. It attracts not only india cinematographers, but also from around the world, including Hollywood.

At first, the film studio just shot films. But two years after the foundation, she began to take tourists, and now it is visited over a million tourists a year. Tourists can visit the entertainment theme park, Japanese garden, artificial waterfalls, caves, airport terminal, hospital, railway station, churches, mosques, temples, shopping squares, palace interiors, castles, rural complexes, city dwellings, to visit the streets of the city of Empire Maurev , Great Mughal or American Wild West. On the territory of the film studio, media magnate Ramodi Rao in a single house is not scenery. Having visited Hyderabad, do not miss the opportunity to visit the largest film studio in the world.

Hyderabad is the pearl of India and in the literal, and in the figurative sense. This is not only a huge megapolis in which more than six million people live, but also an ancient city in which Muslim and Indian culture intertwined. The dynasty of nizamov - medieval rulers of the city - entered Indian history, thanks to unrestrained love for diamonds, gold and pearls, from which not only decorations were made, but even cosmetics. Since then, Hyderabad has remained the largest center of jewelry in India. Finally, this city is a cradle of modern Indian cinema, because it is in him that the world's largest film studio. However, about everything in order.

How to get

22 km from Hyderabad is located international airport. Rady Gandhi. After arrival, you can use the services of taxi drivers (from 600 INR) or take a bus. Prices on the page are shown in April 2019.

In Mayapur, there is the largest bus terminal of the Asian region "Inter City Bass Terminal", and in the center of the city itself there is a bus station. Mahatma Gandhi. Also to the city can be reached by rail. The city has two railway stations (Nampally or Hyderabad Deccan, and Secunderabad), taking trains from jenny, Mumbai, Bangalore and other cities. Tickets for nightcams (that is, with the ability to sleep on the train, and not shaking for 14 hours in the afternoon) it is better to book in 1-2 days.

Search flights to Hyderabad

Weather in Heidarabad

Thread history: from ancient times to this day

History Hyderabad is amazing. One of the largest cities in India, he is famous for his palaces, Islamic minarets, tombs, hindu temples and, of course, centuries-old diamond trade. The city also received his wealth thanks to the trade in expensive tissues, gold and pearls. In the past, Nizama - rulers of the city - were considered the most rich people of the world. For example, in 1937, the state of Nizam Asaph Jahai VII was estimated at $ 2 billion, while the budget of India was twice as fewer - only one billion dollars.

Today, Hyderabad is an Indian silicone valley, in the territory of the city there is a huge number of IT companies, including Microsoft, Dell, Oracle and IFOSYS representative offices.


There are plenty of hotels in the city, we will only advise a couple of the most, in our opinion, comfortable hotels in terms of price / service / geographical position. Marriott 5 * Hotel is located just 10 minutes from the airport, it has a swimming pool, a luxurious restaurant and a spa. Also near the airport, Peppermint 4 * is located. This option is suitable for those who want to save and not too much to spend on accommodation during the rest.

Luxury interiors promises the Palace, and now the Falaknuma Palace Hotel (Tank Bund Rd Street.), Where in one time the king of Georg V. The Green Park Hotel is also popular (Dubla from 6000 INR).

3 things that need to be done in Hyderabad

  1. Buy beautiful ladies Pearl decoration on Patther Gatti Street, where there is a huge number of jewelry shops, with a discount of 40-60% compared with European shops.
  2. Search diamonds in the old fortress of Golconda. Even if you do not find there, then you should not throw everything in the disorder and leave. Wait for the sun and enjoy a colorful illumination show, which tells the story of Fort.
  3. Make a "round-the-world journey" on the film studio of Rammaji.

Pearls from Hyderabad

Thanks to the unsurpassed making skills and low cost of jewelry work, Hyderabad is the largest center for trading with pearls in India and one of the largest in the world. This, by the way, is amazing, because the city is located away from the sea, and the raw materials have to import from China and Japan. On urban outdoors there are whole villages that are entirely occupied in the process of processing the sea pearls and its sorting according to the size, shape, glitter and uniformity.

If there is a desire to buy a quality decoration without a mark-up 40-60% (namely, they sell jewelry in Russian and European stores), then you should certainly look at the Patther Gatti street, where there is a huge number of jewelry stores, as well as in Charrmins Mosque .

In addition, it is worth looking at the Bazaar of the way, where you can buy bright bracelets, sari, turbans, huhu, and still scratching bright, typical Indian stuff, so necessary to female wardrobe.

Entertainment and Attractions Hyderabad

The charrmin mosque, which was mentioned above, by the way, is not just a shop selling pearls, but a grand mosque, whose name is translated as "four minaret." According to legend, it was built in 1591 in honor of the relief of the city from the plague epidemic. If you rise to 149 steps to the top of the mosque, then you will open a panoramic view of the whole city, and believe me, this is the spectacle worth it! It is best to watch the city at night when the entire megalopolis is illuminated by night lights.

Fortress Gorconda

Even after many centuries, historical monuments remaining after the ancient rulers, only "feed" myths and legends, which covered the legendary diamond treasury of the Indian princes. There are still legends among the population that most of the precious stones of the ancient dynasty remained in the catacombs and cellars of the fortress of Golconda ("Pastely Hill"), 11 km from the city. Local residents and enterprising tourists would have long, of course, disassembled the fortress on the brick, however, the state struggles the historical monument from the mercenary vandals and the lungs. Nevertheless, no one forbates to visit the fortress and try happiness (without fanaticism, of course: if you arrive in Hondas with a bunch of dynamite and quirk, then your enthusiasm is hardly appreciated).

From the ancient fortress, once the former center of diamond trade and personal treasury of the ancient princes, now only the picturesque ruins, which are located on a hill 120 meters in height.

Film Studio Rammaji.

If you have always dreamed of a chic indian wedding in the style of Bollywood, then Film Studio Rammaja is at your service. If you believe the Guinness Book of Records, then this is the largest film complex in a world in which more than 800 hectares of shooting sites, urban landscapes, recording pavilions, installation studios, warehouses, etc. In the studio you can shoot more than 500 films at the same time, and therefore Studios - Directors and film crews from Hollywood.

However, this is not all. Ramodi is also Mecca for tourists: the studio visits more than 1 million visitors per year. Passing the pavilions for filming one after another, it is possible to be in an entertainment thematic park, the Japanese garden, near the artificial waterfall, in the caves, terminals of airports, hospitals, at the railway stations, in churches, mosques, trading areas, palace interiors, in the castle, and also To visit the cities of ancient India, the Great Mughal or at the American Wild West. And it seems to be not all!

Other sights

The complex of the middle of the 19th century Puna Haveli in the neoclassical style is once the main residence of Mahbuba Ali Pasha. In the eastern wing (Masarat Mahal) - the preserved interiors telling about the life of the owners, including a giant wardrobe for 73 m2, where bunk wardrobes with a mechanical lift are walked by the same tweed costumes (they say they are exactly 75 pieces, and they were all purchased on Scottish factory). Other Must-See: Collection of porcelain, photos, silver products.

Lovers of museums can be advised to look at Saladzhang, where the eclectic collection of 40,000 items belonging to the Hyderabad Prime Minister in the early 20th century. Pride of the exposition - Mogolsky jade, wirp from ivory, Quran 13th century

Noteworthy in Hyderabad and hospital buildings - Ottomans (1925), opposite which the buildings of the Higher School of Boys and the Supreme Court are located from Rose Granite and Red Sandstone, as well as the Unan Hospital (1920s), where the methods of traditional Greek-Arabic medicine were previously used. .

Finally, it is not necessary to skip the old building of the Tsarist Morning House (Ashurghana). Erected in 1595, today it stores the collection of the best friends of women - diamonds, as well as amazingly elegant decorations of gold and silver.

Both states created on the territory of British possessions in India have repeatedly encountered separatism problems. This is not surprising - the pedestrous ethnic, linguistic and religious composition of the population in aggregate with complex relationships between the elites of various regions of the Indian subcontinent pretty complicated the task of preserving the territorial integrity of the countries of the region with their artificial borders. If Pakistan eventually broke up, India remained united, the desire to the desire of individual parts, such as the Khidarabad principality, to independence.

Section of British India

The section of British India into two independent states in 1947 was very difficult. The antagonism between the Hindu and Islamic parts of the Indian society by the mid-40s became so big that he did not leave any hope for the peaceful coexistence of these groups of the population within one state. On the other hand, the border between the new states produced by the Government Commission of Sir Sirila Radcliffe was an extremely difficult task.

Never before in India, Sir Radcliffe was appointed head of commission in many ways because of his impersonality: he was not personally familiar with any of the Hindus. Local judges from the Indian National Congress and the Muslim league were delegated to help him. Representatives of Congress headed the future Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru, the head of the Muslim delegation was President of the League Muhammad Ali Ginn, who in modern Pakistan consider the founder of the state. Literally a couple of days in the society of these "colleagues" had enough Radcliffe in order to clearly realize two things. First, the League and Congress will not be able to negotiate anything, since sincerely hate each other. Secondly, the sharp lack of time (and for the border between the two states it was given only 5 weeks) will lead to the fact that any decision, no matter how it is, does not suit some of the parties.

Therefore, he, having drove his sleeves, began to work, in fact alone accepting decisions about the passage of the future border, because there was no constructive aid from the aborigines. Radcliffe was made predominantly demographic factors: areas where the majority of the population constituted the Indian Union, and regions with mainly Muslim population are part of Pakistan.

Section of British India

The work itself was held in secret, and with its results the public was acquainted only on August 17, 1947, two days after the declaration of independence of the newly minted states. This secretity led to the fact that after August 15 for several days, individual regions were managed by the administrations of the "not the" state, such as, for example, Bengal District Maband. Above this area with a predominantly Muslim population, but by the results of the work of Radcliffe to India, the Pakistan flag was waving for several days.

Of course, the separation of religious signs in almost all parts of the border was very conditional. In each area there was some minority percentage. Representatives of some nations, such as Punjabs and Bengalts, confessed different religions - and as a result of Punjab and Bengal were divided by the state border. In some cases, the religious principle for incomprehensible reasons was absolutely violated, as, for example, in the town of Muslims, Muslims predominantly, departed to India.

In addition, other religions were in huge densely populated India. The interests of their adepts were practically not taken into account, and this led to such conflicts as Sikhov. Most Sikhov turned out to be in the Indian Union, and their sacred city of Lahore - in Pakistan. All this was the cause of mass clashes on religious soil, hundreds of thousands of victims and an unprecedented number of refugees (up to 25 million!). Subsequently, it turned out that ethnic disagreements between the communities (which were practically not taken into account in the section) often exceeded religious, which led to the breakdown of Pakistan.

Their among strangers, others among their

But there was another problem.

The British colonial administration did not have the completeness of power throughout British India. Separate regions were entered in more than 600 principalities, various in the area and the population number, and these states had a significant degree of sovereignty. As a rule, their relations with the government in Delhi were built on subsidiary treaties, according to which the principalities were transferred to the metropolis of their rights to foreign policy and defense, but retained independence in domestic policies.

These principalities were able to make a choice to which states to join. In the overwhelming majority of cases, everything was enough here quite. In the areas of the principles of the principles, Raji-Hindus ruled, and they became part of India. In populated Muslims, Islamic monarchs ruled, and these principalities joined Pakistan. But in several of these monarchies, the confessional affiliation of the majority of the population and the ruling top did not coincide. The most large and famous were the principality of Kashmir and Heiderabad.

In Kashmir, inhabited mainly Muslims, the rules of the Hindu dynasty, which was inclined to join India. The Muslim majority of Kashmir, as well as the Government of Pakistan, did not agree with such a decision. These disagreements led to several full-scale wars between the two South Asian states, and the conflict is not allowed so far. De facto Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistan. This "hot spot" is potentially one of the most dangerous in the world: both sides of the conflict have nuclear weapons and are determined to apply it in an unfavorable coating of circumstances.

Last Nizam Hyderabad Osman Ali Khan - one of the richest people of the world of their time according to the information of the American magazine "Time"

The mirror opposite situation was formed by 1947 in one of the principalities of South India - Hyderabad. Approximately 85% of the 18 million people of the principality were Hindus (and only 12% - Muslims), but Rules Hyderabad Muslim Nizam Osman Ali Khan.

State Hyderabad

Among the hundreds of Indian native principles, Hydarabad looked pretty remarkable. The area of \u200b\u200bthis largest public education in India was 214,130 square kilometers - more, for example, than modern Belarus (207,600 square kilometers). The gross national product of the principality exceeded the GNP of Belgium, and Nizam Hydarabad Osman Ali Khan in 1937 was named by the magazine "Time" by one of the richest people in the world. The state had its own army (22,000 people), their railway system and airline.

The only of the principalities in British India, Hydarabad even had his own bank and produced his currency - Hyderabad Rupeiu.

City Hall in the city of Hyderabad, the capital of the Principality

During the uprising of Sipaev in 1857, Hydarabad fulfilled his obligations under the contract before Britain and did not support the rebels, for which he received a special official status of a "faithful ally." The principality acquired his reputation with a reliable ally of Britain and during the Second World War, when Osman Ali Khan presented several destroyers to the British and Australian fleets, including the Esminets "Nizam".

As mentioned above, the multilingual population of Hyderabad was mainly Hindu. However, the Nizam himself, and the overwhelming number of senior officials in the country was Muslims. Like more than 70% of officers in the Hyderabad army.

Esminets "Nizam" of the Australian Navy in May 1945

Another remarkable feature of Hyderabad was a large number of polo sites. They were 17 in the country - more than in any other region of India.

Operation "Polo"

Having a large and strong country under its control, Nizam Osman decided that he was not on his way with India or Pakistan. Even before providing a British independence to these states, Nizam asked London to recognize his principality of a sovereign monarchy as part of the Commonwealth, but this request was rejected.

On August 15, 1947, on the Day of Independence Independence, its own independence proclaimed Hyderabad. From this point on, a series of negotiations began between India and Hyderabad, with the mediation of Great Britain, however, both parties at the same time with the negotiations of the sleeper were preparing for a powerful decision. India has built barricades on entry into the principality, preparing an economic blockade - despite the major sizes, Hyderabad was an enclave inside the Indian territory and did not have access to the sea. For its part, Hyderabad handed 200 million rupees to Pakistan for the purchase of a large batch of weapons and organized his bombarding squadron there.

All plans limiting the sovereignty of Hydarabad, his delegations were rejected. Nizam demanded complete independence or, as an option, independent membership in the British Commonwealth of Nations. He even tried to attract a question as an arbitrator of the US President Truman, but unsuccessfully. To counteract a significant Hindu opposition within the country, Nizam Osman organized numerous, but poorly armed troops of Muslim militia - rally.


Armed collisions between the rationals and the Hindus took place throughout the country and even beyond its limits, throwing over the territory of the neighboring regions of the Indian Union. At the same time, various opposition political parties within the principality also took various measures aimed at the overthrow of Nizam's power. If the Hydarabad National Congress practiced a non-violent protest, then the ubiquitous communists organized the uprising of the peasants in Telengan against the Muslim landowner. At the same time, the Communists, Rezind against Nizam, cherished themselves the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an independent communist state in Hyderabad.

In some sources, it even indicates that in 1948 they applied for help to Stalin. However, one glance to the head of the leader of the USSR was enough to answer the Haidarabad Communists about the impossibility of supporting an armed uprising in the territory that did not directly enter the sea, and they were given to the Council to look for other ways to come to power. Further, the nationalists from the Hindu organization "Arya Samaj" went on: December 4, 1947, their person tried to kill the ruler of the principality.

Hyderabad was preparing a big war. The princess army (3 tank and 1 cavalry regiment, 11 infantry battalions, artillery parts) was equipped with mercenaries, many of whom had combat experience. 200 thousand armed with cold weapons and ancient Doro-charging rugs of rally as military force could be taken into account mainly due to their numerous. Hyderabad military assistance received from Pakistan and from the Portuguese Colony of Goa.

Hyderabad Army Units

In this situation, the Indian leadership considered independent Hyderabad " ulcer in the heart of India, which should be eliminated surgical" Such an assessment strongly contributed to Laik Ali, Prime Minister Hyderabad: " India believes that if Pakistan attacks her, then Hydarabad spins her knife in his back. I'm not sure that we do not do that" According to the final plan for resolving the conflict, signed by India, she no longer demanded the entry of the principality in their composition, but demanded that his friendly position consistent with the refusal of entry into Pakistan. But nizam rejected these counter concessions and insisted on full and unlimited sovereignty.

After September 6, 1948 in the village of Chillacalla, the Indian police post was subjected to a strong shelling from the Razakarov, tanks and divisions of the Gurkchov of the Indian army were discarded the Muslim police to the territory of Hyderabad and occupied after a collision with the corpushes of the Principality of Kodar. The Indian army began the final decision of the Hyderabad issue. The operation received the code name "Polo" in honor of the playgrounds for this game, widespread in Nizam's possessions.

On September 13, 1948, according to the South Command of the Indian Army, Lieutenant General E. N. Goddard began a full-scale Indian military invasion of Hyderabad. The fourteen war who followed this showed that Nizam Osman very strongly overestimated the ability of his principality.

The offensive was conducted in two main areas - from Vijayavad from the East and from Soaprara from the West. At the same time, individual units attacked throughout the length of the border, not giving the defendant to focus the main forces in the directions of the main blows. In total, the Indian army, forced to keep significant forces on the borders with Pakistan, allocated 35,000 people to participate in surgery.

Indian Shermans in Hyderabad

The first collision in the west direction occurred at the fortifications from the city of Nallegg. Here, the 7th Brigade of the Indian Army successfully attacked the position of the 1st Hydarabad infantry regiment. Capturing an important bridge over r. Bori, Indian infantry provided the possibility of a safe breakthrough of the 1st armored brigade, which was deepened to the outcome of the day by more than 60 kilometers in Heidarabad territory, without much difficulty overcoming the resistance of numerous rally. To the north-west of Naldurg, another column of Indian troops successfully occurred, as a result of a two-hour battle capturing Tuldjapur.

In the East, Indian troops came across the resistance of the "Steghand" and Haydarabad parts armed with armored vehicles. As a result of the two-hour battle, the latter were broken, and the Indians continued to move to the West, taking on the outcome of the day of the city of Hospute and Tunghandrad.

British armored car "Humber"

On September 14, the Western Grouping of the Indian troops continued the offensive, supported by the strike of the Squadron Tempest Squadron, along the fortified areas of the enemy. The onset of the Eastern group was detained by the anti-tank moat and the strong fire from the sublime position in the area of \u200b\u200bSuryapet. The veterans of the Burmese campaign against Japan, the fighters of the 5th regiment of the Gurkh's shooters beat off the hill in Hyderabadsev, making them great losses. The 11th regiment of Gurkchov with a squadron of the 8th Cavalry Shelf at the same time took the city of Osmanabad.

And only in the city of Jalna, the Indian army could not overcome the resistance of the Hydarabad army with the stubborn resistance. Jalna could not take 2 infantry shelf, reinforced with tanks, and the next day the city was left to precipitate the 11th Gource Regiment, and the rest of the parts rushed further.

In the future, the Indian army occurred rapidly, often facing the symbolic resistance of Nizam's troops. Where it was not possible to take settlements with the go, the Indian aircraft was taken into account, such as in the city of Surriepet. In the mountainous areas, using the benefits of the area, the diverse could still organize ambushes and use the tactics of the partisan struggle, but Indian artillery quickly forced them to move away.

By the morning of September 17, the Indian army was 60 kilometers from the capital of the Principality. It became clear that all combat-ready units of the Hyderabad army were already defeated and suffered very hard losses. Nizam on radio in English appealed to the Indian troops, reporting the surrender. At 16 o'clock, Indian Major General Chaudhuri took the surrender from the commander of the Hyderabad Army of Major El Edroos.

Major General Chaudhuri (left) takes the surrender from the Army Commander Hyderabad General-Major El Edroos


The defeat of Hyderabad was crushing. If the Indian army lost 32 people killed, Nizam's army lost 807 people. The same 1373 rally died. But in general, the victims of the conflict were much more - in weekly unrest covered Hydarabad after the occupation, died, according to various sources, from 27,000 to 200,000 people.

Hydarabad was included in India as a state, and Nizam Osman was deprived of real power and received the ceremonial post "Rajpramukh". Many people from his surroundings fled to Pakistan. The further possibility of Hyderabad separatism was stopped in 1956, when administrative and territorial reform occurred in India, and multilingual Hydarabad was divided between neighboring states, the boundaries of which were conducted on a linguistic principle.

Despite the bloodshed, for the modern Indian state, the invasion of Hyderabad played a positive role. Kashmir, the situation in which it did not manage to radically solve in a short time, smoldering, periodically blowing up, already seventh decades, and the end of the conflict in this controversial area is not visible. The Southern India on Irrefine Marks - the region is quite calm. It is possible that the presence of a hostile enclave under the government under the rule of the Muslim dynasty could be a catalyst for the decay of the Indian Union. In reality, India, despite all the contradictions between representatives of various peoples, religions and castes, has surrendered, and its opponent was broken - Muslim Pakistan.


  • Sherman, Taylor C. (2007). "The Integration of The Princely State of Hyderabad and The Making Of The Postcolonial State in India, 1948-56"
  • Mohan Guruswamy, There Once Was a Hyderabad,
  • BRIG AMAR Cheema, Operation 'Polo' and Impact & Ramifications on India's First Kashmir War,
  • Mike Thomson, Hyderabad 1948: India "S Hidden Massacre,