Amina Vasilovna Zaripova: biography, career and personal life. Amina Zaripova - the eastern diva of Russian rhythmic gymnastics Amina Zaripova's parents

Amina was born on August 10, 1976 in the city of Chirchik (Uzbekistan). Her parents are Tatars by nationality.

Zaripova grew up as a flexible and athletic girl, but gymnastics was not part of her plans for quite a long time. She came to this sport at the age of 10. Her successes were amazing, especially considering the fact that gymnastics starts at an average age of 5 years.

Chance helped Amina get into sports. One day, the girl and her mother went to Tashkent for shopping, where she caught the eye of trainers who appreciated her natural abilities. Amina could not refuse the offer to try herself in rhythmic gymnastics. Thanks to intensive training, the girl was quickly able to catch up with her peers.

Sports and coaching career of Zaripova

When Zaripova turned 12 years old, she moved from a regular school to a sports school. The decision was not easy for the girl and her family, because it meant parting with home and friends, and a new way of life. However, the parents were able to convince their daughter to try herself in sports.

In 1992, Zaripova joined the Russian national team. She left Uzbekistan together with Alina Kabaeva. The promising gymnast was preparing for future victories in Novogorsk. Irina Vinner-Usmanova was appointed its leader.

In 1993, Amina took part in the world championship in Alicante for the first time. The debutant won two bronze medals. Two years later, the gymnast took part in the world championship in Vienna, winning one bronze and three gold medals.

Over the 7 years of her sports career, Amina became a champion at the world level 5 times, at the European level - 3 times. In addition, she is a two-time winner in the national championship.

In 1998, Zaripova took up coaching. At first she led the Greek youth team. After a while, she returned to Russia and entered the State Academy of Physical Culture. After graduating, Amina received an invitation from Irina Viner-Usmanova to work at the Olympic Training Center. There she worked together with Natalya Kukushkina.

Zaripova managed to train several successful gymnasts, the leading position among whom was occupied by Yana Lukonina, who achieved the status of world champion. After this, Amina received a promotion. Her coaching career continued in Novogorsk, where the Russian national team was prepared for competitions. The girl continued to periodically visit the Olympic Training Center. There she met Margarita Mamun, who at that time had no serious sporting achievements. Zaripova saw hidden potential in the girl. As a result, Mamun began training in Novogorsk. And in 2016 she became the winner at the Olympic Games in Rio.

Amina's personal life

Zaripova is married to Alexei Kortnev. The athlete’s chosen one is a singer, leader of the group “Accident”. In addition, he worked as a TV presenter, film and theater actor. Alexey and Amina are raising a daughter, Aksinya, and two sons, Arseny and Afanasy.

The family lives in the Moscow region. They have their own wooden house of impressive size. They prefer relaxing in a narrow circle at the dacha to public get-togethers.

Amina Zaripova was born into a Tatar family in the city of Chirchik (Uzbekistan) in 1976. She began practicing rhythmic gymnastics relatively late - at the age of 10. The girl was noticed quite by accident when she and her mother came to Tashkent for shopping. However, her natural flexibility, artistry, and dancing abilities allowed her to make an impressive career in rhythmic gymnastics. Trained with Nina Kaplan.

After the collapse of the USSR, she moved to Russia, where she continued playing sports at the Novogorsk Gymnastics Center with I. A. Viner, as a member of the Russian national team (1992).

From 1992 until the end of her sports career in 1998, Amina Zaripova became world champion in various types of programs 5 times, became European champion three times, and became Russian champion twice (1994, 1995).

After finishing her sports performances in 1999, Amina took up coaching. For some time she coached the Greek youth team. Currently he works as a coach in the Russian youth team and the Olympic Training Center of the Moscow State University of Sports and Sport. In 2002 she graduated from the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture.

Married to Alexei Kortnev (leader of the group “Accident”). From this marriage they have two sons (Arseny and Afanasy) and a daughter Aksinya.

Sports results

1993 World Championship, Alicante 7th place - ball, clubs, hoop, ribbon; 3rd place - individual all-around, team.

1994 World Championships, Paris 4th place - ball; 3rd place - clubs; 8th place - hoop; 2nd place - individual all-around, ribbon.

1995 World Championship Vienna 1st place - ball, clubs, team; 5th place - individual all-around; 2nd place - ribbon.

1996 Olympic Games, Atlanta 4th place - individual all-around.

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Russian athlete, represented rhythmic gymnastics in individual exercises. Repeated world champion. Honored Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics.

Amina Zaripova was born into a Tatar family in the city of Chirchik (Uzbekistan) in 1976. She began practicing rhythmic gymnastics relatively late - at the age of 10. The girl was noticed quite by accident when she and her mother came to Tashkent for shopping. However, her natural flexibility, artistry, and dancing abilities allowed her to make an impressive career in rhythmic gymnastics. Trained with Nina Kaplan.

After the collapse of the USSR, she moved to Russia, where she continued playing sports at the Novogorsk Gymnastics Center with I. A. Viner, as a member of the Russian national team (1992).

From 1992 until the end of her sports career in 1998, Amina Zaripova became world champion in various types of programs 5 times, became European champion three times, and became Russian champion twice (1994, 1995).

After finishing her sports performances in 1999, Amina took up coaching. For some time she coached the Gr youth team

tions. Currently he works as a coach in the Russian youth team and the Olympic Training Center of the Moscow State University of Sports and Sport. In 2002 she graduated from the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture.

Married to Alexei Kortnev (leader of the group “Accident”). From this marriage they have two sons (Arseny and Afanasy) and a daughter Aksinya.

Sports results

1993 World Championship, Alicante 7th place - ball, clubs, hoop, ribbon; 3rd place - individual all-around, team.

1994 World Championships, Paris 4th place - ball; 3rd place - clubs; 8th place - hoop; 2nd place - individual all-around, ribbon.

1995 World Championship Vienna 1st place - ball, clubs, team; 5th place - individual all-around; 2nd place - ribbon.

1996 Olympic Games, Atlanta 4th place - individual all-around.

1996 World Championship, Budapest 2nd place - ball; 1st place - clubs.

1997 World Championships, Berlin 5th place - ribbon; 1st place - team.


After finishing her sports performances, Amina took up coaching in 1999. For some time she coached the Greek youth team. Currently he works as a coach in the Russian youth team and the Olympic Training Center of the Moscow State University of Sports and Sport. In 2002 she graduated from the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture.

In 2007-2008, member of the Supreme Council of the political party "Civil Power".

In 2016, Zaripova’s student Margarita Mamun won the individual all-around at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

Married to Alexei Kortnev (leader of the group “Accident”). From this marriage they have two sons (Arseny and Afanasy) and a daughter Aksinya.

Sports results

  • World Championship, Alicante 7th place - ball, clubs, hoop, ribbon; 3rd place - individual all-around, team.
  • World Championship, Paris 4th place - ball; 3rd place - clubs; 8th place - hoop; 2nd place - individual all-around, ribbon.
  • World Championship Vienna 1st place - ball, clubs, team; 5th place - individual all-around; 2nd place - ribbon.
  • Olympic Games, Atlanta 4th place - individual all-around.
  • 1996 World Championship, Budapest 2nd place - ball; 1st place - clubs.
  • World Championships, Berlin 5th place - ribbon; 1st place - team.

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  • on the website of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics

An excerpt characterizing Zaripova, Amina Vasilovna

“Now it doesn’t matter: if the sovereign is wounded, should I really take care of myself?” he thought. He entered the space where most of the people fleeing from Pratsen died. The French had not yet occupied this place, and the Russians, those who were alive or wounded, had long abandoned it. On the field, like heaps of good arable land, lay ten people, fifteen killed and wounded on every tithe of space. The wounded crawled down in twos and threes together, and one could hear their unpleasant, sometimes feigned, as it seemed to Rostov, screams and moans. Rostov started to trot his horse so as not to see all these suffering people, and he became scared. He feared not for his life, but for the courage that he needed and which, he knew, would not withstand the sight of these unfortunates.
The French, who stopped shooting at this field strewn with the dead and wounded, because there was no one alive on it, saw the adjutant riding along it, aimed a gun at him and threw several cannonballs. The feeling of these whistling, terrible sounds and the surrounding dead people merged for Rostov into one impression of horror and self-pity. He remembered his mother's last letter. “What would she feel,” he thought, “if she saw me now here, on this field and with guns pointed at me.”
In the village of Gostieradeke there were, although confused, but in greater order, Russian troops marching away from the battlefield. The French cannonballs could no longer reach here, and the sounds of firing seemed distant. Here everyone already clearly saw and said that the battle was lost. Whoever Rostov turned to, no one could tell him where the sovereign was, or where Kutuzov was. Some said that the rumor about the sovereign’s wound was true, others said that it was not, and explained this false rumor that had spread by the fact that, indeed, the pale and frightened Chief Marshal Count Tolstoy galloped back from the battlefield in the sovereign’s carriage, who rode out with others in the emperor’s retinue on the battlefield. One officer told Rostov that beyond the village, to the left, he saw someone from the higher authorities, and Rostov went there, no longer hoping to find anyone, but only to clear his conscience before himself. Having traveled about three miles and having passed the last Russian troops, near a vegetable garden dug in by a ditch, Rostov saw two horsemen standing opposite the ditch. One, with a white plume on his hat, seemed familiar to Rostov for some reason; another, unfamiliar rider, on a beautiful red horse (this horse seemed familiar to Rostov) rode up to the ditch, pushed the horse with his spurs and, releasing the reins, easily jumped over the ditch in the garden. Only the earth crumbled from the embankment from the horse’s hind hooves. Turning his horse sharply, he again jumped back over the ditch and respectfully addressed the rider with the white plume, apparently inviting him to do the same. The horseman, whose figure seemed familiar to Rostov and for some reason involuntarily attracted his attention, made a negative gesture with his head and hand, and by this gesture Rostov instantly recognized his lamented, adored sovereign.
“But it couldn’t be him, alone in the middle of this empty field,” thought Rostov. At this time, Alexander turned his head, and Rostov saw his favorite features so vividly etched in his memory. The Emperor was pale, his cheeks were sunken and his eyes sunken; but there was even more charm and meekness in his features. Rostov was happy, convinced that the rumor about the sovereign’s wound was unfair. He was happy that he saw him. He knew that he could, even had to, directly turn to him and convey what he was ordered to convey from Dolgorukov.
But just as a young man in love trembles and faints, not daring to say what he dreams of at night, and looks around in fear, looking for help or the possibility of delay and escape, when the desired moment has come and he stands alone with her, so Rostov now, having achieved that , what he wanted more than anything in the world, did not know how to approach the sovereign, and he was presented with thousands of reasons why it was inconvenient, indecent and impossible.
"How! I seem to be glad to take advantage of the fact that he is alone and despondent. An unknown face may seem unpleasant and difficult to him at this moment of sadness; Then what can I tell him now, when just looking at him my heart skips a beat and my mouth goes dry?” Not one of those countless speeches that he, addressing the sovereign, composed in his imagination, came to his mind now. Those speeches were mostly held under completely different conditions, they were spoken for the most part at the moment of victories and triumphs and mainly on his deathbed from his wounds, while the sovereign thanked him for his heroic deeds, and he, dying, expressed his love confirmed in fact my.
“Then why should I ask the sovereign about his orders to the right flank, when it is already 4 o’clock in the evening and the battle is lost? No, I definitely shouldn’t approach him. Shouldn't disturb his reverie. It’s better to die a thousand times than to receive a bad look from him, a bad opinion,” Rostov decided and with sadness and despair in his heart he drove away, constantly looking back at the sovereign, who was still standing in the same position of indecisiveness.
While Rostov was making these considerations and sadly driving away from the sovereign, Captain von Toll accidentally drove into the same place and, seeing the sovereign, drove straight up to him, offered him his services and helped him cross the ditch on foot. The Emperor, wanting to rest and feeling unwell, sat down under an apple tree, and Tol stopped next to him. From afar, Rostov saw with envy and remorse how von Tol spoke for a long time and passionately to the sovereign, and how the sovereign, apparently crying, closed his eyes with his hand and shook hands with Tol.
“And I could be in his place?” Rostov thought to himself and, barely holding back tears of regret for the fate of the sovereign, in complete despair he drove on, not knowing where and why he was going now.
His despair was the greater because he felt that his own weakness was the cause of his grief.
He could... not only could, but he had to drive up to the sovereign. And this was the only opportunity to show the sovereign his devotion. And he didn’t use it... “What have I done?” he thought. And he turned his horse and galloped back to the place where he had seen the emperor; but there was no one behind the ditch anymore. Only carts and carriages were driving. From one furman, Rostov learned that the Kutuzov headquarters was located nearby in the village where the convoys were going. Rostov went after them.

The Russian athlete, who competed in the individual competition, repeatedly won the title of world champion in rhythmic gymnastics, for which she received the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Amina’s most famous and successful student as a coach is Olympic champion Margarita Mamun. Height - 176 centimeters, weight - 53 centimeters.


Amina Vasilovna Zaripova was born on the territory of Uzbekistan, the city of Chirchik in 1976, her parents are Tatars by nationality. One day a girl and her mother visited Tashkent, where they were shopping. During the trip, Amina was offered to do rhythmic gymnastics, and at the age of ten she began attending a sports school. This is quite late, but the girl was artistic, loved to dance, she developed natural flexibility and stretching, which soon allowed her to win competitions. The first coach was Nina Kaplan.

At the age of 12, the question arose about moving to a sports school instead of a regular one. Gymnastics and Zaripova Amina did not get along very well at an early age - she wanted to quit sports with its grueling rhythm, she wanted to be an ordinary girl, have girlfriends, play with peers. In addition, the change of environment and team was frightening. The support of my parents allowed me to go to a sports school and continue to train in an intensive mode.

Since 1992, she was included in the Russian national team, trained at the base of the Russian national team in Novogorsk, coached by Irina Viner.

In 1993, at the World Championships in the Spanish city of Alicante, she received two bronze medals. In 1994, she received two silver and bronze medals in Paris. In 1995, at the World Championships in Vienna, she received three gold and one silver medal.

In just seven years, from 1992 to 1998, she was world champion 5 times, European champion 3 times, and Russian champion 2 times. She competed once at the Olympics in Atlanta, where she took 4th place in the individual program.

After the Olympics, she took part in two world championships - in 1996 in Budapest she received gold and bronze medals, in 1997 in Berlin she received a gold medal in the team championship.

In 1998, she graduated from her sports career, but decided to continue to engage in rhythmic gymnastics as a coach. She was invited to coach the Greek national team, where she worked for some time. But she soon returned to Russia, where in 2002 she graduated from the Russian State Physical Education Academy.

Irina Viner invited Amina Zaripova to work as a coach at the Olympic Training Center, Amina agreed and began working in tandem with Natalia Kukushkina. Two successful students appeared - Yana Lukonina (world champion) and Diana Botsieva. Soon Zaripova, together with these two promising gymnasts, went to work in Novogorsk, where the Russian team trained.

Natalia Kukushkina stayed at the Olympic Training Center, where she met Margarita Mamun. Amina was visiting a colleague, where she saw Rita; the coach really liked the girl, both in terms of her physical characteristics, character and intelligent upbringing. Champion Yana Lukonina decided to end her gymnastics career, and Zaripova took 13-year-old Mamun to her place in Novogorsk.

Despite Margarita’s obvious promise, she did not give sufficient results for Novogorsk - at the Russian championship she only entered the top ten, and at this base those who are among the top three train and prepare for the most prestigious international competitions. But Irina Aleksandrovna Viner gave permission to work with Mamun on the basis of the Russian national team.

The chance for the star tandem presented itself unexpectedly - Amina and Rita flew to Los Angeles to participate in an international tournament. But Irina Viner said that they urgently needed to go to Montreal, Canada for the World Cup, where neither of them could get there. Margarita Mamun and her coach went to Canada, where they experienced a change in climate - from summer to frosty winter weather. But still, Rita received a bronze medal in the final exercise with the ball. This success made it possible for Margarita to pave the way to the Olympics. Margarita Mamun, under the leadership of Amina Zaripova, became the Olympic champion in 2016 in Rio de Janeiro.

Now Amina Zaripova, as a coach, is preparing the youth team of the Russian Federation at the Olympic Training Center of the Moscow City Physical Culture and Sports Association Moskomsport.

Personal life

From 2007 to 2008, she tried herself in politics and became a member of the Supreme Council of the Civil Power party.

Amina Zaripova’s husband is Alexey Kortnev, singer, leader of the group “Accident”, he worked as an actor in theater and cinema, and a TV presenter. The marriage produced two sons - Afanasy and Arseny and a daughter Aksinya.

Alexey Kortnev and Amina Zaripova and their children live in their own large wooden house in the Moscow region, which the singer built for his beloved wife. They have a playful and kind dog Yasya, a rare breed called Maremma-Abruzzese Shepherd, but the dog does not like strangers and works as an excellent watchdog. Family holidays at the dacha are preferred to noisy get-togethers. Zaripova Amina is not only a good athlete, but also a wife, a mother who cares about the well-being of her family and home comfort.

Amina’s example shows that sports and a career are not at all an obstacle to good relationships with people, family comfort and simple happiness.