Methods of teaching Russian language in primary grades. Lectures on the method of teaching Russian language and literature in elementary school Methodical development on the topic of Lviv Sosnovskaya technique


2 Higher Professional Education M. R. Lviv, V. G. Goretsky, O. In the Sosnovskaya Methodology of teaching the Russian language in primary classes, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is admitted to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions, students in the specialty "Pedagogy and Methodology of primary education »3rd edition, stereotypical Moscow Publishing Center" Academy "2007

3 UDC (075.8) BBK Rus Y73 L891 Authors: V. G. Goretsky (Section I), M. R. Lviv (Introduction, Sections III, IV, V and VI), O. V. Sosnovskaya (Section II) Reviewers: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University. M. A. Sholokhova T. M. Waitelleva; Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head. Department of Philological Disciplines and methods of their teaching in the elementary school of the Moscow City Pedagogical University T. I. Zinoviev L891 Lviv M. R. Methodology of Teaching Russian in primary grades: studies. Manual for studies Higher. Ped. studies. Institutions / M. R. Lviv, V. G. Goretsky, O. V. Sosnovskaya. 3rd ed., Ched. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. ISBN manual contains a systematic course of the methodology training grammar, reading, literature, spelling and the development of the speech of younger students. It reflected the realities of recent years in education: a focus on modern methods of educational training, organizational forms of multi-level education, programs and textbooks of different types, focus on personal-oriented training, taking into account interests, ability and gifts of children. For students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. It can be recommended to students of secondary pedagogical educational institutions, as well as school teachers.

4 Content from authors ... 6 Introduction ... 8 Chapter 1. Theory and methodology of teaching Russian Language as a science ... 8 Chapter 2. Science on the language The basis of its methodology Chapter 3. Psychological and didactic aspects of the Russian language technique Chapter 4. Russian Language as a training subject in school Chapter 5. Sketch of the history of the Russian language methodology as science Section I Methods of learning literacy ... 28 Chapter 1. General concept Literacy learning as a special stage of mastering the initial skills of writing and reading the tasks facing the literacy learning Methodical Methodical Kit for Literacy Methods Methods Literacy, Classification Chapter 2. Historical Essay Training Methods Literacy History Teaching Methods Literacy Letter-Adjustment Method Transition to Sound Methods Chapter 3. Leading Studies and Letter Choice of Methods Dobrum Summary Schemes, Schemes Cases, Sound Works syllable, scholard acquaintance with the stress studying sounds acquaintance with letters Chapter 4. Work of students and teachers Mechanism Reading, its components Reading the syllables in the booking "columns" reading and analysis of the letter texts Learning Learning Lessons Lessons Literacy Section II Methods of reading and literature ... 62 Chapter I. Essay on the history of the method of reading the birth of the method of explanatory reading K. D. Ushinsky Investment Block Reading the views of L. N. Tolstoy on the learning process of reading the criticism of the explanatory reading of the advanced methods of XIX to the development and improvement of the method of explanatory reading in the XIX into the method of educational reading Ts. P. Baltalona Method of literary and artistic reading Method of creative reading Development of the reading technique in the e years XX CHAPTER 2. Modern system of learning reading and literature The propaedeutic stage of the literary education of junior schoolchildren learning material for reading and literary propaedence in primary classes The role of an adult in the formation of a child-reader organization of living experiences and creative activities of children in the literary system The transmission of younger schoolchildren

5 CHAPTER 3. METHOD OF WORK ON THE QUALITY QUALITY SKY QUALITY SKISTAGE STAGES STAGES FORMING PERFORMANCE SKY OF THE NEEDING CHATER OPERATION ON THE RELATERY AND BELIEVE OF READING WORK ON COME OF READING WORK ON THE EXPRESSIBILITY OF REFERENCE CHAPTER 4. SCIENTIFIC BASES OF THE ARTISTIC WORK WORKS LITERRATURE BASIS FOR ARTISTICAL ADVANTE Methodical patterns of working with artistic text in primary classes Chapter 5. Methods of reading and analyzing artwork in primary classes Primary perception of text Analysis of the artwork at the lesson reading a working method with a work of artwork at the stage of secondary synthesis Creative work of students in the footsteps of the read work several words about the school theater Chapter 6. Features of the work on works of different kinds and genres about the birth of literary work techniques of work on the epic Learning in primary classes Working on lyrical works in primary classes Working on dramatic works in primary classes Chapter 7. Work with a children's book about the educational role of the book The origins of the modern system of working with a children's book. Modern system of formation of reader's independence of younger students. Preparatory stage of teaching work with Children's book Starting stage of training work with a children's book The main stage of learning to work with the children's book Typology of lessons of extracurricular reading Chapter 8. Reading lessons in modern school Requirements for reading lessons of the modern lesson reading Typology of reading lessons. Preparation of the teacher to the lesson reading section III. Methods of studying language theory (phonetics, vocabulary, morphemics, word formation, grammar morphology and syntax) Chapter 1. Brief historical information on School grammar Chapter 2. Educational and developing opportunities of the "Russian language" of the way of implementing the educational function of language Formation of language concepts patterns and texture of the language in-depth study of the Russian language developing the role of the language of the language Chapter 3. Methods of studying the Russian language in school Language Analysis as a method of design method Comparative historical method Visual methods Method Method of Teacher's Teacher's story, or search, methods Playing as a method

6 Communicative methods Programmed training and computer Chapter 4. Textbook of the Russian language and additional benefits The role of a textbook, its functions Requirements for texts in the textbook Types of textbooks and benefits Types of work of students on the textbook Chapter 5. Methods for learning courses. Methods of phonetics and graphics Understanding the functions of pronunciation units of speech skills of students learning. Methods, techniques of difficulties of phonetics and charts Chapter 6. Methods of vocabulary and semantics. Morfemic techniques and word formation Contents: Language concepts, skills of students learning process. Methodical techniques. Difficulties of generalization. Feedback Chapter 7. Methods of studying grammar morphology. Parts of speech name noun. Lexical and grammatical value The topic "Rod names of nouns" theme "Number of nouns" theme "Declination of nouns' names" Chapter 8. The name of the adjective lexical and grammatical meaning of the names of the adjective theme "Rod names of adjectives" Theme "Number of adjectives" theme "Declusion the names of adjectives »Word formation of nouns and adjectives Chapter 9. Verb lexical and grammatical meaning of verbs Theme" Time of verb ". The last time the "present verb" topic Theme "Infinitives". Undefined verb shape Theme "Future time of verb (simple and complex)" familiarity with the inclination and pledges of verbs. Word formation of verbs Chapter 10. Different topics of morphology courses. Meet the pronouncement with names with numerical acquaintance with adverbs. Speech parties. Unions. Prepositions Chapter 11. Syntax The place and role of syntax in the grammatical course of suggestions, their types of suggestions. Phrases homogeneous members of the supply Complex offers Direct and indirect speech Section IV Technique of spelling (spelling and punctuation) Chapter 1. Comparative historical analysis of spelling training (XIX-XX centuries) Grammatical foundations of training spelling position K. D. Ushinsky

7 Anti-grammatic direction Chapter 2. Properties of Russian spelling as the basis of its technique General concept of alphabet Specifications Specography punctuation of the principles of Russian spelling. Morphological principle of the Russian principle of the traditional principle of spelling Principle of differentiation of values \u200b\u200bPrinciple of phonetic principles of punctuation Chapter 3. Formation of spelling actions and spelling skill Ophogram spelling dormantuity Rules of spelling Motivation of spelling work Spelling Spelling Spelling Spelling Semantic work in the assimilation of spelling Chapter 4. Methods and teaching techniques Spelling Choice of Methods Language Analysis and Synthesis Message Solution of Grammatical Specographic Tasks Algorithms Compression Stage Algorithm Types of Exercises in Spelling Imitative Exercises (Types of Covering) Types of Dictates Grammatically Orphographic Commenting Independent Letter, Expression of Thought, His role in spelling Chapter 5. Studying Student Errors Classification Errors Diagnostics and Forecasting Errors Correction and Warning Errors Chapter 6. Russian Lesson (Grammar and Orphography) General requirements for lesson Typology Ur Russians of the Russian language Structural components of the lessons of the Russian language Planning lessons and preparation for them Section V Methodology for the development of students' speech Chapter 1. Essay of the history of the development of the Dara Words in the Russian School of XIX XX BB K. D. Ushinsky Main Directions in the methodology for developing trends 60- x years xx in chapter 2. Psychological and linguistic basis for the development of speech students speech and its types of speech and thinking saying the types of speech (text) of the text of the structure of the text

8 Speech Development Factors Chapter 3. Speech Culture and Methodology Culture Criteria Chapter Chapter 4. Methods for the Development of Pupils Imitative Methods Communicative Methods Method Designing Rhetoric In Primary Class Level 5. Levels for the development of students' speech development Lesstic levels (Vocational work) Grammatical level of work But the development of speech Chapter 6. Text level in the development of speech Speech types of school text exercises Typology of student works and components of the Speech Speech Speed \u200b\u200bSystem and Specifications, their importance, goals and types of methods of presentations of individual species Creative retells and presentation Chapter 7 . Text level (continued). Oral and written writings Essay as self-expression Preparatory steps to composition Execution, implementation of the prepared analysis of children's works Chapter 8. On certain types of works of essay-miniatures Description of the painting on literary themes Writing fairy tales on the basis of experience and observations of students Literary creativity Schoolchildren Chapter 9. Speech errors of students, their diagnosis and correction Types and causes of speech errors Characteristics of lexical errors Morphological errors Syntax errors Logic and composite errors Fix and prevention of speech errors Chapter 10. Organizational forms of classification of schoolchildren , Language Personality Section VI OverCurrent work in Russian Task and Forms of extracurricular work Language Games Circle of Russian Language Child Houses of extracurricular activities

9 From the authors, the method of teaching the Russian language is not poor for general courses addressed to teachers both practitioners and those who are preparing: the names of F. I. Buslaeva, A. D. Alferova, N. K. Kulman, P. O. Afanasyev, A. P. Teucheva, N. S. Christmas, S. P. Redozubova, H. P. Canonkin, T. G. Ramzayeva and many others confirm it. But the time flows, new in the linguistics, in didactics, in psychology, in the organization of educational systems, in the requirements of the social development of society. In the proposed book, the authors sought to repel the realities of the last decades, the successes of the science and the humanistic direction of education, modern pragmatic aspirations, pluralism of types of schools, programs and textbooks, to some extent variability of the methodology generated by the diversity of educational systems, searching in the field of individual-oriented learning, In the development of interests, abilities, the rigidity of children. For a long time, the learning technique developed, meaning collective training, in the conditions of the system of lessons, the authors, of course, do not question these organizational forms of training. But it is impossible not to take into account the objectives of individual learning, especially home, family, as well as the ever-increasing role of self-learning, search, research nature of the technique. The technique from science converted only to the teacher is increasingly turning into science for students: in the awareness of the content of the educational subject, its structure, presentation methods; and in awareness of his own cognitive activity in research techniques; And in the ability to generalize the studied, simulate it; and in practice in practice, in the workshop; Finally, in self-control and self-esteem. The authors sought to rely on the construction of a methodological course on the achievements of linguistics: on functional grammar, morpecics, theory of word formation, phonology and phonetics, the theory of speech culture, theory of speech activity, typography and linguistics of text, functional stylistics and artistic speech stylist. The book also takes into account the success of the psychology of perception of speech, communication, perception of fiction, learning mechanisms of reading, letters, audit spells, etc. The authors also relied on modern didactic typology of methods, on the theory of educational training, the intellectual development of schoolchildren, the formation of mental actions. Specifically by section sections. The methodology for studying the language theory is given a characteristic of a grammatical material as the system studied by schoolchildren; where perhaps the technique relies on the Language Fashionity of Pupils, to the Practical Language Skill; The functions of grammatical categories and forms with a support for exemplary texts and linguistic pragmatics are detected. Dictionaries and other reference materials are used. In the "Technique of spelling" section, its principles are introduced, the level of formation of spelling, various directions of spelling methodology are analyzed. In the section "Methodology of Literacy", the foundations of the audio system of the Russian language, reading mechanisms and writing are introduced, modeling language units from sound composition to the proposal structure. 6.

10 The method of reading and literature is represented by the problems of the relationship of the tasks of reading the faded, correct, conscious, expressive and literary education, the formation of the personality of the reader, the problems of the combination of aesthetic and literary approaches. The methodology for the development of speech is based on the psychology of speech, on the system "speaking listening", on the mechanisms of speaking and listening, the structure of the text, on the criteria of speech culture in action. In all sections of the book, the history of the Russian language methodology is given a significant place from ["ABC] I. Fedorov to this day. The historical principle helps to trace the trends in the development of our subject, those polemical spaces, between the poles of which were deployed by discussions: lettering or audio methods of literacy learning? Deductive methods in grammar or observation of language? Grammatical or anti-grammatical direction in spelling training? Imitation or creativity in the development of speech? Formally-grammatical or functional-semantic approach in learning language? The authors hope that the technique in their presentation will appear before students not as a simple, random set of practical recipes. The section "Methodology of Teaching Literacy" was written by V. G. Goretsky, section "Methods of reading and literature" O. V. Sosnovskaya, everything else is written by M. R. Lvov. The authors are appreciated by reviewers: professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences A. P. Eremeeva, Professor, Dr. Pedagogical Sciences S. A. Leonov and Professor, Dr. Philological Sciences M. L. Kalenchuk for friendly help. 7.

11 Introduction Chapter 1. Theory and methodology of teaching Russian as a science The purpose of the methodology, one of the pedagogical sciences, has two branches. The practical, applied goal is to arm teachers and students with the system of methods and techniques of activity and work on mastering language courses and skills (the technique not only for the teacher, but also for students). Theoretical, fundamental goal is to explore the process of mastering knowledge and skills, its patterns, determine the principles of learning, substantiate the methods, bring them to the system, create scientific foundations for the design of technologies, lessons, their cycles, feedback forms, etc. The subject of this science is the process of mastering schoolchildren Theory and practice of the native language in learning conditions. At the same time, the concept of "learning" provides for four components: a) the content of the studied; b) the activities of the teacher organizing the process and the feeding material; c) the activities of students who open up for themselves new knowledge, mastering the skills; d) the result of the assimilation, positive and negative in it. The methods of the methodology are specified in four traditional tasks: the first is determined by the question "Why?": This is the choice of objective objectives at this stage, in this type of school; compete information or its search and opening; study of the subject in dynamics or static; The second "What to teach?": Selection of courses, drawing up programs and textbooks, determining the minimum of knowledge that schoolchildren should be seized (educational standards), control criteria, identifying knowledge and skill, their (self) assessment; Third "How to teach?": Development of methods and techniques, the design of lessons, methodical manuals for teacher, educational equipment, etc.; Fourth "why so, not otherwise?": Justification of the choice of content and methods, a comparative study of various (alternative) concepts, variant training systems from the point of sight of their goals and ways to achieve goals, performance; For example, a comparative study of work on Russian language textbooks by T. G. Ramzayeva, A. V. Polyakova, S. F. Zhuykova, V. V. Repkina. The technique is designed to study the patterns of speech development of children at different stages, the patterns of forming language concepts in schoolchildren, their analyticosynthetic skills, awareness of a practically assimilated language. Serving itself, the technique builds a system of objective patterns, concepts, principles; Serving school, it builds methods, systems of receptions, tasks, rules, algorithms, models of lessons, conversations, dialogues. These ties look like this: 8

12 Pattern The principle of learning Methods Language as a sign system is implemented in speech activity. Development of speech as the basic principle of students' work method Communicative method, the technique's functional approach studies the levels of knowledge and skills of students, finds out the causes of success and failures, diagnose errors and predicts the learning outcomes, finds ways to prevent surprises. . Designs by the interests of schoolchildren, the levels of their development and abilities. Time suggests its tasks: Nowadays, there are search for such methods and techniques that would ensure cognitive interest, activity and independence of students, the development of their intellect, the strength of learning knowledge and skills. This book is devoted to the training of junior students of primary school students in the Russian language. But there are other industries: the methodology of teaching the Russian (native) language in medium and high schools, the Russian language technique for foreigners. Sections of the proposed course of the methodology correspond to the main directions of work in primary grades: after the introduction of the section dedicated to the literacy learning to elementary reading and writing; section of the methods of reading and studying literature; Sections "Studying language theory", dedicated to the formation of language concepts, rules, language structure, and "technique of spelling", i.e. spelling and punctuation Theory of errors and their warnings. Finally, the "technique of development of students' speech" as it is crowned with a building: it provides on the basis of the studied language theory, based on literary samples mastering the oral and written expression of his own thoughts of the student. This is an oral story, a written writing, building text. Science Methodology is relatively young, she is less than two centuries, but the practice of learning reading, writing, speech is very long, it originated with the language itself, especially written. Sources of enrichment of techniques: a) practical experience and its traditions, summarizing the best experience; b) the development of the sciences taught: linguistics, literary studies, speech science, phonetics, grammar, Russian spells; c) Development of related, basic sciences of psychology, didactics, research of interests, thinking, emotions, the whole spiritual world of the child; d) new studies in the field of learning theory as a fundamental part of the methodology; e) Methodological experiment, creating new programs, textbooks, new practical training systems, designing new types of lesson, etc. This science is largely regulated: it establishes the criteria for the activities of the teacher and students, the minimum of knowledge and skills developed by the practice, reasonable scientifically tested on practice. nine

13 CHAPTER 2. SCIENCE ON THE LANGUAGE OF HIS Methods K. D. Ushinsky Founder of Primary Education Methods and its theoretical principles, he wrote: "Using the native language is easily and without difficulty, every new generation absorbs at the same time the fruits of thought and feelings of the preceding He is generations "(Article" Native Word "). From this pattern, it is necessary to study primarily the wealth of the very language of his words, speech turns, the texts of the best works created in Russian by the words of the words, and on this basis the structure and mechanisms of the language as a sign system. "The child absorbs not only words, their addition and modifications, but the infinite many concepts, the views on items, many thoughts, feelings, artistic images, logic and philosophy of the language, and absorbs easily and soon" (K. D. Ushinsky. Ibid ). Studying a live language in action, in live speech, in the texts, a schoolboy understands the rules of the language itself, its system, its structures. So gradually, living in the world of the language, the child is drawn into communication, in the dialogues, from them goes to monologues not only remembers, accumulates the innumerable riches of the language, but also uses the native language weight fully and flexible, develops his "gift of words", flair . There is no better way to develop thinking, intelligence, the entire spiritual world of schoolchildren than the diverse itself, "alive as life" (N. V. Gogol), eternally developing language. For centuries, hundreds of generations are honed linguistic structures, superimposed on yet unstable, amorphous thoughts of the student, form and disciplined them. "The language not only expresses, formulates thought, but also forms it" (C. L. Rubinstein, psychologist). The language learning technique is sometimes called application linguistics. Indeed, the technique is the use of properties and patterns of the language, speech to the process of mastering them. So, in the language are allocated (according to the works of L. L. V. Shcherba) Three areas: speech activity (i.e. speaking, listening, letter, reading); Language material The set of all the above and written, all created texts in the best samples of literature; The language system of its levels, structure, sections: phonetics, graphics, spelling, orphoepium, vocabulary, phraseology, morphemnka, word formation, morphology, syntax, semantics, stylistics, text syntax. Selection of material from a variety of language areas, its adaptation (while maintaining scientific purposes), its sequence, theoretical and practical ratio, its presentation (Feed) All these are the functions of the technique, its applied part arising from both language studies and from other applied sciences: theories and the history of literature, theory of speech activity. All school set of philological disciplines in the XIX century. called literature; Today, this term returns. To determine the content of the course, it means to draw up the program and the textbooks corresponding to it, the benefits: collections of exercises, readstatology, reference books, dictionaries, collections of entertaining, gaming materials, collections of paintings for conversations and works, etc. in the conditions of pluralism of programs and textbooks (as, for example, in Our days, in the 90s - 10

14 dyk XX century) The educational standards of minima for the whole state are developed, they are approved by the legislative bodies and serve as a mandatory document for any programs and textbooks. In modern primary classes, there was mainly a traditional complex of training items constituting the philological cycle, it is shown in the table: Contents Practical Theoretical Main Objectives Training Literacy Reading and Literature Language Knowledge, "School Grammar" Spelling, Calligraphy Elementary Letter, Development Speech Reching, Skill , Technique Language Analysis and synthesis Regulatory, competent letter Development of students' speech Skills of oral and written speech The simplest language concepts Elements of the theory of literature grammar, phonetics, vocabulary and LR. System of grammaticopographic, punctuation rules of the framework of speech theory (speech) Preparatory reader's skills, love for literature Awareness of the language as a language pragmatics system, general development courses that have not included in the federal component of the modern curriculum: rhetoric, foreign languages, theater, mugs, etc. The value for the technique has a grammar, which allows students to achieve an understanding of the mechanisms of functioning of the language, gives "awareness" (term I. A. Bazeen to Kuryee) of a practically assimilated language, that is, grammar in action, in their own speech activity. It has long been in school practice, it is customary to call with grammar any theoretical material. But it is necessary to distinguish between the industries of linguistic sciences, understand the functions of each of them. Thus, phonetics, phonology, graphics give grounds for two sections of the methodology for learning a letter and spelling, for morpheme (more precisely, the morphological) analysis of words, to understand difficult cases of word formation, as well as for the formation of diction, for expressiveness of students' speech. Lexicology and semantics contribute to the exact choice of words, the accumulation of new words and their meaning in the memory of students and their meaning, ensure the needs of speech, communicating, expressing their thought. Rich and active schoolchild dictionary is a necessary condition for the culture of speech. The wealth and mobility of the dictionary provide many language operations from checking unstressed vowels before constructing rhetorical figures and trails. The morofemic, word formation and etymology will help the schoolboy to navigate the word, in its origin, the relationship of words, language analysis, in difficult cases of spelling, understanding the historical processes of language development. Morphology and especially the syntax give an understanding of the rules of change and combinations of words, building phrases, proposals, entire statements. Grammar manages the language use mechanisms, provides internal semantic and formal links of language structures. It is in the proposal that all expressive means of language and grammatical, and lexical, and utter levels are concentrated. eleven

15 Comparatively new directions of science Syntax text, the theory of SCC complex syntactic whole will give a strong base of the method of writing or designing text. According to this theory, the component of the text appears before students as an organized whole unity, which has its own internal relations, its structure. Such an understanding of the SCC applies and in the analysis of exemplary texts, and the main thing in the construction and improvement of its own text created by students. In recent decades, there is a so-called school speech based on the theory of communication (i.e. communication), psycholinguistics, theory of speech activity, the theory of text, on reviving rhetoric and poetics. Modern methodology for the development of speech, based on speech concepts (speech, text, monologue, and dialogue, speech types, speech audience, writing letter and many others) and patterns, combines traditional experience with new methods of designing text, generated by understanding speech mechanisms. The method of Russian language is also based on the concepts and patterns of L iteratov studies: on the theory of genres and styles, on the concept of image in the artistic work, on the language skills of the writer. We must not forget that in elementary school, the study of literature as an aesthetic subject is inseparably merged with language learning. The lessons of the native language form love for the artistic word. The first literary concepts are folded, literary taste, children get acquainted with the work of the great Russian writers A. S. Pushkin, L. N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov and many others, with the beginning of world literature. Finally, the technique relies on research of children's speech. The technique takes into account the factors of mastering the native language in preschool age, knowledge of how the speech of children in the family develops, as in the process of mastering and development, the needs of communication are manifested, what is the role of the "language environment", as the linguistic flair is being formed in the child. The above-mentioned language origins of the methodology of the native language help in determining approaches, directions, methods in schoolchildren learning. So, if the method is focused on the prevailing study of the structure of the language system, we can talk about the systemic, structural, approach in the technique. If the technique relies on a living speech, to communicate (oral and written), aims to prepare schoolchildren to solve communicative problems based on the absorption of language material, we can talk about a communicative approach (or a communicative method, or a communicatively oriented course of the Russian language). If the teacher or author of the tutorial builds its system so that it clarifies and comprehended for the student a role, the function of each studied language form (for example, the role of the grub's time for the transmission of the intention of the speaker or role of pronoun in building a sentence) in the expression of the speaking and writing thought, they say On the functional approach in the study of grammar. As a consequence of such a installation, appropriate techniques and techniques are formed. When studying morphology, based on the interconnection of the word shape and its value, it is possible to talk about a structurally semantic approach and the corresponding technique. Eutic approach involves the formation of language taste, the ability to create bright images, expressive text. Each section of the technique has its own methods reflecting the specifics of the goals and contains- 12

16 product. Thus, the learning methodology for many centuries of existence has developed alphabetic, sludge, sound methods and the method of whole words. The methodology for studying language theory uses inductive and deductive methods, a comparative historical method, a method of language analysis. The spelling methodology uses a method for solving grammatical nephographic tasks to test spells using algorithms or with computer support, and a punctuation method is a structural-syntactic method or an intonational method. In the method of literature and reading, the methods of explanatory reading, educational reading, creative reading, expressive reading are known. In the methodology for the development of students' speech, the method of learning for samples (simulative), communicative and creative and text design method. The technique in its development seeks to keep up with the pace of development of its basic science. Today there is an active search in the field of application in the training of functional grammar, the concepts of strong and weak positions of the background, actual membership of the proposal, stylistic differentiation of the text. There is a tendency to increase the culture of speech students, the literary focus on reading lessons is enhanced, the theory of speech types and text in writings is used. The method of language by many threads is closely related to all wealth and variety of linguistic sciences and other philological cycle sciences. Chapter 3. Psychological and didactic aspects of the methodology of the Russian language Methodology, as a rule, is considered as the didactic industry: the latter studies the general patterns of training, the method of private. Hence the concepts such as lingvodidactics, the didactic of the language is the fundamental part of the technique. Many didactic concepts of the technique examines through the prism of its subject: the principles of didactics, methods, lesson, etc. Affordable understanding of younger students. Similarly, the principles of clarity, educational training are interpreted in the method; The technique finds the optimal ratios of theory and practice, in its own way uses the methods proposed by the didactic: a conversation, an exercise, a teacher's story, observation, analysis and synthesis (for example, an analysis of grammic analysis, synthesis of text construction). The lesson didactic concept, but the lessons outside the study subject does not happen: all the huge variety of lessons of literary reading, grammar and spelling, writings, cleaning is provided again by the methodology. The didactics together with the pedagogical psychology put forward the concept of training that ensure the progress of education. Thus, the study of the history of prevailing methods shows the tendency of gradual increase in cognitive activity and independence of students. Didakti M. N. Skhatkin and I. Ya. Lerner developed the following typology of teaching methods, taking over its foundation the degree of cognitive activity of schoolchildren in the educational process: 13

17 1. Dogmatic methods: the material comes with no compulsory understanding. 2. Reproductive: The material is not only memorized, but also reproduced. 3. Explanatory- illustrative: the material is explained, illustrated by examples, is demonstrated and should be understood by students. 4. Productive methods: The material should not only understand, but also applied in practical actions. 5. Heraistical, partially search methods: individual elements of the new knowledge produces a student himself through targeted observations, by solving cognitive objectives, experiment, etc. 6. Problem methods: the ability to realize the problem, and in some cases and put it, contribute to Her permission. 7. Research methods: the highest level of knowledge approaching the activities of the scientist, but in the conditional key of subjectively creative tasks (new scientific knowledge of subjectively newly for a student who plays the role of the researcher). The highest steps in this typology (5 7th methods) make a creative element in the work of the student through the accumulation of the material, its understanding, generalization: new knowledge is displayed independently. The use of high-ranking methods over a number of years of study provides mental development. According to M. N. Rodkhatina (1971), XX century, this is the century of mastering search methods, although it is rather prevailing explanatoryly. Proceedings of psychologists L. S. Vygotsky, II. Ya. Galperin, D. B. Elkonina contributed to the streamlining of the structure of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, ensured the optimal structure of educational activities. Here is an example model of solving a learning task with a student: 1. Motivational step: awareness of the need to solve the study problem, setting a goal, the emergence of cognitive interest (for example, when checking the writing of a difficult orphogram). 2. Estimated step: attracting theoretical knowledge necessary for verification (grammatical signs, rules, algorithms for their use, etc.). 3. Operating and performing step: the implementation of actions according to the rule, according to the algorithm, obtaining and formulating the result (correct spelling of the orfogram). 4. Control and estimated stage: self-test, clarifications if they need self-esteem solving a learning task. There is no doubt that such a 4-speed curriculum model streamlines activities and student, and teachers. It is easy to see that the psychological-Didactichsskis approaches are aimed at developing training. Despite the difference in psychological concepts, they all proceed from the teachings of L. S. Vygotsky, who claimed that training is in front of development; In the methodology, this idea has been fixed since K. D. Ushinsky; The latter wrote: "Formal development of reason is the non-existent ghost of reason develops only in valid real knowledge" (Coll. Op.: at 11 t. T. 8. M., P. 661), i.e. through an educational subject, through his Concepts, communications, patterns, rules, systems. Historically, human knowledge was formed as sciences, as moral categories, were drawn up in the linguistic contest - 14

18 commands. The development of the mind has always been through learning, through knowledge. Ways of developing learning Pedagogical psychology is looking for in the didactics and in the methodology. This can be shown by the example of one of the most recognized concepts on the teaching L. V. Zankov. The central idea of \u200b\u200bthe Sankov system is to achieve the highest learning efficiency for development: it introduces new principles of learning to traditional educational disciplines. The first principle to train at a high level of difficulty, in compliance with the difficulty measures for each student. The student needs mental efforts, some mental tension is required. The level of difficulty is achieved not through a quantitative increase in the "dose" of a new material, but through improving the quality of its understanding. So, if in the traditional courses of the Russian language, there is a mastering of case forms of nouns, case-based issues and endings, then in the system L. V. Zankova introduces an understanding of the values \u200b\u200bof cases, which makes it possible to understand the function of this form in the expression of thought. The second principle is a quick pace of move forward. The point is not in a hurry: the goal is that the student constantly aware of his promotion on the path of knowledge so that his brain gets new food. In relation to the Russian language, this is an appeal to practice, to the use of a new language studied in speech, language analysis, work on expressive means to artistic texts. The third principle leading the role of the theory in training. L. V. Zankov challenges the generally accepted opinion on the specific nature of the thinking of younger students. He claims that their thinking is typical of the operating of distracted, summarized concepts. The formation of concepts is in different ways: not only by induction, but also from the abstract to a specific one. Fourth principle awareness of schoolchildren to the process of knowledge, teaching. In each case, in each lesson there is aware of the goals and objectives of each exercise, each action, the operational assimilation of the rules, conscious use, the construction of consecutive stages of solving the problem. The consolidation is used in the form of various applications of the studied. Pupils are focused on the awareness of their participation in knowledge, their active role in it. They acquire skills in the field of evaluation of the results obtained, their independent verification. In the systematic application of the described settings, undoubtedly, the development of mental students can increase. V. V. Vadavdov in the book "Theory of Developing Training" (M., 1996) recommends to bring concrete, private knowledge from the general and abstract knowledge as from their uniform basis. The student should be able to identify in educational material genetically source, substantial, universal attitude. This ratio students are reproduced in special subject, graphic or letter models. It provides mental transitions from private to universal and back. Students should be able to move from performing actions in a mental plan to fulfill them in external and back. Psychologists see the essence of developing learning in strengthening abstractions, in improving mental structures, in the transfer of the center of gravity towards the theory. All this requires a philologist's methodologist not only a deep understanding of psychologodidactic approaches, but also the fine skill of their methodical interpretation, so as not to damage to its subject, for example, literature, for the logical content in it retreats before the artistic way. The role of the methodology is not to lose centuries, millennia formed philological science, so that Russian retains its 15

19 functions in the accumulation and enrichment of the spiritual wealth of the individual and the entire people, so that the native language is not developed only in the "didactic material", in an illustration for psychological and logical designs. Methodist A. I. Vlasenkov in the book "Developing Training Russian Language" (M., 1983) Following the classics of the technique of F. I. Buslaev () and K. D. Ushinsky considers the ways of developing learning through the prism of the formation of the student of a schoolboy. Mastering the native language, the "gift of the word" the main factor in the enrichment of the child's spiritual world, its value orientations, his cognitive interests and abilities, his mental work. K. D. Ushinsky designed such training in which knowledge "would attract new knowledge"; Development in systematic. It is necessary to develop observation, imagination, emotions, intuition ("Language flair"), creativity, intellect. The development is laid in the very language, not only in its structure and logic, but also especially in its use, i.e., in speech, in a strict, full and understandable person, presenting his thoughts. A. I. Vlasenkov indicates 6 lines of training leading to the successful development of the mental opportunities of schoolchildren: 1. Development of attention, memory, imagination. 2. Accumulation of knowledge, skills, skills. 3. Development of ability to abstract and concretization, to summarize and transfer (knowledge and skills), to self-control. 4. Increase (self) criticality of judgment. 5. Development of motivation of a positive attitude towards teaching. 6. Development of creative principles and purposefulness. He also calls the methodologists who most effectively referred to psychological and didactic systems, applying them to the language technique: V. P. Sheremetevsky, A. M. Peshkovsky, L. V. Shcherba, N. S. Christmas, T. D. Ladyzhenskaya. Of particular value for the methods of the Russian language, psychological studies were acquired on individual, specific sections of the Russian language course in elementary school: these are the works of N. I. Zhinkina in the field of speech development, D. N. Bogoyavlensky on the psychology of the assimilation of spelling, S. F. Lzhuykova Psychology of grammar, D. B. Elkonin on literacy and reading training, O. A. Nikiforova for the perception of fiction schoolchildren. Psychological studies of the assimilation of schoolchildren of various sides of the language, language skills help to create a fundamental part of the language methodology. Chapter 4. Russian as a training subject in school world practice is recognized that the main language in primary classes is the main subject: to study the language, as a rule, half of the study time is given (t. e. lessons). "The language of the people is the best, never fading and ever again the color of all his spiritual life in the language is spiritualized by all the people and all of his homeland; It is implemented by the creative power of the People's Spirit in thought, the picture and the sound of the sky is fragmented, its air in the treasury of a native word adds one generation after another fruits of deep hearts - 16

20th movements, fruits of historical events, beliefs, views "So wrote K. D. Ushinsky in the article" Native Word ". The native language is the greatest teacher who taught children and then when there were no books or schools. And this feature is not lost and so on. Through the mastering language: his vocabulary containing dozens, hundreds of thousands of common words, its phraseology label, figurative, poetic, his richest word-forming system, morfemic, models, its grammar, recreation of the mechanisms for the functioning of the language, forming forms and combinations of them in the proposal is formed by own language The ability of a person occurs the formation of a person. The limitless variety of syntactic structures painted by intonation allows you to transmit the finest shades of thought. Permanent language classes (and languages) enrich intellect. This is the choice of the most accurate lexical tools, and the rapid, unmistakable construction of large and small proposals, binding them into text fabric; compliance with the logical connections and validity of speech; This is a full-fledged audience and reading, this is the world of books reading and rereading; This is a comprehension of the structure and mechanisms of the language; and the aesthetics of the language expressiveness of speech, beautiful, calligraphic letter, the first experiments of the literary creativity K. D. Ushinsky and his followers so defined the goals of the school subject "Native language": the upbringing and development of the student's personality, the impulse of respect and love for the native language, the formation of language taste , "Almost Language", high speech culture; the development of the "Dara of the Word" practical development of the speech of expressing his thought and understanding of someone else's; Formation and testing (automation through training) of language skills: auditing speech perception with a complete understanding, talking to the expression of their thought, letters of graphic fixation of thought and, finally, reading; Study, analysis of the samples of all the best, which was created by the masters of the word, the people themselves (literature, folklore); Based on the work on the first four goals, study, research, awareness of the language system in its functioning; The use of the language system for mastering the standards of literary speech and its expressiveness. The place and size of the theoretical course of the language (phonetics, grammar, morpecics, word formation, spelling, semantics, etc.) depend on the type of school and the age of students. The in-depth study of the language is determined not so much by adding new topics, the quantitative expansion of theoretical material, how much deepening the analytical, functional approach, understanding the expressive capabilities of the units of the language, their forms. The study of the native language, which children who came to school are already free to use practically in their own essence, the study of exemplary material, as well as their own speech activity, the purpose of it is theoretical understanding of the language, and the practical task of a high culture of speech in all its manifestations. The learning subject "Russian language" was gradually gradually, mainly in the XVII XVIII centuries, on the basis of works by M. V. Lomonosov, F. I. Buslaeva, I. I. Szrevnevsky, V.I. Dalya. Initial training in these centuries had three forms: folk elementary schools, preparatory and first three classes of gymnasium and home primary education, in many families reached extraordinary height. The most ancient component of primary education training, i.e., elementary reading and writing. So, the famous "ABC" Ivan Fedorova 1574, the first 17

21 The printed textbook in Russia contains alphabet, syllable tables, lists of words, information on grammar, on spelling, as well as a significant amount of moral texts for exercise in reading. Approximately the same structure and other letter of the XVII early XVIII century. Elementary reading and writing learning based on the traditions of European culture from ancient Rome. Starting from the XVIII century, learning relies on didactic theories: on the one hand, on the source of reading the letter, sound, syllable, the whole word, on the other to the presenter type of activity of the student memorizing-synthesis analysis, analysis synthesis simulation creative search. However, until the XVIII century. Buvari (alphabets) is not compiled in Russian, accepted in broad communication, but in Slavic (for example, the "Slovenski language" Simeon Polotsk 1679). The Russian language was a school as a language of mass education in schools at factories, in military units, in cities. One of the first Russian textbooks "First Teaching Latched" of Feofan Prokopovich was created in 1721 on the command of Peter I. But the Russian language as a training item is only a decree of Empress Ekaterina II in 1786. By this time, the works on Russian grammar and the first Academic dictionary, served by the scientific basis of school textbooks. The basis of the course was initially grammar, "Science of the Accident" (so it was called 8 parts of speech). School grammar was the subject of synthetic, included elements of phonetics, graphs, spelling, vocabulary, morpecics, word formation, speech culture. This combined subject performs three functions, it will give: a) information about the system, laws, Russian rules; b) the theoretical basis for the mental development of schoolchildren as the subject of a high level of abstraction; c) the basis for practical mastering the literary language, its norms, justifies, in particular, the rules of spelling, ways to check unsophograms and practicing. These three functions of the language theory of school grammar according to the plan are a single integer upon the lead role of the first. However, in practice, according to the laws of pragmatism, the role of spelling was often increased, and at the end of the XIX century. Some authoritative methodologists wrote about "spelling terror" at school. The theory was underestimated, which is observed and understood, despite the fact that courses are created in-depth study of the Russian language. The creation of new programs and textbooks in recent decades is a sign of strengthening the theoretical part of the courses. In the conditions of pluralism of programs and textbooks in the 90s of the XX century. Tutoring T. G. Ramzasva (the so-called traditional direction), L. V. Polyakova (Scientific School L. V. Zankova) and the direction of D. B. Elkonina and V. V. Davydov (author of the textbooks V. V. Repkah). The minimum, mandatory for all types of schools, is determined by state standards. The component of the "Russian language" in elementary school was and remains to read, which in recent years is increasingly approaching and in content, and for the purposes of the subject of "literature". By tradition, in the Russian school, learning reading has always been carried out on highly artistic material: children read the works of folklore, affordable, "housing" poems and stories of Classic writers S. T. Aksakova, A. P. Chekhov, A. S. Pushkin, L. N. Tolstoy, N. A. Nekrasova, I. S. Turgenev and others, and adaptation was mainly limited to abbreviations, and even then in some cases. The writer has always been gently treated. eighteen

1 2 Abstract working program of discipline Methodology of learning Russian language and literary reading 1. The purpose of the development of discipline: the formation of students in the students of knowledge about the methods and techniques of learning students

1. Foundation for evaluation tools for intermediate certification of students on discipline (module): General Information 1. Department of Special Pedagogy and Special Psychology 2. Direction Direction

Explanatory note Work program in the Russian language for grade 4 is developed on the basis of an exemplary program of primary general education, the author's program L.M. Zelenina, i.e.Hokhlova "Russian

The working program in the Russian language for grade grade 4 is developed on the basis of an exemplary program of primary general education, the author's program L. M. Zelenina, T. E. Khokhlova "Russian", approved

Annotation to the working program in the Russian language (6th grade) Explanatory note This program in the Russian language was created on the basis of the "federal component of state educational standards

Annotation to the Working Program "Russian Language" The working program in the Russian language for grades 5-11 in St. Petersburg GBUZ is defined by the "Ogonos" composed using the materials of the federal state educational

Municipal general education budget institution "Sunny Secondary School" of the Vyshnevolotsky district of the Tver region. Agreed. Protocol 1 of the Methodological Council of August 28, 2015

Working program in Russian language 1-4 Classes The program is developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard of primary general education, the main educational program

Annotation to Work Programs in Russian Language Explanatory note Working programs in the Russian language are composed on the basis of the author's program V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Gorgetsky to the subject line of textbooks

Annotation to working programs in the Russian language Grade 5 1. Normative base and UMC. Working program for the learning subject "Russian language" for 5 classes (base level) is compiled in accordance with the requirements

Abstract working program in the Russian language 5-9 classes The program was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", federal

Annotation to the working program in the Russian language 10-11 Class Working program in the Russian language developed on the basis of regulatory documents: 1. Federal law of December 29, 2012 273-F3

Explanatory note Work program "Russian language 10-11 class" is based on the state standard of education, an exemplary program of secondary general education, as well as based on

Annotation to the work program of the UMC "Perspective" "Mathematics" (1-4 class) 1. The place of discipline in the structure of the main educational program. The working program is based on the federal state

Working program of extracurricular activities "The amazing world of words" Explanatory note of the working program of extracurricular activities "The Amazing World of Word" is based on the federal state

Annotation to the working program in the Russian language in the 4th grade Work program for the study subject "Russian language" in grade 4 was compiled on the basis of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 273-FZ "On Education

Municipal budgetary general education institution "Secondary School 55", Barnaula Working Program of the Educational Item School for Grade 4 Working Program

The program of the profile introductory test on the discipline "Methodology of language teaching" (for graduates of secondary specialized institutions in the specialties "Russian language and literature", "preschool

Russian language is the most important part of the national culture of the Russian people, therefore, as an academic subject, it is of paramount importance, being not only the subject of studying the knowledge system, on the basis of which

Class 6 Annotation to working programs in the Russian language (GEF) Level of study of educational material: Basic UMC, Tutorial: The Working Program is based on the Federal State Standard,

Explanatory note The program on extracurricular activities "The Wizard Speech" is developed on the basis of the author's teaching method "Reading. Work with text". (Author of Krylova ON) and designed

Annotation to the Working Program The Working Program in the Russian language for 10-12 classes is based on the federal component of the State Standard of Middle General Education of the author's program

Thematic planning of the Russian language lessons in the 10th grade (textbook edited by A.I.Vlasenkov) Theme of the lesson Type of lesson. Methods of teaching Requirements for the level of training Tutorial General information about language

Annotation of the Working Program of the General Educational Educational Item. 01 "Russian" by specialty36.02.01 Veterinary Objective and objectives of the educational subject The purpose of the general educational subject

Topics of course and final qualifying works on the method of teaching mathematics 1. Continuity in teaching mathematics in the preparatory groups of kindergartens and the first elementary classes

The explanatory note was currently developed when the demand for a specialist in the labor market, its competitiveness is largely dependent on the availability of competent oral and written

Annotation of the working program in the Russian language for the 10-11 class working program for the subject "Russian language" is based on the federal component of the State Standard (the Order of the Ministry

Annotation to the working programs in the Russian language (10-11 classes) This working program in the Russian language (profile level) for students of 10 B class is based on the following regulatory documents:

Russian language 1-4 class abstract program in the Russian language (authors L.F. Klimanova, T.V. Babushkin) developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard of primary general education,

Explanatory note Work program in the Russian language is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education (the Order of the Ministry

Annotation to the work program of the discipline "Russian" 1 class Work program in the Russian language for grade 1 is compiled on the basis of the federal state educational standard of the initial

Appendix to OOP Soo MBOU "SOSH 3" G.O. Reutov Municipal budgetary general education institution "Secondary school 3 with an in-depth study of individual subjects" is agreed by the head

Annotation to the working program in the Russian language in 1-4 classes The program is developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard of primary general education, the concept of spiritual and moral

Annotation of the working program in the Russian language 0- class Work program in the Russian language is based on: the federal component of the state standard of secondary (full) general education;

Establishment of the Education "Gomel State University named after Francis Skorne" Approve Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs A.V. Kruk (signature) Program of the introductory test on the discipline "Method

Annotation to the program in the Russian language class 5 Number of hours 204 (6h per week) Program: Programs for general education institutions "Work program in Russian to the subject line of textbooks

Annotation of the UMC "School of Russia" 1-4 Classes Russian. The program is developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard of primary general education, the concept of spiritual and moral

Administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod Municipal budgetary general education institution "School" 138 Working program of individual-group classes in the Russian language "Learn to write competently" 5

1. Explanatory note. The language is a system of verbal expression of thoughts, knowledge, ideas about the world, which serves as a means of communication of people. Mastering the norms of the native language, efficient use of language

Annotation to the Work Program of the Discipline "Russian Language" Author-compiler: Davydova Natalia Nikolaevna 1. Program application: Implementation of secondary general education within the preparation program

Annotation of the Working Program of the Educational Item Russian Language 1 General Characteristics of the Educational Site The program is developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

Higher professional education M.R. Lvov, V.G. Goretsky, O.V.Sosnovskaya Methods of teaching the Russian language in primary grades was admitted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation as

Appendix 3.1. Educational Program of Main General Education Work Program in Russian Grade 7 Basic Level 2016-2017 School year Developed: MO Teachers of Russian Language and Literature

Explanatory note Work curriculum was created on the basis of the following documents: the basic curriculum of general education institutions of the Russian Federation, the Federal State Standard of General Education

Annotation to the working program in the Russian language 1-4 Class Working program for the subject "Russian language" is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the standard of primary general education in the Russian language

1 Explanatory note The program has been developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education Based on the Applicable Program of Basic General Education

Appendix 23 to the main general educational program of the main general education work program of the educational subject "Native language (Russian)" 5-6 class. Planned Development Results

Annotation of the Russian language program Grade 5 is designed to study the Russian language in grade 5 at the base level and is compiled at the rate of 5 hours a week, 170 hours per year. The program is drawn up

Municipal budgetary general education institution "Secondary school 2 cities of Guardsk" 238210, Kaliningrad region, bodies / fax: 8-401-59-3-16-96 Mountains. Gvardeisk, ul. Telman 30-A, e mail: [Email Protected]

Annotation to the Working Program on the Educational Subject "Russian Language" Level of Education The term of implementation Average total 2 year Classes 10-11 Level of study of the subject Place a training subject in the curriculum

Lviv Mikhail Rostislavovich (February 9, 1927, p. Pavarenis, now in the Alitussian District of Lithuania - June 24, 2015) - teacher, methodologist in Russian, Corresponding Member Rao, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences and Professor.

In 1953 he graduated from the Barnaul Pedagogical Institute. From 1947 he taught at the Slavgorod school of the Altai Territory. Since 1961 on scientific and pedagogical work: in MGPI them. IN AND. Lenin (1961-64 and from 1975), Magnitogorsk Pedagogical Institute (1964-75).

In the development of the speech of younger schoolchildren, weedly substantiated 3 directions: work on the word, providing for the expansion of speech study sources, deepening methods of semantization of vocabulary, the development of synonyms and antonyms in the language; Work on the phrase and proposal with a support for a system of exercises of a constructive and creative nature; Work on a connected speech with developed by typology and technoction techniques.

Mikhail Rostislavovich formulated the leading tendencies of speech development of students: the growth of volume and structural complication of speech units (up to 3rd grade); an increase in the diversity of speech funds (4-7th classes); Stabilization of speech tools (8-10th classes). These studies are summarized in the work "Trends in the development of students' speech."

Lviv M.R. Collaborator of general methodological manuals: "Methods of teaching Russian language in primary grades", the compiler of the Krestomatia "Development of students in elementary school", which reflected the study of this issue in the domestic philological science from F.I. Buslaeva and A.Ya. Ostrogorsky to MA Rybnikova et al.

Books (9)

Methods of learning Russian language in primary classes

The book describes the systematic course of the Russian language methodology in elementary school.

The second edition introduced materials reflecting the implementation of the school reform: on the training of six-year-old children, about streamlining students' training load, etc. The specificity of new textbooks is taken into account - "ABC", books for reading, textbooks of the Russian language, the educational complex as a whole.

Methods of teaching Russian in primary grades

The manual contains a systematic course of the learning methodology for grammar, reading, literature, spelling and developing the speech of junior schoolchildren. It reflected the realities of recent years in education: a focus on modern methods of educational training, organizational forms of multi-level education, programs and textbooks of different types, focus on personal-oriented training, taking into account interests, ability and gifts of children.

For students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. It can be recommended to students of secondary pedagogical educational institutions, as well as school teachers.

Methodology for the development of the speech of junior schoolchildren

The purpose of the benefit is to help the teacher in the systematic organization of work on the development of speech. It describes in detail the methodology for learning a connected speech, not only theoretical material, but also proposed guidelines and didactic material.

The first edition of the book was called "the speech of junior schoolchildren and the path of its development" (1975).

Fundamentals of the theory of speech

The study manual with modern positions contains the theoretical foundations of speech, its types, code transitions, theory of speech acts, communications, modern rhetoric, children's speech and its development in school are described, reflects questions of psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, etc.

Spelling in primary classes

The level of literacy of secondary school students is one of the most acute problems of public education.

The theoretical part of the book is devoted to the characteristics of the principles of Russian spelling and existing learning methods.

The practical part presents an algorithmic system of solving orphographic tasks, the formation of spelling skills in all sections of the Russian language course for students of I - IV classes.

Rhetoric. A culture of speech

The manual considers an interesting, but little studied area of \u200b\u200bphilological science - rhetoric, its sphere of influence and application, the history of occurrence.

Special attention is paid to the types of eloquence, the meaning of spiritual and moral word. Practical advice in relation to spectacle art necessary in teaching, discussion and other areas of activity is very important.

Slogan synonyms and antonyms

According to the author, "Dictionary" is intended for the creative development of primary school students. The whole training, educational process is the creation, and children themselves are as researchers, inventors, constructors. At first glance, this is a game, in fact - a serious cognitive activity.

The material "Dictionary" is systematized: in it, 5 sections, 200 vocabulary articles, children work with synonyms, gradually switch to antonyms, to the connected synonymic antonomic bonds, to the meaningfulness of the word and synonymous rows and antonymic pairs built on multigid. Naturally, the difficulty of the material is gradually increasing. But all this does not mean that "Dictionary" is a kind of textbook that it is necessary to "pass."

Dictionary-Directory by the method of Russian language

The dictionary-Directory on the method of Russian language was created for the first time.

It discloses the most important concepts of the Russian language methodology in high school. On all major topics, literature is named, the study of which will help readers to organize targeted independent work on mastering the methodology.

The manual is intended to students of the Faculty of Russian language and literature of pedagogical institutions. At the same time, it can be useful to high school teachers, as they will allow them to deepen and systematize their knowledge.

The manual contains a systematic course of the learning methodology for grammar, reading, literature, spelling and developing the speech of junior schoolchildren. It reflected the realities of recent years in education: a focus on modern methods of educational training, organizational forms of multi-level education, programs and textbooks of different types, focus on personal-oriented training, taking into account interests, ability and gifts of children.
For students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. It can be recommended to students of secondary pedagogical educational institutions, as well as school teachers.

Methods of graduation, their classification.
For more than three thousand years of existence of writing on Earth and generated by no less long-time learning, for more than a thousand years, the existence of Slavic writing and a Russian certificate associated with her, a great many different ways of learning were opened: on the one hand, learning to decipher, read encrypted, The oral forms of speech encoded by the lettering signs, on the other hand, to fix, encode, record various forms of oral speech with the same buildings.

The process of the emergence of various new approaches, methods and techniques of learning to read and writing is observed today, it will happen in the nearest and distant future. And naturally, for everyone who is professionally associated with a diploma, you need to navigate in the sea-ocean of various ways and receptions of literacy. This will help to avoid a simple repetition of the previously found earlier, eliminate the ethically unpleasant cases of issuing what was once known, for allegedly reappeared.

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Download the book Methods of teaching Russian in primary classes, Lviv M.R., Goretsky V.G., Sosnovskaya OV, 2007 -, fast and free download.

  • Russian language, check works, 4th grade, to the textbook V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky "Russian. Grade 4, Gos, Tikhomirova E.M., 2020
  • Russian language, check works, grade 3, to the textbook V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky "Russian. Grade 3, Gos, Tikhomirova E.M., 2020
  • Russian language, check works, grade 2, to the textbook V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky "Russian. Grade 2, Gos, Tikhomirova E.M., 2020
  • Russian language, check works, class 1, to the textbook V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky "Russian. Grade 1, Gos, Tikhomirova E.M., 2020

The following textbooks and books.

The textbook covers the issues of efficiency in teaching Russian in primary classes. It was reflected such sections: the method of Russian as a science, a letter learning technique, a class and extracurricular learning technique, a methodology for studying grammar and spelling, the development of students' speech.

When presenting each section, the features of learning Russian language are briefly disclosed, special attention is focused on the most difficult problems.

Russian language method like science

The subject and objectives of the teaching methodology of the Russian language

The method of teaching the Russian language is in a number of pedagogical sciences. It can be called applied science, because she, relying on the theory, is designed to solve the practical tasks of education, training and student development.

Like any other science, the Russian language technique has its own item. The subject of its study is the process of mastering the native language in the conditions of training (mastering speech, writing, reading, grammar, phonetic, etc.). The Russian language technique is designed to study the patterns of the formation of skills and skills in the field of language, assimilation of systems of scientific concepts on grammar and on other sections of language science. The results of this study constitute a fundamental base for solving problems: on the basis of the statutory laws, it is necessary to develop an optimal language learning system. This system (or, or rather, these systems) must provide each student with the necessary minimum skills, skills and knowledge in language. At the same time, the methodology takes into account a number of social requirements for learning: it provides such a construction of learning, which would mostly contribute to the communist education of students, the development of their thinking, and it would also be effective enough economical.

By tradition, speaking of the tasks of the technique as applied science, the three of its tasks are called:

What to teach? The answer to this question is to develop the content of training - programs in the Russian language, the creation of textbooks and various teaching aids for students, their continuous improvement, inspection of accessibility and efficiency.

The manual contains a systematic course of the learning methodology for grammar, reading, literature, spelling and developing the speech of junior schoolchildren. It reflected the realities of recent years in education: a focus on modern methods of educational training, organizational forms of multi-level education, programs and textbooks of different types, focus on personal-oriented training, taking into account interests, ability and gifts of children. For students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. It can be recommended to students of secondary pedagogical educational institutions, as well as school teachers.

Introduction ................................................... .................................................. ................................. eight

Chapter 1. Theory and methods of teaching Russian as a science ...................... 8

Chapter 2. Science of language - the basis of his technique ........................................ .......10

Chapter 3. Psychological and didactic aspects of the Russian language technique ............. 13

Chapter 4. Russian Language as a training subject in school ........................................ ..sixteen

Chapter 5. Essay in the history of the method of the Russian language as science ....................... 20

Section I Methods of learning literacy ............................................... ............... 28.

Chapter 1. General concept ............................................. ................................. 28.

Literacy learning as a special stage of mastering the initial skills of the letter and reading .................................................................................................................. ..... .28.

Tasks facing literacy ............................................ ...... 29.

Educational and Methodical Kit for Literacy ............................................... ...........................thirty

Methods of learning a diploma, their classification ............................................ .32.

Chapter 2. Historical Essay Methods of Training Gramte ... .................. 33

History of methods of learning literacy .............................................. .............................. 33.

The lettering method ................................................ .................................. 34.

Go to sound methods .............................................. ............................... 37.

Chapter 3. Leads of learning reading and writing .......................................... .......... 40.

Choosing a technique .................................................. .................................................. ...................... 40.

Dobukevar period ................................................ .................................................. ............... 40.

Suitable schemes, schemes lettering, sound ....................................................... .41

Working with a syllable, SCHOOL ............................................. ................. 44.

Acquaintance with the emphasis ............................................... ........................ 46.

Studying sounds ................................................ .................................................. .... 46.

Acquaintance with letters ................................................. ......................................... 49.

Chapter 4. The work of students and teachers ............................................. ............................fifty

The reading mechanism, its components ................................................. .........................fifty

Reading the syllables in the booking "columns" ........................................... ............................... 53.

Reading and analysis of ledging texts ............................................. ......................................... 54.

Learning letter ................................................ .................................................. .................... 56.

Lessons learning literacy ............................................................. .................................................. ......... 59.

Section II Methods of reading and literature ............................................ ............. 62.

Chapter I. Sketch of the history of the method of reading ............................................. .................. 62.

The origin of the method of explanatory reading .............................................. .......................... 62.

K. D. Ushinsky - ancestor of the method of explanatory reading ................................................. 63

Views of L. N. Tolstoy to the process of learning reading ........................................ .................. 66.

Criticism of the method of explanatory reading the advanced methods of the XIX in ....................... 67

Development and improvement of the method of explanatory reading in the XIX century. ........................ 68.

Methods of educational reading C. P. Baltalon .......................................... .................... 71.

The method of literary and artistic reading ............................................. ......................... 73.

Method of creative reading ............................................... .................................................. ...... 74.

Development of reading techniques in the 30-70s of the XX century. .................................................. ................ 76.

Chapter 2. Modern system of learning reading and literature ........... 80

Propaedeutic stage of the literary education of younger schoolchildren ................ 80

Training material for reading and literary propaedeutics in primary classes .................................................... .................................................. ............................ 81.

The role of an adult in the formation of a child-reader ............................................. .86.

Organization of live impressions and creative activities of children in the system of literary education of younger students ....................................... ....................... 87.

Chapter 3. Working on reading skill .......................................... ........ 93.

Quality of reading skill ............................................... ................................ 93.

Stages of formation of reading skill at a novice reader ..................................... 94

Work on the correctness and arrogance of reading ............................................ ............. 95.

Work on reading consistency .............................................. .....................................100

Work on the expressiveness of reading ................................................ ................................. 106.

Chapter 4. Scientific Basics Analysis of Artwork .................. 110

Literary Fundamentals Analysis of Artwork .............. 110

Psychological peculiarities of perception of artworks .............................................. ........... 111.

Methodical patterns of working with artistic text in primary classes ................................... 114

Chapter 5. The method of reading and analyzing the artwork in

Primary classes ................................................ ....................................... 115.

Primary perception of text ............................................... .................. 115

Analysis of the artwork in the lesson of reading ............................................ ............. 116.

Method of working with artwork at the stage of secondary synthesis ......................................... .................................................. ........ 118.

Creative works of students in the footsteps of the read work .......................... 119

A few words about the school theater ............................................... .................. 122.

Chapter 6. Features of working on works of different clans and genres ... 123

About birth literary works .............................................. ....................... 123.

Methods of work on epic works in elementary classes ..................... 123

Technique of work on lyrical works in primary classes ........................ 128

Methods of work on dramatic works in primary classes ............... 130

Chapter 7. Working with a children's book ........................................... ........................... 133.

About the educational role of the book .............................................. .................................................. ..... 133.

The origins of the modern system of working with a children's book ............................................. ..... 134.

Modern system for the formation of reader's readers of younger students ........................................... .................................................. ....................................... 136.

Preparatory stage of training work with a children's book ............................................... .......... 137.

The initial stage of learning to work with a children's book ........................................... ....................... 138.

The main stage of learning to work with the children's book ............................................... ........................ 139.

Typology of lessons of extracurricular reading .............................................. ........................................ 140.

Chapter 8. Reading lessons in modern school .............................. 143

Requirements for reading lessons .............................................. .................................................. ........ 143.

The tasks of the modern lesson of reading .............................................. .............................................. 144.

Typology of reading lessons ......................................................................................... ........................... 144.

Preparing the teacher to the lesson of reading ............................................. ............................................... 146.

Section III. Methods of studying language theory (phonetics,

Vocabulary, morpecics, word formation, grammar -

Morphology and syntax) ................................................ ....................................... 151.

Chapter 1. Brief historical information on "School grammar" ..... 151

Chapter 2. Educational and Educational Opportunities

"RUSSIAN LANGUAGE" .............................................. ............................ 153.

Ways to implement the educational function of the language ........................................... 154

Formation of linguistic concepts ............................................... .................. 155

Studying patterns and structure of the language ............................................. .......................... 158.

In-depth study of the Russian language .............................................. ..................................... 159.

Developing the role of the theory of the language .............................................. ............................................ 160.

Chapter 3. Methods of studying the Russian language at school ......................................... ........ 160.

Language analysis as a method .............................................. ............. 161.

Design method .................................................. .................................................. ............ 162.

Comparative historical method .............................................. ............................................. 163.

Visual methods ................................................ .................................................. ..... 164.

Method of the story of the teacher ............................................... ................................................. 165

Heuristic, or search, methods .............................................. ..................................... 165.

Play as a method ................................................. .................................................. ........ 167.

Communicative methods .................................................. .................................................. ........ 168.

Programmed training and computer .............................................. ................................. 168.

Chapter 4. Russian textbook and additional benefits ................................ 169

The role of the textbook, its function ............................................... ........................................ 169.

Requirements for texts in the textbook ................................................. ....................................... 170.

Types of textbooks and benefits .............................................. ........................................... 171.

Types of student on the textbook ............................................... ................................... 173.

Chapter 5. Methods for learning courses. Methods of phonetics and graphics ....... 174

Understanding the functions of spoken units of speech ............................................... ............. 174.

The skills of students ................................................ ................................................ 175

Learning process. Methods, techniques ................................................. ....................................... 176.

The difficulties of phonetics and graphics .............................................. .......................................... 177.

Chapter 6. Methods of vocabulary and semantics. Morfemic technique I.

Word formation ................................................. ..................................... 177.

Educational process. Methodical techniques. Difficulties ................................................... ............. 179.

Generalizations. Feedback................................................ .................................... 181.

Chapter 7. Methods of studying grammar ............................................ ..................... 182.

Morphology. Parts of speech .................................................. .............................................. 182.

Noun. Lexical and grammatical significance ...................................... 183

The topic "Rod names of nouns" ............................................ .................. 184.

The topic "Number of nouns" ............................................ ................................. 185.

The topic "Declination of nouns" .............................................. ................... 186.

Chapter 8. The name is adjective ................................................. ................................ 190.

The lexical and grammatical meaning of adjectives ............................. 190

The topic "Rod names of adjectives" ............................................ .................................... 191.

The topic "Name of namedlarm" ............................................... ................................... 192.

The "declining the names of the adjectives" ............................................ ............................. 193.

Word formation of nouns and adjectives ............................................ 196

Chapter 9. Verb .............................................. .................................................. .............. 197.

The lexical and grammatical meaning of verbs ............................................. ..................... 197.

The topic "Time of verb". Past time................................................ ................. 199.

The topic "Currently verb" ............................................ .................................. 199.

Theme "Infinitives". Infinitive............................................... 202.

The topic "Future of the verb (simple and complex)" ....................................... ............ 203.

Acquaintance with the inclination and pledges of verbs ..................................... 205

Word formation of verbs ................................................ ........................ 207.

Chapter 10. Different topics of the course of morphology ........................................... ................. 208.

Acquaintance with pronomation ............................................... .................................................. ..... 208.

Acquaintance with the names are numerical .............................................. ..................... 210.

Acquaintance with adverbs ............................................... .................................................. . 211.

Service parts of speech. Unions. Prepositions ................................................... ........ 211.

Chapter 11. Syntax .............................................. ............................. 212.

Place and role of syntax in the grammatical course .......................................... 212

Offers, their kinds .............................................. .................................................. ................. 213.

Members of the sentence. Phrases ................................................... .................... 216.

Uniform members of the sentence ............................................... ........................................... 217.

Complex sentences................................................ .................................................. ............... 218.

Direct and indirect speech .............................................. ........................ 219.

Section IV Technique of spelling (spelling and punctuation) ... 223

Chapter 1. Comparative historical analysis of spelling

(XIX-XX centuries) ............................................. .................................................. ............... 223.

Grammatical basis for spelling ............................................................. ................... 223.

Position K. D. Ushinsky ............................................ .................................................. 224.

An anti-grammatic direction ................................................ ................................. 226.

Chapter 2. Properties of Russian spelling as the basis of his technique ........ 227

The general concept ................................................ .................................................. ................. 227.

Alphabet................................................. .................................................. ... 228.

Graphics................................................. .................................................. .............. 228.

Spelling................................................. .................................................. 229.

Punctuation................................................. .................................. 230.

Principles of Russian spelling. Morphological principle ................................... 230

Phonematics principle .................................................. ................................ 232.

Traditional principle of spelling ............................................... ................................ 233.

The principle of differentiation of values \u200b\u200b............................................... ................................. 234.

Principle of phonetic ................................................ .................................... 234.

Principles of punctuation .................................................. .................................................. ................ 235

Chapter 3. Formation of spelling actions and spelling skill ..... 236

Orphogram ............................................................... ............................................. 236.

Spearness ................................................ ...................... 237.

Rules of spelling ................................................ .................................... 238.

Motivation of spelling work ............................................... ............. 240.

Steps of formation of skills on spelling ............................................. ......................... 241.

Speech rumor .................................................. .................................................. ....... 243.

Semantic work in the assimilation of spelling ............................................. ......................... 243.

Chapter 4. Methods and techniques of training spelling ....................................................... 244

Choosing methods ................................................ .................................................. .... 244.

Language analysis and synthesis .............................................. .............. 245

Memorization ............................................................... .......................................... 246.

Solution of grammatical and spelling tasks ............................................. .................... 247.

Algorithms ............................................................. .................................................. ..................... 249.

Stages of compression algorithm ............................................... ................................. 250.

Types of exercise in spelling ................................................ .................................... 251.

Simulatory exercises (types of write off) ............................................ ................... 252.

Dictation species ................................................ .................................................. ............... 253.

Grammatically spelling comment ................................................ ............... 254.

An independent letter, the expression of thought, his role in spelling ............................ 255

Chapter 5. Study of students' errors ............................................ ......... 256.

Classification of errors .................................................. ................................................. 256.

Diagnostics and forecasting errors .............................................. ................. 257.

Fix and prevent errors ................................................ ........................... 258.

Chapter 6. Russian lesson (grammar and spelling) ................................ 260

General requirements for lesson .............................................. ................................................. 260.

Typology of the lessons of the Russian language .............................................. ................................ 261.

Structural components of the lessons of the Russian language ............................................. ........................ 263.

Planning lessons and preparation for them ............................................ ......... 265.

Section V Methodical Development Watching ............................. 269

Chapter 1. Sketch of the history of the development of the "Dara Word" in the Russian school of the XIX-XX centuries ....... 269

K. D. Ushinsky ............................................... ............................ 269.

The main directions in the method of development of speech ............................................ ............... 270.

Trends in the 60s of the XX century. .................................................. ..................... 272.

Chapter 2. Psychological and Linguistic Basics of Student Speech Development ................. 273

Speech and its kinds ................................................ ........................................ 273.

Speech Idiment ................................................ .................................................. ... 274.

Saying ............................................................... .................................................. ........... 275

Types of speech (text) ............................................. ................................. 277.

Text structure theory ............................................... ........................................... 278.

Factors of human speech development ................................................ ................................ 280.

Chapter 3. Culture of speech and technique ........................................... ........ 281.

Criteria of speech culture ............................................... ..................................... 281.

Chapter 4. Methods for the development of speech of students ........................................... .......... 283.

Simulation methods ................................................ .................................................. ..... 283.

Communicative methods .................................................. .................................................. .... 284.

Design method ................................................ .................................... 286.

Rhetoric in primary classes ................................................ ......................................... 288.

Chapter 5. Levels of work on the development of speech students ...................................... 290

The level of pronuncory ................................................ .................................................. .. 290.

Directions of work at the spoken level ........................................................... ................... 292.

Lexual level (vocabulary work) ............................................ ................................... 295

Grammar level of work But the development of speech ............................................ ................. 297

Chapter 6. Text Level in Speech Development .......................................... ....... 300.

Types of school text exercises .............................................. ....................................... 300.

Typology of student works and components of the speech development system .................................. 302

Retells and presentation, their meaning, goals and types .......................................... ....................... 304.

Methods of presentation of individual species .............................................. ............ 305

Creative retells and presentation .............................................. .......................... 307.

Chapter 7. Text Level (Continued). Oral and written writings ........... 309

Essay as self-expression personality .............................................. .................. 309.

Preparatory steps to an essay .............................................. .................. 310

Execution, the implementation of the prepared .............................................. ................................. 313.

Analysis of children's writings ....................................... 315

Chapter 8. On the individual types of works ........................................... ............... 317.

Composition-miniatures ................................................. .................................................. ................ 317

Description of the picture................................................ .................................................. ........... 318.

Works on literary themes .............................................. ....................................... 319.

Writing fairy tales ................................................ ........................................... 321.

Written-to-peer-eyed ............................................................. . 322.

Literary creativity of schoolchildren ............................................... ...................................... 323.

Chapter 9. Speech errors of students, their diagnosis and correction ......... 327

Types and causes of speech errors ............................................. ..................... 327.

Characteristics of lexical errors ............................................... ............. 329.

Morphological errors ................................................ .............................. 330.

Syntactic errors ................................................ ........................... 331.

Logic and composite errors ................................................ ................................... 332.

Correction and prevention of speech errors ............................................. ....... 333.

Chapter 10. Organizational forms of classes for the development of schoolchildren's speech ... 335

Typology of organizational forms of development of speech ............................... 335

Language, speech, its development, language personality ......................................... .................. 336.

Section VI extracurricular work in the Russian language ..................................... 341

Tasks and forms of extracurricular work ............................................. .................. 341.

Language games ................................................ .................................................. ............... 342.

Circle of the Russian language ............................................... .................................................. .... 344.

Child at home ................................................ ....................................... 344.

Types of extracurricular activities ............................................... .................................................. 345.