Male names with strong character and charisma. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Gregory

According to Mendelev

A strong, fast, courageous and evil name. A person named Gregory has a mobile and strong nervous system and often a choleric temperament. He is stubborn, easily excitable, and can get carried away - by a woman or by an idea - to the point of a temporary but rather long-term loss of self-control. Having cooled down, he becomes indifferent and never returns to her. In his relationships with others, he can be rude and prone to conflict.

Gregory's intelligence is, as a rule, above average, but his receptivity to everything new is, in general, reduced: he either immediately and completely accepts a novelty (rarely), or (more often) decisively rejects it, without even trying to understand it. Analysis of events and careful weighing of all the pros and cons are not typical for him. Such inflexibility does not contribute to success, although Gregory is inclined, having started a business, to bring it to the end. A good family man; family ties mean a lot to him. He loves his children, but strives to raise them in accordance with his views on life, and his pedagogical methods are harsh. Sociable. He actively seeks to get closer to other people, but in a dispute he strives to impose his opinion, without taking into account other points of view. Grisha is less bright and defined, although the signs of “courageous” and “evil” already stand out in him, which will fully manifest themselves later. In his youth, he does not stand out much among his peers, is rather passive and does not become a leader.

Possessing, as a rule, good health, Gregory often chooses a military or naval career; He serves regularly, but rarely reaches high ranks and titles. Whether the name Gregory is good or bad - decide for yourself: psycho-emotional analysis does not give a definite answer.

The colors of the name are soft blue and white.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

He has a subtle and sensitive nature, prone to melancholy. Grigory is a freedom-loving person who can hardly tolerate commitment and dependence. He is prone to beauty and grace. Everything ugly, awkward and rude can make this person sick. It is difficult for those close to him to maintain an even relationship with him; his sophisticated demands often have nothing to do with everyday life. It’s not easy for Gregory to find partners; he’s picky and squeamish. In intimacy, he is often indecisive, especially if he is not comfortable enough and doesn’t know his partner well. In bed, the woman often leads him at first, but in the process of sexual intercourse he himself becomes inventive, this does not cause him much difficulty.

He is a little reserved in his affections, but very gentle. “Winter” Gregory, having chosen his future life partner, delays getting married; it is important for him to know the temperament of the one who will become his wife, her sexual capabilities. He is sexy, in intimate relationships he takes all the initiative, his girlfriend acts as a follower. A good family man, but while valuing his wife, he can have a mistress at the same time. He enjoys great success with women and knows how to treat each of them well. Sex for him is not entertainment, but a deep need of soul and body. He is not like many men; there is something about him that attracts women to him. Even abandoned by Gregory, they retain warm memories of him. He does not accept the slightest violence and wins over women not through force, but through skill and ingenuity. However, in intimate relationships with his wife, he often feels dissatisfied and neglected by affection.

According to Higir

Comes from an ancient Greek word meaning: awake, awake.

Although he tries his best to be an obedient boy, he is restless, his knees are always bruised, his clean socks instantly become dirty, and the cups that his hands touch break spontaneously. My favorite activity is running through puddles. He doesn't offend girls, but if they get too zealous, teasing him without thinking, he might beat them up. The adult Gregory reveals in himself the traits of slight vulnerability and increased mental sensitivity. An emphatically dry tone can unbalance him for a long time. To please everyone and always is his motto, and following it, he pays quite a lot of attention to fashion; gallant in communication. He usually has good health and is balanced.

Men bearing this name successfully work as photographers, engineers, journalists, drivers, but are sensitive to attempts to manage them. They love to attend football matches, they are hockey experts, and they react violently to the vicissitudes of sports battles.

Name compatibility and marriage

Gregory's future wife does not necessarily have to have a prestigious specialty or a professional career, be of exceptional beauty or come from a very wealthy family. It is much more important for him that she be a good housewife, equal in character, and put up with his habits. Gregory, for example, likes to sleep after lunch and eat delicious food. They don’t spare money for food, although they are reluctant to go to the market and the store. They like money in the family to be under their control. Wives usually put up with this because their husbands know how to earn money. He cannot always resist an attractive woman, so his wife needs to be careful in choosing girlfriends.

Some playfulness, however, does not prevent Gregory from remaining a monogamous man. His mother-in-law treats him favorably, but the children simply adore him.

They make a good choice by marrying Vera, Alla, Glafira, Aza, Elizaveta, Lydia, Oksana, Maria, Tamara, Roxana, Tatyana. There is little hope for success in a marriage with Angela, Bogdana, Vesta, Victoria, Dina, Elena, Larisa, Leah, Natalya, Ella.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name:"Wakeful" (Greek)

Name energy: The energy of this name is very significant and often even the patronymic Grigorievich affects a person more powerfully than his own name. Grisha begins to feel this energy from early childhood; it encourages him to act without looking back, strive to achieve his goal and not think too much about difficulties.

It’s not easy for his parents to deal with him, but in the company of his peers, Grisha feels confident. Often, he successfully makes up for the lack of physical strength with his decisive disposition; sometimes it even begins to seem that thoughts of caution do not even occur to him, but this, of course, is not so. It’s just that often hurt pride causes such strong emotions in him that other feelings, including the sense of self-preservation, are thoroughly dulled. However, when the rage passes, he is unlikely to remain angry for long.

Growing up, Gregory usually finds other uses for his energy. It happens that, not having a particular love for hard work at school and often falling behind in many subjects, Grisha suddenly shows remarkable abilities, quickly makes up for lost time and, to the surprise of everyone, successfully passes exams at some prestigious university. And the secret here is simple - he needs a goal, and not some distant and foggy one, he feels much better where everything is decided in one or two jerks, a kind of cavalry charge.

Most likely, Gregory will have a difficult fate, especially if he cannot control his ardor. His audacity will almost certainly provide him with many obstacles along the way, but it, combined with self-confidence and ambitious aspirations, can sometimes lift him to dizzying heights. In a word, we must not forget that everything is good when in moderation, wonderful when a person is not afraid of the powers that be, but it is not at all necessary to be insolent on every occasion.

However, for many Grigori this ardor somewhat smoothes out with age, leaving room for self-confidence and strength of character. In relationships with women and in family life, Greenie may have the same problems, and here you can give advice - since the name does little to incline its owner towards gentleness, then it is not a bad idea to learn a lighter attitude towards life and towards yourself. If Gregory discovers the ability to kindly laugh at himself, his chances of a normal life and success in business will increase sharply.

Secrets of communication: Often, Gregory’s main problem is relationships with the team; usually in his circle he is open, frank, and sociable, but if his pride is hurt, an explosion will occur. If, after a conflict with Gregory, you do not want to completely ruin your relationship with him, then know that he is rarely vindictive. Well, you can defuse a conflict situation by turning it into a humorous direction. If you were wrong, then he will most likely be able to accept the apology without hurting your pride.

WITH ice name in history

Grigory Rasputin

It is difficult to argue with the statement that Grigory Rasputin (1864-1916) is one of the most mysterious, incomprehensible and powerful figures who have ever stood at the throne. You can know his entire biography thoroughly, and still know nothing about him. Who was he: a wizard? magician? sorcerer? Or just a clever rogue who knows the basics of hypnosis? One way or another, this man succeeded in something that no one before or after him succeeded in: a peasant from a distant village in the Tambov province, he - without making almost any effort - became one of the most significant figures in the state and influenced the politics of Russia , like no one else.

Possessing a strong will and exceptional self-confidence, Grigory Rasputin was also famous for his daring disposition (in fairness, it must be said that his real name was Novykh, while Rasputin was nothing more than a nickname). Nevertheless, the queen, knowing about the adventures of her “friend,” as she called him, not only completely ignored them, but also listened to Rasputin’s advice, including those related to the administration of the state.

The death of Grigory Rasputin turned out to be no less mysterious than his life, and only strengthened his status as a legend. First, the conspiratorial murderers planted poisoned food on their victim, but for some reason the poison did not work. They started shooting at him, but he did not die. Riddled with bullets, but still alive, the killers threw him into the hole, and only after that Grigory Rasputin was gone. But is physical death really that important? Rasputin left behind a Mystery, he asked his descendants a riddle that is unlikely to be solved, and therefore, tormented by the question, they will remember him again and again, for many more generations.

The ancient sages claimed that a person’s name influences his destiny. In the 1st century, the Greek philosopher Plutarch developed an entire theory based on this idea.

The name that a child was given at birth was considered a talisman by many peoples. They did not tell strangers their real name and used a fictitious one when meeting. Our ancestors believed that, without knowing the true name, bad people would not be able to harm a person. Until the 17th century in Rus', a newborn was given two names: official and secret. This custom was then abolished.

Peoples who professed paganism also came up with deceptive names, along with real ones, for their children. And in Catholic countries, the second name was supposed to mislead Satan. In some countries in the West, to this day there is a tradition of giving children several official names, of which not all are disclosed.

When coming up with a name for a child, parents rarely think about what secrets it hides, and focus mainly on their own tastes and fashion. But any name contains a huge amount of information! Specialists from the Center for Wave Technologies, located in the American state of Oregon, have found that each letter has a certain vibration frequency, due to which the name affects its bearer and forms certain properties in it. A person seems to tune in to the wave of his own name. For example, the owner of the sonorous name Alexander has a better chance of becoming a military leader than Valentin. But the latter can become famous in the field of science or art.

The “melody” of a name also influences those people with whom a person has to communicate. One name can evoke pleasant emotions, while another, on the contrary, negative ones. By learning someone's name, others receive certain information about the person, but this happens on a subconscious level.

When choosing what to name a child, parents are often guided by fashion. There has always been a fashion for names. Values ​​change in society, fashion also changes, and this happens almost every decade. Some names are losing their popularity, while others, forgotten, on the contrary, are emerging from the shadows. But there are those who are always successful, for example Alexander, Sergey, Alexey. There are periods when new, invented names appear. This was the case after the October Revolution, when newborns received abbreviated names: Vilen, Kim, Vladlen, Marlene.

In the 70-80s of the last century, sonorous foreign names entered the Russian name list: Arthur, Robert, Eduard. And in the 80-90s, Christian Orthodox names became popular. Parents began to name their children in honor of saints, who were not remembered for many years after the revolution.

Having been reborn to a new life, the name again seems sonorous, unusual, and bright to us. This happened with such male names as Artem, Nikita, Danila. However, a few years after the surge in popularity, names lose their brightness and become commonplace. Such is the fate of everything fashionable that enjoys great success.

With the advent of Latin American TV series, fanciful exotic names appeared, but the fashion for them did not catch on. It’s not very often that you meet Jose or Rosaria in Russia. And thank God, because these names do not fit into the Russian tradition, where it is customary to add a patronymic to the name.

At the beginning of the 21st century, names common in pre-Christian Rus' came into fashion: Gleb, Yaroslav, Svyatoslav. It is interesting that many male names from pagan times began to be given not only to boys, but also to girls.

Currently, names that were widely used before the beginning of the 20th century are gaining popularity: Tikhon, Seraphim, Matvey, Yevsey, Demyan, Demid, Plato. In the last century they were considered common, but now they seem unusual, although a touch of old-fashionedness still remains. It may not be long before these names become as commonplace as Alexander or Nikita. But for now, the boys named like that are having a hard time. Children and teenagers want to be like their peers: wear clothes that are fashionable in their environment, listen to the same music. An unusual name, which seems strange to everyone around, of course, makes the child unique, but at the same time alienates him from others and endows him with all sorts of complexes. Having a rare name, a teenager will avoid people only because when meeting people they have to say their name. It will seem to him that he is not like everyone else, and no one in the world is able to understand him.

But the ordinariness of a name also does not have the best effect on a person’s state of mind. Coming home from kindergarten, Sasha Petrov asks his mother with resentment: “Why

The teacher always calls Fedya by name, but does she call me Petrov?” It’s not surprising, because there are four Sashas in the group, and only one Fedya.

So what is better: a rare name or an ordinary one? According to psychiatrists, people who have received rare names that are unusual for our hearing are much more likely to acquire complexes and suffer from various mental illnesses, in contrast to those who were called by a familiar name. Whatever guides parents when choosing a name for their child, they must remember that their son or daughter will have to live with this name all their lives. And even if the “wrong” name is changed, the imprint it left on the character of its owner will remain forever.

It's good when a person likes his own name. This is the main sign that he is satisfied with himself as a person.



Translated from Greek, Alexander means “protector”, “protective husband”. This name has strong energy, giving its owner such qualities as courage, confidence, assertiveness, and authority. The person who was called by this name always remembers that he is the namesake of famous military leaders who left a bright mark on history: Alexander the Great, Alexander Nevsky, Alexander Suvorov. This name has been very popular for many years, but it is precisely its excessive prevalence that can play a bad joke on a person. A proud and sonorous name, being fashionable at almost all times, has become too commonplace and is losing out to less beautiful, but rarer names.

Most men named Alexander show leadership qualities and strive for power. Already in childhood, they want to lead their peers, but if their peers resist, they become leaders in a group of younger children.

When Alexander lacks perseverance and willpower, he can withdraw into himself, become timid and shy, especially if he sees that people do not consider him an extraordinary person, they perceive him as an ordinary person. To prevent complexes from taking over the owner of this name, he should depend less on the attitude of others towards him. By showing independence, self-control and calmness, doing the work to which he is most inclined, Alexander will become successful and achieve authority.


Translated from ancient Greek, the name Alexei means “protector”, “protector”. The peaceful, life-affirming energy of the name does not allow its owner to demonstrate leadership qualities, but it can endow him with perseverance and optimism. The calm sound of the name evokes a favorable impression among others, so Alyosha can join any team and make friends with a variety of people who are attracted to him precisely by his lack of desire for power.

The soft-sounding, flexible name largely contributes to the fact that Alexei’s character is formed depending on the style and methods of education received in childhood. If his parents actively tried to develop ambition in him, their actions in the future could lead to internal conflict in Alyosha. Brought up in this way, he will suffer, believing that those around him, although they sympathize with him, still consider him ordinary, not standing out in anything special, unnoticeable. He will blame himself for this. However, even with a successful career, Alexey will still experience some nervousness and lack of confidence in his own abilities.

If the parents did not at all strive to kindle Alexei’s ambition, he was destined for a calm, but colorless existence. Therefore, when raising him, it is necessary to find the measure that can lead to balance, because Alexei’s mental structure is such that he requires constant internal balance. If it is absent, a person with this name will face endless experiences. However, it is they who sometimes lead to the development of Alexey’s enormous creative abilities.

Most owners of this name are patient, self-confident and independent. They always diligently fulfill all the duties assigned to them and are able to make an excellent career in many fields, including medicine and business. Tactfulness, thoughtfulness, and the ability to communicate will help Alexey achieve success in the diplomatic sphere.

His calm character, sociability and good nature attract people to him. He is able to listen, give good advice, and provide help to those who need it.


The name Albert, of ancient Germanic origin, translates as “noble splendor.”

Albert is romantic and sentimental, he has developed intuition and an analytical mind, thanks to which he can assess a situation with almost lightning speed and make a quick decision.

He is ambitious and inquisitive. Nature has endowed him with an excellent memory, but his phlegmatic temperament and laziness often prevent him from achieving what he wants. Many men with this name gravitate towards areas related to religion and esoteric knowledge.

Friendly, delicate and well-mannered, Albert is liked by others, but he is not used to openly expressing his feelings, so many consider him secretive and cunning.

He is a good family man, takes care of his wife and children, and is not very demanding in everyday life.


This name is translated from ancient Greek as “eastern”, “resident of Anatolia”.

Adult Anatoly is very different from the calm child he was in childhood. Little Tolya is balanced and dreamy, he loves quiet games and prefers reading and fantasizing alone to noisy children's companies. As an adult, he begins to show qualities of character that no one expects from him. However, they were always present in him, but no one noticed them for the time being.

Strong-willed persistence, determination and firmness, combined with balance, help Anatoly achieve a lot. At the same time, he does not commit any out-of-the-ordinary actions; everything turns out peacefully and calmly for him. And those around him sometimes don’t even suspect that Anatoly’s success is the result of his own perseverance and perseverance.

Sociability, tolerance and goodwill towards people do not at all mean that Anatoly is able to be friends with everyone. He forgives people for their mistakes, but in his circle of friends he includes only those who are interesting to him. If a relationship with someone has ceased to satisfy him, no force can prevent the breakup.

Anatoly has a lot of patience and willpower, so he can handle any activity that requires perseverance and painstakingness. He will do his job until he achieves a positive result.

A man with this name is capable of being a good husband and caring parent, but his restraint and closeness can lead to misunderstanding and conflict situations. Close people should take into account that Anatoly loves praise, so you can establish good relationships with him with the help of compliments and subtle flattery.


The ancient Greek name Andrei translates as “courageous”, “brave”. The energy of the name is incredibly strong, and its bearer always feels it. He can win over those around him and can become the center of attention in any company. His sociability and ability to establish contact with other people help him achieve success. However, those around him believe that everything comes to him without difficulty, because he is the darling of fate. In fact, everything is completely different. To become successful, Andrey has to make enormous efforts, work and wait patiently. However, he himself sometimes does not realize that he is achieving the blessings of life through his own labor, and believes that they themselves float into his hands. However, if he suddenly begins to believe that he has achieved success only thanks to himself, luck may turn away from him. Despite Andrey's optimistic perception of the surrounding reality, a series of failures can plunge him into deep depression.

However, openness, cheerfulness, cheerfulness, and a carefree attitude towards life are sometimes only an external manifestation of Andrei’s character. A man with this name is calculating, carefully observes those around him and gives them and their actions accurate assessments. No one notices when Andrei's fun becomes feigned; people do not know what is going on in his soul.

Sociability and determination will help Andrey prove himself in many areas of activity. He is a good friend, always ready to help. But those around him should know that he does not forgive insults; the harm done to him will be remembered for a very long time.


Anton is a modified Russian form of the Greek name Antony, translated as “entering into battle,” “opposing.” However, some researchers give the name a completely different meaning: “joyful”, “happy”. Be that as it may, the energy of the name creates a balance of two opposing qualities in Anton’s character. Being a decisive person, he nevertheless constantly shows caution and prudence. In his life, periods filled with laziness and idleness are replaced by periods of tireless activity. Anton becomes so active that he is able to achieve great success and at the same time change the self-image of other people who have already classified him as a slacker and a sybarite.

The combination of activity and prudence helps Anton achieve success in many activities, including in leadership positions. However, his occupation should not be associated with risk, because Anton is incredibly careful and would never agree to be in a risky situation.

Caution and unwillingness to take risks prevent Anton from taking the first step in love affairs, although he is incredibly amorous. It is very difficult for him to show determination; he is afraid of refusals and ridicule from representatives of the opposite sex.


The Greek name Arkady translates as “resident of Arcadia.” Arcadia is a region in Greece, as well as the name of a happy patriarchal country in ancient literature and pastorals of later times.

The owner of this rather rare name in our time is cheerful, energetic and inquisitive. His kindness towards people causes a positive response towards himself. From early childhood, he is surrounded by the care and love of his relatives, and this helps him in the future to easily fit into any team and establish friendly relations with people.

Balance helps Arkady cope with troubles. Even shortcomings in appearance (for example, short stature) do not prevent this “resident of a happy country” from enjoying life and its joys. However, Arkady does not focus on his positive qualities and abilities either. He does not boast about them, and those around him love him for his modesty, sociability and calm disposition.

But you shouldn’t think that all Arcadia consists of the same advantages. While passing the time in a cheerful company, a man with this name is capable of getting too carried away by drinking or the opposite sex. In this case, he may lose everything: family, respect from friends, success in the professional sphere. What he once won without difficulty thanks to his sociability, easy disposition and cheerful character will just as easily leave him. In order not to frighten away his luck, Arkady must show more determination and willpower.


Translated from Greek, Arseny means “courageous”, “strong”, “strong”.

As a child, he is an obedient, diligent child. Arseny is sociable and gentle, he does not quarrel or be at enmity with anyone, and at the same time, few of the comrades with whom he maintains an even relationship can call him their friend. Despite his sociability, Arseny is very picky in choosing friends. He is sensitive and easily offended, although he most likely will not show it. Arseny loves animals, selflessly takes care of cats, dogs or birds. But one should not think that he has only positive qualities. A man with this name is prone to lying, because from early childhood he knows: by deceiving, you can achieve many benefits for yourself.

Arseny's character depends on the time of year in which he was born. “Summer” owners of this name are taciturn, but among friends they are famous as good, attentive listeners, and this ensures that they are treated kindly by others. They are somewhat passive and do not strive to be leaders, so if the “summer” Arseny received a leadership position, it means that his career was most likely promoted by relatives or close friends.

The complete opposite of them are Arsenias, born in the winter months. Determination, courage, determination, resourcefulness and stubbornness allow them to achieve a lot. However, the latter quality often hinders them.

If Arseny was born in the fall, he will be hardworking, sociable, careful, as well as prudent and cunning. “Autumn” Arsenias cannot do without friends, but in friendship they are not selfish and will never help for nothing. They are touchy and harbor a grudge for a long time against someone who, in their opinion, has insulted them.


Artem is the Russian form of the name Artemy, derived from the Greek word for “health.”

The strong (but not aggressive!) energy of the name introduces such traits as thoroughness, determination and firmness into the character of its owner. Artem strives for leadership and, thanks to his courage and determination, achieves what he wants. This is an independent and self-confident person who is not used to relying on other people and hiding behind someone else’s back. He respects authoritative, smart and strong people, but he will not bow down to those who are smarter or stronger than him. Many appreciate him for this, but sometimes Artem’s such beliefs can cause conflict.

An analytical mind, independence, confidence, combined with leadership abilities help Artem achieve success in many areas of activity, but activities related to logic are most suitable for him.

Artem is sociable, friendly, he is a good friend who you can always rely on. However, his authoritarianism can suppress weaker people. He will be a good husband, but he will never allow his wife to command him.


The name Arthur comes from the Celtic word for "bear". The Druids - Celtic priests - greatly revered this strong and brave animal.

The energy of the name gives the character of its bearer intelligence and activity; it seems to call for action. People around him may consider Arthur an unbalanced person, but in fact this is not at all the case. It is very important that his energy is directed in the right direction, for example, towards creativity. The melody of the name, reminiscent of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, brings dreaminess, a certain penchant for adventurism and a love of travel to Arthur’s character. He is able to express himself in painting, literature and activities related to travel and travel.

Arthur is prone to intellectual communication, and this should be taken into account by anyone who seeks to win his favor. Most people with this name defend their point of view, and therefore, in order not to lead the dispute to a conflict, it is better to turn everything into a joke.


This name, derived from the Old Church Slavonic name Borislav, has the meaning “glorious in struggle.”

By giving a child such a name, which has very strong energy, parents expect their son to be firm, courageous and decisive. And Boris from early childhood tries to meet their expectations. He gets used to steadfastly enduring difficulties and boldly overcoming obstacles. But if the parents, activating the ambitious inclinations of their son, do not at the same time cultivate in him a love of humanity and do not try to help him take defeats calmly, Boris will begin to suffer from internal tension associated with possible failures and the inability to establish good relationships with others.

Boris can overcome mental tension if he resorts to irony, but he will face complete collapse if he calls for help such as alcohol. Only willpower and strength of character will help Boris protect himself from dangerous addiction.

For the owner of this name, it is very important to learn not only to firmly accept the blows of fate, but also to be tolerant of the weaknesses of other people.

Boris can make a successful military career and get a job as a manager in production. Failures can await him in business, but only if he tries to shoulder an unbearable burden.

People who want to establish good relations with Boris should not forget about his stubbornness. You should not try to suppress this quality in him; it is better to find workarounds.

Boris is a good family man, he is an excellent owner and a caring father.


The exact meaning of the Slavic name Vadim is still not known. Some researchers claim that it is related to the ancient Aryan combination “sowing confusion”, others believe that this name goes back to the Slavic “calling”, “alluring”, “attractive”. Be that as it may, the energy of the name is calm and balanced, and therefore its bearer is prone to philosophical thoughts and actions that are far from aggression and conflict. It happens that Vadim will flare up and get angry with someone, but he is easy-going, peaceful and will very soon return to his former calm state. He doesn’t hold grudges, so it’s easy and pleasant to communicate with him. Friendliness and ease of character allow him to quickly adapt to any conditions and establish relationships in a new team. Of course, annoying troubles are difficult to avoid, but they do not become a source of stress and endless worries for him. However, he tends to root for the work that is entrusted to him, but this does not mean that failures will make him become despondent. Having thrown out of his head thoughts associated with annoying mistakes and troubles, Vadim will take up the matter with the same persistence and bring it to a victorious end.

Negative character traits of Vadim include a lack of ambition and the absence of that passionate obsession that allows other people to achieve great success.

His straightforwardness in his speeches often offends other people, but they need to know that Vadim is not trying to offend anyone. You shouldn’t mistake his straightforwardness for a desire to offend.


The name Valentin, which has Latin roots, means “healthy”, “strong”, “strong”.

The energy of the name is twofold: on the one hand, it is light and smooth, on the other, it is quite firm and tense. Since this name very often goes to girls, the boy Valentin has to defend in the eyes of those around him that he belongs to a courageous and strong male tribe.

Valentin is perceived by everyone as an incredibly friendly and calm person, but behind this facade lies a solid core that helps to withstand the onslaught of problems and failures in life. At the same time, the lightness present in the name prevents courage from turning into aggression, and firmness from turning into cruelty. Benevolent and able to sympathize, Valentin will never refuse to help a person.

He is patient and diligent, so he can achieve excellent results in scientific activities, creativity, medicine and those areas where scrupulousness and painstakingness are required. External softness will not prevent Valentin from becoming a good leader.

People around him appreciate communication with Valentin, because he is a pleasant conversationalist and a sensitive listener. He himself is attracted to sincerity and truthfulness in people.


Valerius is a form of the Latin name Valerian, meaning “vigorous”, “strong”.

The energy of the name is active and strong, and in many ways it determines Valery’s cheerful character. This is a strong-willed, purposeful person, capable of quickly making important decisions. Valery's self-confidence and desire for leadership are evident in childhood, when he becomes the organizer of all sorts of pranks in a group of children. In the future, the makings of a leader develop, and as a result, Valery can become an excellent leader.

A person with this name tries not to waste time on arguments and quarrels; he is disgusted by confrontation, but he is able to repel an ill-wisher. He achieves his goals with the help of cunning tricks, using workarounds.

The most important character qualities of Valery are optimism and an excellent sense of humor. He is not used to falling into despondency; he strives to find a decent way out of any situation. However, it also has its drawbacks. Very often he shows impatience and gets carried away with trifles to the detriment of the main problem. The result of this is things that are not completed, abandoned halfway. The parents of a boy named by this name should instill in him perseverance, patience, and interest in painstaking work, and then, as an adult, he will be able to achieve success in many areas of activity. Valery is an excellent conversationalist, and this attracts others to him, but his excessive irony offends many. In order not to make enemies, he needs to be more restrained in his language.


Basil means “royal” in Greek.

He is a sociable, non-conflict, calm and friendly person towards others, so it is pleasant to communicate with him. His optimism and openness attract people to him.

A balanced character and patience allow Vasily to calmly accept life’s difficulties; it is almost impossible to unbalance him. Many people consider him a simpleton, but in reality this is far from the case. He is moderately cunning, careful, observant, able to notice the smallest details. All these qualities help him avoid quarrels and conflicts.

Being prudent and self-confident, Vasily can achieve great success in science, technology and commerce. But his talent as a leader and organizer is not very great. And not every Vasily strives to become a leader, preferring quieter activities.

It should be remembered that Vasily cannot be forced to do anything beyond his desire. He will not tolerate pressure from others or relatives.


Victor means “winner” in Latin.

The sharp, impulsive energy of the name cannot but affect the character of Victor, in whose head new ideas are constantly maturing. A person with this name is captivated by new projects, he easily gets fired up, but just as easily cools down, losing interest in his plans as soon as even a small obstacle gets in the way.

Victor's impulsiveness and impetuosity hinder him, forcing him to make rash decisions and commit actions that he later regrets. However, over time, having gained experience, the owner of this name becomes more cautious, which allows him to make mistakes less and less often. And yet he will never turn into a pragmatist; romanticism and a penchant for adventurism will remain in him forever. A person with this name is attracted to adventure and risky travel; he is incredibly passionate and is unable to stop in time. Alcohol, roulette, slot machines - these are the dangers that await Victor at every turn. Once he sets out on this path, it will be incredibly difficult to get off it.

A sense of humor, which, fortunately, he has, will help Victor fight excessive impulsiveness and adapt to circumstances more easily. The bearer of this name does not like chatter, he is a man of action, and he expects concrete actions from his partners, and not empty promises. Victor's activity can be directed into different areas of activity, but these areas should not be associated with risky activities.


The name Vitaly is derived from the Latin word for “life.”

In childhood, he is an affectionate, dreamy, timid and calm child, most often the youngest in the family, suppressed by the authority of his older brother or sister. However, shyness does not prevent Vitaly from easily adapting to new conditions and making friends.

He is smart, optimistic and not without cunning, which helps him win the sympathy of others. Having become an adult, Vitaly diligently hides from people his daydreaming, which, in his opinion, hinders him. Possessing painful pride, he strives for self-affirmation, as a result of which he can be rude and harsh.

Vitaly can show his talents in science and engineering, but not in business. He lacks self-confidence, determination and focus on one problem, so he is unlikely to reach dizzying heights in his career.

When choosing a life partner, Vitaly first of all pays attention to the internal qualities of his chosen one. In his eyes, a woman should be a friend to him and a good mother to his children. He is an excellent family man, not prone to long-term conflicts and violent quarrels, and remains faithful in marriage.


Vladimir is an Old Church Slavonic name, the meaning of which is clear to everyone. However, the expression “possessing the world” should not be taken too straightforwardly, that is, as “the ruler of the earth,” “a person who dominates territories.” Researchers argue that the word “peace” in this case means “harmony”, “absence of conflict”. The energy of the name is peaceful, which is largely reflected in the character of Vladimir. This is a generous and noble person, he is characterized by balance and self-confidence, but the latter quality is not excessive and does not turn into self-confidence.

Sociability and friendliness attract others to Vladimir. He is very efficient and persistently moves towards his goal. Calm confidence allows him to feel comfortable not only in the manager’s chair, but also at lower levels of the career ladder. He knows how to concentrate on the most important things and does not waste energy on trifles, as well as on worries associated with work. If he has enough ambition and ambition, he will certainly achieve success in many areas, including those requiring high professionalism.

Vladimir objectively assesses his abilities and capabilities. If his rights are infringed, he will certainly defend them. However, he will try to avoid conflicts. A person with this name is not vindictive. Having a good sense of humor, he is able to laugh at himself and appreciate someone else's joke.


Vladislav (“owner of glory”) is a name of Slavic origin.

People perceive Vladislav as an open and simple person. However, in reality it is not as simple as it seems. It is customary to say about such people: “On your own mind.” If the interlocutor realizes Vladislav’s duality, he begins to treat him with suspicion. A misconception about the owner of this name often develops due to his desire not to get involved in disputes, but reluctance to enter into discussions does not mean that a person is ready to agree with someone else’s opinion. Vladislav is a firm, strong, strong-willed person, and it is impossible to force him to change his convictions.

Vladislav’s duality is manifested in different behavior in public and with his family. This may seem hypocritical to some, but he himself considers his actions diplomacy.

Vladislav is not used to sharing his experiences and doubts even with friends; only those closest to him can count on his frankness. He despises sycophancy and flattery; it is impossible to win his good attitude in this way. He manages to maintain his self-esteem even in the most unfavorable situations for him.

Determination, willpower, leadership abilities and determination will help him make a career in politics or business.

Vladislav's shortcomings include excessive mockery, behind which he tries to hide his true feelings.


Vsevolod - “all-powerful”, “owning everything”.

The energy of this Slavic name differs from its meaning: rare Vsevolod is able to show authority. He achieves his goals in a different way - here the gift of persuasion helps him.

Little Vsevolod is loved by almost all teachers, and his peers respect him, although he does not put much effort into it.

Despite the apparent softness, the bearer of this name has what is commonly called a core. This is a courageous person, capable of enduring adversity. His poise and cheerfulness attract others to him.

Vsevolod is patient and diligent, he can focus on the main thing without being distracted by trifles. Thanks to his caution, he rarely finds himself in dangerous or unpleasant situations. And the energy of the name allows Vsevolod not to fear that he might “get stuck in history.”

However, the measured course of life lulls him, and tranquility often deprives him of guidelines, incentives and goals that the owner of this name could strive for.


The meaning of this Slavic name is “more glorious”, “most glorious”.

The strong energy of the name pushes Vyacheslav to compete and realize his leadership inclinations.

However, not every owner of this name will be able to realize their desire for leadership. It happens that difficulties arising along the way force Vyacheslav to retreat, abandon his plans, and give the palm to a stronger and tougher opponent. In such cases, the bearer of this name experiences severe disappointment and refuses to fight for leadership. However, most Vyacheslavs continue to fight passionately and can achieve success.

Knowing how to subjugate people, the owner of this name is not always able to organize a team and direct it to solve common problems. In this case, he is unlikely to become a good leader.

Vyacheslav is able to achieve success in many areas of activity thanks to self-control. Knowing how to combine rest with work, he distributes time in such a way that work is more fruitful and the results are more significant.

Most Vyacheslavs have a keen sense of justice. This should be taken into account by those who wish to maintain good relations with them.

Vyacheslav treats women quite leniently, but he is unlikely to forgive betrayal towards himself.


This name is derived from the Greek word for “highborn.”

The calm energy of the name gives Gennady’s character balance and even phlegm. Being an independent person, he skillfully uses the properties of his nature. He prepares for any important task carefully and diligently, without unnecessary fuss and haste.

Gennady lacks leadership qualities, but he does not strive to lead. With the tenacity of a man who knows what he needs, he patiently and persistently moves towards his goal.

With the same persistence, he defends his own convictions, but does not like to listen to other people's opinions. It is very difficult to convince him; even the strongest arguments will not help.

A lot in Gennady’s character depends on his upbringing. If his parents manage to develop his ambition, he will achieve great success. Patience, the ability to learn and great intellectual potential will help him make a career in almost any field of activity.


This Greek name means "farmer".

As a child, Georgy is a shy and uncommunicative child, rarely participating in noisy games of his peers because of his modesty. He has many wonderful character qualities. Georgy is good-natured and benevolent, he is a good listener and never divulges other people's secrets, so friends often turn to him for advice and help.

He is diligent, careful, patient, and will complete any task entrusted to him thoroughly and on time.

Georgy is wary of strangers, but in his own company he is sociable and loves fun.

He is not vindictive, does not take offense at jokes, and, having a good sense of humor, can make fun of others.

In relationships with the opposite sex, George may show indecisiveness and be afraid of rejection. He is unlikely to forgive betrayal by the woman he loves.


Translated from Latin, German means “native”, “half-blooded”.

The bearer of this name is charming, but others often have to deal with his irritability. Sometimes he seems withdrawn and unsociable, but this does not last long, and soon he is ready to open his soul to people again. Mental instability really bothers Herman; he takes his own failures and defeats hard.

A person with this name is not without cunning; he is capable of deception if it promises him benefit.

German has an analytical mind and knows how to make decisions quickly, but these qualities can be crossed out by an inability to self-control and inability to concentrate. Because of this, Herman is not always able to achieve career heights, although he could achieve a lot in medicine, literature, art and science. In addition, he is well versed in technology.

Herman is popular with the opposite sex, but in his family life he is often plagued by failures. A woman who starts a family with him will have to deal with his unreliability and inattention to children. At the same time, Herman himself really needs family warmth, especially when he is unlucky in business. However, as soon as everything gets better for him, he is able to respond to care with black ingratitude. Carried away by bohemian life, he will simply forget about his family.


This name, which came to Russia from Scandinavia, has the meaning “favorite of the gods.” At the same time, some researchers associate it with the Russian words “globa”, “block” - pole.

Gleb is modest and even a little gloomy; he is phlegmatic by temperament. However, when the situation requires immediate action, he does not panic and is able to make an instant decision, which usually turns out to be the most correct.

Gleb defends his beliefs, which is why many consider him stubborn and sometimes even old-fashioned. He achieves success in life through his own labor, patience and efficiency.

If Gleb becomes a leader, he will be able to establish friendly relations in the team. He enjoys great authority among his subordinates; he is valued for his objectivity and fairness.

Gleb is a man of few words, he does not make empty promises and prefers to get down to business. Most often, he chooses a rare profession in which he becomes a highly qualified specialist.

Gleb tries not to get involved in disputes, but he will always be able to defend his point of view.

In family life, he is patient and unpretentious, often allowing his wife to lead him. Gleb's wife should remember that he is very jealous. The owner of this name is a good owner, a caring father, and loves to communicate with children. He is friendly with relatives and willingly welcomes them into his home.


The Greek name Gregory means “cheerful.”

In childhood, he is a very lively and restless child; parents and teachers have difficulty coping with him.

The adult Gregory is unusually sensitive; a harsh word or hostility from his interlocutor upsets him. Even ordinary coldness in communication on the part of other people makes him suffer and look for the cause of this coldness. He himself is polite, behaves evenly with others and always thinks about not offending his interlocutor with a careless word. He doesn't like it when people lecture him or try to boss him around.

Gregory is extremely dependent on the opinions of others; he wants to please everyone. Because of this, he diligently monitors his appearance and tries to follow fashion trends in clothing.

The owner of this name has excellent health, loves sports, enjoys football and hockey. His abilities can manifest themselves in the field of technology, and then he will turn out to be a good engineer. He can also make a career in journalism.

Gregory behaves like a knight with women. By nature, he is monogamous, so he will be faithful to the woman with whom he connects his life. In his chosen one, Gregory values ​​a balanced character and the abilities of a good housewife. Having married, he will try to provide his family with everything necessary.


This name is of Hebrew origin and means “judge”, “fair man”.

During his childhood, Daniil was calm and friendly, willingly playing fun games with his friends and playing sports. However, as he matures, he changes, becoming sharper and hot-tempered. However, these character traits do not interfere with his relationships with the people around him, he is not vindictive, and his anger quickly subsides. Usually he is the first to reconcile.

Daniil boasts abilities in a variety of fields, including music, painting, medicine, and entrepreneurship. He can make a successful businessman. Daniil is a good organizer and leader; he is capable of administrative work. If he can curb his impetuosity and impulsiveness, he will be able to make an excellent career.

Daniil is sociable, he loves to communicate and therefore gladly receives guests, meets with friends and relatives.

A woman who wants to connect her fate with Daniel should pay attention to his exaggerated sense of jealousy.


The Russian name Denis is derived from the name of the ancient Greek god of winemaking and the fruitful forces of the earth, Dionysus.

The energy of this name is very strong and charges its owner with love of life, optimism, curiosity and activity.

As a child, Denis is an incredibly active child who lacks perseverance, attentiveness and diligence. But despite this, he can become a good student, as he has the ability to quickly grasp information and absorb it like a sponge. Denis's curiosity and interest in the world around him allow him to keep in his head a huge stock of all kinds of knowledge.

The excessive activity of the owner of this name often makes him prone to various adventures and risks. Denis's love of life and energy inspire those around him, but he himself quickly loses interest in the work he has started and usually does not complete it.

A person with this name is characterized by resourcefulness; he is capable of cunning and deception in order to achieve what he wants or to avoid reproaches and punishment. Lies and deceit accompany his relationships with women.

Denis has abilities that allow him to be successful in many areas of activity, however, in order to achieve results, he must show more patience and prudence.


Dmitry is the Russian version of the Greek name Dimitri, meaning “belonging to Demeter.”

In ancient Greek mythology, Demeter is the goddess of fertility, which is why the name is often deciphered as “farmer.”

Dmitry's external calm is deceptive; in fact, tension lurks in his soul, ready to burst out when no one expects it. Therefore, those around him consider him an impulsive person with an explosive character.

Since childhood, Dmitry has strived for independence, which is often mistaken for self-will. By restraining his impulses and hiding his feelings, he easily wins the sympathy of others, but the insults and insults inflicted on him can lead to an outburst of anger. However, his attacks of rage quickly subside, Dmitry easily forgets grievances and does not harbor any grudges.

A well-developed sense of humor helps him combat irritability. Dmitry's ability to turn an unpleasant conversation into a joke is worthy of praise, but here he cannot always stop in time. His penchant for irony is often perceived as frivolity and thoughtlessness.

Dmitry's shortcomings include his inability to concentrate on the main thing. Very often he wastes time and energy on little things, instead of solving the main problem.


This Greek name means "noble".

The calm energy of the name affects the character of its bearer. Eugene is friendly, balanced, active and energetic, but his activity is not abrupt or impulsive. Possessing inner intelligence, he always tries to resolve disputes and conflicts peacefully.

Evgeny is ambitious, strives for fame and material well-being. Although he does not “burn” at work, at the right moment he will still commit an act that will contribute to his career growth.

If Evgeniy was taught to be independent as a child, he will be able to achieve success in his own business. Charisma, intelligence, sociability and artistry will help him achieve success in creativity. The ability to communicate and a developed sense of humor help Evgeniy in relationships with the opposite sex. He is so friendly that even after divorcing his wife, he will maintain good relations with her.


This name is a Russian version of the Greek name Georgiy, therefore it has the same meaning - “farmer”.

To strangers, Yegor seems withdrawn and unsociable. Passions boil in his soul and emotions rage, most often negative. Outwardly calm, for the time being he accumulates irritation within himself, and then there comes a moment when all the accumulated negativity pours out on the heads of those around him. Egor tries to drown out the irritation that leads to conflicts by using relaxation: sports, hard work, irony or alcohol. To find peace of mind, he can put on a mask and play the role of another person. However, this method only works on strangers; in the circle of loved ones, Yegor always remains himself.

Irritability and constant internal tension prevent him from communicating with people and making a career. If he can get rid of them, he will achieve great success in life. For this to happen, he needs to engage in self-improvement from an early youth, since with age it will be much more difficult to change something.

Because of his conflict nature, Yegor has a hard time getting along with people, so he is looking for a friend in his wife. He chooses his life partner for a long time and carefully, the main thing for him is the woman’s inner qualities.


The Russian name Ivan is derived from the Hebrew John, meaning “mercy of God.”

The energy of the name is calm, and this cannot but affect the character of its bearer. Ivan’s main qualities are balance, good nature, equanimity, seriousness and thoroughness.

The owner of such a name has a great desire to assert himself. This does not interfere with him, but, on the contrary, helps him achieve his goals and overcome obstacles that arise along the way.

Many consider Ivan to be a secretive person, in his own mind. He is ambitious, but outwardly this manifests itself weakly. Lacking the makings of a leader, Ivan, however, will never give up a leadership position, and will even strive for it.

The bearer of this name is popular with women, unless, of course, he has developed an inferiority complex since childhood. He will make a good family man who will take care of the wealth and well-being of his family.


The Scandinavian name Igor has the meaning “warlike,” “guarded by the thunder god.”

The energy of the name is strong and dynamic, but not without a certain amount of closedness.

Most men named this way are energetic, active and proud. Igor is proud, balanced and optimistic. In the most difficult life circumstances, he does not panic, does not waste time on useless doubts, but looks for a way out and usually finds it.

At the same time, Igor does not possess leadership qualities. He makes excessive demands on the people around him, and this creates many problems in communicating with him. To achieve success in his personal life and in the professional sphere, he should treat people less critically, not expect from them what they can never give.

Igor is a person with considerable abilities, however, in order to make a successful career, he needs to make more efforts and be patient. Unfortunately, he is clearly not one of those for whom everything is easy and simple.


Ilya is the Russian version of the Hebrew name Elijah, meaning “the fortress of the Lord.”

Possessing a calm and balanced character, Ilya sometimes allows his emotions to come out. However, it does not come to major scandals and protracted conflicts, since a person with that name is able to stop and turn an emerging quarrel into a minor misunderstanding.

Ambition, perseverance and patience help Ilya achieve his goals, although sometimes the results of his actions are quite modest. This is due to his desire to think more about the future and pay less attention to the present. Ilya often transfers his ambitious plans to posterity, hoping that his children will certainly realize what he failed to achieve.

Ilya will never fully open up to the people around him, so many consider him secretive and even withdrawn. External coldness often interferes with communication and establishing friendships.

To succeed, Ilya should have behaved less reservedly and dryly with people, and also directed his thoughts to the present day, and not to the future.


The meaning and origin of this name are not entirely clear. Some researchers believe that it is Greek and is translated as “lord,” others believe that the name has Persian roots and is close in meaning to the word “sun.”

Kirill is optimistic and cheerful if everything is good and calm in his life. But as soon as he finds himself in unfavorable conditions, he immediately loses his peace of mind, becoming anxious and irritable.

Such qualities as independence, hard work and perseverance help Kirill achieve success. However, he does not always know how to properly build relationships with other people. Kirill is an incorrigible debater; he will prove his point of view to everyone and will lead an ordinary dispute to a quarrel. For his career to take off, Kirill needs to show more patience in communicating with others, learn to put himself in the place of another person, and take into account his interests.

Stubbornness and excessive demands interfere with Kirill in his personal life. A woman planning to connect her life with him should remember this. If his wife does not give in to him, but, on the contrary, manages to redirect him, he will probably submit, but will seek release outside the home.


Translated from Latin, Constantine means “solid”, “constant”.

The firm, even energy of the name is not without some coldness, so Konstantin strives to find warmth in relationships with other people. However, he does not always succeed. His external indifference and even some cynicism are just a mask hiding a subtle and vulnerable soul. The desire to put on a “shell” leads to the fact that those around him begin to consider Konstantin a secretive, cold person and capable of intrigue. Only those who know him well understand that he is friendly towards people. The main qualities that he values ​​in others are sincerity, truthfulness, and openness.

However, emotional vulnerability does not mean that Konstantin is not capable of bold and decisive actions. He is stubborn, persistent, and patient, but he is prevented from achieving success by painful pride and an incorrect perception of the world around him, which Konstantin sees as hostile. If he can overcome these shortcomings, he will become more successful and happy.

Konstantin's artistry and charisma will help him make a career in public professions.

a lion

Lev is the Russian version of the Greek name, its exact translation is “lion”.

By calling their son this rare name in our time, parents most likely expect that the boy will acquire the qualities inherent in the king of beasts: courage, strength, courage and bravery. However, the ridicule that peers showered on Leo in childhood because of his name is unlikely to add courage and bravery to him. Although it is possible that, having learned to steadfastly accept the blows of fate, he will actually gain courage and mental strength. As an adult, such a person will attract others with his character, which combines self-confidence and goodwill towards people. If Leo cannot come to terms with the ridicule of his peers, he will continue to prove his masculinity through verbal altercations and even fights. In this case, he will become hot-tempered, irritable, and distrustful of people. However, he will try to hide his shortcomings from outsiders. But your loved ones will have a hard time with Leo.

The career of a person with this name can be successful, because he knows how to hide his irritation. Possessing leadership inclinations, he can become a leader, but he will be an overly strict and picky boss. His subordinates should know that any misunderstandings with him should be resolved in private, without the presence of strangers.


The Greek name Leonidas means “like a lion.”

The character of a person with this name surprisingly combines opposite properties: lightness and earthiness, cheerfulness and seriousness. Leonid is very sociable and easily gets along with a wide variety of people, which greatly helps him in achieving career heights. Being balanced and patient, he is able to turn conflict into a joke. Leonid's optimism and cheerfulness attract people to him. At the same time, he is a very thorough, energetic and hardworking person. Possessing healthy ambitions and developed ambition, he is able to manage a large team.

Charming and artistic, Leonid can make a career in public professions, in cinema and theater.

Although work is very important for Leonid, he does not forget about his family. This is a good husband and a caring father who knows how to combine affection and severity. Failures both in family life and in his career can deprive Leonid of his optimistic mood, and then he will seek solace in alcohol.


Translated from Latin, Maxim means “greatest.”

A man with this name is characterized by highly developed ambition. Those around him consider him proud and arrogant, but this is a mask behind which he hides uncertainty and vulnerability. It seems to Maxim that people are not able to appreciate him. Being under nervous tension because of this, he experiences constant stress and may become depressed. However, in some cases, high self-esteem does not interfere, but, on the contrary, helps to achieve success and make a career. And yet, painful pride and anxiety most often do not allow Maxim to fully demonstrate his abilities. Having overcome this disadvantage, he will be able to achieve high results in a variety of areas of activity.

You can tell about Maxim’s character by the way he calls himself. If, when meeting him, he introduces himself as Maxim, this speaks of his balance and reluctance to get into the bottle over trifles. Those who call themselves Max are usually characterized by painful pride and excessive pride.


This is the Russian version of the Hebrew name Matthew, which means “given by God.”

Until recently, practically not common, this name is gradually beginning to come back into fashion. The unusual nature of the name cannot but affect the character of its owner. From a very early age, Matvey tries to overcome the feeling of discomfort associated with the ridicule of his peers. The strong and solid energy of the name helps him in this. Matvey correctly evaluates himself; he has a sense of self-esteem. His gentleness and lack of morbid pride allow him to maintain self-confidence and avoid nervousness. All these qualities, combined with goodwill and sociability, help him win friends, among whom he can become a leader.

If Matvey’s parents did not suppress his ambition as a child, he will strive to improve his status and reach career heights. And he will most likely succeed.

Gambling can interfere with his ambitious plans. Matvey is a big fan of getting involved in disputes. However, although he is accustomed to defending his own point of view to the end, he will never stoop to insulting or humiliating his opponent.


From the Hebrew language the name Michael can be translated using the expression: “Who is like God.”

As a child, Mikhail is a calm and obedient child, but not without liveliness and mobility. He willingly takes part in games with peers, does not show stubbornness and completes all the tasks given to him by his parents and teachers. Mikhail is interested in a wide variety of activities, but does not give preference to any particular one.

Subsequently, children's activity is replaced by balance. The adult Mikhail seems calm, polite, friendly, and strangers do not even realize how proud and touchy he is, and is capable of remembering the harm done to him for a long time. Morbid pride and rancor interfere with him both in his personal life and in his professional activities. Instead of forgetting about the troubles caused to him by ill-wishers and about his own mistakes, Mikhail continues to think about them, and this does not give him the opportunity to direct all his strength to overcome difficulties and achieve high results. If he learns to forgive people for their shortcomings and thinks less about his own mistakes and failures, he will achieve a lot in life.


Translated from Greek, Nikita means “winner.”

The owner of this name is calm, patient, determined and thorough.

As a child, Nikita is a dreamer and visionary, but it is these qualities, combined with curiosity, that help him acquire knowledge on which his future successes will be based.

Nikita is cheerful, hardworking, persistent and self-confident. From early childhood he showed creative abilities. His optimism, charm, and desire to help attract people to him; he easily wins friends and admirers.

Well-developed ambition and creative abilities help Nikita to express himself in areas related to creativity and art. He can achieve great success in business. But you shouldn’t think that everything will be easy and simple for him. He cannot always correctly assess his strengths, he does not know how to distinguish rude flattery from sincere praise and in time notice the trap into which ill-wishers are trying to lure him.


The name Nicholas can be translated from Greek as “conqueror of nations.”

The energy of the name is uneven and mobile, the character of its owner is also mobile, contradictory, there is lightness and tension, cheerfulness and seriousness, softness and hardness.

The future of the boy named by this name largely depends on his upbringing. It would be good if the parents were involved in Nikolai’s education. Erudition and versatile knowledge will help him achieve success. It is important not to forget that it is very difficult to make little Kolya become interested in something against his will, but you can spur his interest in this subject. If Nikolai is interested in some area of ​​​​knowledge, his passion can turn into a real passion, which will later determine his profession.

Nikolai has leadership and organizational skills, which are evident in childhood games with peers. His passion and enthusiasm are transmitted to those around him.

To gain people's trust and hide his shortcomings, Nikolai uses tricks and tricks worthy of a true diplomat. And yet, self-will, pride and an overly critical attitude towards others can harm him in his career and personal life.


The name Oleg, which has Scandinavian roots, means “light”, “clear”.

A man with this name is most often proud and cautious. Thanks to this last quality, Oleg will never be led by his own emotions; all his actions are subordinated to reason rather than to feelings. Communication skills and the ability to get along with others also help Oleg in life. People are also attracted to him by his lack of leadership inclinations. He does not seek to lead and dictate, does not boast of his knowledge and abilities, although he knows his own worth and has self-esteem. He likes originality and a good sense of humor in people.

Oleg does not get involved in disputes that threaten to develop into a conflict, although for the good of the matter he can always defend his point of view and prove that he is right.

An analytical mindset and the ability to calculate one’s strengths allow Oleg to achieve high results where logic and independence are required. He applies these properties not only in professional activities, but also in everyday life. Not striving to lead, he, nevertheless, will not allow his wife to manage him. It is easier for him to leave the family than to submit to a woman. For Oleg, marriage is a union of two equal people, and if the wife understands this, then their marriage will be successful.


Translated from Latin, Paul means “small”, “insignificant”.

Most often, a person with this name has a calm disposition and a phlegmatic temperament. As a child, Pavel is obedient, good-natured and sociable, but he lacks diligence and patience. Teachers consider him lazy, but if you interest him, captivate him with something, then indifferent calm will give way to activity and curiosity. This is the only way to save a boy from laziness. The harsh punishments that his parents try to impose on him will not make him a successful student. Excessive strictness in upbringing can greatly spoil Pavel’s character: as an adult, he will be too critical and demanding of other people. If he was raised correctly, he will grow up balanced, cheerful and sociable, although among men with this name there are closed and gloomy people. A calm character and the ability to get along with others will help Pavel win friends and make a career.


The Greek name Peter means “stone”, “rock”.

The inconsistency of a person so named is largely determined by the dual energy of the name - the softness of its beginning and the harshness of its ending. Tsar Peter had a complex character, internal contradictions also consumed the Apostle Peter, who could not subordinate his natural belligerence and rebellion to Christian humility.

Peter is proud to the point of painfulness, and already in childhood this brings him suffering. Being cheerful and friendly by nature, he nevertheless suffers from every, even minor, insult inflicted on him by those around him. He can inflate any small quarrel until it develops into a conflict. Having matured, Peter tries to hide his painful pride under the guise of cynicism, covering his touchiness and vulnerability with irony. His directness and desire to express his disapproval to his interlocutor result in quarrels and scandals. However, he himself does not accept criticism and gets angry if disapproval is expressed to him.

To achieve success in his personal life and professional activities, Peter should have reacted less painfully to criticism and been less judgmental of the shortcomings of other people.


The name Roman is translated from Latin as “Roman”.

As a child, he is an unusually lively and active child, unable to sit still for five minutes. Not being distinguished by perseverance and diligence, he, nevertheless, studies not so badly. Possessing an agile mind and good memory, he easily grasps knowledge. Roman is especially successful in those areas that arouse his interest.

By nature, he is not a leader, he does not experience joyful inspiration from overcoming difficulties, so he tries not to put too much burden on his shoulders. But, having ambition, he can achieve success in his professional activities. His sense of humor and sociability attract people to Roman. He can achieve the best results precisely where his sociability will be most in demand. Excessive talkativeness can hinder him - Roman spends a lot of precious time and energy on it, which could be used more profitably for the cause.

The owner of this name is successful with the opposite sex, but his inconstancy can destroy a marriage.


Rostislav is a Slavic name, its meaning is “the one whose glory grows.”

The energy of the name is mobile, and its bearer is also mobile and impetuous. As a child, Rostislav is a very excitable, restless and restless child. He has a sharp mind, he grasps knowledge on the fly, but his inability to concentrate greatly hinders him. Because of his impulsiveness, he cannot do one thing for a long time, even if at first it fascinated him incredibly.

Rostislav's good nature and sociability attract people to him. He cannot be called a conflict-free person; he easily gets involved in disputes. Rostislav does this ardently and selflessly, and peaceful discussions eventually develop into quarrels. However, he quickly forgets the grievances and is the first to take a step towards reconciliation, while feeling guilty. Those around him can take advantage of this feature of his character and sit on Rostislav’s neck. To get rid of the discomfort associated with a guilt complex, Rostislav must learn to firmly and calmly refuse people. A sense of humor will help him with this.

In addition, in order to achieve success in life, Rostislav should learn to focus on one main thing and not waste his energy on unnecessary trifles.


Researchers have found that this name has eastern roots and is associated with the epic about Rustam, the son of Zalazar (the poem “Shahname” by the Persian poet Ferdowsi). Later, in Turkic legends, Rustam Zalazar turned into Arslan Zalzar, and in the 17th century he entered Russian folklore, where he became the hero Eruslan Lazarevich.

The energy of the name, which comes from the epic, is light; its influence on Ruslan’s character is expressed in his dreaminess and romanticism. These qualities are enhanced by the influence of the famous Pushkin poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. However, in the conditions of harsh reality, Ruslan’s daydreaming can turn into painful pride.

The bearer of this name is peace-loving and conflict-free, but not devoid of ambition. He hides his feelings from others. His openness and sociability are just a mask behind which passions and emotions are hidden. The desire for self-affirmation, driven by pride, encounters insufficient strength of character. To achieve the fulfillment of his plans, Ruslan has to act with cunning and intrigue. So he can climb the career ladder very high and become a financially prosperous person. However, this costs him dearly: on the way to the desired goal, he can lose friends, lose the love and respect of loved ones.

Although Ruslan avoids conflicts and does not get involved in disputes, he is vindictive, vindictive and remembers grievances for a long time. It is important for those who want to win his affection to know that he greatly values ​​kind participation and warmth.


The meaning of this Slavic name is “holy glory.”

As a child, Svyatoslav is a calm, serious, obedient, but sickly child. However, poor health in childhood does not make him pampered and capricious. An adult Svyatoslav is balanced, able to maintain restraint and calm even in the most difficult situations. All his actions are subordinated to reason, not emotions. He does not show his feelings to strangers. Sociability, goodwill and cordiality attract other people to him. Svyatoslav values ​​peace of mind and a measured lifestyle, although he accepts life’s adversities steadfastly and never gives up. He tries not to burden his family and friends with his problems, so living next to him is calm, and communicating is easy and pleasant.

Svyatoslav is hardworking, efficient and patient, but not too ambitious and ambitious, so his career progresses slowly.

He treats women with respect: his mother, his wife and just ladies he knows. He is a caring father and economic spouse; in everyday life he is not pretentious or demanding. If he comes across a domineering wife, he will yield to her in everything, but such a life will not bring him joy. Although divorce will be a tragedy for Svyatoslav, this will most likely end family life.


Semyon is the Russian version of the Hebrew name Simeon, meaning “heard.”

The energy of the name combines rigidity and lightness, solidity and dynamics. A person with this name often inherits from his mother qualities usually characteristic of women: mercy, gentleness, meekness. The internal contradiction inherent in Semyon can give rise to nervousness, which a sense of humor will help get rid of.

Semyon values ​​friendship very much and, no matter how busy he is, he always finds time to chat with friends. You can rely on him, he will always give practical advice and provide assistance.

Semyon's leadership qualities and thoroughness help him achieve success in many activities, including science and medicine. He has creative abilities and can express himself in music and literature.

Semyon cannot imagine himself without warm family relationships. He is a caring father, a zealous owner, who knows how to maintain order and material wealth in the house.


Translated from Latin, Sergei means “highly revered.”

The widespread use of the name has made it commonplace. Sergei's character combines toughness and softness. Most often, men named by this name do not have the makings of a leader. There are not so many Sergeevs among generals and politicians. Bearers of this name show themselves better in creativity.

Sergei is not too ambitious, so he is not offended by the fact that those around him treat him as an ordinary person and even somewhat mediocre. However, if necessary, he will try to defend his opinion and protect his own dignity, while avoiding direct confrontation. This is a self-sufficient and independent person.

Parents and educators can play a big role in shaping Sergei’s character. It depends on them whether he will grow up soft and pliable or stubborn and hard. But usually this is a balanced and sociable person, remaining calm even in the most difficult situations. Patience and sociability attract people to him, so Sergei is always surrounded by friends and good comrades.

The bearer of this name achieves everything in life through his own efforts; benefits do not flow into his hands by themselves.


This name, which is of Slavic origin, means “glorious for its strength.”

The energy of the name is very mobile, which affects Stanislav’s character. He is very excitable and proud. These qualities manifest themselves especially strongly in childhood and adolescence, when painful pride forces Stanislav to assert himself through pranks, rude words and hooligan antics. At school he is far from the most diligent student, but his flexible and agile mind prevents him from slipping into bad grades. Ambitious dreams also push him forward. Stanislav has a great sense of humor, sometimes reaching the point of caustic irony. Naturally, those around him don’t like this, but when they respond in kind, Stas is very offended. Witties and ridicule directed at him hurt his pride. People who want to make friends with Stas need to remember that under the mask of a cynic and a mocker, spitting out witticisms, hides a vulnerable soul. To someone who understands this, he can become a true friend.


Stepan is the Russian version of the Greek name Stefan, meaning "crown".

This once very common name is currently not popular and is considered common. A child named this way will most likely experience discomfort because of his rare name and be ridiculed by his peers. However, there is a possibility that the light and dynamic energy of the name will protect its bearer from deep emotional trauma.

Stepan is incredibly active, cheerful, sociable, good-natured and not vindictive. Among his negative qualities is a lack of perseverance and patience. It is difficult for him to concentrate his attention on a specific subject, he easily gets carried away and just as easily loses interest in what most recently occupied him. But these same properties do not allow Stepan to become despondent when his personal life is not going well or he fails to achieve great heights in his career. Even the most violent conflicts do not unbalance him for long.

Stepan will be able to achieve success in his professional activities if he tries to develop patience, diligence and the ability to concentrate.


Translated from Greek, this name means “who worships God.”

The energy of the name is calm, light, slightly mobile. Timofey is independent and serious. The bearer of a name that is rare in our time, he is accustomed to increased attention to himself, which he does not like very much. Since childhood, most men with this name are accustomed to keeping a low profile, hiding their feelings and thoughts from people. Being in the public eye, they don't feel too comfortable. Timofey is able to show his true nature only in the circle of his closest people. Here he can sincerely have fun or violently show dissatisfaction.

Seriousness, patience, perseverance and ambition help him get a good education and make a career. Timofey can realize himself in scientific activities or in literary creativity.


Fedor is the Russian version of the Greek name Theodore (Theodore), meaning “gift of God.”

The energy of the name is quite solid. Fedor is a serious, thorough, balanced person. He calmly and steadfastly accepts the difficulties of life and failures along the way. Fedor stands firmly on his feet, the ridicule of others is not able to unbalance him, make him angry and embittered. He quickly forgets insults and does not harbor grudges. His easygoing nature and good nature make him attractive to others. Fedor has many friends, and he is always ready to help them.

He has a sense of self-esteem, but he has little ambition, at least for a successful career. If his parents did not try to develop his ambition in childhood, in the future he will not make great efforts to achieve high results in his professional activities.

Fedor approaches any business thoroughly and seriously. He does not make hasty decisions - before taking action, he thinks everything over carefully. Although Fedor does not have enough stars in the sky, he does not make mistakes that he will later regret for a long time.


The Greek name Philip translates as “horse lover.”

As a child, he is a sickly, stubborn, disobedient and capricious child. He has an unstable psyche, his mood changes several times a day. All his actions are subordinated to emotions.

The adult Philip is more reserved, even secretive, since he has long learned to hide his feelings from strangers. But around his family, just like in childhood, he doesn’t hide his emotions, so it’s not easy for those close to him.

Philip is proud, he jealously watches how people treat him. Since childhood, he has strived to be the center of attention. Philip has great abilities, however, for them to reveal and develop, you need to have patience and diligence, but the bearer of this name does not have them. Burning up quickly, it cools down just as quickly. Having taken up the matter, Philip very soon loses all interest in it.

He is a big debater and it is not difficult to involve him in a discussion. If he feels superior in something, he will be happy to give advice and teach.

His stubbornness and unwillingness to give in can destroy friendships and family life. However, Philip will try to get married as late as possible so that his family does not distract him from his career.


The name Edward is of Germanic origin and translates as “guardian of wealth.”

The strong energy of the name gives confidence and firmness to the character of its bearer. At the same time, Eduard is characterized by sufficient flexibility, which helps him adapt to the difficult conditions in which he sometimes finds himself. The owner of this name knows what he wants from life, he knows how to set clear goals for himself and goes towards them confidently and decisively. His flexible and quick mind allows him to make instant decisions and find a way out of situations that may seem hopeless to others.

Edward is stubborn, persistent and patient. If in childhood Edik’s parents seriously interested him in some business, it may well form the basis of his professional success in the future.

He is a pragmatist; romantic dreams seem like a waste of time to him. He stands firmly on his feet, and if he is presented with a real opportunity to gain material benefits, you can be sure that Edik will not miss it.

Excessive practicality, dryness and coldness in communication can alienate friends from him and complicate relationships with family. Only by showing more warmth to those who are dear to him will he restore broken ties. To do this, Edward must try to mentally put himself in other people's shoes.


This is the Russian version of the Greek name Georgiy, translated as “farmer”.

Yuri is stubborn and persistent, but this does not prevent him from being cheerful, cheerful and even mocking. With the help of his wit, he defends himself from the attacks of ill-wishers and takes revenge for insults. He is vindictive and proud, although external goodwill and friendliness can deceive people who do not know him well. Sometimes excessive irony interferes with his communication with others, not only with acquaintances and strangers, but even with relatives and close friends.

If his wife tries to lead him, Yuri will fight for primacy with the help of his usual weapon - ridicule.

The bearer of this name is a leader by nature. He is ambitious, patient and able to concentrate on one goal. This helps him make his career. He may become a leader, but he may not be able to establish contact with his subordinates. To achieve success in his chosen profession, Yuri should learn to better understand other people.


Yaroslav is a Slavic name meaning “strong and glorious.”

The strong energy of the name makes Yaroslav’s character dual. Friendly towards others, he can behave rather harshly; intractable and stubborn, sometimes he falls under the influence of others.

Being sentimental, in a difficult situation for himself, Yaroslav can commit a rude and even cruel act.

Failures and failures in life are not able to break him; he faces difficulties with the tenacity of a fighter. Yaroslav is self-centered; he considers all his actions and deeds from the point of view of his own benefit. He sets clear goals for himself. A person with this name is capable of making quick decisions. Finding himself in a dangerous situation, he will not panic, but will try to find the right way out. It quickly adapts to almost any conditions.

This name will forever be associated with an odious and controversial, but historical figure. Surveys show that the name Gregory for many is outdated, archaic; modern children are almost never called by it. However, like any other name, it deserves interest and to be used to name a boy, a future man. Therefore, let's find out everything about the name Gregory: meaning, secret, origin and name day dates.

Having learned everything about the name, its energy and influence on a person, you may consider whether to name your child that way or not. If you have friends with this name, then the secret of the name Gregory will help you better understand and get to know this person.

Characteristics and energy

Gregory is a Greek name and means “awake.” This is probably why the energy of the name almost corresponds to its meaning, since it carries such qualities as assertiveness, determination and impulsiveness. The phonetics of the name Gregory also speaks for itself; the sonorous ones evoke associations with firmness, pressure, inflexibility and ambition of its bearer.

The name Gregory: meaning and influence on a person

Since childhood, Gregory has caused a lot of trouble for their parents; they can hardly be called diligent and obedient children. Impulsiveness and an excessive flow of energy force them to look for adventures outside the house, on the street and in the yard; mom and dad can rarely influence him.

Because of their qualities, Grigori rarely do well at school, sincerely not understanding why they diligently gnaw at the granite of science. Long-term and vague prospects are not for them; they need a very close and tangible result. Then they become motivated, and, as they say, they can “move mountains.”

The secret of the name Gregory is that its bearers are capable of taking decisive steps when they really see why they need it. For example, Grigory the schoolboy does extremely poorly at school, but in the senior classes he can suddenly make up for everything and get good graduation results.

The motive for him in this case is the desire to enter a prestigious university, after graduating from which he will be able to make a good career. However, dreams of a great job are not always feasible, again due to his character.

What does the name Gregory mean professionally?

Very often, ardor, insolence, and a decisive disposition, devoid of any caution, ruin Gregory’s career in the bud. His assertiveness, attacks, and unwillingness to compromise scare away partners, managers, and even friends.

Therefore, very often the Grigorievs face a difficult fate, a life that, as we know, is determined by character. However, the state of affairs can be changed, because Gregory has such useful business qualities as determination, self-confidence and ambition. By combining these qualities, Gregory can make a dizzying career, rising to extraordinary heights of social status.

Name Gregory: relationships with women and other people

Despite the fact that women are the weaker sex, Gregory is not distinguished by his gentle character in communicating with them. It is clear that this results in frequent changes of partners, unsettled life and personal life. He can change all this if he learns to be kinder to himself and others, to laugh at himself and the world. However, it is useful for everyone to be able to do this, not only for those who bear the name Gregory.

His vulnerable pride, which he “doesn’t give offense to anyone,” is also important in relationships with others. Poor will be the person who dares to speak unflatteringly about him in the presence of strangers, insult him, humiliate him, or question some of Gregory’s merits. This will be followed by an explosion, which can only be extinguished by apologies or by transferring the dangerous conversation to abstract topics. It is very likely that in this case Gregory will forgive and forget everything, since bearing revenge and rancor is not in his nature.

This is confirmed by the fact that among his colleagues and friends Grigory is open, sociable, sociable and often becomes the center of the company.

Now let's find out when Gregory's name day is celebrated.

Name days according to the church calendar

Depending on the date of birth, Gregory celebrates his name day on one of the following days:

  • in January: 1, 14, 18, 21 and 23;
  • in February: 7, 12 and 23;
  • in March: 17 and 25;
  • in April: 15, 19 and 23;
  • May 3;
  • in June: 6 and 28;
  • in July: 5 and 25;
  • in August: 1, 21, 22;
  • 12-th of September;
  • in October: 13, 14, 18;
  • in November: 17, 18, 20, 27 and 30;
  • in December: 3, 6, 7, 11, 20.

The main patrons of Gregory are considered to be Gregory the Theologian (name day of Gregory Dvoeslov (March 25) and Gregory the Wonderworker (November 30).

in astrology

The properties of the name Gregory and its energy will not be comprehensive, if not to mention some of its astrological aspects. It is up to everyone to believe in them or not, but they allow us to better understand the nature of the name and explain the character and actions of a person.

Gregory's ruling planet is Mars, and this already says a lot. The fiery planet is a source of energy, strength, self-confidence, irreconcilable position, and confrontation. Her strength prompts her to act impulsively and harshly. The aggressive side of Mars can turn a person into a criminal or a warrior when composure, cruelty and conflict begin to prevail in him. It is not for nothing that Mars in mythology was considered the god of War.

The horoscopic sign of the Grigoriev is Aries, known for its perseverance, inflexibility and desire for leadership.

As we see, all of the listed qualities, properties and behavioral forms were most accurately embodied in the life of the notorious Grigory Rasputin. This is one of the Gregori, whose role in the existence and fall of the royal throne will still be discussed for decades.

Gregory's conflict

It can be argued that Gregory has extraordinary energy, firmness and tenacity, combined with explosive aggression and cruelty. All this can lead him to disastrous life situations if he does not take control of the dark sides of his personality. However, very often this happens in old age, when wisdom comes to Gregory, and it becomes impossible to change anything.

Books from the “The Secret of the Name” series are still sold in the unknown section. Experts put forward theories, but have not yet come to a consensus: some talk about phonetics, the music of the name, others prefer astro-numerology and the suspicious interpretation of names by colors, a few appeal to vibrations and even count them. Overall, this choir sounds unscientific.

The nut of knowledge is hard, it won’t be possible to crack it with a precise blow right now - but let’s at least bite it from different sides.

Names influence

Some scientists believe that a child’s character is formed at the moment when the father and mother decide among themselves what their child’s name will be. Others believe that repeated repetition of the same sounds (Petya, eat! Petya, don’t touch!) activates certain parts of the child’s brain.

Over time, Petya changes, because at school the boys give him the nickname “Nerd”. He takes karate lessons, brutally beats the main tease, and from then on he is respectfully called Pete. After graduating from the institute, Petya remains at the department, where Pyotr Veniaminovich turns to him. It is not surprising that the home boy Petya is significantly different from Botan, Pete and Pyotr Veniaminovich. Thus, with a change of name, the habits of an individual change.

French theologian Pierre Rouget in his book “The Influence of a Name on a Person’s Life” writes about the “music of a name”: each letter is a source of a certain vibration that influences a person’s character. At the beginning of the 20th century, Russian researcher S. R. Mintslov published the brochure “The Power of Names.” In it, he analyzes the names of outstanding personalities of the past and comes to the following conclusions: Alexei is calculating, Alexandra is cheerful, Peter is quiet but stubborn. But the majority of Sergei do not achieve anything in life, but they give birth to worthy sons. Here Mintslov cites Pushkin, Griboyedov, Turgenev and Dargomyzhsky as examples.

Nowadays, the main research on the influence of names takes place in America. The universities of San Diego and Georgia report: students with some names constantly receive high grades, while those with other names are always in the rearguard of academic performance. Researchers at the University of Chicago and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology falsified a number of resumes, sent them to offices and found that men named Brad, Jay and Matthew and women named Kristen, Carrie and Laurie had an easier time getting a job than exactly the same specialists, but with different passport data. .

And finally, each of us knows without any research that there are names that predispose to oneself. Without knowing anything about, say, Anton and Sen, you are ready to greet them like old friends.

Names are given

Under the tsar, names in Russia were given according to the calendar, which included nine hundred male names and two hundred and fifty female ones. Sweet-sounding and simple names were repeated in them often, exotic and unpleasant to the ear - once, for example. Why some parents still chose them is a mystery.

In Dostoevsky, Captain Lebyadkin exclaims: “I, perhaps, would like to be called Ernest, but meanwhile I am forced to bear the rude name of Ignat - why is this, what do you think? I would like to be called Prince Montbar, but meanwhile I am only Lebyadkin, from the swan - why is this?

At all times, simpler people tried to name their children (or rename themselves) more complexly. So that there is some kind of secret in the name (in their understanding), something so foreign. So, in the early 70s, a wave of Kristins, Snezhans, Violettes and other Isolds swept across the Union. Since the 80s and until now, natives of Transcaucasia have been registering their little Daniels and Angelinas. Enlightened townspeople and bohemians love Old Russian names. Ulyan, Varvar, Vasilis, the same Ignatov is becoming more and more in our sandboxes.

If you look at it, naming fads are described as historical anecdotes. Boys began to be called Valeria after Chkalov’s triumph, although initially this name was considered monastic and unsuitable for worldly life (the same can be said about Victor). Sergei, Cyrus and Kira appeared in the accounting books after cities and villages began to be named after Kirov. The name Timur was brought into fashion by the commander Mikhail Frunze, who named his son that way. Arkady Gaidar made fun of him, but he went further - he wrote a bestseller about his son, giving rise to a flurry of Timurs in all levels of society. Yakov Protazanov's pre-war film "Dowry" brought the name Larisa to the top of the charts (for fifteen years, at least twenty-two girls out of a thousand a year were called Larisa). The hair on my head stands on end - after all, Larisa was unhappy and ended badly. Why program your daughter to do this?

We make allowances for the then ignorance of the laws of life, but then we come across a poem by Arseny Tarkovsky:

Have you ever met a holy fool,
Who wasn't called Grisha?
We go through all the Grisha acquaintances and nod our heads, with all our good attitude towards them. It turns out that Tarkovsky knew about names, and gave his son Andrei the correct name, not too worn out, classical and, as they say among researchers, “strong.”

Names ruin everything

After the decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the separation of church and state (1918), the issue of Christmastide was removed and illiterate (or, on the contrary, highly intelligent) citizens began to create names. They renamed themselves and called their children names. Christmastide included time-tested names. Unlucky combinations of sounds (Yasynya, Sysoy, Lybid, Yakim) have long been removed from use. The newly composed names were composed chaotically. The least people in those days cared about mysticism.

Meanwhile, in remote villages, where Soviet trends had difficulty reaching, peasants did not reveal the child’s name before baptism, and even after that they kept it from strangers. The names of people living in the same house were never duplicated. They knew that a name brings a repetition of fate, so they never named children in honor of those who died early or were unlucky during their lifetime. They also believed that by “giving” someone else’s name to a newborn, you doom the person to death - the child will draw all his strength onto himself.

They say that foreign names and names that fell out of use many centuries ago bring problems. It is important to follow the letters in them: for example, the letter CH does not appear in Russian names, so it is better not to name the child Richard or Charles. Foreign energies, you know. The first and last name is greatly spoiled by the letters Y, Y, and a soft sign. Improve - voiced consonants. British physician T. Weston published studies according to which patients whose names begin with the letters of the last third of the alphabet are three times more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Perhaps this pattern only works in English.

Leading domestic expert on names Boris Khigir says that an incorrectly chosen name can play a fatal role in fate. So, girls should not be given names with male variations - Valeria, Evgenia, Alexandra. The name Daria is also blacklisted because it is related to the name Darius. Bearers of double names do not have the opportunity to establish life with the opposite sex, says Khigir.

It is quite dangerous to accept suggestions for a newborn's name from grandparents. They unconsciously choose names that are consonant (close in vibration) with their own. If you want to alienate your child from yourself and completely isolate him from your ancestors, go ahead. Take grandma's version.

Names challenge

P. Merimee in the short story “Lady Lucretia’s Lane” writes: “I am very annoyed that I have to cite such barbaric names, but wonderful stories happen only to people whose names are difficult to pronounce.” Every parent who plans an extraordinary future for their child knows this. The question is under what sign the stories in his life will take place. It is quite possible that there is a minus sign.

A person must be worthy of his unusual name and bear it with honor. In exactly half of the cases it happens that the hat goes wrong. Called this way, the child feels uncomfortable, is subjected to ridicule, goes into deep defense, and grows up at random. Back in the 80s, our criminologists collected statistics on the dependence of the composition and severity of the crime on the name of the criminal. The prison abounds with Adolfs and Isolts.

“If a completely ordinary person with very limited opportunities gets the name of a brilliant and successful hero, he will begin to gravitate towards precisely this level of success in life, his opportunities will come into conflict with his claims, and then drama is inevitable,” criminologists write.

A strong and healthy person will only benefit from an interesting name. He will never be confused with dozens of Pet and Van. His career will be successful, especially if it is connected with those areas where a proper name is more important than team spirit. So girls with bright names have nothing to do in a savings bank, but they will be welcome at the Star Factory or in a design bureau.

Names help

Strong male names - Nikolai, John, Alexander, Mikhail, Dmitry, Eduard, Konstantin, Vladlen, Stanislav - will help their bearers in any case. As for female names, euphony and softness are valued here. Polysyllabic names are especially good. They give a rich, varied life, they are analyzed by syllables, the first of which corresponds to the first third of life, etc. A large selection of letters (vibrations) helps to find a common language with bearers of a wide variety of names.

If you're looking for a sweet friend, keep an eye out for matching consonants in your names. If you are planning a child, think about the name in advance, focusing on the vowels - they should match yours. Middle names that duplicate names cause great controversy and disagreement among researchers. Some croak: “Alexander Alexandrovich will repeat all his father’s mistakes, he will be doubly stingy, doubly fat, and all that stuff - because only bad things get worse.” Others sing songs: “A son named after his father will cause you the least trouble.” Who to believe? Naming daughters after their mother is not at all scary - it will only strengthen their mutual understanding.

It has also been noted that Lyuli with short, easily pronounceable surnames usually achieve success in life. You can list your favorite writers, actors and directors; for our part, we will say that revolutionaries changed their passport names to party nicknames in order to bring luck to their side at least temporarily.

Names give an example

Recently there was a program on TV about “How the Idols Left” about Klara Rumyanova. While vacationing in Florence, she went to the monastery of St. Clare. The nuns came running to her, excitedly saying something, pulling her towards the abbess, calling her Clara. Confused, Rumyanova could not understand how they knew her here. It turned out that she is the spitting image of Clara of Assisi. Literally, a copy.
Florensky, in his thorough but unfinished study “Names,” writes: “If a priest gives the person being baptized the name of a saint, this promises him a happy life, and if the name of a martyr, life will come down to one continuous torment.” The book also talks about imitating the saints after whom you are named. This topic has a deep meaning - beyond the old-fashioned piety. A person who possesses similar energies has already passed his own, in many ways remarkable and described in detail, path. You can use his work.

Names change

Sometimes it happens that changing your name becomes a vital necessity. “Is it possible to live with the surname Ferdyshchenko?” exclaims the hero of “Demons,” and we understand him well.

By changing his last name, a person breaks with the past.In ancient China, an educated person could change his name several times during his life, thereby indicating a change in status or general direction of his thoughts. The elderly Eskimos took a new name for themselves, hoping to gain new strength with it. After tonsure, the monks entered a new life with new names.

Changing your name or simply choosing a pseudonym, no matter how beneficial it may be for your career, entails depression and long-term internal discord, for which you must be prepared. Marrying for love, a woman takes her husband's surname, completely changing her individual destiny - and only the sweet poison of passion makes this transition unnoticeable. When getting married out of necessity, it is better to leave your last name to avoid discomfort.

In the 20s, it was enough to announce a change in first and last name in the newspaper in order to be called differently the next day. Nowadays, changing your passport is almost as easy. Upon reaching fourteen years of age, a person can come to the registry office at his place of residence, write an application and change everything, including his middle name, excluding gender. Children change their name with the consent of both parents. After about two months, a certificate is issued. Very simple.

You can give a million examples of successful name changes if you read the biographies of people known to everyone. For example, Nicolas Cage abandoned his family surname Coppola so as not to look like a hanger-on. Cage was the name of the comic book hero, a freak with a noble heart and fists of stone. This is how young Nicholas felt. With this image he achieved success.

His uncle, Francis Ford Coppola, took the word "Ford" from his childhood. His father simply adored Henry Ford and gave his sick son a nickname in his honor. The magic worked. The boy recovered, having read many books and watched many films during his illness. The great director Coppola walks with a slight limp, but who cares about this small consequence of polio these days?

Sigourney Weaver, née Susan, hated all the "Susie" and "Sue" stuff. She found a striking name for herself in Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby. This list can be continued endlessly. Moral of the story: It’s not just plastic surgery that changes your life for the better.

How to interpret names

So, in general terms, we have described the state of onomastics, the science of the influence of proper names, today. You can try to decipher the name codes yourself using the table. It is important to remember that the influence of each letter is not equal in strength. The first letter is considered the main one, followed by the most audible and repeated one. Long names and surnames are divided into syllables. Each syllable is interpreted separately in relation to the years of life: the first syllable is youth, the second is maturity, the third is old age.

A is an active letter; thirst for work, new business, initiative.

B - sign of a monogamous, stubborn bull; business qualities, financial success, disruptive character combined with crazy passions, thrills and adrenaline.

B - a creative person, annoying due to the lack of a system and inconstancy; and at the same time - a sense of nature, intuition, agreement with the world

G - perseverance, accuracy, analysis, attention to detail, demanding of people, disgust; love of knowledge, including secret ones.

D - hoarder, slow-witted, hospitable homebody, good friend; sometimes capricious, sometimes psychic

E - vital type, emotions are overflowing, the desire for power dominates; a sea of ​​words and ideas, talent as a mediator, sensitivity to undercurrents in a team

F - desires, uncertainty, rich, carefully guarded inner world

Z - intuition, imagination, reluctance to admit the obvious; inner life replaces outer life; bad temper, self-searching, feeling “I deserve better”

And - outwardly - a practitioner, internally - a romantic; subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness.

K - embodied mystery and its charm, ability to keep secrets, fortitude, endurance, insight, nervousness

M - care, desire to help, shyness, hard work, pedantry; at the same time - a craving for experiments, including travel

N - intelligence, creativity, selectivity, resistance to the system and “corporate spirit”; special interest in your health

O - worries, emotions, secret thoughts; conservatism, the desire to be like everyone else, to adhere to norms; good relationship with money

P - a holistic picture of reality, clear opinions about everything, many ideas; modesty, loneliness, neatness, concern for appearance

R - reliable, speaks to the point, active, self-confident, risk-prone

S - at first glance - sparkling, in truth - authoritarian and capricious; a born boss, clear mind, oppressed by the past and assigned tasks.

T - diversity, truth-seeking, creativity, multitasking - and as a result, scatteredness

U - empathy, imagination, search for oneself, utopia, vulnerability, timidity, secrecy; loves to talk about the unknown

F - stars that give light and gather admiring glances; friendly, persistent; in my head there is a mess of philosophical systems, chaotic ideas, a craving for fiction

X - sensitivity to other people's opinions, responsiveness; desire to succeed, gain authority; inconstancy of feelings, sexual problems

C - an arrogant leader who suits his superiors

H - part of the whole, loyalty to it; selflessness and the desire to lend a shoulder

Ш - uncompromisingness, composure, instant understanding of the situation, modesty, sense of humor, jealousy

Ш - generosity, intelligence, generosity; often becomes the driving force
Kommersant - softness, ability to smooth out sharp corners; may become addicted
Y - justice (by any means), involvement, practicality, down-to-earth spirit
b - classification, numbering, putting into shelves, uncertainty
J - provokes unreasonable attacks of fear for the well-being of one’s body

E - ability for languages, oratory and intrigue, curiosity, nosy, selfishness, craving for high society
Yu - the desire for truth, equality and brotherhood, self-sacrifice combined with cruelty for higher reasons, romantic illusions, an ideal revolutionary.
I am self-esteem, self-love, desire to achieve love from others, creativity

Men's names-amulets: 10 most powerful names for boys. A name is what was given to us by our parents. This is what we give to our children. It is very important, because it can become a reliable amulet and protective talisman for you.There are male names that bring bad luck, and there are, on the contrary, those that make the owners happy and incredibly lucky. Names that are so energetically powerful may not always act as amulets.

How to use a name as a talisman

A man, like a woman, can be subject to curses, the evil eye or love spells. This can often be very difficult to cure, but you can make sure that no one can cause you such trouble.

Tip one: Avoid nicknames and nicknames. Nicknames have a very negative impact on the general energy of a male person, and the meaning of your nickname practically does not matter. On the other hand, if you are called by a different name or nickname only at home and among your closest people, then everything will be fine. The second name will protect you from the evil eye and from problems communicating with loved ones. Mutual understanding and harmony will always reign in your home. An analogue of the second name can partly serve as the name of the godfather. In Christianity, it may be different from your civil name.

Tip two: choose a name for yourself or for your baby boy based on the meaning of the name. It is important to pay attention to names that are associated with fire, since fire is the best protection against everything dark and evil.

10 most powerful names for boys

The best male amulets names in order of increasing protection are: Vladimir, Sergey, Anton, Alexey, Mikhail, Kirill, Valery, Victor, Igor, Alexander.


Owning the world. Vladimir usually always knows how to avoid a conflict situation. That is why he often stops the possible appearance of negativity in the bud. People respect him and appreciate him as an excellent diplomat. Vladimir is included in the list of the 10 most energetically powerful male names.


Sergei means "clear". Clarity is the purity and strength of the mind. This name is a good universal amulet, as well as a kind of lucky talisman. True, Sergei may still have frequent problems with his opponents.


A strong name that protects its owner from a love spell and from clouding of mind. There is weak resistance to the evil eye and curses. Anton is a warrior who fights for his freedom and recognition, so he does not always manage to defend himself, because the essence of this name is fight.


Translated from Greek it means “protector”. Protection is always good. The amulet from this name is good, but not always stable. This inconstancy prevents Alexei from being protected from the evil eye or love spell.


This name is controversially suitable for describing the ideal protection for a boy or an adult man, since the camp of specialists is divided into two large parts - those who believe that this name is one of the best, and those who consider it mediocre in terms of protection. Because of this confusion, we only give it sixth place on our list.


This name means “lord,” which hints at a special energy. Kirill is his own boss, so simple evil eyes are definitely not scary for him. Do you want to provide the boy with protection and strength? - call him Kirill.


The meaning is similar to Cyril, but is interpreted a little differently. This is a stronger name-amulet, because it was always worn by the most persistent men. It provides stable protection from almost all types of energy effects.


The winner is the winner. The highest level of energy can give Victor protection from everything that comes from evil and hostile people. We give bronze to this excellent name, which is both beautiful and a talisman.


From time immemorial, Igor was painted with calmness, strength and equanimity. These qualities help you see the world in the right light, abstracting from everything that may be unnecessary. Igor is not at all bothered by the possibility of being damned. He knows it won't affect him. This makes Igor the most powerful amulet name on our list. Almost the strongest.


a name meaning “protector of the clan.” This spiritual talisman is capable of providing stable protection not only to the boy or man himself, but also to his entire family. Thus, Alexander is the best name for protection from filth, evil eye, envy, curses and all invisible problems.

Don't forget that a name is like a name for a ship. Whatever you name a boy, that’s how his life will be. Our ancestors believed that names have special magic that gives a person strength, luck and protection.