Presentation in English on Thanksgiving Day. Download Thanksgiving Day Presentation (Thanksgiving Day)

There Is One Day A Year in America When All People Stay Home With Their Family and Eat a Big Dinner. This Is Thanksgiving Day .the Pilgrims Celebrated The First Thanksgiving Day in Autumn 1621.

There is one day in America in a year, when all people stay at home with their family and eat a big lunch. This is Thanksgiving. Pilgrims first celebrated this holiday in the fall of 1921.

They Sailed to America from Plymouth, England in September, 1620. Their Voyage Took 3 Monhs. They Came to America for Religious Freedom.

They sailed to America from Plymouth, England in September 1920. Their journey lasted 3 months. They arrived in America for religious freedom.

The Name of Their Ship Was The Mayflower. They Landed in December, 1620. There Were More Than 1 Hundred People.

Their ship was called mayflower. They went ashore in December 1620. There were more than 100 people.

There Were People Living in America Before The Pilgrims Arrived. These People Were The Native American Indians. THEY HUNTED, FISHED AND FARMED TO SURVIVE.

In America, people lived before the arrival of Pilgrims. These were National American Indians. They were engaged in hunting, fishing and treated land to survive.

The Pilgrims "First Winter Was Very Difficult. They Had Arrived Too Late to Grow Any Crops. WITHOUT FRESH FOOD HALF OF THE PILGRIMS DIED.

The first winter pilgrimov was very difficult. They arrived too late to grow any crop. No food half of the pilgrims died.

The Following Spring The Indians Taught The Pilgrims How to Plant, Fish, Hunt and Survive in America, To Grow Corn, Pumpkins and Use Cranberries.

The next spring, the Indians teach pilgrims to hunting, fishing and survival in America to grow grain, pumpkin and use cranberries.

The Crops Did Well and In The Fall of 1621 The Pilgrims Had A Great Harvest. They Were Thakful and Decided to Celebrate It With a Thanksgiving Feast.

The grain has grown well in autumn 1621. Pilgrims gathered a good harvest. They were grateful and decided to celebrate the Thankty Pyria.

They Prepared A Big Dinner Of Turkey, Corn, Beans and Pumpkins. They Invited Their Indian Friends to Share This Three Day Feast. The Indians Brought Their Food to the Feast, Too.

They prepared a large dinner of turkey, corn, beans and pumpkins. They invited their friends of the Indians to take part in this three-day Pir.

American Still Celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the Fall. IT IS CELEBRATED ON THE LAST THURSDAY OF NOVEMBER. Turkey is Still The Main Dish and Pumpkin Pie and Cranberry Pie Are The Most Popular Desserts.

Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving. It is celebrated on the last Thursday of November. Turkey is still a major dish on a festive table, and pumpkin and cranberry cakes are the most popular desserts.

American Children Look Forward to Spend Their Thanksgiving Day with their Grandparents.

Children look forward to thanksgiving celebrations with their grandparents.

IT REMINDS US THAT OUR FOOD COMES FROM THE EARTH. INDIAN CORN IS USED AS A Decoration. People usually Go to Church in the Morning or in the afternoon. Try An Old Thanksgiving Ritual This Year. Start Your Meal With Joyful Noise of Thanksgiving. All People Give Thanks for the Good Things That They Have.

It reminds us that our food gives us land. For this holiday, people usually go to church in the morning or during the day. They are grateful for all the good things that they have.

Thanksgiving Day Is Associated with Certain Symbols and Foods. Turkey Is a Part of the Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner, As Well As Pumpkin Pie and Cranberries. The Horn Of Plenty Is a Familiar Thanksgiving Symbol.

Thanksgiving is associated with certain symbols and products. Turkey - part of the traditional dinner of Thanksgiving Day, as well as pumpkin pie and cranberries. Horn of abundance - a familiar symbol of Thanksgiving

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There Is One Day A Year in America When All People Stay Home With Their Family and Eat a Big Dinner. This Is Thanksgiving Day .the Pilgrims Celebrated The First Thanksgiving Day in Autumn 1621.
There is one day in America in a year, when all people stay at home with their family and eat a big lunch. This is Thanksgiving. Pilgrims first celebrated this holiday in the fall of 1921.

Slide 3.

They Sailed to America from Plymouth, England in September, 1620. Their Voyage Took 3 Monhs. They Came to America for Religious Freedom.
They sailed to America from Plymouth, England in September 1920. Their journey lasted 3 months. They arrived in America for religious freedom.

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Slide 6.

There Were People Living in America Before The Pilgrims Arrived. These People Were The Native American Indians. THEY HUNTED, FISHED AND FARMED TO SURVIVE.
In America, people lived before the arrival of Pilgrims. These were National American Indians. They were engaged in hunting, fishing and treated land to survive.

Slide 7.

The Pilgrims "First Winter Was Very Difficult. They Had Arrived Too Late to Grow Any Crops. WITHOUT FRESH FOOD HALF OF THE PILGRIMS DIED.
The first winter pilgrimov was very difficult. They arrived too late to grow any crop. No food half of the pilgrims died.

Slide 8.

The Following Spring The Indians Taught The Pilgrims How to Plant, Fish, Hunt and Survive in America, To Grow Corn, Pumpkins and Use Cranberries.
The next spring, the Indians teach pilgrims to hunting, fishing and survival in America to grow grain, pumpkin and use cranberries.

Slide 9.

The Crops Did Well and In The Fall of 1621 The Pilgrims Had A Great Harvest. They Were Thakful and Decided to Celebrate It With a Thanksgiving Feast.
The grain has grown well in autumn 1621. Pilgrims gathered a good harvest. They were grateful and decided to celebrate the Thankty Pyria.

Slide 10.

They Prepared A Big Dinner Of Turkey, Corn, Beans and Pumpkins. They Invited Their Indian Friends to Share This Three Day Feast. The Indians Brought Their Food to the Feast, Too.
They prepared a large dinner of turkey, corn, beans and pumpkins. They invited their friends of the Indians to take part in this three-day Pir.

Slide 11.

American Still Celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the Fall. IT IS CELEBRATED ON THE LAST THURSDAY OF NOVEMBER. Turkey is Still The Main Dish and Pumpkin Pie and Cranberry Pie Are The Most Popular Desserts.
Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving. It is celebrated on the last Thursday of November. Turkey is still a major dish on a festive table, and pumpkin and cranberry cakes are the most popular desserts.

Slide 12.

American Children Look Forward to Spend Their Thanksgiving Day with their Grandparents.
Children look forward to thanksgiving celebrations with their grandparents.

Slide 13.

IT REMINDS US THAT OUR FOOD COMES FROM THE EARTH. INDIAN CORN IS USED AS A Decoration. People usually Go to Church in the Morning or in the afternoon. Try An Old Thanksgiving Ritual This Year. Start Your Meal With Joyful Noise of Thanksgiving. All People Give Thanks for the Good Things That They Have.
It reminds us that our food gives us land. For this holiday, people usually go to church in the morning or during the day. They are grateful for all the good things that they have.

This presentation can be used in the lessons of a foreign language and in extracurricular activities. The material introduces students with the origin of this American holiday and modern traditions. All material is represented in Russian, which allows you to use it in elementary school and in other lessons.



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Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. The very idea of \u200b\u200bthe celebration of the autumn and the end of the harvest is rising to the deepest antiquity, but the Americans have these days are also connected directly with the history of the development of new lands. On December 26, 1620, after a two-month swimming for the deserted shore of America, the ship "Mayflower" ("May Flower") moored.

Passengers - a group of the British, rescued from religious persecution in their homeland. They started in such a dangerous journey in the hope of establishing in the new world the colony, where they could finally gain lustful freedom. The shore, which was landed by the British, later they called New England, in honor of their abandoned homeland.

The first year in a new place was very harsh. Soon frost hit, and people began to endure hunger and deprivation. Half pilgrims suffered hard and died in that winter. And in the spring, the survivors knit friendship with Indians who taught them to grow corn and pumpkin, catching wild turbines, distinguish edible plants from poisonous, to find springs with drinking water, hunting trails and fish places.

Your first harvest, the colonists gathered early autumn. In honor of him, they arranged a big holiday, which was invited by the Indian friends. The feast was delayed for several days, during which everyone was torn by a fried turkey, pumpkin and corn. To celebrate this wonderful event, and Thanksgiving was installed.

Thanksgiving - Family holiday, relatives and friends come out from all over the country to sit at a common table, tired of traditional treats. It is certainly a turkey, sweet yams with whipped floral sauce, cranberry sauce, crawled cubes with spices, potatoes, bats, pumpkin pie and gravy. If someone stayed without a festive lunch, he was invited to charity organizations. The president himself helps to feed the homeless, poor and old people, imposing generous portions on the plates.

Another tradition of the holiday is the solemn ceremony of the turkey pardon, which is held in the White House since 1947 in accordance with this tradition, at least one turkey should avoid the fate of the Festive Table. Turkings for the pardon ceremony supplies the National Tourkey Federation (National Turkey Federation). A few months before the ceremony, 30 birds are taken, whose candidates are then set to vote on the site of the White House. These indeek are specially prepared for the honorary mission - feed from hands and teach not to be afraid of strangers.

On the eve of Thanksgiving Day, the President of the United States on a special ceremony demonstrates the two most worthy representatives of the Indyrasych family - the national turkey, and its deputy - "vice-turkey". The first will be solemnly pardoned, and the second - decorate a festive lunch in the White House. The duty of the "vice-turkey" is also to replace the number one bird in case of illness or untimely death. During the pardon ceremony, the president reads the decree and gently strokes the alarmed bird. Later, she is sent to the zoo, where she lives to old age.

Already, no one century there is a tradition of writing songs for Thanksgiving Day. At the very day of thanksgiving, it is customary to arrange parades, mostly costumed, in the clothes of the XVII century and the costumes of the Indians.

Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day Is One of the Most Favorite Holidays in the United States. Thanksgiving is one of the most beloved holidays in the United States.

Fourth Thursday Every Fourth Thursday of October American People Celebrate This Holiday. Every fourth Thursday of October Americans celebrate this holiday.

Big Family Dinner The Usually Stay At Home and Have A Big Family Dinner. They usually stay at home and arrange a large family dinner.

This Day This Day Has a Very Important Meaning In The History of America. This day is very important in the history of America.

FIRST THANKSGIVING DAY THE FIRST THANKSGIVING DAY WAS CELEBRED by Pilgrims in Autumn of 1621. They Were European Travelers Who Sailed On "Mayflower" Ship and Tried to Find The New World. The first day of thanksgiving was celebrated by pilgrims (pilgrims) in the fall of 1621. These were European travelers who sailed on the Maiflaue ship and tried to find a new light.

Native American Indians Before The Country Was Inhabited by Native American Indians. Prior to their arrival in America, indigenous American Indians inhabited.

DiffiCult Life However, When Settled Here, Life Was Quite Difficult. There Was Nothing to Eat and Nowhere to Live. However, when they settled here, life was quite complicated. They had nothing to eat, and there was no place to live.

First Winter First Winter Was Especially Difficult and Many People Couldn't Survive Worth Fresh Food. The first winter was particularly difficult, and many people could not survive without fresh products.

In Spring In Spring Native Indians Taught Pilgrims How to Survive in America. THEY NOW COULD HUNT, FISH AND GROW PLANTS. In the spring, the Indians teach pilgrims how to survive in America. Now they could hunt, catch fish and grow plants.

In Autumn In The Autumn of 1621 They Had A Wonderful Harvest. To Celebrate This Occasion Pilgrims Decided to Have a Thanksgiving Feast. IT Meant That The Were Very Thankful for Their Food. In the autumn of 1621 they had a wonderful harvest. To celebrate this event, pilgrims decided to arrange Thanksgiving holiday. This meant that they were very grateful for their food.

During This Holiday During This Holiday The Tables Were Full Of Fresh Food: Corn, Beans, Turkey, Venison, Pumpkin. During this holiday, the tables were full of fresh products: corn, beans, turkey, venison, pumpkins.

Their Indian Friends Their Indian Friends Were Also Invited to Share The Feast. Their Indian friends were also invited to divide the holiday.

NowAdays Nowadays American Continue Celebrating This Holiday And The Main Dish Is Still Turkey. Americans and today continue to celebrate this holiday and the main dish is still turkey.

Pumpkin Pie The Most Popular Dessert Is A Pumpkin Pie. The most popular dessert pumpkin cake.

In Canada People in Canada Also Celebrate Thanksgiving Day But It Falls on Every Second Thursday of October. People in Canada are also celebrating Thanksgiving, but it falls for every second Thursday of October.

Presentation prepared Sirushtanova E.A. MBOU SOSH No. 76, P. Giant 2014