How to make a monologue statement correctly. OGE: How to prepare for the third task of the “Speaking” section

ALGORITHM How to write abstracts and notes

1. Read the text, determine its topic and main idea.

2. Divide the text into logical and semantic parts.

3. Having chosen a title for each part, make a plan for the text.

4. For each logical-semantic part of the text, pose the question: “What is this part about?”

5. Find the answer in the text; it must be written down concisely in your own words or in the words of the author (these will be T h e s i s).

6. Having supplemented the theses with specific material, facts, quotes taken from the text, we will have c o n s p e c t.

7. When drawing up a plan, theses or outline, you need to write down the name of the author, the full name of the publication, the year, publishing house, the name of the magazine or newspaper where this material was published.

8. Highlight sections, paragraphs, points in your notes, separating them from one another.

9. After each completed part, it is advisable to make an interval (for new notes).

10. It is advisable to highlight the main theses and ideas with different colors, underlining, icons, etc.

Let us note that there is a generally accepted system for highlighting the main theses and ideas, in particular:

A) underlining individual phrases in the text:

straight line– highlighting an important idea;

wavy line– incomprehensible;

vertical line in margin- a particularly important idea;

b) notes in the margins:

? - question;

?? – doubtful;

! ! ! - Interesting;

V- insertion, addition.

Quotes - This is a verbatim excerpt from a text, an essay, or someone’s words quoted verbatim.

Quotes are used to work with primary sources and can be an illustration of the topic.

General citation requirements

1. The text of the quotation is given in quotation marks and in the grammatical form given in the original source, preserving the peculiarities of the author's writing.

2. Quotations must be complete, without arbitrary abbreviation of the quoted text and without distortion of the author’s thoughts. Omissions of words, sentences, and paragraphs when quoting are allowed without distortion of the quoted text; three dots are placed where part of the text was omitted.

3. When quoting, each quotation must be accompanied by links to the source, which is submitted in accordance with the rules for preparing a bibliographic description.

4. In the case of indirect quotation (retelling), it is necessary to be as accurate and correct as possible regarding the assessment of what is said in the text.

5. Quotes should be used sparingly. Numerous citations give the impression of compilation, and insufficient citations reduce the value of the position being justified.

6. If some words are highlighted in a quotation, it is necessary to indicate the author’s initials in parentheses after the quoted text.

Note-taking is done in the first (oneself) or third person. Taking notes in the first person better develops independent thinking.

There are these types of notes:

· textual - you need to find a textual answer to the question posed in the work,

· free - require the ability to retell a thought in your own words, avoiding what is unimportant, focusing only on the main facts.

· mixed. Mixed note-taking combines free presentation of content with citation. When writing notes, you must use a different font, underlining, etc.

Recording new information when working with printed sources of information involves analyzing the basic concepts of the study.

Concept- this is “a form of thinking that reflects the essential properties, connections, relationships of objects and phenomena in their contradictions and development.”

Concepts are used to compile thesauri.

Thesaurus- this is an ordered complex of basic concepts by section, topic, description of a system of knowledge about reality.

Using a thesaurus, you can search for the necessary information

Conceptual and terminological support of the study

Scientific concepts, presented in the text as terms, form the basis of any research. They determine the logic of the study and ensure the development of thought. By how a graduate uses them, his competence and even intelligence are judged

Each essay, each coursework and dissertation has its own internal system of concepts, which has its own categories and subordinate relationships. It is very important to build a conceptual and terminological system for your work and remove contradictions and excesses that interfere with a clear and simple presentation of the topic. This is the work of compiling your thesaurus.

The thesaurus can consist of 5-10 terms in the abstract,

10-15 terms - in coursework

and at least 20-25 - in the thesis.

When using scientific terminology, some rules should be followed:

Rule one - do not overload the text with scientific terminology.

Rule two - do not use terms you do not understand.

Rule three - do not distort the meaning and meaning of the term used that is established in science.

Frequent repetition of the same term should be avoided in the text. It is advisable that it should not be accessed more often than every 10-15 lines. The term may be replaced by a pronoun and other synonymous noun

In research activities, one must always remember the multifunctionality of scientific terminology, that is, the ability of a term to designate different phenomena and states in different situations. For example, “motivation for learning” in some cases can be considered as a principle of teaching, in another - as a method, in a third - as the goal of the teacher’s actions. Therefore, we always need to clarify with what meaning and with what function we use the term.

How to compose a monologue statement

1. Think over the topic, formulate the main idea of ​​the statement.

2. Take care about the correct understanding of the topic, about the depth and
the completeness of its disclosure.

3. Use your life to confirm your thoughts.
experience, provide only reliable facts and specific illustrative material.

4. Present the material convincingly, do not forget about proving the main points.

5. Cite appropriately and correctly.

6. Adhere to compositional harmony and logical consistency in the presentation of thoughts.

7. Use different types of speech, maintain unity
chosen style, do not forget about literacy.

I think; from my point of view; it seems to me; I mean that; Don't you think that; I would like to argue with the author of this statement; I do not agree with the existing opinion; I would like to discuss this problem; I would like to look at this problem differently; I would like to look at this problem from a different perspective; I have some thoughts on this issue; in my opinion this is not entirely true; in my opinion, this situation is possible; this problem has always bothered me; I will never agree with this opinion (point of view), etc.

For example, to the topic “Friendship is the greatest treasure”

I. When does a person need friends?

II. Friendship is the embodiment of high moral standards of communication between people.

1. Friendship is incompatible with selfishness.

2. To be friends means to understand another person.

3. Friends are known in adversity.

4. A true friend will always tell the truth.

III. Without a true friend, life is hard.

Before constructing a monologue statement, make a plan (simple, complex).


2.main part

3. conclusions. Conclusion


Preparation for exams

Before you start preparing for exams, you should equip a place for studying: remove unnecessary things, conveniently arrange the necessary textbooks, manuals, notebooks, paper, pencils, etc. Psychologists believe that it is good to introduce yellow and purple colors into such an interior for studying, because they increase intellectual activity. There is no need to re-paste the wallpaper or change the curtains for this; just some picture in these colors, a print, which in the end you can make yourself, using, for example, the collage technique.

When starting to prepare for exams, it is useful to make a plan.

To begin with, it is good to determine who you are - a “night owl” or a “lark”, and depending on this, make the most of your morning or, on the contrary, evening hours.

When making a plan for each day of preparation, it is necessary to clearly define what exactly will be studied today. Not in general: “I’ll study a little,” but what exactly will you study today, which sections of which subject.

Of course, it’s good to start - while you’re not tired, while your head is fresh - from the most difficult, from the section that you obviously know the worst. But it also happens that you don’t want to study, nothing comes to mind. In short, “no mood.” In this case, it is useful to start, on the contrary, with what you know best, with the material that is most interesting and enjoyable to you. Perhaps you will gradually work on it and things will go well.

You should definitely alternate work and rest, say, 40 minutes of studying, then a 10-minute break. You can wash the dishes, water the flowers, and do exercises at this time.

When preparing for an exam, you should not strive to read and memorize the entire textbook. It is useful to repeat the material by question. After reading the question, first remember and be sure to briefly write down everything you know on this issue, and only then test yourself in the textbook. Pay special attention to the subheadings of the chapter or paragraph of the textbook, to the rules and highlighted text. Check that the dates and basic facts are correct. Only after this, carefully, slowly read the textbook, highlighting the main ideas - these are the supporting points of the answer.

At the end of each day of preparation, you should check how you have mastered the material: again briefly write down the plans for all the questions that were worked on that day.

When preparing for exams, it is generally useful to structure the material by drawing up plans and diagrams, and be sure to do this not in your mind, but on paper. Such recording on paper is useful because when remembering, repeating “to oneself”, recognition and real knowledge are mixed, and recognizing is always easier than remembering. An impression of knowledge arises, but when you need to retell it to others, say it out loud, it disappears somewhere. It is with this that there are often cases when it seems that you know, remember, but you start to answer, and the answer turns out to be fragmentary, crumpled. Therefore, it is good to use such techniques during the school year when preparing lessons. By the way, then you will have to prepare less for exams. When you write down an answer plan, you put yourself in the position of a person passing on your knowledge to others, that is, you do the same thing that you should do when answering in class or on an exam. Plans are also useful because they are easy to use when briefly reviewing material and even sometimes directly in answering exams.

Tell your mother, a friend, or anyone who wants to listen, the answers to the most difficult questions in full, in detail, and try to do this in the way required for the exams. It’s very good to record your answer on a tape recorder, and then listen to yourself from the outside.

Before the oral exam, it is good to try to tell the answers to the most difficult questions in front of a mirror (preferably one so that you can see yourself in full height), paying attention to your posture, gestures, and facial expressions. Why should this be done? Psychology has established that the greater the differences in a person’s states at the moment when he receives information

If at any point in your exam preparation you start to feel like it's impossible to learn and you'll never be able to remember everything you need to remember, think about how much you already know about the subject, be aware of where you are and how much you still have to go through to master all the material. You just need to do this as specifically as possible. Not: “Oh, mommies, I don’t know anything” or “I still won’t have time to do anything, so wouldn’t it be better to give it all up,” but by separating questions and topics that are easy or relatively easy for you from those that you are looking at, like for a Chinese letter. And then focus on what you need to learn, as if building a bridge between the known and the unknown.

The main thing is that you should never try to learn the entire textbook by heart, but you should always remember that your task is not to memorize, but to understand. Therefore, concentrate on the key ideas. Be sure to solve problems (in mathematics, physics), parse sentences, words (in Russian) - in general, learn to perform practical tasks well; and not just perform them, but also tell them in full, out loud, how you performed them, what the course of your actions and reasoning was.

When preparing for an exam, never think that you will fail, but, on the contrary, mentally paint yourself a picture of triumph, an easy winning answer. It’s not for nothing that thoughts about possible failure are called self-destructive. Not only do they interfere with your preparation, creating constant tension and confusion in your thoughts, occupying the main place in them, they also allow you to do nothing or do everything carelessly (why work if nothing comes of it anyway). Advice might be this: focus on specific tasks, think over a preparation program for each day and strictly follow it, be sure to draw up a plan for answering each question, each on a separate piece of paper, so that by the end of the day you see some tangible expression of your work.

A few days before the exam, be sure to mentally “play out” the exam situation, imagine in all details the situation, the commission, and your answer. Try to do this as specifically and in detail as possible. But - attention! - concentrate on choosing the best answer, the best form of behavior, and try not to pay attention to self-destructive thoughts about failure, about your own fears: don’t drive them away, but don’t “get hung up” on them.

On the eve of the exam

Leave one day before the exam to repeat all the answer plans again, and before the oral exam, retell them to someone or to yourself in front of the mirror as if you were answering the committee during the exam. Do not repeat the tickets in order, it is better to write the numbers on pieces of paper and draw them out, as in exams. Every time, before telling the ticket, remember and write down your answer plan. If it turned out easy, you don’t have to tell me - you know this question well. Tell only what you find difficult. When telling a story, use a written plan - during the exam, you can use the notes made in preparation for the answer. At the same time, watch your posture, gestures, facial expressions, and voice. Know that your speech, your entire appearance should express confidence in yourself and your knowledge. It is known that voice, posture, and gestures not only “give out” a person’s state, but, based on the principle of feedback, are able to influence him, i.e., by taking a confident pose, starting to speak in a calm and confident voice, you actually become calmer and more confident in your life. to yourself.

If you are worried, then immediately the day before, imagine the exam situation in all its colors, with all your feelings, experiences, “terrible thoughts”: you entered the class, now you are drawing a ticket, sit down to prepare, go out to answer, answer, etc. So , at first you imagine how your hands are shaking or your throat is dry, and there is not a single thought left in your head, but now you pull out a ticket, sit down or read the task on the board during a written exam, the fear disappears, you concentrate and begin calmly prepare for an answer or complete a task. Approach the examination committee and answer all questions confidently. Once again: imagine everything as concretely as possible, in detail, with all the feelings, experiences, actions, but the way you would like everything to happen, as it should happen if you successfully pass the exam.

Naturally, if you don’t have any fear of the exam at all, then you don’t need to imagine it. However, in this case, think about whether you are too calm. The lack of some pre-launch excitement also often prevents good answers.

If you are very afraid, try a technique called “reduction to absurdity.” Try to scare yourself as much as possible. Imagine all the most terrible, unimaginable details and terrifying consequences. If you are working out together or in a group, try to scare each other more. Such an extreme increase in fear usually leads a person to the idea that, in essence, there is nothing to be afraid of and even the most severe consequences are actually not so terrible.

Everyone knows: in order to fully prepare for the exam, only one, the last night before it, is enough. This, however, is nonsense. You are already tired, and there is no need to overwork yourself. On the contrary, stop preparing in the evening. Wash yourself. Take a walk. Get as much sleep as possible so that you can wake up rested, feeling healthy, strong, even a little aggressive. After all, an exam is a kind of struggle, primarily a struggle of charm, in which you must be able to stand up for yourself. On the way to the exam, it doesn’t hurt to just flip through the textbook.

During the exam

How to behave during the exam?

Here are some useful tips.

 Having taken a ticket, read the tasks on the board, read the questions and start preparing with the question, completing the task that, even if only slightly, is easier for you.

 Write a rough answer plan in pencil on a blank piece of paper. Make a list of all the points you want to touch on in your answer. Write even what may seem unnecessary at first, this will help you remember some more facts during the writing process. If you manage to do this, you will immediately feel some relief. Your nerves will become calmer, your head will begin to work more clearly and clearly. You will be freed from nervousness and all your energy can now be directed towards answering the exam question.

 Making this little plan will probably take you 20-25 minutes, and you may notice that many around you have already put their pieces of paper aside. Don't do this: it may backfire on you later. If possible, attach a sheet of paper with your plan to the sheet of exam questions, and the examiner will see that you took the trouble to write out an answer plan in advance and that you have a methodical mindset. When 25 minutes have passed, you can straighten up and relax, because in fact you have already answered the questions and all that remains to be done is to rewrite them completely. While you are rewriting, new thoughts may come to mind that will allow you to expand on the plan written in pencil.

 Reduce the work of the examiner. He or she will count it as an asset to you if your work is easy to read and take notes on. Clear and clear handwriting is essential.

 If possible, formulate a short answer to the entire question in the first sentence of the first paragraph. This will give the examiner the opportunity to understand that the meaning of the question is clear to you and that you have a correct understanding of the subject.

 If a question has several parts, name each of them and underline the subheadings so that the examiner can quickly scan your work and immediately see that you have something to say about each point.

 If you are talking about some hypotheses or include dates of certain events in your answer, underline them too: knowing the dates immediately catches the examiner’s eye.

 Make sure your prepared answer has an introduction, body and conclusion. If you are writing an essay, then in the introduction you need to list all the problems that you are going to cover, then in the main part of the work you need to develop the whole problem in detail, and in the conclusion you need to give completeness to your train of thoughts and put an end to it.

What to do, if...

Suddenly you find that you have come across a question on which you can say very little. Don’t panic, but immediately start writing down everything you’ve ever heard about this: from a TV show, from a comedy movie, from a conversation with your parents or friends, or from an encyclopedia. As you write, thoughts may come to mind, and you may remember something from class or reading. And you can do it this way. Divide a sheet of paper into two parts. On the left write, for example: “What I know” (or just put “+”), on the right - “What I don’t know” (or “-”). Feel free to write on the left side everything that comes to your mind about the answer - rules, examples, individual provisions, etc. It’s okay if all this is messy. On the right, write down questions, “holes,” points about which you think you can’t say anything. From time to time, look at the right side and cross out everything you remember. At the end of the preparation, be sure to draw up a plan for your answer: it is better to answer not everything, but to state what you know clearly and logically, than to say everything, but do it chaotically, starting to talk about one thing, then suddenly moving on to another, returning to what forgot, etc.;

You don't know anything at all. Don’t tell the examiner about this, but say something, at least some nonsense like: “Before talking about Pushkin’s work, we need to talk about the principles of poetic creativity in general...” Although, of course, it’s better to play by the rules;

Mid-sentence, you forgot what to talk about. First of all, don't lose your head. Keep calm, at least externally - this can happen to anyone! Repeat the last phrase, first in the same way as before, and then, if you can, in other words. During this time, remember your answer plan: what have you already said? What could this phrase refer to? In most cases this helps. If so, feel free to continue answering. If not, look at the piece of paper that you wrote in preparation for the answer, and start answering the next point of the plan (even if it only seems to you that this point is next). Then at the end of the answer you can always return to what you missed;

You have almost finished answering and then you finally remember what you wanted to say when you “lost your thoughts” or what you forgot to say. It's OK. Finish saying what you said and then say what you missed. Under no circumstances interrupt your answer for the sake of what you remembered. It’s better for you to say something at the end than for the whole answer to be illogical. Don’t say: “Yes, I forgot to say about...” Say, for example, like this: “Let’s go back to (name of the plan item). I would like to add...” or like this: “In addition, it must be said that...”, “It should be emphasized that...”;

They don't listen to you. Don't take this as a personal insult, don't take it personally. Continue answering as if you didn't notice;

The examiner interrupts you in a harsh and unpleasant manner, demanding that you clarify something and repeat it. Or even worse, he “throws” unpleasant remarks. It seems that everyone is conspiring to fail you. Take your mind off it. You are required to have courage and composure, and the ability not to show offence. Focus on the exact answer. Answer clearly and briefly. This is the only way you can prove that you are being treated unfairly. Under no circumstances show that you are angry, and do not try to evoke self-pity. The most effective thing is to maintain self-esteem and remain calm;

You misspoke and everyone started laughing. Do not worry. This can happen to anyone. Even professionals - radio and television announcers - make reservations. Laugh with everyone - that's all. If no one except you noticed the reservation at all, continue speaking as if nothing had happened;

You are asked an additional question. Don't be alarmed. Take your time with your answer. You can say that you need to think a little. Clearly define what this question refers to and what answer it requires. Before you speak, formulate the answer in your mind. This requires very little time;

You are mistaken. So what? Everyone makes mistakes. If you notice an error and know how to fix it, do it. If you are not sure whether your answer is correct or not, continue answering as if nothing happened. If a mistake is pointed out to you and you are not firmly convinced that you are right, it is better to agree. Don't be afraid of mistakes! Learn by using mistakes to better understand the material you are learning;

You were given a mark lower than what you expected. Don't get into an argument, don't prove it. During entrance exams, exercise your right to appeal. And of course, never forget about your sense of humor - let it not leave you during the exam.

Exam in the form of a test

A few words about preparing for exams, which are conducted in the form of testing. This method of passing exams is becoming more and more common; it is in this form that the so-called unified state exam is planned to be introduced.

When preparing for this type of exam, it is useful to use all the tips that were given above as useful in preparing for regular exams. To this we can add that it is advisable to practice by performing various kinds of test tasks, as close as possible in form to the exam test. If testing is supposed to be done using a computer, you should work on the computer (there are currently many computer tests available). If the exam is planned to be conducted using blank tests, you should acquire at least minimal skill in working with this type of test material.

Now in many cities there are special centers and rooms where those who wish can get tested, and perhaps this should be used specifically for training. However, this problem can best be solved by a school psychologist using the tests he has. A certain benefit can come from viewing and analyzing (possibly collectively) the tactics of player behavior in television shows built in the form of a kind of testing, as was the case in the game “Oh, Lucky!”, where the player had to choose one correct answer out of four proposed.

Obviously, in tasks of this kind (namely, they are supposed to be the main ones in the unified state exam), it is useful, first of all, without looking at the possible answers, to try to give your own answer, based on what you know. And only if there is no such answer, you should move on to guessing tactics. In this case, you must first discard the obviously incorrect answer or answers and try, at least based on common sense, to choose an answer from the remaining ones. If no logical reasoning is possible, rely on your intuition: perhaps it will not fail.

And don’t waste time, answer first those questions that you know well and are confident in the answers. Then move on to the ones you need to think about. And those questions that “don’t lend themselves” can be dealt with by intuition and luck.

What should I do when I’m shaking all over before an exam?” However, this “shaking” can be eliminated by using this method. Close your eyes. Imagine yourself alone in a room. The room should be very comfortable and cozy. It should also contain a sofa on which you sit. You are completely relaxed, nothing bothers you. Say to yourself or out loud: “I have achieved everything I wanted, I don’t need to worry anymore.” Repeat this phrase over and over again. Stay in this state with your eyes closed for 1-2 minutes. Then open your eyes. You will feel that there is not a trace left of your anxiety!


I'd like to give a talk about the place where I live. It is really important for me.

To begin with, my city is famous for its short but glorious history. The first plant for building submarines was built here.

As for me the lovely city park, it is my favorite place. I like it so much because it is a quiet place. You can have a rest after a long day at school in it.

Speaking about the time when I leave school, I think that I am likely to go to Moscow to continue studying. There are many universities and also good opportunities for career growth in the capital.

All in all, I strongly believe that Severodvinsk makes my life more interesting and every time I have a chance I will return here to see my relatives and my friends. In conclusion, I would like to say that every person should love their native place and try to make it more beautiful. Thank you for listening.


I’d like to give a talk about foreign languages. I think it is impossible to imagine our life without knowing at least one foreign language.

People learn foreign languages ​​for many reasons. The most important one is communication. Nowadays more and more people travel abroad. The knowledge of a foreign language helps them communicate.

As for me, I have chosen to do the English exam this year because it will be useful for my future career.

Personally, I go for extra English lessons to prepare for my English exam. I sometimes read books or just listen to the songs in English.

All in all, I strongly believe that foreign languages ​​make our life more interesting.

I'd like to give a talk about pets. I think pets make our life more interesting.

To begin with, almost every family has a pet nowadays. Speaking about the reasons, I believe that most people keep animals because they make their lives happier. Also, parents usually buy a pet for their children because they want them to become more responsible.

In my opinion, cats, dogs and parrots are the most popular pets in big cities. They are widespread because all of them can easily live within the apartment.

But it is important for all owners to keep in mind that having an animal is a big responsibility because life of the creature depends on them. They should always remember to feed, walk if necessary and play with a pet.

All in all, I strongly believe that pets make our life more interesting and whenever I have a chance I spend time with my dog. That's all I wanted to say about pets. Thank you for listening.


To begin with, the Internet is the newest kind of mass media. It has become the most popular source of information and entertainment. If you have the Internet access you may find useful information, watch films or just communicate with people all over the world.

Long distance communication has become easier thanks to the e-mail.

Surely, there are also disadvantages of the Internet. Sometimes the information from it is not very reliable. It may be harmful for you.

All in all, I strongly believe that the Internet makes our life more interesting and exciting. Every time I have a chance I try to browse the Internet and to search for something interesting. That’s all I wanted to say about the internet. Thank you for listening.


I'd like to give a talk about the Internet. I think it’s impossible to imagine our life without the Internet nowadays.

To begin with, it serves to inform people of different events, to educate, entertain, and give us any kind of information. Complete and accurate information is very important to get nowadays. So the Internet has become so popular, widespread and the majority of people daily use it.

From my point of view, the Internet can help students in their studies. They can find the book they need without leaving home. So, they don’t need to waste their time going to the library.

But there are some dangers as well. For example, some people get addicted to the Internet and spend all time there.

All in all, I strongly believe that the Internet makes our life easier and every time I have a chance I use the Internet to do my homework or just to have a rest. That’s all I wanted to say about the Internet. Thank you for listening.


I'd like to give a talk about holidays. I think it’s impossible to imagine our life without holidays.

To begin with, Russia is famous for its glorious holidays all over the world. We celebrate such public holidays as New Year, Victory Day, Easter and many others.

My favorite public holiday is New Year. I like it because all family celebrates that holiday together at home. New Year is celebrated at night on the 31st of December. After the speech of the President of the Russian Federation, most families spend a night walking in the streets or sitting at home.

As for me, I prefer to give presents. Doing it you remember about all the members of your family and try to make them happier

All in all, I strongly believe that holidays make our life more interesting and every time I have a chance I try to spend time with my relatives and my friends on holidays and of course to give them presents.

That's all I wanted to say about holidays. Thank you for listening.


I’d like to give a talk about public holidays in Russia. I think it’s impossible to imagine our life without holidays.

To begin with, state or public holidays in Russia include Constitution Day, New Year’s Day, the International Women’s Day, May Day, Victory Day and Independence Day.

As for me, I like New Year most of all because all the family celebrates that holiday together at home. It’s a great opportunity to get closer to each other.

From my point of view, people usually give presents and wish Happy New Year to each other.

Some of them like celebrating this holiday at their friends’ houses or attend fireworks displays in the city. Celebrations for children include a decorated fir tree and Grandfather Frost. He often comes with his granddaughter Snegurochka.

All in all, I strongly believe public holidays make our life more interesting. That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.


To begin with, most people enjoy traveling because it gives them an opportunity to meet new people and find out interesting historical facts.

From my point of view, the choice of the best season for travel depends on your likes. For example, if you like going to the seaside you should do it in summer and if you want to go skiing it’s better to do it in winter.

As for me, the ship is the best means of transport because it’s very comfortable. Modern ships have got everything on board to make people feel at home.

All in all, I strongly believe that traveling makes our life more interesting. Every time I have a chance I use the opportunity to travel somewhere. That’s all I wanted to say about travelling.

Thank you for listening.


I’d like to give a talk about travelling. I think it’s impossible to imagine our life without traveling nowadays.

To begin with, most people enjoy traveling, because it’s a great opportunity to see the world.

From my point of view, people like doing sightseeing and taking photos while traveling. Some of them also like meeting new people and communicating with them.

As for me I would like to go to London to see its sights. I have always dreamed of visiting this city.

All in all, I strongly believe that traveling makes our life more interesting. Every time a have a chance I try to travel to different places. It helps me get to know many new interesting things.

That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.


I'd like to give a talk about my career plans. I think it is a very important issue for every student.

Speaking about me, I want to be a … It’s an interesting and well – paid job. But it is also difficult because you should be very good both at … and …

From my point of view, these two subjects are important because a true … should know both … and …

In fact, my family (doesn’t) approve my career choice (because they thought that I should become a …).

I think that being... is great and I’m looking forward to it.

All in all, I strongly believe that career plans make our life more purposeful. Every time I have a chance I think about it and try to find out something about my future profession. That’s all I wanted to say about my career. Thank you for listening.

I'd like to give a talk about books. I think it’s impossible to imagine our life without books nowadays. But unfortunately books have become less popular nowadays.

To begin with, most modern teenagers don’t read at all. It seems to me that the main reason for it is a wide choice of social networks and computer games.

As for me, I like reading science fiction books most of all because they have an unpredictable plot and contain thousands of facts about nature.

From my point of view, many people prefer e – books to paper ones because an electronic book is much more convenient than a traditional paper book. It’s easy to use because it is a small device but it contains lots of texts.

All in all, I strongly believe that books make our life more interesting. Every time a have a chance I take a book and try to discover another wonderful world. That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.


I'd like to give a talk about television. I think it’s impossible to imagine our life without books nowadays.

To begin with, television plays a big role in our society. A lot of people, and teenagers is not an exception, prefer watching television to reading. It is more comfortable just to watch instead of sitting with the book

As for me, I usually watch TV about seven hours a week. Unfortunately, I don’t have a chance to spend in front of the TV – set more than one hour a day. I have to do my homework and go to extra lessons.

From my point of view, one of the disadvantages of the television is too much information which is not always very reliable.

All in all, I strongly believe that television makes our life more interesting. Every time a have a chance I try to watch some useful TV programmes. That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.


I'd like to give a talk about my free time. I think it’s impossible to imagine our life without having some time for relaxation.

Unfortunately, I don’t have much free time. One of the main reasons for this lack is the fact that I study six days a week. So, I have only one day off.

When I have free time I enjoy….

As for my Sunday afternoons, I spend this time doing my homework for Monday. Sometimes I manage to watch TV, to play computer games or just to listen to music and simply relax. From time to time when the weather is fine I go for a walk.

All in all, I strongly believe free time activities make our life more interesting and exciting. Every time I have a chance I try to do something interesting. That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.

I'd like to give a talk about the weather and seasons. I think seasons and weather may seriously affect our life.

To begin with, in every season there are bright and dark sides. But we must be thankful together whatever the weather.

As for me I like … most of all because …

From my point of view, the Earth’s climate has recently changed very much. Winters have become quite warm and snowless and spring comes late enough.

As for the weather forecast, I don’t always trust it because the weather can be very changeable and unpredictable. When you want to enjoy sunny weather and blue sky there are clouds everywhere.

All in all, I strongly believe that the weather can easily change our plans, but everyone hopes the weather will be fine.

I must confess that every season is beautiful and attractive in its own way. And as one of the famous poets says, “I see no reason to speak in prize of any season.”

That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.


I'd like to give a talk about keeping fit. I think it is a very important issue nowadays.

To begin with, the polluted and unhealthy world of today makes people realize the importance of keeping fit.

As for me, I do sport regularly. I go to the swimming pool twice a week. This helps me feel fit and healthy.

From my point of view, most of teenagers prefer running or cycling. They often do it to keep fit.

All in all, I strongly believe that keeping fit makes our life more interesting. Every time I have a chance I go to the gym or to the swimming pool. That's all I wanted to say about keeping fit.

Thank you for listening.

I'd like to give a talk about my school. I think school is a very important part of everyone’s life.

As for me, I can’t imagine my life without my school.

To begin with, I like our school canteen. I can have a snack there when I have free time during the breaks.

As for me the most difficult weekday, it is … because …

From my point of view, it would be better to change our school timetable. It would give us an opportunity to have an extra day off. If we didn’t have any lessons on Saturdays we would have a chance to have a rest

All in all, I strongly believe that school makes our life more interesting and exciting. I take prt in all extra-curricular activities at my school. That’s all I wanted to say about my school. Thank you for listening.


I'd like to give a talk about my school. . I think school is a very important part of everyone’s life.

To begin with, my school day usually starts at a quarter past eight. I usually have six lessons every day. So my classes finish at two p.m. After every lesson I have a break. During this time I can have a snack at our school canteen or just have a little rest.

As for my favorite subject it is… because…

I like my...most of all.

All in all, I strongly believe that school makes our life brighter. I always try to do my best at school. That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.


I'd like to give a talk about my school homework. I think it is impossible to imagine learning at school without it.

To begin with, every day I spend much time enough doing my homework.

As for me, I usually start with … . I do it because….

From my point of view, schoolchildren should be given less homework. In such a way they will be able to prepare for the lessons better.

All in all, I strongly believe that school homework makes our life busier. Every time a have a chance I try to do my homework in advance. In this way I manage to save time during the school week. That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.

Firstly, monologue speech is a process of purposeful communication of a conscious appeal to the listener and is characteristic primarily of the oral form of book speech: oral scientific speech, for example, an educational lecture or report, judicial speech, and oral public speech, which has recently become widespread. The monologue received its most complete development in artistic speech. A monologue can be either unprepared spontaneous, which is typical primarily for the sphere of colloquial speech, or prepared in advance...

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