Where do the balls go? Where do the balloons go

Tatiana Beschastnaya
Project "Where do the balloons fly to?"

Where do the balloons go?

(for children 4-5 years old)

Beschastnaya Tatyana Vasilievna, teacher

Sadovnikova Svetlana Leonidovna, teacher


In the period of preschool childhood, along with play activities, cognitive activity is of great importance in the development of the child's personality. In the light of modern pedagogical trends, this is not only the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities, but mainly the search for knowledge, the acquisition of knowledge independently or under the tactful guidance of an adult.

N. N. Poddyakov in his study notes that "children's experimentation claims to be the leading activity in the period of preschool development of the child."

A child of preschool age is a researcher in himself, he shows a keen interest in various research activities, including experimentation. The more diverse and interesting the search activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully he develops.

Develop cognitive motivation and activity of children

Keep children interested in research and experimentation

Contribute to the formation of primary ideas about the objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relations of the surrounding world

To form the ability to put forward hypotheses, compare and draw conclusions;

Develop the ability to find non-standard solutions in problem situations, come up with new ways to use ordinary things;

To contribute to the expansion of children's ideas about the properties of gaseous substances, water;

Enrich the vocabulary, activate the speech of children;

Contribute to the implementation of independent creative activity.

Resource support project

Ready soap bubbles; components for self-preparation of soap solution

- balloons of different colors, shapes and sizes

Helium balloon

Necessary equipment for scientific experiments (depending on the choice of teachers)

large building material

Materials for creativity, measurements, counting

Implementation stages project

1. Planning:

Collection of information using technology "Three Questions": simulation of a game situation, survey, observation.

game situation.

The Pinocchio toy comes to visit the children balloons. Pinocchio does not know what it is and what it is for. Children talk about what they know about balloons. Pinocchio asks children questions about properties balls:

How can you inflate Balloon?

What is the ball made of?

Why are some puffed up balls fly away while others fall to the floor?

By answering questions, children demonstrate the knowledge they already have, which can be relied upon when planning activities. New questions that appear in children during the discussion are fixed by the teacher and are also used in planning. During the conversation, the children, under the guidance of the educator, select ways to solve the problems that have arisen. For example, in order to understand why balls fly away, you need to experiment. And in order to find out what are Balloons and where they can be applied, you need to go to the library.

Families of pupils can also provide all possible assistance. For example, mom will help prepare a solution for soap bubbles.

Implementation project

Activity Center Activity Description Educational Areas

Mathematics Application from geometric shapes (oval and circle) « clown balloons» Artistic -aesthetic. ,



Making a board game with a cube "Bubble" (acquaintance with numbers, ordinal and quantitative account) cognitive,


social - communicative,

Measuring the circumference of balls using a conventional measure Cognitive,


The Science of Making a Soap Bubble Solution (according to my mother's recipe) using measurements for bulk products Soc. - communicative,

cognitive, physical

Experiments with helium and Air Cognitive

Presentation of scientific experiments. Educators show children wonderful properties air balloons Cognitive

Art Modeling from plasticine for panels "We are launching Balloons» Artistic - aesthetic,


Collective application from waste material "Flight to hot-air balloon» Social - communicative,


artistic and aesthetic,


Soap bubble painting with gouache "Soap Fantasy" Artistic - aesthetic, cognitive,


Drawing illustrations for poetry "Bubble" E. Fargen, "Ball" A. Shibaev Art. - aesthetic, cognitive,


Literature and literacy Reading a fairy tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoes" cognitive,

artistic - aesthetic

Printing wishes on notes for the final event Socio-communicative,


"Word of the Day": during the day, children write the chosen word in different ways (tracing by dots, sticking letters, chalk on a blackboard, etc.) cognitive,

Write a recipe for a solution for soap bubbles Cognitive,


Learning a poem for staging by Zoya Alexandrova "Ball" cognitive,

thin - aesthetic

Learning poems "Bubble" E. Fargen, "Ball" A. Shibaev Cognitive,

thin - aesthetic

Construction Design air ships for travel hot-air balloon(large building material) Social – communicative,



Theatrical games Dramatization based on the poem by Zoya Alexandrova "Ball" Social – communicative,


thin - aesthetic,


Water and sand Games with soap bubbles Socio-communicative,



Final event

Collective launch of balloons (a flash mob inflated with helium. Each child and parents invited to the event attach a note to the balloon with their own desire, dream. The balloons are launched in an open area by all participants at the same time. This allows you to admire for a long time balloons flying into the sky.

Expected results

Children are introduced to geometric shapes such as oval and circle.

Children develop the skill of cutting rounded shapes

Continue to get acquainted with the numbers from 5 to 9

Practice forward and backward counting

Learn to use a conventional measure to measure rounded objects

Children learn to set themselves a task and find a way to solve it.

Children know some properties of gaseous substances and water

Children consolidated drawing skills, including in non-traditional techniques

Children consolidated the skills of sculpting rounded shapes

Children learned how to work in a small group

Children can use the plots of familiar works of literature in story games

Children can recognize and find given letters, make a word according to the model

List of used literature

Goryachev A. V. Work on the topic. Guidelines. - M.: TOO "Gandalf", 1999

Organization of experimental activities preschoolers: Guidelines / Under the general editorship of L. N. Prokhorova. – M.: ARKTI, 2003

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Late fall. Dark, lead-coloured clouds floated low over the earth. It was gloomy, as if in the evening, although the day was in full swing.

Didactic game "Balloons"

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All kids and even some adults love balloons. These products are able to give a rainbow mood, a sense of celebration and happiness. decorate the halls for various events. And some buy them specifically to release them into the sky and enjoy the way they soar in the sky. And where Surely everyone at least once in his life thought about this question.

How far do balloons fly?

The height of the flight of a balloon launched into the sky can vary. It depends on these facts:

  • The density of the material from which the balloon is made.
  • Weather.
  • The amount of helium inside the product.
  • Wind speed.

Under ideal conditions, the ball can rise almost into space, and this is more than 50 kilometers from the earth.

Where do the balloons go?

Answers to this question can be varied. For example, to answer the kids, you can come up with a magical story about where the balloons fly. This will interest the child and help not to be very upset if suddenly the desired “piece of joy” is lost from the hands and takes off into the sky.

For example, to little boys and girls, you might say the following:

  • On a journey through space.
  • To your parents.
  • To the rainbow
  • To the distant country of Shararam, where many such balls live.
  • To warmer climes to migratory birds.

Such versions of the answer to the question of where the balloons fly to will certainly please the child. In fact, when the balloon rises high into the sky, it bursts due to pressure and descends back to the ground, but already in the form of a rubber rag.

How long can rubber helium balloons soar in the sky

Knowing where the balloons go, many are interested in which of the products will last longer between heaven and earth. Rubber balls tend to be inelastic and not very strong.

Therefore, having reached a height where helium is replaced by air due to atmospheric pressure, the rubber ball does not withstand stress, bursts and descends to the ground in the form of a piece of rubber, continuing its “life” somewhere in the forest, ocean or in the middle of the street. It is difficult to determine exactly where the balloon will fly after it bursts. But in any case, he gets to the ground.

How long can latex helium balloons soar in the sky

Latex is a material that is obtained from Hevea brasiliensis. That is, it is a natural material. Therefore, even if the product burst under pressure and fell into a pond, in a forest or in the middle of a city, it will not harm the environment. If people check where the balloons fly by using rubber products, then they can harm the environment. But even rubber balls are not as harmful to the ecological system as plastic bottles, which are destructive to the environment.

Why balloons fly away is clear to everyone. The helium with which they are filled is lighter than air, so the rainbow balloon is carried in the wind. As the balloon rises, it is affected by the atmosphere. The air temperature in the upper spheres of the globe is much lower than on earth. Because of this, the interior of the balloon releases helium and fills with air. Under the pressure of cold air, the latex is stretched. The balloon gets heavier. After that, the product begins to soar smoothly and go down.

There were cases when the ball as a whole flew to the ground. Schoolchildren from Canada conducted an interesting experiment. They launched a balloon filled with helium into the sky and fixed a camera on it. The latest pictures were taken at an altitude of more than 35,000 meters.

Experiments were also carried out in the world to launch balloons into the sky along with "passengers". The most popular hero who has risen to the clouds on a balloon filled with helium is the bear, which was the symbol of the Moscow Olympics. There are many versions about where this "pilot" landed. A version believed to be accurate has never been found.

There are also people in the world who have experienced first hand what it is like to fly on balloons filled with helium. One of the experimenters was a resident of America, and he hovered above the ground for more than 13 hours. True, his flight was unsuccessful, he got tangled in the wires, which deprived the settlement of electricity. There was also a man from Russia who was ready to do anything for the sake of science. This man has been at bird's eye view for 25 minutes.

Balloons flying into the sky have different fates. But in any case, this process is interesting for science and deserves attention.

After all, such a ball is an ordinary piece of rubber. From the fact that it is round and beautiful, nothing changes. And it turns out that we solemnly throw away this rubber, in front of all the people, and even with the hands of the kids. I think this does not add to our already disappointing ecology. Maybe it's time for us to ask ourselves this question: is it worth a minute's fun to finally turn nature into a dump? – wrote Nikolay Voloshchenko from Volokonovka.

According to the law of Archimedes

balloon life span depends on the material from which it is made: rubber or latex. Some quickly and noisily burst, others are able to live an interesting and, without exaggeration, a rich life.

From the point of view of physics, the flight of both a rubber and a latex balloon is the same:

“The ball rises to the upper layers, cools a little, its volume increases four to six or more times with height. And the greater the height, the greater the volume of the ball, - says Physics teacher Pavel Galutsky.- If the latex balloon is inflated strongly, it bursts, if not very strongly, then its shell is stretched, helium molecules come out of it, air molecules, in turn, enter the balloon. Air is heavier than helium, and the balloon gets heavier, starts to fall down, where the air density is higher. So gradually the ball is reduced. As for rubber balls, under the influence of all the same factors, as they rise to a height and increase in volume, as a rule, they burst.

Galutskikh calculated that at a height of 10 km, the air density decreases three times compared to the earth's surface, and the volume of the ball, respectively, increases three times. At a height of 12 km, the air density will decrease four times, and the volume of the ball will increase four times. At an altitude of 50 km, the density of air decreases by 1,200 times, and here the balloon passes the last test of strength.

“If the balloon is pumped over, it will burst, and if it is not pumped over, it will live for a long time, although helium, of course, will still diffuse through the shell,” Pavel Galutskikh explained.

50 km from the earth is already almost space! Nevertheless, an ordinary latex balloon is capable of such feats.

Photo from https://malevi4.wordpress.com

Faster, higher, bolder

In 2007 students from Canada launched a helium balloon into the sky, tying a camera to it. The picture from the highest point was taken at a distance of 35.8 km from the ground.

An American did a similar experiment last year. Robert Harrison. His balloon, filled with helium, flew higher than 20 km, and also transmitted pictures to the ground, proving that this whole story was not fiction. In the stratosphere, the ball burst, and the camera safely returned to the owner by parachute.

The most famous balloon passenger is Mishka, the symbol of the 1980 Olympics in Moscow. There are many versions about where he flew and where he landed. According to one of them, Misha was found on Sparrow Hills, according to another - in the Moscow region, his six-meter shell was torn. Initially, two copies were made, and the one that did not fly was exhibited at VDNKh for some time, and then the rubber product corny decayed in warehouses.

His fame haunted many. In 1982 an American Larry Walters, having soared into the sky in balloons filled with helium, he stayed in the air for 13 hours. However, the landing was not very successful - Larry got tangled in power lines and thousands of Americans were left without electricity.

Russian Vitaly Kulikov twice soared into the sky on latex balloons in 2004. For the first time, he pumped 360 balloons with hydrogen and enjoyed the views from a height of 400 m for 25 minutes. The wind carried the naturalist 8.5 km. The second time he flew 64 km on helium balloons.

Photo from http://pulson.ru

In 2008, a Brazilian priest Adelir Antonio de Carli rose on helium balloons. He expected to fly 750 km northwest of his church parish, but instead, after eight hours of flight, at the behest of the wind, he found himself 50 km above the ocean waves. Communication with him was lost, and the fate of the Brazilian is unknown.

Whoever and wherever he flew on balloons, the result is always the same: everyone lands somewhere. Including the balloons themselves. Beauty and romance are behind us, and for multi-colored shreds and blown shapeless rags that were once balls, the inevitable process of decomposition begins.

Latex- a natural material obtained from the milky juice of the Brazilian hevea. Therefore, it is destroyed without harming nature, rubber balls are more harmful in this respect. And yet, the small balloons that people launch from time to time are much less dangerous for the environment than the plastic bottles thrown away daily. If a thin rubber ball decomposes in a few months, then a plastic bottle will rot for about 200 years, and an aluminum can will last for half a millennium.

Irina Dudka

Interesting fact: in the 12th century, every Karelian family had a balloon made of whale and bull skin. Karelians flew on them, overcoming impassability. True or not, this fact is reflected in the manuscripts. And only in the 19th century, rubber balls were created by Michael Faraday. Hydrogen-filled balloons have delighted people for almost a hundred years. But after a comic explosion in the United States, as a result of which an official was injured, balloons began to be filled with helium. Latex balloons appeared in the 20th century. It became possible not only round, but also oval shape. The inventor became a billionaire.

Sheep, duck and chicken were the first to travel in a hot air balloon

Interesting fact: balloons, falling into a jet of wind, fly away at a distance equal to several thousand kilometers. Gel balloons increase in size as they gain height. The reason is the pressure drop in the atmosphere. Balloons fly and fly up for several kilometers until they burst. With a very dense shell, they rise up until the moment when the density of air becomes equal to the density of helium. But in the end, the helium gradually comes out and the balloon loses height, falling to the ground.

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