How to teach a child to read: advice from a psychologist. Your child should have a favorite book that he wants to re-read many times

In our age of total technology, more and more parents are puzzled by the question of how to teach a child to read.. Psychologist Anastasia Ponomarenko will tell you what parents should pay attention to, how not to discourage children from picking up a book, and how to teach a child to read.

No need to shake your grandmother: “Read, please! Read!"

No need to beg your sister: "Well, read another page."

No need to call, no need to wait, but you can take and read!

Surely, everyone remembers these poems from childhood. Indeed, being able to read was as natural as being able to walk and run.

However, now neuropsychologists and educators are sounding the alarm: fewer schoolchildren are able to read thoughtfully, understanding the meaning of the text . More and more children tend to the so-called "mechanical reading", when the child reads quickly, but cannot retell the text he has read.

And, most worryingly, more and more teenagers are reading with difficulty. Not in syllables, of course, but not fluently. 20 years ago, this was unimaginable! But on paper (this is important) it develops thinking, intelligence, and the general cultural level.

That is why many parents who managed to catch the standards of Soviet schools and understand that the ability to read can soon become a competitive advantage often ask the question: how, with the dominance of gadgets,?

Firstly , the child is always brought up in the atmosphere. And, if it is an atmosphere of love for books, then the habit of reading will firmly enter his life. Mom and dad spend evenings with a computer or tablet in an embrace? Don't expect your child to fall in love with books.

Secondly , turn a trip to the bookstore or library into a holiday. Recently, within the framework of a scientific-practical conference devoted to the problems of childhood and adolescence, sociologists presented an interesting report. It turns out that most kids love McDonald's because their parents take them there as a reward. “If you lead well, let's go eat hamburgers,” many parents say. Naturally, the connection is firmly rooted in the child's head: McDonald's is a holiday, a positive reinforcement. And we want as many holidays as possible in life. So teenagers run for french fries and a cocktail - because they are associated with joy!

If you encourage a good child with a book, if you arrange a trip to the library or store as a solemn event, then soon the book will turn into an attribute of joy for the child, it will become synonymous with good mood, the process of buying and reading books will be pleasant. And what we like, we want to do as often as possible.

Thirdly , if you have already come to the bookstore, let the child himself. You can suggest, advise, but never insist, otherwise you will simply kill any desire for such joint trips. Negotiate a certain amount for the purchase - this is please! But to offer to buy "Vaska Trubachev and Comrades" instead of "Harry Potter" only on the grounds that you personally liked Oseeva's book more - forget it.

Fourth , be sure to discuss with your child the book you bought and read. So you will show the child and your interest in his hobbies, and save you from the very “mechanical reading”, which was mentioned above.

Fifth , remember: until voluntary attention and memorization are formed, it is too early to learn to read. That is, a child who learned to read at 3-4 years old is rather an exception. In general, children begin to learn reading skills by the age of 6-7, so do not run ahead of the engine.

Never punish reading! But not this: if you don’t wash the dishes, you will read five pages. Then reading will be perceived as a punishment, and your child will never want to pick up books - starting from the very age when he will be able to rebuff you.

And the most effective rule is to answer any question of the child: let's find the answer together in the book. And go look at encyclopedias and cognitive atlases. Yes, parents will have to join too. I want to lie down, wander through social networks, and then a child with questions, and I have to climb into textbooks, and listen to a story about a book I read, and drag myself to the library on the weekend.

But everyone makes his own choice: a momentary rest and a child with a computer addiction, or a strain of mental strength for several years - and a smart, well-read child with a broad outlook, which the country's leading universities are waiting for. You decide.

How to find the reason why the child does not want to study? Tips for parents.

  • It happens that a child grasps knowledge on the fly and learns faster than other children. Does this mean that he is endowed with unique learning abilities by nature
  • Maybe he just has more desire to learn than other children? Dale Carnegie said that the only way to get a person to do something is to make him want it.
  • In our context, this means that the success of learning depends on motivation, moreover, complex, deep. This article is another attempt to find the “pitfalls” that prevent little geniuses from learning.

Why does the child not want to write letters and words?

Fine motor skills are not well developed. The closest thing to writing is drawing. Moreover, the creation of a composition is perceived by the baby as creativity, learning the technique of drawing with the help of geometric shapes is like studying, but decorating is already work.

  • There are many shadings, with different lines and children's pictures. But for the development of the kid's imagination, it is better to draw on a snow-white drawing paper, extraordinarily beautiful professional watercolors in tubes and well-sharpened pencils

  • Musical instruments are also very useful for developing fine motor skills. If the kid likes music lessons, then he may not even notice how he will train his fingers by pressing the keys of the instrument

  • There are many interesting household chores that require good coordination of movements. This is braiding, tying shoelaces, decorating cakes with cream, washing dishes. Girls often like to do needlework and sewing with their mother. And the boys help their dad, repair something. Tightening a small magnetic bolt can be difficult even for an adult. Sometimes the most unexpected items, for example, dad's tools or mom's buttons, become the child's favorite toys.

Helping around the house is also a study

Try to play with your child by switching the roles of "student" and "teacher". So, sit next to your child and try typing letters with your left hand. Now the picky "teacher" will appreciate your work. Will your child praise you for the scribbles you wrote, or will fair criticism follow? Such a game will help you to take the place of the baby, and your children to become a little more mature.

Perhaps your baby simply does not have the right psychological behavior model. Parents, the most beloved and important people for the child, whom he wants to be like. If parents themselves do not know how to do painstaking work, why do they require perseverance and patience from the child?

Perhaps you break down when something doesn’t work out for you, you don’t finish the job? Then don't get mad at the kids if they copy your behavior. If you don't feel like writing letters with your child all the time, sit down and do some homework that's always available. Set an example with your composure and restraint.

Sometimes a child does not want to learn to write letters because of traumatic situations. For example, someone said that his copybooks are creepy scribbles. It is important to stop such negative attacks from others, but if this has already happened, it's okay, the child will forget everything and will study with the same inspiration.

Why do children not want to read, reasons?

  • Wrong book to read. Finding literature for a baby is an art. A book for a child should be decorated with bright, understandable pictures, the text should be printed in large type, and the story or fairy tale that the kid reads should be very interesting.
  • Parents rarely read fairy tales aloud to their children. Or read, but inexpressively. After all, reading for kids, you need to be able to capture the emotions of the listener. Try to listen to professional audio recordings, feel the pauses, rise or fall of the reciter's voice
  • Try to read beautifully and expressively so that the little listener experiences a surge of emotions. Slow down reading if your child is tired. If you emotionally read beautiful books to your child, he will undoubtedly want to learn to read.

  • It is simply too difficult for children to read on their own at first. And they are faced with something that is very interesting for them to read, but they can only master a few paragraphs or pages. This problem is temporary and will pass with experience.
  • Poor eyesight. Have you checked your eyes? Usually, a child who does not see well takes an unnatural position with a book, leans over it too low or, on the contrary, pushes it far away.

The main advice is not to be nervous. If at 5-6 years old a preschooler can read in syllables, then he will definitely learn how to read quickly in the first grade.

VIDEO: Opinion of a practicing psychologist

VIDEO: Teacher's opinion

In this video, the teacher points out among the reasons for the dislike of literature - coercion and improper organization of discussions after reading.

What can I do to make my child want to write, read and learn?

Everything rests on the conflict between “need” and “want”. There are two types of activities, the first type is what you want to do and the second is what you need to do, but do not want to. Perhaps you and your child fall into the second category.

This probably happened because at the first stages of learning you could not teach the child to write letters and read in the form of a game in an interesting way. After the first failures, most likely, there was a simple coercion and cries like: “Everyone has children like children, and you are a dumbass!”.

Then, perhaps, punishments followed for an unread primer and unwritten words. And now you and your child have already developed a negative reflex in relation to learning.

It looks like this: you force the child to write, he, knowing that you will shout at him and punish him, refuses to do it. As a result, you again scream and punish.

Is there a way out of this vicious circle? He is. And it lies in the fact that the child gets pleasure from learning instead of negative emotions. Replacing punishment with rewards is the task of parents.

Why does the child not want to go to school?

Try to find out the answer to this question from him.

  • If a child says that he is the dumbest in the class, then you need to urgently remove the label of “loser” from him. Urgent, because at an early age it is easier to do and less knowledge will pass him by
  • Conduct two advertising campaigns at once: one aimed at drawing the attention of the teacher to your child, the second in order to raise the priority of learning in the eyes of your child
  • Go, for example, to a university, a huge and beautiful library, or talk with pleasant and educated people, but in no case read morality

If the child says that he does not understand what the teacher is talking about, just explain to him that he has every right to take the teacher's time and demand additional explanations

If the child gives up because of bad grades and a deuce has already been put in the journal, the child will think that it will affect the grade for the quarter and the report card is ruined. Try to teach your baby not to give up, this is one of the best qualities that will definitely come in handy for everyone.

Why does the child not want to learn new things?

Perhaps he was simply tired of the overabundance of information. This state is clearly seen in the little "why-why" who endlessly ask questions for several hours in a row, and then suddenly fall silent.

They just need time to “digest” the answers they hear. The reason for the reluctance to explore the world may be more serious: an emotional shock or an unfavorable psychological atmosphere in the social circle.

How to teach a child to study independently?

For this, it is enough that the child has sufficient motivation to study and many ambitions. You can give your child self-confidence with praise and approval. But constructive fair criticism is also needed. The love of knowledge can be passed from parents to children at the genetic level.

  • Some children grasp knowledge on the fly, some with little difficulty, but there are those who stubbornly refuse to write or read. They are not stupid at all, they are not at all behind in development, they just do not want to do it.
  • So what should parents do? Force them to study, scold, put children in a corner or find miraculous tips on the Internet, after reading which everything will instantly work out
  • Your parents are very lucky, because right now a magic wand has waved and all the most complex and unresolved problems have been sorted out. Do you believe in it? Probably not, but in vain because any undertaking begins with faith in success

What if the child does not read? This question occupies many parents. Nowadays, children are distracted by too many things: smartphones, computers, cartoons that endlessly go on TV - you can’t pull a child out to play with friends on the street, let alone get interested in a book. But you shouldn't give up. We chose 10 ways to teach your child to read. Try them one by one or several at once - some will certainly work.

1. Introduce a game element

Turn reading into a game and you won't have to spend a single second persuading your child to pick up a book. Make a performance - a home theater - and let grandparents become grateful spectators, invite your child's friends to visit and arrange a competition, always with prizes - who will read more or find objects in the picture (wimmelbuchs are good for this), show the child books - mazes, make up stories, do crafts, draw characters, cut, color, experiment, show shadow theater and make 3D paper figures. Ideas sea. Just make sure you implement it.

2. Let the child read what he likes.

If a child refuses to read books from the school reading list, don't push. Show other books so that he understands: there are not only boring stories about the autumn forest or epics about Russian heroes (someone doesn’t like it here), but also fantasy, plays and, say, satire. Yes, even the myths of South Africa and the legends of Vietnam - if only the reading was captivating. There is no need to “push” knowledge into a child, and even more so impose your preferences.

Author of the photo: Aliya Gimranova, -

Try to find a genre that your child will like. And if things don’t go at all, try to “slip” comics, even if for many it’s like a knife to the heart. When a child finds something of his own, he will get a taste of it and, quite likely, over time he will begin to read everything that comes to hand: he will swallow books, not buns 🙂

3. Get a big library at home

It is impossible to teach a child to read if there are simply no books at home or there are very few of them. It should always be possible to go to the bookcase and take something.

Author of the photo: Polina Myalichkina, -.

I remember how in my childhood I chose books on the principle “because gladiolus” - I read everything that caught my eye: the great Soviet encyclopedia, Bulgakov, Poe, fairy tales of the peoples of the world, Gorky, Belyaev, encyclopedias “I will know the world” - history, physics , space, plants, art, medicine and about twenty more on various topics - Khmelevskaya, Darrell, Strugatsky, books about dinosaurs, growing up children, psychology and even catchphrases in Latin (I memorized them - I can’t even say for what purpose ). Everything was in motion. And I sincerely believe that this has seriously affected my love of reading.

4. Don't make you read to the end

If you see that the book “does not go”, the child sighs every now and then, gets distracted, spins, as if in a frying pan, and in general does anything, just not to turn the next page - let him close this book. Reading under pressure will not lead to good things. Never force a child to sit at a book that is uninteresting to him, otherwise you will achieve exactly the opposite effect. Even adults are advised to do this: Igor Mann uses the “50 page test” - if a book “does not catch” after 50 pages read, it just needs to be put aside. Not to mention the children.

Don't miss this interesting book! Author of the photo: Maria Eremina, -.

5. Show me what's amazing about books

Even at school, we were taught to disassemble works, to see the deep meaning, to guess what the author was thinking and what he wanted to say. Try to do this trick with a child, only not getting into lengthy reflections, but showing what you read from an unexpected side. Find something unusual in the book and show it to your child. When you explain something to him, draw non-obvious parallels - so that the young reluctant person is really interested.

Author of the photo: Irina @kmigirazuma, -

6. Focus on the leading activity

The domestic psychologist Leontiev, and then Elkonin and Davydov, developed the idea of ​​leading activity - this is the “main occupation” of the child, within which the personality develops. Each age has its own leading activity: from 3 to 7 years old - a role-playing game, up to 11 years old - study, later - intimate personal communication (this is why peers become more significant for teenagers than family). A love of reading can be instilled through leading activities: for kids, come up with games with books, for older children, give encyclopedias on topics of interest to them, a teenager can “slip” a book about relationships.

7. Don't make conditions

You can often hear from parents: “Until you read ten pages, you won’t go outside.” It's probably the worst thing you can think of. Never set conditions or deprive your child of pleasures, whether it's sweets, a walk with friends, or a trip with a class on a field trip. Otherwise, the book will become an enemy for him. But not any other way.

Better yet, give books from a very tender age. The child will love them. Author of the photo: Irin Knuremko, - .

8. Choose beautiful books

Psychologists note that until about 12 years old, visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking prevails in a child. That is why it is important to pay attention to the visual component of children's books: bright cover, beautiful illustrations, high-quality paper. The book should attract like a magnet. To excite. Cause delight. Then the child will not have to be reminded to read.

A good life-affirming book with magical illustrations. Even the adults love it. We at MYTH love Mamazaurus! -

9. Leave books in a visible place

This is already a level 80 trick, but why not give it a try. Let books lie everywhere in the house: nail a shelf in the kitchen, leave books on the dining table, if you have a living room or a large corridor - “settle” them there too, put them on the bedside table near the child’s bed. And don't forget the bathroom and toilet 😉 Seriously! It's like on an airplane: attention is not scattered, distractions are at a minimum, so that the hand will reach for the book by itself.

10. Read with your child

This method will work for young children: they are affectionately attached to their parents and want to spend all the time together, so you should think about diversifying your leisure time with reading. Read by role, just in turn - on the page, invite the child to voice the characters in different voices: the fox speaks in a high, thin voice, the wolf basses, and the bun sings funny.

And be sure to read to the kids before bed, -

And finally, the last one. Be the best example for your child. Hero. Inspire. Show that you yourself are not indifferent to books. Enter the magical world of books. If you love reading with all your heart, if your family prefers books to TV, and “sticking” in gadgets is joint leisure, the words “My child does not read” will most likely never be heard. And if there is still a problem, then it is in your power to solve it.

P.S. Do you want to learn about the most interesting children's books and receive discounts on the best novelties? Subscribe to our newsletter . The first letter is a gift.

Raising such an important question, I immediately want to say that the word FORCE and the word LOVE still have a different meaning. And of course the phrase "make fall in love" is generally devoid of real ground. It is impossible to force love. Love can be called respect and lively interest. There is no other way to love. Alas. As for the word “force”, there are many ways: playing on a sense of fear, on a sense of responsibility, on a sense of hope. You can force it by blackmail, by the method of encouragement, by the promise of punishment or deprivation of something loved. And you can also cheat. For example, arrange a puzzle game where the answers are hidden on the pages of books. Just hide something valuable in the book, say, 100 rubles for ice cream. And in order to find a hundred-ruble note, the child needs to find this very book. Give the child a riddle, saying that an English writer of the 19th century wrote a book. If such a forced game is introduced on a permanent basis, then the child will have a material incentive. Of course, you need to start with easy questions or with questions with hints to involve the child in the game. Ultimately, the child may not like to read, but at least he will pay attention to the existence of books, know their authors and increase erudition. Another question is whether you need such a child's attitude to literature. There are other tricky methods as well. After all, human ingenuity is limitless.

Which way to attract a child to reading to choose is up to you. I, in turn, can only suggest and advise.

The simplest solution is to take the belt in hand. But then be prepared for a child's persistent hatred of books forever. I hope our readers don't. And I do not need to discuss the absurdity of such a method.

In one of his books, Sergei Lukyanenko wrote that in essence reading of books has always been and will remain the entertainment of intellectuals. In his opinion, such people are only 10%. Frankly, all people cannot be equally fascinated by the same things. I don't think it's bad. It's just a fact. And if your child absolutely does not want to read, then leave him alone. If you certainly want to make him read, then try to go for a trick.

I will write down a few steps on how and what can be done here.

Step 1. Find out why you don't like reading.

Reason 1. First of all, you need to find out the reasons for the dislike of reading. Ask your child frankly why he does not like to read. The most common answer What for? When can you watch a movie?» I will translate this answer - why work hard when you can enjoy it without making any effort? Yes, reading is hard work! And what a job! You need to read the plot, be able to imagine images, analyze the character of the characters, think about what is happening, see the atmosphere of the era, the interior, the costumes of the characters, their faces, and catch their emotions. In other words, draw your own movie in your head. And for this you need to have a rich imagination and fantasy, i.e. you need to be smart. The benefit of reading lies precisely in the endless work of the brain. After all, even after closing the book, a person is still under its impression for a long time.

What if the child is lazy to think? First, don't ask your child to read the classics. Look at his interests. If these are computer games, then find a book about computer game characters. Yes, these are unfair times. The heroes of the books got into computer games and carried away our children into their virtual world. Now we have to find a way to take the kids back to where the game characters were born in the first place. And it's almost always books. If we talk about movies or cartoons, then everything is the same way. The famous Shrek, for example, was born not in a film studio, but in a book by the American writer William Steig called Shrek. The book by the way consists of only 32 pages. Why not try to interest the child in the question "Do you know who invented Shrek and how it all really started"? If this is a favorite character, then most likely the child will be interested. This is where the moment of truth will come - you will get the treasured book in just 32 pages! The good news is that you don't need to strain your brain. After all, the image of Shrek, the environment in which he lived, his character - all this has already been invented by cinema. You will only need to gradually introduce the child into the complex world of intellectual leisure. Books about Berk dragons, pirates, etc. can also serve as a pretext.

Reason 2. There is another reason for dislike of reading. This " Yes, in all books dregs! It's all boring!» Here the problems are of a different nature. The child is simply not interested in reading. This means that the child's acquaintance with books did not begin with those books. The big mistake of many adults is the stereotype of choosing in favor of the classics. They say our generation plus the generation of our grandmothers grew up on these books. So this book has been tested for centuries! Let's face the truth. What has been tested for centuries is not always true. For centuries, the Earth was thought to be flat. And it turns out to be spherical. And yes, life does change. The human mind is changing. Children are also changing with their interests and living in a communal paradise. So it is not so easy for children to understand what life is like for Tiny-Havroshechka. But the children will understand the problems perfectly. Another point - pay attention to the dynamics of the work. The modern world is very fast paced. Both we and our children live in a very fast rhythm. Therefore, it is difficult for children to plunge into long descriptions of feelings or the beauty of nature. Such books should be brought to the child gradually and in small doses. Such is the reality. Do not choose large volume books. Everything has its time. There should be room for adventure and humor in the book. The book should be close to the child. Therefore, it is best to choose a work where the main characters of the book are the same age as the child.

Reason 3. It is believed that the problem with reading occurs in "abandoned children" But mothers never ask the question "?" It is a myth. Sometimes parents load the child so much that he wants only one thing - to relax, like ordinary children! Those. run, jump, prank. What kind of books are there! I want physical activity. And here mothers should think about it - does your child really need to read? Overload sometimes bring children to complete exhaustion. And there are certainly not up to books.

Step 2. An example to follow.

An indispensable prerequisite is to be an example of a pioneer. In other words, how often do you yourself read? And if you prefer a TV or a computer to a book, then you have no moral right to demand otherwise from a child. After all, he is the same person.

Having dealt with the reasons for the child's dislike of reading, you need to find books that theoretically could seduce your child into the process of reading. You can go to the library, to specialized forums, or to sites like ours. Write down about 10 books that could claim to be seductresses. The selection criteria are simple: the book should be dynamic, moderately voluminous (and preferably short), colorful and at least somehow resonate with the modern world (Example with Shrek). Read these books for yourself. At least just skim through the lines. The syllable should be simple. The plot is fascinating. Absolutely great if the work is also with humor. This way you will have a reading plan at hand. It's good to find a fascinating moment in each book and make a note in your plan indicating the desired page.

Step 4. Drawing attention to the book.

There are many ways here. Someone starts cleaning the bookshelf and, as if by chance, opens the brightest picture and shows it to the child, and then begins to read out the very marked page with interest. Someone shares with a child with his wife / husband: “ Imagine, at my work there is only talk about the book "N". Everyone went crazy. They say that this book is special. Masha's son read avidly and began to study much better! Marina bought her own, so her daughter brought five.» And someone simply opens a book with a beautiful picture in the most prominent place, allegedly leaving it in this position by accident, somewhere in a hurry. You can read a book before going to bed and, having reached a funny moment, deliberately laugh out loud. Then again and again. Naturally curious children should take the bait and ask what happened so funny. You can even break a little and not answer right away. They say I'll tell you later and continue reading with enthusiasm. And again defiantly laugh. Here the attention of the child will be increased for sure. There is also a game of duty. For example, a mother needs to do two things at the same time. And my mother at work (think of where else you could have asked your mother with such a request) was asked to write a review or review on the book “N”. Suppose they promised to pay her for the review. But she doesn't have time to read a book. So she asks the child to read the book aloud to her while she peels the potatoes herself.

Either way, you know your child best. Try to come up with your own trick. Play on pride, curiosity, responsibility and any other feeling.

Step 5. Maintain interest.

Drawing attention to one of the books is not a victory. The interest must be sustained. Therefore, you should have a reading plan at hand. It is desirable to replenish it.

It would be nice after reading to somehow discuss the book and its main characters. For example, try to compare the characters in the book with real people from life. If the stock of reading has already appeared, then you can compare the characters of different books with each other. Let's say, compare Baba Yaga from Russian folk tales with. Invite the child to come up with their own version of the denouement. Here's what your wonderful boy or girl would do if they were in the role of a film director? How would they make a movie based on this book? Usually children are fascinated by this creative process. Which of his friends and buddies would the child invite to shoot and which roles? Will the ending change? Will there be a continuation? Ah, there is no sequel! Well, come up with it yourself! Can not? Difficult? Maybe read another book and borrow adventures and ideas from it? After all, that's what Hollywood does!

If a child likes to draw, then try to captivate him with another game - in an illustrator.

If possible, find crosswords or quizzes on the book. If there are albums with paintings by artists on the topic, then it is advisable to look at them.

So the child will catch the difference between his vision of the book and other people. And this is an understanding that in life everyone perceives everything in their own way and from their own point of view.

Step 6. Keeping a reading diary.

If parents decide to seriously address the issue of intellectual leisure of their child, then you need to monitor the reading process. It is advisable to write down any questions the child has while reading. At what point did interest fall and at what point did it rise? It is advisable to write down what the child knew before reading the book, and what he heard about for the first time. What did he understand from what he read? Would he like to be like one of the heroes and why? Why is this needed? So that you can later analyze the growth of the child, as a person and as a reader. Has he become versed in genres? How is the reader's taste developing? Do you like beautiful turns of speech? After all, the world of literature is very rich. And to become an intellectual, you need to be ready for work and intellectual food.

For teenagers who want to enter the literary world, I would recommend Oleg Roy's book “Keepers. Master of Books. This fantasy book will tell you in a fascinating way what treasures are hidden in literature. And he will explain why reading it yourself is much better than watching based on motives.

This is how I would answer the question.

I wish you all mutual understanding and success in education.

The pace of modern life is accelerating, and in this frantic rhythm there is no time left for the simplest, but such an important activity - reading. Today it is more and more difficult to find a student who reads of his own free will, who reads with interest and avidly, like his parents once did. A few decades ago, books were the only source of information - people read them in search of entertainment, education, in search of the necessary data and even the meaning of life. What happened today? Why are children no longer interested in books? In this article we will talk about this global problem - the reasons for its development and ways to solve it.

Why Children Stop Reading

Many adults remember their childhood - how their parents forbade them to read, limited the time spent reading a book in order to keep their eyes healthy. But we read anyway, everywhere and always, with a flashlight under the covers, around the corner of the door, so that my mother would not see. What about today? Children are not fond of reading, a book for them is a punishment for some misconduct. Why has the situation changed radically?

  1. Digital reality. The first and most important reason why children stop reading books is a different way of perceiving. Why should a child read, strain his imagination and fantasy, if television and computers can reproduce this reality for him? Children today receive much more information than we once did at their age. It's just that information comes to them in a different form - through computers, tablets, television.
  2. An apple from an apple tree. Sometimes children do not read, simply because there is no person with a book in their environment. If a child lives with parents who do not have the habit of sitting in the evening with their favorite detective story or novel, the child simply does not know that there are books and they can bring pleasure.
  3. Strange words. Sometimes a child refuses to read if there are a lot of incomprehensible and often outdated words in the text. And this happens, literally from childhood. Well, how can a child be interested in a bunny with its “bast” hut, if the kid doesn’t even know such a word. Not to mention more serious expressions.
  4. Books not by age. Sometimes parents try to raise geeks out of kids by presenting them with more and more complex books. However, a preschooler does not understand the experiences of the Count of Monte Cristo, he simply does not understand what the book is about, but for the time being, for the time being. Every age should have its own books that captivate the reader.
  5. Peer condemnation. Everyone knows how children can be cruel and treacherous. And, having once seen a peer reading a book, they can accuse him of excessive exemplification, call him a “nerd”. The child, trying to hide this "flaw", gradually refuses the book, preferring to receive information from other sources.
  6. Compulsion. Very often, parents themselves give rise to dislike for books when they equate reading with punishment. That is, they say - “Did you break a vase? Now sit in your room and read 20 pages of text.” Over and over again, the child learns to perceive reading as something bad, uninteresting, forced. And the parents themselves are to blame.

At what age should a child be taught to love reading? As a rule, interest in books in children wakes up at the age of 8-10, when the baby begins to read fluently on his own, realizing the action taking place on paper pages. However, it is necessary to instill a love of reading and respect for the book from childhood, not allowing the child to tear the pages, draw on pictures. But why do modern children need to read?

Benefits of reading books

Many modern teenagers claim that books are the last century. Why suffer and read when any information can be quickly and easily found on the Internet. However, a book is not only a source of information, and reading is not only the ability to put letters into words. The book is more than that. If a child learns to read at least a few pages a day, he will eventually become better at expressing his thoughts, learn to present information correctly - both orally and in writing. Reading children are much better at creative tasks in school and write essays with ease. Many people perceive information better visually, so reading is a great way to learn literacy.

But most importantly, the book contributes to the formation of personality, teaches morality, finds answers to many questions. From the classics, the child draws the right attitude to life, learns to distinguish good from evil, respect the elders, protect the younger ones. The child understands that evil is certainly punished, that one must live in justice. Reading books is a great entertainment, a safe way to have a good and useful time. But how to convey all this to the child? How to awaken in him a love for the book?

Never force your child to read. Don't punish him with a book. From childhood, the kid should understand that reading is a pleasure, not a punishment. Never force a child to read in response to some misconduct. On the contrary, tell the kid that today he is a great fellow for helping his grandmother and as a reward you will read together (or give him) a colorful and interesting book. Attitudes towards many life positions are laid down in a child from childhood. And how you treat the book, the same way the child will treat it throughout his life.

  1. Feel the book! Show your child the advantages of a paper book over digital media. You can touch the book, flip through its pages, feel the roughness of the paper, enjoy the aroma of fresh printing ink. This is what makes people still read paper books. Young children can buy interesting paper books with three-dimensional pictures that appear on the page when it is opened. A lot of tactile books with various irregularities and details. Teach your child to touch the pages - this is important.
  2. Choose books. Just one bad book can cause a child to stop reading out of boredom. It is very important to choose a book according to the age, interests and preferences of the child. For example, children of primary school age can be offered the adventures of Dunno, and those that are older can be offered the adventures of Tom Sawyer. If a child is interested in computer games, keep this in mind - modern publishing houses are full of books about computer heroes. It is important to choose what will interest the child.
  3. Read for yourself. Unfortunately, it's hard to get a child to do something if you don't do it yourself. If mom and dad spend their free time reading a book, telling each other what they read, admiring the characters and having fun in this way, the baby will become infected. He will understand that a book is a window to the world that can be explored without getting off the couch. It is foolish to hope for a child to read if you yourself spend the whole evening in front of the TV screen.
  4. Keep books at home. Modern houses are equipped in such a way that there is no place for dusty, bulky and voluminous books, especially if all the same can be found in electronic form. If you want to raise a reading child, you need to have a bookcase in the house, or at least a shelf where the child can dig. Treat books with respect - do not let small children play with them, explain to the child that the book cannot be torn, you cannot draw on it.
  5. Develop your imagination. You can motivate your child to develop their imagination with various fictional stories, tales. Compose fables and fairy tales together, let the child discover creative thinking in himself. With a good imagination, reading will be easier - the images will be easy to add up, reading will be interesting.
  6. Learn poetry. A verse is that small dose of information that a child can master, understand and present on their own. Poems develop memory, awaken love for the syllable.
  7. Filmstrips. Old filmstrips will help to make a little fussy read. Scrolling the film, the baby will be interested in what is happening in the picture and will certainly want to understand what is happening in the plot. To do this, he will have to read the comment below the picture.
  8. Put on plays. For preschool children, the plot itself, the dialogues, experiences, and actions are very interesting. Therefore, for interest, you can do small performances with your child and read by roles. By the way, this can be done even before the baby learns to read.
  9. Choose your time. Today's children have a much greater load than their parents at the same age. Today, almost all schoolchildren have additional classes - sports sections, language courses, creative circles. Do not force a tired child to read when he comes home. Choose free time to communicate with the book so that the baby is rested, interested and in a good mood. Only under these conditions can you instill in your child a love of reading.
  10. Shared reading. Choose an exciting book and read it with your child before bed. Once again, stop at the most interesting moment and say that you will read the continuation tomorrow. The impatience of the baby can lead to the fact that he himself will begin to find out the end of the story.

Reading is a very important stage in a child's life. As you taught the baby to hold a spoon, go to the potty, change clothes - with the same importance and patience, you need to instill in your child a love for the book and the process of reading. However, do not be so categorical - time changes, children change too.

How important is reading in today's world?

There has always been dissatisfaction with youth. The problem of fathers and children has always been relevant. Children were very often dissatisfied, because they changed and did not look like their parents. The current generation is no exception. It seems to us that our children sit in computers and do nothing useful. But the course of modern life makes us change and look at life in a new way. If you want your child to develop, do not force him to read paper books. Modern gadgets allow you to find the information you need in an electronic format in a matter of minutes. Let your child read the way they want to. No need to force your child to master War and Peace - he can have other heroes and other books, no less interesting, by the way. And in order to follow the child's hobbies and prevent his permissiveness on the network, you need to keep up with the times and master the Internet and computers.

A book is an opportunity to talk with a person from the past, to experience his life, to feel his thoughts. A book is a true friend who always waits, never judges or gets offended for a long absence. This is an immersion in another world that seems to be a reality. Love and read books, they have a lot of useful and interesting things. And the child will certainly become your reflection.

Video: what to do to make your child love reading