Unreasonable in the actions and reasoning of Jourdain. Composition moliere - philistine in the nobility

Where would I like to live

I think everyone has a place where they would like to live. Everyone has a dream in which he knows what his future home will be like, where he will be, what will surround him. Everyone knows, or at least imagines the place where this miracle house is. Of course, over time, when a person grows up, the place where he wanted to live changes in his mind, it seems to me, take on a different shape. Because the person himself changes, his priorities and habits change, he begins to like what he didn’t like before.

But it seems to me that the place where I would like to live will never change, because I invented it a long time ago, and gradually I only slightly correct it.

I don't have a specific country or place that attracts me very much, I just would like to live somewhere near the sea. It may be in Russia, or somewhere else, but the ideal place of my dreams should be located very close to the sea. I really love to swim, so I would like to come to the sea whenever I want and swim as much as I want. It may seem strange, but I really want it. Perhaps this choice is influenced by the fact that summer is in the place where I live completely

short, and the swimming season is even shorter, because the water does not have time to properly warm up.

When I imagine a place where I would like to live, it seems to me that it is very calm, it is such a place where there are not very many people, most likely it is a small coastal town where there are bays in which you can fish and sunbathe. that I do not have very many neighbors, but we all know very well and communicate in a friendly manner. Sometimes we get together in the evening for a cup of tea and a little chat. There shouldn't be many tourists in the place where I would like to live. Of course, I understand that if the place is good and convenient for relaxation, there will always be a lot of tourists, especially during the tourist season. But, if you take into account that I am describing a place where I would like to live, and not real ones, I would not want to see crowds of tourists there, neither in the city nor on the beach.

Most likely, such a place does not exist, but I would like to believe that it does exist. Also, I would like to add that there is work for me to do. It doesn't matter what kind of work it will be. The main thing is that it brings me sufficient income and pleasure. If I live near the sea, in a place where it will be warm, where there are jobs for me, and where friends surround me, I think I will be happy.

Other works on this topic:

  1. The room I would like to live in. Plan - Introduction. My room. - The room I dream of. - Animals and birds, an aquarium and flowers ...
  2. I love my room very much. It has everything you need: an ottoman, table, chest of drawers, wardrobe, ottoman, bookshelves. Wallpaper, carpet, furniture upholstery are in pastel colors, ...
  3. Where would I like to go in the summer and why? In the summer I would like to go to the village again. I like to visit my beloved grandmother. In the village...
  4. The class in which I would like to study (essay at a given end) I imagine a bright, sun-drenched study. There are blinds on the windows that allow you to regulate ...
  5. Who would I like to become and why? I dream of becoming a welder. It is very interesting and needed by people Job. If you walk along the streets of the city, you can ...
  6. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO LIVE WORTHY? Probably every person dreams of living with dignity, but does everyone know how to do it? In my opinion, about our life ...
  7. Composition based on A. Green's story “ Scarlet Sails”. Today's life does not spoil us with romance, something uplifted. We are suffocating in everyday worries and, suddenly realizing this, let us down ...

Where would I like to live? I have no definite answer to this question. The point is that if I really wanted to live somewhere else, I would already be living there. And since I live in Moscow for the time being, it means, for a combination of reasons, it suits me more than other places. At least in this moment time.

At the same time, every time I find myself in a new country, I subconsciously begin to try on - would I like to live here? At the dawn of my travel experience, I fell in love with almost every place I found myself. Now, having traveled to a number of countries, finickyness in this matter has noticeably increased. Over time, you begin to understand - "do not confuse tourism with emigration."

There are a huge number of purely applied issues that become important: climate (not only during the tourist season), distance from the airport, summer time to Moscow and European capitals, education system, real estate and transport taxes, language barrier, legalization, business opportunities, water quality, etc. You evaluate all this in one way or another, trying on yourself to a new place. But the main thing for me is irrational sensations.

Of all the countries I have been to, from the point of view of the desire to live there for a while, only three really sunk into my soul: Japan, Portugal and Montenegro... More precisely, not even countries, but specific places in them: Tokyo, Lisbon and the Bay of Kotor.

Previously, Vietnam was on this list. Having visited it 8 times, I decided that I want to live in this country for some longer time. Therefore, for the ninth time we went with the whole family and immediately for 2 months. Of course, we enjoyed this trip, but at the same time it gave us a clear understanding - we do not want to live in this country for a long time.

This time we decided to go to Montenegro. For a month and a half, outside the tourist season. Just live on the sea among the mountains in a place that has long attracted. Last time I was there 5 years ago, when I had not yet comprehend Zen and marked the territory like crazy. Then in a week we drove around this country up and down by car. Now I want a completely different dive: to sit in one place and not to stomp beyond the surroundings.

Do I have a goal to look at the country for permanent residence? Not specifically. I have never had real estate (and still do not), we prefer to spend all free money on hobbies, pleasure and travel. Therefore, if we suddenly enjoy living in Montenegro, we can always prolong the pleasure and rent a house or apartment for a longer period, say, for a year.

At the same time, I never rule out that one day I will fall in love with a place so much that I will burden myself with real estate. Moscow does not yet belong to such places, although here I have friends, creative projects and business. I consider it reasonable to buy something in Moscow only with extra money, which I do not have yet. Well, or fall in love so much, which is not happening yet. Over the past 20 years, our relations with Moscow have already entered another stage of relations. And then, what is happening in Russia now does not contribute to thinking about buying real estate, to put it mildly. Rather, on the contrary, it prompts the idea of ​​creating an "alternate airfield" somewhere outside.

In general, for the next month and a half I will write and send photos from Herceg Novi. I will also fly to Moscow, at least once, and maybe two or three. Fortunately, the summer is only 3 hours. A lot of important things happen here in creativity and business, personal presence is required.

In the meantime, I'll go to pack my bags, with two children this is a non-trivial task and will take just 2 days.

… There is no such place on earth. Why? Everything is very simple. Each region of our planet has its own advantages and disadvantages.
... But, to be frank with myself, then, most likely, I would like to live on one of the islands of the Caribbean Sea.
... Once, as a child, I was given to read a book by Raphael Sabatini about the adventures of Captain Blood. And ... I got sick. Pirates, seas and oceans, proud and free people. Tortuga, Jamaica, Puerto Rico.
... Of course, as a child, you don't always think about an ideal place for your life, but somehow everything turned out so that I always wanted to live on the shore of a warm ocean, in a white house built in a colonial style, with columns, a portico and a large terrace, on which it is pleasant to sit in the evening, watching the sunset. With indoor patio garden, pool and BBQ area.
... And so that not far from the house there was a descent to the ocean and a yacht dock. On the shore there is a boathouse where jet skis are kept.
... A sandy beach with unrealistically white, dazzling sand, with tall coconut palms and some kind of tropical trees unknown to me so far. And bushes strewn with bales of flowers of all shades of the rainbow.
... And over all this splendor, thousands of unsurpassed tropical butterflies are circling and fluttering.
... And the smell. On the shore there is a smell of seaweed thrown out by the ocean. But it is worth a little to go into the thicket of coastal thickets and ... you find yourself in a perfume shop.
... Smells for which it is difficult to find a definition if you are not a scientist. A sea of ​​flowers next to an ocean of water.
…Ocean. Precisely with a capital letter.
... In my distant childhood, my mother took me to the seas every summer. That Black, then Azov. The surf on the Black Sea is small and gentle, and sometimes there is a swell on the Azov Sea.
... But the ocean!
... It's a completely different world. I haven’t seen the ocean wave run up less than half a meter. And the rumble. An incessant conversation of large water with land.
... In the morning you get up and go to the shore of the lagoon. Catch some fish for breakfast, or maybe just say hello to the ocean while breakfast is being prepared.
... You say to him: "Hello", and in return you receive a tender kiss of the fresh sea breeze.
... And when you return to the House, it is time for the first cup of coffee, brewed from freshly roasted coffee beans grown by you in your garden. This pleasure cannot be compared with anything. It just makes you ecstatic.
... Then some meat with rice and vegetables, a milkshake with coconut and papaya. You can start a new day.
... But somewhere here, on your island, there is a treasure left by Morgan or Flint, or Blood. And this joke warms you, although you understand all its phantasmagoricity.
... Another day of your life is passing. And no nostalgia for the Russian winter, mud, snow and frost. Lies and betrayal.
... The roar of the ocean surf comes through the windows, and you calmly fall asleep in that very ideal place on earth that you dreamed of since childhood.
... Good night and happy dreams.
... Tomorrow will be the same good day.


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I saw an article with exercises for the development of imagination. Well, my fantasy works pretty well on the whole, but somehow limited in directions. Several exercises interested me.
One of them sounded like this: "Describe in 400 words the ideal place where you would like to live."

The perfect place where I would like to live
The ideal place I would like to live in? But the ideal does not exist. Just as there are no perfect people or solutions, there are no perfect places. But if you just try to imagine ...
I would like to live in a tall building in a new area, from which it would be a stone's throw to the historic center of the old city. Which city? Prague or Paris, but, incidentally, this is not so important, I love my dear Peter too.
It would be a spacious apartment on one of the last floors, or even on the last, with access to the roof. Large and bright studio with minimum amount furniture, but, at the same time, with enough secluded corners to feel comfortable in it. There would be floor-to-ceiling windows on both sides. So that in the morning through them the first rays of the sun would fill the entire space with golden light, and in the evening, shadows would dance in the crimson tones of the sunset. And when it rains, it knocks on the windows, leaving quaint paths of water. And you can sit right on the floor by the window and look ahead. Listen to the rain and feel like a wall of water and glass fenced off from the whole world.
In the evening I would go out to the roof-platform. There you could sit with your favorite book or watch the sunset, and then the starry sky. And the whole city would be visible from this roof. I could feel like I'm on top of the world. And the endless sky overhead, the feeling of freedom, flight, dreams. Silence, peace, pacification ...
And not far from the house, within walking distance, there would be a huge old park. But not in the European manner, when the trees are planted strictly in order, neatly trimmed and among them there are stone-paved or, worse, asphalt paths. No, it would be almost wild, with old trees of a bizarre shape, branches reaching each other in places and forming arches, and a huge number of paths trampled into the ground by everyone who was here before you. They would wriggle, intertwine with each other in a fancy ligature, leading far, far from reality. And one could wander around them for hours, forgetting about time, enjoying the air, the rustle of foliage overhead and the free flow of thoughts. And if you get tired, you can go out to a clearing with a lake. Sit on the shore or a little further away, under a tree, and relax. And then, remembering that it is too late, it’s time to go home and tomorrow there are many things to do, go back.
Sometimes you could get out to the oldest districts of the city and walk along the streets, heading to your favorite place, being saturated with the surrounding energy.
This would be my ideal place. But even the most ideal dream can turn out to be empty and joyless if no one needs you there ...

Drowned in fantasy

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Let's dream. Where would you like to live in Moscow? Well, if you could choose any house. We do not consider the outskirts, what to do there? On the outskirts, you can live only out of despair, then every day to drag along the hated traffic jams to the center and curse Sobyanin for this. There is a better choice in the center. I really like the skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. This is my dream. I even found a nice view apartment there in one of the towers with a terrace. But it costs some completely unrealistic money. Apparently, high-ranking officials who buy apartments there overheated the market ... I also really like the small mansions in Zamoskvorechye. Well, this, of course, is completely out of the category of fantasy. But in the morning you pour yourself a cup of coffee, go out into the yard in a leopard dressing gown, you have your own garden, the sun, the gardener cuts the roses, Muscovites rush to work behind the fence. And you are in no hurry, because you have already bought yourself a house in the center of Moscow. Incidentally, I have never understood why rich people do not buy themselves old mansions to live in. It would be cool to live there.

In general, it is very important for me that the property is atmospheric, with a history. The same skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya does not meet today's standards - the rooms are small, the layouts are inconvenient ... But I am ready to close my eyes to this for the sake of interiors, for the sake of door handles and original window frames!

I also like industrial architecture. No, not modern. Modern industrial architecture is soulless and cannot fall in love with itself. But before the factories were art. I'll tell you a secret that once I almost bought myself a tower at one of the former factories, but in the end the owners decided not to make housing there, but handed everything over for offices.

And now I will show you a very cool project from KR Properties, which I would not hesitate to move to. I mean this company, it specializes in creating modern office clusters and loft-apartment complexes on the basis of old industrial buildings. And the project that will be discussed today is called "Dawn". It's just a fairy tale. They just made it right for me. Perfect architecture, attention to detail, history. Very cool.

Rassvet is located in the Presnensky District, not far from the center of Moscow. Previously, this building housed the furniture factory of Scottish entrepreneurs Muir and Meriliz.

The building was built in 1902, and pretty soon many more buildings were added to it (in one of them this club complex is located). At the beginning of the last century, the factory was a very large-scale enterprise, it employed about 1000 people. And in 1922 it was nationalized and renamed "Dawn".

The club complex "Rassvet" looks like several buildings that stand close to each other (as you often find in London or Amsterdam). This feeling is emphasized by the fact that the facade different parts one building is lined with different shades of bricks.

All apartments in the building have high ceilings and huge panoramic windows. Thanks to this, there is a lot of natural light in the rooms.

Let's see what's inside!

So far, lofts look like this. Imagine how cool the interior can be made here.

The height of ceilings in lofts is on average 6 meters, due to this it became possible to make mezzanines here. On or under them, you can place a bedroom, office or a quiet seating area, and the remaining spacious room will serve as a kitchen, dining room and living room.

It is also very cool on the very top floor - there are spacious attic rooms with windows built into the ceiling and small balconies.


The corridor.

Courtyard view.

From the western side of the house there is a beautiful view of the Moscow City and the main building of the former Myur and Meriliz factory.

If you look to the north, you can clearly see the Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. By the way, they say that the cafe at the cathedral sells incredibly delicious sandwiches.

And from the south side there is a view of the Stalinist skyscraper on Barrikadnaya and the Government House.

The surrounding area has also been rethought and given a new purpose. On the site of the former carpentry workshops, small squares and green areas are being broken, and the former factory spaces have been converted into low-rise townhouses and flathouses. The basement and partly the first floor of the building were adapted for parking.

The entire territory will be under 24-hour video surveillance and security.

It should also be noted that the club complex has a very cool location. From here you can quickly get to the city center, "Moscow City" or the Moscow Zoo. Several kindergartens, schools, clinics and parks are within walking distance. There are also many shops, restaurants, clubs and pubs in the area.

I envy people who have the opportunity to buy an apartment there.