Summary of the second head of scarlet sails Gray. Scarlet Sails

"Scarlet Sails" summary by chapters

"Scarlet Sails" ChapterI briefly


Longren was a sailor of a huge branch "Orion", which was served ten years. Soon he was forced to leave, because his wife Mary died, and there was no one to raise their little daughter Assol. It happened so. Once, during his next long stay in the sea, Mary remained quite without money, as he spent everything for treatment after severe birth. Then she applied for help to the local Tractor Menners, and he promised money in return for love. Desperate, Mary went to the city lay the wedding ring. The weather that evening was raining and cold, and she picked up the bilateral inflammation of the lungs. A week later, Mary died.

So Asol temporarily remained in the care of a good neighbor, and Longren took the calculation to make up the child's raising. He began to work a lot to feed himself and daughter. Longren manufactured toy models of boats, sailboats, boats for city stores. Being closed and low-definitive, after the death of his wife, he closed even more, lived his life, and all his time dedicated to the associate. Products always bought in the city and never at Menners.

Once in the cold, a sharp coastal storm rose. Menners could not cope with his boat and found himself in a destructive spacious sea. The only person who saw it was Longren. He at that time stood and smoked on the shore, but did not move his finger to help. Soon Menners was still caught, but the cold water and the horror of what was happening did their job and the innkeeper died in a couple of days. Before his death, he managed to talk about Longren's cruelty, but was silent about how poor Mary did not help at one time. All fellow villagers have come down even more from Longren and this alienation affected Assol.

When Assol was eight years old, the father began to take her to the city to distribute goods shopping. Sometimes she walked herself. So, in one of his campaigns, Assol sat down on the road to relax and look at toys made by the Father. Among them was one such beautiful, miniature racing yacht with a white ship and a scarlet sail. Curiosity took the top, and the Assol lowered the toy vessel on the shore to watch how it floats. But the course picked up the toy and fell far away. Frightened, the girl ran after him for almost an hour, but all to no avail. On the way, she faced the traveling of fairy tales and legends named Egle. He introduced himself as a wizard and returned her a ship with Alay sails, which sailed to him, and wrought a fairy tale on the go. He told the Assol that one day the real ship was sailing with the same Alami sails, and on it a brave prince who will take it into his kingdom.

He taught home, Assol told about his adventure father. He was delighted that the daughter of the mustache and unharmed, and a good wizard remembered a good word. Longren himself thought that the girl would grow and quickly forget about this fairy tale. The tired associate quickly fell asleep. At this time, there was some tramp next to the house. He asked Longren a cigarette that he answered that he would love to carry him, but only he does not want to disturb the sleeping daughter. The offended tramp went to the tavern and told the story heard about the prince. Since then, all children in Kapern teased Assol and shouted that red sails are already sailing to her.

"Scarlet Sails" ChapterII briefly


Artur Gray was the only son of a notable and rich family. He grew up in a gloomy, but the majestic castle. His parents were slaughters of their position and wealth, which regularly gave tribute to the laws of the highest society, gathered the gallery of the images of the ancestors, and in the same spirit brought up their boy. In this regard, they silent a little, as Arthur grew up a child with a lively and impressionable soul. On the eighth year of life, it was already noticeable that it is characterized by the type of knight, the seeker of bizarre adventure and the wonderworker.

Once in the cellar, the keeper told him that among Maders, Jerez and Lafitis, such wine was stored for which many drunkards would give life. On the hoops was drawn inscription: "I will drink Gray, when it will be in paradise." And no one knows exactly what it means. No one ever tried this wine. After hearing, the boy cooked foot and said: "I will drink it!" And then squeezed the palm in the fist and added that he was here, in his hand.

Everything changed in Arthur's life when he was twelve years old. Once in the library, he saw a huge picture over the door, on which the ship rummaged on the crest of the sea shaft. He understood that in the maritime world the main place is owned by the captain. This thought stuck in his consciousness, and when he turned fifteen, he secretly left the father's house and went to serve the sea. He became Jung on the schooner "Anselm" under the command of the good, but harsh captain. It was GOP who became acquainted Ghea with the wisdom of the sea, taught to use navigation, to keep accounting, etc. At the age of twenty, Gray was able to buy his own three-mahth Galiot "Secret". By the time his father was no longer there, and the mother aged a lot. She did not perceive the seriousness of Arthur, but proud of his boy.

"Scarlet Sails" Chapter III briefly


After four years of swimming, fate led Graha's ship to the city of Liss, not far from which Kaperna was located. Days of ten unloaded goods, for the eleventh day - the team rested on the shore, and on the twelfth - the captain bored. All day he did not leave some strange premonition that something should happen. Under the evening, Gray took the fishing rods, called the sailor with him, and they went fishing. On the way, the captain was silent and the Letica knew that this silence was better not to break. They sailed into the open sea, and the wave led them towards the caper. It was decided to fish here. Leaving a flush with fishing rods, Gray himself went to walk at the shore.

There was a strange picture there. In the thickens of herbs, he saw a sleeping girl. She immediately struck the young captain by beauty and naturalness. Without restraining, he put her an old ring on her little finger to her little finger and admired a sleeping miracle for a long time. In this arrangement of the Spirit, his wagon found him. Gray asked not to make noise and offered to go to the local tavern. There he is from the son of the late Menners, found out that the girl is this name Assol and that she is pleasing, since since childhood is waiting for a beautiful prince on a ship with Alay sails. Then he spoke about the "cruelty" of her father, because of whom Menners was killed. But here the drunk coal was intervened in the conversation and said that the words of the innkeeper could not believe. Gray and himself already understood about this extraordinary girl. Having paid, the captain left, and left the flip and asked to find out as much as possible.

"Scarlet Sails" ChapterIV briefly

On the eve

On the eve of the day and seven years after the prediction of the eagle, the Assol returned quite upset after the next routine in the city for the sale of toys. This time no one wanted to buy the toys of Longren, as it became more overseas Dicks. And as Longren himself said, the children stopped playing toys, they just wanted to learn. He calmed her daughter and said, if so continues, perhaps he will again go to the sea. However, I was afraid to leave a daughter one. By that time she was already a real beauty with a semi-child face. All that she put on, it was transformed on it, whether it was an old handkerchief or cheap Muslin. The charm of the girl was beyond the words.

That day she was not sleeping for me. She looked out the window where the bushes twilight and slept trees. Assol, obeying some inner call, went to walk. Having reached the coastal hills, she dived into the meadow and stayed there, among colors and trees. From the thickets, she saw an approaching ship, which under the wonderful game of the light was poured as a larger rose. Then the girl reached out on sleepy grass and fell asleep. When she woke up, she had a radiant ring on her Mizinza. She could not remember where it came from. So by chance, Gray and Assol got acquainted on one warm summer day.


Martial preparations

When Gray returned to the ship, he asked his assistant Panthen to warn everyone that they would raise anchor and would move in the mouth of Lillian. There will stay a little more, as Gray put it, he needed favorable freight. It was ordered to not specify questions, but only to execute. Panten was frightened that the owner had conceived to try smuggling, but silent and went to fulfill orders. At this time, Gray went to Lissa's trading quarters and with knowledge of the case chose two thousand meters of better scarlet silk. Having met on the way of yesterday's musician from the Tavern, Zimmer, he suggested that he had to work out, namely, gather the team of musicians and come to him on the ship. He agreed without hesitation, as Gray paid generously.

Returning to the ship, he waited for a flying who brought a detailed report of the associate family. The report said everything, the same, that is already known from the first chapter. Gray was once again convinced of the loyalty of his actions. Then he revealed his plan to Panten and in his soul left. Panten knew that the owner of the eccentrics, but fair. He often refused the proposed cargo for his reasons. So, for example, all sorts of nails, he did not take parts from the car, and fruits, tea, porcelain, spice with pleasure I took. At the same time, the whole team felt somewhat higher than on other ships, because they did not suffer the pursuit of a flat harness. That was Gray and sailors knew it.


Assol remains alone

Longren spent this night in the sea. He was thinking about the current situation, about the Assol, and what to live to live on. When he returned in the morning, he did not immediately discovered her daughter. She came home, all shining and mysterious, but did not say anything. Longren told her that he was intended to enter the service on the postponement, which runs between Lissa and the cassette. This news has grown it a bit, but she continued to smile, sighting something beautiful. Assol helped her father to gather, and he left, promising to come back in ten days.

She was waiting for homemade troubles, but on this day she was not sitting at home. She decided to walk to Lisse and back. On the road, Assol met that the most kind coofer. He worked with two friends. In the sign of confidence in Him, she said that he would immediately leave here, but until he knew exactly where and how it would happen. They were surprised by this strange replica and continued to work.


Scarlet "Secret"

In the meantime, the "secret" flew from the riverbed from the bed. On the deck, the musician played broke down, and the scarlet sails covered the entire mast. The coastal wind has customized the vessel and gave the right shapes by sails. Behind the steering wheel was Gray himself, because I was afraid of the mel. Next to him was shaved and neatly dressed panten. Gray shared with him the happiness that his heart overwhelmed and soul. He explained that she was going towards a girl who was otherwise not represented by his destiny. She is waiting for him from childhood, and he will gladly give her love.

By noon, a military cruiser appeared on the horizon. The ship stopped, a lieutenant headed to the ship with his team. Lieutenant and Grahae talked about something in the cabin and then despair. For goodbate, the lieutenant told Gray, which met his future wife, grabbing her for a skirt when she wanted to run out the window. A little squeezed, the cruiser hit the salute to the horizon.

At this time, Assol sat at home and read the book. Seeing a huge ship with Alami sails, she, without remembering himself, ran out to the shore. All population of the village has come to confusion. Men, women and children ran to look at it. In Kapern, there were no such sizes of ships before. The crowd on the shore was broken, seeing the associate. They enviously observed a girl with anxiety. She touched the belt in the water and the expression of happiness on his face was waiting for him. A boat separated from the ship, Gray was in her. Zimmer played his music, and the melody confidently told the nerves of the crowd.

Gray asked Assol, she learned him. She said yes. That is how she has imagined him since childhood. Before you go to the "Secret" asked, whether they will be able to take her beloved father and Gray with them, which, of course, and firmly kissed her. Meanwhile, the deck has already opened wine, waiting for this event by any century. According to the Letica, this wine was like a hive and garden in the mouth. The next day, the sailors barely kept on the legs, and the Criminal Cimmer quietly drove the bow on the strings, reflecting on happiness.

Alexander Green's story "Scarlet Sails" has long become a standard of love romance not only in Russian, but also in world literature. The main elements of the plot of works are developing on the background love Story The main character, the young Assol, its relationship with his father, the young noble young man arthur Gray and the surrounding residents of the village.

This book is often included in the list of references to schoolchildren for the summer. In order to facilitate the maintenance of the reader diary, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the shortest retelling of scarlet sails.

Chapter 1

In the first chapter, we get acquainted with Longren's sailor, who after the tragic death of a young wife is forced to quit the service and raise his little daughter Assol. The family lives poorly surrounding the dislike of Longrena for honesty and uncompromising, and the girl almost does not have friends from among the neighboring children and spends most of the time for games alone.

In order to have a means of existence, a former sailor cuts wooden toys for sale. One day, launching a small boat on the forest stream, Assol meets the good traveler of the eigh and he predicts big changes in her life.

The old man promises a girl with a loved one who will arrive in the city on a ship with Alay Sails and takes her to a new life.

Baby is divided by joyful news with his father. Accidentally, the locals who do not believe in the prediction are learning about this conversation, they mock the dream of Assol and declare her crazy.

Chapter 2.

This fragment tells about the young Aristocrat of Arthur Gray, his childhood and youth. A rich, wizard boy grew in a big old castle, but from the birth of the sea himself, and dreamed of becoming a captain. Contrary to the will of the parents, Arthur is secretly arranged by Jung on Schuna "Anselm", where three years will comprehend the seabed and, to achieving the twentieth age, becomes an assistant captain.

Only after that, the young man returns home. Mother who remained alone after the death of Father Arthur, for a long time forgiven the Son and supports him in the exercise of his dreams. A young man buys a "secret" high-speed ship, which goes back to the sea.

Chapter 3.

After spending in maritime travel for almost three years, Captain Arthur acquires considerable experience and reputation as a strange, impractical person. It refuses favorable, but uninteresting, in his opinion, orders in favor of transporting exotic goods or other unusual orders.

One day Gray becomes on the pier in the fox. Using free time, A young captain, together with a sailor of his ship, go to the night fishing and fall into the village Capernu - the homeland of the Assol and her old man - the Father. Walking through the forest, Arthur meets the girl sleeping in the glade among the trees. Her wild beauty and serenity, Gray puts on the finger of a stranger an ancient ring.

Returning to the tavern, the young man begins to ask about a strange beauty, but he hears only dirt and lies in her address. The innkeeper calls Asol Poloil, and her father is a killer. Also, the story of the ship with Alay sails is also transferred with ridicule, on which the long-awaited prince should be saved.

However, Arthur is not inclined to believe the evil tonsidations, but seeing the Assol passing by the Assol, is convinced of her peaceful Health And understands that the girl is just kind, trusting and romantic soul.

Chapter 4.

This chapter tells about the events on the eve of the meeting of Arthur and Assol. During the day before that, the merchant refused to take on the sale of Longren toys, calling them old and incompetent.

Father makes a decision to make marine fishing again to feed the family, and goes to the sea. A frustrated girl goes to the forest, where it always feels cozy and protected.

This night, during sleep, Arthur meets. Waking up in the morning and seeing an old ring on the finger, the Assol is not surprised and alarmed. Not knowing how to do, she decides to preserve this event in secret from all.

Chapter 5.

Returning to the "Secret", Gray orders to overtake the ship at the mouth of the river and gives the guise of a letka to find out in detail what happened to the Assol family. At this time, it is sent to the shopping quarters of Lisa in search of the best silk tissue of scarlet. Giving a disproportionate price for two thousand meters of Sheocha, the young man returns to the ship.

The team in bewilderment - maybe the captain decided to go smuggling? But Arthur soothes an alarmed crew, explaining his actions to the desire to give her beloved embodiment of her dreams.

On the way to Port, Gray, meets the street musician of Zimmer, who invites you to help performed by my plan. Zimmer is pleased to agree and collects a whole stray orchestra.

Chapter 6.

Returning from fishing, old Longren informs his daughter about his decision to highlight the postcard and soon go to the flight. Assol perceives news with a confused smile, her thoughts clearly wander somewhere far away.

An alarmed father did not want to leave the girl alone, but the need was driven him to earnings and, leaving the daughter for self-defense gun, he goes to the sea for ten days.

Assol is engaged in the economy, but does not cease to think about a strange event on the eve. Without withstanding, she throws homemade and goes for a walk in Lissa. Having met the locals on the road, the girl tells about the speed of change, which should happen in her life.

Chapter 7.

An incredible events occur on the ship Gray. The wind develops new scarlet sails on masts, a small orchestra play on the deck, and the whole team, in the best outfits, meets his captain.

Arthur himself becomes behind the steering wheel and directs Schoon to the shores of Kaperna. On the way they are found a military cruiser, but, having learned the reason why "the secret" moves to the port, the commander is not only inferior to the ship, but also escorts him with a volley from the guns.

Nothing suspected Assol reads a book, sitting at the open window. Hearing a strange noise, she raises her head and sees an extraordinary picture - a huge snow-white ship under the Alay sails goes towards the shore.

Music sounds, alaty fabric proudly real on the background of blue sky and sea. All villagers ran out to look at this miracle. They are confused and envy looks at what is happening. And the happy associate passes through the sullenly silent crowd towards his dream.

From the ship despair the boat on which Arthur is located. Assol, no longer waiting for more, rushes into the sea where her favorite picks up. Going under the sounds of a beautiful melody on board, Assol confesses to Grah, that this is exactly the fairy tale that she dreamed of from childhood.

Happy lovers decide to pick up the old Longren and go to celebrate their engagement. "Secret" with almy sails floats into the sea distance.


"Scarlet sails" are not in vain to the genre of extravagania. It is with the help of magic elements that the plot is revealed, the features of the main characters and acts of others are emphasized.

The book rises the eternal theme of opposition to dreams and reality, loyalty and meanness, devotion to their convictions, despite the external circumstances.

This article presents very short retelling Tale. Here are allocated only the main fragments and plot events. After you have received the opportunity to read this sample of romantic love literature in the summary, we strongly advise you to familiarize yourself with the full original work.

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Longren, a man is closed and noticeable, lived by the manufacture and sale of models of sailboats and steamers. Countrymen did not very much complained of the former sailor, especially after one case.

Somehow, during the cruel storm, the shopkeeper and the Tavernaster Menners was carried out in his boat far into the sea. The only witness of what was happening was Longren. He calmly smoked the phone, watching how Menners calls him in vain. Only when it became obvious that he was no longer saved, Longren shouted him that he also asked his Mary asked for help, but did not receive her.

The benchmark for the sixth day picked up the steamer among the waves, and he told him about the culprit of his death before his death.

He did not tell only about how five years ago, Longren's wife turned to him with a request to give a little loan. She had just gave birth to a baby Assol, the birth was not easy, and almost all of her money went for treatment, and her husband had not returned from swimming. Menners advised not to be a laptop, then he is ready to help. The unfortunate woman in bad weather went to the city lay the ring, caught up and died of inflammation of the lungs. So Longren remained a widower with his daughter in his arms and could not go to the sea more.

Whatever it was, and the message about such a demonstrative inaction of Longren struck the inhabitants of the village is stronger than if he drowned his own hands. Incompleteness passed almost in hatred and also appealed to anything not the obey associate, which grew alone with his fantasies and dreams and as if he did not need any peers or friends. Father replaced her and her friends, and fellow countrymen.

One day, when Assol was eight years old, he sent her to the city with new toys, among which was a miniature yacht with almy silk sails. The girl lowered the boat in the stream. The stream carried him and joined the mouth, where she saw a stranger holding her boat in his hands. It was an old egl, a collector legend and fairy tales. He gave the toy Assol and told about the fact that years and behind her on the same ship under Alay sails sails the prince and takes it into a distant country.

The girl spoke about this Father. On trouble, a beggar, by chance heard her story, raised hearing about the ship and the Zamar Prince across the caper. Now the children shouted to her following: "Hey, Holder! Red sails float! " So she walked in a polulmy.

Arthur Gray, the only offense of the notable and rich surname, grew not in the hut, and in the generic castle, in the atmosphere of the predetermination of each current and future step. This, however, was a boy with a very living soul, ready to fulfill his own life destination. He was decisive and fearless.

The keeper of their wine cellar of the Faldishke told him that in one place there were two barrels of Alicante the times of Cromwell and his color is darker cherries, and it's thick, like good cream. The barrels are made of black wood, and on them double copper hoops, on which it is written: "I will drink Gray, when it will be in paradise." Nobody tried this wine and does not try. "I drink it," said Gray, stuck in his foot, and squeezed her hand in a fist: - Paradise? He's here! "

With all that he was extremely responsive to someone else's misfortune, and his sympathy was always poured into real help.

In the library of the castle he was struck by a picture of some famous marinist. She helped him understand himself. Gray secretly left the house and entered the Schoone Anselm. Captain Gop was a good man, but a harsh sailor. Assessing the mind, perseverance and love for the sea of \u200b\u200ba young sailor, Gop decided to "make a captain's puppy": to acquaint with navigation, sea law, location and accounting. At the twenty years, Gray bought a three-saying Galiot "Secret" and floated four years on it. Fate brought him to Liss, a half hours walking from which Kaperna was located.

With the onset of darkness, together with the sailor, Gray, taking fishing rods, sailed by the boat in search of a suitable place for fishing. Under the cliff behind the kapper, they left the boat and divorced the fire. Fercia went to catch fish, and Gray was hammered by the fire. In the morning he went to wander, as suddenly he saw a sleeping associate in the thickets. He looked at his girlfriend for a long time, and leaving his old ring with his finger and put on her little finger.

Then they got to the tavern of Menners, where the young Hin Menners now hung. He said that Assol is a polulmant, dreaming about a prince and a ship with Alay Sails, that her father is the perpetrator of the death of a senior mennel and a terrible person. Doubts about the truthfulness of these information increased when a drunk coal assured that the innkeeper is lying. Gray and without any assistance managed to understand something in this extraordinary girl. She knew life within his experience, but above seen in phenomena the meaning of a different order, making many subtle discoveries, incomprehensible and unnecessary capernis residents.

The captain was largely the same, a little not of this world. He went to Lissa and found in one of the laers of scarlet silk. In the city, he met an old acquaintance - a wandering musician of Tsimmer - and asked for the evening to arrive at the "secret" with his orchestra.

Scarlet sails led to a bewilderment team, as well as the order to move towards Capern. Nevertheless, the "secret" came out under the alay sails and the kapper was already in mind.

The Assol was shocked by the spectacle of a white ship with almy sails, with a deck of which was poured music. She rushed to the sea, where the inhabitants of Kaperna were already gathered. When an associate appeared, all smalcles and parted. The boat was separated from the ship, in which Gray stood, and headed for the shore. After some time, the Assol was already in the cabin. Everything was accomplished as the old man predicted.

On the same day, a barrel of centenary wine was opened, which no one had ever drank, and the next morning the ship was already far from Kaperna, having taken the crew defeated by unusual wine. Only a zimmer slept. He played quietly on his cello and thought about happiness.

Option 2.

Former Sailor Longren earned the life of the manufacture and sale of ship models. Sea business he left when he became a widow with his daughter Assol in his arms. Longren's wife died from severe lung inflammation. Longren has not yet returned from the next navigation, the baby Assol was only born, and it took a lot of money for treatment after severe birth. Assol's mother applied for help to Menners's bench. He did not help her, and she went to the city to lay her ring. The weather was rainy, the woman was cold and died soon.

Countrymen did not complain Longren after one case. During the storm, the Tavernaster of Menners made a boat into the open sea. Longren was the only witness of this, but did not help him, but only reminded that his wife Mary also asked help and did not receive it.

Five days later, MENERS picked up a steamer and before his death he said that it was Longren to blame for his death. About the fact that Mary died because of him, the shopkeeper was silent.

The demonstrative inaction of Longren caused hatred fellow villagers. Nevertheless neighbors treated the small associate. My friends and friends did not have, peers did not want to communicate with her. Father was for the girl and the parent and friend.

Father sent a small associate to the city. She had to attribute new toys to the store. Among them was a yacht with bright alami sails. Assol lowered this miniature yacht in the stream, the rapid flow suffered it to the mouth, and there the girl saw a stranger. He was old man egl. He told Assol that after many years at exactly such a ship sails her beautiful prince.

When the girl talked about this, her father, the random passerby overheard and spread across the caper. Children began to tease the girl: "Hey, Holder! Red sails float! "

In the labor castle of the rich family Ros Artur Gray. The boy had a very lively soul, and he was ready to fulfill his life destination. Arthur was fearless and decisive. He sympathized with everyone and provided where he could, real help in need.

In the library of the Family Castle Arthur delighted the picture of one of the famous marinists. Thanks to her, he understood his calling. The young man left the house and became a sailor on the schoon of Anselm. There he learned the sea case and at the twenty years bought his own vessel - three-saying Galiot "Secret". Four years later, fate brought him to Liss near Capper.

At sunset, Gray, together with a sailor sailed by the boat from "Secret" in search have a good place For fishing. They left the boat under the cliff behind the kapper and divorced the fire. The sailor went fishing, and Gray fell asleep by the fire. In the morning, going to wander around the surroundings, he saw the associate sleeping in the thickets. He intently looked at the girl, and then removed the ring from his finger and put it on her little finger.

In the tavern of the old Menners, where his son Hin now hosted, Arthur heard the story of a polulous associate waiting for his prince on a ship with Alay Sails. Gray found in the Lissa Scarlet Silk Lissa for Sails "Secret". And the old familiar musician asked to arrive in the evening to his ship along with the orchestra. The Scarlet Sails team surprised no less than the order of the captain to keep the way to caper.

The ship with Alami sails, from the deck of which the music came, was already in the afternoon in Kapern. Assol rushed to the sea. Gray swam to the shore on the boat and took the associate. Everything was accomplished exactly as the old egl predicted.

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Brief content of scarlet sails Green A. with

I. Prediction

Longren, the "Orion" sailor, a strong three hundredthtonary brig, on which he served ten years and to which he was stronger than the other son to his mother's mother, should have finally leave the service.
This happened so. In one of his rare returns home, he did not see how he was still still published, on the threshold of his wife Merie, splashing hands, and then running towards loss of breathing. Instead of a baby cot - a new item in a small house Longren - stood an agitated neighbor.
"Three months I went for her, an old man," she said, "look at my daughter."
Dead, Longren leaned over and saw an eight-month being, focused on his long beard, then sat down, hacked and began to turn the mustache. Us was wet, like rain.
- When did Mary died? - he asked.
The woman told a sad story, interrupting the story with a good gulcia girl and assurances that Mary in paradise. When Longren learned the details, the paradise appeared to him a little brighter of the wood barn, and he thought that the fire of a simple lamp - be it now they all together, threesome - for those who went to the unknown country of the woman in an indispensable Radio.
Three months ago, the economic affairs of the young mother was very bad. From money left by Longren, good half went to treatment after difficult childbirth, to concern for the health of a newborn; Finally, the loss of a small, but the amount necessary for the life caused Mary to ask for money from Menners. Menners held a restaurant, a shop and was considered a wealthy person.
Mary went to him at six o'clock in the evening. About seven storyteller met her on the road to Lissure. Planted and upset Mary said that it goes to the city lay a wedding ring. She added that Menners agreed to give money, but demanded love for it. Mary did not achieve anything.
- We have no edible crumbs in our house, "she said her neighbor. "I'm going to the city, and we will move with a girl somehow before the husband's return."
This evening was cold, windy weather; A storyteller vainly persuaded a young woman not to walk in the fox by night. "You get wet, Mary, rains, and the wind, that and look, bring the shower."
Back and forth from the seaside village in the city, at least three hours of fast walk, but Mary did not obey the Soviets of the storytellers. "Pretty me to prick you eyes," she said, "and so there is almost no family, where I would not take the debt bread, tea or flour." I put a ring, and over. " She went back, returned, and on the other day he ran into the heat and delirium; The bad weather and evening grief struck it with two-sided inflammation of the lungs, as the city doctor, caused by a good storytellee. A week later, there was an empty place on a double bed of Longrena, and the neighbor moved to his home to nurse and feed the girl. She, lonely widow, it was not difficult. In addition, she added, - without such a disarray boring.
Longren went to the city, took the calculation, said goodbye to his comrades and began to raise a small associate. While the girl did not have learned firmly to walk, the widow lived at the sailor, replacing the mother's mother, but only Assol stopped falling, entered the leg through the threshold, Longren decisively announced that now he would do everything for a girl himself, and thanking widow for active sympathy, He helated the lonely life of the widow, focusing all the thoughts, hopes, love and memories in a small creature.
Ten years of the Skaltical Life left very little money in his hands. He began to work. Soon, his toys appeared in urban stores - skillfully made small models of boats, boats, soblissal and two-plated sailboats, cruisers, steamboats - in the word, the fact that he knew closely that, due to the nature of the work, he partly replaced him the root of port life and picturesque work Swimming. With this way, Longren mined so much to live in moderate economy. A low-definitive in nature, he, after the death of his wife, became still closed and dislike. On holidays, it was sometimes seen in the restaurant, but he never sat down, and drank a glass of vodka hurriedly and left, briefly throwing down "Yes", "No", "Hello", "Goodbye", "Larku" - for all Appeals and nodding neighbors. He did not remove guests, quietly shrugging them not by force, but such hints and fictional circumstances, that the visitor did not have anything else, how to invent the reason not allowing to sit longer.
He himself also did not attend anyone; Thus, it was all cold alienation between him and countrymen, and whether the work of Longren - toys is less independent of the village affairs, he would have to experience the consequences of such relationships. Goods and edible supplies He purchased in the city - Menners could not boast even a box of matches bought from him Longren. He also did all his homework itself and patiently passed a unusual man's complex art of a girl's fission.
Assol was already five years old, and his father began to smile softer and softer, looking at her nervous, good face, when, sitting on his knees, she worked on the mystery of the fastened vest or funny sinks of sailor songs - wild roster. In the transfer of a child voice and not everywhere with the letter "P", these songs impressed the dancing bear, decorated with a blue ribbon. At this time, an event occurred, the shadow of which fallen on his father, sheltered and daughter.
There was spring, early and harsh, like winter, but in another way. Weeks on three risen to cold earth sharp coastal Nord.
Fishing boats, tested ashore, formed a long row of dark keel, resembling ridges of huge fish. No one dared to work in fishery in such weather. On the sole street of the village, it was rarely able to see a man who left the house; A cold whirlwind from the coastal hills in the emptiness of the horizon, made an "open air" harsh torture. All Capper pipes have smoked from morning to evening, drill smoke for steep roofs.
But these days of Norda lured Longrena from his little warm house more often than the sun, throwing the sea in clear weather and cofp air gold coat. Longren went to the bridge, chained along the long rows of piles, where, at the very end of this female jetty, he smoked a rapid tube for a long time, depending on the bottom of the seams of gray foam, barely embarrassed behind the shafts, the rumbling junction of which to the black, storm horizon Filled the space by herds of fantastic grivastic beings, carried in the disadvantaged despair of despair to a distant consolation. Stones and noise, howling a huge water takeoffs and seemed to have a visible stream of the wind, the neighborhood, - so Silen was his smooth mileage, - gave the exhausted soul of Longrena TU dullness, stumping, which, redundant grief to troubled sadness, is equal to a deep sleep .
In one of these days, the twelve-year-old son Menners, Hin, noticing that the father's boat beats under the paws about the pile, breaking the side, went and said this father. The storm began recently; Menners forgot to bring the boat to the sand. He immediately went to the water, where he saw on the end of the mall, his back to him standing, smoking, Longren. On the shore, except for their two, no one was no longer. Menners passed on the bedtop to the middle, descended into the mad-splashing water and untied the squat; Standing in the boat, he began to wade into the shore, grabbing his hands for piles. He did not take the oars, and at that moment, when, shaking, missed, missed the next pile, a strong blow of the wind threw the nose of the boat from the walking towards the ocean. Now even the entire length of the Menners body could not achieve the nearest pile. Wind and waves, swinging, carried a boat into a flexible space. Called the position, Menners wanted to rush to the water to swim to the shore, but his decision was late, since the boat was driving already near the end of the mall, where a significant depth of water and the rage of the shafts promised her faithful death. Me between Longren and Menners, who was fascinated in the stormy distance, there was no more than ten seven-saving distance, since the rope bundle was hanging on the pavement at his arm, the rope was woven into one end. This rope hung in the case of the pier into stormy weather and rushed with the walkways.
- Longren! - shouted mortally frightened Menners. - What have you become like a stump? See, I carry me; Throw the pier!
Longren was silent, calmly looking at Menners-rolled in the boat, only his tube snatched stronger, and he, kneading, took her out of his mouth to better see what was happening.
- Longren! - called Menners. - You hear me, I dare, save!
But Longren did not tell him a single word; It seemed that he did not hear the desperate scream. So far did not take the boat so far that I barely had the words-cry of Menners, he did not cross even his legs on his leg. Menners was sobbed by horror, the sailor tried to flee to fishermen, call help, promised money, threatened and raped with curses, but Longren just went closer to the very edge of the mall, so as not to immediately lose the type of throwing and racing the boat. "Longren, it came to him deeply, as from the roof - sitting inside the house, - save!" Then typing the air and sigh deeply, so as not to be lost in the wind a single word, Longren shouted: "She asked you as much!" Think about it while still alive, Menners, and do not forget!
Then screams were silent, and Longren went home. Assol, waking up, saw that his father sits before a fading lamp in deep thoughtfulness. Hearing the voice of the girl who called him, he approached her, kissed firmly and covered with a knotted blanket.
"Sleep, honey," he said, "until the morning far."
- What are you doing?
- I did a black toy, Assol, - Sleep!
On another day, only the conversations were the inhabitants of Kapern, that about the missing Menners, and on the sixth day they brought him the most dying and evil. His story quickly flew around the surrounding villages. Before the evening, Mennels was worn; Broken concussions about the side and the bottom of the boat, during the terrible struggle with the ferocity of waves, threatened, not tired, throw away the distraught bench in the sea, he was submitted to the Lucreta steamer, who went to the cassette. The cold and shock of horror have finished the days of Menners. He lived a little less forty-eyed o'clock, calling for Longren all disasters possible on earth and in imagination. Menners's story, as the sailor followed his death, refusing help, eloquent, especially since the dying breathing with difficulty and moaning, struck the inhabitants of Kaperna. Not to mention the fact that a rare of them was able to remember the insult and more seriously, which suffered by Longren, and grieving so much as he burned to the end of the life about Mary, "they were disgusting, it was not clear, they struggled them that Longren was silent. Silently to their last wordssent by Menners, Longren stood; Stood motionless, strictly and quiet as the judge, showing deep contempt for Menners - more than hate, was in his silence, and they all felt. If he shouted, expressing gestures or the fussiness of gloating, or something else his celebration at the sight of Menners's despair, the fishermen would understand him, but he did otherwise, what did they do - he did it impressively, it was not clear and did he put himself above the others What is not forgiven. No one no longer bowed to him, did not stretch his hands, did not throw the recognition, a greeting look. He was completely forever, he remained away from the village affairs; The boys, having envy him, shouted after: "Longren drowned Menners!". He did not pay attention to it. Also, it seemed, he did not notice the fact that in the restaurant or on the shore, among the boats, the fishermen were silent in his presence, leaving, as from worried. The case with Menners has secured earlier incomplete alienation. Becoming complete, it caused a strong mutual hatred, the shadow of which fell on the associate.
The girl grew up without girlfriends. Two or three dozen children of her age living in a kaperne, soaked like a sponge with water, a gross family start, the basis of which served the unshakable authority of mother and father, transpired, like all children in the world, crossed out once - forever a small associate from the sphere of their patronage and attention. It was accomplished, of course, gradually, by suggestion and apocheses of adults, the character of a terrible ban was acquired, and then, enhanced by the peresya and curvators, the fear of home to the house of the sailor went into the children's minds.
In addition, the closed lifestyle of Longren freed now the hysterical language of gossip; We used to say about the sailor that he killed someone somewhere, because, they say, he is no longer taken to serve on the ships, and he himself is dark and notice, because "tormented by the remretes of criminal conscience." Playing, the children were driven Assol, if she approached them, threw the mud and teased that her father eating her human meat, and now makes fake money. One after another, the naive her attempts to rapprochement ranked bitterly, bruises, scratches and other manifestations of public opinion; She stopped, finally, insult, but still sometimes asked Father: - "Tell me why they do not like us?" "E, Assol," said Longren, "do they know how to love?" We must be able to love, and that they cannot do that. " - "How can I be able to?" - "That's how!" He took a girl in his arms and kissed the sad eyes firmly, burned from gentle pleasure.
Assol's favorite entertainment was in the evenings or on a holiday, when the Father, retarded banks with Cleaner, tools and an unfinished work, sat down, removing the apron, relax, with a tube in the teeth, - Climb him on his knees and, spinning in the careful ring of her father's hand, Take the various parts of the toys, asking for their appointment. So began a peculiar fantastic lecture on life and people - a lecture, in which, thanks to the last way of Longren's lifestyle, accidents, the case in general, the main place was allocated, the main, striking and extraordinary events. Longren, calling the girl names of the gear, sails, seafood items, gradually fond of, moving from explanations to various episodes, in which the role was played, then the steering wheel, then the mast or some type of boat, etc., and from Separate illustrations of these crossed to the wide pictures of sea wardings, inlet superstitions in reality, and reality - in the image of his fantasy. Here a tiger cat appeared, a shipwreck chapel, and speaking fly fish, not to obey the orders of which was meant from the course, and the Flying Dutchman with a frantic crew; Signs, ghosts, mermaids, pirates - in short, all the fables, spinning the seafarer leisure in the calm or favorite Kabaska. Longren also told the victims of the wreck, about the wild and those who had learned to speak, about the mysterious treasures, the rebellion of convicts and many other things that he was listening to the girl more attentively than the story of Columbus about the new mainland could be listened. "Well, telling more," Asol asked, when Longren, thinking, silent, and fell asleep on his chest with his head, full of wonderful dreams.
Also served her great, always materially significantly, the appearance of the clerk of the urban toy shop, who willingly bought the work of Longren. To lean your father and cut out too much, the clarifier captured with me for the girl a pair of apples, a sweet pie, a handful of nuts. Longren usually requested the real value of dislike for trade, and the clarifier slowed down. "Eh, you," Longren said, "Yes, I was sitting on this bot for a week." - Bot was Petup. - See what the strength, and the sediment, and the kindness? Bot this fifteen man will endure in any weather. " It was designed by the fact that quietly from the girls purring over her apple, deprived Longrena resistance and hunt to argue; He inflounted, and the cradle, stinging the basket with excellent, durable toys, left, laughing at the mustache. Longren's whole home work performed himself: Colop of firewood, wore water, drove the oven, sharpened, washed, ironed underwear and, amongten all this, managed to work for money. When Assol was eight years old, his father learned her to read and write. He began to occasionally take her to the city with him, and then send even one if there was a need to intercept money in the store or demolish the goods. This happened not often, although the fox lay just four versts from Kaperna, but the road to him went to the forest, and in the forest there can be a lot of children, in addition to the physical danger, which, however, is difficult to meet at such a close distance from the city, but Taki does not prevent me in mind. Therefore, only in good days, in the morning, when the country around the road is full of sunny shower, flowers and silence, so the impressiveness of the Assol did not threaten the phantoms of imagination, Longren looked her in the city.
Once, in the middle of such a journey to the city, the girl sat down by the road to eat a piece of cake, laid in a basket for breakfast. Biting, she moved toys; Two-three of them were a novelty for her: Longren made them at night. One such novelty was a miniature racing yacht; White boat raised the scarlet sails made from silk trimming, which was used by Longren for pasting shipping cabins - rich buyer toys. Here, apparently, making a yacht, he did not find a suitable sail material, consuling that was - scarlet silk loskutka. Assol came to admiration. Flame cheerful color was so bright in her hand, as if she had holding fire. The road crossed the stream, with a stroken bridge over him; The stream of the right and left went into the forest. "If I move it to the water to swim a little, I thought Assol," it will not get wet, I will then wipe it. " Having departed into the forest for the bridge, by the flow of the stream, the girl gently lowered her shores to the shore itself; Sails immediately sparkled the scarlet reflection in transparent water: Light, penetrating matter, lay down with trembling pink radiation on white bottom stones. - "Where did you come from, captain? - It is important asked the Assol an imaginary face and, responding to herself, said: "I came" I arrived ... I came from China. " - What did you bring? - What brought, I will not say about that. - Oh, you are so, the captain! Well, then I will put you back to the basket. " The captain just prepared humbly reply that he was joking and what is ready to show an elephant, as suddenly the quiet scales of the coast jet turned the yacht to the middle of the stream, and, as a real, full swing Having left the coast, she smoothly floated down. Instantly changed the scale of the visible: the stream seemed to the girl with a huge river, and the yacht - far, a big ship, to whom, almost falling into the water, frightened and happier, stretched her hands. "The captain was frightened," she thought and ran after a swimming toy, hoping that she would smother somewhere to the shore. Hurryly, the Touch is not a heavy, but interfering basket, Assol Zveddil: - "Ah, Lord! After all, it happens ... "- she tried not to lose a beautiful, smoothly running triangle sails, stumbled, fell and fled again.
Assol never happened so deeply in the forest as now. To her, absorbed by an impatient desire to catch a toy, did not look around; Near the coast, where she fussed was rather obstacles that took care. Mossy trunks of fallen trees, pits, high fern, rosehip, jasmine and nuts prevented her at every step; Obtained them, she gradually lost its strength, stopping more and more often to break or brush the sticky web from her face. When they stretched, in broader places, the dysfast and cane thickets, the Assol was completely lost from the species of aloe sparkling of sails, but, having filled the ease of the flow, again saw them, stepwise and steadily running away. Once she looked back, and the forest bulk with her multi-way, moving from smoky pillars of light in foliage to the dark Rasseks of a dense dusk, deeply struck the girl. For a moment, Orobiev, she remembered again about the toy and, released a deep "F-F-U-U-Uu" several times, ran out of all his might.
In such a unsuccessful and alarming pursuit, about a hour was passed, when with surprise, but also with the relief of Assol saw that the trees were fluent in freely, skipping the blue spill of the sea, the clouds and the edge of the yellow sandy cliff, to which she ran, almost falling from fatigue. Here was the mouth of the stream; Pouring non-shimmer and finely, so I could have seen a flowing blue of stones, he disappeared in a counter sea wave. With a low, sprinkled by the roots of the cliff, Assol saw that the stream, on a flat big stone, his back to her, a man sits, holding a fled yacht in his hands, and comprehensively considers it with curiosity of an elephant who caught the butterfly. Partly reassured by the fact that the toy must, Assol slipped around the cliff and, closely approaching the stranger, looked at him with a looking look, expecting when he raises his head. But the unknown person plunged into the contemplation of a forest surprise that the girl had time to consider him from head to the legs, having established that people like this stranger had never had to see her.
But there was no one else to her, as traveling Egl, a famous collector of songs, legends, legends and fairy tales. Gray curls of the folds fell out of its straw hats; Gray blouse, seasoned in blue pants, and high boots gave him a kind of hunter; White collar, tie, belt, powered by silver bleaks, cane and a bag with a new nickel lock - showed a citizen. His face, if you can call the face, lips and eyes, peeking out of a rapid rays beard and lush, fiercely rumped up mustes seemingly vigorocrat, if it were not for the eyes, gray, like sand, and shiny, like clean steel, with a look Bold and strong.
"Now give me," the girl said that she said. - You have already played. How did you catch her?
Egl raised his head, dropping a yacht, "so unexpectedly sounded an agitated voice associate. The old man looked at her with a minute, smiling and slowly flowing his beard in a big, dwelling handstone. Many times, the sieve dress barely covered the knees of slender, tanned feet of the girl. Her dark dense hair, stacked in a lace gol, rushed, touching the shoulders. Each feature of the Assol was alrigious and clean, like a swallow flight. Dark, with a shade of a sad question, the eyes seemed a few older faces; His irregular soft oval was sheephawed that kind of adorable tan, which inherent in a healthy white skin. Semi-colored little mouth glitter with a gentle smile.
- I swear with grimmers, Ezopom and Andersen, - said Egl, looking at the girl, then on a yacht. - This is something special. Listen, a plant! Is it your thing?
- Yes, I ran around her throughout the stream; I thought I would die. She was here?
- At my very legs. The shipwreck is the reason that I, as a coastal pirate, can give you this prize. The yacht, abandoned by the crew, was thrown into the sand by a three-timber shaft - between my left heel and the tip of the stick. - He knocked the cane. - What is your name, crumb?
"Assol," the girl said, hiding to the basket to the toy served by Eglem.
"Good," the old man continued, did not bring the eye, in the depths of which glittered the smile of the friendly arrangement of the Spirit. - I actually did not have to ask your name. It's good that it is so strange, so monophonic, musical, like a whistle arrow or the noise of marine sink: What would I do, call you one of those harmonious, but unbearable familiar names that are alien to excellent unknown? Moreover, I do not want to know who you are who your parents and how you live. What to break charm? I was engaged in sitting on this stone, a comparative study of Finnish and Japanese plots ... How suddenly the stream splashed this yacht, and then you appeared ... such as it is. I, honey, poet in the soul - at least never composed himself. What do you have in a basket?
"Boats," said Assol, shaking a basket, "then a steamer and three more such houses with flags." There soldiers live.
- Well. You were sent to sell. On the way, you took up the game. Did you put a yacht to swim, and she escaped - after all?
- Did you see? - Doubt asked Assol, trying to remember if she told it herself. - Did someone tell you? Or did you guess?
- I knew it. - What about?
- Because I am the most important wizard. Assol was embarrassed: her tension with these words of eagle crossed the border of the fright. The deserted seashore, silence, a whimsical adventure with a yacht, an incomprehensible speech of an old man with sparkling eyes, the majesty of his beard and hair began to seem to the girl with a mixture of supernatural with reality. Sostroita is now Egle Grimas or Scrumbs something - the girl would have rushed away, pecking and exhausted from fear. But Egle, noticing how her eyes were widely revealed, made cool volts.
"You have nothing to fear me," he said seriously. "On the contrary, I want to talk to you in my heart." "He only understood himself that she was so closely marked by his impression. "The involuntary expectation of the beautiful, blissful fate," he decided. - Oh, why was I not born a writer? What a nice plot. "
"Well," continued Egl, trying to round the original position (a tendency to myth-making is a consequence of the last work - it was stronger than the fear of throwing the seeds of a large dream to the unknown soil), "Well, Assol, listen to me carefully." I was in that village - where did you come from, in the word, in Capern. I love fairy tales and songs, and I sat in the village of that whole day, trying to hear anything not heard anything. But you do not tell fairy tales. You do not sing songs. And if you tell and sing, then you know, these stories about cunning men and soldiers, with eternal praise of scam, these dirty, like unwashed legs, rude, like a rumbling in the stomach, short quatrains with a terrible motive ... Stop, I got drunk. I will conspire again. Thinking, he continued: "I don't know how much years will pass," one fairy tale, a memorable for a long time, will bloom in Kapern. You will be big, Assol. Once in the morning in the sea was given under the sun sparkling a scarlet sail. The shining grudge of scarlet sails of a white ship will move, cutting waves, right to you. Quietly sail this wonderful ship, without screams and shots; On the shore there is a lot of people, surprised and Ahaya: And you will stand there the ship is suitable majestically to the shore itself under the sounds of excellent music; Elegant, in carpets, in gold and flowers, floats from him a quick boat. - "Why did you come? Who are you looking for?" - People will ask on the shore. Then you will see a brave beautiful prince; He will stand and stretch your hands. - "Hello, Assol! - he will say. "Far and far from here I saw you in a dream and arrived to take you forever into my kingdom." You will live there with me in the Pink Deep Valley. You will have everything you wish; To live with you, we will become so smooth and fun, that your soul will never know tears and sadness. " He will put you in a boat, bring to the ship, and you will leave forever in the brilliant country, where the sun is rising and where the stars come down from the sky to congratulate you on arrival.
- It's all for me? - quietly asked the girl. Her serious eyes, hinders, brought asone to confidence. Dangerous wizard, of course, would not say so; She walked closer. - Maybe he already came ... that ship?
"Not so soon," Egl objected, "first, as I said, you will grow up. Then ... What to say? - It will be, and over. What would you do then?
- I? - She looked at the basket, but, apparently, did not find anything worthy there to serve as a weighty remuneration. "I would love him," she said hastily, and did not quite firmly added: "If he doesn't hesitate."
"No, it will not fight," the wizard said, mysteriously winning, "I will not, I pass for it." Go, a girl, and do not forget what I told you between two sips of aromatic vodka and thinking about the songs of the convicts. Go. May the world of fluffy your head!
Longren worked in his small garden, inappling potato bushes. Having lifted his head, he saw Assol, stringly fled to him with a joyful and impatient face.
"Well, here ..." she said, walked to master their breath, and grabbed both hands for the Father's Apron. - Listen that I will tell you ... on the shore, there, far, sits the wizard ... She began with a wizard and his interesting prediction. Half thoughts interfered with her to smoothly pass the incident. Then there was a description of the outfit of the wizard and - in the reverse order - the pursuit of the missed yacht.
Longren listened to the girl, without interrupting, without a smile, and when she finished, imagination quickly painted him an unknown old man with aromatic vodka in one hand and a toy in another. He turned away, but, remembering that in great cases of children's life, it is solemn to be serious and surprised, solemnly threw his head, saying: - So, so; For all signs, there is no other and to be like a wizard. I would like to see him ... but you, when you go again, do not turn aside; Lost in the forest is not difficult.
Throwing a shovel, he sat down to a low twig-haired fence and put a girl on his knees. It is terribly tired, she tried to still add some details, but the heat, excitement and weakness cloned her to sleep. Her eyes sticking her, the head dropped on a solid father's shoulder, a moment - and she would have walked into the country of dreams, as suddenly, worried about the sudden doubt, Assol sat right, with her eyes closed and, resting his cams in Longen Vest, said loudly: - What do you think , will the wizard ship come for me or not?
"It comes," the sailor answered calmly, "since it was told to you, then everything is true.
"It will grow up, forget," he thought, "but for now ... you should not take away such a toy." It will have to see a lot in the future to see you are not scarlet, but dirty and predatory sails: published - elegant and white, close to ribbon and arrogant. Traveling man joked with my girl. Well?! Good joke! Nothing - joke! Look, as I smored, - half a day in the forest, more often. And think about scarlet sails, like me: you will be scarlet sails. "
Assol slept. Longren, pulling out a free hand tube, lit, and the wind jested smoke through the woven, in a bush, grew from the outside of the garden. Kusta, back to the fence, burning cake, sitting young beggar. Father's conversation with her daughter led him to a fun mood, and the smell of good tobacco was retrofitably. "Dai, the owner, smoke a poor man," he said through the rods. - My tobacco against your not tobacco, but, you can say, Piva.
"I would give," Longren replied in a low voice, "but I have a tobacco in that pocket." You see, I do not want to wake a daughter.
- That's trouble! Wakes up, I'll sleep again, and the passers-by man took and smoked.
"Well," Longren objected, "you are still not without tobacco, and the child is tired." Go, if you want, later.
The beggar contemptuously slipped, squeezed on his stick and explained: - Princess, a clear case. You driven into her head in the head of these overseas ships! Oh, you, Chudak-Chudakovsky, and also the owner!
"Listen," Longren whispered, "I, perhaps, wake it up, but only then to lack your hefty neck." Go away!
After half an hour, the beggar was sitting in the restaurant at the table with a dozen fishermen. Behind them, then pulling her husbands for the sleeve, then removing the glass of the glass with vodka, - for myself, of course, the rising women were sitting with bent eyebrows and hands round, like a cobblestone. Beggar, happily offended, narrated: - and did not give me tobacco. "You," says, "will fulfill an adult year, and then," says, "a special red ship ... for you. Since your fate go out for the prince. And this, "says, - the wizard - believe." But I say: "Budi, Budi, they say, tobacco to get it." So after all, he fell halfway behind me.
- Who? What? What is interpreted? - The curious voices of women were heard. Fishermen, barely turning the heads, spread with a grin: - Longren with his daughter was wild, and may have been damaged in the mind; Here is a man tells. The sorcerer was with them, so it is necessary to understand. They are waiting - aunts, you would not sleep! - Zamar Prince, and even under the red sails!
Three days later, returning from the city bench, Assol heard for the first time: - Hey, History! Assol! Look here! Red sails float!
The girl, shuddering, involuntarily looked out of his hands on the spill of the sea. Then turned towards exclamations; There, twenty steps from her, stood a bunch of guys; They are grimacing, supervising languages. Sighing, the girl ran home.

II. Gray

If Caesar found that it was better to be the first in the village than the second in Rome, Arthur Gray could not envy Caesar with respect to his wise desire. He was born captain, wanted to be him and became him.
A huge house in which Gray was born, was glooming inside and majestic outside. Flower bed and part of the park were adjacent to the front facade. The best varieties of tulips are silver-blue, purple and black with a pink shadow - wriggled in the lawn lines whimsally abandoned necklaces. The old trees of the park dreamed in a scattered sewer over the crew of a winding stream. Castle fence, as it was a real castle, consisted of twisted cast iron pillars connected by iron pattern. Each pillar ended at the top of the magnificent cast-iron lily; These bowls on solemn days were filled with oil, dusting in a night darkness with an extensive fiery building.
Father and Gray's mother were the arrogant slaves of their position, wealth and laws of the society, in relation to which "we" could say. Part of their soul, engaged in the gallery ancestors, little worthy of the image, the other part - the imaginary continuation of the gallery - began to live a little bit like a well-known plan to live life and die so that his portrait could be hanged on the wall without prejudice to the family honor. In this regard, a small mistake was allowed: Arthur Gray was born with a living soul, absolutely not inclined to continue the line of the family inscription.
This liveliness, this perfect perversion of the boy began to affect the eighth year of his life; The type of knights of bizarre impressions, seeker and the wonderworker, that is, a person who took the most dangerous and touching role from countless diversity - the role of Providence, came in Grah, when, putting a chair to the wall to get a picture, which was depicting the crucifix, he He took out nails from the bloody hands of Christ, that is, simply smeared their blue paint kidnapped by Malar. In this form, he found a more demolished picture. Personalized by a kind of occupation, he began to lure and feet crucified, but was caught by his father. The old man took off the boy from the chair behind the ears and asked: - Why did you spoil the picture?
- I did not spoil.
- This is the work of the famous artist.
"I don't care," said Gray. - I can't allow me to stick out of the hands of nails and flowed blood. I do not want it.
In response, Lionel Gray's son is answered, a smile under Usami, he learned himself and did not impose punishment.
Gray tirelessly studied the castle, making amazing discoveries. So, in the attic, he found steel knightly trash, books intertwined in iron and skin, exilets and hordes of pigeons. In the cellar where wine was kept, he received interesting information about the Lafita, Maders, Herez. Here, in a muddy light of pointed windows, attached by oblique triangles of stone archives, stood small and large barrels; The biggest, in the form of a flat circle, occupied the entire transverse wall of the cellar, a centenary Dark Oak barrel glanced as polished. Among the barrels stood in a wicker baskets auboye bottles of green and blue glass. Gray mushrooms with thin legs grew on the stones and on the earth floor: everywhere - mold, moss, dampness, sour, suffocating smell. A huge web was golden in the far corner, when, in the evening, the sun looked out for her last beam. In one place, two bodies of the best Alicante were buried, which existed during Cromwell, and the burial, pointing to Gay on an empty corner, did not miss the case to repeat the history of the famous grave, in which the dead man lay, more lively than a floccaster. Starting the story, the narrator did not forget to try whether the crane was acting a big barrel, and came out of him, apparently, with a lightweight heart, since the unwitting tears are too much alder of the joy glittered in his jourished eyes.
"Well, that's what," said Faldishok Grahu, sitting on an empty box and stigma with a sharp nose tobacco, "Do you see this place?" There is such a wine, for which not one drunkard would agree to cut his tongue if he had been allowed to suffice a small cup. In each barrel one hundred liters of a substance blowing the soul and converting the body into a fixed dough. Its color is darker cherry, and it will not flow from the bottle. It is thick, like good cream. It is concluded in the barrels of the black tree, strong, like iron. They have double wrap of red copper. On the hoops, Latin inscription: "I will drink Gray, when it will be in paradise." This inscription was interpreted so extensively and disseminated that your great-grandfather, Highway Simeon Gray, built a cottage, called her "paradise", and thus thought to agree on the mysteriousness with reality by innocent wit. But what do you think? He died, as soon as they began to knock off the hoops, from the heartbroken, "the tagged old man was worried. Since then, the barrel does not touch this. The conviction arose that the precious wine would bring misfortune. In fact, such a riddle did not ask the Egyptian Sphinx. True, he asked one sage: - "Did I eat you, how to eat everyone? Tell the truth, you will stay alive, "but also that, on a mature reflection ...
- It seems that again drove from the crane, - interrupted himself to the Polandischok, indulging in the corner, where, strengthened the crane, returned with an open, bright face. - Yes. Good judge, and most importantly, not in a hurry, the sage could say the Sphinx: "Let's go, the brother, let's drink, and you will forget about these nonsense." "I will drink Gray when it will be in paradise!" How to understand? Will drink when it dies, or what? Strange. Consequently, he is holy, therefore, it does not drink or wine or simple vodka. Suppose that "paradise" means happiness. But if the question is so raised, every happiness will lose half of his shiny feathers, when the Waithell will sincerely ask himself: Is it he paradise? That's the thing. To get a drink with a light heart from such a barrel and laugh, my boy, well laugh, you need to stand one foot on Earth, the other - in the sky. There is another third assumption: that someday Gray is added to the blissful-paradise state and boldly devastated her leg. But this, the boy would not be the fulfillment of the prediction, but the restaurant ride.
Making sure once again in good condition of the crane of a big barrel, the Faldishkes focused and grillly ended: - These barrels brought in 1793 by your ancestor, John Gray, from Lisbon, on the Beagle ship; Two thousand gold piastra were paid for wine. The inscription on the barrels is made by the weapon master of Veniamin Ellyan from Pondichery. The barrels are immersed in a soil of six feet and covered with ashes of grape stems. No one drank this wine, did not try and will not try.
"I will drink it," said Gray once, fusing his foot.
- Here is a brave young man! - I noticed the Polandishok. - Do you drink it to heaven?
- Sure. Here is a paradise! .. Does he see me? - Gray laughed softly, open his little hand. Gentle, but the solid outlines of the palm illuminated the sun, and the boy squeezed his fingers into the fist. - Here he is here! .. then, then there is no ...
Saying this, he opened it, then he squeezed his hand and finally, satisfied with his joke, ran out, ahead of the Polandishok, along the gloomy staircase in the corridor of the lower floor.
Visiting the kitchen was strictly prohibited by Gray, but, once he had already discovered this amazing, the world of couples, soot, hissing, bubbles of boiling liquids, knives and delicious smells, the boy visited the huge room. In the harsh silence, like priests, moved the chef; Their white caps on the background of blackened walls gave work the nature of the solemn service; Cheerful, thick dishwasher at barrels with water soap dishes, ringing porcelain and silver; Boys, flexing under weight, made baskets, full fish, oysters, crayfish and fruit. There on a long table lay rainbow pheasants, gray ducks, motley chickens: there is a pork carcass with a short tail and infant eyes closed; There - turnip, cabbage, nuts, blue raisins, tanned peaches.
In the kitchen Gray a little Roblast: it seemed to him that all the dark forces were moving here, the power of which is the main spring of the castle's life; The coolers sounded as a team and spell; Movement of working, thanks to a long skill, acquired that distinct, miser accuracy, which seems to be inspiration. Gray was not still so high to take a look at the largest pan, like Vesuvi's biggest, but felt special respect for her; He looked with a thrill, as two maids turn her; The smoky foam, and the couple rising from the sheep slab, splashed on the stove, filled with the kitchen. Since the fluid splashed so much that she scalked her hand with one girl. The skin was instantly blushed, even the nails became red from the tide of blood, and Betsy (so called the maid), crying, rubbed the injured places. Tears were uncontrollably rolled through her round tortured face.
Gray froze. While other women were closed near Betsy, he experienced a feeling of acute alien suffering that could not experience himself.
- Does it hurt you? - he asked.
"Try, you find out," Betsey answered, covering his hand to the apron.
Frowning eyebrows, the boy climbed into the stool, he threw a long spoonful of hot clasi (to say by the way, it was a soup with lamb) and splashed to the fold of the brush. The impression was not weak, but weakness from severe pain caused him to shaken. Pale like flour, Gray approached Betsy, having laid a burning hand in pants panties.
"It seems to me that it hurts you," he said, silent about his experience. - Let's go, Betsy, to the doctor. Let's go!
He diligently pulled her for a skirt, while supporters of home remedies handed the maid of saving recipes. But the girl, very tormented, went with Gray. The doctor softened the pain, imposing a dressing. Only after Betsy went away, the boy showed his hand. This insignificant episode made twenty-year-old Betsy and the Ten Grahae True Friends. She snapped his pockets with pies and apples, and he told her fairy tales and other stories consolidated in her books. Once he learned that Betsy could not marry Jim's groom, for they have no money to acquire the economy. Gray broke his porcelain piggy bank to the manpipes and looked out everything from there, which was about a hundred pounds. Stop early. When the idleness retired to the kitchen, he sneaked into her room and, stuck a girl in a chest, closed him with a short note: "Betsy, it's yours. The leader of the hammer robbers Robin Hood. " The stir, caused in the kitchen of this story, took such dimensions that Gray was supposed to confess in herbs. He did not take money back and did not want to talk more about it.
His mother was one of those natures that life casts in the finished form. She lived in a half-hour security providing for every desire of the ordinary soul, so she did not have anything to do anything, to consult with the dressmakers, Dr. and Poleela. But passionate, almost religious attachment to its strange child It was necessary to assume that the only valve of those of her inconsistencies chlorized upbringing and fate, which no longer live, but vaguely roam, leaving the will inactive. A noble lady resembled Pava, surcedid a swan egg. She painfully felt the excellent saint's outcome; sadness, love and constituent filled it when she pressed the boy to his chest, where the heart spoken other than the language, habitually reflecting the conditional forms of relationships and mental. So the cloud effect, bizarily constructed by sunlight, penetrates the symmetric situation of the treated building, damping its banal advantages; The eye sees and does not recognize the premises: the mysterious shades of light among the poverty are creating a dazzling harmony.
A noble lady, whose face and figure seemed to be answered only by ice silence with fiery voices of life, whose thin beauty rather repelled than attracted, because in it there was a passing effort of will, devoid of feminine attraction, - this Lilian Gray, staying alone with a boy , was made a simple mom who spoken by a loving, meek tone, the very heart trifles, which you do not pass on the paper - their power in the feeling, not in themselves. She could not resolutely in any way to deny the son. She said goodbye to him: stay in the kitchen, aversion to lessons, disobedience and numerous quirks.
If he did not want to carry the trees, the trees remained intact, if he requested to forgive or reward anyone, the interested party knew that it would be so; He could ride any horse, take any dog \u200b\u200bin the castle; Running in the library, run barefoot and is that he will do.
His father fought for some time with this, but lost - not the principle, but the desire of his wife. He limited himself to the remote from the castle of all children of employees, fearing that due to the low society of the whim of the boy turns into a tendency, difficult to eradicate. In general, he was all-consuming engaged in countless birth processes, the beginning of which was lost in the era of the occurrence of paper factories, and the end - in the death of all klauseniks. In addition, public affairs, destination, dictation of memoirs, trips of the parade hunt, reading newspapers and a complex correspondence held it in some domestic distance from the family; Son he saw so rarely, which sometimes forgot how old he was.
Thus, Gray lived in his world. He played one - usually on the rear courtyards of the castle that had a battle in the old days. These extensive waste, with the remnants of high pvv, with overgrown moss stone cellars, were full of bouran, nettle, reurenik, terns and modest wild flowers. Grey climers remained here, exploring the holes of Krotov, fighting with the bungyan, having sleaking the butterflies and the building from the brick scrap of fortress, which bombarded with sticks and cobblestone.
He was already the twelfth year, when all the hints of His soul, all the scattered features of the Spirit and the shades of secret gusts were connected in one strong moment and, having received a slender expression became an indomitable desire. Prior to that, he would only find individual parts of his garden - a lumen, shadow, flower, a dense and magnificent trunk - in a variety of gardens of others, and suddenly saw them clearly, everything is in a beautiful, affecting compliance.
It happened in the library. Its high door with muddy glass above was usually locked, but the latch of the castle weakly held in the nest of the sash; A pressed hand, the door came out, satisted and revealed. When the spirit of the study made Gray penetrate the library, he was struck by the dusty light, all the power and feature of which was the color pattern of the upper part of the window glasses. The silence of abandonment was here as pond water. The dark rows of bookcases were adjacent to the windows, towing them halfway, between the closames were the passages dodged with piles of books. There is a disclosed album with slipped internal sheets, there are a scroll tied with a golden cord; feet of the book of the sullen view; Thick layers of manuscripts, a mound of miniature tomiki, who have risen as the bark, if they were revealed; Here - drawings and tables, ranks of new editions, cards; A variety of bindings, coarse, gentle, black, motley, blue, gray, thick, thin, rough and smooth. The cabinets were tightly naked with books. They seemed like the walls that entered into their lives in their most meters. In the reflections of the scale glasses, other cabinets were visible, covered with colorless shiny spots. A huge globe, enclosed in the copper spherical cross of the Equator and Meridian, stood on a round table.
Wrapped to the exit, Gray saw a huge picture over the door, immediately keeping his filled stuffing library. The picture depicted a ship shutting on the crest of the marine shaft. Jet foam glasses on its slope. He was depicted in the last moment of take-off. The ship went straight to the viewer. Highly rising Bugshprit flashed the base of the mast. A shaft comb, melted by ship keel, reminded the wings of a giant bird. Foam rushed into the air. Sails, foggy visible due to the baboards and above the bugshprit, full of the storm's full strength, were hung all the huge back so that, going over the shaft, straighten, and then, leaning over the abyss, hurry the vessel to new avalanches. Torn clouds low tremble over the ocean. Dull light was doomed to fought with the impending darkness of the night. But the figure of a man standing on the tank with his back to the viewer was wonderful in this picture. She expressed all the position, even the nature of the moment. Pose of a man (he put his legs, waving his hands) nothing actually said that he was busy, but forced to assume extreme tensions of attention facing something on the deck, an invisible viewer. Wrapped floors of its caftan were treated by the wind; White braid and black sword stretched into the air; The richness of the costume showed a captain in it, the dancing position of the body - the shaft wave; Without a hat, he was, apparently, absorbed in a dangerous moment and shouted - but what? Did he see how the man falls over the board, did you order to turn on another a galks or, drowning the wind, called the Boatswain? Not thoughts, but the shadows of these thoughts grew up in the soul of Gray, while he looked at the picture. Suddenly it seemed to him that the left came, becoming near, unknown invisible; It was worth turning his head as a bizarre sensation would have disappeared without a trace. Gray knew it. But he did not pay off the imagination, but listened. A silent voice cried out several broken phrases, incomprehensible, like the Malay language; There was noise as if long collaps; Echo and the gloomy wind filled the library. All this Gray heard inside him. He looked around: instantly stuck silence scattered a sonorous fantasy web; Communication with a storm disappeared.
Gray came to watch this picture several times. She became for him the right word in a conversation soul with life, without which it is difficult to understand yourself. A great sea gradually laid in a small boy. He burned with him, swearing the library, looking for and greedily reading those books for the golden door of which the blue radiance of the ocean was opened. There, sow for feed foam, ships moved. Part of them lured sails, masts and, choking the wave, descended in the darkness of the Puchin, where the phosphoric eyes of fish flashes. Others, captured by the Buruni, beat about the reef; The fading excitement is terrible to the housing; An impersonal ship with torn gears was worried about a long agony, until the new storm spread it into sins. Third safely loaded in one port and unloaded in the other; The crew, sitting at the restaurant table, lit swimming and saw a vodka. There were still ships-pirates, with a black flag and a terrible, waving the knives by the team; Ghost ships shining a shine blue illusion; War ships with soldiers, guns and music; ships of scientific expeditions, visiting volcanoes, plants and animals; ships with gloomy mystery and riots; Opening ships and adventure ships.
In this world, naturally, rose over all the figure of the captain. He was fate, soul and mind of the ship. Its character determined leisure and work team. The team itself was selected personally and largely answered his inclinations. He knew habits and family affairs of every person. He had in the eyes of the subordinates of magical knowledge, thanks to which it was confidently, say, from Lisbon to Shanghai, according to unwarked spaces. He reflected a storm to oppose the system of complex effort, killing panic with short orders; Float and stayed where he wanted; disposed of sailing and load, repair and recreation; Large and most intelligible power in lively, full of continuous movement, it was difficult to imagine. This power is closed and completeness equal to the authorities of Orpheus.
Such an idea of \u200b\u200bthe captain, such an image and such a true reality of his position was taken by the right of mental events, the main place in the glittering consciousness of Gray. No profession, besides this, could not so well to rush into one whole treasure of life, retaining an inviolable subtle pattern of each individual happiness. Danger, risk, power of nature, Light of a distant country, a wonderful unknown, flashering love, blooming and separation; fascinating boiling meetings, persons, events; The immense variety of life, while high in the sky, the southern cross, then a bear, and all the continents - in dicky eyes, although your cabin is full of non-touching homeland with her books, paintings, letters and dry flowers, cracked silky curls in Suede Laneank on a solid chest. In the fall, on the fifteenth year of life, Arthur Gray secretly left the house and penetrated the golden gate of the sea. Spearness from the port of Dubelt went to Marseille Schuna "Anselm", leaving the junction with small hands and appearance of a disguised girl. This Jung was Gray, the owner of elegant sacry, thin, like a glove, lacquered boots and baptine linen with disinanted crowns.
During the year, while Anselm visited France, America and Spain, Gray slipped part of his property on the cake, giving it a tribute to the past, and the rest - for the present and the future - lost to the cards. He wanted to be a "devilish" sailor. He, choking, drank vodka, and on the bathing, with a fooling heart, jumped into the water head down from a duplex height. In a few, he lost everything except the main thing - his strange flying soul; He lost her weakness, becoming widely and strong muscles, the pallor replaced the dark tan, the exquisite carelessness of movements gave for a confident accuracy of the working hand, and in his thinking eyes it was reflected in the shine, like a person looking at the fire. And his speech, having lost uneven, arrogantly shy fluidity, became brief and accurate, like a blow of seagulls into a jet for trembling silver fish.
The captain of Anselma was good personBut a harsh sailor who took a boy from a kind of gloating. In the desperate desire, Graha, he saw only an eccentric whim and triumphed in advance, representing how many months after two Gray will tell him, avoiding looking into the eyes: - "Captain Gop, I rode my elbows, crawling on gearies; My sides and the back are sick, the fingers are not infringe on, the head is cracking, and the feet are shaking. All these wet ropes are two ways on the weight of the hands; All these Leera, guys, bragile, cables, walls and salings are created on the torment of my tender body. I want to mom. " After listening to this statement mentally, the captain of the GOP held, mentally, the following speech: - "Go where you want, my chick. If a resin is stuck to your sensitive wings, you can wash it at home by cologne "Rose Mimosa". This cologne cologted by Hop most of all rejoiced the captain and, by completing the imaginary reward, he repeated out loud: "Yes." Go to the "rose-mimos".
Meanwhile, the impressive dialogue came to the mind of the captain more and less often, since Gray went to the goal with the sacred teeth and the pale face. He endured a restless work with a decisive voltage of the will, feeling that he is becoming easier and easier for him as a harsh ship was watched in his body, and inability was replaced by a habit. It happened that the loop of an anchor chain signed up with his legs, hitting the deck that the rope was unshamed from the hands, driving the skin with his palms that the wind beat him to the face with a wet corner of the sail with an iron ring in him, and, in short, say, All the work was torture, requiring close attention, but, no matter how hard he breathed, with difficulty flexing his back, the smile of contempt did not leave his face. He silently demolished ridicule, bullying and inevitable brand, until he became in the new sphere "his own", but from that time he had consistently answered by boxing for any insult.
One day, Captain Gop, seeing how the masterfully knits to rejuven the sail, said to himself: "Victory on your side, Plut." When Gray went down on the deck, Gop called him in the cabin and, open the book, said: - Listen carefully! Throw smoking! Begins the finish of the puppy under the captain.
And he began to read - or rather, speak and shout - according to the book the ancient words of the sea. It was the first grade lesson. During the year, he met navigation, practice, shipbuilding, sea law, location and accounting. Captain Hop filed his hand and said: "We".
In Vancouver Grahae caught a letter of mother, full of tears and fear. He replied: "I know. But if you saw me; Look at my eyes. If you heard me: make a saccine to ear: there is noise of eternal wave; If you loved like me - Sun ", in your letter I would find, besides love and check, - a smile ..." And he continued to swim until "Anselm" did not arrive with the cargo in Dubelt, from where, using the stop, twenty-year-old Gray I went to visit the castle. Everything was the same circle; It is also indisputable in detail and in general impressions, as five years ago, only the foliage of young elms; Her pattern on the facade of the building moved and scratched.
The servants who escaped to him were delighted, were entrusted and froze in the same respect, with what, as if not further as yesterday, met this Graya. He was told where mother; He walked into a high premises and, quietly sticking the door, silently stopped, looking at the disinterested woman in a black dress. She stood before crucifixion: her passionate whisper was sounded like a full heartbeat. "" On floating, traveling, suffering, suffering and captured, "I heard, Breakly breathe, Gray. Then it was said: - "And my boy ..." Then he said: - "I ..." But no longer could say anything. Mother turned around. She lost weight: in the arrogance of her subtle face, a new expression was shining, similar to his returned adolescence. She rapidly approached his son; Short chest laughter, restrained exclamation and tears in the eyes - that's all. But at that moment she lived stronger and better than in life. - "I immediately recognized you, oh, my dear, my little!" And Gray really stopped being big. He listened to his father's death, then told about himself. She did not listen without reproaches and objections, but about himself - in all that he claimed as the truth of his life, he saw only toys that her boy amused. Such toys were continents, oceans and ships.
Gray stayed in the castle seven days; On the eighth day, taking a large amount of money, he returned to the double and said the captain of RPU: "Thank you. You were a kind comrade. Goodbye, Senior Comrade, "Here he secured the true meaning of this word is terrible, like a vice, handshake," now I will swim separately, on your own ship. " Gop broke out, spat, snatched his hand and went away, but Gray, dodged, hugged him. And they sat down in the hotel, all together, twenty-four people with a team, and drank, and shouted, and sang, and drank and eaten everything that was on the buffet and in the kitchen.
There was still little time, and in the port of Dubelt evening star flashed over the black line of a new mast. That was "secret", bought by Graha; Three-wave galiot in two hundred sixty tons. So, the captain and owner of the ship Arthur Gray floated for another four years, until fate brought him to the fox. But he has already remembered that short breast laughter, full of cardiac music, how they met his houses, and once two a year visited the castle, leaving a woman with silver hair with a rapid confidence that such a big boy will perhaps cope with his toys.

III. Dawn

The jet of foam, discarded by the feed of the Graya Ship "secret," passed through the ocean white feature and went out in the brilliance of Lissa's evening lights. The ship stood on the raid near the lighthouse.
Ten days "Secret" discharged Ibuche, coffee and tea, the eleventh day the team spent on the shore, in rest and wine vapors; On the twelfth day, Gray is depressed, without any reason, without understanding the longing.
Still in the morning, barely waking up, he already felt that this day began in black rays. He dressed gloomily, reluctantly had breakfast, forgot to read the newspaper and smoked for a long time, immersed in an inexpressible world of aimless tension; Among the vaguely arising words wandered unrecognized desires, mutually destroyed themselves equal to effort. Then he took up the case.
Accompanied by Bottchman Gray examined the ship, ordered to pull the guy, weaken the Sturrus, clean the cares, to change the Cleaver, squeeze the deck, clean the compass, open, ventilate, and react a magnitude. But the case did not entertain Gray. Full anxious attention to the sadness of the day, he lived him irritably and sadly: he would look like someone, but he forgot who and where.
In the evening, he sat down in the cabin, took the book and led to the author for a long time, making the notes of paradoxical properties on the fields. Some time he was amused by this game, this conversation with the mulling of the coffin is dead. Then, taking a handset, he drowned in blue smoke, living among the ghostly arabesque arising in his strata layers. Tobacco scary mighty; Like the oil poured into the jumping break of the waves, smires their rabies, and tobacco: softening the feelings, he reduces them with several tones below; They sound smaller and musical. Therefore, Tosca Gray, after finally after the three tubes offensive importance, passed into thoughtful diffraction. Such a state lasted for about an hour; When the soul fog disappeared, Gray woke up, wanted movement and went to the deck. There was a full night; Beyond the black water, the stars and lights of the mast lanterns dreamed. Warm like a cheek, the air smelled the sea. Gray, raised his head, squinted on the golden coal of the stars; Instantly, the miles penetrated his pupils a fiery needle of a distant planet in his mind. The deaf noise of the evening city reached hearing from the depths of the bay; Sometimes the coastal phrase flew in a sensitive water, said as if on the deck; Clearly sounded, she went to the screen of the gear; A match broke out on the tank, refreshing his fingers, round eyes and mustache. Gray whistled; The fire of the tube moved and swam to him; Soon the captain saw the hand and face of the Watchman in the darkness.
- Tell leti, - said Gray, - that he will go with me. Let the fishing rods take.
He descended into the gate, where she was waiting for ten minutes. Fercia, a favorable, rogue guy, swores about the board with oars, filed them with Gray; Then he descended himself, settled down and put the bag with provisions in the silt of the gate. Gray sat down to the steering wheel.
- Where should you swim, captain? - asked the ate, stew the boat with right oars.
The captain was silent. The sailor knew that in this silence could not be inserted words, and therefore, silently himself, began to row strongly.
Gray took the direction to the Open Sea, then began to keep the left shore. He was still going to swim. The steering wheel was shuffling; Zvyakali and splashing oars, everything else was sea and silence.
During the day, a person hesitates such a variety of thoughts, impressions, speeches and words that all this would be not one of the thick book. The face of the day acquires a certain expression, but Gray today vainly peered into this face. In his troubled features, one of those feelings, what a lot, but not given the name. As nor call them, they will remain forever out of words and even concepts like the suggestion of the fragrance. In the power of such a feeling was now Gray; He could, really, say: - "I'm waiting, I see, I will soon find out ...", but even these words were equal to more than individual drawings regarding architectural design. In these trends there was still the power of light excitement.
Where they sailed, on the left of the wavy thickening of the darkness. Over the red glass windows were sparks of flue pipes; It was a caper. Gray heard a short and bark. The ruities of the village resembled a furnace door, burned holes, through which the blazing coal is visible. The ocean, obvious, as the presence of a sleeping person. Moving Capern, Gray turned to the shore. Here quietly nailed with water; Taking the lantern, he saw the pits of the cliff and his top, hanging protrusions; He liked this place.
"We will catch fish here," said Gray, flapping the rower on the shoulder.
The sailor chuckled indefinitely.
"I swim with such a captain for the first time," he murmured. - Captain delight, but unlike. Captain harness. However, I love it.
Scoring the paddle in Il, he tied a boat to him, and both climbed up, climbing along the stones from knees and elbows. From the cliff stretched a piece. There was a knock of the ax, whining a dry trunk; Having a tree, the little girl spread a fire on the cliff. The shadows and water reflected by water moved; In the retreating darkness, grass and branches were highlighted; Over the bone, giving up, sparkling, trembled air.
Gray sat down by the fire.
"Well," he said, stretching the bottle, "drink, a friend of a firing, for the health of all the sober. By the way, you took not a fake, but ginger.
"Sorry, Captain," said the sailor, translating the Spirit. "Allow it to eat ..." He serves half of the chicken at once and, having drove the mouth of the wing, continued: "I know that you love the foolish." Only it was dark, and I rushed. Ginger, you know, the hard man. When I need to fight, I drink ginger. While the captain ate and drank, the sailor of the spark glance at him, then, without holding away, said: - Is it true, captain, what they say, as if you are from a notable family?
- It's not interesting, atetics. Take a fishing rod and catch if you want.
- And you?
- I? I do not know. May be. But then. The atetics opened the fishing rod, sentenced to verses, to which there was a master, to the great admiration of the team: - From the lace and the rusts, I checked a long whip and, hook to him. - Then he tickped his finger in the worms box. - This worm in the ground wandered and his life was happy, and now on the hook fell
- And his soma will be eaten.
Finally, he left with singing: - Night of quiet, beautiful vodka, trembling, sturgeon, faint, surname, - Fish Watching from the mountain!
Gray lay down by the fire, looking at the water reflective fire. He thought, but without the participation of will; In this state, the thought, absently holding the surrounding, vaguely sees him; She rushes, like a horse in a close crowd, gone, swelling and stopping; Emptiness, confusion and delay alternately accompany her. She wanders in the shower of things; from bright unrest hurries to secret hints; Spinning on the ground and the sky, vitally talking with imaginary faces, quit and decorate memories. In the cloud movement, this is all alive and convex and all incoherently like nonsense. And often smiles at resting consciousness, seeing, for example, as in reflection about fate suddenly, the look is complaining of a completely inappropriate: some twig, broken two years ago. So I thought by the fire of Gray, but was "somewhere" - not here.
The elbow, which he relied, supporting his head, seeked and stalk. Stars shone pale, the darkness was intensified by the tension preceding the dawn. The captain began to fall asleep, but did not notice that. He wanted to drink, and he reached out to the bag, revealing him already in a dream. Then he stopped dreaming; The next two hours were for Gray, no more than those seconds during which he bowed heads on his hands. During this time, the Letica appeared by the fire twice, smoked and stailed out of curiosity in his mouth caught fishing - what's there? But there, of course, nothing was.
Waking up, Gray for a moment forgot, as he got into these places. With amazement, he saw a happy brilliance of the morning, breaking the coast among these branches and a flaming blue distance; Over the horizon, but at the same time and over his legs hung the leaves of hazel. At the bottom of the cliff - with the impression that Under the back of Gray - hiped quiet surf. Flashing from the leaf, the dew drop spread out the sleepy face with a cold slap. He got up. Everywhere triumphed light. The cooled head heads clung to the life of a thin stream of smoke. His smell attached to breathe wild charm to the air of the forest greens.
The flies were not; He got carried away; He, sweating, wondered with a passion for a gambling player. Gray came out of the thickets in a shrub scattered over a hill skate. He smoked and burning her grass; Wet flowers looked like children, forceful washed cold water. The green world was breathing in the shame of tiny mouths, preserving to pass by Grahi among her jumped tightness. The captain climbed into an open place, overgrown with motley herbs, and saw a sleeping young girl here.
He quietly removed the branch and stopped with a sense of dangerous find. Not further, as in five steps, curled down, picking up one leg and stretching the other, lying his head on cozy tired of the tired associate. Her hair was moved in disarray; The neck was unbuttoned by a button, opening a white hole; An expulsted skirt broke his knees; The eyelashes slept on the cheek, in the shade of a gentle, convex temple, half a closed dark strand; The little finger of the right hand, who was under his head, bent to the back of the head. Gray squatted, looking at the girl in the face from the bottom and not suspecting that he had a fauna from the painting of Arnold Beclin.
Perhaps, under other circumstances, this girl would have been noticed to them only with his eyes, but then he saw her otherwise. Everything strained, everything grinned in it. Of course, he did not know her nor her name, no matter why she fell asleep on the shore, but it was very satisfied with this. He loved the paintings without explanations and signatures. The impression of such a picture is incomparably stronger; Its content, not related to words, becomes limitless, arguing all guesses and thoughts.
The shadow of foliage was closer to the trunks, and Gray was still sitting in the same poorly pose. All sleeping on the girl: slept;! Dark hair, sleeping dress and folds; Even the grass near her body seemed to be raised due to sympathy. When the impression was complete, Gray entered his warm wave wave and sailed with her. For a long time, I shouted the summer time: - "Captain. Where are you?" - But the captain did not hear him.
When he finally got up, the tendency to an unusual found him surprise with determination and inspiration of an irritated woman. I thoughtfully inferior to her, he took off the old expensive ring from the finger, not without reason, thinking that, maybe, this tells the life of something significant, like spelling. He gently lowered the ring on a small little finger whispering from under the nape. The little finger is impatiently moved and smoke. Looking again at this resting face, Gray turned and saw in the bushes high raised sailor's eyebrows. Watching the mouth, looked at Graya's classes with such surprise, with what, right, watched an ion on the mouth of his furnished whale.
- A, it's you, a flirty! - said Gray. - Look at her. What is good?
- Warrant artistic fabric! - the sailor shouted in a whisper, who loved book expressions. - In terms of circumstances, there is something posing. I caught four moray and some more thick as a bubble.
- quieter, letting. Run away from here.
They moved to the bushes. They should now turn to the boat, but Gray Medlil, considering the distance of the low coast, where the morning smoke of the pipes of Caperin was shown over her grain and sand. In this smoke, he saw a girl again.
Then he resolutely turned, going down along the slope; Sailor, without asking what happened, was behind; He felt that there was no compulsory silence. Already around the first buildings, Gray suddenly said: - Will you define a wretch, your experienced eye, where is the restaurant? - There must be a black roof, "I realized the firing," and, however, maybe not she. "
- What's notable in this roof?
- I do not know, Captain. Nothing more like voice heart.
They approached the house; That was really a traaster Menners. In the open window, on the table, a bottle was visible; Near her, someone's dirty hand drilled half a stone.
Although the hour was early, in the common hall of the innkeeper, three people were situated by the window, the owner of drunken mustows already noticed; Between the buffet and the inner door of the hall, two fishermen were placed behind the scrambled and beer. Menners, a long young guy, with a spring boring face and the special expression of the cunningness in the suberpiced eyes, which is inherent in triggers in general, has crossed the resistant dishes. On the dirty floor lay a sunny binding of the window.
Hardly Gray joined the smoke light as Menners, respectfully putting, came out because of his cover. He immediately guessed in Gray of the real captain - the discharge of guests, rarely they were visible. Gray asked Roma. The coverage of the table yellowed in the fuss of the human tablecloth, Menners brought a bottle, lying in half the tip of the rolled label. Then he returned for the rack, looking attentively on Ghea, then something awesome on a plate with a plate.
While the Walking, taking a glass with both hands, modestly whispered with him, looking out the window, Gray called Mennels. Hin suddenly sat down at the tip of the chair, clicked by this appeal and the flattened precisely because it was expressed by the nod of the griee tree.
"You, of course, know all the inhabitants here," Gray spoke calmly. - I am interested in the name of a young girl in a golk, in a dress with pink flower, dark-rod and low, aged from seventeen to twenty years. I met her nearby. What is her name?
He said this with a solid east of the force that does not allow to see from this tone. Hin Mensners is internally spinning and even grinned slightly, but externally obeyed the nature of the appeal. However, before answering, he paused - the only of the fruitless desire to guess what was the matter.
- GM! He said, raising his eyes to the ceiling. - It must be "ship associate", there must be no one else. She is pleasing.
- Indeed? - Having indifferently said Gray, unscrewing a major sip. - How did it happen?
- When so, if you please listen to. "And Hin told Grahu about how many years ago a girl spoke on the seashore with a collector of songs." Of course, this story since the beggar approved her being in the same restaurant, took the outlines of coarse and flat gossip, but the essence remained untouched. "Since she is called her," said Menners, "her" Assol Ship "is name.
Gray mechanically looked at the flog that continued to be quiet and modest, then his eyes turned to a dusty road running from the restaurant, and he felt like a blow - simultaneous blow in his heart and head. On the road, face to him, she was the most shipboard associate, to which Menners had just reacted clinically. The amazing features of her face resembling the mystery indelibly exciting, although ordinary words, appeared in front of him now in the light of her look. The sailor and Menners sat to the window with his back, but so that they accidentally turned - Gray had courage to take a look at the red eyes of Hina. The field of how he saw the eyes of the Assol, the whole of the Jossina of the Mennersov of the story was scattered. Meanwhile, I suspected anything, Hin continued: "I can also inform you that her father is a very backer." He drowned my dad, like a cat some, forgive the Lord. It…
He interrupted an unexpected wild roar from the back. Scary with the eyes, the coal, having shook himself, sternly, suddenly cried with singing and so fiercely, that everyone was shuddering.
Basket, basket, Derie with us for the basket! ..
- Again you loaded, the knob is damned! - shouted Menners. - Go out!
... But only be afraid to get into our Palestine! ..
- Summed up the coal and, as if nothing was, Skilled mustache in the splashed glass.
Hin Menners was indignantly shrugged.
"Dryan, not a man," he said with the creepy dignity of Skopidoma. - Every time such a story!
- You can't tell anything more? Asked Gray.
- I mean? I tell you that the father of the bastard. Through it, I, your mercy, orphaned and still ardes had to independently maintain a briga intake ..
"You're lying," said the coal suddenly. - You're lying so nagged and unfulstly that I rubbed. "Hin did not have time to uncover his mouth, as the coal turned to Grah:" He's lying. " His father also lied; The lords and mother. Such a breed. You can be deceased that she is also healthy like me. I spoke to her. She sat on my wagon eighty four times, or a little less. When a girl walks out of the city, and I sold my coal, I will certainly put the girl. Let her sit. I say that she has a good head. It is now visible. With you, Hin Menners, she, I understand, will not say two words. But I, sir, in the free coal business despise the courts and sense. She says as big, but the fancy conversation. Listen to
- As if everything is the same as we would tell you, and she has the same, but not quite so. Here, for example, it became about her craft. "I'll tell you what," she says and keeps at my shoulder, like a fly for the bell tower, "my work is not boring, just everyone wants to come up with a special." I, - Says, - So I want to be hung to my boat myself, and rowing rowing would be truly; Then they stick to the shore, give the berth and honor-honor, exactly alive, sit on the shore to bite. " I, it, I wandered, I began to be ridiculous. I say: - "Well, Assol, this is what is your business, and thoughts so you have such, and look around: everything is in work, like in a fight." "No," she says, "I know I know." When the fisherman catches the fish, he thinks he caught a big fish, which no one caught. " - "Well, and me?" - "And you? - She laughs, - You, right, when you blame the coal with a basket, then you think that it will bloom. " That's what word she said! At the same moment I jerked me, I confess, look at the empty basket, and so I got into my eyes, as if the kidney crawled out of the rods; They burst these kidneys, splashed on the basket of a sheet and gone. I even sober up! And Hin Menners is lying and money does not take; I know him!
Considering that the conversation passed into an explicit insult, Menners pierced the coalcher with a look and disappeared for the rack, from where Gorky was inquired: - Do you order to file something?
"No," Gray said, getting money, "we get up and go." Watching, you will stay here, come back in the evening and you will be silent. Having learned everything you can, give me. Do you understand?
"Query Captain," said the letka with some familiarity caused by Rum, - not to understand this can only be deaf.
- Perfectly. Remember also that in any of those cases that can be introduced to you, it is impossible to talk about me nor mention even my name. Goodbye!
Gray came out. From that time, he had not left the feeling of astounding discoveries, like a spark in the powder mortar of Bertold, - one of those spiritual collaps, from which it breaks out, sparkling, fire. The spirit of immediate action mastered them. He came his senses and gathered with thoughts, only when he sat down into the boat. Laughing, he put his hand with his hand up - the sultry sun, - as it did one boy in the wine cellar; Then sailed and began to quickly row towards the harbor.

IV. On the eve

On the eve of that day and seven years after Egle, the collector of the songs, told the girl on the shore of the sea a fairy tale about the ship with Alay Sails, Assol in one of his weekly visits to the toy shop returned home upset, with a sad face. She brought his goods back. She was so sad, that he could not immediately speak and only after Longren's alarmed face saw that he would expect something much worse reality, began to tell, driving a finger on the glass window, which became scattered by observing the sea.
The owner of the toy shop began this time with the fact that he opened the counting book and showed it how much the debt. She shuddered, seeing an impressive three-digit number. "That's how much you took from December," said the merchant, "but look at how much sold." And he rested his finger into another figure, already out of two signs.
- Thirtiest and insulting to watch. I saw my face that he was rude and angry. I would gladly run away, but, honestly, there was no strength from shame. And he began to say: - "I, honey, is no longer profitable. Now in fashion foreign goods, all the shops are full of them, and these products do not take. " So he said. He spoke a lot of things, but I all confused and forgot. It must be squeezed by me, as I advised to go to the "Children's Bazar" and "Aladinov Lamp".
Anticipating the most important thing, the girl turned his head, timidly looking at the old man. Longren sat in shouting, chanting the fingers between the knees, which were leaned with elbows. Feeling glance, he raised his head and sighed. Having a hard mood, the girl ran to him, settled down next to him and, traveled his light hand under the leather sleeve of his jacket, laughing and looking at the father from the bottom in his face, continued with the delivered revival: "Nothing, that's all, you are listening." So I went. Well, I come to a big affected store; There a lot of people. I was shook out; However, I got out and went to a black man with glasses. What I told him, I remember anything; In the end, he grinned, rummaged in my basket, looked something, then he won again, as it was, in a handkerchief and gave back.
Longren listened angrily. He, as it were, saw his torn daughter in a rich crowd at a fit, which was rolled by a valuable commodity. A neat man in glasses condescendingly explained to her that he had to scatter, if it would begin to trade with unacceptable products of Longren. He casually and deftly put it in front of her on the counter, folding models of buildings and railway bridges; Miniature distinct cars, electric kits, airplanes and engines. All this smelled paint and school. According to all his words, it turned out that children in games only imitate what adults are doing.
Assol was still in the "Aladin lamp" and in two other shops, but nothing has achieved.
Obtaining a story, she collected dinner; Eating and drinking a glass of strong coffee, Longren said: - Since we are not lucky, you need to look. I may have done again to serve - on Fitzroja or Palermo. Of course, they are right, - he continued thoughtfully, thinking about toys. - Now children do not play, but learn. They all learn, learn and will never start living. All this is so, and sorry, right, sorry. Do you know how to live without me the time of one flight? It is unthinkable to leave you alone.
- I could also serve with you; Let's say in the buffet.
- Not! - Longren seen this word with a palm strike on a shocker table. - While I am alive, you will not serve. However, there is time to think.
He frowned. Assol asked next to him at the corner of the toaster; He saw on the side, without turning the heads that she bites him to comfort him, and almost smiled. But smile - meant to sigh and confuse a girl. She, sentencing something about herself, smoothed his confused gray hair, kissed him in the mustache and, shutting the shaggy father's ears with their little thin fingers, said: - "Well, now you don't hear that I love you." While she hovers him, Longren sat, shrinking firmly, as a man who fears to flush smoke, but, having heard her words, Gusto crushed.
"You're honey," he just said and, having fun at the girl on the cheek, went ashore to see the boat.
Assol stood for some time in meditation in the middle of the room, hesitating between the desire to surrender to the quiet sorrow and the need for domestic worries; Then, wash the dishes, revised the remains of provisions in the scale. She did not weigh and did not measure, but I saw that with a flour, I would not reach the end of the week that the bottom of the tip with sugar was visible, the wrappers with tea and coffee are almost empty, there is no oil, and the only thing, on what, with some annoyance for an exception, Rested her eyes - there was a bag of potatoes. She then washed the floor and sat down to smoke the ruffle to the skirt converted from the older, but immediately remembering that the trimming of matter lie behind the mirror, went to it and took a convolution; Then she looked at her reflection.
Behind the walnut frame in a light emptiness of the reflected room was a thin low girl, dressed in a cheapest white muslin with pink flower. On her shoulders lay a gray silk brazer. Semi-child, in bright tan, the face was moving and expressive; Beautiful, somewhat serious for her age eyes looked with a timid concentration of deep shower. Her wrong face could touched with a fine cleanliness of the outlines; Each bend, each convexity of this person, of course, would find a place in a variety of female appears, but their totality, style - was completely original - the original MIL; On this we will stop. The rest beyond the words, except the word "charm".
The reflected girl smiled as valuable as Assol. Smile came out sad; Noticing this, she alarmed, as if he looked at the outside. She pressed his cheek to the glass, closed his eyes and silently stroked the mirror with his hand where it was reflected. Sward, gentle thoughts flashed in it; She straightened, laughed and sat down, starting to sew.
While she sews, look at her closer - inside. There are two girls in it, two associate mixed in wonderful wonderful misunderstanding. One was a daughter of a sailor, an artisan, mastered toys, the other - a living poem, with all the wonders of his consonance and images, with the secret neighborhood of words, in the whole reciprocity of their shadows and light falling from one to another. She knew life within the limits of her experience, but in excess of general phenomena saw the reflected meaning of a different order. So, peering into objects, we notice something in linearly, but the impression is definitely human, and - just like human - different. Something similar to the fact that (if I managed), we said with this example, she saw it even beyond visible. Without these quiet conquest, everything just clearly understood her soul. She was able and loved to read, but also read in the book mainly between the lines, as she lived. Unconsciously, by means of a kind of inspiration, she made many etherotonic discoveries, inexpressible, but important, as purity and warmth. Sometimes - and it lasted a number of days - she even reborn; The physical confrontation of life failed as silence in the blow of a bow, and everything she saw, which lived, what was around, became lace secrets in the image of everyday life. More than once, worrying and Robust, she left at night to the seashore, where, waiting for the dawn, completely seriously visited the ship with Alami sails. These minutes were happiness for her; It is difficult for us to go to a fairy tale, it would be no less difficult to get out of her power and charm.
At another time, reflecting on all this, she sincerely voted to himself, not believing that she believed, the smile forgiving the sea and sadly moving to reality; Now, shifting the ruffs, the girl recalled her life. There was a lot of boredom and simplicity. Loneliness together, it happened, immensely it, but there was already the fold of the inner timidity, the sufferer wrinkle with which it was not to make and not get revival. They laughed above it, saying: "She's touched, not in himself"; She got used to this pain; The girl had to even endure insults, after which her chest was whom, as from hitting. As a woman, she was unpopular in Kapern, however, many were suspected, although wild and vaguely, that she was given more than others - only in another language. Kapernts adored dense, heavy women with oil leather thick IR and mighty hands; Here they cared, blooming the back of the palm and pushing, as in the bazaar. The type of this feeling resembled the frequency simplicity of the Reva. The Assol also approached this decisive environment, how to suit people of the exquisite nervous life Society of ghosts, possess it to all the charm of the Assunta or Aspasia: the fact that from love is unthinkable. So, in the smooth buzz of the soldier's tube, the adorable sorrow of the violin is powerless to bring a stern regiment from the actions of his straight lines. As stated in these rows, the girl stood back.
Meanwhile, how her head purred a song of life, small hands worked diligently and deftly; Biting a thread, she looked far in front of him, but it did not prevent her to expose to her scar evenly and put a petition with a clearness of the sewing machine. Although Longren did not return, she did not worry about the father. Lately He often paid the fish at night or simply ventilate.
She did not pull fear; She knew that nothing bad would not happen to him. In this regard, the Assol was still the little girl who prayed in his own way, friendly tormented in the morning: - "Hello, God!", And in the evening: - "Goodbye, God!".
In her opinion, such a short acquaintance with God was quite enough for he to remove the misfortune. She was included in his position: God was always busy with the affairs of millions of people, therefore, it was followed by everyday shadows of life, in her opinion, to treat the guest's delicate patience, which, making the house full of the people, is waiting for the launched owner, and feeding in circumstances.
Early sew, the Assol folded the work on the corner table, undressed and smalleled. The fire was awesome. She soon noticed that there were no drowsiness; Consciousness was clear as in the midst of the day, even darkness seemed artificial, the body, as well as consciousness, was felt like a light day. Heart retired with speed of pocket clock; It beat as if between the pillow and the ear. Assol was angry, grinding, then dropping the blanket, clinging to it with his head. Finally, she managed to call the usual idea, helping to sleep: she mentally threw stones into light water, looking at the discrepancy of the lightest circles. Sleep, really, as it were only waiting for this handoff; He came, whispered from Merie, standing at the head of the head, and, obeying her smile, said around: Schshshch. Assol immediately fell asleep. She dreamed of a favorite dream: flowering trees, longing, charm, songs and mysterious phenomena, of which, waking up, she recalled only the sparkling of blue water, approaching the feet to the heart with a cold and delight. Seeing all this, she traveled a few more time in the impossible country, then woke up and sat down.
Sleep was not, as if she did not fall asleep at all. The feeling of novelty, joy and desire to do something he warmed her. She looked at the same glance, what a new room look back. Posing the dawn - not with all the clarity of illumination, but the vague effort in which you can understand the surrounding. The bottom of the window was black; The top of brilliantly. From the outside of the house, almost on the edge of the frame, glitter the morning star. Knowing that she will not fall asleep now, the Assol got dressed, went to the window and, removing the hook, took the frame, outside the window was attentive silence; She seemed only now. In the blue twilight, the bushes flicker, trees slept away; Looked in a stuff and land.
Holding behind the top of the frame, the girl looked and smiling. Suddenly, something similar to the remote call, stirred it from the inside and outside, and it woke up once again from explicit reality to the fact that more clearly and undoubtedly. From this moment, the journal wealth of consciousness left it. So, understanding, we listen to the speech of people, but, if you repeat said, I will understand again, with another, new meaning. The same was with her.
Taking the old, but on her head there is always a young silk golk, she grabbed her hand under the chin, locked the door and spoiled barefoot on the road. Although it was empty and deaf, but it seemed to her that she sounds like an orchestra that she could hear her. Everything was cute her, everything pleased her. Warm dust taped bare feet; It was also clear and fun. On the twilight lumen of the sky dry the roofs and clouds; Dreamed the hedges, rosehip, gardens, gardens and gently visible road. In all, there was a different order than in the afternoon - the same, but in the compliance with previously compliance. Everyone dreamed with open eyes, secretly examining the passing girl.
She walked, the more, the faster, hurrying to leave the village. Meadows stretched behind Kapper; Oshemnik, poplar and chestnuts grew by meadows on the slopes of the coastal hills. Where the road ended, turning into a deaf path, at the feet of the Assol gently spun a fluffy black dog with white breasted and speaking eye tension. The dog, recognizing the Assol, waking up and bewildered to the body, went near, silently agreeing with the girl in something clear as "I" and "you". Assol, looking into her reporting eyes, was firmly sure that the dog could speak, if she had secret reasons to be silent. Noticing the smile of the companion, the dog was having fun, walked the tail and ran ahead, but suddenly sat down, Ducklings screamed her ear, branched his eternal enemy, and ran back.
Assol has penetrated high, splashing dew meadow grass; Holding a hand with a palm down above her belts, she walked, smiling at a flowing touch.
Posing in special colors, in confusion of stems, she distinguished almost human hints - poses, effort, movement, features and views; She would not be surprised by the field mice procession, the horses ball or the rude hedgehog, frightening sleeping gnome with his fuchaniam. And accurately, hedgehog, gray, rolled out before her on a path. - Fuk-Fuk, - he said to the heart, as a carriage per pedestrian. Assol said with those who understood and saw. "Hello, patient," she said to the Lilac Iris, punched to the holes of the worm. - It is necessary to sit at home, "this applied to the Kuste, stuck among the trails and therefore a leaning dress passersby. The big beetle cling to the bell, bending the plant and bumping, but stubbornly pursuing his paws. - "Stryakni Tolstoy Passenger," Assol advised. Beetle, exactly, could not resist and flew to the side. So, worrying, trembling and bright, she approached the slope of the hill, hiding in his thickets from meadow space, but now the true true friends, who - she knew it - they say Bas.
That were large old trees among the honeysuckle and hazel. Their whisper branches concerned the upper leaf of bushes. White cones of colors were standing in a calm large foliage of chestnuts, their fragrance interfered with the smell of dew and resin. The path, destroyed by the protrusions of slippery roots, then fell, then climbed the slope. Assol felt like at home; Hello with trees, as with people, that is, their shaking their wide leaves. She went, whispering that mentally, the words: "Here you are, here you are; Many you, my brothers! I go, brothers, hurried, let me go. I recognize you all, I remember everyone and read. " "Bratz" are majestically stroked it with something - the leaves - and kindly creaked in response. She got out, parching the feet of the earth, to the cliff over the sea and got up on the edge of the cliff, choking on hasty walk. Deep invincible faith, leaky, foam and noisy in her. She scattered her gaze beyond the horizon, from where a light shore wave noise was returned back, proud of the purity of the flight. Meanwhile, the sea, circled horizons with golden thread, still sleeping; Only under the cliff, in the puddles of the coast holes, the water raised and fell. Steel in the shore color of the sleeping ocean passed into blue and black. For the golden thread of the sky, flashering, shone with a huge fan of light; White clouds tried a weak blush. Thin, divine colors shone in them. On black gave, there was already a thrill snow white; Foam glitter, and a crimson break, flashing the middle threads, threw the ocean, to the feet of Assol, Aluu Ryaby.
She sat down, picking her legs, with his hands around his knees. Carefully leaning over to the sea, she looked at the horizon with big eyes, in which there was no longer an adult left, - the eyes of a child. All she waited for so long and hotly, was done there - on the edge of the world. She saw in the country of distant puchin underwater hill; From the surface of it flowed up the curly plants; Among their round leaves, laughed at the edge of the edge, bizarre flowers were shone. The upper leaves glittered on the surface of the ocean; The one who knew nothing, as Assol knew, saw only trembling and shine.
The ship rose from the thicket; He came up and stopped at the middle of the dawn. From this given he was visible, as the clouds. Scattering fun, he grew up like wine, rose, blood, mouth, scarlet velvet and punch fire. Ship w »l right to the associate. Wings of foam trembled under a powerful pressure of his keel; Already inserted, the girl pressed his hands to his chest, as a wonderful game of light passed into the siblings; The sun climbed, and the bright morning of the morning drove the covers from everything that was still intense, squeezing on sleepy earth.
The girl sighed and looked around. Music Smallkla, but Assol was still in power of her ringing choir. This impression gradually weakened, then became a memoir and, finally, just fatigue. She lay down on the grass, yawned and, blissfully closing his eyes, fell asleep - truly, strong, like a young walnut, sleep, without care and dreams.
Her woke up flies, wandering around the naked foot. Restlessly revealed by the leg, the Assol woke up; Sitting, she chained disheveled hair, so the Graya Ring reminded himself, but considering it no more, as a stem, stuck in his fingers, she straightened them; Since the interference did not disappear, she impatiently brought her hand to her eyes and straightened, instantly jumped up with the power of a splashing fountain.
On her finger, the brilliant Ring of Graya, as in someone else, - she could not admit at that moment, did not feel his finger. - "Whose joke is? Whose joke? She cried rapidly. - Do I sleep? Maybe found and forgot? ". Grabbing the left hand right on which it was a ring, she inspired with amazement, trying to look at the sea and green thickets; But no one moved, no one was attached to the bushes, and in blue, there was no sign far from the sea, and the blush covered Assol, and the voice of the heart said something "yes." There was no explanation for what happened, but without words and thoughts she found them in a strange feeling of their own, and the ring was already close to her. All the trembling, she pulled it from his finger; Holding in a hassle as water, she looked at him - everything soul, with all my heart, all the flashes and a clear superstition of youth, then, hiding behind the bodice, Assol buried his face in the palm of her face, from under which a smile was uncontrollably, and lowering his head slowly Went to the restart.
So, - by chance, as people say, able to read and write, - Gray and Assol found each other in the morning of the summer day, full inevitability.

V. Martial preparations

When Gray rose to the deck "Secret," he stood motionless for a few minutes, stroking his head with his head back on his forehead, which meant extreme confusion. Scatletination - the cloudy movement of feelings - reflected in his face an insensitive smile of Lunatic. His Assistant Panten walked at this time on the shifters with a plate of fried fish; Seeing Graya, he noticed the strange state of the captain.
- You can be born? He cautiously asked. - Where were you? What did you see? However, this is, of course, your business. The broker offers favorable freight; with a premium. What is with you? ..
"Thank you," said Gray, sighing, "as unleashed. - I just lacked the sounds of your simple, intelligent voice. It is like cold water. Panten, tell people that today we raise anchor and go to the mouth of Lillian, miles ten out of here. Its flows are interrupted with solid flames. You can only penetrate the sea. Come for the map. Lotsmana do not take. So far, everything ... Yes, favorable freight I need as last year's snow. You can transfer this to the broker. I go to the city, where I drove until the evening.
- What happened?
- Decisively nothing, Panten. I want you to take note of my desire to avoid all sorts of questions. When the moment comes, I will inform you what is the matter. Sataros tell me what is repaired; that the local dock is busy.
"Good," said Panten in the back of the leaving Graha. - Will be done.
Although the orders of the captain were quite intelligent, the assistant stacked his eyes and rushed restlessly with a plate to his cabin, mumbling: "Panten, you were puzzled. Does he want to try smuggling? Do we stand under the black pirate flag? " But here Panten confused in the wildest assumptions. While he was neronably destroyed the fish, Glya went down to the cabin, took the money and, having moved the bay, appeared in the Lisa shopping quarters.
Now he acted already decisively and deceased, to the little things knowing everything to be in a wonderful path. Each movement is thought, action - raged it with a subtle pleasure of artwork. His plan was instantly and convex. His concepts about life were subjected to that last raise of the cutter, after which the marble was calm in his beautiful radiance.
Gray visited three shops, giving a special value of the accuracy of choice, as I mentally seen the desired color and tint. In the first two shops, he was shown silk of market flowers, intended to satisfy an impaired vanity; In the third, he found samples of complex effects. The owner of the shop happily fussed, laying out the shredded matter, but Gray was serious as an anatom. He patiently disassembled convolutions, postponed, shifted, deployed and looked at the light of such a variety of scarves, that the counter, rolled by them seemed to be flameed. A purple wave lay down on the sock of Gray boot; On his hands and face glitter pink. Fucking in the easy resistance of silk, he distinguished colors: red, pale pink and pink dark, dense zakipi cherry, orange and gloomy-red tones; There were shades of all forces and values, various - in their imaginary relationship, like the words: "charmingly" - "fine" - "great" - "perfectly"; In the folds there were hints, inaccessible language of view, but the true scarlet color was not for the eyes of our captain for a long time; What a shopkeeper brought, it was good, but did not cause a clear and solid "yes." Finally, one color attracted the disarmed attention of the buyer; He sat down in a chair to the window, pulled a long end from a noisy silk, threw him on his knees and, breaking down, with a tube in the teeth, became contemplatively immobile.
This absolutely clean, as a latter jet, full of noble fun and royalism, the color was exactly the glorious color as Gray wanted. It did not have mixed shades of fire, poppy petals, violet or purple hints; There was also no blueness, no shadow - nothing that causes doubt. He is growing like a smile, the charm of spiritual reflection. Gray thought so thought that forgot about the owner, who was waiting for his back with the tension of the hunting dog, which made the rack. The charter wait, the merchant reminded himself a crackling chunker of matter.
"Pretty samples," said Gray, getting up, "this silk I take."
- The whole piece? - Dough doubting, asked the merchant. But Gray silently watched him in his forehead, why the owner of the shop was made a little unleasising. - In this case, how many meters?
Glya nodded, inviting to wait, and calculated the pencil on paper the required amount.
- Two thousand meters. - He looked at the shelves in doubt. - Yes, no more than two thousand meters.
- Two? - said the owner, convulsively jumping like a spring. - Thousands? Meters? I ask you to sit down, captain. Do you want to take a look, captain, samples of new matters? As you wish. Here are matches, here is a wonderful tobacco; I ask you to. Two thousand ... Two thousand vessels. "He said the price that has the same attitude to the present, like an oath to a simple" yes, ", but Gray was pleased, because I did not want to bargain. "Amazing, the best silk," the shopkeeper continued, "the goods outside the comparison, only I find such.
When he finally became delighted with delight, Gray agreed with him about the delivery, taking the cost of costs, paid on his account and left, accompanied by the owner with the honors of the Chinese king. Meanwhile, across the street from the place where there was a shop, a stray musician, configuring Cello, forced her a quiet bow to speak sad and good; His comrade, Fleotist, Satisfied the singing of a jet with a poverty whistle; A simple song, which they announced a dormant yard, reached the ears of Graha, and immediately understood that he should do next. In general, all these days he was on the happiest height of spiritual vision, with which all hints and suggestions of reality were clearly noticed; I hear the dried dries of the crews, he entered the center of the most important impressions and thoughts caused, according to his character, this music, already feeling why and how it comes well what came up with. Minovaya Lane, Gray went to the gate of the house, where a musical performance took place. By that time, the musicians were going to leave; High flutist with a view of a scored dignity gratefully waved her hat to the windows from where coins flew out. Cello has already returned to his master's mouse; The one wiping the sweated forehead, waited for a flaretist.
- Ba, yes that's you, zimmer! - said to him Gray, recognizing the violinist, who had fun in the evenings beautiful game Sailors, guests of the restaurant "Money on a barrel". - How did you change the violin?
- An expensive captain, - Zimmer's smugly objected, - I play on everything that sounds and cracks. In my youth, I was a musical clown. Now I'm pulling me to art, and I am with grief I see that I ruined the outstanding talent. Therefore, I love two from late greed at once 2: Viola and violin. I play the cello during the day, and on the violin in the evenings, that is, as if we are crying, sobbing about the deceased talent. Do not votense, but? Cello is my carmen, and violin.
"Assol," said Gray. Zimmer did not hear.
"Yes," he nodded, "the solo on plates or copper tubes is another matter. However, what am I?! Let the soldiers of the art - I know that the Fairy always rest in the violin and cello.
- And what is hiding in my "tour liu-rly"? - asked the fifteer, tall children with lambs blue eyes and blond beard. - Well, tell me?
- Looking at how much you drank in the morning. Sometimes - a bird, sometimes - alcoholic couples. Captain, this is my doss companion; I told him how you silent gold, when drinking, and he in love with you in absentia.
"Yes," said Doss, "I love the gesture and generosity." But I am a heter, do not believe my vile flattery.
- That's what, - said, laughing, Gray. - I have little time, and it does not tolerate. I suggest you well earn. Collect the orchestra, but not from the pike with the front faces of the dead, which are in musical booking or
- What's even worse - in sound gastronomy, they forgot about the soul of music and quietly burn pops with their intricate noises, - no. Collect your, forcing the crying eyes of cook and lakes; Collect your vagrants. Sea and love do not tolerate pedants. I would love to sit with you, and not even with one bottle, but you need to go. I have a lot of things. Take it and drink by the letter A. If you like my offer, come to the "secret", it stands near the head dam.
- I agree! - Cimmer cried, knowing that Gray pays, like a king. - DUCH, bow, say "yes" and turn a hat from joy! Captain Gray wants to marry!
"Yes," Gray said. - All details I will inform you on the "Secret". You ...
- beyond the letter A! "Duss, pushing the cimmer's elbow, winked Grahi." - But ... how many letters in the alphabet! Sick anything and fit ...
Gray gave more money. Musicians gone. Then he went into the commission office and gave a secret instruction for a large amount - to fulfill urgently, within six days. While Gray returned to his ship, the agent of the office has already sat down on a steamer. In the evening they brought silk; Five sailboats hired by Gray, fit with sailors; I have not returned to the watery and the musicians did not come; In anticipation of their Gray set off to swim with Panten.
It should be noted that Gray floated with one team makeup for several years. Initially, the captain surprised the sailors with whims of unexpected flights, stops - sometimes monthly - in the most non-traded and deserted places, but gradually they fused the Grahism. He often sailed with one ballast, refusing to take profitable freight only because he did not like the proposed cargo. No one could persuade him to carry soap, nails, parts of cars and the other, which silently silent in the holds, causing lifeless views of the boring need. But he willingly shipped fruits, porcelain, animal, spices, tea, tobacco, coffee, silk, valuable trees: black, sandalwood, palm tree. All this answered the aristocratism of his imagination, creating a picturesque atmosphere; It is not surprising that the "Secret" team, thus brought up in the spirit of peculiarity, looked somewhat down on all other vessels, shrouded in smoke. Still, this time Gray met questions in physiognomies; The most stupid sailor knew perfectly that there was no need to repair the forest river in line.
Panten, of course, told them the order of Gray; When he entered, the assistant twisted him with the sixth cigar, wandering around the cabin, Oshhalev from smoke and bumping into the chairs. Evening evening; Through the open porthole, the golden beam of the light was braced, in which the lacquered visor of the captain's cap flared.
"Everything is ready," Panten said gloomily. - If you want, you can raise anchor.
"You should, Panten, know me somewhat better," Gray remarked gently.
- No secrecy is what I do. As soon as we throw anchor to the bottom of Liliana, I will tell everything, and you will not spend so many matches on bad cigars. Go, take off the anchor.
Panten, embarrassing smiling, scratched an eyebrow.
"This is, of course," he said. - However, I'm nothing. When he came out, Gray sat a few time, motionless looking into the half-open door, then he moved to himself. Here he was sitting, it went down; That, listening to the cod of the Bratpil, rolling down a loud chain, was going to go to the tank, but he wondered again and returned to the table, the hell with a finger's shine straight rapid line. Punch with a fist at the door brought it out of the manic state; He turned the key, letting the flibbies. The sailor, heavily breathing, stopped with the view of the messenger, on time warned the execution.
- "Letica, Letica," - I said to myself, "he spoke quickly," when I saw with a cable mall, our guys dance around the marriage, smiling in her palm. I have an eye, like an eagle. And I flew; I was so breathing on the boatman, that a person swept away from excitement. Captain, did you want to leave me on the shore?
"Way," said Gray, looking at his red eyes, "I expected you no later than the morning." Did you lie on the back of cold water?
- Lil. Not as much as it was accepted inside, but Lil. Done.
- Speak. - Do not speak, captain; Here everything is recorded. Take and read. I tried very hard. I'll leave.
- Where to?
- I see the eye of your eyes on the urrorist, which is still a little lil on the back of cold water.
He turned and came out with the strange movements of the blind. Gray unfolded a piece of paper; The pencil must have been divided when she took these drawings for it, resembling an excessive fence. That's what a wagon wrote: "In accordance with the instructions. After five hours, I walked down the street. House with a gray roof, two windows on the side; With it, the garden. The familiar features came twice: watering time, behind the chips for the plate two. At the occurrence of darkness penetrated the window, but I did not see anything because of the curtains. "
Then there were several indications of the family character, mined by a flibbies, apparently, by a drinking conversation, since the memorials ended, somewhat unexpectedly, in words: "At the expense of expenses, the smallness of his ownness was attached."
But the creature of this report spoke only about what we know from the first chapter. Glya put a piece of paper on the table, whistled the wrapped and sent behind Panthen, but instead of an assistant, Awood boatswain appeared, leaving the tied sleeves.
"We were wounded by the dam," he said. - Panten sent to find out what you want. He is busy: there were some people with pipes, drums and other violins on him. Did you call them on the "secret"? Panten asks you to come, says he has a fog in his head.
- Yes, Awood, - said Gray, - I, exactly, called musicians; Flight, tell me to go to the kubrick. Next will be visible how to arrange them. Awood, tell them and team that I will go to the deck in a quarter of an hour. Let them gather; You and Panten, of course, too, listen to me.
Awood stood like a trigger, left eyebrow, stood sideways at the door and came out. These ten minutes Gray spent, closing his face with his hands; He was not prepared for anything and did not count anything, but I wanted to mentally silend. Meanwhile, he was already waiting for everything, impatiently and curiosity, complete guesses. He came out and saw on persons waiting for incredible things, but since he himself found perfectly natural, then the stress of foreign souls affected it easy annoyance.
"Nothing special," said Gray, sitting down on the ladder of the bridge. - We are simply at the mouth of the river until we change the whole rigging. You saw that red silk was brought; From him, under the leadership of the Blent sailing master, new sails will be watched. Then we will go, but where - I will not say; In any case, not far from here. I'm going to my wife. She's not a wife yet, but it will be her. I need scarlet sails, so that you have been published, as it is agreed with her, she noticed us. That's all. As you can see, there is nothing mysterious. And pretty about it.
"Yes," said Awood, seeing the smiling masters of sailors that they were pleasantly puzzled and did not decide to speak. "So what's the matter, the captain ... not us, of course, judge this." As you wish, it will be. I congratulate you.
- Thank you! "Gray strongly squeezed the arm of the Boatswain, but he, having made an incredible effort, answered such a hospital that the captain lost. After that, everything came up, replacing each other with a shy warmth of the view and mumbling congratulations. Nobody shouted, did not succeed - something was not quite simple, sailors felt in the detractive words of the captain. Panten sighed lightweight and cheerful - his mental gravity melted. One ship carpenter remained something unhappy: Teddy Holding Gray's hand, he dreamed gloomily: - How did you occur to you, Captain?
"As a blow of your ax," said Gray. - Zimmer! Show your children.
The violinist, clapping on the back of the musicians, pushed seven people, dressed extremely sloppy.
- that's, - said Zimmer, - this is thrombone; Does not play, but a palette like a gun. These two boceless wellers - fanfares; How to play, so now you want to fight. Then the clarinet, the cornet-a-piston and the second violin. All of them are the great masters hugging a triple reception, that is me. And here is the main owner of our cheerful craft - Fritz, drummer. Drummers, you know, usually a disappointed look, but this has a dignity, with passion. In his game there is something open and straight as his sticks. Is everything done, Captain Gray?
"Amazing," said Gray. - All of you are assigned a place in the trunk, which this time, it means, will be immersed by different "scherzo", "Adagio" and "Fortissimo". Dispose. Panten, remove the mooring, tround. I change you in two hours.
He did not notice these two hours, as they passed everything in the same inner music that did not leave his consciousness, as the pulse leaves the arteries. He thought about one, wanted one, sought to one. A person action, he mentally ahead of the course of events, sorry only that they can not move as simple and soon, like checkers. Nothing in a calm outside of him told him about the tension of the feeling, whose hum, like the Gulu of a huge bell hitting her head, was racing in all his creature a deafening nerve moan. It brought him, finally, before he began to consider mentally: "one", two ... thirty ... "And so on, until the" thousand "said. Such an exercise has affected: he was able to finally look at the part of the company. Here somewhat surprised him that he could not imagine the inner associate, because he did not even speak with her. He read somewhere that it was possible, at least vaguely, to understand a person, if, imagining himself by this man, copy the expression of his face. Gray's eyes have begun to take an unusual strange expression on them, and the lips under the mustache develop into a weak, a meek smile, as, having matched, he looked around and came out to change Panthen.
It was dark. Panten, holding up the collar of the jacket, walked at the compass, saying the steering: "Levo Quarter Rumba; left. Still: a quarter. " "The secret" was half the sails with passing wind.
"You know," said Panten Graya, "I am satisfied."
- What?
- the same than you. I got it. Here, on the bridge. - He tricks his cunning, shining smile with a fire tube.
- Well, - said Gray, suddenly guessing, what's the matter, - what did you understand there? "The best way to arm your smuggling," Panten whispered. - Everyone can have such sails, which wanted. You have a brilliant head, Gray!
- Poor Panten! - said the captain, not knowing, angry or laugh. - Your guess is witty, but devoid of all the basics. Go to sleep. I give you the Word that you are mistaken. I do what I said.
He sent him to sleep, referred to the direction of the course and sat down. Now we will leave him, as he needs to be alone.

Vi. Assol remains alone

Longren spent the night at sea; He did not sleep, did not catch, but he walked under the sail without a certain direction, listening to the water splash, looking into the darkness, dreamed and thinking. In the difficult hours of life, nothing restored the strength of his soul, like these lonely wandering. Silence, only silence and deserted - that's what you needed to him so that all the weakest and confused voices inner world They sound clear. This night he thought about the future, about poverty, about the associate. He was extremely difficult to leave her even for a while; In addition, he was afraid to resurrect the sick pain. Perhaps, enjoying the ship, he will again imagine that there, in Capern, he never been waiting for a friend, and returning, he will approach the house with a grief of dead waiting. Mary will never come out of the doors at home. But he wanted the Assol that there was what is, deciding therefore to do as orders care.
When Longren returned, the girls were not yet at home. Her early walks did not embarrass her father; This time, however, in his expectation there was a light tension. Powing from the corner to the corner, he suddenly saw the Assol immediately; It became raging rapidly and silently, she silently stopped in front of him, almost frightened his view with the light reflecting the excitement. It seemed that her second face was opened
- T. true face A person who usually speaks only eyes. She was silent, looking in Longren's face so it is not clear that he quickly asked: - Are you sick?
She did not immediately respond. When the meaning of the question was touched by finally her spiritual hearing, the Assol was fixed as a branch drown by hand, and laughed long, even laughter of a quiet celebration. She had to say something, but, as always, it was not necessary to invent - what exactly; She said: "No, I'm healthy ... Why do you look so?" I am fun. True, I am fun, but it is because the day is so good. What did you decide? I see in your face that you thought something.
- Whatever I thought, - said Longren, sitting down the girl on his knees, - you, I know, understand what is the matter. There is nothing to live. I will not go back to the long sailing, but I will act on the postage steamer, which goes between the cassette and Lissa.
"Yes," she said from afar, rushing to enter his care and the matter, but terrible that it is powerless to stop rejoicing. - This is very bad. I will be bored. Return quickly. - Saying so, she flourished with an extremely smile. - Yes, quarrel, cute; I wait.
- Assol! - said Longren, taking her face with his palms and turning towards him. - Put out what happened?
She felt that he had to weave his anxiousness, and, having defeated herring, was seriously attentive, only in her eyes glistened new life.
"You're strange," she said. - Resolutely nothing. I collected nuts. "
Longren would not quite believe it, do not be so busy with his thoughts. Their conversation became business and detailed. The sailor said his daughter to put his bag; Listed all the necessary things and gave some tips.
"I'll be back home about ten days, and you put my gun and sit at home." If anyone wants to offend you, say: - "Longren will come back soon." Do not think and do not worry about me; Wetless nothing will happen.
After that, he was singing, firmly kissed the girl and thumping a bag by the shoulders, went to the city road. Assol looked after him, until he disappeared behind a turn; Then returned. Many homework had to her, but she forgot about it. With the interest of an easy surprise, she was examined around, as if alien to this house, so influenced consciousness since childhood, which seemed to have always wore him in herself, and now looking like native places visited later from a number of years from the circle of life other. But something unworthy imagined her in this, something is wrong. She sat down to the table, on which Longren Mastered toys, and tried to glue the steering wheel to the stern; depending on these items, she unwittingly saw them in large, real; Everything that happened in the morning, again rose in her shudging excitement, and the gold ring, the size of the sun, fell across the sea to her legs.
Not crazy, she left the house and went to the fox. She was completely nothing to do there; She did not know why it goes, but not to go - could not. On the way, she met a pedestrian who wanted to integrate some kind of direction; She intelligently explained to him what she needed, and immediately forgot about it.
She passed the whole long road imperceptibly, as if she was carrying a bird that absorbed all her tender attention. At the city, she had a little entertained the noise, flying from his huge circle, but he was not dominated over her, as before, when, frightening and scoring, made her silent panty. She confronted him. She slowly passed the annular boulevard, crossing the blue shadow of the trees, trusting and easily looking at the face of passersby, even gait, complete confidence. The breed of observation people during the day noticed a repeatedly unknown, strange girl passing among a bright crowd with a view of deep thoughtfulness. On the square, she set the arm of the fountain, turning into his fingers among the reflected splashes; Then, cropped, rested and returned to the forest road. The return path she made with a fresh soul, in a peaceful mood and clear, like an evening river, who finally changed, the motley mirrors of the day smooth in the shadow of the glitter. Approaching the village, she saw that the coalsel herself, who was meant that the basket was bloomed; He stood near the wagon with two unknown gloomy people covered with soot and mud. Assol was delighted. - Hello. Philip, "she said," what are you doing here? "
- Nothing, fly. Fell wheel; I corrected it, now I am smoke and kailaka with our guys. Where are you from?
Assol did not answer.
"You know, Philip," she said, "I love you very much, and therefore I will only tell you." I will leave soon; Probably I will go at all. You do not tell anyone about it.
- Do you want to leave? Where are you going? - the coal was amazed, the mouth of his mouth, which is why his beard became longer.
- I do not know. - She slowly inspected the Polyana under Elm, where the cart was,
- Green in the pink evening light grass, black silent coils and, thinking, added: - All this is unknown to me. I do not know any day, no one even know where. I will not say anything else. Therefore, just in case - goodbye; You often drove me.
She took a huge black hand and led her to a state of relative shaking. The face of the worker expand the fracture of a still smile. The girl nodded, turned and moved away. She disappeared so quickly that Philip and his friends did not have time to turn her head.
"Miracles," said the coil, "the way, understand it." - Something with her today ... Such and so on.
"True," the second supported, "she says, it does not say." Not our business.
"Not our business," said the third, sighing. Then all three sites in the wagon and, shrinking the wheels on the rocky road, disappeared into dust.

VII. Scarlet "Secret"

There was a white morning hour; In the huge forest stood a subtle couple, full of strange visions. An unknown hunter, who had just left his bonfire, moved along the river; Through the trees shone the lumen of its air emptiness, but the diligent hunter did not fit them, considering the fresh trace of the bear heading towards the mountains.
A sudden sound swept among the trees with an unexpected anxious chase; This serves clarinet. The musician, going to the deck, played the passage of the melody, full of sad, lengthy repetition. The sound was trembling as a voice hiding mountain; Increased, smiled in a sad overflow and broke off. Fallen echo vaguely fished the same melody.
The hunter, noting the trail of a broken branch, spoke to the water. The fog has not yet dissipated; It gasli outlines of a huge ship, slowly rotating to the mouth of the river. His rolled sails came to life, hanging with festons, straightening and covering mast with powerless shields of huge folds; Voices and steps were heard. Coastal wind, trying to blow, lazily rubbed the sail; Finally, the heat of the sun produced the desired effect; The air pressure intensified, scattered fog and resulted in a river in light scarlet shapes, full roses. The pink shadows slipped on white Mast and gear, everything was white, except for excommunicated, smoothly moved sails of color deep joy.
The hunter, looking from the shore, wipe his eyes for a long time, until he was convinced that he saw exactly so, and not otherwise. The ship disappeared by turn, and he still stood and watched; Then, silently shrugged, went to his bear.
While the "secret" was the river bed, Gray stood at the helm, not trusting the helm of the sailor - he was afraid of Melie. Panten was sitting nearby, in a new cloudy pair, in a new shiny cap, shaved and humbly inflated. He still did not feel any connection between the scratch and the direct goal of Gray.
"Now," said Gray, "when my sails are treated, the wind is good, and in my heart it is more happiness than the elephant at the sight of a small bun, I will try to set up you with my thoughts, as promised in Lisse. Notice - I do not consider you stupid or stubborn, no; You are an exemplary sailor, and it stands a lot. But you, like most, listen to the voices of all the simple truths through the thick glass of life; They scream, but you will not hear. I do what exists like an old idea of \u200b\u200bthe beautiful is uncomfortable, and that, essentially, is also selling and possible as a suburban walk. Soon you will see a girl who can not, should not otherwise get married, as soon as in this way, what I develop in your eyes.
He compressed the sailor, what we know well, having finished the explanation like this: - You see, the fate, will and property of characters are tightly woven; I come to the one that awaits and can only wait for me, I do not want anyone else, besides her, it can be precisely because thanks to her I understood one simple truth. She is to make the so-called miracles with her own hands. When the most important thing for a person is to receive a shipping penny, it's easy to give this penny, but when the soul is tatting a grain of a fiery plant - a miracle, make it a miracle, if you are able to. The new soul will be with him and you have a new one. When the prison chief himself will release the prisoner when the billionaire gives the scribe to the villa, the capacious singer and the safe, and the jockey will at least once begte the horse for the sake of another horse, which is not lucky - then everyone will understand how it is pleasant, as it is inexpressible wonderful. But there are no less wonders: smile, fun, forgiveness, and - on time, the necessary word. To own it - it means to own everything. As for me, our beginning is mine and Assol - will remain forever in Aloma, the sails, created by the depth of the heart, who knows what love is. Did you understand me?
- Yes captain. - Panten shaked, wiped the mustache neatly folded pure handkerchief. - I got it. You touched me. I will go down and ask for forgiveness from Nix, whom yesterday scolded for a swung bucket. And let him tobacco - he lost his card.
Before Gray, somewhat surprised by such a rapid practical result of his words, managed to say anything, Panten was already drunk down the ladder and sighed somewhere. Gray looked up, looking up; Absole sails were silent over him; The sun in their seams shone purple smoke. "The secret" was in the sea, removing from the shore. There was no doubt about the call of Graha's soul - neither deafness of anxiety, no noise of small worries; Quietly, as a sail, he rushed to a delightful goal; Full of those thoughts that are ahead of words.
By noon, the smoke of the military cruiser appeared on the horizon, the cruiser changed the course and from the distance half a mile raised the signal - "go to the drift!".
- Bratz, - said Gray Sataros, - We are not fired, do not be afraid; They just do not believe their eyes.
He ordered drift. Panten, shouting as a fire, brought the "secret" from the wind; The ship stopped, meanwhile, as a steam boat with a team and a lieutenant in white gloves rushed from the cruiser; Lieutenant, stepping on the deck of the ship, looked in amazeled and passed with Gray to the cabin, from where he went, strangely waving his hand and smiling, as if he got a rank, back to the blue cruiser. Apparently, this time Gray had more success than with an alcoholic panthen, since the cruiser, knead, hit the horizon by the powerful salvo salute, whose rapid smoke, breaking through the air with huge sparkling balls, was dispelled by shreds over quiet water. All day on the cruiser reigned a certain semiconductive stability; The mood was unsurger, shot down - under the sign of love, which was spoken everywhere - from the salon to the machine hold, and the passing mine department asked the passing sailor:
- "How did you get married?" - "I caught her for a skirt when she wanted to jump out from me in the window," Tom said and proudly twisted the mustache.
For some time, "secret" was a blank sea, without shores; By noon, the distant coast was opened. Taking the pylon tube, Gray stared at Kapern. If it were not for a row of roofs, he would discern in the window of one house Assol, sitting for some book. She read; Through the page, a greenish bug, stopping and lifting on the front paws with a kind of independent and homemade. Already twice it was without an annoyance, he was blown up on the window sill, from where she appeared trusting and loosely, as if he wanted to say something. This time he managed to get almost to the hand of a girl who kept the angle of the page; Here he stuck on the word "Look", I doubtfully stopped, waiting for a new squall, and, indeed, I barely avoided the trouble, as the associate already exclaimed: - "Again the behead ... Fool! .." - and wanted to resolutely blow the guest in the grass, But suddenly the random transition from one roof to another opened it on the blue ship of a white ship with almy sails on a blue sea gap.
She flinched, leaning back, froze; Then he sharply jumped up with a dizzyfully falling heart, flashes by uncontrollable tears of inspired shocks. "The Secret" at that time went a little cape, holding the angle of the left side; Negroy music flowed in a blue day with a white deck under the fire of scarlet silk; The music of rhythmic overflows, transmitted not quite well known to all words: "Pour, pour wine glasses - and drink, friends, for love" ... - In her simplicity, Licking, unfolded and rakeed excitement.
Do not remember how the house left, the Assol was already on the sea, praised the incentive wind of the event; At the first corner, she stopped almost without strength; Her legs were cut off, breathing was broken and gaslo, the consciousness was held on the hair. Out of the fear of losing the will, she stuck foot and recovered. At times, the roof, then the fence was hiding scarlet sails from her; Then, afraid, if they did not disappear, as a simple ghost, she was in a hurry to Must a painful obstacle and, again seeing the ship, stopped to sigh lightweight.
In the meantime, such a confusion occurred in Kapern, such an excitement, such a magnitude confusion, which will not be inflexion to the affect of famous earthquakes. Never have a big ship approached this shore; The ship had those sails whose name sounded like a mockery; Now they are clear and irrefutably flayed with the innocence of the fact that refutes all the laws of being and common sense. Men, women, children hollows rushed to the shore, who was in what; Residents echoed from the courtyard to the courtyard, sharpened on each other, shine and fell; Soon the water has formed a crowd, and the Assol rushed into this crowd. While it was not, her name flew among people with nervous and sullen alarm, with evil fright. Men said more; Smelted, snakes shattered, shattered, sobbing women, but if he began to crack - the poison climbed into his head. As soon as Assol appeared, all smalkley, everyone with fear came from her, and she remained one medium of the void of sultry sand, confused, ashamed, happy, with a face of no less scarm than her miracle, helplessly stretching his hands to a high ship.
The boat was separated from him, full of tanned rowers; Among them was the one who seemed to her now, she knew, vaguely remembered since childhood. He looked at her with a smile, which warmed and rushing. But thousands of recent funny fears overcame Assol; Deadly fear of everything - mistakes, misunderstandings, mysterious and harmful interference - she ran into the waves on the belt, shouting: - I'm here, I'm here! It's me!
Then Zimmer waved the bow - and the same melody burst into the nerves of the crowd, but this time a complete, triumphant chorus. From the excitement, the movement of clouds and waves, the gloss of water and gave the girl almost could not already distinguish that she was moving: she, ship or boat - everything was moving, spinning and falling out.
But the paddle sharply splashed near her; She raised her head. Gray bent, her hands grabbed his belt. Assol climbed; Then, quickly opening his eyes, boldly smiled at his shining face and, out of breath, said: - absolutely such.
- And you too, the child is mine! - Taketing out wet jewel from the water, said Gray. - That's, I came. Did you know me?
She nodded, holding his belt, with a new soul and loosely lit eyes. Happiness was sitting in her fluffy kitten. When Assol decided to open his eyes, shaking the boat, shine waves, approaching, powerfully silent, the side "Secret," - Everything was sleeping, where the light and water swung, circling, like the sun bunnies on the flowing rays. Do not remember - like, she climbed along the ladder in the strengths of Gray. The deck, covered and hung on carpets, in the scarlet splashes of sails, was like a heavenly garden. And soon Assol saw that it was standing in the cabin - in the room that could no longer be.
Then from above, shaking and burling the heart into his triumphant cry, huge music rushed again. Ansol has closed his eyes again, afraid that all this will disappear if it will look. Gray took her hands and, knowing now, where you can safely go, she hid the wet from the tears on his friend's chest, which came so magical. Carefully, but with a laughter, shocked and surprised by the fact that a precious minute inexpressible, inaccessible to anyone came, Gray raised up for her chin up. It's a long-lasting person, and the eyes of the girl finally revealed. They had the whole best person.
- Will you take my Longren to us? - she said.
- Yes. "And so tightly kissed her after her iron" yes, "she laughed.
Now we will take away from them, knowing that they need to be together one. Many in the world of words in different languages \u200b\u200band different adverbs, but all them, even remotely, do not pass what they said on the day this friend.
Meanwhile, on the deck of Grothachta, near the barrel, an eaten by a worm, with a shot downside, who opened the Table Grace, was waiting for the whole crew. Awood stood; Panten Czyno sat, shining like a newborn. Gray rose up, gave the sign of the orchestra and, removing the cap, the first burned with a faceted glass, in the song of golden pipes, Holy Wine.
"Well, here ..." he said, finishing to drink, then threw a glass. - Now drink, drink everything; Who does not drink, that enemy me.
He did not have to repeat these words. At the time, as a complete move, under all the sails left the worst forever Kaperna "Secret", the crust around the barrel surpassed everything that the Great Holidays happens in this way.
- How did you like it? Gray Flying asked.
- Captain! - said, looking for words, sailor. "I don't know if I liked him, but my impressions need to be considered." Beehive and garden!
- What?!
- I want to say that the hive and garden shoved in my mouth. Be happy, captain. And let him be happy that I will call the best cargo, the best "secret" prize!
When the next day it became light, the ship was far from Kaperna. Part of the crew as fell asleep, and remained lying on the deck, turning the wine of Gray; They held on the legs of only the steering yes the Watchman, and sitting on the stern with a vulture of the cello at the chin thoughtfully and the Crimson Cimmer. He was sitting quietly drove the bow, forcing the strings to speak magic, unearthly voice, and thought about happiness ...

Nina Nikolaevna Green
Trains and dedicated
Author PBG, November 23, 1922


Longren, the "ORION" sailor, a strong three-hundredthlyton brig, where he served ten years and to which he was stronger than the other son to his mother's mother, should finally leave this service. This happened so. In one of his rare returns home, he did not see how he was still still published, on the threshold of his wife Merie, splashing hands, and then running towards loss of breathing. Instead of a baby cot - a new item in a small house Longren - stood an agitated neighbor. "Three months I went for her, an old man," she said, "look at my daughter." Dead, Longren leaned over and saw an eight-month being, focused on his long beard, then sat down, hacked and began to turn the mustache. Us was wet, like rain. - When did Mary died? - he asked. The woman told a sad story, interrupting the story with a good gulcia girl and assurances that Mary in paradise. When Longren learned the details, the paradise appeared to him a little brighter of the wood barn, and he thought that the fire of a simple lamp - be it now they all together, threesome - for those who went to the unknown country of the woman in an indispensable Radio. Three months ago, the economic affairs of the young mother was very bad. From money left by Longren, good half went to treatment after difficult childbirth, to concern for the health of a newborn; Finally, the loss of a small but necessary amount for the lifestyle, made Mary asked for money for Menners. Menners held a restaurant, a shop and was considered a wealthy person. Mary went to him at six o'clock in the evening. About seven storyteller met her on the road to Lissure. Planted and upset Mary said that it goes to the city lay a wedding ring. She added that Menners agreed to give money, but demanded love for it. Mary did not achieve anything. - We have no edible crumbs in our house, "she said her neighbor. "I'm going to the city, and we will move with a girl somehow before the husband's return." This evening was cold, windy weather; A storyteller vainly persuaded a young woman not to go to Lissa by night. "You get wet, Mary, rains, and the wind, that and look, bring the shower." Back and forth from the seaside village in the city, at least three hours of fast walk, but Mary did not obey the Soviets of the storytellers. "Pretty me to prick you eyes," she said, "and so there is almost no family, where I would not take the debt bread, tea or flour." I put a ring, and over. " She went back, returned, and on the other day he ran into the heat and delirium; The bad weather and evening grief struck it with two-sided inflammation of the lungs, as the city doctor, caused by a good storytellee. A week later, there was an empty place on a double bed of Longrena, and the neighbor moved to his home to nurse and feed the girl. She, lonely widow, it was not difficult. In addition, she added, - without such a disarray boring. Longren went to the city, took the calculation, said goodbye to his comrades and began to raise a small associate. While the girl did not have learned firmly to walk, the widow lived at the sailor, replacing the mother's mother, but only Assol stopped falling, entered the leg through the threshold, Longren decisively announced that now he would do everything for a girl himself, and thanking widow for active sympathy, He helated the lonely life of the widow, focusing all the thoughts, hopes, love and memories in a small creature. Ten years of the Skaltical Life left very little money in his hands. He began to work. Soon, his toys appeared in urban stores - skillfully made small models of boats, boats, soblissal and two-plated sailboats, cruisers, steamboats - in the word, the fact that he knew closely that, due to the nature of the work, he partly replaced him the root of port life and picturesque work Swimming. With this way, Longren mined so much to live in moderate economy. A low-definitive in nature, he, after the death of his wife, became still closed and dislike. On holidays, it was sometimes seen in the restaurant, but he never sat down, and he drank a glass of vodka hurriedly and left, quickening around: "Yes", "No", "Hello", "Goodbye", "Greamenka" - on All appeals and nodding neighbors. He did not remove guests, quietly shrugging them not by force, but such hints and fictional circumstances, that the visitor did not have anything else, how to invent the reason not allowing to sit longer. He himself also did not attend anyone; Thus, it was all cold alienation between him and countrymen, and whether the work of Longren - toys is less independent of the village affairs, he would have to experience the consequences of such relationships. Goods and edible supplies He purchased in the city - Menners could not boast even a box of matches bought from him Longren. He also did all his homework itself and patiently passed a unusual man's complex art of a girl's fission. Assol was already five years old, and his father began to smile softer and softer, looking at her nervous, good face, when, sitting on his knees, she worked on the mystery of the fastened vest or funny sinks of sailor songs - wild roster. In the transfer of a child voice and not everywhere with the letter "P", these songs impressed the dancing bear, decorated with a blue ribbon. At this time, an event occurred, the shadow of which fallen on his father, sheltered and daughter. There was spring, early and harsh, like winter, but in another way. Weeks on three risen to cold earth sharp coastal Nord. Fishing boats, tested ashore, formed a long row of dark keel, resembling ridges of huge fish. No one dared to work in fishery in such weather. On the sole street of the village, it was rarely able to see a man who left the house; A cold whirlwind from the coastal hills in the emptiness of the horizon, made an "open air" harsh torture. All Capper pipes have smoked from morning to evening, drill smoke for steep roofs. But these days of Norda lured Longrena from his little warm house more often than the sun, throwing the sea in clear weather and cofp air gold coat. Longren went to the bridge, chained along the long rows of piles, where, at the very end of this challenge mall, he smoked a rallied tube for a long time, depending on how naked off the coast morning smoked gray foam, barely swaying behind the shafts, the rumbling junction of which to the black, storm horizon Filled the space by herds of fantastic grivastic beings, carried in the disadvantaged despair of despair to a distant consolation. Stones and noise, howling a huge water takeoffs and seemed to have a visible stream of the wind, the neighborhood, - so Silen was his smooth mileage, - gave the exhausted soul of Longrena TU dullness, stumping, which, redundant grief to troubled sadness, is equal to a deep sleep . In one of these days, the twelve-year-old son Menners, Hin, noticing that the father's boat beats under the paws about the pile, breaking the side, went and said this father. The storm began recently; Menners forgot to bring the boat to the sand. He immediately went to the water, where he saw on the end of the mall, his back to him standing, smoking, Longren. On the shore, except for their two, no one was no longer. Menners passed on the bedtop to the middle, descended into the mad-splashing water and untied the squat; Standing in the boat, he began to wade into the shore, grabbing his hands for piles. He did not take the oars, and at that moment, when, shaking, missed, missed the next pile, a strong blow of the wind threw the nose of the boat from the walking towards the ocean. Now even the entire length of the Menners body could not achieve the nearest pile. Wind and waves, swinging, carried a boat into a flexible space. Called the position, Menners wanted to rush to the water to swim to the shore, but his decision was late, since the boat was driving already near the end of the mall, where a significant depth of water and the rage of the shafts promised her faithful death. Me between Longren and Menners, who was fascinated in the stormy distance, there was no more than ten seven-saving distance, since the rope bundle was hanging on the pavement at his arm, the rope was woven into one end. This rope hung in the case of the pier into stormy weather and rushed with the walkways. - Longren! - shouted mortally frightened Menners. - What have you become like a stump? See, I carry me; Throw the pier! Longren was silent, calmly looking at Menners-rolled in the boat, only his tube snatched stronger, and he, kneading, took her out of his mouth to better see what was happening. - Longren! - Menners called, - You hear me, I die, save! But Longren did not tell him a single word; It seemed that he did not hear the desperate scream. So far did not take the boat so far that I barely had the words-cry of Menners, he did not cross even his legs on his leg. Menners was sobbed by horror, the sailor tried to flee to fishermen, call help, promised money, threatened and raped with curses, but Longren just went closer to the very edge of the mall, so as not to immediately lose the type of throwing and racing the boat. "Longren, it came to him deeply, as from the roof - sitting inside the house, - save!" Then typing the air and sigh deeply, so as not to be lost in the wind a single word, Longren shouted: - She also asked you! Think about it while still alive, Menners, and do not forget! Then screams were silent, and Longren went home. Assol, waking up, saw that his father sits before a fading lamp in deep thoughtfulness. Hearing the voice of the girl who called him, he approached her, kissed firmly and covered with a knotted blanket. "Sleep, honey," he said, "until the morning far." - What are you doing? - I did a black toy, Assol, - Sleep! On another day, only the conversations were the inhabitants of Kapern, that about the missing Menners, and on the sixth day they brought him the most dying and evil. His story quickly flew around the surrounding villages. Before the evening, Mennels was worn; Broken concussions about the side and the bottom of the boat, during the terrible struggle with the ferocity of waves, threatened, not tired, throw away the distraught bench in the sea, he was submitted to the Lucreta steamer, who went to the cassette. The cold and shock of horror have finished the days of Menners. He lived a little less forty-eyed o'clock, calling for Longren all disasters possible on earth and in imagination. Menners's story, as the sailor followed his death, refusing help, eloquent, especially since the dying breathing with difficulty and moaning, struck the inhabitants of Kaperna. Not to mention the fact that a rare of them was able to remember the insult and more seriously, which suffered by Longren, and grieving so much as he burned to the end of the life about Mary, "they were disgusting, it was not clear, they struggled them that Longren was silent. Silently, to its last words sent by Menners, Longren stood; Stood motionless, strictly and quiet as the judge, showing deep contempt for Menners - more than hate, was in his silence, and they all felt. If he had shouted, expressing the gestures or the fussiness of gloating, or something else with his celebration at the sight of the despair of Menners, the fishermen would understand him, but he did otherwise, which they did, - did it impressively, it was incomprehensible and to this, Made what they do not forgive. No one no longer bowed to him, did not stretch his hands, did not throw the recognition, a greeting look. He was completely forever, he remained away from the village affairs; The boys, having envy him, shouted after: "Longren drowned Menners!" He did not pay attention to it. Also, it seemed, he did not notice the fact that in the restaurant or on the shore, among the boats, the fishermen were silent in his presence, leaving, as from worried. The case with Menners has secured earlier incomplete alienation. Becoming complete, it caused a strong mutual hatred, the shadow of which fell on the associate. The girl grew up without girlfriends. Two - three dozen children of her age living in a kaperne, soaked like a sponge with water, a gross family start, the basis of which served the unshakable authority of mother and father, transpired, like all children in the world, have crossed out once, forever a small associate from the sphere of their patronage and attention. It was accomplished, of course, gradually, by suggestion and apocheses of adults, the character of a terrible ban was acquired, and then, enhanced by the peresya and curvators, the fear of home to the house of the sailor went into the children's minds. In addition, the closed lifestyle of Longren freed now the hysterical language of gossip; We used to say about the sailor that he killed someone somewhere, because, they say, he is no longer taken to serve on the ships, and he himself is dark and notice, because "tormented by the remretes of criminal conscience." Playing, the children were driven Assol, if she approached them, threw the mud and teased that her father eating her human meat, and now makes fake money. One after another, the naive her attempts to rapprochement ended with bitter crying, bruises, scratches and other manifestations Public opinion; She stopped, finally, insult, but still sometimes asked Father: - "Tell me why they do not like us?" "E, Assol," said Longren, "do they know how to love?" We must be able to love, and that they cannot do that. " - "How can I be able to?" - "That's how!" He took a girl in his arms and kissed the sad eyes firmly, burned from gentle pleasure. Assol's favorite entertainment was in the evenings or on a holiday, when the Father, retarded banks with Cleaner, tools and an unfinished work, sat down, removing the apron, relax, with a tube in the teeth, - Climb him on his knees and, spinning in the careful ring of her father's hand, Take the various parts of the toys, asking for their appointment. So began a peculiar fantastic lecture on life and people - a lecture, in which, thanks to the last way of Longren's lifestyle, accidents, the case in general, the main place was allocated, the main, striking and extraordinary events. Longren, calling the girl names of the gear, sails, seafood items, gradually fond of, moving from explanations to various episodes, in which the role was played, then the steering wheel, then the mast or some type of boat, etc., and from Separate illustrations of these crossed to the wide pictures of sea wardings, inlet superstitions in reality, and reality - in the image of his fantasy. Here a tiger cat appeared, a shipwreck chapel, and speaking fly fish, not to obey the orders of which was meant from the course, and the Flying Dutchman with a frantic crew; Signs, ghosts, mermaids, pirates - in short, all the fables, spinning the seafarer leisure in the calm or favorite Kabaska. Longren also told the victims of the wreck, about the wild and those who had learned to speak, about the mysterious treasures, the rebellion of convicts and many other things that he was listening to the girl more attentively than the story of Columbus about the new mainland could be listened. "Well, say more," Asol asked, when Longren, thinking, silent, and fell asleep on his chest with a full wonderful dream head. Also served her great, always materially significantly, the appearance of the clerk of the urban toy shop, who willingly bought the work of Longren. To lean your father and cut out too much, the clarifier captured with me for the girl a pair of apples, a sweet pie, a handful of nuts. Longren usually requested the real value of dislike for trade, and the clarifier slowed down. "Eh, you," Longren said, "Yes, I was sitting on this bot for a week." - Bot was Petup. - See what the strength is - and the sediment, and the kindness? Bot this fifteen man will endure in any weather. " It was designed by the fact that quietly from the girls purring over her apple, deprived Longrena resistance and hunt to argue; He inflounted, and the cradle, stinging the basket with excellent, durable toys, left, laughing at the mustache. Longren's whole home work performed himself: Colop of firewood, wore water, drove the oven, sharpened, washed, ironed underwear and, amongten all this, managed to work for money. When Assol was eight years old, his father learned her to read and write. He began to occasionally take her to the city with him, and then send even one if there was a need to intercept money in the store or demolish the goods. This happened not often, although Liss lay in just four versts from Kaperna, but the road to him was in the forest, and in the forest there can be a lot of children, in addition to the physical danger, which, however, it is difficult to meet on such a close distance from the city, but Taki does not prevent me in mind. Therefore, only in good days, in the morning, when the country around the road is full of sunny shower, flowers and silence, so the impressiveness of the Assol did not threaten the phantoms of imagination, Longren looked her in the city. Once, in the middle of such a journey to the city, the girl sat down by the road to eat a piece of cake, laid in a basket for breakfast. Biting, she moved toys; Two-three of them were a novelty for her: Longren made them at night. One such novelty was a miniature racing yacht; White Judichesko This was carried by scarlet sails made of silk trimming, used by Longren for pasting shipping cabins - rich buyer toys. Here, apparently, making a yacht, he did not find a suitable material on the sail, using what was - scarlet silk loskutka. Assol came to admiration. Flame cheerful color was so bright in her hand, as if she had holding fire. The road crossed the stream, with a stroken bridge over him; The stream of the right and left went into the forest. "If I move it into the water to swim a little," the Assol reflected, "she will not get wet, I will then wipe it." Having departed into the forest for the bridge, by the flow of the stream, the girl gently lowered her shores to the shore itself; Sails immediately sparkled with a scarlet reflection in transparent water; Light, permeating matter, lay down with trembling pink radiation on white bottom stones. - "Where did you come from, captain? "It is important asked the Assol imaginary face asked and, answering herself, said:" I came ... I came ... I came from China. " - What did you bring? - What brought, I will not say about that. - Oh, you are so, the captain! Well, then I will put you back to the basket. " The captain has just prepared to humbly reply that he joked and that she is ready to show an elephant, as suddenly the quiet bankrupt bank turned his nose to the middle of the stream, and, as a real, who left the coast, she swam down smoothly. Instantly changed the scale of the visible: the stream seemed to the girl with a huge river, and the yacht - far, a big ship, to whom, almost falling into the water, frightened and happier, stretched her hands. "The captain was frightened," she thought and ran after a swimming toy, hoping that she would smother somewhere to the shore. Hurryly, the Touch is not a heavy, but interfering basket, Assol Zveddil: - "Ah, Lord! After all, it happens ... "- she tried not to lose a beautiful, smoothly running triangle sails, stumbled, fell and fled again. Assol never happened so deeply in the forest as now. To her, absorbed by an impatient desire to catch a toy, did not look around; Near the coast, where she fussed was rather obstacles that took care. Mossy trunks of fallen trees, pits, high fern, rosehip, jasmine and nuts prevented her at every step; Obtained them, she gradually lost its strength, stopping more and more often to break or brush the sticky web from her face. When they stretched, in broader places, the dysfast and cane thickets, the Assol was completely lost from the species of aloe sparkling of sails, but, having filled the ease of the flow, again saw them, stepwise and steadily running away. Once she looked back, and the forest bulk with her multi-way, moving from smoky pillars of light in foliage to the dark Rasseks of a dense dusk, deeply struck the girl. For a moment, Orobiev, she remembered again about the toy and, released a deep "F-Fu-U-y," several times, ran out of all his might. In such a unsuccessful and alarming pursuit, about a hour was passed, when with surprise, but also with the relief of Assol saw that the trees were fluent in freely, skipping the blue spill of the sea, the clouds and the edge of the yellow sandy cliff, to which she ran, almost falling from fatigue. Here was the mouth of the stream; Pouring non-shimmer and finely, so I could have seen a flowing blue of stones, he disappeared in a counter sea wave. With a low, sprinkled by the roots of the cliff, Assol saw that the stream, on a flat big stone, his back to her, a man sits, holding a fled yacht in his hands, and comprehensively considers it with curiosity of an elephant who caught the butterfly. Partly reassured by the fact that the toy must, Assol slipped around the cliff and, closely approaching the stranger, looked at him with a looking look, expecting when he raises his head. But the unknown person plunged into the contemplation of a forest surprise that the girl had time to consider him from head to the legs, having established that people like this stranger had never had to see her. But there was no one else to her, as traveling Egl, a famous collector of songs, legends, legends and fairy tales. Gray curls of the folds fell out of its straw hats; Gray blouse, seasoned in blue pants, and high boots gave him a kind of hunter; White collar, tie, belt, powered by silver bleaks, cane and a bag with a new nickel lock - showed a citizen. His face, if you can call the face, lips and eyes, peeking out of the rays out rays and lush, fiercely rumped up musty, seemingly sluggish-transparent, if it were not for the eyes, gray as sand and brilliant as clean steel, with a bold look and strong. "Now give me," the girl said that she said. - You have already played. How did you catch her? Egl raised his head, dropping a yacht, "so unexpectedly sounded an agitated voice associate. The old man looked at her with a minute, smiling and slowly flowing his beard in a big, dwelling handstone. Many times, the sieve dress barely covered the knees of slender, tanned feet of the girl. Her dark dense hair, stacked in a lace gol, rushed, touching the shoulders. Each feature of the Assol was alrigious and clean, like a swallow flight. Dark, with a shade of a sad question, the eyes seemed a few older faces; His irregular soft oval was sheephawed that kind of adorable tan, which inherent in a healthy white skin. Semi-colored little mouth glitter with a gentle smile. - I swear with grimmers, Ezopom and Andersen, - said Egl, looking at the girl, then on a yacht. - This is something special. Listen, a plant! Is it your thing? - Yes, I ran around her throughout the stream; I thought I would die. She was here? - At my very legs. The shipwreck is the reason that I, as a coastal pirate, can give you this prize. The yacht, abandoned by the crew, was thrown into the sand by a three-timber shaft - between my left heel and the tip of the stick. - He knocked the cane. - What is your name, crumb? "Assol," the girl said, hiding to the basket to the toy served by Eglem. "Good," the old man continued, did not bring the eye, in the depths of which glittered the smile of the friendly arrangement of the Spirit. "I actually didn't have to ask your name." It is good that it is so strange, so monophonic, musically, like a whistle boom or a noise of marine sink; What would I do, call you one of those harmonious, but unbearably familiar names, who are alien to excellent insignificance? Moreover, I do not want to know who you are who your parents and how you live. What to break charm? I was engaged, sitting on this stone, a comparative study of the Finnish and Japanese plots ... How suddenly the stream splashed this yacht, and then you appeared ... such as it is. I, honey, poet in the soul - at least never composed himself. What do you have in a basket? "Boats," said Assol, shaking a basket, "then a steamer and three more such houses with flags." There soldiers live. - Well. You were sent to sell. On the way, you took up the game. Did you put a yacht to swim, and she escaped - after all? - Did you see? - Doubt asked Assol, trying to remember if she told it herself. - Did someone tell you? Or did you guess? - I knew it. - What about? - Because I am the most important wizard. Assol was embarrassed; Her tension with these words of eagle crossed the border of the fright. The deserted seashore, silence, a whimsical adventure with a yacht, an incomprehensible speech of an old man with sparkling eyes, the majesty of his beard and hair began to seem to the girl with a mixture of supernatural with reality. Sostroita is now Egle Grimas or Scrumbs something - the girl would have rushed away, pecking and exhausted from fear. But Egle, noticing how her eyes were widely revealed, made cool volts. "You have nothing to fear me," he said seriously. "On the contrary, I want to talk to you in my heart." "He only understood himself that she was so closely marked by his impression. "The involuntary expectation of the beautiful, blissful fate," he decided. - Oh, why was I not born a writer? What a nice plot. " "Well," continued Egl, trying to round the original position (a tendency to myth-making is a consequence of the last work - it was stronger than the fear of throwing the seeds of a large dream to the unknown soil), "Well, Assol, listen to me carefully." I was in that village, from where you should be, you go; In short, in Capern. I love fairy tales and songs, and I sat in the village of that whole day, trying to hear anything not heard anything. But you do not tell fairy tales. You do not sing songs. And if you tell and sing, then you know, these stories about cunning men and soldiers, with eternal praise of scam, these dirty, like unwashed legs, rude, like a rumbling in the stomach, short quatrains with a terrible motive ... Stop, I got drunk. I will conspire again. Thinking, he continued like this: "I don't know how much years will pass," one fairy tale will bloom in Capern, a memorable for a long time. You will be big, Assol. Once in the morning in the sea was given under the sun sparkling a scarlet sail. The shining grudge of scarlet sails of a white ship will move, cutting waves, right to you. Quietly sail this wonderful ship, without screams and shots; On the shore there is a lot of people, surprised and Ahai; And you will stand there. The ship is suitable majestically to the shore itself under the sounds of excellent music; Elegant, in carpets, in gold and flowers, floats from him a quick boat. - "Why did you come? Who are you looking for?" - People will ask on the shore. Then you will see a brave beautiful prince; He will stand and stretch your hands. - "Hello, Assol! - he will say. "Far and far from here I saw you in a dream and arrived to take you forever into my kingdom." You will live there with me in the Pink Deep Valley. You will have everything that you only wish; To live with you, we will become so smooth and fun, that your soul will never know tears and sadness. " He will put you in a boat, bring to the ship, and you will leave forever in the brilliant country, where the sun is rising and where the stars come down from the sky to congratulate you on arrival. - It's all for me? - quietly asked the girl. Her serious eyes, hinders, brought asone to confidence. Dangerous wizard, of course, would not say so; She walked closer. - Maybe he already came ... that ship? "Not so soon," Egl objected, "first, as I said, you will grow up. Then ... What to say? - It will be, and over. What would you do then? - I? - She looked at the basket, but, apparently, did not find anything worthy there to serve as a weighty remuneration. "I would love him," she said hastily, and did not quite firmly added: "If he doesn't hesitate." "No, it will not fight," the wizard said, mysteriously winning, "I will not, I pass for it." Go, a girl, and do not forget what I told you between two sips of aromatic vodka and thinking about the songs of the convicts. Go. May the world of fluffy your head! Longren worked in his small garden, inappling potato bushes. Having lifted his head, he saw Assol, stringly fled to him with a joyful and impatient face. "Well, here ..." she said, walked to master their breath, and grabbed both hands for the Father's Apron. - Listen that I will tell you ... on the shore, there, far, sits the wizard ... She began with a wizard and his interesting prediction. Half thoughts interfered with her to smoothly pass the incident. Then there was a description of the outfit of the wizard and - in the reverse order - the pursuit of the missed yacht. Longren listened to the girl, without interrupting, without a smile, and when she finished, imagination quickly painted him an unknown old man with aromatic vodka in one hand and a toy in another. He turned away, but, remembering that in great cases of children's life, it seems to be a serious and surprised man, solemnly nodded his head, saying: - So-so; For all signs, there is no other and to be like a wizard. I would like to see him ... but you, when you go again, do not turn aside; Lost in the forest is not difficult. Throwing a shovel, he sat down to a low twig-haired fence and put a girl on his knees. It is terribly tired, she tried to still add some details, but the heat, excitement and weakness cloned her to sleep. Her eyes sticked out, the head dropped to a solid father's shoulder, a moment - and she would have walked into the country of dreams, as suddenly, worried about the sudden doubt, Assol sat right, with his eyes closed and, resting his cams in Longen Vest, said loudly: - What do you think, will the wizard ship come for me or not? "It comes," the sailor answered calmly, "since it was told to you, then everything is true. "It will grow up, forget," he thought, "but for now ... you should not take away such a toy." After all, you will have to see you in the future not scarlet, but dirty and predatory sails; Missed - elegant and white, close to ribbon and arrogance. Traveling man joked with my girl. Well?! Good joke! Nothing - joke! Look, as I smored, - half a day in the forest, more often. And think about scarlet sails, like me: you will be scarlet sails. " Assol slept. Longren, pulling out a free hand tube, lit, and the wind carried smoke through the woven in the bush, grew from the outside of the garden. Kusta, back to the fence, burning cake, sitting young beggar. Father's conversation with her daughter led him to a fun mood, and the smell of good tobacco was retrofitably. "Dai, the owner, smoke a poor man," he said through the rods. - My tobacco against your not tobacco, but, you can say, Piva. "I would give," Longren replied in a low voice, "but I have a tobacco in that pocket." You see, I do not want to wake a daughter. - That's trouble! Wakes up, I'll sleep again, and the passers-by man took and smoked. "Well," Longren objected, "you are still not without tobacco, and the child is tired." Go, if you want, later. The beggar was contemptuously slipped, squeezed the bag on the stick and sank: - Princess, a clear case. You driven into her head in the head of these overseas ships! Oh, you, Chudak-Chudakovsky, and also the owner! "Listen," Longren whispered, "I, perhaps, wake it up, but only in order to lake your hefty neck." Go away! After half an hour, the beggar was sitting in the restaurant at the table with a dozen fishermen. Behind them, then pulling her husbands for the sleeve, then removing the glass of her shoulder with vodka, - for himself, of course, the tall women were sitting with dense eyebrows and hands round, like a cobblestone. Beggar, whitewashing, narrated: - And did not give me tobacco. "You," says, "will fulfill an adult year, and then," says, "a special red ship ... for you. Since your fate go out for the prince. And this, "says, - the wizard - believe." But I say: "Budi, Budi, they say, tobacco to get it." So after all, he fell halfway behind me. - Who? What? What is interpreted? - The curious voices of women were heard. Fishermen, barely turning the heads, squeezed with a grin: - Longren with her daughter was wild, and maybe they were damaged in the mind; Here is a man tells. The sorcerer was with them, so it is necessary to understand. They are waiting - aunts, you would not sleep! - Zamar Prince, and even under the red sails! Three days later, returning from the city bench, Assol heard the first time: - Hey, Holder! Assol! Look here! Red sails float! The girl, shuddering, involuntarily looked out of his hands on the spill of the sea. Then turned towards exclamations; There, twenty steps from her, stood a bunch of guys; They are grimacing, supervising languages. Sighing, the girl ran home.