Nostradamus about the Messiah in year. Nostradamus predictions - the most interesting of the astrologer's heritage

On the greatest predictor and psychic of all time and peoples, Nostradamus, he knows, everyone. Michel Nostradamus lived more than 500 years ago, but the prisoner continues to be performed today. This great man left a certain trace in history with his errorless forecasts.

The misfortune of the Inquisition, Nostradamus "hid" his predictions for the so-called katrenins - poems. The researchers of his heritage find all new and new faces in prison and do not cease to be surprised at the striking gift of this person to open a mysterious veil into the future in front of people.

French Predictor, Doctor, Life Medica Charles IX, Astrologer, Mathematics. Michelle Nostradamus was born in the family of Jews living in a small town of Saint-Remy in Provence. In 1555, Nostradamus presented his first astrological almanac, then in London, the first edition of centurium, content of 353, was published.

It was centortion that brought great fame to his creator. In total, 10 such volumes were published, fascinating the truth about the future of humanity.

Amazing Nostradamus Prediction Facts

The priest predicted the death of Heinrich II. In his book, published in 1555, in one of the katrenov, Nostradamus clearly outlined the death of the king in the Knight's duel. It was after this incident that the psychic began to be taken seriously. Everyone rushed carefully to study the rods of Nostradamus to learn the coming catastrophes and meaningful events for humanity.

The forecast and at the expense of the appearance in the Vatican Pope of Roman John Paul II came true. The Katren said about a kind of husband, which appeared from the 50th latitude and brought the renewal of the church.

The 1999 solar eclipse was also predicted by the great Nostradamus. True, many centuries interpreted him as the end of the world. All the fault of the difficulty of translating katrenov. Often, it is possible to correctly interpret the prophecy only after this or that event happened. So, when the terrorist attack was occurring on September 11, 2001 (the sad-famous "Twin Towers" in New York), there was also an interpretation of 87 Katrenion of the first centurion.

The priest died in 1566, but his glory only increased. To date, Michel Nostradamus's books actively reissue in many languages, and in popularity they are inferior except that the Bible.

According to the katrans of Michel Nostradamus, a certain freak will be born in 2016 and this foresees many misfortunes for humanity. Global natural disasters should be afraid, although people themselves will destroy each other.

The psychic wrote about the global conflict of the two Arab countries, during which the bloody war will go, in which other states will be interrupted. It also sounded a warning for the Christian world - as a result of a certain event, Muslim countries will rise against Christian powers. Perhaps we are talking just about the Third World War.

Nostradamus predicts the strongest rains in 2016. Water flows will be covered in two months without a break. As a result of the raging element, part of the Czech Republic, Italy and Hungary will go under the water, and the United Kingdom will thin completely. The continents will almost completely empty, the city will turn into ruins. It will take at least ten years before Europe will come up again.

Nostradamus predictions for Russia for 2016

Military and cataclysms will suffer from hostilities and cataclysms. Despite the terrible fires predicted by Nostradamus, which will occur in the center of Russia in the summer of 2016, the country will continue and will even take a leading position. From all over the world, people will be flogged down to the north of Russia, fleeing from the scoring rays of the sun closer or from flashes of chemical weapons.

The geopolitical card will change significantly, and Russia will become a super state, because for this it will have everything necessary - natural resources, people, the right leadership policy.

Predictions for 2015 - 2016

Great Nostradamus - French
Astrologer, predictor, doctor and alchemist.
In 1555, Nostradamus published
your first astrological almanac
and the first edition of centurium, that is
Prophecies in verse. Total Nostradamus
released 10 centuries, annual
Almanaci, as well as a number of prophetic
works. Centuries and others
The works of Nostradamus are interpreted
still, and that's what awaits us in 2015 and
Next year, in his opinion.

1. Referring to the prediction of Nostradamus, in 2015 in the United States, a strongest earthquake will occur, which will lead to a humanitarian catastrophe. So it is or not, we will soon find out.

2. In addition, according to the prophecies of Nostradamus, in 2015 crises will come to France and Germany, and the leaders of the 4th leading world powers will be attempted at their lives.

3. The message of the astrologer is also said that the concept of "taxes" will cease to exist, and scientists will make several great discoveries, in particular, will create an elixir of eternal youth.

4. And, in his opinion, humanity will open a new way to get cheap electricity. It is likely that its source will be associated with the use of the energy of the Sun. This will significantly affect the global economic situation, which significantly stabilizing it.

5. By the way, the social standard of living will increase in many cities of the world. But the financial crisis will still continue to give aware of themselves. But now the biggest problems will experience the United States, and not the European powers.

6. Nostradamus pre-proposer is a major eruption of Vesuvius, which will presumably occur at the end of 2015 and early 2016. It will be a huge natural disaster in its scale, many people will die, multiple earthquakes will occur and the earth will plunge into darkness for several days.

7. But the first and most importantly prediction for 2015 - at the beginning of this period, a new Messiah will be born on Earth, which in the future will be a united lands and save civilization from evil and debauchery to which people will slowly dive.

8. Moreover, it was at the beginning of 2015, Nostradamus considers the birth of a new religion, which will initially appear in Russia, but in the very short time it will spread to other regions. This religion is already quite soon, by 2040 will be the only one on Earth around which all society is ralling.

9. And last: in the first half of 2015 there will be a serious conflict in the Middle East, namely Iran will announce the ultimatum of Turkey, and the world risks to frozen on the threshold of the Third World War.

Well, wait and see, come true
Lee prophecies of the Great Nostradamus.


For 2016, it is shown that the confrontation on religious grounds will not stop, and the focus of conflict will again be the Middle East. For example, in the 64th Katreno of the 3rd Centuria, Nostradamus pointed out that Iran could try to land his troops on the islands in the Aegean Sea, which belong to Greece. At the same time, it is not enough likely that such an attack will be able to reflect quickly and without loss.

Conflicts will also have two Arab states directly in the Middle East. Such a confrontation can hardly stay local; It seems to be forced to join some other parties. It will happen in the afternoon. In the predictions of Nostradamus for 2016, the death of one of the heads of state is referred to. This, according to his statement, can occur in Italy, Greece, Turkey, Macedonia or Bulgaria.

At this event, it is likely that an attempt to destabilize the situation in the country will follow, mass protests of its inhabitants will follow. But they will be brutally suppressed, and in relation to activists, public (indicative) processes will be held. At least, it is these forecasts that follow the 21st core of the 5th century.

And a few words about such an urgent topic as opposition to Muslims and Christians. Many of the translators are confirmed by the new phase of the escalation of this confrontation. In their opinion, one of these phases should be waited in the coming years. At the same time, its beginning can come just 2016, and this time, Muslim emigrants that live in Europe will be the greatest participation in it. But, the war will not begin because of this, and the chief peacekeeper in this situation will be ... China.


2016 - countries that rely in their external economy only on the dollar and not wishing to change this state of affairs will survive a significant destabilization, including political. This applies primarily to Japan, Indonesia, as well as some other Asian states. Even the collapse of some economies is not excluded.

Pretty tangible problems expect America. All this will serve as the beginning of mass discontent of the population of these countries with their governments and sustainable anti-widening sentiments. In 2016, it is worthwhile to increase the impact on the global policy of African states. You should not count on some sensational events in this regard, but some of them will rise to a few steps up the stairs of the world authority. However, it will be possible to understand this will be possible with time.

Also, Michelin Nostradamus is attributed to what prediction: In 2016, conversations (or even negotiations) will begin (or even negotiations) about the Union between Ukraine and Moldova. Moreover, in this case, in this case, most likely, will not be just about economic and military agreements, but about the territorial association.

Ecology and prophecies about cataclysms

2016 - in Europe countries will largely reduce the birth rate. And the main reason for this is the ecological factor. Air pollution, which is no longer possible not to notice, increase the radioactive background of the atmosphere - all this will force many people to think about what future they prepare their children if they appear on the world, and prefer not to discover them for complex survival in the man-made world. It should be recognized that the concerns of Europeans regarding the future of their not born children next year will not be completely groundless. If you believe Nostradamus, then in 2016 a significant emission will be made to the atmosphere of radioactive substances; And according to the description it will happen in the UK.

Nostradamus predicts people big troubles from rain. In some regions, Livni will continue, without stopping, for several months, becoming a real flood, with the result that whole part of the countries risk to be under water. To a large extent, the United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Italy and Hungary will suffer from the water element. In this regard, as well as for some other reasons (namely, chemical weapons will be applied in one of the Middle Eastern states) people will become massively migrating, and for the most part in the northern direction.

In the United States because of the tornado, many settlements will suffer and, including some of the industrial centers. The same from its cities may lose completely. The mass use of chemicals, as can be seen, will not pass for humanity for nothing. At least, just as a conclusion brings the prediction of the Nostradamus, which refers to the birth of an ugly man in 2016, the physical flaws of which will be so great that they will be considered a sign of over. If such a child is actually born, then many will decide that it is God's finger, threatening with us great disasters and wars.

Events in science

Michelle Nostradamus saw in 2016 not only bad. People predicted, they show considerable interest in the depths of the ocean. There will be active discussions of ideas regarding the ways to master it; Even the thought will sound about the possibility of building cities on the oceanic day. The relevance of this topic will be determined by the need to search for new territories for the prosperous human life. A new stage of progress will survive world medicine. This will relate to the sphere of growing internal organs for transplantation and directly transplant operations in the internal organs. Perhaps this will help, in the end, solve the problem of donor bodies?

Michelle Nostradamus about Russia

In general terms of the prediction of Nostradamus for 2016, Russia is possible to characterize this: it will begin to go on an increasing, she will confidently stand on the path, which will continue to lead it to world hegemony. Economic, military and social growth will go against the background of the revival of spirituality and national consciousness. And it will be the starting point, which over time will lead Russia to the position of the center that attracts entire peoples to themselves, striving for stability and well-being. This rather optimistic forecast, meanwhile, does not mean that the year for Russia will be held without problems.

According to the predictions of Nostradamus, there is a possibility of large fires in Russian forests. This danger falls for the summer. In addition, the terrorist groups of immigrants from the Caucasus can again be activated. So, 2016 will be difficult for humanity, but it is possible that it will make people get treasured and get rid of the illusions A - the main thing - from laziness that makes most of us silently and passively look at disasters that do not concern each person. After all, Nostradamus, in essence, predicts in 2016 the beginning of the process of reviving true values, which is higher than a simple aspiration for material well-being, their own peace and comfort.

Michel de Nostrdam, more famous as Nostradamus, was the French philosopher of the 16th century. It was he who predicted many tragic events in history, including the murder of the Kennedy brothers, the coming to the authorities of Hitler, the defeat of Napoleon and major terrorist acts. Currently, there are almost no proviments who can really predict the future. Nostradamus studied astrology and various "secret" sciences that help to see the future. For 2016, the philosopher allocated several key points.

Last President of America

In the predictions of Nostradamus, it was mentioned that in 2013 Barack Obama wins elections. Nevertheless, the philosopher predicted that he would be the last president of America. Such prophecy causes many questions and possible options for the development of events. However, we will get the answer later.

Natural disasters

In his writings, Nostradamus mentioned unusual weather conditions and possible natural disasters that will be tougher than before. He wrote that the water would take the top over the ground.

Unusual astronomical phenomena

According to the prophet, unusual phenomena associated with space are waiting for us. It is these astronomical movements that will strongly influence the planet Earth.

Fire in the Middle East

Nostradamus wrote about the countries of the Persian Gulf. The main prophecy was that the Middle East would burn due to a large amount of oil.

Explosions in the Middle East

Nostradamus predicted radical changes in the eastern world, including civil unrest for the last 4 years. He wrote that in 2016 there will be many explosions and aircraft falling from the sky.

End of the world

Nostradamus made an ambiguous statement that made us believe that the war in Iraq is the first serious sign that the world is changing and will not be the same.

Games of the White House

In his prophecies there were statements that for the White House of War, this is just a game that can lead to the destruction of the world. The first move in this game was the Middle East.

Melting ice

Nostradamus predicted global warming, which will lead to floods. While scientists do not observe sudden temperature changes to the South Pole, but the North has changed its behavior over the past few years and makes think about possible consequences.

The fate of Israel

This item is still unclear. In his messages, Nostradamus argues that Jerusalem may be attacked from all sides, but Western naval forces will help Israel in the fight against opponents.

Russia will return the world

If the Russians are not in alliance with Europe and the West during the beginning of the war, then, according to Nostradamus, "Northern King from Aqualon" (hinting at Russia) will ultimately help to establish peace.


The name of Nostradamus is known all over the world. It was a man for his time very educated (and he lived in 5 centuries ago), he knew himself in astronomy and medicine, so his predictions partially rely on scientific knowledge. Those moderates in which Nostradamus described the near future, they often came true, which brought him in the life of the glory of the prophet. Let's see what events in the world managed to see the Nostradamus in the future for him - in our time.

It is worth a reservation immediately, no global catastrophe for the entire planet Nostradamus in 2016 was not predetermined. Yes, the situation will be difficult, but all the problems will begin to gradually decide. In difficult position, such developed states like Japan and the United States will be. Special difficulties of providers predict America - the country's economy will be in the crisis position. The weakening of the current developed countries will inevitably cause the opposite process - the strengthening of countries that were previously called "third world countries".

First of all, will strengthen its position on the world arena. African continent. In the Middle East will not calmly. There will continue a long-playing conflict. Moreover, they will be drawn and those states that do not have a direct relationship to him. All the same tough will be the opposition of the two largest world religions - Christianity and Muslims, fighting continues. This, by the way, is generally a protracted process. He will not end in the next, 2017, year, or after a decade.

Only by 2040 people will be able to settle contradictions related to the difference in religious views. It is possible that one will appear - the common is religion. And the beginning of this process of rapprochement of all mankind will be supplied in 2016. This year it will be born somewhere on Earth (Nostradamus did not specify a specific place) some ugly baby. When he grows up, he will find the prediction gift. It is his prophecies that pushed humanity to thoughts about the need to look for common interests.

The role of the reconcilifer state will play China, having every chance to turn in 2016 to the superpower. Anxiety events expect one of the European states. Or in Greece, or in Macedonia, or in Bulgaria, the leader of the state unexpectedly, and this will cause serious folk unrest. But the situation will be settled. Europe expects a series of floods, and a powerful tornado will sweep through the territory of America. All this will apply a tangible damage to state economies.

Not too well in this regard will be in Russia. Before us, the shower will not reach, but strong fires are possible. They will have to fight all summer, and only by the fall, the situation is normalized. Nostradamus also announces the possibility of an attempt at the state coup in Russia. True, the conspirators will notice in time, therefore the change of power will not happen. Many residents of Asia in search of reliable asylum will settle in Russia, but it will not cause any serious shocks. It is possible to exacerbate the situation in the Caucasus, and terrorist attacks are not excluded. However, it will be possible to cope with all this.

And Nostradamus predicted a large number of scientific discoveries that will be made in 2016. Scientists will learn to grow organs, so many diseases previously considered hopeless will cease to be such. Studies of the World Ocean continues - there are also curious discoveries, too, the discovers. Do Nostradamus believe? Everyone finds his own answer to this question. Just do not forget that his predictions can be completely interpreted.

There are no accurate dates in the Katrenins of Nostradamus - therefore, it is possible to interpret what came true in the 20th century, as a proper prediction, although Nostradamus could easily bear in mind the age of XIX or, for example, XVIII. There are also difficulties with the translation - after all, the providers constituted its predictions on Starofranzez, and the magnificent experts of this dead language today, perhaps, not to find. But even if we agree with the accepted cam tree of Nostradamus for 2016 - as we see, nothing particularly a terrible planet expects. So what will hope for the best.