Is a psychologist a good profession? Pros and cons of the profession of a psychologist

Last updated: 23/02/2015

So you've decided to specialize in psychology. What exactly do you plan to do after graduation? Due to the economic downturn, competition has increased dramatically. In order to take a strong position in the modern labor market, you must carefully consider the opportunities available to you and choose the area that is in the greatest demand.
According to statistics, the demand for psychologists is growing faster than non-specialists in other industries. Below are just a few of the promising areas of work.

1. Career guidance counselor

Median Base Salary: $ 46,000

Due to the changing conditions in the labor market, many people are looking for a new job - in their own field or completely different. help people make decisions about their future careers using different tools.

They often start by examining the client's interests, education, professional skills and personality traits in order to determine the best fit. They also help clients develop skills that are useful for employment - fake interviews, provide tips on how to write a resume, and what to look for when looking for vacancies. They also help clients cope with the stress of job loss.

2. School psychologist

Median U.S. salary: $ 59,440

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Psychology is a relatively young, but, nevertheless, extremely relevant science today. The profession of a psychologist is in demand in any organization. Today, almost no institution can do without the help of such a specialist.

Of course, the mentality of our citizens still does not allow us to seek help from psychologists as freely as is customary in the West. Often, not understanding the very essence of psychology, people equate it with psychiatry, and going to a psychologist becomes something terrible. Our people are used to sharing the joys and sorrows just with their acquaintances, rather than with qualified specialists. And often this goes sideways, because no one will provide the same effective assistance in solving a problem that a professional can provide.

What does a psychologist do

The main task of any psychologist is to assist in the adaptation of a person to a normal life, help in getting rid of negative emotions, solving problems, instilling faith in a good future.

A specialist in this profile can find a job in almost any organization, from educational and medical institutions to law enforcement agencies. It is also not uncommon for a private practice, which psychologists begin after they have gained sufficient work experience. A good specialist will be gladly hired for the position of HR manager, psychological trainer. Most often, women study to become a psychologist, but in some areas that require more stringent measures of influence, the male gender predominates. For example, in the political sphere.

Psychologists in primary educational institutions help students adapt to the environment without problems, and establish communication with the team. They conduct various tests to help identify vivid character traits and determine their future profession. In the hospital, the psychologist mainly deals with patients suffering from stress and nervous shocks. Prison specialists prepare prisoners for their early release, helping them to return to normal life after leaving the prison walls.

Requirements for a psychologist

First of all, the profession of a psychologist presupposes that a specialist has a certain amount of knowledge in this area, which can be obtained in any higher educational institution engaged in specialized training. In addition to the theoretical base, a specialist must also have some personal qualities:

  • optimism;
  • self-confidence;
  • the ability to feel the emotions of the patient;
  • equal attitude towards all people, regardless of their individual characteristics;
  • communication skills and the ability to convey information to a person;
  • courtesy and attentiveness;
  • friendliness and ability to relax the client;
  • tolerance, mental balance.

The salary of a psychologist largely depends on the professionalism and the institution where the specialist works. In state organizations, you should not count on a large income, it is approximately equal to the average salary of a public sector employee in the region. In private practice, as such, there is no limit, a session can cost 30, 50 and even 100 dollars.

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Pros and cons of the profession of a psychologist


  • the opportunity to use professional skills in everyday life;
  • helping people, you get moral satisfaction;
  • developing a tolerant attitude;
  • the ability to set realistic goals and achieve them;
  • the possibility of unlimited personal growth.


  • there is a desire to give advice to everyone about and without it;
  • too close perception of the client's problems;
  • projection of one's own difficulties onto the client's life.

The career of a psychologist boils down to the growth of a specialist's professional qualities, his competence and relevance. Fundamental skills alone are not enough to be successful in this field. It is necessary to constantly improve qualifications at trainings and seminars.

A psychologist can work both in specialized centers and in organizations where specialists of this profile are required (schools, universities, correctional institutions). Some work out of state in private practice.

To answer correctly the question "what does a psychologist do?" not everyone can. If you focus on films and TV shows, it will seem as if the psychologist is only engaged in intimate conversations with clients and draws profound and at the same time obvious conclusions.

Yes, the profession of a psychologist is connected with working with people and helping them in difficult or non-standard situations. The essence of the work depends on the specifics of the specialist. Some help to adapt in a new team, others support people after accidents, injuries or misfortunes, others - to choose a profession, fourth - to achieve high results (in sports, business or other areas of life), fifth - teach new skills, sixth work with children, and so on. Further.

A psychologist is an applied profession, there are no generalists in this matter. Each such specialist works in his own narrow field.

Places of work

If earlier the position of a psychologist was available only in educational or healthcare institutions, then in recent years there have been significantly more such specialists. Psychologists work:

  • in training centers;
  • in social institutions;
  • at labor exchanges and career guidance centers;
  • in military institutions;
  • in the sports industry;
  • in some commercial companies.

In addition, many specialists work for themselves - they are engaged in private practice.

Responsibilities of a psychologist

Depending on the type of activity of the organization, the duties of a psychologist may be as follows:

  • conducting psychological trainings;
  • advising and helping people in difficult or critical situations.
  • assessment of the psychological qualities of people;
  • advising management on team management issues;
  • development and education of children;
  • adaptation of workers to new conditions or a team.

A number of companies provide for other functions of a psychologist: conducting business or developmental games, recruiting personnel, writing articles and books, etc.

Requirements for a psychologist

Since the areas of work can be different, the psychologist must know different things. The psychologist in the personnel department must understand the procedure for certification of employees. A specialist in working with athletes - know sports psychology and understand this sport.

Here are the general requirements for a psychologist:

  • higher education;
  • work experience (in a specific direction).

How to become a psychologist

To become a psychologist, first of all, you need to graduate from a university in your specialty. Secondly, you need to choose a specialization that interests you. Now there are a lot of specializations: educational psychologist, clinical, social, sports, school, child, military psychologist and many others. These choices will define your development and learning path and help you determine the psychology skills you need to have.

In general, psychologists most often become by vocation, and not because of education. Some people, having overcome serious difficulties in their lives or having achieved tremendous success, decide for themselves to help others in the same matters. Someone has successfully quit smoking and decided to devote himself to the treatment of other smokers. A mother who has raised three children can become a great child psychologist.

For this reason, education is secondary, but in our society it can be difficult to get a job without a diploma.

Pros and cons of the profession of a psychologist

The advantages of the profession of a psychologist include its usefulness for oneself. Even if it is not possible to get a job in a specialty, knowledge will be useful both in everyday life and when working in other areas - for example, in management.

The second plus is the high demand for specialists.

At the same time, the main advantage that psychologists themselves note is simply the pleasure of work, an understanding of their need not only for the employer, but also for people in general.

The main disadvantage of the profession of a psychologist is the constant stress caused by difficult situations and the behavior of clients. The most difficult thing is to regulate your own state so that it does not affect either clients or the quality of work.

Psychologist resume sample

Psychologist salary

Depending on the organization, the salary of a psychologist ranges from 18 to 60 thousand rubles a month. According to experts, a psychologist is one of the most interesting and low-paid professions. The average salary of a psychologist is about 30 thousand rubles a month.

If we talk about specialists who have opened their own private office, then it is extremely difficult to assess their income. There are psychologists who make big money, and there are those who work for food and ideas.

Where to get training

In addition to higher education, there are a number of short-term studies on the market, usually from a week to a year.

Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex and its courses in the direction "".

A psychologist is a non-medical specialist who studies the characteristics of the inner world, the mental component of a person based on the human psyche.

What does a psychologist do? First of all, he acts as an individual consultant on various psychological issues and problems, who helps people to cope with any life situations.

Personal qualities

The main object of a psychologist's work is a person. That is why one of the main qualities that a real professional should have is interest in the human person, respect for its nature and characteristics. Of course, a psychologist should be as sensitive as possible to the person with whom he is working, be able to adapt to various conditions and situations, and have a sense of tolerance and tolerance. In addition, a specialist in this area must be morally stable and capable of creating a certain psychological atmosphere.

Where to study for this profession

Psychology training is conducted at specialized psychological faculties of academic institutes and medical universities. Education involves the comprehensive study of the humanities and natural sciences. You can also get a specialty with a higher education and attending psychology courses in Moscow to obtain a certified status.

Universities of Russia, where applicants can get education for the profession of a psychologist:

  • Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov (N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University)

Pros and cons of the profession of a psychologist


  • the profession is humanistic in nature - direct psychological assistance to people
  • constant improvement of views on the world, development of one's own personality
  • the opportunity to provide professional psychological assistance to family and friends
  • demand for highly qualified specialists


  • the possibility of stressful situations for the specialist himself
  • emotional burnout
  • great personal dedication - experiencing the lives and problems of clients

Career. Places of employment

The range of places for the development of a psychologist's career is wide enough and includes all spheres of a person's social life. These are, first of all, various kinds of institutions - administrative, educational, health care, law enforcement, security and departmental structures, etc. Psychologists also work in HR departments of organizations.

In addition, a specialist can engage in private practice, providing professional advice on the basis of individual entrepreneurship.

Also, a psychologist can, in parallel with practical activities, engage in specialized scientific research.

Related professions

The main related professions for a psychologist are psychiatrist and psychotherapist. Often, their spheres of activity overlap, but at the same time they have significant differences. The object of all these professions is a person, and the subject area contains the specific features of each of them.

A psychotherapist is a certified medical specialist who deals with therapeutic effects on the human psyche. This is a kind of intermediate stage of work between the activities of a psychologist and a psychiatrist.

A psychiatrist is a medical specialist with a narrower profile,

The competition for psychological faculties has been at a consistently high level for many years. How not to get lost among competing applicants? How do you understand that psychology is really your vocation?




Entry barrier


Why go to psychologists

Psychology seems to many to be a fascinating and interesting science, which has its advantages. Popular psychological literature sometimes presents psychology as a kind of set of secrets and techniques, the knowledge of which can make a person successful and happy. And, of course, many people want to influence those around them.

But first-year students are often unpleasantly surprised: the courses "" and "Physiology of higher nervous activity" are not particularly exciting, and most importantly, these are rather difficult disciplines. Only in the 4-5th year of study, future psychologists have practice-oriented subjects, more or less close in content to popular literature: "Psychological counseling", "Family psychology", etc. However, the exams will still fail to "leave »On the basis of everyday experience. Psychology is a serious, meaningful science. This means that if you choose this specialty in the hope of an easy study, you will inevitably be disappointed.

Another common motivation for admission to the psychology department is the desire to understand oneself.

Of course, some, having entered the university in order to solve their problems, later become seriously interested in psychology as a future profession. But still, if you you realize that this motive of choice is the leading one for you, it is advisable to choose a different path.

The next popular motive is the desire to help people. And the profession of a psychologist will really make it possible to realize this motive. You just need to understand: in order to professionally provide psychological assistance, you have to work a lot on yourself. After all, the main tool of a consultant psychologist, psychotherapist is his own personality. Moreover, studying at a university will not be enough. Higher specialized education provides only the necessary basis, and for the opportunity to become a psychotherapist (this is the name of the specialists who professionally provide psychological assistance), additional training will be required, which is quite lengthy and ends with a certification procedure; to learn during practice.

What qualities are needed

There are not so many necessary qualities; everything else is professional skills that can be mastered with more or less difficulty. Psychologists themselves believe that professionals need interest and respect for a Person (yes, with a capital letter). They are sincerely interested in how the inner world of a person works, they sincerely want to understand the intricacies of the human psyche. A kind of healthy curiosity: how does it work, man? Such interest lends itself little to development: either it exists or it does not. In other words: do you have philanthropy, are you friendly?

Another important quality is tolerance. This is tolerance for the other, the other, the willingness to accept different human manifestations without aggression and irritation. This quality is, perhaps, more amenable to development, but nevertheless, if it already exists as a given, it will be easier.

The third is flexibility, openness to change. If you easily adapt to new conditions, know how to admit your mistakes and quickly change your behavior, then you have one of the professionally important qualities for a psychologist.

The future psychologist also needs sensitivity, in other words, sensitivity. If you feel the mood of another person well, know how to guess about his needs, feel the pain and joy of loved ones as your own, then you have another important quality. It is developable, but the initial level matters too.

Also important are the ability to clearly express their thoughts, the ability to hear and understand another, and the ability to manage their own emotions.

You can assess the presence and degree of development of all these qualities yourself (by the way, this will be another test, because a professional must know his own capabilities and limitations very well). Also ask the opinions of others or contact a psychologist for psychodiagnostics.

What do they do

There are not so many people in our country who practice purely private practice. Usually these are already "promoted" professionals with an extensive clientele. Sometimes students dream of opening their own psychological office after training. Alas, being unknown to anyone, they risk working at a loss. Most psychologists, if they are engaged in private practice, then only in addition to activities at the main place of work.

What could it be? First of all, it is worth mentioning the sphere of education. Psychologists work in:

  • schools;
  • kindergartens;
  • schools;
  • educational centers.

Basically, they are engaged in psychodiagnostics - using special methods to determine the abilities and personal characteristics of students and pupils and build an individual approach to learning based on a psychological portrait. They also carry out correctional and developmental work - they help children cope with certain difficulties, form the necessary skills and qualities. At the same time, you have to fiddle with documents, which often surprises beginners. Psychological characteristics, reports, processing of diagnostic data - all this constitutes at least a third of real working time.

Psychologists are also hired in the HR departments of organizations or, as they are otherwise called, HR services or HR departments. As a HR manager, a psychologist can also perform a variety of tasks. He selects personnel based on an assessment of the personal and professional qualities of candidates, helps new employees to adapt to the place of work, conducts educational programs and trainings, provides a competent placement of personnel based on psychodiagnostics and an assessment of the psychological compatibility of specialists, and even contributes to the development of management technologies. All this should ultimately increase the efficiency of the enterprise.

Psychological knowledge and skills are also in demand in advertising, in politics, in jurisprudence, in various law enforcement agencies. Finally, a psychologist can engage in scientific and applied research in his field.

Cons of the profession

The main difficulty in working as a psychologist in any field is the risk of burnout. After all, a psychologist, one way or another, is included in the fate and life of every person, passes his problems through himself. This risk should not be underestimated. If you notice that you quickly get tired of intense communication, then imagine that it will occupy the main part of your life as a professional responsibility.

If, after reading this article, you are only strengthened in the opinion that psychology is yours, it remains only to wish you good luck in comprehending the science of the human soul.