Ascension of the Lord in what year. ascension

Many Christians are interested in the question of when the Ascension is in 2016. The Feast of the Ascension of the Lord is celebrated on the 40th day after Easter. During these days, Christ walks the earth, reviving nature, causing greenery, trees, and flowers to bloom. After - he ascends to his Father. This holiday always falls on a Thursday. Ascension of the Lord in 2016, the date that everyone should remember is June 9th.

Signs and customs on the Ascension of the Lord

One of the popular beliefs is the fulfillment of desires. God listens to the requests and prayers of people. Christ will always help those who really need it. If a patient needs money for treatment, you need to ask for help with a pure heart, with great faith. Appeals for receiving wealth, monetary rewards are not taken into account. Dreams, on the night of the holiday, come true. Signs in the Ascension of the Lord are always with a special meaning.

  • The weather from the Ascension of the Lord becomes consistently warm and sunny.
  • Having planted a tree on such a day, it will certainly be accepted, and every year it will delight with ripe, tasty fruits.
  • On Ascension, the housewives look into the chicken coop, if they are lucky enough to find an egg, they put it in the attic. It will become a reliable amulet against evil, illness, damage, evil eye for the whole year.
  • Rain on Ascension is a bad omen. Promises a bad harvest. And if the precipitation drags on for several days, then the sign will not come true.
  • On this day, you need to do good deeds, not think about the bad, forgive insults, help your neighbor.
  • The hostesses bake pastries. Buns in the form of a spikelet are carried to the field and thrown up. The higher they throw it, the larger and larger the spikelets of wheat will grow. After the ceremony, the pastry was eaten. From this bright day, rye began to ear.

Ascension of the Lord: the history of the holiday

The Ascension of the Lord has been celebrated since ancient times. This is evidenced by written records. The period of forty days after Easter is not accidental. Many passages of Scripture speak of this. It is tied to various events in our history. According to the Law of Moses, babies were brought to the temple not earlier than forty days after birth. For forty days and nights Jesus was in the wilderness before beginning his heavenly ministry. He poured water for forty days while Noah was in the ark.

Until the 4th century, Ascension and Pentecost were not separate. The second feast was considered a special period of the church year. Then it became a holiday. And only then did the celebration of the Ascension of the Lord become important.

Ascension opens the way to heaven for all believers. An example of this is the death and Ascension of the Lord. Victory over evil, sin and death. No matter how much Judas tempted Jesus, he always received resistance.

This holiday is considered a prisoner among the big Orthodox days in the spring. Has eight days of feasting. With his arrival, you need to postpone all work, enjoying rest and tranquility.

The Feast of the Ascension completes the Easter cycle. The Lord showed the way by which each person can reach the Kingdom of Heaven. Reconciled man with God. He proved that he is truly the son of God.

Everyone needs to think whether he can so ascend within himself? To do this, you need to get rid of bad thoughts, negative habits, bad worries. Keep no evil.

There are many holidays in the church world, among which some are important enough that they are known to the common people. Among such significant events, the Ascension of the Lord 2015 has its place. The very solemn meaning of this day means that the Lord ascended to Heaven, after which he became one of the holy Spirits. The church always celebrates this holiday on the same day of the week - Thursday. But the date of the celebration from year to year may be different. The number of celebrations is counted from 40 days from the day of the celebration of Easter. When will the Ascension of the Lord come in 2015, the date of celebration will be on May 21. On this bright and warm day, all believers will notice that not only people rejoice at the coming day, but nature itself is happy from this.

During his lifetime, Jesus brought many benefits to mankind. Thanks to his efforts, the people realized that living without sin and malice in the soul is much better than constantly doing bad deeds and offending others. After the son of God was crucified for the sins of the common people, after some time he was resurrected. The Ascension of the Lord in 2015 is his flight to Heaven. After this event happened, Jesus ceased to live in a human body, he did not die, did not disappear, he simply reincarnated into his soul and sent to heaven. His spirit remained forever in Heaven and now people turn to heaven with prayers, and the words of hymns are pronounced with dedication to Jesus Christ.

Prayer services are held in every Orthodox church on this day. Any believer can attend this ritual. All prayers are directed to gratitude to Jesus Christ in his actions. In general, Orthodox read only thanksgiving prayers, rarely do they turn to Heaven with words of request or with desires. An ordinary person asks God more than thanks him.

It is important to know that when the Ascension of the Lord takes place in 2015, on that day it is strictly forbidden to carry anger, resentment and sadness in the soul. The holiday itself is aimed at a joyful event, therefore, in addition to reading prayers, it is customary to rejoice on this day and set the dinner table with delicious dishes. It is not recommended at the moment to work. Of course, if a person has urgent matters, they must be completed, but it is still forbidden to start new ideas or engage in hard physical labor.
This does not mean at all that the Lord is against labor. On the contrary, Heaven favors those who love to work and do it responsibly and efficiently. Restriction in work on church holidays means only that the celebration itself must be dedicated to gratitude to Heaven and the purification of one's soul.

Ascension of the Lord in 2015: what date is the holiday, history, what not to do, rituals, congratulations in verses and pictures - all this Orthodox celebrating the triumph can be found in the material on the site channel. Ascension of the Lord comes on the fortieth day after Easter. Believers believe that on this day the Savior ascended to heaven, where he was reunited with his father. On a holiday, the Orthodox follow signs, perform rituals and avoid doing forbidden things.

Ascension of the Lord in 2015 Orthodox Christians celebrate on May 21. This is one of the most important celebrations for believers, because it is believed that the resurrected Jesus on this day, after a forty-day stay on Earth, where he communicated with his disciples, again ascended to heaven and was reunited with his father.

In Rus', it was believed that after the Ascension of the Lord, spring gives way to summer, and warm weather begins. In addition, according to popular beliefs, everything that a person asks for in his prayer on this day will surely come true. Therefore, do not be too lazy to turn to God on May 21. There are several more signs and rituals that everyone who wants to achieve success, happiness and be healthy must perform on the day of the Ascension of the Lord.

Ascension of the Lord in 2015: rituals and signs

Working on this day is considered a great sin. So, if you are lucky and Ascension fell on your vacation, then forget about household chores for today and devote time to yourself completely. Those who have their own household can count on protection from troubles for a whole year. If you keep chickens and one of the chickens laid an egg on the Ascension of the Lord, then save it and hang it under the roof of the house. It is considered magical.

According to tradition, the weather on a religious holiday foreshadowed the weather conditions for the near future. So, if the weather is good, then it will last until the day of St. Michael. And if it suddenly starts to rain, then this does not bode well. People can be overcome by ailments and misfortunes.

On April 21, housewives should prepare pastries - pies with green onions and bread ladders, and then consecrate them in the church. By the way, with the help of a bread ladder you can find out how much sin a person has. You need to climb the stairs under the roof of the house and throw the pastries down. The more it crumbles, the sooner the sinner needs to embark on the path of correction.

Ascension of the Lord in 2015: conspiracies

In order to protect yourself from troubles for a whole year, during the Ascension of the Lord you need to go to church, put a candle to the image of Jesus Christ, and then say in a whisper:

"Jesus, our Savior, as You got rid of worldly fuss, ascended into heaven, so help me, a sinner (oh) in the past, leave all troubles and problems in order to come to you with a pure heart and bright thoughts! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Ascension of the Lord in 2015: what not to do

On this holiday, in no case can one perform difficult or "dirty" work. You can't get into the house. It is also strictly forbidden to think about the bad. All negative thoughts must be driven away and replaced with positive ones. Also, in no case do not say "Christ is Risen!", because in churches they take out the Shroud. But it is possible and even necessary to remember the dead relatives.

Ascension of the Lord in 2015: congratulations in prose, poetry and pictures

Ascension of the Lord
The news is wonderful.
Let it be with joy today
The sky will give you everything:

May happiness be with you
Increasing grace,
To all sorts of bad weather
To pass you forever!

Today is Ascension
May happiness come to you!
Anxiety and doubt
Let it go forever.

May our true Lord
Will help you in everything
Live only in thoughts
You are clean about it!

He ascended to heaven
To protect people!
I wish in Ascension -
you devoted friends,

So that lies from your life
Disappeared forever
And so that faith in the heart
Stayed for a year!

Ascension to you! feast of the saint
Finally came to visit us
Today the Lord ascended on such a day,
Our true supreme Father.

And on this holiday I want to wish
Don't forget God!
Of course, do not forget about the main thing -
What life the Lord has given us!

Our Jesus Christ is celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church as one of the great twelfth feasts on the 40th day from the first day of Pascha.

The ascension of Jesus Christ is described in detail in the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Holy Apostles, as well as in the end of the Gospel of Mark.

Ascension Day Orthodox Christians occurred forty days after Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross and resurrected. After the Resurrection, Christ appeared to his disciples more than once, strengthening their faith and preparing them for the descent of the Holy Spirit on them - for Pentecost. On the day of the Ascension, he gathered the apostles in Bethany, on Mount Olivet. Christ blessed the disciples and - as he was, in the flesh - ascended into heaven. The New Testament writes of this event thus: "He ascended before their eyes, and a cloud took him out of their sight."

The disciples continued to stand for a long time and look at the sky after Jesus Christ. Then two angels in white robes appeared before them and said: “Men of Galilee! Why are you standing and looking at heaven? saw Him ascending into heaven." After that, the apostles returned to Jerusalem with great joy and remained there all together, waiting for the descent of the Holy Spirit. With them was also Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, with her relatives. These days the apostles, having prayed, chose by lot from the other disciples of Christ the twelfth apostle Matthew, in the place of the deceased Judas the traitor.

According to the teachings of the Orthodox Church, the earthly ministry of God the Son ended with the Ascension. This event has a deep symbolic meaning for believers: having atoned for human sins through suffering and death on the cross, Jesus Christ in his own person raised human nature to the throne of God the Father and "prepared the nature of man to receive the Holy Spirit."

Having ascended to heaven, Jesus Christ, according to His own promise, is always invisibly on earth among those who believe in him, and will again come to earth in a visible way to judge the living and the dead, who will then be resurrected. After that, the life of the next age will come - another eternal life.

Ascension ends the celebration of Easter, so this day is also called "the giving of Easter." From this day on, believers cease to exchange Easter greetings at a meeting: "Christ is risen! - Truly risen!".

Until the end of the 4th century, the Ascension of the Lord and Pentecost were, in fact, a single holiday. Pentecost was celebrated more than one day a year - it was a period of the church calendar. When Pentecost became an independent holiday, Ascension began to be celebrated separately. The first references to this can be found in St. Gregory of Nyssa and in the Antioch sermons of St. John Chrysostom.

Since the 5th century, the tradition of celebrating the Ascension of the Lord has finally established itself in the West.

The feast lasts ten days: one day of pre-feast, coinciding with the celebration of Pascha, and eight days of after-feast.

The giving of the feast takes place on the Friday following the feast of the seventh week after Pascha.

Over the centuries of Christianity in Rus', the feast of the Ascension of the Lord in the minds of the people absorbed part of the pagan and agrarian customs. The change of spring and summer, concern for the future harvest, the first really hot days - all this is intertwined with the church meaning of the holiday. Easter in Rus' was also called Great Day, and Ascension - Ascension Day. In the forty days between Easter and Ascension, the poor and sick people were especially welcomed. People believed that from Great Day to Ascension, the doors of heaven and hell are open.

The Feast of the Ascension of the Lord is celebrated on Thursday, the 6th week after Easter. In 2015, Ascension Day falls on May 21st.

The essence of this Orthodox holiday is reflected in its name - this is the day when Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, this is the end of his earthly ministry. This happened 40 days after his resurrection.

Ascension Day- This is a holiday of Heaven, the opening of Heaven to people, as a new and eternal home. Heaven is the Kingdom of God, the kingdom of eternal life, truth, goodness and love.

On the day of the Ascension, Jesus Christ instructs all mankind and does this through his disciples - the apostles. It was they who witnessed his ascension to Heaven 40 days after Christ was resurrected.

For 40 days, Jesus appeared to the apostles, strengthening their faith and giving them support and hope for the coming salvation. And on the day of his ascension to heaven, he puts an end to his service to humanity and its salvation. His mission on earth is accomplished and he ascends to heaven, to the Kingdom of God. Before that, the Son of God turned to the disciples and said that if people accept his ascension with all their hearts, then he went to the Holy Spirit, who would comfort people. This consolation came a little later - on the feast of Pentecost, which is celebrated a few days after the Ascension (Trinity).

Traditions and customs on the Ascension of the Lord

Many customs and traditions are associated with this holiday, which, for the most part, were folk, and not church.

  • On Ascension, it was customary to bake special pancakes. They were made "Christ on the path." These Voznesensky pancakes were called "onuchki", "God's envelope" and "Christ's bast shoes".
  • Also on this day, the housewives baked bread, which were called ladders. It was believed that they help the souls of the dead ascend to heaven on this holiday. These treats were carried either to the cemetery, to commemorate the dead, or in the field, so that rye and wheat stretched higher to the sky.

  • Ascension has always been considered a memorial day. On this holiday, many went to the cemetery to the graves of their deceased relatives.
  • On Ascension, young people led round dances. Girls and guys stood in two rows, face to face - it turned out to be a living bridge. Under this bridge, a girl with a wreath on her head passed from her hands. Then she became in a round dance and another walked along the bridge. So the youth went from one end of the village to the other end. This tradition is somewhat similar to the game "Brook".