Describe the position of people at the front and in the rear during the First World War. Excaped world list of references

The beginning of the war. War broke out on August 1, 1914 and lasted for more than four years - until November 11, 1918, the international crisis, which led to millions of victims and the ruin of huge territories, began with the murder on June 28, 1914.

Serbian nationalist of the heir of the Austro-Hungarian throne of the Erzgertzog Franz Ferdinand in the city of Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia, annexed in 1908, Austria-Hungary. Instructed by Germany, the leaders of Austria-Hungary used this event as a reason in order to declare the war of Serbia on July 28, 1914; Over the next seven days, many leading European powers were involved in armed confrontation. The main reason for the emergence of world war was the acute conflict of two military-political groups: Germany and Austria-Hungary, on the one hand, and the countries of the Entente - on the other. The struggle went for the leading position in Europe, for the redistribution of the divided world, the redistribution of colonies and spheres of influence.

Over time, 38 countries were drawn in the war (including British Dominions and India). Almost all European states participated in hostilities, with the exception of Spain, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the Three Scandinavian states. All those who fought down the powers together with the colonies accounted for 1.5 billion people, i.e. 87% of the world's population. The fighting has turned in the territory of 14 states in Europe, Asia, Africa. Military confrontation in Europe was crucial for the outcome of the global armed conflict, where the main forces of two military-political blocs were concentrated and where most of the most massive and bloody battles occurred.

The United Kingdom entered the war on August 4, 1914 after the invasion of the German troops in Belgium, one of the guarantors of the neutrality of which was official London. The main objectives of the UK in this war were reduced to defend their economic and colonial positions in the world and crush Germany as a major rival and a competitor in the commercial and industrial and colonial spheres, as well as to the sea.

In August 1914, the Great British State Rule was the liberal government, headed by Herbert Askvit - a 63-year-old statesman, who was led by the country for six and a half years to this time. Most of the leading politicians representing the main parties of the country supported the decision of the liberal office to declare the war of Germany. The conservatives under the leadership of Andrew Bonar Lowe were unanimously for participation in hostilities; Most liberals and laborists also supported the Government of Askvit. Many United Kingdom's political leaders believed that the war would not be long and after a few months, "to Christmas", she will end victory.

The United Kingdom entered war, having supported two strong allies in Europe - France and Russia, which have large land armies. In addition, Belgium, Serbia and Montenegro appeared on the side of the states of the Entente at the beginning of the war. In the east of Europe in 1914, the army of the Austria-Hungary and Germany fought the troops of the Russian Empire, in the west of Europe, the German parts were mostly french, as well as British and Belgian units.

Another front existed in the south of Europe - Balkan, or Serbian, where Serbian parties fought with the Austrian military units. On September 5, 1914, in London, representatives of the United Kingdom, France and Russia signed a declaration, in accordance with which they were obliged to not conclude the separate world with Germany and its allies.

For the military-political leadership of Great Britain, throughout the entire time of the war, the Western Front was the main thing. There, in France and Flanders (the area in the north of Belgium), in early August 1914 the first divisions of the British Expeditionary Corps were sent, which was commanded by General J. Frenc. He submitted to Lord in Kitchener, appointed on August 5 by the Military Minister.

The fighting on the Western Front in the fall of 1914 was with varying success. At the end of August, four British divisions took a combat baptism near the Belgian city of Mons, reflecting on August 23 an attack of six German divisions. However, after the retreat of the neighboring French parts on August 24, the British were forced to leave their positions.

German army in August 1914, having passed with the battles almost all of Belgium, entered by large forces to the northeastern regions

France and launched a rapid offensive in the direction of Paris. Under the Nachis Germans, the British and French parts had to retreat. By early September, the four German armies forced the Marna River and found themselves 40 km from Paris. In the battle of Marne (5-9 September 1914), more than 1.5 million people took part on both parties. The major severity of the fight against the German armies carried French troops, led by General J. Joffr. The British Expeditionary Corps under the start of J. Franch, was located east of Paris, on the left flank of the defense line. The offensive made by the allies on September 5-9 made it possible to discard the German parts from the capital of France. During this operation, British parts, together with the French troops, held a successful offensive in the resulting gap between the first and the second German armies, which played the last role in the fact that the German command of September 9 began a general retreat. The success of the allies in this battle was largely possible due to active actions in the second half of August 1914. Russian troops in Eastern Prussia, where the German command had to transfer part of his troops from the Western Front.

Another major battle in which the British Expeditionary Corps took an active part in the Battle of the Belgian city of IPR in Western Flanders (October 14 - November 11, 1914). Military actions in the area entered the story as the first battle of Ipra. In mid-October, German troops tried to break through the defense of the British and Belgian units, in the area of \u200b\u200bIpra. The allies managed to stop the offensive of the Germans and hold a number of counterattacks, after which in early November the fighting actually stopped, and the troops of the United Kingdom continued to retain positions on the ruins of Ipra. During these battles, the British Expeditionary Corps suffered huge losses: more than 58 thousand soldiers and officers died.

By the end of the autumn of 1914, the situation on the Western Front stabilized, and the military confrontation of the Parties to the form of a protracted positional war for a long time. Trenches and ranks of barbed wire barrels stretched to a solid line 720 km from Switzerland's border to La Mansha. The share of British parts in December 1914 there was a section of the front of 50 km long, the French troops held the front for 650 km, Belgian - 20 km.

Since the beginning of the war, combat actions actively conducted not only on land, but also on the expanses of the World Ocean. As noted earlier, by agreement with France, the British fleet controlled the North Sea and the Atlantic, the French - the Mediterranean Sea. The first Lord Admiralty until May 1915 was W. Churchill, and the commander-in-chief of the large fleet in 1914-1916. - J. Jellyko. The United Kingdom Already at the first stage of the war, began to set the far sea blockade of Germany and was able to capture the dominant position in various parts of the world ocean. In the first months of war, the Royal Fleet managed to almost completely paralyze the maritime trade in Germany.

By the beginning of 1915, the British managed to eliminate most German warships outside the coastal waters of Germany. The largest connection - the admiral of M. Spea's squadron - was completely defeated in battle at the Falkland Islands on December 8, 1914. The Indian Ocean became safe for the swimming and transportation vessels of the Allies after November 8, the Australian Cruiser "Sydney" sank the German warship " Emden, "which was previously shining the Indian city of Madras and for all time since the beginning of the war destroyed 15 allied ships. A number of victories of the Royal Fleet also won in the North Sea. On August 28, the small island of Helgoland (50 km from the North-West Coast of Germany), where the large German naval base was located, the ships of the United Kingdom of the United Kingdom, led by Admiral D. Beatti, were sinking three light German cruisers.

The German command did not remain in debt. At the end of September 1914, the German submarine sent three British cruisers to the bottom - "Abukir", "Hog" and "Cresus". The Navy Germany held a number of reconnaissance raids at the beginning of the war to the shores of Britain. November 2

In 1914, the squadron of German ships approached Norfolk, and on December 15 - 16 - to the Yorkshire coast, while Scarborough, Hatby and Hartlpool were fired. On January 24, 1915, in the Dogger-Bank area (Oven in the center of the North Sea, 100 km from the coast of Britain) occurred between the German and British squadron, the last commanded Admiral D. Beatti. As a result, one German cruiser was sweeping, the other two received damage, and the ships of the Navy Germany had to be returned to the baseplaces.

After that, the leadership of the Navy forces of Germany almost until the spring of 1916 adhered to passive and expectant tactics, and large connections of surface ships, as a rule, did not leave their bases on the North Sea coast. However, submarines continued to actively act. From February 18

In 1915, Germany's authorities declared the military zone of all waters around the British Isles, and the German submarines were given an indication of stiring not only the military, but also the Great Britain's trade vessels, as well as neutral ships.

In the first months of war, a significant part of the professional British army was destroyed. In all battles of 1914, the losses of Great Britain amounted to about 89 thousand soldiers and officers. Under these conditions, the Government of Great Britain, realizing that the war acquires unprecedented fierce and tremendous scope and many British land parts will have to participate in hostilities outside the country, decided to create a mass army. In the first five months after the UK entry into the war, the composition of its armed forces increased repeatedly and by January 1914 reached 1.5 million people. In total during the war years, an unprecedented army in the history of Great Britain was formed. For the period from 1914 to 1918, more than 6 million people served in all kinds of British troops, and together with the military and auxiliary units from the colonies under the British command was about 9 million soldiers and officers.

Colonial empire during the war years. During the Global Military Conflict, the UK leadership could lean not only for the strength of his country, but also use huge material and human resources of an extensive colonial empire. Already in early August 1914, the Government of Dominion (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South African Union) announced the full support of the United Kingdom and expressed their readiness to send their troops to Europe and other areas of the world. About 400 thousand Canadians fought on the Western Front; 330 thousand Australians and 100 thousand New Zealanders fought in Europe and in other parts of the world. The South African Union put about 200 thousand people under the gun, of which 30 thousand were transferred to the West Front. About 1.5 million Indians consisted in combat auxiliary parts of the British army, they fought in the Middle and Middle East, in Europe and Africa. 500 thousand Egyptians were in forced labor worked in the so-called labor buildings organized by the British for digging the trenches, road construction, etc. From 1914 to 1918, the British Empire has provided for participation in hostilities and for other purposes almost 3 million people. After the end of World War II, D. Lloyd George, saying

0 Soldiers from the colonies and dominion, argued that "if they remained at home, the outcome of the war would be different, and the whole further history of the world would take another turn."

In 1914, the Military units of Australia and New Zealand in accordance with the plans of the Entente countries seized a number of German colonies in the Pacific Ocean: German New Guinea and Solomon Islands, Bismarck Archipelago, German Samoa. In the African continent in August 1914, the troops of the South African Union, together with French and Indian parts, occupied the German Togo.

On October 29, 1914, Turkey came to the war on the side of Germany and Austria-Hungary, which was the political center of the decrepid Ottoman Empire, which included Mesopotamia, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and some other territories. The appearance of a new enemy forced the English troops in 1914 to expand the fighting in Mesopotamia. Rich oil fields in the Persian Gulf area played a large role in the supply of the United Kingdom of Oil. At the end of October, the British divisions occupied the FAO port in Mesopotamia, and in the month of the Anglo-Indian troops seized an important strategic point in the south of the country - the Basra port. On December 18, 1914, the Government of Askvita announced its protectorate over Egypt, which before that was formally considered part of the Ottoman Empire. In the Middle East, the British command at the beginning of the war had to create a Palestinian front for the defense of the Suez Canal from the possible attack of the Turkish troops.

Changes in the functioning of the party-political system.

From the first days, the global armed conflict began to take an uncompromising character. Military actions went on land, in the air, on the seas and underwater, in addition, the "economic", propaganda and psychological war was conducted. It was the first total military confrontation of dozens of countries that demanded the maximum voltage of the forces of all its main participants.

The war had a significant impact on all the most important areas of life of the British society, including the nature and methods of the country's management. The urgent need for wartime in the rapid decision-making and energetic actions led to a significant redistribution of powers in government bodies in favor of the executive. The Cabinet of Ministers received the right to issue laws with the Declaration, without consultation with parliamentarians. Adopted on August 8, 1914. Law

0 The protection of the kingdom and numerous additions to it noticeably expanded the powers of the executive in the socio-economic sphere. At the same time, the role of parliament in society has significantly decreased significantly. Many of the most important issues of war management were solved without discussion by members of the House of Commons. The latter not only did not have access to all the necessary information for their work, but they often could not openly discuss the most important problems that stood in front of the country. Moreover, the questions that parliamentarians planned to ask informally, were corrected, and in practice in the walls of the House of Commons could not be heard anything that could violate the requirement of secrecy.

To consolidate the efforts of the entire society and demonstration of the unity of the political establishment of the country, the leaders of the leading parties of Great Britain agreed to establish the "party truce" during the war and abandon the public criticism of each other. The leadership of the country believed in impracticable holding of general elections, which could lead to an active inter-party struggle and thereby contribute to the weakening of the military efforts of the whole society. In this situation, members of the Supreme Legislative Body adopted a number of decisions that allowed to delay the election in the House of Commons before the end of the war. If the parliamentarian could not fulfill his duties, the leaders of the main political parties came to arrangement that there should be no party rivalry in the additional elections: a member of only the party could claim for a vacant place, whose representative occupied this place in August 1914

In the field of rights and freedoms during the war years, significant changes have also occurred. The law was suspended in the country

0 Incidentality of the individual, censored, editors of newspapers could be brought to justice for the publication of unauthorized news by the Government.

Work class and threads-unions at the beginning of the war. In the first months, the global military conflict in British society reigned Euphoria and URA-patriotic moods. It seemed to many that the war would end the rapid victory of the Entente countries. Tens of thousands of British lined up in long queues to sign up in the army. During August and in early September 1914, about 500 thousand people entered the army, and by the end of 1914 - more

1 million people. Almost a year and a half from the beginning of the war (i.e. until 1916), the British army was formed on a voluntary basis.

Military hysteria, which covered all the sectors of society, touched on the most numerous part of the country's population - workers. In the first two months after the announcement of the war under the influence of patriotic sentiment and the state-held propaganda, more than 10% of all industrial workers entered into the army, by February 1915 - 15%, and by early 1916 - 28%. The common mood that reigned among the workers at the beginning of the war was expressed by one of the representatives of the railway trade union. Speaking in 1915 at the Congress of Tred-Union, he said: "When the threat to the life of the nation arises, we should be citizens, and not just workers."

World War, like no other armed conflict, was carried out using various technical means and involving tremendous material resources. As a result, the production of all necessary for the front has become one of the most important conditions for successful hostilities.

In the first months after the start of the war, strike activity in the country was significantly reduced in the situation of patriotic lifting. If in the first 7 months of 1914 836 strikes were registered, then in the time from August to December - only 137 small strikes.

Representatives of the political establishment of Great Britain from the first days of the war have made a lot of effort to achieve the help of workers and their organizations in the weapons issue. The leaders of the Treads-Union and the Labor Party supported the military efforts of the government, stated at the end of August 1914 on the need to establish during the war "World in Industry".

In mid-March 1915, a conference was held in the Treasury premises in which the leaders of most trade unions and governments took part. On March 19, 1915, the parties signed a document that entered the history as the "Treasury Agreement". In accordance with it, organized workers refused the time of the war from the use of strikes; All controversial issues in the field of production relations were to be solved only with the assistance of state arbitration. Leaders of Tred-Union agreed to not apply those trade union rules that could lead to restriction of weapons issuing, and should not prevent the use of unqualified workers where only qualified workers were allowed.

Commenting on the conclusion of the "Treasury Agreement", the British newspaper Dail Herald wrote that "the trade union lamb lay side by side with capitalist lion." The "Treasury Agreement" recorded the cardinal changes that occurred in the trade union practice in wartime. It has become an important milestone towards the establishment of close contacts of the Thread-Unionist leadership with the state. The prominent figures of the Laborian movement Sydney and Beatrice Webb rightly noted that during the war of the war, the thread-unionist apparatus actually became part of the "state social machine".

After the conclusion of the Treasury Agreement, the strike in the country did not completely stop. In March 1915, 74 strikes were organized, in April - 44, in May- 63. In July 1915, 200 thousand miners of South Wales held a weekly strike. Workers sought to achieve improved working conditions and increase wages. In this difficult social situation, the political elite of the country in 1915 resorted to an unusual method - tried to actively use the authority of the monarch to maintain the moral spirit of the workers. In the spring and summer of 1915, the King of Great Britain Georg V committed a number of trips to enterprises producing military equipment. The main goal of these events was to encourage the workers to strictly fulfill all military orders and prevent strikes.

The formation of a coalition government led by Askvit. At the beginning of the war in the political and military leadership of the United Kingdom, few people could have suggest that military actions would delay for a long time. The mood prevailing in society was expressed in popular at that time the slogan "Business, as usual". The first months of the war showed that society and all the British economy were not ready to ensure large-scale hostilities. As a result, by the spring of 1915, the British army began to lack ammunition and gear. There was a shortage of rifles, machine guns, heavy guns, but a particularly acute question was about the delivery of shells to the Western Front.

The problems of the army supply with everything necessary and the lack of noticeable success of the British troops in Western Europe and on other theaters of hostilities - all this caused in the spring of 1915. The aggravation of contradictions between the conservatives and the liberals standing in power. As a result of this, on May 26, 1915, under pressure from the parliamentary opposition, the liberal government was replaced by coalition, where, in addition to Liberals, 8 conservatives entered, as well as 3 Laborists, for the first time in their history, who took part in the work of the Supreme Executive Authority of the country. Liberals continued to play a leading role in the new Cabinet of Ministers, and Askvit retained the post of Prime Minister. The leader of Labor Players Arthur Genderson received the post of Minister of Education, but its main function was to lead to the leadership of Britain for assistance in matters of relationship with workers. Two other members of the Parliament from the Labor Party from Brace and J. Robert was taken by secondary posts in the government. These appointments indicated that in the ruling circles of Great Britain, they understood well that maintaining the social world and the establishment of cooperation with working organizations is a paramount task to achieve military victory. The formation of the government coalition contributed to the consolidation of the main political forces of the country and helped to avoid the emergence of the parliamentary conflict.

Changes in the economy. On the eve of August 1914, the British government did not have a detailed plan of action in the economic sphere in case of a large-scale prolonged military conflict. As D. Lloyd George recalled later, "such a war, which was the war of 1914-1918, never before, and neither we nor the continental powers of Europe could not foresee it and in advance to make a plan to maintain it. Therefore, our actions were initially unsystematic and inconsistent. "

The law on the protection of the kingdom and numerous additions to it have noticeably expandered the powers of various executive bodies noticeably expanded in August 1914. However, at the beginning of the war, the authorities did not always fully used them. On August 4, 1914, the government, realizing the importance of the uninterrupted functioning of the country's transport system, delivered all the railways under its control. In the same month, the state requisitioned as auxiliary swimming media 21% of the total tonnage of British ships - yachts, traverters, schunov, etc. In August, a special Royal Commission was created for procurement abroad and for distribution in the UK of the Sahara. This measure was dictated by the fact that before the beginning of the war, a significant part of the sugar came to the country from Germany and Austria-Hungary.

On the most eve of the announcement of the joining the United Kingdom in the War on the London Stock Exchange began, the courses of most shares have declined dramatically, loans issuance ceased. Under these conditions, the Parliament adopted a law on postponement of payments, and the British Bank was provided with government guarantees for a large amount for making settlements on various bills. Such actions at the end of the first week of August, the confidence of citizens to the banking system has strengthened and allowed to normalize the situation in the financial markets of the country.

A prominent British historian A. Taylor noted that until August 1914, the Englishman could live a lifetime and hardly learn about the existence of the state, with the exception of the appeal to the post or to the Lyceum. As war is delayed, this situation has undergone a cardinal change. The need to create a massive land army, constantly increasing the needs of troops in service, ammunition, various equipment - all required from the political leadership of Great Britain in the first half of 1915 more energetic measures in the economic field than those held at the very beginning of the war.

In the summer of 1915, the Coalition Government created a special Ministry of Arms under the leadership of D. Lloyd George. The purpose of the new department was the mobilization of national resources for the production of military equipment. The German explorer V. Fisher rightly noted that the Lloyd George department in an unprecedented scale intervention in the private industry in order to achieve a priority output of products required for warfare. In submission of Lloyd George over time, there was almost the entire industry that worked on the war. The ministry was led by the release of not only ammunition and weapons, but also cars, trench equipment, optical instruments, building materials and many other things.

According to the Law on the Production of Arms, adopted by Parliament on June 2, 1915, the Office of Lloyd George had the wider powers in the field of organizing ammunition and military equipment. It managed the activities of state military enterprises, received the right to force entrepreneurs to fulfill government orders, as well as at the time of the war "to engage in possession" by private plants and factories, if their products were needed for warfare. This ministry controlled and helped to establish the work of many private factories and firms, created new and managed already existing state military enterprises, providing them with raw materials, equipment and workforce. Soon after the creation of the Ministry of Arms, by December 1915, in the country, it was produced almost three times more shells than a year before, and the release of artillery guns increased six times compared with June 1915

Lloyd George received extensive powers to regulate production relations. At military factories and factories, the organization of strikes and lockouts were prohibited; In the case of labor conflicts, a compulsory state arbitration was introduced and the law on labor protection was canceled; The managing military enterprise could prohibit the transition of any worker to any other factory. The Ministry of Arms has become one of the most important tools in the system of state management of the country's economy. By 1918, it directly or indirectly controlled activity of about 20 thousand factories, factories, mines, where more than 5 million people worked.

During the war years, the government conducted a compulsory cooperation of small and medium-sized enterprises, carried out the merger of banks. To ensure the troops with all necessary under the control of the state, not only plants and factories, which produced weapons, but also steel enterprises, engineering plants, leather and woolen production, and by the beginning of 1917 - all coal mining were delivered; At the last stage of war - bakery, flour and oil and fat plants. In addition, government bodies provided the country's leading industries by almost all the necessary raw materials.

Never before the official authorities of the United Kingdom so vigorously and in such a wide scale did not interfere in the economic region, as in 1914-1918. By the end of the war, state control in one form or another embraced almost all the most important areas of the British economy.

War was conducted by the United Kingdom with overvoltage of the country's economic and financial resources. Total war costs amounted to more than 10 billion f. Art. In this regard, taxes in Britain from 1914 to 1918 grew six times. However, they reimbursed only a third of military spending, the rest were covered at the expense of internal and external loans. One of the main foreign lenders of Great Britain during the war was the United States of America.

Considerable economic assistance to the United Kingdom in 1914-1918. The countries of its colonial empire also provided. Canada allocated a large cash loan in the amount of 500 million f. Art., And also supplied explosives, aircraft, warships and other weapons for the English-French troops. Almost every third projectile released by the troops of the Entente countries on the West Front, was produced in Canada. In addition, non-ferrous metals, medicines and food were directed from this North American Dominion to the UK. Australia played a primary role in the supply of metropolis with non-ferrous metals, wool, leather, butter. From New Zealand in the UK, frozen meat, cheese, wool, oil, from Egypt - cotton, from Newfoundland - fish, timber, cellulose, from India - rails, outfit, shoes, cotton, jute and much more. At the same time, the United Kingdom during the war years and itself acted as a lender and arms supplier. Total for the period 1914-1918. London allocated 1.825 billion f for military allies. Art.

The military actions of 1915. This year, British troops took part in the battles that were in various parts of the world, but London paid the most attention to the large naval and landing operation against Turkish troops in the Dardanella Strait area, separating Europe from Malaya Asia and connecting Europe Marble and Aegean seas. One of the initiators of this military action was the first Lord of Admiralty at Churchill, who believed that the capture of the Strait and the subsequent blow to the capital of Turkey - Istanbul - will help to solve not only local military tasks, but in general the fate of the whole war.

From 19 to 25 February 1915, British and French warships carried out intensive shelling of Turkish fortifications on

Gallipol Peninsula in the Aegean Sea. However, this did not bring the desired results, the Turkish forts were only slightly destroyed. An attempt by the Anglo-French fleet to force the strait March 18 was also not crowned with success: from 16 large allied warships of the Allies 2 British and 1 French were surfplanted, and 3 more received serious damage. On April 25, the first landing parts of the allies landed at the Gallipolian Peninsula. For all the time this military operation, the United Kingdom and its dominions were sent to the Gallipoli area about 340 thousand, France - 79 thousand people. Numerous allied attacks were carried out for several months, and the most active role was played by parts of Australia and New Zealand (Anzak). For all the time, the battles on the peninsula of the British Empire troops lost about 200 thousand, the French - 47 thousand people, but the allies could not break the defense of the Turkish units led by German officers. The entire operation in Dardanelles was completed for the countries of Anttanta failure, and from the end of November 1915. Before the beginning of January 1916, the Anglo-French command evacuated troops from this area.

In Western Europe in 1915, the British Expeditionary Corps occupied only about 10% in common with the French Front. In the military reports of this year there were attempts to activate their actions in Champagne, Artoi and Flanders, but they did not lead to a significant change in the front line.

The failure for the United Kingdom's troops was an attempt to fasten German parts in the area of \u200b\u200bNew-Chapel village in Northeast France (March 10-13). On March 10, 1915, the first British army under the command of Douglas Heyga after the 35-minute art bracing of the positions of Germans attacked and was able to break through the first line of defense of the enemy and take the nev-chapel. However, inconsistency in the actions of the command of English corps, the lack of a sufficient number of ammunition and the five-hour delay between the first attack and the subsequent onset - all this allowed the Germans to organize defense and stop the promotion of the British parts that suffered large losses (about 13 thousand killed and wounded).

The actions of the German troops on the Western Front in 1915 were noted by the first large-scale use of chemical weapons. On April 22, the German Gas Chlorine was used in the area of \u200b\u200bIpra. British troops located in the area have lost about 60 thousand fighters as a result of a gas attack. German units have advanced by 3.5 km and took part of the so-called IPRA protrusion - nominated positions of the allies. The offensive of the German troops managed to stop by introducing reserves. However, in the long run, the local success of the German command,

a largely determined by the unexpected use of the poisoning gas did not lead to a fundamental change in the situation on this section of the front. Soon after the events of April 22, the Entente countries also set up the production of poisoning substances and means of protection against them.

September 25 - November 4, 1915, the Allies took on the Western Front a series of attacks of Germanic positions. French troops occurred in Champagne and Artoi, British - in Loos (north of Lens - the city in Northern France, the Department of Pa de Calais). J. Frenc involved 6 divisions, more than a heavier guns and applied chlorine-poison gas. However, the offensive of the British troops, as well as French, fails, the allies could not noticeably fasten the German parts. The total losses of the Anglo-French troops in this operation amounted to 242 thousand people, the German parts lost almost two times less.

The lack of noticeable success of the British in Western Europe led to the change of commander of the English military units in Western Europe. In December 1915, instead of J. Franch, the British Expeditionary Corps was headed by D. Heyig, who remained in this post to the end of the war.

During the First World War, military aviation quickly developed, a new type of hostilities appeared - air battle and attack on the enemy territory from the air. Under these conditions, the British Islands have become more than ever previously vulnerable. From January 13, 1915, the Germans, using the airship, repeatedly carried out bombing of various objects in the British Earth. From the end of May 1915, London began to be exposed, predominantly at night. To combat the airship, the command of the United Kingdom was used by military airplanes. British Air Force (Royal Flain Corps ", and from 1918 -" Royal Air Force ") were formed in May 1912 and on the eve of the war there were almost 200 aircraft. Germany used to defeat terrestrial purposes in the UK (often civilian objects) not only airships, but also bombarding aircraft (since 1917). For the time of war, more than a thousand civilians of the United Kingdom died as a result of the actions of German airships and aircraft.

In the African continent in 1915, the elimination of German colonies continued. By July 1915, the British and South African troops captured the German south-western Africa (modern Namibia), and at the end of this year - the beginning of 1916 another German colony was occupied - Cameroon. In February 1915, the United Kingdom's military units were able to prevent the seizure of the Suez Canal by the Turks. In the same year, in the south of the Arabian Peninsula, Turkish divisions and their Yemen allies were besieged by the English base of Aden. At the end of 1915, the British Expeditionary Corps under the leadership of Major General Charles Townsenda failed under Baghdad. His twelve thousandth army (most in which the Indians were forced to retreat to the small town of Kut El-Amaru, which was an important strategic point near Baghdad, where he was besieged by the Turkish parts.

As military conflict is tightened, both warring groups have made a lot of effort to enlist the support of new allies. On May 23, 1915, italy joined the countries after long negotiations, the Italo Austrian Front appeared as a result. The central powers in 1915 were also able to acquire a new ally - Bulgaria, which on October 14th this year entered the war on the side of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey. So finally formed a four-world led by Kaiser Germany.

Lokhov T.V.

Branch of the All-Russian Absentee Institute of Finance and Economics in Novorossiysk / Adygei State University, Russia

Soviet rear at the front and in the rear: everyday life and mentality (on the example of the Krasnodar Territory)

The problem of life, life, moods and images of the thought of man in war remains one of the most up-to-date topics of modern domestic historiography. Issues of formation and evolution of the enemy's image of the soldiers, the problems of religious beliefs and beliefs, as well as the places of a woman at the front, food supply, the satisfaction of the housing needs and the protection of the health of the rear employees are among priority In the research base of the problem of life and mentality of the Soviet person at the front and in the rear in the period one of the greatest warsXX century - the Great Patriotic War.The relevance of the topic of this study is also due to new trends in domestic and foreign historiography, marking the increased attention to the psychology of various social communities of the Soviet people, both the working class and the peasantry, the analysis of their sentiment, to the identification and synthesis of economic, social and mental determinants of the life of workers and Peasants, influence on them policies of power.

Public sentiment and expectations were associated mainly with ideological and political and educational work carried out in pre-war years. The main components were the formation of ideas about the USSR as a "precipitated fortress" in the camp of world capitalism; upbringing in the population of distrust of foreigners; Approval of the principle of "proletarian internationalism" in the consciousness of millions of Soviet people of various nations and nationalities; The conviction of both the warriors of the army and the fleet and the entire population is that the coming war will be war, which will quickly end the victory of the Red Army "with small blood in someone else's territory"; finally, the formation of the image of the future enemy. In this last position, the authorities had to take into account all the intricacies of their pre-war foreign policy. If from January 1933 to the summer of 1939, the main figure of the "probable enemy" was the "fascist", "Hitlerian", then with the signing of a non-aggression Covenant with Germany, any mention of the Germans as potentially dangerous for the country of opponents was discontinued.

The level and effectiveness of Soviet ideological work, the search and application of new forms of impact on the mass public and individual consciousness of the worker and the peasant ensured the growth of their political activity in the war years, strengthening self-consciousness and spiritual unity against the background of natural pluralism of opinions and emotions.

The study of the influence of the Great Patriotic War to Russian society retains its scientific, social and political relevance. The need for a comprehensive study of the working class and peasanting is determined in the context of interaction with all parties to social reality - by the demographic, household, cultural, political conditions of the existence of people, in-depth study of world-up -ring, intricacies and caused the behavior of workers and peasants, their transformation in the conditions of war with the necessary preservation of such traditional Installations like love for the Motherland, rejection of the invaders, roast labor in the name of the victory.

The reconstruction of the evolution of the policies of the authorities in relation to all aspects of the life-class life and the peasantry during the war years should be held taking into account the dialectical unity and the interdependence of all components of the interaction, not denying its productivity and performance, but also not excluding the practice of conflicts, contradictions, social apathy and other public deviations . Nevertheless, the state of the war is the strengthening of the subordination of the Company and the personality of power, the functional dependence in all units of the public pyramid. It, with all the negatives, has a positive charge, as it combines with the awareness of the need for strict discipline in the interests of victory.

The study of such a multidimensional theme allows you to more deeply know the mechanism of party-state impact on the mood and behavior of workers in the extraordinary conditions of war, to disclose the importance and relationships between social and propaganda politics as one of the factors of encouraging to labor heroism in the rear, combat on the front and in the occupation. The reconstruction of everyday consciousness and behavior as a special order of reality, which exists within the working class, entering the interaction of the ideology that penetrates the minds and feelings, the guide, encounter or cementing the necessary qualities, allows you to recreate the panorama of the interaction of the authorities and the working class during the Great Patriotic War more meaningfully and volume.

Events of 1942, the rapid offensive of the enemy to the North Caucasus and its temporary occupation led to the fact that the hopes for the early victorious completion of the war in some cases were replaced by a panic and hopelessness in public sentiments of the region's population.

The occupation regime, its punitive policy contributed to the strengthening among the population as the occupied territories of the North Caucasus, and the partisans of selflessness in the fight against the enemy, doing this struggle "not for life, but to death." The image of the enemy in this situation has changed - it has become for most people not abstract, but quite concrete, from which darkened or tolerated deprivation relatives and close on the fronts and occupied territories. The image of the enemy was formed primarily in the process of perception, through the specific experience of each person, and personal factors had a huge value, which is determining.

The war radically changed the life and life of a person both on the front line and in the rear. From the first months of the war, the issue of the mass evacuation of thousands of enterprises and millions of people of the population from the threatened areas has risen enough in addition to the authorities of the eastern regions. Ensuring the necessary minimum living conditions in this extreme time was problematic, however, people were ready to sacrifice everything for help deprived of their native houses. At the end of 1941, the stream of evacuated grew so much that in many urban centers of the Urals and Western Siberia in the settlement of one resident We account for 1.8 - 2.8 square meters. m residential area.

In the North Caucasus, the influx was evacuated was not so big. Only after capturing the Germans, Rostov, the local population streams rushed from the north of the Krasnodar Territory - to the south, but the occurrence of the enemy was so rapid that it "overtook" the wave of immigrants.

One of the most important problems of human vital activity during the war was the food supply of the army and the population. In the territory that fell under the occupation, up to 40% of the population of the whole country lived to the war, two thirds of which were rural residents. In these areas there were 47% of the sowing areas, over half of the entire agricultural products of the country were produced. In the countries captured by the enemy, some of the material and technical resources of agriculture remained. The productive capabilities of the Soviet village were significantly reduced and amounted to only half of what happened before the war. All these objective reasons demanded a sacrifice from the collective farmers of the Northern Caucasus, which was an indicative mental existence of the population during the Great Patriotic War.

It is the opinion that the collective farmers gave an excess food in order to provide the necessary agricultural products of the army and evacuated population. However, this assumption according to the author does not have a sufficient basis. The peasantry could not give surplus, they simply were not and could not be in such extreme conditions. Thus, the sacrifice of the peasantry during the period of war was obvious. Residents of the Northern Caucasus for the first time under these conditions begin to use previously unacceptable food in food and as a way to implement the front plan for the necessary food types. In Adygea, for example, especially in rural areas had to make a sausage from the previously used horse.

A separate part of the problem under study is the topic of collaborationism during the Great Patriotic War. Its importance is already due to the fact that the scope of cooperation with the enemy during the war years was watered. According to Semiryagi M.I. In the period from 1942 to 1945 On the side of Germany, there were more than 1 million former soldiers of the Red Army, which exceeds the number of partisan detachments operating in the occupied territories. They not only served in the German or Vlasov army, but also in the Cossack troops, police, old buildings, as burgomystres, journalists, business students, etc. Those and forms of cooperation with the Germans were, of course, each of their own. These are resentment during the period of collectivization, and the oppression of their people, and the fear of punishment for entering captivity, and forced collaborationism. When analyzing the motives of collaborationism, confusion, and fear that swept the population as a result of the unexpected occupation of the region should be taken into account.

In the occupation of Kuban, both the general principles of the Nazi occupation policy and its features associated with the economic capabilities of the region, the period of occupation, the military-strategic situation of 1942-1943 were reflected. And some other factors.

The main tasks of the economic policy of the occupiers in the region were reduced to ensuring food and raw materials of the German army and industry. But at the same time, the restoration of industrial and agricultural production, monetary circulation and financial system, trade and transport was significantly imported. The decision of these issues answered the interests of the occupiers themselves, but it was difficult as the circumstances of an objective order associated with the general state of the region's economy and the inconsistency and inconsistency of the occupying administration. The specific actions of the occupation authorities received various estimates of the population, which was reflected in the development of ideas about the adversary. Their general trend was reduced to the formation of an enemy's image, but its specific content depended not only from official stereotypes, but also from real circumstances and the real behavior of certain people. The sense of hostility in many respects was under the influence of propaganda, but especially as a result of the policies exercised by the occupying administration. Such trends characterize the development of German ideas about the Soviet man.

Special measures of the occupying authorities to attract employees of various social strata and social orientation should be noted. This is not only a wide agitation of the population, but also the specific searches for the so-called "enemies of the people." Thus, among the collaborators, representatives of various social layers were among the same motives - from the previous leaders of party, Soviet, economic bodies and ordinary communists to criminal criminals convicted of murder, bribery, embarrassment. So, for example, the clerk of the Apsheron district police department became the clerk, the former head of the controversy of the leaning, previously convicted for 8 years for the murder.

Ideal motivations and fear of the occupiers - on the one hand, the threat of physical violence by partisans and growing discontent with the occupying policy - on the other hand, - influenced the relationship of collaborators to fulfill their official duties. Some of them "faithfully" served as new authorities. Sometimes even the actions of the elder and the police were distinguished by greater cruelty and violence against the population than the behavior of the soldiers of the occupying troops, which was reflected in the memoirs of eyewitnesses.

There were among collaborators and those who went to cooperate with the occupiers, performing the tasks of the underground authorities.

An analysis of this phenomenon shows that the motivation and forms of cooperation should be distinguished by large population groups with the enemy. Even on the recognition of the Germans themselves, "in most cases it was rather not about the political choice, but about the strategy of survival."

The effectiveness of Nazi propaganda, despite the careful development of its theoretical and practical instrumentaries by the heads of the Third Reich, did not comply with the postulated goals and objectives. Based on the subjective assessments of the enemy, false parcels in the content, violence and terror of the occupation authorities, she could not bring success, the more long-term.

The development of popular resistance to invaders on the example of Kuban can be traced in various forms: both partisan movement, and underground struggle and sabotage by the population of decisions of the occupation authorities. Kaki in other regions, all forms of resistance closely intertwined and complemented each other.

People's resistance at the captured territories of Kuban became one of the main factors destabilizing the occupation regime as a whole. It gave rise to a constant conflict between the occupiers and the population, provoked and strengthened the mutual rejection.

The war has become a difficult test for many Soviet citizens, but the inhabitants of the occupied regions had to be especially difficult. The complexity of the situation was not only in danger that their life and property was subjected during the occupation, or with their material difficulties. There was even more dangerous life of people on the front, and, probably, no less difficult - in the Soviet rear. This is, above all, about the particular psychological situation in which people were in the occupied territory. The front line clearly divided the world on their and strangers. For those who fought on the front or lived and worked in the rear, the enemy was ahead, but around or behind their own. On the occupied territory of the concept of their own - strangers changed places. And those who are not on their own will remain to live with strangers and survived, they still continued to experience distrust on their power to themselves.

The theme of the deviant behavior of the population Krasnodar region in the conditions of war remains still new in the study of the history of the Great Patriotic War. First of all, this is an actual problem of the ratio of socially important stratigrams in any society and at all times: "Property", "Man", "Law". In crisis conditions, in extreme situations, it acquires the most hypertrophied severity. So, during wars, when it happens, if not complete destruction, then a thorough violation of geopolitical, socio-economic, managerial structures, law enforcement protection and legality, the preservation of harmony between the above-mentioned social Stratigram becomes almost impossible.

In war, such features were fully manifested as collectivism, a partnership, mutual execution. Their roots are connected both with the traditions of community relations in the Russian village, and in this regard, they go into the depths of the centuries and the momentum of collectivity, which arose in Soviet times.

Thus, the physical, psychological, cultural aspects of overcoming the difficulties of the front life, the difficulties of the supply of the rear of the main set of the necessary goods, overcoming bureaucratic obstacles in the search for protection and assistance of the state workers were perceived in the period of the Great Patriotic War in no less acute than in peaceful years. The difference was that now, in the name of the liberation of the Motherland, the people were ready to endure all the burdens and work, without sorry forces.

  • 12. Completion of the process of centralizing Russian lands at the end of the XV-earlyXVIV.
  • 13. The main stages of the internal policy of Ivan Ivanznaya. Transformation and repression. Official value.
  • 14. The present policy of Russia during the reign of Ivan Ivrice.
  • 15. Russian culture XIV-XVIV.
  • 16. Russia during the period of troubled time at the turn of the XVI-XVIIIV.
  • 17. Development of Russia in the XIIV. After the top of the Romanov dynasty. New phenomena in the economy and political sphere.
  • 18. International movements in Russia in the XIIV. The peasant war under the leadership of Stepan Razin.
  • 19. Foreign policy of Russia in the XVII. Relations with Poland, Sweden, Crimea. Reunion of Ukraine with Russia.
  • 20. Culture of Russia in the XVIIV.
  • 21. Economic and military reforms in Russia during the reign of Peter I.
  • 22.reforms Peter I in the socio-political sphere and in the field of the state system of Russia
  • 23. Foreign policy of Russia in the first quarter of the XVIIIV.
  • 24.Reography in the field of culture and enjoyment in Russia in the first quarter of the XVIIIV.
  • 25. The era of palace coups in Russia (1725-1762)
  • 26. Policy of enlightened absolutism in Russia. Catherine II.
  • 27.Crestean war in Russia under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev.
  • 31. Political development of Russia in the first quarter of the XIX. Conservative and liberal trends.
  • 32. Patriotic War 1812. And the passage of the Russian Army 1813-1814. International status of Russia in the results of Napoleonic wars.
  • 33. Formation of the socio-political opposition in Russia in the first quarter of the XIX. Decembrist revolt
  • 34. Domestic and foreign policy of the Russian government in the second quarter of the XIX.
  • 35. The crisis of serfdom in Russia in the 30-50s. XIX. The beginning, features and consequences of an industrial coup.
  • 36. Social movements of Russia 30-50x GG XIX. Westerns and Slavophiles. The ideology of utopian socialism.
  • 37. Culture of Russia in the first half of the XIX.
  • 38. Crimean War 1853-1856. Causes, move and consequences.
  • 39. Economic, socio-political development of Russia at the turn of 50-60x. XIX. Peasant reform 1861, its content and value.
  • 40. Reforms of the 60s - early 70s. XIX. In Russia (Zemskaya, urban, judicial, military, etc.)
  • 41. Russian foreign policy of 1860 - 70s. Russian-Turkish War 1877-1878 The joining of Central Asia and the Amur region.
  • 42. Public and political movements in Russia in the 60s - 70s. XIX.
  • 43. Culture of Russia after the cancellation of serfdom (60 - 80g. XIX.)
  • 44. Alexander III counter-reviews.
  • 45. Features of Russia's development at the turn of the XIX-XXVV.
  • 46. \u200b\u200bRussian-Japanese War 1904-1905.
  • 47. Revolutionary events 1905-1907. In Russia: reasons, move, results.
  • 48. Political parties in Russia at the beginning of XXV. : Programs and tactics of struggle. Left Social Democrats (Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party)
  • Esers (Socialist Revolutionaries Part)
  • Anarchists
  • Malnaments ("Union of the Russian People", monarchists)
  • 50. Culture of Russia at the end of the XIX-beginningXXX.
  • 51. Russia's participation in Iimer War 1914-1918.
  • 52. February revolutionary events 1917.
  • 53. Russia in the period of dvoevsty (1917). Crisis of temporary government.
  • 54. The struggle for power in Russia in July-September 1917.
  • 55. October 1917 in Russia.
  • 56. The policy of Bolsheviks in late 1917 - early 1918.
  • 57. Civil War and Intervention (October 1917 - Autumn 1922.) Basic fronts. Alignment of the political forces of revolution and counter-revolution. Results.
  • 58. Military communism: ideology and practice.
  • 59. Soviet society in 1921-1927. New Economic Policy: Her importance, difficulties and contradictions.
  • 60. National-State Construction in the 1920s Education of the USSR
  • 61. The international situation of the Soviet country in the 20s of the XXV.
  • 62. Formation of totalitarian system in the USSR.
  • 63. The policy of collectivization of agriculture in the USSR: goals, methods and consequences.
  • 64. Infancy. USSR during the first five years.
  • 65. Strengthening the USSR foreign policy position in 1931-1939.
  • 66. Culture of Soviet Russia in the 20-30th. Xxv.
  • 67. The present policy of the Soviet government at the beginning of IImicar War (1939-1941)
  • 68. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Causes of the initial defeats of the Red Army. Transformation of the USSR into a single military camp.
  • 69. Moscow battle, its meaning. The failures of the Red Army in spring-summer 1942. The defensive stage of the Stalingrad battle.
  • 70. The root fracture during the Great Patriotic War.
  • 71. Foreign policy of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. Antihytler coalition.
  • 1. Formation of antihytler coalition
  • 2. The problem of "second front"
  • 3. What is the world after the war?
  • 72. The final stage of the Great Patriotic War.
  • 73. End of World War II. Military actions in the Far East. The role of the USSR in the defeat of imperialist Japan.
  • 74. Soviet rear during the war years. Partisan traffic.
  • 76. The socio-political and cultural life of the Soviet society in the post-war period. (1946-1953)
  • 77. Restoration and development of the national economy of the USSR in the first postwar years (mid 1940s - the beginning of the 1950s.)
  • 78. Post-war world. Start of the Cold War (1946-1953)
  • 79. Internal political development of the USSR (1953-1964). Definition policy. Successes and difficulties of socio-economic development.
  • 80. The present policy of the USSR in the period of thaw
  • 81. Foreign policy and the international status of the USSR in the late 1960s - early 1980s.
  • 82. Attempt to economic reforms in the USSR of the mid-60s. Xxv.
  • 83. Social and political development of the USSR and the internal policy of the Soviet leadership in 1964 - 1985.
  • 84. Features of the development of Soviet culture in 1950 - 1980. Achievements in science and technology.
  • 85. Perestroika policy in the USSR. Essence, goals, contradictions.
  • 86. International relations in 1985 - 1991. New political thinking and ending of the Cold War.
  • 87. The collapse of the USSR. The formation of sovereign independent states.
  • 88. Economic and political reforms in Russia in the 1990s.
  • 89. Russia at the beginning of the XXIV. Successes and contradictions of socio-economic and political development.
  • 2. Russia - West
  • 2.1. Political and military relations.
  • 2.2. Economic cooperation with foreign countries.
  • 3. Russia and neighboring countries
  • 4. Results
  • Soviet rear during the war

    Soviet rear during the war years. In the fight against German invaders, not only military connections were actively involved, but all the workers of the rear. They provided the front with everything necessary: \u200b\u200bweapons, military equipment, ammunition, fuel, as well as food, shoes, clothing, etc. Despite difficulties, Soviet people managed to create a powerful economic base that provided victory. In a short time, the USSR national economy was reoriented to the needs of the front.

    The occupation of the most important economic regions of the USSR put the national economy of the country in extremely complex conditions. On the captured territory, 40% of the country's population lived to the war, 33% of gross products were produced, 38% of grain were grown, contained about 60% of pigs and 38% of cattle.

    In order to urgently translate the national economy for military rails, a mandatory labor service was introduced in the country, military norms issuing to the population of industrial goods and food. Everywhere there was an emergency order of work for government agencies, industrial and trading organizations. Overtime work has become common practice.

    On June 30, 1941, the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and SCA of the USSR adopted a national economic plan for the III quarter of 1941, which provided for the most compressed deadlines to start mobilizing the country's material and labor resources to ensure the needs of the defense. The plan envisaged an urgent evacuation of the population, institutions, industrial enterprises and property from the districts, which threatened the German occupation.

    The efforts of the Soviet people, the Urals, Western Siberia and Central Asia were transformed into a powerful military-industrial base. Most of the evacuated plants and factories at the beginning of 1942 set up the production of defense products.

    Military destruction, the loss of a significant part of economic potential led to the fact that in the second half of 1941, a critical decline in production occurred in the USSR. The translation of the Soviet economy for martial law, ended only in mid-1942, had a positive effect on increasing the release and expanding the range of military products.

    Compared to 1940, the gross production of the industry in the Volga region rose 3.1 times, in Western Siberia - in 2.4, in Eastern Siberia - 1,4, in Central Asia and Kazakhstan - 1.2 times. In the public-union production of oil, coal, cast iron and became the share of the eastern regions of the USSR (including the Volga region) ranged from 50 to 100%.

    The growth of military production in reducing the number of workers and employees was achieved due to the intensification of labor, an increase in the duration of the working day, overtime and strengthen labor discipline. In February 1942, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued an order "On the mobilization of the able-bodied urban population to work at work and in construction for a period of wartime." Men was mobilized from 16 to 55 years and women from 16 to 45 years from among those not employed in public institutions and enterprises. The labor resources of the USSR were 23 million people in 1944, half of them were women. Despite this, in 1944, the Soviet Union produced 5.8 thousand tanks monthly, 13.5 thousand aircraft, while Germany 2.3 and 3 thousand respectively.

    The measures taken have found support and understanding of the population. In the conditions of War, the citizens of the country forgot about a dream and rest, many of them exceeded labor standards 10 or more times. Slogan: "Everything for the front, everything for victory over the enemy!" It became essentially nationwide. The desire to contribute to the victory over the enemy was manifested in various forms of labor competition. It has become an important moral incentive for the growth of labor productivity in the Soviet rear.

    Achievements of the Soviet economy during the Great Patriotic War would be impossible without the labor heroism of Soviet people. Working in incredibly difficult conditions, without sorry for their forces, health and time, they showed persistence and perseverance in performing tasks.

    Unprecedented scope acquired a socialist competition for the release of superplanted products. The feat can be called the heroic work of young people and women who have done everything necessary for victory over the enemy. In 1943, the movement of youth teams for improving the production, implementation and over-fulfillment of the plan was launched, for achieving high results with a smaller number of workers. Thanks to this, the production of military equipment, weapons and ammunition increased significantly. There was a continuous improvement of tanks, guns, aircraft.

    During the war, the aircraft designers A. S. Yakovlev, S. A. Lavochkin, A. I. Mikoyan, M. I. Gurevich, S. V. Ilyushin, V. M. Petlekov, A. N. Tupolev created new types of aircraft, superior German. New samples of tanks were developed. The best tank of the period of World War II - T-34 - was designed by M. I. Katkin.

    The workers of the Soviet rear felt themselves by the participants of the Great Battle for the independence of the Fatherland. For most workers and employees of the Life Law, prizes were: "Everything for the front, everything for victory over the enemy!", "Work not only for yourself, but for a friend who went to the front!", "In the work - like in battle!" . Due to the dedication of the working people of the Soviet rear in a short time, the country's economy was transferred to a martial law to ensure the Red Army to all necessary to achieve victory.

    Partisan traffic.

    The partisan movement in the rear of the fascist troops at the temporary occupied territory began literally from the first days of war. It was an integral part of the armed struggle of the Soviet people against the fascist invaders and was an important factor in achieving the victory over fascist Germany and its allies.

    Partisan traffic has had a high degree of organization. In accordance with the SCC directive of the USSR and the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the CBP (b) of the Central Headquarters of the Supreme Commander of the Supreme Commander of the Human Troops, "on the organization of the struggle in the rear of the German troops" Movement (CSTP) led by 1st secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus P.K. Ponarenko, and on the periphery - regional and republican headquarters of the partisan movement and their representation at the fronts (Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement, Leningradsky, Bryansk, etc.) .

    These documents were instructed to prepare the party underground, on the organization, acquisition and armament of partisan detachments, the tasks of the partisan movement were determined.

    Already in 1941, 18 underground committees acted in the occupied territories, over 260 chairs, towns and other organs, a large number of primary party organizations and groups in which 65.5 thousand communists were numbered.

    The struggle of the Soviet patriots was headed by 565 secretaries of the Commands, the towns and district schools, 204 Chairman of the regional, urban and district executive committees of workers' deputies, 104 Secretary of the Commander, Gormoms and Districtcomoms Komsomol, as well as hundreds of other managers. In the fall of 1943, 24 voltage was operating in the rear of the enemy, over 370 chairs, towns, district schools and other party organs. As a result of the organizational work of the WCP (b), the combat capability of the partisan detachments increased, the zones of their actions were expanded and the effectiveness of the struggle was increased in which the broad masses of the population were involved, close cooperation with the Soviet troops was established.

    By the end of 1941, over 2 thousand partisan detachments operated in the occupied territory, as part of which up to 90 thousand people fought. In total during the war in the rear of the enemy, there were more than 6,000 partisan detachments, in which he fought with over 1 million 150 thousand partisans.

    In 1941 - 1944 In the ranks of the Soviet partisans in the occupied territory of the USSR, the RSFSR (occupied areas) was fought - 250 thousand people. Lithuanian SSR -10 thousand people. Ukrainian SSR - 501750 people. Belarusian SSR - 373942 people. Latvian SSR - 12000 people. Estonian SSR - 2000 people. Moldavian SSR - 3500 people. Karelo - Finnish SSR - 5500 people.

    By the beginning of 1944 they were: workers - 30.1%, peasants - 40.5%, servants - 29.4%. 90.7% of the partisans were men, 9.3% - women. In many detachments, the Communists accounted for up to 20%, about 30% of all partisans were Komsomol members. Representatives of most nationalities of the USSR fought in the ranks of Soviet partisans.

    The partisans were destroyed, wounded and captured over a million fascists and their accomplices, destroyed more than 4 thousand tanks and armored vehicles, 65 thousand cars, 1100 aircraft, destroyed and damaged 1600 railway bridges, allowed over 20 thousand railway echelons.

    Partisan detachments or groups were organized not only in the occupied territory. Their formation on the non-occupied territory was combined with training personnel in special partisan schools. Past training and training of squads or remained in the planned areas before their occupation, or moved to the enemy's rear. In some cases, formations were created from military personnel. During the war, there was a throwing in the rear of the enemy organizing groups, on the basis of which partisan detachments were created and even compounds. Such groups have played a particularly important role in the Western regions of Ukraine and Belarus, in the Baltic States, where, in connection with the rapid promotion of the German fascist troops, many Commands and district schools did not have time to establish work on the deployment of the partisan movement. For the eastern districts of Ukraine and Belarus, for the Western regions of the RSFSR, a previous preparation for the partisan war was characterized. In the Leningrad, Kalininsky, Smolensk, Oryol, Moscow and Tula regions, in the Crimea, the base of formation became fighter battalions, which included about 25,500 fighters. Pre-created areas of the basing of partisan detachments and warehouses of material resources. The characteristic feature of the partisan movement in the Smolensk, Oryol regions and in Crimea was part of a significant number of soldiers of the Red Army, which were surrounded or fled from captivity, which significantly increased the combat capability of the partisan forces.

    The main tactical unit of the partisan movement was a detachment - at the beginning of the war there are usually several dozen people, later - up to 200 and more fighters. During the war, many detachments were combined into compounds (brigades) with a few hundred to several thousand people. In service, light weapons prevailed (automata, manual machine guns, rifles, carbines, grenades), but many detachments and connections have a mortar and machine guns, and some artillery. People who join the partisan formations took partisan oath. In the detachments, a solid military discipline was established.

    Depending on the specific conditions, small and large formations were organized, regional (local) and non-regional. Regional detachments and compounds were constantly based in one area and were responsible for the protection of its population and the fight against the occupiers in the area. Unregistered compounds and detachments carried out tasks in various districts, committing long raids, maneuvering, the leading bodies of the partisan movement focused on the main directions to apply powerful blows on the enemy rear.

    Forms of the organization of partisan forces and methods of their action were influenced by physical and geographical conditions. Extensive forests, swamps, mountains were the main areas of the Basery of the partisan forces. Here, the guerrilla edges and zones arose here, where various ways of struggle could be widely used, including open battles with punitive expeditions of the enemy. In the steppe areas, large compounds were successfully operating only during the partisan raids. Constantly small detachments and groups were usually avoided open clashes with the enemy and caused damage to him mainly by sabotage.

    In some areas of the Baltic, Moldova, the southern part of Western Ukraine, which only in 1939-40 were included in the USSR, the Nazis managed to distribute their influence on some segments of the population through the bourgeois nationalists. In these areas, small partisan detachments and underground organizations conducted mainly diversion-intelligence actions and political work.

    The general strategy, the leadership of the partisan movement carried out the BGK rate. Directly strategic leadership was carried out by the Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement (CCTP) at the rate created on May 30, 1942. He was subject to the promptly republican and regional headquarters of the partisan movement (ACPD), who were headed by the secretaries or members of the Central Committee of the Communities of the Republicans, the Embolchov and Commands of the WCP (b) (from 1943, the Ukrainian ACD was submitted directly by the VGK rate). The ADD was also obeyed by the military councils of the relevant fronts.

    In cases where several fronts operated on the territory of the republic or the region, with their military councils, representative offices or operational groups of republican and regional ACSPs were created, which, carrying out the guidance of partisans in the strip of this front, was subordinate to the corresponding ACSP and the Military Council of the Front.

    Strengthening the leadership of the partisan movement was under the line of improving the binding of partisans with a large land, improving the forms of operational and strategic leadership, improving the planning of combat activities. If in the summer of 1942, only about 30% of the partisan detachments took place in taking into account the ADF had radio communications with a large land, then in November 1943, nearly 94% of the detachments supported radio communication with the leadership authorities by partisan movement through the waters of the partisan brigades.

    A high role in the development of partisan struggle in the rear of the enemy was played by a meeting of the NGOs management workers, CSTP with representatives of the underground party bodies, commanders and commissars of large partisan formations of Ukraine, Belarus, the Oryol and Smolensk regions, conducted by CSPD on behalf of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) at the end of August early September 1942. The results of the meeting and the most important issues of the struggle in the rear of the enemy were formulated in the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR I.V. Stalin dated September 5, 1942 "On the tasks of the partisan movement".

    Much attention was paid to the uninterrupted supply of guerrillas with weapons, ammunition, minnage technique, medicines, evacuation by airplanes of serious and patients with large land. During its existence, the CCHP sent the headquarters of the partisan movement 59,960 rifles and carbines, 34,320 automata, 4210 hand-carrying machine guns, 2556 anti-tank guns, 2184 mortar calibers 50 mm and 82 mm, 539,570 hand-made anti-personnel and anti-tank grenades. In 1943, only by airplanes ADD and GVF were committed over 12 thousand airplanes in the rear of the enemy (half of them - with landing for partisan airfields and playgrounds).

    The expansion of the partisan movement contributed to the huge political work of partisans and underground workers among the population of the occupied areas. The population provided partisans with food, clothing and shoes, shelled them and warned about danger, sabotized all the enemy events. The breakdown of fascist plans for the use of human and material resources of the occupied areas is one of the most important merit of the partisans.

    Much attention in party-political work among partisans was given to upbirth and combat training. During the war years, the central and republican schools of the partisan movement prepared and sent about 30 thousand different specialists to the rear of the enemy, among them there were demolitions, organizers of the underground and partisan movement, radio officers, intelligence officers, etc. Thousands of specialists were preparing in the rear of the enemy at the "forest courses".

    Communications, especially railways, became the main object of fighting partisans, which has acquired strategic importance in its scope.

    For the first time in the history of wars, partisans held a number of major operations on the conclusion of enemy railway communications on a large area, which were closely related to time and objects with the actions of the Red Army and reduced the capacity of railways by 35-40%.

    In the winter of 1942-1943, when the Red Army threw the Hitler's troops on the Volga, the Caucasus, the Middle and Top Don, they hit their blows on the railways, along which the enemy threw the reserves to the front. In February 1943, in the plots of Bryansk - Karachev, Bryansk - Gomel was undermined by several railway bridges, including the bridge over the gum, according to which daily passed to the front from 25 to 40 echelons and the same trains back - with broken military units, appliances and crap property.

    In Belarus only from November 1, 1942 to April 1, 1943, 65 railway bridges were blown up. Ukrainian partisans undermined the railway bridge across the Tether's River on the site Kiev - Korosten and several bridges in other areas. Under blows, partisans were almost all the time such large railways as Smolensk were located. Orsha, Bryansk, Gomel, Sarna, Kovel, Shepetovka. Only from November 1942 to April 1943, at the height of counter-offering under Stalingrad and the overall offensive, they allowed about 1,500 enemy echelons under the slope.

    Strong strikes on opponent communications were applied during the summer-autumn campaign. It made it difficult to enemy rearrangement, the delivery of reserves and military equipment, which was a huge help of the Red Army.

    Grand in scale, in terms of the number of participating forces and the results achieved, the partisan operation was included in the history called the "Rail War". She planned the central headquarters of the partisan movement and was preparing for a long time and comprehensively. The main goal of the operation was to paralyze the carriage of the Nazis on railways at the simultaneous mass undermining of rails. The partisans of Leningrad, Kalininskaya were attracted to this operation. Smolensk, Oryol regions. Belarus and partly Ukraine.

    Operation "The Rail War" began on the night of August 3, 1943. Over the first night, over 42 thousand rails were undermined. Mass underdots continued throughout August and the first half of September. Already by the end of August, more than 171 thousand rails were derived, which is 1 thousand km of a single-rone railway track. By mid-September, the number of undervalued rails reached almost 215 thousand. "Only in one month the number of explosions increased thirty times," said the command of the Center forces of the Center for the Center for the Center for the Center for the Center for the Center.

    On September 19, a new such operation began, which received the conventional name "Concert". This time, the rail war covered other areas. It included partisans of Karelia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Crimea. There were even stronger strikes. So, in the operation "The Rail War" took part 170 partisan brigades, detachments and groups numbered about 100 thousand people, then in the operation "Concert" - already 193 brigades and a detachment of more than 120 thousand people.

    Punches on railways were combined with an attack on individual garrisons and enemy units, with ambushes on highways and dirt roads, as well as with a violation of river transportation of the Nazis. During 1943, about 11 thousand enemy trains were undermined, 6 thousand steam locomotives were severed and damaged, about 40 thousand cars and platforms were destroyed, more than 22 thousand cars were destroyed, about 5,500 bridges on highway and dirt roads were destroyed. and more than 900 railway bridges.

    Powerful guerrilla strikes behind the entire line of the Soviet-German front shocked the enemy. Soviet patriots not only caused the enemy a big damage, disorganized and paralyzed the railway movement, but also demoralized the occupying apparatus.

    The enemy was forced to distract the protection of railway communications, the length of which in the occupied territory of the USSR was 37 thousand kilometers, major forces. As the experience of war showed, 1 battalion is needed for organizing even weak railway protection, for strong security - 1 regiment, and sometimes, for example, in the summer of 1943 in the Leningrad region, the Nazis were forced due to the active actions of partisans to allocate to protect 2 regiments.

    An important role was played by the intelligence activities of partisans and underground workers who kept extensive territory under observation. Only from April to December 1943, they set the areas of concentration 165 divisions, 177 regiments and 135 separates. The opponent's battalions, while in 66 cases disclosed their organization, staff number, command formulation surnames. On the eve of the Belarusian operation of 1944, the partisans reported on the location of 33 headquarters, 30 airfields, 70 large warehouses, about the composition of 900 enemy garrisons and about 240 parts, on the direction of movement and the nature of transported cargo of 1642 enemy echelons, etc.

    During the defensive battles of 1941, the interaction of partisans with the troops of the Red Army was carried out mainly in the tactical and operational and tactical framework and was mainly expressed in conducting intelligence in the interests of Soviet troops and carry out minor sabotage in the enemy rear.

    During the winter onset of the Red Army, 1941-42. The interaction of the partisans with the troops expanded. The partisans were hit by communications, headquarters and warehouses, participated in the liberation of settlements, they guided Soviet aircraft to the enemy objects, contributed to the air assaults.

    In the summer campaign of 1942, the following tasks were solved in the interests of the defensive operations of the Red Army: the difficulty of regrouping of enemy troops, the destruction of the living force, the fighting equipment of the enemy and the breakdown of its supply, distraction for the protection of the rear, intelligence, guiding the Soviet aircraft for the purpose, the liberation of prisoners of war .

    The actions of the partisans were distracted by 24 enemy divisions, including 15-16 were constantly used on the protection of communications. In August 1942, 148 crashes of railway echelons were produced, in September - 152, in October - 210, in November - 238. However, in general, the interaction of the partisans with the Red Army was even episodic.

    Since the spring of 1943, plans were systematically developed by the operational use of partisan forces. During the winter offensive 1942-43, during the Kursk battle of 1943, the battles for the Dnieper and the operations to liberate the eastern regions of Belarus, partisans have intensified actions in the interests of the upcoming Soviet troops. The onset of the Red Army in 1944 was held in close cooperation with partisans, which actively participated in almost all strategic operations.

    The importance of tactical interaction increased, since the offensive of Soviet troops passed through areas where geographical conditions contributed to the creation of a durable defense (wooded-swampy terrain of the Leningrad and Kalinin regions, Belarus, Baltic States, Northwestern regions of Ukraine). It was here that large groupings of partisans operated, which significantly helped the troops to overcome the resistance of the enemy. With the beginning of the onset of the Red Army, they disappeared the enemy transfers of the troops, violated their organized waste and the management of them, etc. With the approach of the Soviet troops, the partisans applied strikes from the rear and contributed to the breakthrough of his defense, the reflection of his counterdovern, the surrounding of the German fascist groups. Partisans contributed to the Soviet troops in mastering settlements, provided open flanks of the upcoming troops. Partisans, facilitating the onset of the Red Army, in addition to the violation of the enemy communications, captured the crossings on the rivers, released individual settlements, road nodes and kept them before the advanced part approach. So, in Ukraine, during the offensive of the Soviet troops to the Dnieper, they captured 3 crossings through the gum, 10 - through the pripe and 12 through the Dnipro.

    The most striking example of such an effective interaction is the Belarusian operation of 1944, in which a powerful grouping of Belarusian partisans was essentially the fifth front, coordinating his operations with four upcoming fronts.

    In 1944, to assist fraternal peoples in the fight against the German fascist invaders, partisan detachments and compounds produced raids outside of Soviet territory. In the occupied territory of Poland, 7 compounds and 26 separates operated. Large detachments of the Soviet partisans, in Czechoslovakia - more than 40 units and detachments, of which, about 20 came here raids, the rest were formed on the basis of landed organizational groups.

    The struggle of Soviet people in the rear of the enemy was a bright manifestation of Soviet patriotism. The meaning of the partisan movement in the war was determined by the Soviet troops, which it had to achieve victory over the enemy.

    In this war, the concept of "partisan movement" as the spontaneous and independent actions of individual detachments and groups disappeared. The leadership of the partisan movement was centrally to strategic scale.

    Unified guidance of partisans in a sustainable connection between the ACSP and partisan formations, the interaction of the partisans with the Red Army in a tactical, operational and strategic scale, conducting partisan groups of large operations, the widespread use of modern minblowing equipment, systematic training of partisan personnel, the supply of partisans from the country's rear, The evacuation of patients and wounded from the enemy rear to the big land, the actions of the Soviet partisans outside the USSR - these and other features of the partisan movement in the Great Patriotic War have significantly enriched the theory and practice of the partisan struggle as one of the forms of the armed struggle.

    For the struggle against the Soviet population, providing the Nazis fierce resistance, the occupiers threw a total of 50 divisions, which amounted to 20% of all German troops who were on the Soviet-German front, despite the fact that until the summer of 1944 at all other fronts (against allies) Together, only 6% of the troops of the Hitler's Wehrmacht were located.

    The German General Guderian wrote that "the partisan war has become a real beach that strongly influences the moral spirit of front-line soldiers."

    The partisan movement and the Bolshevik underground in the enemy's rear were truly widely, patriotic character. They fully responded to the requirements of them were presented in the speech I.V. Stalin July 3, 1941: "In the captured areas, create unbearable conditions for the enemy and all of his accomplices, pursue and destroy them at every step, tearing all their events."

    Position on the fronts and in the rear

    Structurally conversation was built with the consideration of the internal problems of the United States, and then with the consideration of the position on the fronts.

    Inside the country there was a serious problem - the rise in food prices. Every month, it was 3 percent, threatening to acquire an uncontrollable character. This could follow the growth of salary and as a result - the turn of inflation.

    Causes are obvious. The translation of the economy to expand military production actually eliminated unemployment. Not only qualified specialists, but also women, and young people came to businesses. There was a resettlement of people from rural areas.

    The factories moved to round-the-clock work, including weekends and holidays. Naturally, the salary grew, and people tried to realize their income. Speculative trends in trade and industrial circles and among those who produced food and civil servant goods are preserved.

    There was a real threat to the emergence of the situation on the eve of the "New Course" in the thirties.

    The administration was forced to establish control over prices, wages and revenues. That is why the President submitted to Congress on September 7, 1942. The law on the stabilization of life. The question was put by an edge: if the congress does not accept the presidential request, he will take responsibility for himself and will act independently.

    The costs of war are great and therefore it is impossible to risk, weaken efforts to build the US military potential.

    At this time, 25 thousand combat aircraft were produced in the United States, 24 thousand tanks, more than 14 thousand anti-aircraft guns, 128 warships of various plan. And even more required.

    In war, by the end of 1942, there were trends for the better. Considering the situation on four fronts: the Russian front, in the Pacific region, the Mediterranean Sea and the Middle East, in Europe, the President stressed that it is impossible to leave without attention and help at least one of them. Speaking about the situation in the Russian front, Roosevelt said: "Despite the fact that Germany seized the important part of the territory of Russia, Hitler could not destroy the United Russian Army."

    This text is a familiarization fragment. From the book the path of the Russian officer Author Denikin Anton Ivanovich

    1914. On the fronts of the war began the First World War. The ratio of the armed forces of the parties was: after the end of mobilization and focusing the forces of the Entente, compared with the central powers, were 10 to 6. But we need to take into account the weakness of the Belgian army;

    From the book one hundred and forty conversations with Molotov Author Chuev Felix Ivanovich

    1915 year. At the fronts of the war, disagreement on the tops of the Russian command about the direction of the main strike continued. The rate remained with the former prudent decision - hold the Carpathian and the offensive on Berlin. Gene. Ivanov, with vigorous support for Brusylov and

    From the book of Memoirs Author

    1916. At the fronts of the war, the replenished, equipped to a certain degree weapon, cartridges and shells, the Russian army in 1916 attracted the preferential attention of the enemy and the one-hour its forces compared to Western fronts. Suspension was already the main theater

    From the book Karl Gustav Mannerheim. Memoirs Author Mannerheim Karl Gustav Emil

    On the fronts - when did you go to the front? - I went to Leningrad in the 41st. Secondly, I removed Konev. Then he traveled to rush Zhukov. This, in my opinion, in 42 or 43 ~ m. These were my trip.13.06.1974-1941, October. I went to the front to remove Konev. He did not come out. I had to

    From the book Joseph Stalin Author Rybas Svyatoslav Yurevich

    From the book a limited contingent Author Gromov Boris Vsevolodovich

    At the fronts of the First World War, she committed with reports about my journey through Asia and other formalities, in the fall of 1908 I went to the short-term vacation in Finland. After a biennial horse travel, the life of a civilized person brought me a sense of relief,

    From the book Krupskaya Author Kunetskaya Lyudmila Ivanovna

    In the Petrograd and South Fronts in March, Stalin participated in one most important thing - I Congress Comintern, who coincided with the revolution and the proclamation of the Soviet Republic in Hungary, headed by Lenin Kun's sent there. (Two weeks later was

    From the book of Zhdanov Author Volynets Alexey Nikolaevich

    At the fronts of the Civil War, Afghan political leaders are largely similar to each other. Most of them are children of wealthy parents and began their lives in the aristocratic medium in the comfort atmosphere. Many studied in the same colleges, universities,

    From the book Herman Gering - Marshal Reich by grottoes Henrich

    At the fronts of the cultural revolution, whatever the hope of Konstantininovna, whatever the question resolved, wherever they came, she always proceeded from the tasks of the party, the interests of which were for her above all. Party and state approach to any issue -

    From the book Unknown "MiG" [the pride of the Soviet aircraft] Author Yakubovich Nikolai Vasilyevich

    From the book as I beat Guderian Author Katukov Mikhail Efimovich

    The retreat on all fronts after Stalingrad is not one goering among the highest Nazi Bonz turned out to be a political "outsider". In December 1942, Martin Borman, with the aim of "facilitating the Führer", absorbed by the Stalingrad Epopea, "Maintaining public affairs", organized

    From the book V. V. Kuibyshev Author Berezov Pavel Ivanovich

    From the book, General Kravchenko Author Yakovlev Vasily Pavlovich

    From the book of the author

    Chapter 9. On two fronts in the smoky April morning, Kondtenko filed to the entrance of a small house where I had quartered, Emca. Despite the patch, she sparkled in the sun in a festive. It was felt that, preparing on the road, my chauffeur was carefully laundered and gave her black

    From the book of the author

    From the book of the author

    At the fronts of the Great Patriotic on June 20, 1941, Grigori Panteleevich successfully graduated from the Academy of the Academy of the Rkka and was enrolled by the student of the Academy. He found out early in the morning of the war in the morning of June 22, being in the country in Silver Boru. In the same day, P. Kravchenko was

    It will be the last story today, how helped one of the most important troops, the troops of the rear, and especially as women who did not sleep and performed heavy men's work! Recall the real heroes of the labor front!

    War extremely aggravated the situation with labor resources. Due to the loss of densely populated Western regions and mobilization in the Red Army, the number of employees has significantly decreased. If in the first half of 1941, 31.8 million workers and employees were employed, then in the second half of the year - 22.8 million, and in 1942 - 18.4 million people.

    War and Heavy Industry
    Teenagers, old people, women replaced into the army of men of the craft age. Only in the second half of 1941 almost 2 million housewives, schoolchildren and pensioners came to the factories. Academician-Metallurg Evgeny Oskarovich Paton recalled:

    "Never forget the women of those years. They came to the plant to the plant, performed the most severe male work, stood hours in queues and raised children, did not bend under the weight of grief, when the funeral was arriving on her husband, son or brother. These were the real heroines of the work front, decent admirations "

    Trying to maximize the workforce of defense industries, the state resorted to the mass mobilization of light industry workers, agriculture, a number of other industries, as well as students on the enterprises of the heavy industry. Workers of military factories and transport were considered mobilized. Self-altitude care from the enterprises was banned.

    Mass character acquired the movement "work not only for yourself, but also for a friend who went to the front." There were two shells who completed two norms for shifting. Dmitry Filippovich Uralvagonzavod, Dmitry Filippovich Bosy, became the founder of thousandth traffic. With the help of the devices invented, which allowed to simultaneously handle several parts on one machine, it fulfilled the norm by 1480% in February 1942.

    War and Village
    The war inflicted a huge damage to agriculture. In 1941-1942, about half of the sowing areas and livestock livestock, almost a third of the energy facilities were in the hands of the occupiers. Tractors, cars, horses were withdrawn for the needs of the front.

    Almost all men of draft age took into the army. In many villages and villages there are no men younger than 50-55 years old. In 1943, 71% of agricultural workers constituted women. Next to them worked old men and adolescents. Most mechanisters were designed to the army (after all, the tractor driver is a practically ready-made tank driver). Women mastered the tractor. Already in 1942, 150 thousand people took part in the female tractor team competition.

    The war demanded from the village workers of the greatest self-sacrifice. Mandatory minimum work has been increased to three hundred per year. Production of collective farms and state farms completely and practically donated to the state. Survived the collective farmers at the expense of household plots, although they were burdened with taxes and various mandatory fees. The incredible stress of the forces of the peasantry made it possible to provide an army of food, and the military industry - raw materials.

    War and Science
    A huge role in strengthening the defense relics of the country was played by the achievements of science. Based on the recommendations of scientists, production was significantly increased on many Metallurgical Binds of the Urals, as well as Siberia. The deposits of manganese ores in Kazakhstan, bauxites - in the South Urals, Copper and Wolframa - in Central Asia were opened. It helped to compensate for the loss of deposits in the western part of the country and ensure the smooth operation of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises. Extensive survey works made it possible to open new oil deposits in Bashkiria and Tataria.

    Much attention, scientists and engineers paid to the improvement of machine tools and mechanisms, the introduction of technological techniques to improve labor productivity, reduce marriage.

    Maternity merits of military medicine. Developed by Alexander Vasilyevich Vishnevsky methods of anesthetic and dressings with ointments were widely used in the treatment of wounds and burns. Thanks to the new blood transfusion methods, the mortality from blood loss has significantly decreased. The development of Zinaida Vissarionans of the Yermole Preparation based on Penicillin played an invaluable role. According to eyewitnesses, "the magic medicine in the eyes of amazed witnesses has canceled death sentences, returned to the life of hopeless wounded and patients."

    Life of Tyla
    The war has greatly worsened the living conditions of Soviet people. Even according to official (probably highly embellished), the consumption of meat in working families in 1942 decreased by 2.5 times compared with pre-war times, dairy products - by 40%. In the village, meat consumption has shrunk three, bread - by a third. Food has become much smaller fat, sugar, vegetables. Lacked croup. But there are twice as many potatoes.

    Food shortage caused its tough rationing. Everywhere, cards for bread, sugar and confectionery were introduced; More than one hundred large cities are also on meat, fish, fats, pasta and cereals.

    The collective farmers did not receive cards at all and remained outside the normized security system - without salt, without sugar, without bread - in fact, on one potato from his own garden.

    As in the first half of the 1930s, several categories of normalized supply were established. The first category treated the working defense industry, to the second - workers of other industries, to the third - employees, to the fourth - dependents and children. Engineering workers were equated with the working relevant enterprises. Workers were also equated with doctors, teachers, writers, cultural workers and arts.

    From the fall of 1943, 700 grams of bread were issued in the first category, by the second - 500 grams of employees received 400 grams, children and dependents - 300.

    To rejugate the cards, the queue to the store doors had to be held from the night. In the morning, defending a few hours, it was possible to get a cherished loaf and if lucky - a piece of oil, margarine or a biz. However, it was often that there were no products; Even the bread sometimes grabbed not at all. Cards were issued for a month and did not restore when the loss. Loss of cards, especially at the beginning of the month, meant hungry death.

    Product prices issued by cards have not changed throughout the war. However, a quick inflation occurred outside the normized supply system - especially since the state for coating military expenses increased the release of paper money.

    All warring countries, even the United States, resorted in 1941-1945 to the normalized supply of food and many of the essentials. But only in the USSR, formally proclaimed the equality of workers, the free sale of normalized products was not prohibited. This allowed people to have money or valuable things, acquire products on the market, where prices exceeded the pre-war on average 13 times.

    In 1944, state commercial stores were discovered in which the goods were sold in unlimited quantities, but cost 10-30 more than in the system of normalized supply. There was no Western country of such cynicism.

    War deprived millions of people. Refugees escaped were often forced to join the re-equipped public buildings or occupy corners in homes and apartments of locals. Most of the emerging evacuation with warmth remember the inhabitants of the Urals and Siberia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia - people of different nationalities that have fought in order to give shelter to unfamiliar families.

    Especially severe share fell out, whose homes were in the front-line strip. Where the front stopped for a long time, only furnaces sticking among the ruins remained most often, and people had to join the cellars and dugouts. The villages remaining without men, even after the war, could not immediately distort and heal the wounds.

    War has become a cruel test for the whole of our people. Soviet people in the rear, as well as on the front, withstood this test with honor. The striking resistance shown by the people in those heavier years allowed the country to survive war and defeat - despite the monstrous miscalculations made by the ruling regime.