Sorting station. How the sorting station is arranged

Introduction 3.

1. The concept of sorting stations. four

2. Appointment of sorting stations. five

3. Device of sorting stations. 7.

4. Organization of work of sorting stations. nine

Conclusion. eleven

References .. 12


Railways, developing, quickly formed an extensive chain of railways. It was required to send cars not only to nearby stations, but also to more distant, located in different directions. To do this, the sorting stations began to build up the main points of the network, the main purpose of which is the processing of car traffic, i.e. Disbanding and forming trains. To perform these works, the sorting station has special paths and maneuvering agents that make up the sorting kit (system), including, as a rule, reception parks, sorting, departure and sorting devices.

The history of the development of sorting stations can be divided into several of the most characteristic stages that are characterized by qualitative changes. The first stage lasted from the occurrence of sorting stations until the end of the last century, the second - until the end of World War II, the third continues at the present time. In each of the listed steps, especially in the latter, it is also possible to allocate periods of the most intensive development of sorting stations.

The history of the development of sorting work at the stations traces the path from fully manual operations and equestrian thrust of production complexes, where manual labor is almost entirely eliminated.

Thus, the purpose of this work is to consider the essence and aspects of the work of sorting stations.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Consider the concept of sorting stations;

Reveal the features of the appointment of sorting stations;

Consider the device of sorting stations;

Describe the organization of sorting stations.

1. The concept of sorting stations

To provide the necessary bandwidth and safety of the movement railway. Lines are divided by separate items on separate parts, called distillation. Separate points include: stations, connectors, overtaking items, travel posts, and with automotive traffic and passing traffic lights. Connectors serve to cross and overtaking trains on single lines, and overtook items - for overtaking trains on two-way lines.

The station is a separate item having a way development and a device that allows certain technical, cargo, commercial and passenger operations.

Sorting stations differ in the points of mass nucleation or repayment of the car, in the merge points or intersection of the lines in large transit nodes. They are intended for mass disabilities - disbanding trains. In addition, transit trains are processed; Passenger and cargo operations are performed in a small amount, they are usually taken out of special cargo and passenger stations if they are available in the node. At the sorting stations there are several signaling parks, petes, ptol, depot, STC, information centers (IC), etc.

Sorting are stations intended for mass Disbanding and forming freight trains. Here are recycled Transit and local carriages with converging directions form Trains running over long distances without processing on passing Stations. In addition, the sorting stations form precincts, Prefabricated and transfer trains and also perform transit operations Cargo trains, repair of wagons, equipment of locomotives, supply Water trains with liverity, sorting small shipments and containers.

Sorting stations are arranged in mass loading areas or Unloading cargo, at approaches to large industrial centers, in the nodal Points ZH.D., where there is a significant concentration of wagons. To perform sorting work at these stations build Sorting parks, slides, exhaust paths. For operations with trains Provide parks receiving trains entering processing, parks departing formed trains, as well as individual parks or paths for reception and sending transit freight trains. Reception parks sorting and departures together with a slide form sorting System.

The number of paths in sorting parks is set by the number of assignments and the size of the car traffic in accordance with the plan for the formation of trains. Number of ways in reception parks, departure and for transit trains determined depending on the size of the movement and the number of adjacent to Station directions.

At the sorting stations there are devices of locomotive and car farms, water supply, power supply, communications and SCS. Stations Tools with modern devices of automation and telemechanics.

2. Appointment of sorting stations

Sorting stations are intended for mass processing of cars, disbanding and forming trains, and primarily through (i.e., such that pass without processing, several technical stations are followed over long distances) for the formation of precinct, prefab, cross-cutting and transfer trains.

For this purpose, the following operations are performed at the sorting stations:

1. Preparation of arriving trains to disbandment;

2. Disbanding trains;

3. Accumulation of cars to form new appointments;

4. Formation of trains;

5. Preparation of formed trains to depart.

In addition, sorting stations can pass transit trains with which the following operations are performed:

1. Changing locomotive brigades;

2. Changing locomotives;

3. Technical and commercial inspection of the compositions;

4. Repair and equipment of locomotives, wagons;

5. Supply of water trains with animals, equipment of refrigerated sections;

6. Preparation of cars for loading, flushing cars;

7. Loading and unloading of wagons;

8. Maintenance of driveways.

Sorting stations are located in the areas of mass loading and unloading of goods, at the outputs from mining areas (Kuzbass Stations, Altai, Insk), at approaches to large industrial and administrative centers (Lublin - Sorting, Losinoostrovskaya), near large marine and river ports (Leningrad - Sorting), in railway nodes (Moscow, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk- sorting).

To perform sorting work at sorting stations, there are the following technical devices: receiving parks; Sorting slides with appropriate equipment; Sorting parks; Hoods for the end of formation formulations; Parks of departure.

In the complex, these devices form a sorting system or kit. To skip transit trains there are transit paths (sections) or transit parks. For repair and equipment of locomotives and wagons at sorting stations there are locomotive depot with locomotive maintenance points, carbon depots with PTO wagons. In addition, there are devices of PBX, lighting, energy and water supply.

3. Device of sorting stations

Sorting stations are classified depending on:

Types of sorting devices - hurry and tuberculos; The hurry stations are equipped with slides of large, medium or low power; Of the 150 floors, some have automated (Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Leningrad -Strem - Moscow, etc.), and most are mechanized sorting slides; More than 70 stations are equipped with the ACS of the Sorting Station; Bumplock stations have exhaust paths to disband compositions;

The number of sorting kits is one-sided and bilateral; At one-sided stations on the hill and the cars of both directions are processed and accumulated and accumulated; Bilateral has two sorting devices, each of which processes the wagons of a certain (even or odd) direction; These stations include Inska, Chelyabinsk - the main, Lublin and more.

The mutual location of the reception parks, sorting and departure - with a parallel location of all parks, consistent and combined;

The volume and nature of the work is the main (support) and district; The main stations are the stations processing over 3,000 cars per day, equipped with mechanized slides and forming through trains to destination to other major sorting stations; Stations that proceed from 1500 to 3,000 cars per day and forming, usually through trains on the nearest sorting stations are worn to the district about about.

Fig.1. Unilateral Sorting Station

Fig.2. Bilateral Sorting Station

One-sided sorting station with a consistent location of parks provides a streaming of fixed operations, the minimum time of time on maneuvers. The disadvantage of this scheme - the crossing of the route of even dissemination trains to the Park P and the departure of trains of its formation and transit from Parks O and TP2; Reception of even disassembly can cause roller breaks; Reproductions of even disassembly trains. At one-sided stations, two petes usually arrange - one in the reception park, the second - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe departure park and transit parks. Transit sections can be located in the area of \u200b\u200breception park, but this does not exclude the mutual use of paths. When placing transit parks near the park about the possibility of rearrangement of the formed compositions on the path of transit parks (in the event of an employment of Park O).

A two-sided sorting station with a consistent location of parks provides high throughput and processing ability, but requires large building costs and operating costs. Lack of such schemes - double recycling of the angular flow.

An important element in the device of the sorting station is a sorting slide. The sorting slide consists of three main elements: the sliding part is the inclined portion of the path, which has a rise before the top of the slide to facilitate the cutting of cars and stop them in case of termination of the dissolution (50 m); vertices slide; The decking part is a portion of the path between the vertex of the slide and the calculation point located at a distance of 50-100m from the column of the inlet neck of the sorting park. The difference between the vertices between the hill and the calculation point is called the slide height. This height should ensure the rolling of the car with bad leading qualities under adverse conditions to the calculated melancholy. Depending on the volume of processing of wagons and the number of sorting paths, the sorting slides of large, medium, low power are distinguished.

4. Organization of work of sorting stations

The organization of the work of the sorting station depends on the volume of processing volumes, the level of technical equipment and the track development scheme.

In PP processes of receiving trains, harvesting train locomotives and processing arriving trains, controls the chipboard. Arrows and signal control is carried out using the MTC system and its console - manipulator. For visual tracking, a special scoreboard is served. Chipboard communication - loud-speaking alerts, radio communication with shrouded locomotives. The processes of disbanding trains on the hill controls the DSMD and slide operators. The control of the movement of the compositions on the hill, their dissolution, boarding mounted locomotives with the help of a system of the GAK, radio communications with machinery of hurder locomotives, loud-speaking translating communication. DSMP manages the processes of the end of the formation of compositions in the joint venture, the work of maneuver locomotives on hoods, pulling up and placing wagons on the sorting paths. Management of arrows at the output neck of the joint venture is carried out with shroud columns in the neck. DSMPs coordinates its work with the DSMP and the GMP of the Departure Park. At the direction of the DSC, the sorting work is distributed between the slide and extracts (prefabricated and group trains).

Processes in TRP and software controls the chipboard, it prepares routes to the permutation of the compositions in software, the routes of the exit of shuttle locomotives on the exhaust, feeding train locomotives for the compositions, reception and departure of transit trains, shifts of locomotives of these trains. Communication - with maneuver and train locomotives, expressing loud-speaking, etc.

At bilateral stations, the central operational control point is located: at the sorting slide of each system; Or the management point of both systems is located between them, and the slide has only posts for managing processing processes - formation.

At one-sided stations - usually at the slide. If the control point is located at the slide, the IVTS, STTs, DSC, DSMPs, Gorki operators are placed in the post of the post. From the inlet neck, the alarm will forward the documents in the STTC along the pneumatic diameter.


As a result of the work done, the concept and aspects of the work of sorting stations were considered.

When considering this issue, the following tasks were resolved:

The concept of sorting stations is considered;

Disclosed features of the appointment of sorting stations;

The device of sorting stations is considered;

The organization of the work of sorting stations is described.

So, the nature of the work of the sorting station depends on the category of trains and cars with which certain operations are performed. The amount of arrivals and sent over the day of transit cars with processing and local, as well as cars in transit trains, passing a station with a change in locomotives or locomotive brigades, a permitting of a locomotive when the direction of the following is changed, is the wagon of the sorting station.

In 2003, on the network ZH.D. There were over 12 thousand stations, of which: 10 thousand intermediate, more than 600 precinct, 230 sorting, 75 passenger, more than 1,200 cargo. The length of the station tract is approximately half the operational length of the network railway. The car during its turnover is at various stations about 80% of the time (including about 34% on technical, 36% - at loading stations - unloading, 10% - for intermediate).

At the stations, contact with enterprises and settlements is carried out, numerous operations are performed related to the carriage of passengers and delivery of goods, cargoes are born and repaid.


1. Federal Law "Charter of Railway Transport" of January 10, 2003 N 18-FZ. - Reference system guarantor.

2. Golunov N.M. Economy of railway transport. - M.: Publishing House Mintrans, 2003.

3. Railway on the threshold of the new millennium / d. Editor V.V. Kuleshov. - Novosibirsk: Publishing House IEIIPP SB RAS, 2004.

4. Organization of the work of transport in Russia. Textbook for universities. / Ed. Kuleshova A.A. - M.: Infra-M, 2003.

5. Larina N.I., Ratkovskaya T.G. Railway transport of Russia: UMC. - Novosibirsk: Sibugs, 2001.

Golunov N.M. Economy of railway transport. - M.: Publishing House Mintrans, 2003. - s. 68.

Railway on the threshold of the new millennium / d. Editor V.V. Kuleshov. - Novosibirsk: Publishing House IEIPP SB RAS, 2004. - s. 101.

Organization of work of transport in Russia. Textbook for universities. / Ed. Kuleshova A.A. - M.: Infra-M, 2003. - with. 78.

Railway on the threshold of the new millennium / d. Editor V.V. Kuleshov. - Novosibirsk: Publishing House IEIPP SB RAS, 2004. - s. 107.

Larina N.I., Ratkovskaya T.G. Railway transport of Russia: UMC. - Novosibirsk: Sibugs, 2001. - with. 49.

In action from the value in the overall work of the railway networksorting stations are divided into:

o. maintenance (or reference) network value. The main (reference) stations are located in the nodes where the most important main lines are intersecting with powerful wagons and large local work, as well as in the mass loading and unloading of goods, if necessary, sort out car traffic. The main task of these stations is the formation of end-to-end trains of long-range appointments.

o. district The district sorting stations processes the wagons, nascent or redeemed in the nodes and on sites between these stations and related other sorting stations, and also form precinct, prefabricated and exported trains to the surrounding sites and in some cases -s-through trains (in a small number). District stations also include port sorting stations serving ports, and industrial sorting stations serving large industrial areas.

o. auxiliary (To help the main or district in separate nodes).

In action from the type of sorting devices distinguish stations:

o. hurry To disband and form formulations, furnaces are equipped with slides of elevated, large, medium or low power, the second - exhaust paths with the arrow necks on the slope or exhaust paths and the arrow necks on the site.

o. curler Curger stations are a transitional form from precursor to floors of sorting stations and differ from the last smaller number of sorting pathways and smaller processing sizes.

A group of reception parks, sorting and departure forms sorting system (sorting kit). In action from the number of sorting kitssorting stations are:

o. unilateral (single-component), in which the wagons of all adjoining directions are processed in the same system

o. bilateral (two-components), on which one parking system works in an odd, and the other in an even direction.
At bilateral stations, the slides may be in both systems (odd and even) or only in one.

Sorting stations are located in areas of mass loading and unloading of goods (at the outputs from mining pools, at approaches to large industrial centers, near large sea and river ports), as well as in railway nodes, where there is a significant correspondence of the wagons between converging lines and a large number is reorganized. trains.

The concentration of sorting work on powerful, well-technically equipped stations allows to reduce the cost of the development of sorting stations and their equipment, the most effectively use the means of integrated mechanization and automation, reduce the number of processing cars in the following paths, reduce downtime cars and operating costs.

Typical schemes of sorting stations

Instructions for the design of stations and assemblies on railways of the Russian Federation provides for the use of typical sorting stations schemes

FROM consistent The location of the main parks

FROM combined Location Parkov

Schemes of one-sided sorting stations differ in the mutual location of parks and the placement of devices of locomotive economy.
In all schemes, the direction of sorting is selected so that it coincides with the predominant direction, i.e., with the direction of the majority of the processed carriages.

FROM consistent The location of the reception parks, sorting and departure, combined for both directions (A - the hill of the average power, b is a high power hill)

With a limited length of the station site, it is allowed to apply the scheme with combined Location Parkov

T1, T2. - reception parks and departure of transit trains

O1, O2. - Parks sending trains of their formation

P1, p2. - Parks receiving trains of their incoming to disband

FROM - Sorting Park

Eu- Equipment devices

LH and Vh - locomotive and car farms

Combined schemes compared to schemes with consistent location of parks have the following limitations:

o It is difficult to rearrange the heavy mass makeup

o When permuting the formed compounds from the average exhaust path, work is interrupted on one of the extreme ways

o The output neck of the O1 Park is overloaded with many operations (permutation of compositions, subcontoomations, departure of trains) and can limit the bandwidth (a special load calculation is required); Routes of reception of even trains to the disassembly intersect with the routes of departure of even trains from Park 02 and with the routes of filing locomotives to these trains.

The main scheme of the two-sorted sorting station with the sequential location of parks in both systems.

Significant advantages This scheme is

o The flow of performing freight processing operations

o independence of the work of both systems

o Very high throughput and processing ability

Scheme I of a one-sided sorting station with a sorting slide of medium power.

Scheme II one-sided sorting station with a slide of high power

Combined scheme with a combined reception park for both directions.

Passenger stations

Sorted Istannce - Technical railway station, designed to disband and form various categories of trains in accordance with the formation plan from individual cars, perform transit transit transmission operations without processing, maintenance and commercial inspection of train compositions and eliminating the identified faults of cars, shifts of locomotives and locomotive brigades . Sorting stations are the main support points on the organization of cargo traffic on the railway networks. They are usually part of railway units that have passenger and cargo stations. In such cases, on the sorting station, freight and passenger operations are performed in a small amount. For landing and disembarking passengers to local and suburban trains, passenger stopping points are arranged on the main ways. Local loading and unloading operations are carried out mainly on the ways of material warehouses and individual paths of locomotive and car farms. But some small sorting stations can have passenger and cargo devices in approximately the volume as in the plot station.

Sorting stations are located in the mass loading and unloading areas, in the locations of highways, at approaches to large industrial centers, sea and river ports, in places of exit from mining pools. In most cases, the station simultaneously processes local and transit vehicles, except trains following long distances without reforming.

On the network of railways of the CIS countries, the sorting stations are uneven, due to the historically established accommodation of industrial centers and cities in different areas of the network, the nature, size and density of the car traffic between them.

In 1877, the construction of a "special fleet for sorting cargo cars and the preparation of commercial trains" was started at the eighth mile of the Nikolaev railway. Previously, this work was carried out at the station St. Petersburg-commercial, absolutely not adapted for this. At the end of 1879, the parks with the 48th ways built, as confirmed by the order of November 7. It was the first sorting station on Russian railways. It was originally built on both sides of the main stroke. With an increase in the volume of work, intra-depth bonds found it difficult, and in 1908, the main roads of the line, separated by the sorting station, were carried out for the parking system, built a platform that received the name of the station - sorting.

From the point of view of the ordinary passenger, in everyday life, the station is a place where the train stops, and that's it. And it is right. Why "score" their head unnecessary in everyday life of terminology. The word "station" itself has a very ancient origin, and has appeared long before the foundation of the first railways. According to V. Gal, the station is the place of stopping travelers; Place where they take and exchange mail horses. No matter how to remember the Pushkin "station caretaker." But, from the point of view of professional railway workers, the station is an object having a way development that allows us to perform operations on receiving, sending, crossing and overtaking trains, operations for receiving, cargo and passenger service, as well as maneuver work on the formation of trains. The station can occupy very significant in size. At the same time, within one station, there may be several stopping points - platforms to stop passenger trains.

It is this situation that can be observed on the station described. Porcelain, sorting platforms, Obukhovo - everyone is located within the St Petersburg Station - Sorting - Moscow. Station code in ESR (single network markup) - 030006.

The Sorting Station is the oldest sorting station of Russia. The station was repeatedly modernized, and is the classification of extracurricular. The sorting is the only station in St. Petersburg equipped with a mechanical slide (previously sorted slide was equipped with a stream of streams, now it does not work). The station is divided into parks with assigned rooms (from north to south). Even (Eastern Station): 6 Park (Maria) - Departure Park 4 Park - Grottoe Park and Park Forming Compositions Hill No. 4 with floors 2 Park (South Even) - Arrival Park Sale (Western Station): 1 Park - Park Arrival Hill number 3 with floors 3 Park - subgrothair park and park formation park 5 park (South odd) - Departure Park for through passage through sorting is laid and internative ways allowing you to skip train at a speed of up to 40 km / h, respectively - the third Commodity and fourth commodity. At the entrances in 1 and 2 parks are teletype posts to write off the wagons numbers. Also, earlier, before the reconstruction of the 2000s, the station had a reversal loop (guitar) from the south side. In early days, the slowdown of the wagons on the sorting was carried out by primitive brake waga, then the boarding school braking position, which existed quite a long time (until recently, it was still used on sorting in Volkhov). In 1960, AGS-GTSTS was established (automatic regulation of the speed of motion of the system of the system (hypotranscalignation) with an automatic position (moderators) for the first time in the USSR, and since 1972 it was added to it a dynamic model for the processing of documentation of computing equipment, which made it possible to automate all operations on Stations. Since 1948, the station was equipped with a mechanical mail. In the first pair, an electric suspended system was operated: containers with train documents were sent over the wires stretched through all the sorting with roller suspension. Several times this system was upgraded. And finally in the 1950s It was replaced by an underground pneumatic mail that works and now. Its length is currently about 12 km. In 1970s, Lengiprotrans developed a plan for the development of the Leningrad Railway Knot, which was planned to be sorted to eliminate and leave a small station in its place. Erecting a new station sustain Elk in the area Novolisino. But the project was not implemented.

If you have ever seen the work of the railway sorting station, then probably impressed with the scale of the process. If you have never seen anything terrible, see the material below, show and tell me how it all works.

Imagine the situation: A train is sent from Yekaterinburg towards Moscow, in one composition - wagons for Moscow, Peter, Kazan, Hannover and Naples. You can deliver them all in series in these cities, but then the delivery time will be long enough, and you can pick up the desired cars to trains next in the right direction.

The sorting node on the railway is necessary in order to distribute wagons from one composition in different directions. If you are expressed more academic, it is designed to disband and form various categories of trains in accordance with the transit and maintenance transaction plan.

There are several major sorting stations in the Moscow transport hool, but the main two: nut-zuyevo and bekasovoy-sorting. The latter, by the way, is the largest in Europe in both the number of ways of the sorting park and by the number of passed cars. On it and let's stay in more detail.

Bekasovo-Sorting is located on the Big Ring of the Moscow Railway, close to the main course of the Kiev Direction. The station is located in the settlement of Kiev Troitsky County of Moscow. There is an entire cargo traffic, which is part of Moscow and Moscow region in the Riga, Smolensk and Kiev destinations. The part that is intended to be in the city itself is sent by Bekasovo - Lublin-sorting routes (through the pillars), thus unloading small sorting stations of the Kiev and Smolensky radius in the capital.

But how does sorting happen? If we look at the station plan, we will see the incoming lines at the very beginning and several wide parts with a multitude of paths that each car consistently passes. It works as follows.

For starters, all the compositions come to the reception park. In this case, the reception park "A". Here the wagons are rewritten, in automatic or manual mode, each is written off the unique number and is added to the database, and the special sorting program processes the information obtained and is a sorting plan - the main document on the basis of which the further distribution of the composition will occur.

In addition, each car falls under technical and commercial control, when the state of the wagons, it turns out, the integrity of the cargo is checked.

Park "A" in Bekasovo is located in the north-western station, only 12 ways.

For this, the wagons come to the receiving and sending park "B". He is south of the park "A". The program independently distributes cars according to the compositions, and the only task of a person is to pop up in the right place the necessary car in time.

Magic starts further: wagons under the power of their own gravity are rolled into the very heart of any sorting station - a sorting slide. The very plot where the distribution of cars according to new compositions occurs. Here, the wagons accelerate to get to the composition, are inhibited using special installations, which, by the way, are also managed by automatic, and are adapted to the desired compositions. The speed is controlled by sensors, on the basis of which the brake pairs applied the desired force to brake the car.

In Bekasovo, the slide is east of the park "A". Wagons fall on a slide from the west of the park "A". On the hill of the 4th paths of Sviga, 3 Ways of dissolution and 3 braking positions.

This is the main task - the formation of new compositions is over, and the newly formed trains can go to the road.

By the way, all this can be seen with his own eyes, having done a little conditionally the path from the capital in the direction of Naro-Fominsk. And if you are in place, look at the site before the central post of management. There is a small open-air exposure: Maneurier diesel locomotive TGM23B, AUT1 Avtotris (motor self-propelled engine), cargo crane drone DGC, as well as an open platform, deadlock, arrival and semaphore. All this gives a visual idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is happening.

Schemes of one-sided sorting stations differ in the mutual location of parks and the placement of devices of locomotive economy. In all schemes, the direction of sorting is chosen so that it coincides with the predominant direction that is, with the direction of the majority of the processed carriages.

As the main two schemes with a sequential location of reception parks, sorting and departure, combined for both directions (A - high power hill, b.- Hill of high power) (Fig. 11.1).

The scheme I of a one-sided sorting station with a sorting slide of the average power is shown in Fig. 11.1, and with add-ons: In the input necks, the possibility of adjusting additional approaches is shown (from INand D)the location of the transit park is a predominant direction next to the reception park. Transit parks of both directions T 1 and T 2 are located next to the parks of the departure of 1 Io 2, and the paths of departure parks and transit in each direction are interchangeable. The preferential direction of the processed wagons in this scheme and the subsequent conditionally accepted odd (right to left).

Locomotive farm and car depot are located in parallel to the reception park (between it and the main ways of an increditative direction), and in some cases it can be located next to the sorting, with the appropriate justification - next to the departure fleet. To reduce the mileage of train locomotives, equipping devices are advisable to place next to the sorting park closer to the outlet mouth of the parks 0 2 and T 2. When the locomotive economy is located in parallel, the reception park will be more convenient to transition to a two-sorted sorting station, if this will allow the structure of the carriages.

Trains to recycle from B.take into the upper section of the reception park P 1.Locomotive goes into the equipment on the running path 11. To the composition of the arrived train after the necessary operations in the reception park (technical and commercial inspections) is supplied from a dead end 12 a hurry locomotive that comes out the composition on a slide to sort the removal on the paths of the sorting park.

The top (according to the drawing) path of the sorting park specializes for the wagons following in an odd direction, the bottom - in even. After dissolution, a number of compositions on the paths of the sorting park accumulate the compositions of trains (or groups) of certain appointments. In accordance with the plan for the formation of this station, trains are formed. Maneuvering locomotives in the formation work on exhaust paths at the outlet mouth of the sorting park. Single-line routes are formed from the slides in the process of disbanding the compositions.

The formed compositions of odd trains pull into a section 0 1 of the departure fleet, where they perform the necessary technical operations for departure, as in the plot station. Lokomotiv to the compositions of odd trains is submitted by running path 13 through a dead way 14. On the same running path, locomotives from odd transit trains are cleaned and submit them to these trains. For captions and trains of wagons to the composition or exchange of individual groups of cars used exhaust path 15.

Even trains on the main ways // - // B.(and when building an overpass junction on the way // in ) accepted on the section of the section P 2.park reception. Lokomotiv goes through the running path 16. Trains from Park Departure O 2 on b, g,as well as from the transit park T 2.depart on the way // but.The carriages of the increditative direction following the recycling are complementary mileage. When receiving trains from BUTto the Park Park Park // - // B.there is an intersection with the departure of trains to B.from parks about 2 and t 2. According to approximate calculations, such an intersection of routes can be allowed by the number of arriving trains 30-40, and those left 50-60. With a greater number of trains, as well as if by // the main path is missing not only freight, but also passenger trains, it is necessary to build an overpass interchange (path // in).Under the overpass, it is also advisable to lay the chassis of 17 days of locomotives, removed from P 1.

The circuit // one-sided sorting station with a slide of high power is shown in Fig. 11.1, b. At such a station, there are consistently located reception parks, sorting and departures, laid out the main paths, the loop connecting path for receiving trains of the unimportant direction entering into disbandment through the input neck of the reception park, and the overpass under the slide for passing train locomotives. Locomotive and wagon farms are accommodated next to the sorting park. The loop approach for receiving even trains to the pinnacle park through the inlet of the neck provides a complete flow of the underground park, facilitates the introduction of the full automation of its operation and the use of a parallel dissolution of the compositions, reduces the load of the output neck of the park and the delay of rolling stock.

In some cases, it is allowed to design a loop path for the departure of trains from the sending Park about in the direction opposite to the sorting (shown by the dashed line).

In all schemes. 11.1 is shown by the dotted line at the ends of the station of the Congress A and B to send corner transit trains. The portion of the main path / A shown by the dotted line in Fig. 11.1, it is necessary only when passenger trains pass through the comprehensive main paths. The schemes show the placement of cargo devices (sorting platforms of transit containers and a sorting platform) in the area of \u200b\u200bexhaust ways of formation and service and technical buildings within the entire station. At the central station of station management 1 there are rooms for duty at the station, duty on a hill, a maneuver dispatcher, STTS and the information center.