Interesting mystical facts in the world. Mysterious Facts That Scientists Can't Explain

Mankind has always been interested in whether there is life after death, but there is no definite answer to this question yet. Modern technology has allowed us to obtain genuine evidence of the existence of ghosts and other mystical creatures.

  • Photo from the home of the "Queen of England" was taken by a pensioner in 1966, Ralph Hardy. He photographed the spiral staircase, and when he developed the photograph, he saw the silhouette of a ghost. The photo was examined by experts, but no manipulations were revealed and the picture was recognized as authentic. Scientists could not explain the origin of the creature.

  • In 1959, Chinnery Mabel photographed her husband in a car near the British Cemetery. The family was returning from the funeral of Chinnery's mother. After developing the photo, it is clearly seen that someone is sitting in the back seat of the car. The woman recognized her mother in the ghost. Many experts closely studied the image and came to the conclusion that the picture is indeed genuine.

  • A toy store in California is haunted by the ghost of Joe, as people called him. During the show, it was possible to obtain an image in which there is an incomprehensible manifestation of a mystical spirit. The people who were in the store at that moment did not notice anything unusual.

  • In 1997, Denise photographed her grandmother, who passed away a few months later. The family noticed that grandfather Deniz, who died in 1983, is standing in the background.

  • One of the earliest photographs of a ghost was taken in 1936 at Raynham Hall. The authenticity of the famous photograph has been proven by experts and no manipulations have been made with it. At that time, there were no technologies that could apply effects to photos.

  • Mrs. Andrews took a photo of her daughter's headstone in 1946. The picture clearly shows the image of a child sitting on the grave. The woman claims that there were no children when she was filming.

  • Many people who have visited the hotel in Washington claim that the spirit of the princess lives in room 314. The hotel was built in 1902. Paranormal researchers have confirmed the presence of the spirit.

  • Photographer Neil was photographing landscapes near a farm in Hertfordshire, England. In one of the pictures taken, it is clearly seen that the ghost of a boy is hanging in the air near the farm. Residents claim to have seen him more than once. There is no logical explanation yet.

Sometimes the most incredible things happen on our planet. We are somehow used to fantastic and mystical stories, so we do not always believe in miracles. mysterious phenomena happen in reality. There is irrefutable evidence for this. What are the megalithic structures scattered all over the planet worth! Whatever theories put forward by scientists, they cannot explain their origin. There are other artifacts that also do not fit into existing theories and paradigms. Let's talk about them.

ice woman

This story can surpass in incredible improbability any other mysterious phenomena.

It was in Langby, Minnesota. It was a cold frosty day. The temperature dropped so low that it was scary to go outside. At such a time, Jean Hilliard, a nineteen-year-old girl, was discovered. She was completely frozen. The limbs did not bend, the skin froze. She was sent to the hospital. The doctors were amazed. The girl was an ice statue. The mystical phenomena demonstrated by the young organism were just beginning. Doctors were sure that the girl would die. And even if the situation developed in a positive direction, she was threatened with amputation of limbs, a long serious illness. However, after a couple of hours, Jean came to her senses, thawed out. She had no consequences of "freezing". Even the frostbite is gone.

Delhi: iron pillar

Mysterious phenomena can occur with the most ordinary, at first glance, materials. Well, who are you going to surprise with iron these days? And if you say that it was made more than one and a half thousand years ago?

Of course, however, in Delhi there is a structure that already adorns the city. It is made of pure iron. This is a seven meter high column. It is not subject to corrosion. Some experts believe that it could not be made on earth in those days. However, such an artifact exists. It must be indicated when describing the Photo, unfortunately, does not reflect all the incredible majesty and significance of this structure. By the way, studies have shown that the column is 98% iron. Ancient people were not able to obtain material of such purity. This is a complex technological process.

Carroll A. Deering

Mystical phenomena often occur in the ocean. The Flying Dutchmen have been talked about for centuries. Not all stories are true, of course. But there are also documented facts.

So, an interesting and mysterious fate befell the crew of the schooner with the name "Carroll A. Deering". She was discovered on the very last day of 1921. Since she gave the impression of a ship in distress, rescuers went to her. Their amazement, mixed with horror, is simply impossible to convey. There was not a single person on the schooner. But there were also no signs of disaster or catastrophe. Everything looked as if people disappeared suddenly, without having time to understand what had happened. They just evaporated. They took with them personal belongings and a ship's log, although they left cooked food in place. No explanation has been found for this fact.

Hutchison effect

A person creates some mysterious phenomena with his own hands, having no idea how it turns out.

So, John Hutchison was a great admirer of Nikola Tesla. He tried to reproduce his experiments. The results were as unpredictable as they were incredible. He received a fusion of metal with wood, small objects disappeared during the experiment. The most significant of the effects was levitation. The scientist was even more puzzled by the fact that he could not repeat the result, that is, some mystical, non-linear events occurred. NASA specialists tried to repeat the experiments, but to no avail.

viscous rain

There were even more incredible, mysterious phenomena on Earth. Among these, one can safely classify the unusual rain that fell on the heads of the inhabitants of Oakville (Washington). Instead of drops of water, they found jelly. The puzzles didn't end there. All the inhabitants of the town fell ill. They developed symptoms of a cold. Jelly guessed to explore. White bodies were found in it, which are part of human blood. How this could happen, scientists could not figure out. In addition, two types of bacteria were identified in the jelly, which did not explain the symptoms of the disease of the locals. This phenomenon has remained unexplained.

vanishing lake

The mysterious phenomena of nature sometimes look like a fiction of a science fiction writer. Neither mystics nor scientists can find an explanation for them. In 2007, a lake in Chile threw such a riddle. It was not a puddle with a loud name, but rather a large body of water. It was five miles long! However, it disappeared without a trace! Geologists had explored it two months before. No deviations were found. But there was no water. There were no earthquakes or other natural disasters, but the lake was gone. A more or less acceptable explanation for the event was given by ufologists. According to their version, the aliens pumped him out and took him to their "unknown distances".

Animals in stone

Some of the mysterious ones are millions of years old.

So, there are documented cases when frogs were found inside solid cobblestones. But this can still be explained. But the fact of finding a turtle immured in concrete, where it lived for at least one year, is difficult to substantiate. It happened in Texas in 1976. The animal was alive and well. There were no cracks or holes in the concrete. However, this structure was filled a year ago. How and why the turtle existed in the air chamber all this time is not clear.

Donnie Decker

The existence of a boy capable of generating water has been documented! His name was Donny. He could "make it rain" indoors. The first time it happened was when the boy was visiting. He went into a trance, as a result of which water began to pour from the ceiling, and the whole room was covered with fog. Another time this happened a few years later, when Donnie visited a restaurant. The miracle did not impress the owner, and he drove the teenager out. But these two episodes could be called fiction. However, there was also a third case. It happened in prison, where Donnie got for The rain poured directly from the ceiling of his cell. Neighbors began to complain. Donnie did not lose his head and once again demonstrated his abilities to the guards. Where he went after his release is unknown. They say that he worked as a cook.

There are many more amazing things happening in the world. There are people who claim to have seen aliens. Others may sense the future. Others see through walls. Schools have arisen and exist that are engaged in the development of superpowers in ordinary people. Probably, in order to “feel” this unknown, one must believe in it. Then it will become clear that miracles exist! They are real!

Belief in something is a very curious phenomenon! You can believe without any evidence, but you can not believe for the same reason.

Skeptics say: “If I didn’t see, didn’t hear, didn’t touch, then it doesn’t exist.” Optimists object: “If you haven’t touched it, it doesn’t mean that there is no subject of discussion in principle!” Mysticism is the opposite of faith. The fact is there, but there is no explanation. Once an explanation is found, mysticism becomes a science, or, in extreme cases, a religion. If there is no fact, we can only talk about blind faith or hypotheses that complement or refute each other. Obviously, in ancient times, mysticism for people was everything related to forces beyond their control - from the law of gravity to the mushroom rain on Thursday. In the 21st century, mysticism is more of a subject of speculation and a tasty topic for various media. What really exists, and what is a hoax or a newspaper duck, no one knows, except, perhaps, the creators of funny hoaxes. Let's take a look at the most popular of them.

1. Random coincidences

The facts of incredible coincidences are generally recognized. For example, there are people who constantly survive in disasters, or, conversely, those with whom the same negative event occurs in the same place. The law of synchrony (introduced by Jung) is nothing more than an attempt to understand the principles of human destinies and look behind the scenes of the universe. The art of divination, such as divination by tarot cards, refutes the theory of probability. Cards for mysterious reasons lay down in the most reliable way. Everyone who goes even a little deeper into the study of divination will sooner or later be shocked by the results. From the lexicon of fortunetellers, astrologers and even psychologists, the word "accident" has long disappeared. For a freely working mind, there is only one concept - an unknown regularity.

2. UFO

Thanks to Hollywood films, everyone believed in aliens. One of the popular versions of the origin of life is simple and elegant: we were all brought here from outer space. People yearn for a distant lost planet and want to go home, feeling out of place on Earth. Ufology is a science that studies everything that flies above us. The only caveat is that not everything flying has a reasonable origin. But skepticism among the majority of the population has noticeably diminished: someone strange and, of course, kind, probably lives next to us in parallel dimensions. And he's filming us. As for the endless loneliness in the Universe, there are billions of habitable planets only in observable galaxies. And life is too powerful a thing not to originate somewhere else.

3. Poltergeist

Ghosts, ghosts are the restless souls of people. The presence of a soul in a person was proved by the Hindus, who invented a "convenient religion." After death, some souls do not immediately leave the material world: they have more important tasks than to rest in the subtle plane before reincarnation. These souls can communicate with living people and give them various signs, or behave unethically and incorrectly. Another version of the origin of the poltergeist is the so-called psychokinesis. That is, a living person throws objects with the power of thought (or rather, with the power of the unconscious), makes terrible sounds, sets fire to the curtains on the windows. The next stage of psychokinesis is teleportation, or instantaneous movement of matter through holes in space. This, by the way, is the only possible way to implement the idea, because on the physical plane there is not enough energy to break an object into atoms and “assemble” it elsewhere. And even more so - the transfer of a living being with a soul inside. Adepts of esotericism prefer the first version with spirits, adepts of science - the second. One way or another, the correlation between energy and matter is unambiguous and proven by quantum physics.

4. Telepathy

Clairvoyance and divination can be called varieties of telepathy if we ask the Higher Forces: “What is this or that person thinking about?”. It is impossible to know a person's thoughts by material means: a thought is an object of the mental field. Focuses are also excluded. The fact that with the help of thought it is possible to control physical reality has already been proven. The next step - "capturing" thoughts with the help of computer chips and projecting the picture onto the screen - is a matter of tomorrow. So telepathy is not mysticism at all, and not even magic.

5. Time Machine

Despite the logical contradictions that prevent intelligent people from jumping beyond the fourth dimension, a time machine can be invented. Nature itself will impose restrictions on its work that will not allow something that cannot be to happen. For now, time travel is the only fantasy left. They are possible, but for now they will remain only virtual - under the influence of regressive techniques of hypnosis, a person can see the past, and with the help of any predictions - the future.

6. Love

This is the most unknown of all human miracles! Although research on love and relationships between the sexes is more than anything else. Biologists have long taken love apart, psychologists are well aware of what happens when there is not enough love, and spoiled children suffer from an excess of care and warmth. However, there are still in the world adherents of fierce egoism who deny love, and misanthropes who paint depressive pictures. Agatha Christie said a long time ago: "He who has never truly loved has never truly lived." So, if it brought us all from outer space, then only on the wings of love. Without her, there would be nothing in this world, not even reincarnation. Everything that science does not know today, it will definitely find out the day after tomorrow. And for those who still doubt - remember that matter is 99.99% empty, and our senses work in a very limited spectrum. And, before feeling, think: what are you feeling and, most importantly, with what?

This list includes the most famous "mysteries of the century", from stones sliding through the desert to incomprehensible underwater sounds that people still managed to solve.

Richard III's grave found

The remains of Richard III, the last English king to die in battle, have been discovered under a car park in the British city of Leicester. It was one of the most striking archaeological finds of recent decades.

Source of the Nile

This may seem too obvious, but even a response like "Lake Victoria" was not that easy to get. It took the most modern technology to get the final clue, because the true location of the source of the Nile for a long time remained a mystery.

Why is the temperature of the "solar atmosphere" higher than the temperature of the surface of the Sun

The answer sounds too scientific, however, one way or another, the mystery was solved in 2009 thanks to a study by a group of European scientists. They managed to find an explanation for the fact that the temperature of the solar "atmosphere" reaches several million degrees Celsius, while the surface of the sun is much "colder" - only 5 thousand degrees Celsius. The answer is that it is the magnetic field that is the source of energy that causes solar flares and coronal plasma ejections.

Finding the flooded

The discovery in 1985, more than 70 years after the disaster, of a sunken ship was completely accidental and can only be explained by the greatest luck of the researchers.

Loch Ness monster

After decades of countless controversy and speculation, the photographer behind the world-famous original image of the Loch Ness Monster recently admitted that it was a hoax.


For centuries, mankind considered Troy a mythical city and the Trojan War mostly a legend. This was before the discovery by the self-taught German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann of the remains of the ancient city, also called Ilion

"Magic" circles in the Namib Desert

For a long time, people have associated this phenomenon with anything from radioactive radiation to space alien camps. Only relatively recent studies have led to the final conclusion that the "culprits" of such a long intrigue are ... termites! (However, there are other explanations that we wrote about earlier)

The fate of Martin Bormann

One of the top leaders of the Nazi Reich was not located after World War II, despite intensive searches around the world. According to the most famous version, he managed to escape retribution and hide somewhere in South America, which there were numerous testimonies that were exaggerated in the press for many years. However, in 1999 his corpse was found in an unmarked grave near the bunker where Hitler committed suicide.

"Fish flatulence" instead of Russian submarines

In the 1980s, Swedish sailors discovered underwater sounds of unknown origin. Many experts attributed them to Russian submarines threatening the free world. The answer caused an explosion of ... laughter - the source of mystical underwater sounds turned out to be the release of digestive gases from clusters of fish. The Swedes were subsequently awarded the so-called. Shnobel Prize.

Tomb of Tutankhamun

With this most "popular" ancient Egyptian pharaoh, a story reminiscent of the "Trojan" was associated. Until the discovery in 1922 in the Valley of the Kings of the completely untouched tomb of Tutankhamen, it was the subject of countless legends and hoaxes.

Eternal Roar

When researchers from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration discovered a low-frequency sound of unknown origin in the South Pacific in the summer of 1997, at first its origin was attributed to some mysterious, incredibly large and loud animal. Later, however, most scientists agreed that this roar (The Bloop) was caused by the movement of ice masses.

Why do corals pulsate

The pulsation of coral colonies remained an unassailable mystery and the subject of much conjecture for several decades of the last century. This movement could not be explained by any pressing need. In the end, scientists were able to establish that in this way the corals maintain a low oxygen content in the surrounding waters and thereby attract a certain type of migratory algae, which forms the basis of their diet.

In what direction is the Earth's core spinning?

For a very long time, scientists could not understand how the solid inner core of our planet rotates in one direction, while the liquid outer core rotates in the other. Researchers from the University of the British city of Leeds have finally found the answer: the reason lies in the "equally opposite" interaction of near-Earth magnetic fields.

Do women blush in the dark

This question may sound stupid to you, but even Charles Darwin tried to get an answer to it. After all, if you think sensibly, in the dark it is impossible to see if she blushed, and if you turn on the light, then what happens next will no longer take place in the dark, regardless of the result. Fortunately, German researchers have thought of using special cameras that react to thermal radiation to put an end to painful doubts. Yes, women blush in the dark, how!

Antikythera mechanism

The fact that this ancient Greek “computer” was probably used for navigation purposes was known for a very long time (since the device was discovered among the wreckage of a ship). But the fact that a device of a comparable level of complexity was next built by people only a thousand years later is true hard to explain.

Causes of stomach ulcers

For many years, the pharmaceutical industry has made very good money selling anti-stress drugs to treat stomach ulcers. This continued until Australian scientists discovered that ulcers are often caused by a bacterial factor and are very easily cured.

The nature of absolutely black bodies is inexplicable within the framework of classical physics

Classical physics states that an ideal black body in a state of thermal equilibrium will radiate an infinite amount of energy. This is inconsistent with what is actually happening in the real world. To explain this phenomenon, the laws of quantum mechanics were required.

sliding stones

If you don't know, there are rocks in different deserts around the world that "slide", that is, move on their own. After several experiments, this effect was explained as follows: the movement of the stones, in all likelihood, is caused by the wind and the presence of ice on the desert surface.

Many believe that humanity is suffering from a strange species amnesia. We have certain facts about our past, stating how long our species has existed, when we got out of the caves, found speech, created the first tools, and when the species with which we shared this planet died out. And we accept these facts as an indisputable truth, despite the fact that some of them began as stories, which later found confirmation.

However, until now, various native tribes have beliefs that run counter to official science. And although scientists claim that these legends are only artistic works of folk craftsmen, every day we see how various myths are embodied in reality. For example, what about stories about " big polar bear"living in the highlands of China?" Fiction", - people said, until one French missionary brought his skin. Bam! - the mystical animal has become a familiar giant panda. Then scientists say that they have records that state with absolute certainty which species have become extinct, and - bam! - in 1938 they catch coelacanth in the ocean, which, according to them, disappeared from the face of the Earth as much as 66 million years ago.

15. Indian Civilization

At first, the existence of an unknown ancient civilization on the territory of modern Pakistan was not taken seriously - rumors and rumors. And then in 1842, some archaeologist reported that he had found some ruins. This discovery was ignored until 1856, when the remains of a hitherto unseen civilization were unearthed during the laying of the railroad. Now, after numerous archaeological expeditions, we have learned quite a lot about the Indus civilization. The artifacts found speak of the high level of development of the one who lived here in 3300 BC. society.

The main difficulty faced by scientists is the impossibility of deciphering their language. Although the Harrapese writings are incomplete, scholars are unanimous in their opinion that the Harrapans had a language, and based on the available evidence, it was written. However, this is a moot point, because it would mean that the Hindus mastered writing before anyone else who lived in this area. Also, some artifacts hint at the possible use of printing, and if this is confirmed, then the Indian civilization will be ahead of the Chinese in terms of development by 1500 years.

14. History of the Olmecs

The enigmatic Olmec people are said to have lived somewhere in what is now Mexico in 1100 BC, making them the oldest Central American civilization. Until the early 1990s, little was known about them, until a group of local residents from the city of Veracruz unearthed a well-preserved stone slab, streaked with ancient writing - far older than anything found before. It became the greatest archaeological find. Scientists have studied the inscriptions on the stone and made some amazing discoveries. Firstly, the artifact belonged to the mysterious Olmec civilization. Further, the experts concluded that the text was so well structured that it had all the hallmarks of meaningful sentences, error corrections, and even lines of poetry. Moreover, the nature of the markings suggests that this tile is a private " copy" of the specified text. If this is true, then there must be more various " documentation", records, trade routes or even ancient literature waiting for their Columbus!

The only negative is the inability to decipher the Olmec language. It is unlike any previously discovered American writing system. Without a document, like the Rosetta stone from Egypt, it is almost impossible to understand this ancient people. For researchers, this task is similar to the study of the Indus civilization, only worse. And although the found tablet is so far the first and only document on the North American continent, experts are sure that the Olmecs could write complex stories, detailed reports, and even a religious calendar with a detailed description of traditions. We have yet to find out what happened to this civilization after 300 BC, and this may well be one of the greatest historical discoveries of the near future. It is worth noting that the Olmecs are included in the rating of 10 mystically disappeared civilizations.

Probably, almost everyone has heard the legend of King Arthur - a knight who pulled a sword from a stone that no one else could lift. Some desperate romantics believe that Arthur is a real person, and, based on knowledge, we cannot completely deny this. It is known for certain that in life there really is a sword in the stone - maybe he became a source of inspiration for the legend?

The real sword was found in the Monte Siepi Chapel in the Abbey of San Galgaro, located in Tuscany, Italy. The story goes that Saint Galgano Guidotti began his life as an evil and cruel knight. In 1180, he met the Archangel Michael, who told Guidotti to give up his sinful life and follow the path of God. At first he refused, but then he drove through Monte Siepi - then still just a rocky hill. He was called by a voice from heaven, who said that now is the time to change. The knight replied that it was the same as " cut the rock with a sword".

And to show the impossibility of the request, he plunged his sword into the stone. And instead of breaking, the blade went into the cobblestone. Not believing what had happened, he fell to his knees and began to pray at this very stone as at the altar in the future. About a year later, Galgano died and was canonized in 1185 by Pope Lucius III. The church was built around that very sword in stone. True, now it is closed with a strong plastic case so that no one would think of becoming the king of England.

One of the most controversial artifacts is the Sealand skull. It was found in 2007 in Elstukke, Denmark, while replacing pipes. At first, no one paid much attention to him, but later, in 2010, he was studied at the Veterinary College of Denmark and ... The researchers could not establish whose he was, since he did not fit any species known to science. This skull has raised many questions that scientists cannot answer, but some of them are trying to get full information about the artifact. Paleontologists believe that this is the skull of some kind of mammal, possibly a horse, however, a closer study showed that the owner of the skull does not fit the Linnean taxonomy. A radiocarbon scan conducted in Copenhagen at the Niels Bohr University showed that an unknown specimen lived somewhere in the years 1200-1280 BC.

Further excavations at the site of the find, unfortunately, did not yield anything interesting. It's a pity, because the skull is quite an interesting type: Compared to the human skull, it has many noticeable differences. For example, the eye sockets of the Sealand specimen are much larger, deeper, and rounder, and go more to the sides. In humans, the eyes are set in the center. His nostrils, like his chin, are narrow, but in general the skull is larger than the average human. The surface of the skull is smooth, which scientists see as an adaptation for survival in cold temperatures. Based on the size of the eyeballs, scientists believe that the Sealand specimen was nocturnal. But what is this creature? Alien? Or some previously unknown subspecies of people? We must hope for the results of future research.

11. German submarine UB-85 was sunk by a sea monster

During the First World War, there was a story about a German submarine, which, according to legend, was attacked by a sea monster, because of which it could no longer go into the depths. We are talking about the submarine UB-85 and its commander Günther Krech. In April 1918, a British patrol ship approached a submarine that was on the surface. The Germans immediately surrendered. The ship's captain, Günther Krech, was interrogated and told about this strange incident.

At night, the submarine surfaced to recharge the batteries. And suddenly she was attacked by a strange creature, which, according to the assurances of Krekh, had a small head and fangs shining in the moonlight. A huge monster tried to tilt the ship, but the crew managed to scare it off with rifle and machine gun fire and prevent more damage. Actually, that is why the Germans could not go deep and escape from the patrol vessel. As a result, various reports stated that the submarine either sank or was destroyed by a British patrol.

The submarine and its history have become part of sea tales. It was believed that such a ship did not exist, until in October of this year, a Scottish cable-layer found something similar to the legendary UB-85 in the North Sea while laying a power cable. Acoustics showed that the ship was not seriously damaged. It is planned to conduct further research and find out what happened to the submarine. Maybe she was really attacked by a sea monster?

Another controversial artifact is the Manx penny. This coin was found on August 18, 1957 in an archaeological quarry while exploring the culture of the American Indians near Brooklyn, Maine. As many as 30,000 magnificent artefacts have been unearthed, but one that does not belong to Indian culture, the Manx penny, is especially noteworthy. Some researchers consider it a fake, others - proof that in pre-Columbian times, Europeans came to this continent.

Scientists argue about the origin of this coin. It is definitely not made by the American Indians, and some even believed that it was brought in the 12th century from England. Later studies claim that the artifact is of Scandinavian origin and was made in the 11th century. The University of Oslo confirmed that similar coins were in circulation in Norway in 1060-1080 BC. Now the Manx penny has settled in the National Museum of Maine, whose authorities remain silent and officially cannot confirm either the origin or even the authenticity of the artifact. This unusual find will torture the minds of scientists for a long time - how many of them are there and how did they get here?

Historians claim that the first human civilizations started building villages, farming and building temples only in 8000 BC, but is it really so? This amazing discovery challenges the established views on anthropogenesis. The discovery took place in 1994 in the countryside of Göbekli Tepe in Turkey. At the top of the mountain range rises more than 200 large stone pillars up to 18 meters high and weighing about 20 tons each. They are arranged in a series of twelve rings with images of various animals. The find is dated 12000 BC. Yes, this Turkish altar is thousands of years older than Stonehenge! It may even be the oldest place of worship in the world.

Various evidence indicates that the site was built by ancient nomadic hunters and gatherers who had not yet mastered agriculture. Modern science believes that at this level of development, people still knew nothing about complex symbol systems, social hierarchy and division of labor - the necessary prerequisites for the construction of this gigantic temple of 89,000 m2. Theoretically, religion should have arisen after people moved from hunting and gathering to agriculture and animal husbandry, but this find may argue otherwise.

Thus, the question arises - maybe the need for construction was the reason why people settled down, began to build communities and began to look for a permanent source of food, which invented agriculture? If so, how did the ancient nomads do it? How did they manage to do this thousands of years before anyone else? And finally, who are these people and where did they go? Archaeologists have yet to give an answer.

8. Did humans live side by side with dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago, millions of years before humans first appeared. And in this case, it is very strange that scientists find artifacts with amazingly accurate images of dinosaurs, as if painted from life. Example? Built in the XII century, the temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. A detailed image of a stegosaurus is engraved on one of the walls, despite the fact that the first recorded find of fossil remains of these reptiles was found only at the beginning of the 19th century. And how did the artists of antiquity manage to depict extinct lizards so reliably?

Another example that baffles archaeologists is the stones from the city of Ica. According to the documents, they were found in Peru, in a cave near the above-mentioned town. Peruvian archaeologist Professor Javier Cabrera received these mysterious artifacts in 1961 as a gift. Examining the stone more closely, he discovered an image of an ancient fish that became extinct millions of years ago, according to official sources. The discovery impressed the professor so much that he decided to find out more about it. The drawing was made on a piece of andesite - a dark gray/black volcanic rock, very strong and hard to work, especially with primitive tools of antiquity.

Fossils found in the same area confirm that the extracted artifacts are millions of years old. Professor Karbera collected several hundred stones from caves in Ica and found images of living brachiosaurs, tyrannosaurs and triceratops on some of them, and on another - a predatory dinosaur devouring an ancient native. Radiocarbon scanning is not the most accurate method, because sometimes dinosaur fossils are too old to extract at least some information from them ... So maybe people really caught ancient dinosaurs, as these artifacts say?

Many different publications were ringing about the Crimean pyramids found in 1999 by Vitaly Gokh, who retired from the Soviet Army thirty years ago. Having retired to the reserve, he began research activities that led him to the Crimean peninsula, where an amazing find took place. Gokh suggested that if there are flooded villages in the Black Sea, then there must be other ancient buildings. But the region is just a storehouse of archaeological treasures of various cultures - ancient Greek, Roman, Ottoman and others.

Being an engineer by profession, he knew how to use magnetic resonance instruments and decided to test his hypothesis. And she confirmed. Goh found an area of ​​seven limestone pyramids along the southern coast of the peninsula. The largest of them is 45 meters high with a base length of 72 meters and had a truncated top, like the Mayan pyramids. And all seven buildings form a straight line running from the northwest to the southeast. Goh claims that as many as 39 pyramids can be under water.

In his opinion, these are the most ancient structures on Earth, built in the era of dinosaurs. However, before rewriting history, many more excavations and studies of various documents will have to be done - most scientists believe that Goch's hypothesis has nothing to do with reality, and his find may be much younger. Fortunately, the Russian researcher is already seeking funding to further develop the found pyramids.

Well... Strictly speaking, the Salzburg Cube is not a cube at all, which is why it is sometimes called the Wolfsegg Iron Nugget. This interesting artifact was found in 1885 near Wolfsegg am Hausruck, in Austria. It is said that this interesting egg-shaped object was found by a miner while mining coal for a steel shop. The find was covered with potholes and a deep groove surrounding it, had sharp edges and weighed about 800 grams with dimensions of 6.6 x 6.6 x 4.7 cm. Chemical analysis showed that " egg"consists of alloyed steel with the addition of nickel and carbon, and the absence of sulfur showed that it was not pyrite. By all indications, it was a man-made product, machined from a single piece of iron. And everything would be fine, but the artifact was found in coal deposits aged 20 -60 million years That's the problem!

And how could such a fancifully decorated piece of iron have appeared millions of years before the official appearance of people? Scientists have been wrestling with this riddle for more than a hundred years. Some scientists believe that the artifact is a fake, others - that it is a gift from guests from outer space, others claim that it is a meteorite. For many years, the Salzburg Cube passed from one research center to another, but now this mysterious object is located in Austria, in the Regional Museum of the city of Vöcklabruck.

5. Who is this "terrible Bigfoot"?

"Terrible Bigfoot", or Yeti, is the colder brother of Bigfoot. He is also the most unsolvable cryptozoological mystery. A lot of witnesses, traces of large feet and blurry videos made people think that something is happening in the Himalayas. And it seems that one of the British geneticists even knows The name of the researcher is Dr. Brian Sykes, and he is a professor of genetics at the University of Oxford, who completed the deciphering of DNA samples believed to belong to the Yeti in 2013. In particular, one of the hairs was found in the western Himalayan region called Ladakh, and the other - from the state of Bhutan, which is about 860 km from there.

The Ladakh specimen was taken from the mummified remains of an unknown creature killed forty years ago by a local hunter. The second hair is the only hair found 10 years ago in a bamboo forest in Bhutan during the filming of a documentary. Professor Sykes compared DNA samples with those stored in the global repository of genetic samples of various creatures - including extinct ones - GenBank. The researcher thought that here he could find similar samples. And the result amazed him and greatly puzzled him.

Scans showed that both samples matched the DNA of an ancient polar bear whose jawbone was found in Norway. The age of the bone is approximately 40-120 thousand years. Sykes says that this is exactly the period when polar and brown bears became two different species. Perhaps the Yeti is a subspecies of brown bears living from a polar ancestor! Really " terrible bigfoot"Finally identified? Dr. Sykes is sure that both hair samples from different parts of the Himalayas belong to the same animal. Additional research and expeditions will be needed to confirm that it is the source of the Bigfoot legends.

4. Where did the Egyptians get cocaine from?

Unwilling to risk their reputation for " discoveries of cocaine", the scientists commissioned an independent lab to run the same tests on several mummies. The results were confirmed: the mummies were just stuffed with cocaine and tobacco. And German scientists began to study more and more mummies, and found traces of tobacco in almost a third of them, and inside the mummy of Ramses II (the same one known from the biblical story " Exodus", about Moses and the Ten Commandments) were tobacco leaves and a petrified tobacco beetle! And this is not a joke. It seems that Ramses II was a heavy smoker. But where did the ancient Egyptians get such substances? After all, there are no records of the Egyptians traveling to unknown distances, and evidence of the use of these drugs - too.And it seems that scientists will not solve this puzzle soon.

3. "Giant Codex"

Codex Gigas, which is translated from Latin as " giant book"- no more, - the largest ancient manuscript in the world. According to historians, the book was written in the 13th century in a Benedictine monastery in the Czech city of Podlajice, then during the Thirty Years' War in 1648 it was captured by the Swedish army and is now in the National Library of Sweden in Stockholm This tome was made from over 160 animal skins and can be lifted by two people.

The book contains the full text of the Vulgate - the generally accepted Latin translation of the Bible by the blessed Jerome of Stridon - as well as many other works in Latin, including " Jewish antiquities"Josephus Flavius, a collection of Hippocrates' writings on medicine," Czech chronicle"Cosmas of Prague," Beginnings"Isidore of Seville. In addition, there were texts for exorcism rites, magic formulas and descriptions of the Kingdom of the Lord. And of course, a full-size image of Satan, because of which the book was called" Devil's Bible".

Legend has it that the monk who wrote this book made a deal with the Devil after he was sentenced to be walled up alive. Thanks to Satan, who left his portrait on the pages of the Bible, the monk managed to finish the book in one night. The researchers who examined the book concluded that the writing in the book is quite uniform and clear, as if the book had really been written in a very short time. However, this is impossible, because you would have to continuously scribble for five whole years in a row. Scholars generally believe that this code required over thirty years of work on it. However, we must remember that some monks could receive punishment in the form of copying sacred texts. The skill and perseverance with which this one was performed cannot be found now ... Or maybe there really is an evil spirit involved?

2. Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun

The discovery of the pyramids in Bosnia could be the greatest archaeological discovery in Europe. According to Dr. Semir Osmanagic, head. Department of Anthropology at the American University in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the found pyramid may be the oldest man-made object on Earth (however, this title can also go to the Crimean pyramids). Dr. Osmanagich discovered it back in 2005 when he was passing by in the city of Visoko. The mysterious hill stood out strongly from the surrounding landscape, which attracted the attention of the anthropologist.

The structure is called the Pyramid of the Sun and the Moon and its height is 220 meters, which is much higher than the Pyramid of Cheops in Giza. And the most amazing thing about the Bosnian pyramid is that it is directed to the north with an error of only 12 arc seconds. Too precise to be a mere coincidence, the Great Pyramid of Giza has exactly the same location accuracy. The Pyramid of Cheops is located at the intersection of the longest parallel and the longest meridian, that is, exactly above the center of mass of the Earth. Moreover, the edges of its base are located exactly on the cardinal points. Too precise a location to be left unnoticed. And then suddenly there is a similar pyramid. How did it happen? Was there really a connection between two ancient civilizations? It will take years to answer a question that may change mainstream science forever.

1. "Big bowl"

Fuente Magna - a large stone vessel, similar to a tub or bowl, was found in 1958 by an unknown farmer near Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. Subsequently, the artifact was sent to the Museum of Precious Metals of La Paz, where it lay for almost forty years, until two researchers tried to study it. The vessel has beautiful engravings with animals and inscriptions in Sumerian cuneiform. And it raised a lot of questions. How could an artifact with Sumerian cuneiform writing end up in the Andes, because there are thousands of kilometers between them? Archaeologists are trying to decipher the ancient writings, but they have no idea what kind of cuneiform was used.

An expert in ancient cuneiform writing, Dr. Clyde Winters, claims that the bowl is possibly of ancient Sumerian origin and is similar to artifacts found in Mesopotamia. He also notes that a similar cuneiform script was used 5000 years ago by the ancient peoples of the Sahara: the Dravidians, the Elamites, and the early Sumerians. All these civilizations formed in Central Africa before its desertification began in 3500 BC. Dr. Winters translated some of the letters, and their meaning surprised many.

The bowl was a ritual libation vessel in the name of Ni-Ash, the Sumerian goddess of fertility. Nya is the Sumerian transcription of the name of the Egyptian goddess Neith, who was worshiped by many peoples who formed in Libya and parts of Central Africa. The found vessel allows us to build new hypotheses about the previously undiscussed connection between the Sumerians and the Bolivians.

Mysterious finds of archaeologists, which may indicate the life of the disappeared highly developed civilizations. The level of technology available to them is simply amazing.