Why does it smell like fried food? It smelled of fried. And everything that is not on schedule - in FIG.

Heart, skin, stomach... Usually this happens because of a misunderstanding of what then happens in the body. But scientists have proven: with prolonged heating of more than 200 degrees, any oil completely decomposes. In this case, a huge amount of harmful substances is formed.

In addition to the nutritional value of products, their heat treatment is also of great importance for health. This question is important for everyone and concerns absolutely everyone.

For a long time, scientists have identified and proven the relationship between cooking methods and exacerbations of the course of skin diseases. In particular, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, as well as acne, seborrheic dermatitis, etc. The main rule in this case is to refuse fried food! By the way, this also applies to patients with disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, suffering from autoimmune, cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Studies by nutritionists have shown that the only vegetable oil that is always welcome in the kitchen is olive oil (first cold pressed - extra vergine). It is useful to add it to salads and vinaigrettes, you can bake in this oil (for example, fish), but at a temperature not exceeding 200 degrees. It is also permissible to fry something for a short time.

For long frying, refined olive oil is more or less suitable. True, you will not get any benefit from it, but there will be much less harm than from sunflower or corn. Experts attribute this to the fact that olive oil is dominated by omega-9 monounsaturated fats with a high “bar” of oxidation. And in sunflower and corn - less useful polyunsaturated fats omega-6.

Still, long-term frying is best avoided altogether. In order for polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats to properly perform their role in the body, they should not be heated. The consumption of thermally processed vegetable oils does not provide the body with the necessary building material for proper and healthy functioning, but only brings harm.

Alas, oils and fats do not tolerate intense heat treatment. Under the influence of high temperatures, they are oxidized, with the formation of a huge amount of carcinogens and free radicals, which trigger many pathological reactions in the body.

Fried foods have a very negative effect on the liver. They provoke metabolic disorders, contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, cancer, diseases of the nervous and immune systems, skin diseases ... No wonder Paul Bregg spoke on this subject: "Your death boils in pans."

Therefore, try to pass the products for a short time. For example, you can quickly fry a fish fillet (extra vergine oil will do). According to dermatologists, a crispy, fried crust for patients with skin diseases, especially psoriasis, is generally an unacceptable thing.

What's the best way to cook? Without harm to health, you can cook food, bake in the oven, in extreme cases - stew (but on water without adding oil).

It is advisable to purchase (for many years!) Good non-stick dishes, Teflon pans, high quality pots. This will help to significantly reduce the amount of fat used for cooking. Trust me, high quality kitchen utensils will serve you well. Don't skimp on your own health!

A great option is to cook for a couple. Modern steamers are very convenient. They have several levels, which allows you to cook several dishes at the same time. For example, rice is on the top level, and chicken is on the bottom. Also, in double boilers, excess fat flows into the water, and the meat is very tender.

Another important detail. Never reuse or reheat the oil. It has been reliably proven that when the oil is heated again, a huge amount of carcinogenic substances are formed that cause various malignant tumors. Always remember this and do not be lazy to wash the pan and pour new oil.

Therefore, you should get rid of such a thing in your house as a deep fryer. Repeated heating of oil in a deep fryer is extremely dangerous for health. For the same reason, french fries are not recommended.

What to fry food? Which is better - vegetable oil or animal fat and why? What is released when fats are heated and is palm oil so bad? Understanding with Marina Vilkova is a Holistic Medicine Specialist and Consultant in Nutrition and Supplements, and a graduate of the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition.

We already wrote that from the point of view of traditional cultures and, oils and fats with a high content of saturated (SFA - saturated fatty acids) and monounsaturated (MUFA - monounsaturated fatty acids) fatty acids are most preferable for frying, due to their resistance to oxidation . Unlike polyunsaturated (PUFA) fats (Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids belong to this group), SFA and MUFA fats do not form free radicals when heated, provided that the heating temperature is lower than the smoke point of the oil / fat .

In short, it is best to fry with animal fats (pork, beef, goose, lamb tallow or ghee) or coconut oil - these have the highest percentages of SFA and MUFA and the lowest percentages of PUFA. Chicken fat is less desirable as it is again high in PUFA. Avocado and olive oils contain a high percentage of MUFA, so in principle they can also be considered as oils for heating at low temperatures. But the first of the above oils and fats are still more stable. Therefore, for vegans and those who are concerned about the quality of meat products, coconut oil and avocado oil are the best choice. Of course, if the budget and the nature of the dish allows.

Olive, unfortunately, is very often faked, mixing almost with corn. Moreover, this happens in all countries and does not depend on the brand. This is another reason not to heat it: if the oil is fake, then it will have a high percentage of PUFA. Again, free radicals, which are formed as a result of oxidative processes when oil is heated, can damage cell membranes and even DNA molecules. And yet, if you choose olive, choose organic - they certainly won’t be faked here.

Let's go through the main oils available for purchase and see which one you can fry with and which one is better not to.

PUFA content in vegetable oils and animal fats (%):

Vegetable oils

Coconut oil

Contains a large amount of saturated fatty acids, stable during storage and when heated. Contains MFT (Medium Chain Triglycerides) which benefit from being easily digested, easily absorbed and helping to balance hormones and metabolism.

  • 2% MUFA
  • 6% PUFA
  • 1% SFA

Conclusion: unrefined virgin oil can become the main oil for cooking

Palm (red) oil (Red / Palm oil)

We are talking about natural, non-hydrogenated oil. The extraction of cheap industrial palm oil uses the same chemical solvents as rapeseed oil, making it unsuitable for human consumption.

High-quality traditionally extracted palm oil has very different properties: it contains a high percentage of saturated fats, therefore it is resistant to oxidation and heat.

Contains coenzyme Q10, vitamin E, carotenoids. Supports the immune system and reduces inflammation.

  • 39% MUFA
  • 11% PUFA
  • 50% SFA

Conclusion: high-quality traditional oil is recommended for food. Can be used for frying.

Avocado oil

The composition is similar to olive oil. It has a higher smoke point, which is why it is often recommended as a cooking oil. The composition is quite resistant to oxidation. As part of paleophilosophy, it is not recommended to heat it, like most vegetable oils.

  • 70% MUFA
  • 12% Omega-6 PUFA
  • 1% Omega-3 PUFA
  • 12% SFA

Conclusion: Can be used in salads as an alternative to olive oil. Can be used for frying.

Walnut oil

Good tasting. Contains a large amount of Omega-6.

  • 23% MUFA
  • 53% Omega-6 PUFA
  • 10% Omega-3 PUFA
  • 9% SFA

Conclusion: oil is not for every day. High content of Omega-6. It can add a "zest" to a salad, but it should not be heated.

Macadamia Nut Oil

  • 71% MUFA
  • 10% PUFA
  • 12% SFA

Conclusion: good for salads, quite balanced in composition. On its basis, you can make mayonnaise. Can be used for frying. The only problem is the price.

Sesame oil (Sesame Seed oil)

It has a pronounced taste and smell, especially if made from roasted seeds. High in PUFA but also rich in antioxidants to help minimize oxidation.

  • 43% MUFA
  • 43% PUFA
  • 14% SFA

Conclusion: not for regular use. It is an essential component of Asian cuisine recipes, but it is advisable to add it to food at the end of cooking and not use it as a frying oil.

Peanut oil

Due to the high content of MUFA, it is more resistant to temperature than most vegetable oils, but the percentage of PUFA in it is quite high.

  • 46% MUFA
  • 32% PUFA
  • 17% SFA

Sunflower Seed oil

Very high content of PUFA in the form of Omega-6.

  • 19% MUFA
  • 63% PUFA
  • 10% SFA

Conclusion: Cannot be heated.

Mark Sisson, author of Mark's Daily Apple blog, claims that sunflower oil has no taste or smell - he clearly tried the refined version. Many proponents of the Paleo diet do not recommend using even for salads due to the high content of Omega-6.

Proponents of traditional diets are more lenient on it and believe that it is acceptable in the diet from time to time, if the diet is sufficiently balanced. Contains vitamin E and lecithin.

All of the above applies to unrefined oil. Refining is done using heat, solvents, bleaching and other chemical processes that reduce the nutritional value of the oil and damage its structure. Despite the fact that the smoke point of refined oil is 232 C, which is much higher than that of unrefined oil, it should not be fried and should be avoided.

Safflower oil

To be honest, I have never even held this oil in my hands. Contains a high percentage of PUFA and Omega-6.

  • 14% MUFA
  • 75% PUFA
  • 6% SFA

Conclusion: avoid.

I did not include soybean, rapeseed, corn and cottonseed oils in the list for the reasons described

Coffee roasting shop - roaster - Nikita Redkokashin and his friends launched not so long ago. Seven years ago, his business consisted of a counter on the first floor of a mall.

“We just wanted to sell coffee in paper cups, like in the movies. Then they traded only in such, you know, plastic cups with a handle. Here we are, we brought these paper cups with lids, we brew coffee, we sell it - but it turns out that Coffee Bean has already done this before us (network coffee shop in Belgorod - author's note). I was so offended by them then! Nikita recalls with a sly smile.

Now the counter is gone: it was abandoned when two full-fledged Calypso coffee houses opened in the city center. In November, a third point appeared - "Calypso in the kitchen." Somewhere between these events, the guys decided to open a roasting shop.

“When we first started working with coffee, we thought that we make it the best. Then they began to travel to Moscow and St. Petersburg, to get acquainted with coffee pots (so Nikita calls everyone who is associated with coffee - ed.) and realized that in general we are doing everything wrong. Moreover: come here in two years, and we will say: “Pfft... We did everything wrong in 2015!” At first it turned out that there are subtleties in cooking. Then - that our grains are not the same at all. After one master class, we literally threw away everything that was and began to prepare coffee from the best, as it seemed to us then, beans bought in Moscow. And then we decided that it was safer to roast the coffee ourselves.”

Photo by Igor Goncharov

Smell Ethiopia

The roster is cool, spacious, light, not factory-style and not Belgorod-style. On the right is a guest area: sofas, a table, shelves with books about coffee and bean samples. Directly in front of the door is a long bar counter, and behind it, near a huge window, is a coffee machine and dishes. And on the left - the most interesting.

“Coffee comes to us from Ethiopia, Kenya, Brazil... The simpler one comes in ordinary bags. A little better - in bags with a package inside. And the highest class - in vacuum briquettes. It's all specialty coffee (one of the translations of the English word speciality - "special assortment" - ed.), we work only with him. But this is a small fraction of the total amount of coffee in the world. Most of it is the so-called commercial coffee that you buy in a regular store. It is lower class, it is assembled automatically and in general ... Let's better smell this one!”

Nikita opens the first bag. There are green peas in it. I take a handful, I sniff:

- Smells like dust.

- Hm. And try this one! Nikita is surprised and opens another bag.

The problem is, my sense of smell is as acute as a shrimp's - an ear for music. The coffee smells like dust again. Maybe someone is exaggerating?

- Oh, here, come here. Smell Ethiopia.

I put my head in a bag, inhale so that my head starts to spin - and, finally, I feel something that delights the rest of the guests of the workshop. In this bag, the smell of dust has a clear sourness.

“The sourness of coffee – both in smell and taste – is great! The fact is that coffee is a berry (and not beans, as they wrote in Soviet books). And any berry, even the sweetest raspberry, must have a sour taste.

Photo by Igor Goncharov

High up in the mountains

Coffee does not grow in Russia. Even in Sochi the climate is not the same. Therefore, raw materials must be bought in hot countries where there are high mountains.

“The higher coffee grows, the cooler it is. (the guys in “Calypso”, by the way, don’t bother what kind of word “coffee” is: sometimes they say “he”, then “it” - ed.), because it has less caffeine. Yes, yes: plants need this substance not so that the OnOnas journalist will cheer up after a morning cup and run to work, but to scare off pests. The higher the plantation grows, the greater the temperature fluctuations and the fewer insects are willing to live there. That is, the bushes no longer need to defend themselves from them. If you want to wake up, drop a caffeine tablet under your tongue. And you have to drink coffee to enjoy the taste.”

In English, the coffee berry is called the same as the cherry: cherry, only its pulp is denser and more fibrous. Nikita takes dried berries out of the box - maroon peas. In the next box - the pulp and bones separately. Actually, the bones then become a drink later.

“Specialty coffee is harvested from the bushes by hand. Then the pulp is separated: for this, the berries can be dried on lattice “beds” and peeled, or they can be soaked so that the pulp exfoliates. You understand: in Africa, for example, washing coffee is unprofitable - there water is worth its weight in gold. And in America, it's easier."

Washed or dried raw materials are packed in bags and sent to roasters. But still, this green-yellow content does not look or smell anything like the coffee that everyone is used to seeing.

“Nothing, everything will appear after roasting,” the shop worker connects Andrei. - Maillard reaction, caramelization of sugars - and you will have coffee.

And everything that is not on schedule - in Fig

“In many books, especially in Russian, they talk about some kind of coffee magic…” Nikita, ironically, rolls her eyes blissfully, and then abruptly returns to reality. - Bullshit! Coffee is an exact science!”

Accuracy in the workshop is provided by a real German - a huge roster (the unit, named from the English. roast - “fry” - approx. Auth.) Probat, and scientificity - a former employee of the National Research University "BelSU" in the field of nanotechnology, and now a roaster Andrey.

“Probat is like a Mercedes among cars. When we say that we fry on it, other coffee shops are ready to buy a batch right away, without a sample. And Andrey came to us in April. He says: “I want to work with you,” and we never mind if a person is really interested.”

The device is very expensive (“Oh-ho-ho ... He-he-he ... Hm ... It costs a lot. Just believe it,” the guys roll their eyes), it also weighs significantly (“That’s another cast iron!” - Nikita knocks on the body. The cast-iron responds with a dull sound - it's like threshing on a rock). A computer is attached to the side of it, in which you can create profiles - recipes that contain down to seconds when to turn on the burner, what temperature to maintain, how to change it during the frying process and when to cool the finished grains. That is, you can roast several batches of coffee out of that bag, get used to the mode in which you get what you need, and then save it so that the roaster works itself. The operator will only need to fill in the desired portion.

On the monitor, every second of roasting is shown on a graph: the blue line has fallen due to the fact that the coffee from the cold bag has cooled the tank, but the red line is slowly rising as the beans began to heat up. Inside, they are constantly scrolled by a sleeve like the one in the meat grinder. This way the roasting is even.

“No magic! - Nikita repeats this louder, because still green peas are rattling inside the roster. “We know exactly what to expect from the bean, the temperature and the cooking time… But the art is in creating the perfect profile for this variety.”

“The Maillard reaction and caramelization are two chemical processes that determine the color and flavor of fried foods. There is still crack - hear (peas in the roaster now not only rattle, but also crackle like seeds in a frying pan - ed.)? This click indicates that the grain has been fried. Corn during crack turns into popcorn. You can pull out coffee immediately after crack, or you can still sweat: almost every ten seconds, the taste will turn out to be different. In general, the taste rests on two pillars - the potential of grain and roasting. The potential is laid on the plantation: where the bush grew, how it was watered, how much sun and fertilizer it was ... This is called terroir, like wine, ”adds Andrey.

Photo by Igor Goncharov

“And when roasting, you can pull out the notes that you need: if you want - a berry, if you want - there will be a more nutty flavor, and if you want - fry until bitter,” Nikita sums up. – By the way, if a passer-by in Russia is asked to describe coffee in a few words, he will say “bitter”, “black”. This is because we have never had high-quality coffee and it was fried harder to hide the flaws in taste. Now everyone is used to drinking like that.”

There is no roasting faculty: you have to figure out all the details yourself. Calypso started with a small roaster, which now roasts samples - small samples that are sent for testing by raw material sellers - coffee traders. Then they bought more - employees are now practicing on it.

“How much coffee we burned here ... - Nikita smiles. But you won't learn otherwise. We are even ready to let other coffee houses use this roaster: let them come with their beans and train.”

Two or three days after roasting, the beans can be ground and used. Best of all, the aroma manifests itself in the next two to three weeks, and then the coffee gets old: the expiration date has not passed, but the taste is not the same. Therefore, there is a constant turnover in the roster: for coffee shops from St. Petersburg to Novosibirsk, small batches are regularly roasted, which do not stagnate for a long time in the warehouse.

Gotta have a good sip

To understand what flavors you pulled out of the grain during roasting, as well as what is so special about the new sample, there is cupping (from, again, the English cup - "cup" - approx. Auth.). Grind the grain, put 12 g (spoon) in a glass, pour 200 ml of boiling water and wait with a timer.

“Please: the easiest way to make coffee,” Nikita comments. - Exactly four minutes later you need to break the foam (his assistant Katya slaps the foam with a spoon), catch the floating thick, so as not to choke (Katya deftly wields a spoon in a glass, and the surface of the drink remains almost clean)- and you can drink.

Cupping is a tasting of such unpretentiously brewed coffee. When the harvest is harvested and prepared for packing in a distant highland country, coffee traders come there, brew thousands of such glasses, put them in long rows and begin to taste.

“Of course, you don’t need to drink the whole glass, quite a bit is enough. For this, a spoon is used - the main tool of the capper. We even have a special pocket for it on uniform aprons, we wear it almost under the heart.

Nikita scoops up half a spoon of the drink from the nearest glass.

“Now is the most important thing. You need to not just swallow coffee - you need to slurp well. The less aesthetically pleasing you do it, the smoother and faster the drink will roll over your tongue. Do you know that in different parts of it, different types of taste are felt: salty, sweet, sour and bitter? So that they are felt all at once, and you need to squish.

Squishing is awkward at first. Throughout my childhood, I, and others, were diligently weaned from this. Surely the grandmother, if she is from the Belgorod region, to you, dejectedly drawing in borscht from a spoon, said something like: “Well, don’t be a Serbian!”

After swallowing a couple of spoons as usual (well, coffee is like coffee, bitter, black), I manage to force myself to squish properly. The result is unexpected: firstly, I am doing much better with taste recognition than with smell, and secondly, the sip clearly gives a nut. A squelch from the next glass - hmm, sour ... From the third - boo, how bitter!

“At cupping championships, participants are given three glasses each and are asked to determine where what is. Moreover, at the world level, they can slip coffee grown on three slopes of one hill. We held the Belgorod championship in the summer - not to intimidate competitors, but to get to know the rest of the baristas. For greater informality, even our accountant was invited to participate. So she sloshed until the final!

Sudden Afterword

“Sometimes you look at something - awesome, take a picture and look - awesome, you come home, look - some kind of garbage - and delete it. And all because of the atmosphere of the place, - says photographer Igor, who recorded a tour of the workshop. – It’s the same with coffee: when you sniff it, the smell is different, it seems that everything is so interesting, dynamic... When you try it, it’s also different, and these squishes too... And you look at the photo: well, someone is sniffing coffee , well, drinks from a spoon ... "

You can talk a lot about cupping and roasting. Reading is even longer. But it's better to try it, of course. Therefore, the guys are waiting for all the guests in their workshop.

“Coffeemakers are incredible people! I say this not because I myself am one of them, - Nikita smiles. “After all, all kinds of people love coffee, and it’s great when they learn more and more about it. One day a woman came to us, ordered a cup, drank, came up and said: “I had a strange coffee. Like compote with prunes. But we treated her without saying in advance that we would prepare an excellent mixture, not like the usual one ... When they explained, she smiled and was satisfied. Our job is just to treat such coffee and explain where the hell the prunes come from in it.

We publish even more photos for some materials (including this one)

In response to our plane shot down with the help of the Turks, ours bombed in response, most likely advisers, lightly so, but aimingly.
I don’t know who was there exactly, but I see from the answer that came to the answer that it was quite valuable there.
The Israelis are aiming to turn off air defenses. Therefore, coalitions were easy to iron.
First, the coalition conditionally hit ours (this is essentially the Crown, parts of the Americans and allies controlled by it, write the French), then the Israelis struck in response to their downed plane, which was also shot down with the help of the Turks and a few of ours.
Hooked a lot of advisers. And mercenaries too.
The situation was heating up. As a matter of fact - there were sparks of world turmoil.

Netanyahu called Putin furiously - Putin said a couple of affectionate words to him and called Erdogan himself, then Netanyahu called Trump, Trump called Putin, Putin called his own people, including Assad, Assad called Iran, the Iranians called Putin, etc ...
The whole day passed in calls and hints of a vigorous bomb ...

As a result, they will probably fix the situation so that it does not explode. But then the Kurds got wound up, and the Egyptians also lost their heads, and Jordan also stirred.
The Bundeswehr came to Iraq, practically taking over the training of the Iraqi army, becoming the Wehrmacht for a while, and the Pindos are leaving Iraq for Afghanistan.

In general, the situation is heating up. There will be a series of incidents and terrorist attacks, sabotage and sabotage, everywhere - Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, the Caucasus, etc.

Managers and Big Players realized that it was time to put into operation SPECIAL TEAM.

Special teams are not even special forces.
These are jewelers who fix assholes and conflicts, eliminate what is superfluous or interfere, who write and rewrite history and the information field.
They will eliminate some presumptuous players, stir up various things, including regional-local conflicts, which will help write off bubbles and raise money.
Problems will be drawn everywhere - from the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, to Central Asia and Argentina.
I would postpone my holidays in the countries of the region and generally think about traveling there.

Watch out. A hot and anxious time has come.

+ Original taken from

January 18, 2018

Speech topic: About capturing the future.

Speaker: DEVYATOV ANDREY PETROVICH , founder of the ideological School of Nebopolitics, teacher at the School of Common Sense, Permanent Deputy Director of the Institute of Russian-Chinese Interaction, soldier-internationalist of the USSR, member of the Writers' Union of Russia.

Read more: https://shzs.info/news/866-o-zakhvate-budushchego_deviatov.html
The use of materials is allowed only if there is a hyperlink to the School of Common Sense.

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Copy all the text in the frame and enter it in the HTML editor field in your LiveJournal, entering there through the "New Entry" button. And don't forget to enter the title in the title and click on the "Submit to..." button.

Html">Why does it smell fried? in What happened? Why did it smell like special teams? https://artemdragunov.livejournal.com/5355476.html In response to our plane shot down with the help of the Turks, ours bombed in response, most likely advisers, lightly so, but aimingly. I don’t know who was there exactly, but I see from the answer that came to the answer that it was quite valuable there. The Israelis are aiming to turn off air defenses. Therefore, coalitions were easy to iron. First, the coalition conditionally hit ours (this is essentially the Crown, parts of the Americans and allies controlled by it, write the French), then the Israelis struck in response to their downed plane, which was also shot down with the help of the Turks and a few of ours. Hooked a lot of advisers. And mercenaries too. The situation was heating up. As a matter of fact - there were sparks of world turmoil. Netanyahu called Putin furiously - Putin said a couple of affectionate words to him and called Erdogan himself, then Netanyahu called Trump, Trump called Putin, Putin called his own people, including Assad, Assad called Iran, the Iranians called Putin, etc. ... The whole day passed in calls and hints of a vigorous bomb ... As a result, they will probably fix the situation so that it does not explode. But then the Kurds got wound up, and the Egyptians also lost their heads, and Jordan also stirred. The Bundeswehr came to Iraq, practically taking over the training of the Iraqi army, becoming the Wehrmacht for a while, and the Pindos are leaving Iraq for Afghanistan. In general, the situation is heating up. There will be a series of incidents and terrorist attacks, sabotage and sabotage, everywhere - Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, the Caucasus, etc. Managers and Big Players realized that it was time to put into operation SPECIAL TEAM. Special teams are not even special forces. These are jewelers who fix assholes and conflicts, eliminate what is superfluous or interfere, who write and rewrite history and the information field. They will eliminate some presumptuous players, stir up various things, including regional-local conflicts, which will help write off bubbles and raise money. Problems will be drawn everywhere - from the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, to Central Asia and Argentina. I would postpone my holidays in the countries of the region and generally think about traveling there. Watch out. A hot and anxious time has come.

Comment from :

Guys! What about ahah? Ah, what happened? "Nothing happened. It's just that somewhere fate learned stupid jokes..." Well, all the layouts have been painted for a long time. No one wants to listen and understand.

+ Original taken from in Capture the future! Or get into it? ABOUT CAPTURE THE FUTURE

January 18, 2018 a joint event of the School of Common Sense, the Club of Comrades of the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the Red Army (VIIKA), the Moscow Club of the Values ​​of the Nation and the National Interests of Russia took place.

Speech topic: About capturing the future.

Speaker: DEVYATOV ANDREY PETROVICH, founder of the ideological School of Nebopolitics, teacher at the School of Common Sense, Permanent Deputy Director of the Institute of Russian-Chinese Interaction, soldier-internationalist of the USSR, member of the Writers' Union of Russia.

More details: https://shzs.info/news/866-o-zakhvate-budushchego_deviatov.html The use of materials is allowed only if there is a hyperlink to the School of Common Sense.
