What is the time of the short participles. Brief participles examples

The meaning of the participle, its morphological features and syntactic function

Participle - a special (non-conjugated) form of the verb, which denotes a feature of an object by action, answers the question what? (what?) and combines the features of a verb and an adjective. In a sentence participle can be a definition or a nominal part of a compound nominal predicate: Exhausted at night by poisonous, insomnia and wine, I stand, breathe in front of a shining window, opened in the fog (G. Ivanov); Gloriously started glorious business ... (A. Akhmatova).(Together with dependent words, the participle forms participial, which in school practice is usually considered one member of the sentence: tortured by the poisonous night; into the fog by a shining window.)

Signs of the verb and adjective in the participle

Verb features


1.View (imperfect and perfect): burning(unsov.v.) Forest(from burn)- burnt(Soviet century) Forest(from burn).

1.General meaning (like the adjective, participle names object attribute and answers the question which?).

2.Transition / intransitivity: singing(who? / what?) the song- running.

2. Gender, number, case (as an adjective, the participle changes by genders, numbers and cases, and the gender, number and case of the participle depend on the gender, number and case of the noun with which the participle is associated, ie the participle consistent with a noun): ripe ear, ripe berry, ripe apple, ripe fruits.

3.Returnability / irrevocability: lifting load- rising smoke.

3. Declination (participles are declined in the same way as adjectives), cf .: evening- burning, evening- burning, evening- burning etc.

4. Actual and painful meaning (voice): attacking battalion- battalion attacked by the enemy.

4. Syntactic function (both participles and adjectives in a sentence are definitions or the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate).

5. Time (present and past): reading(present) - read(past tense).

5. Short forms (a participle, like an adjective, can have short forms): built- built, closed- closed.

Note . The real / passive meaning and tense are expressed in participles using special suffixes.

Places of participles

Communion are divided into real and passive.

Valid participles denote a feature of an object by the action that the object itself performs: running boy- sign boy by action run, which the boy himself does.

Passionate participles denote the sign of one object by the action that another object performs (i.e. the sign of the object on which the action is performed or performed): broken (boy) glass- sign glasses by action break, which makes boy.

AND valid, and passive participles can be present and past tense (participles have no future tense).

Formation of participles

1. Communion present tense (both real and passive) are formed only from imperfective verbs (perfect verbs do not have participles present tense).

2. Passionate participles are formed only from transitive verbs (intransitive verbs do not have passive participles).

3. Communion present tense (both real and passive) are formed from the basis of the present tense.

4. Communion of the past tense (both real and passive) are formed from the stem of the infinitive.

5. Passionate participles the past tense are mainly formed from the perfective verbs.

Valid participles present time -usch - / - yusch-(from verbs I conjugation), and -asch - / - box-(from verbs II conjugation): write -out - writing, numaj- ym- reading(from verbs I conjugation); screaming - screaming, they say - talking(from verbs II conjugation).

Valid participles past tense formed by suffixes -wsh-, -sh-: write- writing, screaming- shouted, carry - carried.

Passionate participles present time formed by suffixes -em-, -om-(from verbs I conjugation) and -them-(from verbs II conjugation): chita jNS- readable (read), ved-ut- driven, love - beloved.

Some transitive imperfective passive verbs participles present tense do not form: wait, stab, take, crush, rub, dig, wash, pour, write, build, chop and etc.

Passionate participles past tense formed by suffixes -nn-, -enn-, -t-: read- read, build - built, open- open.

Suffix -enn- joins stems with a consonant (NS rines ti- brought) or on -i (note - noticed).

Participles verbs



Present tense

Elapsed time

Present tense

Elapsed time

-usch (-usch) from verbs I conjugation; asch (box) from II conjugation of verbs

-vsh ■ w

-om, -em from verbs I conjugation; -them from verbs II conjugation

-nn, -enn, -t

Transient imperfect appearance

The reader

+ read


+ read

Transitional perfection



Intransitive imperfect form




Intransitive perfect form


Note... Most transitive imperfective verbs do not have a passive form. participles past tense.

Short form of participles

Passive participles may have short form: I am not loved by anyone! (G. Ivanov)

IN short form participles (like short adjectives) change only in numbers and in the singular by gender (in cases, short forms do not change).

Short form of participles, like the short form of adjectives, is formed from the stem of the full participle forms using endings: zero - masculine form, but- female, about - average, NS- plural: decide, solve, solve, solve; built, built, built, built.

In a sentence short form of participle is the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate: And the sailing boat was lit by a copper-red sunset (G. Ivanov).Short participle can sometimes fulfill the role of definition, but only detached and only related to the subject: Pale as a shadow, dressed in the morning , Tatiana is waiting: when is the answer? (A. Pushkin)

Participles and verbal adjectives

Communion differ from adjectives not only in the presence of morphological features of the verb, but also in their meaning. Adjectives denote constant features of objects, and participles- signs that develop over time. Wed, for example: Red- blushing, reddened; old- aging, aged.

Communion can lose the meaning and features of the verb and pass into adjectives. In this case participle denotes an already permanent feature of an object (loses the category of time), loses the ability to have subordinate (dependent) words with him, to control nouns: an upset piano, a defiant look, an aspiring poet, a brilliant answer. Wed: He also liked Tit Nikonych ... beloved by everyone(participle) and loving everyone (I. Goncharov) and When she played the piano my beloved(adjective) plays ... I listened with pleasure (A. Chekhov).

Passive adjectives most easily participles: restrained character, high spirits, strained relations, confused look.

Communion are used mainly in the styles of book speech and are almost never found in colloquial everyday life.

Morphological analysis of the participle includes the selection of three permanent signs (real or passive, type, time) and four non-permanent (full or short form, gender, number and case). The participles, like the verbs from which they are formed, are characterized by transitivity - intransitivity, recurrence - irreversibility. These permanent features are not included in the generally accepted analysis scheme, but can be noted.

Scheme morphological analysis participles.

I. Part of speech (special form of the verb).

II. Morphological signs.

1. Initial form (nominative singular masculine).

2. Permanent signs:

1) real or passive;

3. Inconsistent signs:

1) full or short form (for passive participles);

4) case (for participles in full form).

Sh. Syntactic function. The secluded monastery, illuminated by the rays of the sun, seemed to float in the air, carried by the clouds. (A. Pushkin)

Sample morphological analysis of the participle.

I. Illumined(monastery) - participle, a special form of the verb, denotes a sign of an object by action, formed from a verb illuminate.

II. Morphological signs. 1. Initial form - illuminated-

2. Permanent signs:

1) passive participle;

2) the past tense;

3) perfect view.

3. Inconsistent signs:

1) full form;

2) singular;

3) masculine gender;

4) the nominative case.

III. Syntactic function. In a sentence, is an agreed definition (or: is part of a separate agreed definition expressed by a participial phrase).

Since the participle is a special form of the verb, which contains the signs of both the verb and the adjective, one of its features is the ability to form a short form. In the lesson, you will learn about the grammatical, syntactic and stylistic signs of short participles.

Theme: Communion

Lesson: Brief participles

Unlike full participles, which are used mainly in book speech, short participles are widely used in everyday speech and are even used in dialects.


Exercise number 87, 88.Baranova M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. “Russian language. 7th grade". Textbook. 34th ed. - M .: Education, 2012.

The task. Read the text of a joke letter that was written by one fairytale hero... Write out short passive participles from the text, highlight the ending, determine the number, gender, indicate the verb from which this participle is formed.

We live very well. The house is always tidy, the linen is washed and ironed. The room is very cozy: the floor is carpeted, the curtains are starched and trimmed, the walls are decorated with paintings. Flowers are watered and fed on time. The books are arranged on the shelves. Toys are scattered, but in the evening they are always collected and hidden in special boxes.

Our children are washed, washed, combed. Their noses are always wiped, bows and laces are tied. The girls are dressed up and made up. The boys are dressed and shod.

Russian language in diagrams and tables. Brief participles.

Didactic materials. Sacrament section

3. Online store of the Lyceum publishing house ().

Spelling of participles. Exercises.


1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvov S.I. and others. “Russian language. 7th grade". Textbook. 13th ed. - M .: Bustard, 2009.

2. Baranova M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. “Russian language. 7th grade". Textbook. 34th ed. - M .: Education, 2012.

3. “Russian language. Practice. 7th grade". Ed. Pimenova S.N. 19th ed. - M .: Bustard, 2012.

4. Lvov S.I., Lvov V.V. "Russian language. 7th grade. At 3 o'clock. " 8th ed. - M .: Mnemosina, 2012.

Everyone knows how mysterious and difficult our Russian language is to learn. It "lives" a huge number of parts of speech and their different forms... Short and full participles are particularly difficult. Let us consider the distinctive features of these verb forms in more detail.


Linguists have not yet decided what place in morphology to give to the participles. Authors of textbooks on the Russian language have completely different views on this issue. Some argue that it is only a form of the verb, which expresses not only the action, but also its sign. Others say that it is completely independent and attribute it to parts of speech. But one thing is known: short and full participles are simply irreplaceable for our speech. Without them, we will endlessly use the word "which". For example:

A singing person is a person who sings.

A sick child is a child who is sick.

Work done - work done.

Having with you various dependent words, the participle is part of the participle that adorns our speech.

For example: The wind blowing from the sea refreshed my face.

Full form

One of the features of this part of speech is the ability to form forms. More than adjectives, it is not subject to any part of speech.

The full and short forms of participles differ both grammatically and syntactically. How not to confuse them? Passive participles are called the full form, which usually answer the question "which". They are called passive because in their meaning they imply an action performed by someone.

It is impossible to form short ones.

Example: Acquired - acquired, resolved - resolved.

Short and full have different syntactic functions. This is because they have different goals. The full form, answering the question "what," is the definition. This is its main similarity with the adjective name.

Therefore, the participle that is part of the turnover is usually called a separate definition.

Don't forget about punctuation marks. If only full forms are included, it stands after the word being defined, then in this case commas must be placed on both sides.

The forest, shrouded in haze, is very beautiful.

If the turnover comes after the main word, then in this situation, commas are not put in any case: The work done on time was approved.

Short form

As we found out, short and full participles are very similar in many ways, but they play different roles in sentences.

This form is formed by cutting off the endings from the complete one and attaching other endings: carried out - carried out(removed the -th and part of the suffix by adding -a).

Consider the sentence: The trip was paid. The short form of the full participle "paid" is no longer a characteristic of the feature by action. Now she herself shows the process, being part of the predicate. Thus, the short form serves as the main member of the proposal.

The main feature is that short and full participles can change by gender. Written - written, laid down - laid down, lost - lost.

It is not so difficult to distinguish them. A correctly asked question for the sacrament will help you easily distinguish the short form from the full one.

To master the subject of the Sacrament, you need to understand many nuances. For example, you need to know that some of these words can exist in two forms. Let's consider this issue in more detail and find out how the short and full participles differ.

Some information

All words of the named category, depending on the direction of the expressed action, are divided into two categories. These are valid participles, indicating that the object is doing something on its own, and passive, indicating the reversal of activity on the object. The words of the first group are always complete: walking, lying, erasing... And only passive participles can also be short: fed - fed, watered - watered.


First of all, each case has its own questions. "What is done with the object?", "What is it?" ask for short participles. Meanwhile, the words used in full form correspond to the questions "what?" and the like.

Some grammatical features are the same for both types of participles. Both those and others change in numbers ( prompted, prompted- the only thing; glued, glued- plural) and genders ( nailed, nailed, nailednailed, nailed, nailed). But the difference between short and full participles is that only in the latter the case is determined ( enveloped- nominative, enveloped- genitive, enveloped- dative, etc.).

Another discrepancy between these groups of words is their syntactic meaning. The function of short participles is not very diverse. They are assigned the role of predicate: House erected (what is done?) builders. Full participles most often become a definition: Erected (what?) the builders, the house looked great. They can also represent the nominal part of the predicate: The dress turned out to be torn.

Consider the difference between short and full participles in terms of spelling. Here we note that if the suffix of a word contains "n", then in short forms it is single, and in full forms it is double ( sownsown, decorated - decorated). You should also touch the spelling of words with a NOT particle. It can be continuous or separate when using full participles. For short forms, only the second of these options is correct.

Consider the features of short participles and their examples, we will learn how to distinguish them from adjectives. These parts of speech are becoming one of the most common causes of spelling errors. It is easy to confuse them with adjectives, especially short ones, because they are pronounced almost the same. How to distinguish a short adjective from a short participle.

First, let's define what is short. These are certain formations from words formed from the full participles of both vows: active, passive. Any time, except for the future - present and past. Word formation occurs by reducing the part of the word that changes - inflection (sometimes it is called the ending). Sometimes the stem is truncated along with it.

Note! Brief. and it is always used only in the passive voice, because some action is performed on it from the side of another person.

Short participles: examples

How short forms are formed from full

Present time:

Short participles: examples

Past tense:

The short participle answers the following questions: what is (a) (o)? - what are?

For example: the book is painted (what is it?), The exercise is solved (what is it?), The castle is robbed (what is it?).

Short participles: examples

Use in speech

In sentences and phrases pr. must be consistent with other members of the proposal. In particular, with nouns and pronouns acting as defined words. Most often, their syntactic function is predicate. More precisely, a compound nominal predicate.

Examples of a predicate expressed by a short. Reason: Newspapers were bought by old people. The bed was covered with a blanket. The article was not read by a student.

Take note! Sometimes it plays a role stand-alone definition related exclusively to the subject.

Participles in short. form change both in gender and in number. The masculine gender is characterized by negative inflection - zero ending (trimmed, watered (flower), extinguished (fire))

For consistency with feminine nouns:

  • singular - ending "a". For example, sheared, watered, extinguished (candle)
  • plural - ending "y". For example, washed, watered, extinguished.

For the neuter, the plural endings are the feminine. The ending "o" is characteristic of the singular: cut, watered, extinguished.

Helpful Video: Short Communions


Also short. a participle can be separated from a similar adjective by suffixes.

Past tense suffixes Examples of
-en- Brought, neat and tidy
-n- Given, fanned
-T- Sung, broken

Short participles: examples

Participle VS Adjective

Now let's turn to the burning problem of short differences. participles and adjectives.

Let's take two phrases: "the girl was brought up", "the girl was brought up by her mother." The most obvious difference is that the second case represents the person who performed the action. This is the mother who raised the girl.

Do not forget that the participle is, first of all, the form of the verb. It follows from this that if the sentence indicates an object that has performed any actions on the subject (for example, "the pear is grown by the gardener"), we have a short view of it. Also, one of the striking features of this part of speech is that a short participle in a phrase can be replaced with a full one. For example, "a girl raised by her mother", "a pear grown by a gardener."

The main function of an adjective is characterizing. This part of speech emphasizes the signs, draws attention to them.

In the phrase "the girl was educated" the person who performed the action is not indicated, but attention is drawn to the characteristic "what is this girl like?" - "educated". Here we are dealing with a short adjective. You can replace it with a complete one, we get "educated girl." It doesn't matter how the result is achieved, the main thing is its availability.

To complete the test with precise certainty, try replacing a phrase with synonyms. The adjective is easily replaced by a full synonym: "a girl educated - a cultured girl." As mentioned above, the participle is a form of the verb, therefore synonymous substitution occurs thanks to this part of speech: "the girl was raised by her mother" - "the mother raised the girl."

Spelling features

One of the main differences between the two linguistic units is in the area of ​​spelling.

Short participles: examples

Spelling of short adjectives and participles

  • we write the adjective with two "n" - "nn";
  • we write the participle with one "n".

How to write the particle "NOT"

Additional complexity appears when choosing the number of letters in the suffix, if the particle "not" is present. This problem is relevant for both parts of speech under consideration. Remember the following simple scheme:

NOT with short passive participles is always written separately. They are also characterized by the use of dependent words in a phrase, as already mentioned. This function seems to be replaced by the adverb "very" in examples with short adjectives. For example: the world is very beautiful, the student is very smart.

Useful video: short passive participles


It is necessary to be extremely careful in writing, to monitor the meaning of words, the presence of dependent words, the use of the "not" particle, the possibility of replacing them with synonyms. In case of difficulties or questions, be sure to contact spelling dictionary or the corpus of the Russian literary language, which can be found on the Internet.