Full or short communion. Brief communities

Consider the features of brief communities and their examples, learn how to distinguish them from adjectives. These parts of the speech are becoming one of the most frequent causes of mistakes in spelling. They are easy to confuse with adjective names, especially brief, because they are pronounced almost the same. How to distinguish a brief adjective from a brief communion.

To begin with, we define what brief. These are certain formations of words formed from full communion Both pledges: active, passive. Any time, except for the future, is the present and past. Word formation occurs by reducing the part of the word that changes - flexions (sometimes they are called ending). Sometimes, together with him, the foundation fell.

Note!Brief and. It is always used only in the assistant pledge, because any action is performed on the side of another person.

Brief communities: Examples

How are brief formed from full


Brief communities: examples

Past time:

A brief communion is responsible for such questions: what (a) (o)? - What are you?

For example: Book painted (what?), Exercise is decided (what?), Castle is robbed (what?).

Brief communities: examples

Consumption in speech

In suggestions and phrases. Must be coordinated with other members of the proposal. In particular, with noun and pronsections that are determined words. Most often their syntactic function is a sure. More precisely, the composite name is the lean.

Examples of the facred, pronounced brief. Feature: newspapers were bought by old men. The bed was covered with a covering. The article was not read by the student.

Take note! Sometimes it plays a role separate definitionrelating exclusively to the subject.

Communions in a brief Form varies both by childbirth, and by numbers. For male genus, a negative flex is characterized - zero ending (eclipsed, political (flower), repaid (fire))

For coordination with existing female clauses:

  • the only number is the end of "A". For example, ended, polita, redeemed (candle)
  • multiple number - the end of "s". For example, washed, the polites are repaid.

For the average generation of the multiple number coincide with the female genus. For a single number, the end of "O" is characteristic: politically extinguished.

Useful video: short communion


Also brief The communion can be separated from such adjective by suffix.

Suffixes of the past Examples
- Brought, Lucker
- Got, Oveyan
- Soot, divided

Brief communities: examples

VS adjective sight

Now let's turn to the burning problem of the differences. Combat and adjective.

Take two phrases: "Girl is brought up", "Girl is raised by mom." The most obvious difference - in the second case, a person who made an action was represented. This is a mother who has robbed the girl.

Do not forget that the communion is, first of all, the shape of the verb. It follows from this that if the proposal indicates an object that made any actions on the subject (for example, "a pear grown by a gardener"), before us, his brief view. Also, one of the bright features of this part of speech is a brief communion in phrases can be replaced by complete. For example, a "girl brought up by mom", "Pear grown by a gardener."

The main function of the adjective is characterizing. This part of speech emphasizes signs, emphasizes attention to them.

In the phrase, the "girl is brought up" is not indicated by the person who has committed the action, but draws attention to the characteristic "What is this girl?" - "Pupil." Here we are dealing with a brief adjective. You can replace it with a complete, we get "brought up". It doesn't matter how the result is achieved, the main thing is its presence.

To complete the scan with accurate confidence, try replacing the phrase synonyms. Adjective is easily replaced by complete synonym: "The girl is pupil - a cultural girl." As mentioned above, the communion is a form of verb, so synonymic substitution is due to this part of speech: "The girl is raised by the mother" - "Mom brought up a girl."

Specographic features

One of the main differences of these two linguistic units is located in the field of spelling.

Brief communities: examples

Spelling of brief adjectives and communities

  • adjective writing with two "H" - "NN";
  • communion we write with one "n".

How do you write a particle "not"

Additional complexity appears when choosing the number of letters in the suffix, if there is a particle "not". This problem is relevant for both considered parts of speech. Remember the following simple scheme:

It is always written separately with crawling pieces. Also, they are also characterized by the use of dependent words in phrases, as already mentioned. This function, as it were, replaces the adolescent "very" in examples with brief adjectives. For example: the world is very beautiful, the student is very smart.

Useful video: short suffering communion


The letter must be extremely attentive, follow the meaning of words, the presence of dependent words, the use of particles "not", the possibility of replacing synonyms. In case of difficulties or issues that have arisen, be sure to contact spelling dictionary or the building of the Russian literary language, which can be found on the Internet.

Everyone knows how mysterious and is complicated to study our Russian language. In it "dwells" a huge number of parts of speech and their various shapes. Brief and complete communities are characterized by special complexity. Distinctive features of these verb forms will consider in more detail.


Linguists still have not yet decided which place in the morphology to give communions. The authors of the Russian language textbooks are completely different about this issue. Some argue that it is only a form of verb, which expresses not only the action, but also its sign. Others say it is quite independently referring it to parts of speech. But one thing is known: brief and complete communities are simply indispensable for our speech. Without them, we will endlessly to use the word "which". For example:

A singing person is a man who sings.

An ill child is a child who is sick.

Work done - the work done.

Having various dependent words with him, the communion is part of the involvement of the turnover that adorns our speech.

For example: The wind blowing from the sea refreshing my face.

Full shape

One of the features of this part of speech is the ability to form forms. More except adjectives, it is not one part of speech.

The complete and brief shape of the communities differ in both grammatically and syntactically. How not to confuse them? Complete forms are called the suffering communities, which usually answer the question "what". They are called the sufferings because in their meaning implies the action performed by someone.

From forming brief impossible.

Example: Acquired - acquired, solved - solved.

Brief and complete perform different syntax functions. All because they have different goals. Full form, answering the question "which" is a definition. This is its main similarity with the name of adjective.

Therefore, the communion included in the turnover is usually called a separate definition.

Do not forget about the signs of punctuation. If only full forms are included, it is necessary after the word determined, then in this case, the commas on both sides are mounted.

The forest shrouded in a haze is very beautiful.

If the turn comes after the main word, then in this situation, the commas do not put in any way: Made in time work was approved.

Brief form

As we managed to find out, brief and complete communities are in many ways similar, but the proposals play different roles.

This form is formed by cutting off the endings from the full and accession of other terminations: conducted - conducted (Removed and part of the suffix, adding -a).

Consider the offer: The trip was paid. A brief form of complete communion "Paid" is no longer characteristic of a sign of action. Now she itself shows the process, being part of the faithful. Thus, a brief form fulfills the role of the main member of the sentence.

The main feature is that brief and complete communities may change by childbirth. Written - written, laid - laid, lost - lost.

It is not so difficult to distinguish them. The question correctly, the question will help you easily distinguish a brief form from full.

In the section on the Question, give 10 examples with briefs as the author specified by the author Dmitry Moshkov The best answer is Communion (Lat. Participium, Greek. Μετοχή) - independent part Speech, or (depending on the point of view) a special form of verb, which has the properties of both the verb and the name of the adjective. Indicates a sign of the subject in action and answers what questions? what? What makes? What did you do? What made? The verbal signs of communion are the category of species, pledge, as well as a special predicative form of time. Adjective (associated with the name of the adjective) features of the communion are categories of kind, numbers and cases, the possibility of forming brief forms of suffering communities, the syntactic function of the agreed definition.
Praeling communities, as a rule, have complete (verified) and brief (verified) forms. Brief forms are changed by childbirth and numbers. However, not all the suffering communities of the present are brief form. Since the suffering communities of the present time (slave, readable) relate mainly to book speech, there are some stylistic restrictions on the formation of such forms. Therefore, from conversational and some neutral verbs (for example, beating, podding, feeding, and so on), the persistent communion of the present time is often not formed. Also, not all the verbs are formed in Russian the suffering communion of the past.

Answer from Rhinoceros[newcomer]
thank you

Answer from Natalia Shyshsky[newcomer]
thank you

Answer from Brilliant[newcomer]

Answer from Neuropathologist[newcomer]
Thank you!

Answer from yunis Kuraev[newcomer]

Answer from Tytivo[newcomer]
guys 10 examples of communities? I'll tell you everything right now. I first first read the pr. In short, we begin
examples: Built, made read I. T. D!
Good luck do not learn to rejoice well rest and most importantly do not accept the school. School The most important of you teaches everything that I did not know, and then you will finish school on all 5 or 4 will enter the institute later on the robot and so good luck

To master the topic "Communion", it is necessary to understand many nuances. For example, you need to know that some of these words can exist in two forms. Consider this question more details and find out how the brief and complete communities are different.

Some information

All the words of the named category, depending on the direction of expressed action, are divided into two discharge. These are valid communities showing that the subject performs something itself, and the suffering, denoting the concerns of the activity on the object. The words of the first group are always complete: walking, lying, waste. And only the suffering communion can also be brief: fed - fed, polished - polit.


First of all, in each case their questions are put. "What is done with the subject?", "What?" Specify the seasons brief. Meanwhile, the words used in full form correspond to the questions "What?" And the like.

Some grammatical signs of the communities of both species coincide. And those and others vary in numbers ( suggested, suggested - the only thing; glued, glued - multiple) and childbirth ( pinned, pinned, pinnedpinned, pinned, pinned). But the difference between brief and complete communities is that only the latter is defined by the case ( shrouded - nominative, shrouded - PAGITIVE, shrouded - Current, etc.).

Another discrepancy between these groups of words is their syntactic value. The function of brief communities is not distinguished by a variety. They are assigned the role of the facid: house erected (what is done?) Builders. Full communities most often become a definition: Erected (what?) Builders house looked great. They can be a nominal part of the faded: the dress turned out to be broken.

Consider what the difference between briefs and complete gestures from the position of spelling. Here we note that if the suffix of the word contains "n", then in short forms it is single, and in full - double ( sawcaught, decorated - decorated). It should be touched and writing words with a particle not. It can be a fusion or separate when using complete communities. For brief forms, only the second of the specified options is correct.

1. In the actual communities of the present and the last time brief forms do not happen. Praeling communities have in addition to full and brief form. The brief form of persistent communities of the past time is most common; Heard, sleep, heard, are heard (heard); tied, tied, tied, tied (tied); Oveyan, sheep, sheepdown, sheaves (sheared); Skeyan, sowed, sown, sown (soda); purchased, purchased, bought, bought (purchased); The vegetable gardens, huts are thrown, the filler meadows are not confused (EU.); Where there was a poster, ohana and Akhan, the Stalingrad tractor deeply smeared (Ave.). Brief forms of the suffering communities of the present are used very rarely, as a rule, in the book style: love, loved, loved, loved (beloved). [Basilov was respected by everyone, but do not love anyone (paust.).]

2. It should be distinguished by brief forms of communities from brief forms of adjectives formed from verbs. Brief forms of the communities are written with one n, and brief forms of adjectives retain so much as they are in full forms. For example: the girl is spoiled by the mother - a brief form of the suffering communion of the past time of the perfect species, manages the noun in the form of a cartonal case; The girl is spoiled and stubborn ■ - a brief form of adjective, denotes the character of character ('capricious, wayward "), answers the question" What a girl? " And does not control the nouns in the form of a carton. Cf. also:

The girl was modest and brought up.

Her speech was excited.

Dishes were exquisied.

His answers were accurate and thoughtful.

Guest was extremely stubborn and limited.

Natasha was scattered and inattentive.

All his actions were clever and focused.

Love for the book was raised from childhood.

The meeting was agitated by what happened yesterday.

Funds to buy books were exquisied.

All parts of the operation were thought out.

The topic of the report was limited to one problem.

Effords of friends disbelieving it was scattered.

The troops were focused on the border.

3. It should be distinguished by brief forms of the intersection of the average genus of the sole number from the adverbs on-about. A brief form of communion always has one H in a suffix, and the adverb preserves as much as they are in the communion or adjective, from which it is formed. For example: the case is considered from all sides - a brief shape of the communion acts in the function of the faded, therefore, is written with one n; He responded to the circumstances deliberately in the function, therefore, two N, i.e., as much as they are inflicted in the Word, from which adverb is formed. Cf. also:

He scolded him undeservedly.

Petrograd lived in these January nights tensely (A. T.).

He was cautiously peeking into the darkness.

From the first days of occupation, the population was alerted by the appearance of a large number of orders.

They are not well deserved.

The body of an athlete was tense to the extreme: he was ready to overcome the last obstacle.