Beijing universities for teaching Russian students. Study at Peking University Universities in Peking for foreigners

In social networks, which are actively used by residents of Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries, advertisements for educational programs in China are increasingly flashing. Moreover, they offer to enter universities both for graduates of the 11th grade and for those who graduated from the institute and want to get a second higher education or study in graduate school. It should be noted that such offers are in demand: as of 2019, more than 240,000 visiting students are studying in China. If you want to study abroad, we will tell you why this particular area is so popular and recommend the best universities in China.

A little about the education system in China

The Chinese education system is not too different from that adopted in the CIS countries. This conclusion can be drawn already on the basis of the fact that the Russian Unified State Exam (Unified State Exam) is a copy of the test set for school graduates in China.

The country's educational system is divided into three stages:

  • preschool;
  • average;
  • higher.

Most of the young citizens of this country go:

  • to kindergarten - at 3 years old;
  • to primary school - at the age of 6;
  • to high school - at the age of 12;
  • to a higher school (you can go to college instead) - at the age of 15;
  • to the university - at the age of 18.

As in Russia, Belarus and other CIS countries, most bachelors study at institutes and universities for 4-5 years (with the exception of future doctors). At the same time, both in schools and in universities, training is rather tough - teachers are used to maintaining iron discipline.

Rankings of higher education institutions

In 2019, the list of universities in China is represented by more than 2,800 educational institutions located literally in every corner of the country. In terms of the number of universities, this state is second only to the United States. Therefore, entering a higher educational institution is not the biggest problem here - according to statistics, 40% of applicants get the opportunity to study. But in which educational institution can you get a quality education?

To answer this question, we have compiled our own ranking of universities in China in 2017. The universities that entered it are included in the national and world TOP-100, as well as some interstate lists. According to experts from the Russian-Chinese Foundation for the Development of Culture and Education, the best universities in this country are:

  • Tsinghua University;
  • Peking University;
  • Fudan University;
  • Zhejiang University;
  • Nanjing University.

This ranking presents the best universities in China for international students. The above universities are famous not only for the excellent quality of education, but also for the experience of training future bachelors and doctors of science from all over the world. By the way, in China you can find universities where Russian is also studied, but first things first.

Universities in different regions of China

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When compiling our own ranking of universities, we took into account that not every student can afford to live and study in a prestigious area. After all, the "more expensive" the region, the higher the cost of education and rental housing. Studying in the following cities will hit your pocket especially hard:

  • Beijing;
  • Tianjin;
  • Shenzhen;
  • Chongqing.

In top universities, the price for two semesters reaches $ 10,000, and you will have to pay $ 500-800 a month for an apartment. But in some provincial universities you can pay as little as $ 1500 for a year of study, and renting an apartment is quite cheap. Of course, you can save money on sightseeing and entertainment, stay in a hostel instead of a rented apartment, etc. Yet our ranking is largely based on the territorial principle.

Universities in Beijing

There are 109 higher education institutions in the capital of China alone, so you can create your own mini-ranking for these universities. What we did on the basis of objective data (year of foundation of the university, number of faculties, students and teachers, presence / absence of famous graduates, etc.).

The name of the universityOfficial sitebrief information
Tsinghua University was founded in 1911. It is a member of the C9 League (an association of nine leading universities in China). 56 faculties. 26,700 students, including 3,000 foreign students. Among the graduates are well-known politicians, physics, mathematics; Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics.
Peking University (Beida) in 1898, it trains specialists in 12 main areas. The opportunity to get one of 93 specialties for a bachelor's degree and one of 199 for a future doctor of sciences. 35,000 students, at least 2,000 foreigners (mostly Koreans).
Beihang University (Beijing Aviation and Astronautics University) is included in the TOP-500 of the best universities in the world (ARWU), and the Department of Informatics is in the TOP-150. 26,000 students, relatively few visitors. 3,300 professors, including members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, engaged in spacecraft development.
Metropolitan Normal University in Beijing in 1954, it trains bachelors in 47 specialties and 107 - masters. It is most popular with visiting students, because migrants have been studying here since 1965. At the moment, the university has created ideal conditions for sociocultural adaptation. There is an opportunity to take language courses, incl. in summer.

Before going to study in China, prospective students provide bank statements or letters of guarantee. Nevertheless, many of them get jobs abroad, and not only in order to afford the best accommodation or excursions, but also to understand how the locals are used to working.

Universities in Tianjin

Among the universities located in this region, two main institutions should be highlighted. The first is Nankai University in Tianjin, founded in 1919. At the moment, this institution is invariably included in the TOP-10 of the country, and you can start studying here after graduating from high school - more than 20 colleges have been opened at the institute.

As for the graduates who graduated from grade 11, as well as future graduate and doctoral students, a lot of foreign students enter here (at least 10% of the total). You can study anything from philosophy and literature to chemistry and microbiology. With all the other advantages, such as the availability of language courses and a convenient location (only 30 minutes by train to the capital), there is another pleasant bonus: unlike the prestigious universities in Beijing, you can study here for only $ 2,000 per year.

Another university that deserves attention is Tianshi University in Tianjin. This is one of the youngest and at the same time successful educational institutions: founded in 1999, the university invariably attracts foreign students, especially from Ukraine. Five preparatory programs have been developed here for those who want to move to China to study (the cost of a semester is $ 1200). Tuition for bachelors is also quite affordable - $ 2200 per year, and for masters - even $ 1400. International students mainly study here:

  • marketing;
  • Web design;
  • informatics;
  • engineering.

Universities in Shanghai

Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is considered an educational institution that enjoys continued popularity among visiting students in this region. Here you can become a chiropractor, massage therapist or nutritionist, master acupuncture and effective means of so-called traditional medicine. True, education here is not cheap - from $ 4400 per year. But students study in small groups and have the opportunity to live in a single room in a dormitory for $ 250-300 per month. In addition to this university, the following are also popular in Shanghai:

  • Transport University, or Jiaotong (49 specialties for future bachelors, including architecture and law, many students from Europe);
  • Fudan University (included in the TOP-100 world rankings, relatively low tuition fees, 27,000 students, studying any sciences from art history to sociology);
  • Eastern China Polytechnic University (included in the TOP-20 of the country, mainly chemistry, engineering, biology is studied).

Recall that you can apply to several universities in China at once. At the same time, an invitation from only one educational institution will be enough to issue travel documents.

If you want to immediately apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice, and even get money for it, know that it is possible in China.

Universities in Anhui Province

As for the province of Anhui, the most famous university here is the University of Science and Technology of China, also known as the China University of Science and Technology. It is included in the TOP-10 of the country and the TOP-200 of the world ratings. With a diploma from such a prestigious educational institution, you can easily get a good position in almost any country in the world. It makes sense to enroll in this university if you are ready to study in detail:

  • mathematics;
  • chemistry;
  • physics;
  • informatics;
  • management;
  • medicine.

Of course, here you can get a liberal arts education, and yet future philologists and art critics should apply to other universities. If you are interested in theology, try enrolling at St. Joseph's University, founded by the Catholic University. Here you will meet interesting people from Europe and the USA and receive two diplomas at once.

Universities in Guangdong Province

Visiting students who plan to build a career in an international company or become professional linguists and translators are attracted from year to year by the Guangzhou University of Foreign Languages. The fact is that there is a faculty of the Russian language, in which local students also study. And there are almost more foreigners here than in any other university in the PRC - about 13,000 visitors to 34,000 students. Here you can study 15 languages ​​in depth - from German and French to Hindi. The majority of immigrants from the CIS countries, having received a diploma, get a job in Beijing or in cities located near the border of China with Russia.

Another Chinese university that rivals the University of Foreign Languages ​​in terms of the number of visiting students is Jinan University in Guangzhou. However, mainly Chinese language, local history and culture are studied here. The cost of preparatory courses is $ 1300 per semester, a dorm room can be rented for $ 1820 per year. Various structures in the CIS countries conclude contracts with representatives of this university - for example, in Russia this educational institution is approved by the RGRKL (Steering Group for the Spread of the Chinese Language).

If you want to feel more confident financially, it is quite possible to combine study and work in Guangdong province. Don't know where a foreigner can get a job?

Universities in Liaoning Province

It is in the province of Liaoning that the Northeastern University in China is located, which in the CIS countries is usually denoted by the abbreviation SVU. Here you can study any of 65 specialties - from physical education and pedagogy to biomedical technologies. This educational institution has been accepting foreign students for 60 years, and the research centers of the SVU are located in 31 countries of the world. Another plus of this university is that here you can study in absentia, as well as undergo an internship in individual programs.

Universities in Sichuan Province

In terms of the number of promising universities, this region can compete with the capital itself. Therefore, as in the case of Beijing, we will briefly dwell on the advantages of key local universities. In some of them, you can get almost any specialty, and in some you can get training only in certain technical areas:

The name of the universityOfficial sitebrief information
Sichuan University in Chengdu in 1896. Currently, over 50,000 students study here, including up to 400 foreign students. There are many areas of training, in particular, there is a department of physical education and sports. 16 own research laboratories, the opportunity to enter preparatory courses and graduate school. Contracts have been signed with 100 universities in China and abroad. Comparatively low cost of education, studying the Russian language, grants.
Jiaotong University in Chengdu at the end of the 19th century, it is one of the oldest technological universities in China (formerly called the Railway Institute). About 4,000 teachers, of which 1,000 are professors. It makes sense to enroll in engineering specialties and refresher courses.
Southwest Petroleum University specialties - geology, chemistry, oilfield, industrial design; The top 4 students (Bachelor's and Master's) receive scholarships that cover all tuition costs except airfare.

Universities in Hainan Province

The main institution of higher education here is the Sanya University in China. Unlike most of the educational institutions listed above, this university is private, but foreign students also receive grants here, and the quality of education is excellent. The university has 20,000 students in 13 main areas.

The University of Sanya is worth entering primarily for those who want to get education in the field of media, management, tourism. In addition, this is one of the few universities that is purposefully engaged in the recruitment of Russian-speaking students - preparatory courses and three-year training programs have even been created for residents of the CIS countries. If you are interested in this particular educational institution, prepare the documents, receive an invitation and, according to all the rules, apply for a visa to Hainan!

Universities in Hubei Province

If you are interested in universities in Hubei province, no matter what specialty you want to study, here you will definitely find something to your liking. For example, in the city of Wuhan, there is the Institute of Fashion and Creativity, founded back in 1843 at the initiative of the University of Birmingham (Great Britain). Here you can listen to lectures in English, or you can study two out of four years for a bachelor's degree in China and two in England.

In Zhongnan County, there is another university that will interest those wishing to study the humanities - the University of Economics and Law. It is part of Project 211 (below we will focus on the educational institutions participating in this project to develop the economy). Here they deal with intellectual property issues and actively share their experience with colleagues from abroad, annually attracting up to 400 foreign students.

If you prefer technical sciences, apply to the China Geological University in Wuhan. This educational institution is a branch of a university located in Beijing. This university has not yet entered the world TOP-500, but has already received over 50 state awards. Every year 1265 teachers hold 3-4 international conferences here, publish monographs and receive patents for inventions. The university trains future paleontologists, geologists and ecologists.

Universities in Hunan Province

Universities in Shandong Province

Ludong University in China, located in Shandong province, is the best suited for Russian-speaking immigrants from the CIS countries. Founded in 1930, it offers both preparatory language courses and discounted tuition for grant-winning students and tuition for 80 undergraduate programs. The best of the best can only pay for two semesters and then study for free.

Teachers are candidates and doctors of science, who are accustomed to constantly communicate with foreign students. An indisputable advantage for those who are just planning to move from Russia or Kazakhstan is the opportunity to immediately enroll in the 2nd or 3rd year of a Chinese university. True, for this there must be a preliminary agreement between educational institutions. Whether it is there, you need to find out in the international department of the "native" university.

Universities in Shaanxi Province

In this region, the most popular is Northwestern Polytechnic University in Xi'an. Despite the name, you can get a liberal arts education here (for example, by studying Chinese literature), and there are 53 special programs for bachelors here (for masters - 90, for graduate students - about 50). 10,000 visiting students have already received a diploma from this university. Therefore, in the city of Xi'an, you will definitely get to know people from the USA, Europe, Thailand, Korea and will be able to find potential partners for doing international business. Among the most popular specialties among migrants:

  • ecology;
  • international trade;
  • economy.

Educational programs in Chinese institutions

As mentioned above, there are a huge number of bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs in China. Within the framework of only one institute, the number of such programs can go up to 150. Every year, at least 20,000 students receive a doctorate here. But what does a visitor from the CIS need to enroll in an area of ​​interest?

Preparation of bachelors

Requirements for future bachelors (and indeed specialists in general) in China are not very high. Another thing is that the applicant must calculate his strength and at least 12-15 months before moving to start learning Chinese. Fortunately, most of the largest universities offer language courses (the cost of one semester of study is about $ 1000). Having pulled up Chinese on their own or in courses, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • certificate of passing the HSK test for knowledge of the state language;
  • school certificate and / or certificate of secondary specialized education;
  • certificates obtained after passing internal exams (for example, for Russians these are the results of the exam, which are valid for four years);
  • if the program involves training in English - IELTS and / or TOEFL certificates (depending on the requirements of the university).

Some educational institutions require additional documents or introductory work from applicants. This can be, for example, an autobiography, a portfolio, or a so-called motivational essay. But the main document is a passport or birth certificate, since you cannot enter a Chinese university if you are under 18 years old.

Preparation of masters

To enter a master's program in China, you will have to provide about the same set of documents as for a bachelor's program, but with a slight difference. Naturally, the future graduate student will no longer need a school certificate. But you will need to send to the admissions office of a Chinese university:

  • a notarized copy of a higher education diploma;
  • an extract from the university, the diploma of which was received by the graduate;
  • a letter with a teacher's recommendation (optional, but desirable);
  • an extract from the grade book.

Preparation of doctors of science

Most students believe that it is possible to enroll in a Chinese doctoral program only if they have a master's degree in their hands. Oddly enough, this is not entirely true. You can enroll in doctoral studies by providing a specialist diploma (at least if it is allowed by the legislation of the student's home country). For example, in Russia, specialist and master's degrees have the same weight.

Otherwise, the requirements for applicants are the same: HSK and IELTS certificates, recommendations from teachers, projects, etc. By the way, at this stage, a portfolio testifying to your success is most important, because getting a degree in China is an expensive pleasure (up to $ 8,000 per year), and promising applicants can apply for a scholarship or grant.

Features of the educational process at universities in China

The state invests huge amounts of money in education. Most of the higher educational institutions are equipped with the latest equipment, training is carried out according to the latest programs using the best advanced techniques. The country has a state program, according to which by 2020 at least 500,000 visiting students should study in Chinese universities. To attract more international students, China has launched a massive scholarship program. The Chinese themselves also often go to study abroad - there are more than 2,000,000 such students around the world, especially in Canada, France and the United States.

So if you are interested in universities in China for Kazakhstanis, Ukrainians, Belarusians and immigrants from other CIS countries, you can safely enter any of the universities. Almost every educational institution has its own research centers, libraries, comfortable hostels. Yes, using these resources requires money, but there are many ways to save money. This will be discussed below.

The possibility of obtaining free education for foreigners

De jure, there is no such thing as free universities and institutes in China for Russians, Ukrainians and immigrants from other CIS countries. But for those who are unwilling or unable to pay tuition fees, there is one loophole - student exchange programs. Of course, getting a full-fledged education at a Chinese university in this way will not work, but you can improve your language and gain an unforgettable experience, which will certainly come in handy for those who are going to work in an international company in the future.

Does your university have a department of the Chinese language, or at least courses at the international department? Excellent! Then it's time to contact the dean's office and fill out a questionnaire, which, at your request, should be sent from the Chinese Embassy. There you will need to indicate the names of the three Chinese universities in which you would like to study. In addition, you will need to provide an extract from the record book and wait for the decision of the receiving party, that is, the Ministry of Education of the PRC.

Scholarships, grants and other forms of material support for students

If you entered a Chinese university on a contract basis, no one forbids you to participate in programs initiated by the country's authorities to attract foreign specialists.

So, being enrolled in a state university or a language school, you can apply for a scholarship from the PRC government.

Students from the CIS should try their luck at the Chinese Government Scholarship Scheme - this is the name of the program for which grants and scholarships are issued at universities in Shanghai for foreigners, as well as in most large universities in other cities.

To take part in this program, a migrant must submit documents to the embassy or consulate of the PRC in the period from January to April while still at home. In particular, you will need medical certificates, a certificate of enrollment in a Chinese educational institution, as well as extracts from educational institutions where the visitor has already studied (this can even be language courses). Also keep in mind that there is an age restriction - the student must be no older:

  • 25 years (for bachelor scholarship);
  • 35 years old (for a master's scholarship);
  • 40 years old (for PhD scholarship).

For details on the documents required to obtain a scholarship, please contact the Chinese Embassy in your country. If you are not eligible for this program, do not be discouraged - you can apply for grants to study in China at the Confucius Institute. These educational institutions are open not only in China, but also in:

  • Armenia;
  • Azerbaijan;
  • Russia;
  • Belarus;
  • Ukraine;
  • Tajikistan;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Uzbekistan.

So you can start studying and get money even before moving. Payments are provided to students who demonstrate excellent knowledge of the Chinese language. Depending on the chosen study program in China, the grant is issued for a period of 1 month to 5 years.

Many of the foreign students who are receiving or have already completed their education in China successfully gain a foothold in this country by getting a job. A diligent person will surely find a good position in any field, but nevertheless, some knowledge and skills are valued more than others.

All about studying in China: Video

The growing level of investment in higher education should be a compelling reason for Russian applicants to choose to study in Beijing. Over the past decade, the number of higher educational institutions has doubled and now there are 2,409 universities in the country. Many Chinese universities are focusing on advancing technology to compete with the West.
Twenty-five Chinese universities are included in the QS World University Rankings in 2013 and 2014. The universities of Beijing presented in this article have their representative in this ranking, which took 46th place (with which we will begin our review).

It is interesting! The key government initiative was Project 211, which aims to bring 100 Chinese universities to world standards, as well as Project 985, which includes the creation of a group of elite universities. Within the framework of the latter, the K9 league was created, which should become an analogue of the American Ivy League.

  • Chinese: 北京大学
  • In English: Peking University
  • Address: district Haidian, st. Yiheyuan Lu, 5 (near the Summer Palace)
  • Of. website:

In 2004, it received over 4,000 students from 80 countries of the world, of whom 1,825 are pursuing long-term education and about 2,600 are taking short-term courses. Students come from virtually every country in the world, including Western Europe, North and South America, most Asian countries, and African countries.

The most famous university in China

Peking University has 30 faculties and 12 departments, where students are taught in 93 specialties. There are also 2 specialties for obtaining a second bachelor's degree, 199 specialties for a master's degree and 173 specialties for doctoral students. As a leading institution in the basic sciences and teaching, the university is successfully developing these areas.

Dormitories for students studying on the main campus are located in Shandong (勺 园).

  • Chinese: 清华大清华
  • In English: Tsinghua University
  • Address: district Haidyan, st. Qinghua Garden
  • Of. website:

Tsinghua University was founded in 1911 and was originally called Tsinghuang College. Later, it became a multidisciplinary educational institution with an engineering and technical bias and became known as the "cradle of engineers". More than 2,200 foreign students from 85 countries of the world study here at faculties with a scientific and technical specialty, humanities, economics, management, law, and art.

Tsinghua has consistently ranked one of the top two universities in mainland China in most national and international rankings, behind only Peking University.

Tsinghua is a direct competitor to Peking University

All kinds of extracurricular activities are held for foreign students:

  • welcome party for beginners;
  • new Year party;
  • prom;
  • tours of cultural and historical sights of Beijing;
  • sport competitions.

In addition, students can join various student organizations.

Beijing Normal University

  • In Chinese: 北京 师范大学
  • In English: Beijing Normal University
  • Address: st. Xinjiekouwai Dajie, 19
  • Of. website:

This educational institution was founded in 1902. It is a public research institute in Beijing, specializing mainly in the humanities and scientific disciplines.

Beijing Normal University

Over time, the educational institution has accumulated rich experience in creating educational programs for the study of the Chinese language and courses in basic specialties for foreign students, becoming one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the Middle Kingdom.

Among the graduates there are more than 10,000 foreign students from 50 countries of the world.

China University of Politics and Law

  • In Chinese: 中国 政法 大学
  • In English: China University of Political Science and Law
  • Of. sites: |

Since the reforms in China and its globalization, exchange and cooperation have been established with more than 70 universities from 20 countries and regions. Today more than 750 foreign students from 18 countries study here.

The legal base of the university is considered one of the best both in the country and abroad. The Ministry of Education ranked the university as the second most educated law school twice (in 2009 and 2012).

Largest educational institution in the world for the study of law

KUPT has two campuses, one in the Haidian district, where only graduate students study, and the other in the Changping district, far from the city center.

Beijing University of Aviation and Astronautics

  • In Chinese: 北京 航空 航天 大学
  • In English: Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Short name: Beihang University
  • Address: district Haidyan, st. Xueyuan Lu, 37
  • Of. website:

It is the first university of aviation and space technology, with an area of ​​over 100 hectares. The university is one of the leading research institutions, more than 40 of the country's most important projects are being carried out here.

Beijing University of Aviation and Astronautics

The priority activity of the university is the development of programs for international exchange of scientists and international cooperation. We have already established contacts with 152 universities and research institutions from 40 countries of the world, including Russia, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany and the USA.

Beijing University of Technology

  • In Chinese: 北京 理工 大学
  • In English: Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Of. website:

The university was founded in Yanan in 1940, during which time several thousand foreign students from 36 countries were educated there. At the moment, the number of students receiving bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees is 60% of the total number of students.

Beijing University of Technology

Initially, the vocational school program included polytechnic training and research activities. However, while maintaining a strong technical base, the university pays attention to the proportional development of other disciplines. Today it is a multidisciplinary university providing comprehensive training in technical, research, management, humanities, economics, law and teaching.

The main campus is located in Weigongcun, near the Zhongguancun Technology Center, also known as China's Silicon Valley. The area is home to many of the world's leading tech corporations.

Beijing Transport University (Jiaotong)

  • In Chinese: 北京 交通 大学
  • In English: Beijing Jiaotong University
  • Of. website:

Usually the locals call him Jiaoda (交大) for short. In this university, there are 500 foreign students who are on distance, evening and other types of full-time education.

Jiaotong is known for its strong faculty

The facility has its own broadcasting station, TV broadcaster, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a gym, an arboretum, a moot court room, a museum, an art gallery, a train station and a stadium.

The main campus is located near the downtown area of ​​Xizhimen City.

Beijing University of Chemical Technology

  • In Chinese: 北京 化工 大学
  • In English: Beijing University of Chemical Technology
  • Of. website:

PHTU is also known as Beihua (北 化, Běihuà) or Huada (化 大, Huàdà).

The University of Chemistry and Technology attaches great importance to international student exchange and cooperation. Agreements have been signed with more than 20 universities in 12 countries around the world.

Beijing University of Chemical Technology (aka Beihua, aka Huada)

Huada includes 10 faculties:

  • chemical engineering;
  • materials science and mechanical engineering;
  • mechanical engineering and electrical engineering;
  • informatics and technology;
  • economics and Management;
  • humanitarian, legal and biological sciences.

Chinese and international students can enroll in any of these faculties.

Peking University ranks second in the ranking among the strongest universities in the Middle Kingdom. It is the first national educational institution in the country, which was founded in 1898. The institution has the status of a body in scientific and social activities. Moreover, it often undergoes various analyzes and makes the latest discoveries.

Internationality is considered a distinctive feature of Peking University, because 15% of the total number of foreigners is there. Thanks to this, the university has the largest number of foreign students in China.

The university is included in the elite league C9.

The price of education at Peking University is

    1. Training preparation- $ 4,069 on average per year.
    2. Undergraduate- $ 5,008 per year on average.
    3. Master's degree- $ 5,634 on average per year.
    4. Accommodation- from 620 to 1,212 dollars per month.

Peking University Ranking

Peking University is respected by employers around the world (16th place). In terms of the quality of teaching (166th place), it is in the top 200 in the world ranking. With regard to academic reputation, the majority of professors and academicians single out Peking University (16th place).

In five areas, the university is in the top 100 of the world ranking: art and humanities (25th line), engineering and technology (27th line), medicine (73rd line), natural science (17th line) and social science and management (32nd line).

By disciplines, the university also has leading positions on the entire planet: mathematics (43rd position), physics (51st position), chemistry (31st position), computer science (51st position), economics and business (101st position).

How to apply to Peking University

The dominant requirement for admission to a university is knowledge of the Chinese language (HSK from 4 to 5 points for beginners and from 6 to 7 for a bachelor's degree).

To enter the undergraduate program, you must have a certificate of secondary education (11 classes) with the highest marks. Application with translation. Course data. You also need to make a payment of RMB 800 for the down payment.

Entrance exams are held in April. However, applicants who complete the preparatory courses successfully are exempted from exams.

Infrastructure of Peking University

The campus is located next to the Forbidden City in central Beijing. The town looks like a large park, because it contains many gardens and Lake Weiming. All buildings and laboratories are built according to the latest technologies and modern standards.

More than 200 highly scientific and research centers function on the campus. There are also two large institutions and a large number of laboratories with the title of state property.

On the territory of the university there are restaurants, retail premises, cafeterias and sports facilities. For students, a Sports Palace was built, created specifically for the 2008 Olympics. The total campus site is 274 hectares.

The university is large, as it educates about 40,000 students (15% are foreigners). The teaching staff is represented by 5,000 specialists, some of whom came from abroad.

Achievements of Peking University

A team of stargazers educated at Peking University discovered interstellar space from the early universe.

Scientists have identified an allotropic type of carbon - pentagraphene (the study was carried out in conjunction with the University of the Commonwealth of Virginia).

A colloidal test strip was created for the premature recognition of ruptured heart.

A group of masters discovered the 5-HTA gene (this genome is present in a small proportion of the population).

Thanks to the brilliant minds of the professors, a spine was printed, which was then used as an implant.

On the advantages of Peking University

An enhanced Chinese cycle lasting 6 hours a day.

The largest book depository in Asia. It houses over 7 million books.

According to statistics, 96% of university graduates find a highly profitable job 2-3 months after graduation.

The educational institution has close contact with universities from the United States of America and the European Union. There is a great chance to get into the student exchange program. In this regard, there is a chance to get two certificates, one from Peking University, the second - European, Asian or American.

A huge number of unions and associations.

Peking University faculties

There are five branches on the basis of the institution. 47 faculties function on their basis.

Peking University provides education for bachelor's (105), master's (257) and doctoral (228) degrees.

Peking University Paired Diploma Project

This program is available to students wishing to pursue a master's degree. The principle of obtaining a double degree is simple, you need to get into a two-year course, where one year of study takes place at Peking University, and the next at a partner university.

Peking University has agreements with 200 educational institutions around the planet.

MBA degree from Peking University

The business school based on the Beijing University offers several ull-time MBA, Part-time MBA and International MBA programs. However, some platforms have responsibilities for knowledge of Chinese or English.

The business school has a dual certification program. To do this, you must submit an application to the administration of the university.

Accommodation in Peking University dormitories

Pupils are given the right to live in hostels. Bachelor's degree students are housed in dwellings in the Haidian District. University students for master's and doctoral studies are sent to live in the Changping area. However, the number of places is limited, so you need to book the room in advance.

Peking University / BEIDA 北大

Peking University Is the first national university, which was founded in 1898. The university is considered the most prestigious in China and is among the top hundred universities in the world. Peking University is a key national university in China. The campus, known as "Yan Yuan" (Yan Garden), is located in the Heidian District in the western suburbs of Beijing with a total area of ​​2,743,532 square meters (or 274 hectares). It is located near Yuanmingyuan Garden and Summer Palace. Peking University is proud of its distinguished history, its scientific excellence and its teaching staff, which includes 53 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), 7 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and 14 members of the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS).

The University has effectively combined research in the field of the most important modern sciences with a high standard of education and specialized knowledge, meets the modern requirements of the national science and the country's economy. Peking University is developing not only in the field of improving the quality of teaching and research, but also in the field of interaction between different disciplines.

Thus, Peking University has become a center for higher education and scientific research of a new type, encompassing a variety of recent advances in both basic and applied sciences, as well as social and human sciences, as well as medicine, management and education. Its goal is to rank among the best universities in the world in the near future.

General information:

  • City: Beijing
  • Location: Heidian district in the western suburbs of Beijing.
  • Year of foundation: 1898
  • Teaching Staff: The best professors and academicians of the PRC. 5,513 teachers, including 1,488 professors, 1,889 associate professors, 53 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 7 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and 14 members of the TWAS World Academy of Sciences.
  • Number of students: more than 30,000 people, including more than 4,000 foreign students from 80 countries of the world.
  • Requirements for applicants: age from 18 years old, school certificate, knowledge of Chinese is not required

Studying programs

Master's degree

List of Master's specialties:

  • Public Policy Management
  • LSE and PKU double degree in public policy
  • International relationships
  • Right
  • Chinese philology
  • Literary Theory and Art
  • Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
  • Ancient chinese literature
  • Contemporary and Contemporary Chinese Literature
  • Comparative Literature and World Literature
  • Neuralgia
  • Dermatology and Venereology
  • Surgery
  • Otolaryngology
  • Clinical laboratory diagnostics


Accommodation is provided in international student dormitories on the Zhongguanxinyuan campus.

* You can calculate the cost in rubles using our currency converter ** When studying for 1 semester or more, prepayment is required for the entire period of stay in the room

What does the economy of any country directly depend on? Of course, it depends on the number of young people who are ready to raise it to a new level. It is these young cadres that are trained by Chinese universities, and everyone knows that the most famous and most prestigious universities are located in the capital. So, this article presents a list of the best universities in the capital of China - Beijing.

First of all, it should be noted that higher education in China is also available to foreigners, as well as in England, the USA or other countries. But the financial price of the issue is much more acceptable than in the countries of Europe or America. For foreign students who do not know Chinese, some educational institutions can offer training in English (then you need to pass an international test in English) or, as an alternative, Chinese language courses lasting at least 1 month. The spheres and areas of training are very diverse (finance, pedagogy, engineering, medicine, and much more). The term of study, as in many universities, is 4-5 years.

1. Tsinghua University

The most prestigious and popular is Tsinghua University or Tsinghua University (THU). In the world ranking of the best higher educational institutions, it is he who takes the 49th position in the quality of student education, and according to the national ranking he rightly boasts the first place. The university can offer a wide variety of majors for both Chinese and international students (from Biomedical Engineering, Business Administration and Accounting to Art Design, Journalism and Communication, etc.). However, the strongest teaching staff and diversified curriculum is presented in the natural sciences, social sciences and management, mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, economics and business.

Out of 34 thousand students, almost every eighth is a foreign student. Young people from Africa, Europe and Asia come here to get a high-quality engineering and technical education. Tuition fees at Tsinghua University average 32,000 yuan per year of study in Chinese.

In order to meet and better adapt foreign students, the university organizes various events (a welcome party for new students, New Year's Eve, as well as various city tours and sports competitions), where all students gather, communicate and get to know each other.

2. Peking University

Not so far from its predecessor, both in our ranking and geographically, Peking University settled down (it is located across the street from Tsinghua University). This institution of higher education can compete on an equal footing with its "neighbor", as it offers students a wide choice of 83 specialties, from humanitarian to technical. Tuition per year, on average, is lower than at Tsinghua University and is 28,000 yuan. Perhaps the peculiarity of this university is to provide an opportunity for foreigners to study Chinese as a foreign language.

But its true highlight is the library. And not just a library, but the largest university library not only in China, but throughout Asia. It contains about 6.5 million copies of scientific and artistic works. It was in this library that Mao Zedong worked as an assistant in 1916.

It is worth noting that these two universities were included in the K-9 - a group of elite higher educational institutions, which are united in order to strengthen the scientific potential of the country.

3. Beijing Normal University

One of the "old men" in the field of higher education in China, but who has not lost his grip at all, Beijing Normal University is also included in the list of the best and most prestigious. Despite the fact that the university was founded in 1904, its scientific and educational base has been and remains at a fairly high level. And even more than that, it was this university that was one of the first to start accepting students from abroad for training.

Of course, if the university is pedagogical, then its main focus is humanitarian and scientific specialties, of which there are more than 40. The average cost of training at this Chinese university is 25,500 yuan per year. There are also summer and winter language courses for foreign students that cost up to RMB 4,000 for a full course. And besides, the university offers dormitories that are almost luxury class, but also at a reasonable price (from 40 to 120 yuan per day).

4. Beijing University of Aviation and Astronautics

The next university on our list is Beihang University or Beijing Aviation and Astronautics University. If other universities arose individually and independently, then this university was created on the basis of several aviation departments from different universities in 1952.

Students from 80 countries come here for a reason. Beihan University offers training in 5 engineering specialties in English, because this university was one of the first to introduce English as a basic language for students from abroad. And, of course, there is training in Chinese and already in 47 areas, among which there is even administration, ecology, art design and jurisprudence. Tuition in English is more expensive than in Chinese and the difference is 10,000 yuan (30,000 and 25,000, respectively).

5. China People's University