Phrase verbs Break Away from. Phrasal Verb Break Down: Meaning, as well as other options with the verb Break

When considering the verbs of the English language, the phrase verb break, which in turn is one of the most popular, and part-time, part of most phrases and phrase verbs from everyday life English-speaking people. Therefore, a deep analysis and consolidation of this topic is simply necessary for each person who is interested in English.

Its translation is to break, destroy, break (apart). IN english language, verbs usually divide into two groups: the correct and incorrect. Our, unfortunately - the wrong verb. The correctness or irregularity of the verb affects its lesion on the verb forms. And if everything is simple, in this case, the differences will have to be memorable. It is customary to allocate three standard forms of verb:

1. Base Form
2. Past Simple.
3. Past Participle

1 The form of the verb always remains unchanged. The second form of verb is always expressed in the form of the past time - Broke. The third form is also expressed in the past time, but with one small difference - the verb carries signs of the subject, - Broken.

Use in phrases and idios

The verbs in English are actively and successfully formed in various phrases and idioms. Many often confuse these two different concepts and do this in no way. In turn, it can lead to different errors when transferring and misunderstanding in a conversation.

Phrases - expressions that have a direct translation.
Idiomes - expressions, the translation is absolutely different from direct translation.

For example, Break The Ice. - Melt ice, make any action / to say something for the decomposition of the situation, move something from a dead point.

Most of them have greater fame worldwide and are widely used in the preparation of various texts, consider some of them:


Breaking News. - Emergency Message, Urgent / Last / Fresh News. The most popular phrase from this discharge. It seems that everything without exception has seen it anywhere, especially on television. It is widely used by countries, where they do not even speak English, since everyone simply understands its meaning.

Smoke Break - relatively common phrase around the world. Most people meet every day with her in the breaks between work and she translates as "smoke".

BREAK SOMETHING TO PIECES - break anything to pieces / small pieces.


Break A Leg. - Idioma, meaning the wish of good luck. Initially used in the theater sphere as binding for the actor overlooking the scene. (One of the versions of the origin is that the desire of good luck was considered a bad sign, and actors, like people creative, decided to go from the opposite)

BREAK THE LAW. - defy the law. Probably the most popular idiom from this area due to the fact that the legislation of any state occupies most in the life of his citizens. By the way, Idioma Break The Rules translation is almost identical, with the exception of one but: instead of the law - Rules. In no case cannot be confused or used as synonyms. As stated - the law is the law, the rules are rules.

Break a habit - Refuse the habit / exit the comfort zone.

Break FREE. - Become free, free.

Break a Sweat

Break My Mind. - Lit for me.

Break a Sweat - pretty to work hard / sweat over something.

Some expressions, differing only one articles, may also have direct, and figurative meaning at the same time.

Break The Stick / A Stick - Doctrify relationships, gather in terms of relationships / breaking a stick.

I Feel Like Breaking The Stick Between Me and My Gf. - I feel like me with my girlfriend away from each other.

Phrasal verbs

Phrasal verb or PHRASAL VERB is characteristic of modern English. The phrasal verb Break confidently enters the very rating of the most and actively used phrase verbs of the English language. Like any other, formed according to the verb scheme + adoption / pretext + adverb. For rare exceptions, it is found in business communication and very often - in conversational English. Language, or easier - in conventional communication. Consider a few examples:

Break In. It has many meanings - interrupt or interfere in someone's affairs / conversation, wet, break.

The Thieves Waited Until It Was Dark to Break in. - The robbers waited until the darkness appears, and only then began to hack.

Break Up. Also has many meanings - finish, stop, dispersed, disintegrate (about group, company, family), upset, disrupt the mental balance, disappear, interrupted (about the radio signal).

My Mother Says, Her Brother Is Going to Get Married to His Girlfriend But She Is Afraid They Will Break Up Soon. "My mother says her brother is going to marry his girlfriend, but she is afraid that they will soon disperse."

Break Down. - break, fail (about plans), take positions, deteriorate (in terms of status / health)

Your Car Will Break Down If You Don't Have It SERVICED REGULARLY. - If you do not regularly serve your car, it will break.

Break Off - interrupt (most often - suddenly) conversation / friendship / acquaintance

I BROKE OFF OUR RELATIONS WITH HIM OVER A MONTH AGO. - More than a month ago, I broke our relationship with him.

Idiomes, phrases and phrasal verbs occupy a relatively large and undoubtedly important part in the daily communication of the modern English-speaking population. Not knowing this or that phrase verb, which is the case will slip between words, it will be difficult to catch the essence of the whole message in general, which will try to convey the interlocutor. Therefore, the study of various lexical formations with the most popular verbs is simply recommended for those who wish to increase their level of language proficiency, as well as for general development, which will never be superfluous. After all, a person who is capable of competently and versatile present his thoughts in modern society appreciated as never before.

The prevalence of phrasal verbs in English always causes many questions from those who begin to learn the language. Thin shades of values \u200b\u200bat first are very hard to remember. Confidence comes with practice, you just need to memorize the most important values, sometimes even just jazbing.

Let's go through some expressions in order to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe subtleties of the transformation of phrasal verbs with the word "Break". Calovo "Break" in the dictionary has a huge variety of translation options and values. In general, it means "the process of transition from something whole to more small" or "destruction". Phrase verbs with the word "Break" have a huge number of values. Let's look at some of them.

A fly in the ointment

Since the word "Break" itself has some negative meaning (break, break), it is quite obvious that many phrase verbs formed from it will also have some negative shade.

Break Down - Break, Crash

Break Down. - This verb can be characterized by the state of mechanisms or human health. It has a somewhat negative shade of value. In the case of mechanisms, it will have the meaning to "break or split", and in the case of the health of people - "worsen, pass." Compare:

  • My Drill Has. broken Down. - My drill broke. (Case with mechanisms)
  • YOU CAN break Down. If You Do Not Give Up Smoking. - You can undermine your health if you do not quit smoking. (As for people)

Break In - break, break

Phrasal verb break In. May have different meanings, it depends on the relationship to the subjects in the conversation. The main value is "wet" or "break."
For example:

Police. broke Into. The House to Neutralize The Gangsters. - The police broke into the house in order to neutralize the gangsters.

But this is not all the values \u200b\u200bof this phrase verb. If the described situation is associated with the conversation, then the verb break In. You can translate as "interfere". If you had to interrupt someone's conversation, you can politely apologize, saying: I'm So Sorry To break In. ON Your Conversation. - I apologize for interfering with your conversation.

The following value with which you may encounter using break In. - It is "rolling around, passing around", for example, when we are talking about horses or machines. Especially this use of this verb will be interesting to men. For example:

  • IT Was Difficult for Him To break In. This Horse. - It was hard for him to turn around this horse.
  • You have to. break In. This New Car. - You need to run through this new car.

Break Out - Start, break out

Break Out. It has a very simple value, and therefore it is extremely easy to apply. The main translation is "starting to break out, flashest." Usually they talk about the beginning of the war or crisis. For example:

The World Financial Crisis broke Out. In 2008. - The global financial crisis began in 2008.

But you can also meet this verb and in another context. Such value break Out. How to "catch up" can be used in the following form: We Had To break The Door out. to escape from the fire. - We had to break the door to get out of the fire.

There is another value of the phrase verb break Out. - It is "running away." This may concern any situation when a person is coming up and secretly, perhaps with the use of force leaves some place. For example:

Three Men. broke Out. Of Prison Yesterday. - Three people fled yesterday from prison.

Break off - fall off, break off

Break Off So "fall off, barley" is also not a very pleasant situation with which it is better not to face. For example:

THE WING OF THE PLANE broke off. unexpectedly. - The aircraft suddenly fell off the wing.

Break Up - fall apart, fall apart

Break Up. - Another unpleasant situation that can happen not without the participation of phrase verbs. This is the case when people stop relationships, i.e. Dissate. In this case, we use the verb break Up. (diverge). For example:

DID YOU KNOW THAT JULY AND TOM broke Up.? - Do you know what Julie and Tom diverged?

But we can also use it and in relation to non-living objects in the meaning "decay, fall apart, stop." For example:

HE TRIED TO. break Up. THE FIGHT BETWEEN TWO FRIENDS. - He tried to stop the fight between two friends.

Forward and only forward!

There are some more phrase verbs with the word "Break". These are such verbs like break Through. (break through, break), break Away. (Run, break out) break Loose. (escape) and break Forth. (break out; break through). They see, they have positive values \u200b\u200bmeaning some Promotion. Compare some examples:

  • Finally The Sun. broke Through. After Days of Rain. - Finally, the sun looked out after many rainy days.
  • This Part of the Country Wanted To break Away. And Become Independent. - This part of the country wanted to separate and become independent.
  • The Army. broke Forth. to The East. - The army broke into the east.
  • Two Prisoners. broke Loose. But They Were Caught This Morning. - Two prisoners escaped, but were caught this morning.

As you can see, phrasal verbs with the word "Break" a large amount. Even more of its various values \u200b\u200band combinations, but they are quite simple to remember, because somehow they are all connected with the basic value of "Break" (breaking, breaking). More detailed translations and examples can be viewed in any online or offline. Depending on the context, you can use any of these phrase verbs and, thus, make your speech more rich, diverse and bright.

List of useful phrases

bREAK DOWN - Broke, break, worsen
break in / Into - wet, break
bROKE OUT - run, start, break out
break Off - Blank, fall off
brek Up - part, decay, stop
break Through - break through, break
break Away - Run, break out
break Loose - Run
break Forth - break out, break through

Big and Friendly Family EnglishDom

1) stop, finish

The Police Broke Up the Fight.
Police stopped the fight.

The Party Broke Up When the Police Arrived.
The party was interrupted when the police appeared.

2) to disperse, decay (about the group, company), fall apart (about the family)

synonyms: bust Up, Split

I Hear That Joan and Steve Are Breaking Up.
I heard Joan and Steve bred.

4) Brititions - close on vacation

WHEN DOES Your School Break Up?
When is your school closes on vacation?

5) to Break SMB. Up - upset

She Says Her Sister Is Going to Be Married and That She Fears It Will Break Her Up.
She says that her sister is going to marry, and she is afraid that it will bring her a lot of grief.

6) Purple - weaker

synonyms: break Down, Crack Up, Crock

7) Americanism, spacious - laugh

The Camera Had Only to Turn to Tommy Cooper for the Audience to Break Up with Laughter.
It was worth only the camera to aim on Tommy Cooper, as all the audience rolled with laughter.

8) to Break SMTH. Up - divide (smaller)

The Job Can Be Broken Up Into Several Activities, Which Provides Some Variety.
Work can be divided into different activities, which will bring some diversity to it.

√ Blow Up.
√ Boil Away.
√ Branch Out.
√ Break Down.
√ Break In.
√ Break Out.
√ Break Up.
√ Bring Back


blow Up. explosion to Destroy ST by An Explosion; To Explode.
Partisans Had Blown Up the Bridge So That The Soldiers Didn "T Chase Them.
The Moment Soldiers Got to the Bridge It Was Blown Up.


boil Away. throw out to Change Into Steam
The Soup Has All Boiled Away, The Pot Was Empty.
boil Over running through the edge (about liquid) Flow Over The Sides of the Container After Rising (Used Only Of Hot Liquids)
The Jam Has Boiled Over, Causing Of A Terrible Smell of Burning.


branch Out. Open, expand the case (separated, shop, etc.) to begin Doing An Activity That One Has Not Done Before BeforeHand, Especially in One "S Business or Job
Nick And His Brother Have Decided to Branch Out On Their Own.


break Down.
1. break, destroy; Kit to Smash Down, to Demolish
Firefighter Has. broken.the Door Save The Children Trapad Inside.

2. Communicate, collapse, break (about transport, etc.) \\ Pick into an accident to stop working
The Car Has. broken Down. Again.

3. Worsen, pass (about health) IT "S Getting Very Bad. Helen Health Has broken Down. Under Hard Work.

4. To fail, fail to fail Talks Between Our Firms bROKE DOWN. THE OTHER DAY.

5. Split, lose self-control, do not withstand, to Lose Control of Feelings (of People)


break Into. break, wet to enter by Force The Thieve Has broken In. And Stolen The Gold.
The Huts Were broken Into. Whene The Owners Were in the Forest.

break Off Suddenly interrupt (acquaintance, conversation, etc.) to End Sth Suddenly
TOM. broke off. His Engagement to Ann Yesterday.
They broke off. The Conversation.

break Out.
6. Suddenly begin, flashering (war, epidemic, about fire) to Begin Suddenly A War broke Out. in 1956.
7. To break down, run to Run Away from a place. A Prisoner Has. Broken Out. Of the jail.

break Up.
1. Go home, to disperse (companies, about the meeting, etc.) to Move to Different Directions
The Meeting Had. broken Up. BY 3 O "CLOCK.

2. Disintegrate, fall apart (about family, empire, friendship, etc.) to come to an end
My Friends Marriage broke Up. Last Year.

3. to buy, on vacation; Unwind on vacation to Stop for Holidays (of Schools, etc.)
WHEN DID THEY break Up. for new year?

break Up WITH (SB, STH) break relationship, with smb. To Stop Relationships With Somebody, To Do Away With Sth
We have broken Up With. Old Friends of His.
IT's Difficult for Him To break Up. With His Old Habit.


bring About call, be the reason to make sth happen; CAUSE.

bring Back

return, bring back, to return somebody / Something He Had brought Back His Magazines BY 3 O "Clock.
Remind - Think About It Again Or to Make Somebody Remember Something. The Story. brought Back The Days of Their Friendship.

Bring Forth. - produce, generate, make clear (obvious)

HER REPORT BROUGHT FORTH INDIGNATION. - Her report caused a perturbation.
Animals Bring Forth Offsprings. - Animals bring offspring.
Sacrifice Still Brings Forth The Blesings of Heaven. - The victim still gives rise to the blessing of heaven.

Bring Forward - transfer (date and event time for an earlier time), push (assumption), push (stool).
They've. brought Forward The Wedding Ceremony To The Next Month. - They suffered a wedding ceremony for the next month.
THEY HAVE. brought Forward A Brilliant IDEA. - They put forward a brilliant idea.

Bring In. - enter, deposit, endure (verdict), implement, invite

A New Fashion IS EXPECTED TO BE brought In. This year .. - a new style is expected to be introduced this year.
We Need To. bring In. An Expert to Deal With This Problem. - You need to attract an expert to solve this problem.
They Brought in the Verdict of Guilty. - They made a conviction.

Bring Off - It is successful to succeed in something, successfully complete (surgery).

How Were the Able To bringthis Business off? - How could they succeed in this matter?

I Wonder If She Managed to Bring IT OFF? - I wonder if she managed to do it?

Bring ON. - cause, promote, climb (on yourself)

This Brought On a Bad Cold. - It caused a strong cold.
HeadaChes Are Often Brought On By Stress. - Stresses often provoke headaches.
Sevel Causes Operated to Bring on The War. - The war was caused by several reasons.

Bring Over - Relead

You Will Never Manage to Bring Me Over by Such Arguments. "You will never be able to convince me with such arguments."
He Is Not The One To Be Brought Over Easily. - He is not from those who are easy to convince.

Bring Round - bring, deliver, bring into yourself, convince

She Brought The Conversation Round to Environmental Protection. - She translated the conversation on environmental protection.
What Will Next Week Bring Round? - What will bring the next week?

Bring Through - cure, spend through some difficulties
I'm Sure The Doctor Will Bring Her Through. - I am sure that the doctor will cure her.

Bring To - Consciousness (in yourself), stop (ship)
Ship Brings Herself to Rest. - The vessel stops.
I Lost Consciousness and My Mother TriD to Bring Me To. - I lost consciousness, and my mother tried to lead me to the feeling.

Bring Together - Collect, reduce together, reconcile
The Accident Brought Our Family Together. - An accident reconciled our family.
CAN I TRY TO BRING YOU TOGETHER? - Can I try to pick you up?

Bring Up - bring up, raising, getting up, start talking about something, raise a question
She Was Brought Up in A Children's Home. - She was brought up in an orphanage.
There Are Some Questions I Would Like to Bring Up AT Tomorrow's Meeting. - There are a few questions that I would like to discuss tomorrow at the meeting.
He Brought Up His Lunch. - It broke out after Lunch.
She Never Gave US A Possibility to Bring Up the Subject. - She never gave us the opportunity to speak on this topic.

put out, output, detect
The Sun Brings Out The Flowers. - Flowers bloom under sunlight.
They Have Just Brought Out a New Small Device. - They just released a new small device.
This example Helps to Bring Out The Meaning Of The Word. - This example helps to understand the meaning of this word.


bring Round. Certain, consciousness, convince to make somrbody who was unconscious make one conscious again
She Fainted With The Pain But A Little Brandy Soon brought.hER. round.

bring Up. Rail to Educate and Train Children: I brought Up. Two Children Alone.


brush Up. (or Brush ON) Backlight Knowledge To Quickly Refresh, Improve A Skills, Especially WHEN ONE HAS NOT USED IT FOR CERTIAIN TIME
We Had To. Brush Up (ON)our English Before WE Go to New Yourk.


build Up.
Pump (atmosphere), increase to Increase in Amount, Size, or Intensity
All the Pressure Has Built Up and Workres Have Been Off Work for a Week with Stress.
The Sound Has. built Up. And We Decided Not Stand It Any Longer.
Strengthen (its) health, etc. To make SB / ONESELF STRONGERR OR HEALTHIE
They Needed More Vitamins To buildtheir up..

1. Fill in the Correct Particle (s). TRANSLATE THE SENTENCES.

1. The Fire Broke ... Early This Morning and Destroyed Many Buildings in the City Center.
3. The Jewelery Shop in Lewis Street Has Been Broken ... Three Times This Year.
4. Mike Has Broken ... His Engagement to Helen.
6. Tom and Mary Broke ... Last Monh and Mary Is Still Very Upset.
7. A FIRE BROKE ... After The Football Match Yesterday.
9. The Police Broke ... And Arrested All the Brothers.
10. Tim and I Broke ....
10. Two Men Wearing Masks Broke ... Boyd's Bank and Stole 100,000.
11. At the Funeral The Boy's Mother Broke ... and Started Crying.
12. My Car Broke ... On the Motorway and I Had to Walk to a Garage.
13. The Old Bus Was Broken ... For Its Parts and Metal.
16. The Thieves Broke ... Through The Back Door.
17. The Alarm Went Off AS Soon As the TriD to Break ... The House.
18. Divorce Breaks ... A Lot of Families.
19. We're Lucky, We Break ... Quite Early.
20. People Started to Leave At Twelve O'Clock In The Evening and The Party Finally Broke ... At Midnight.
21. The End of the War Brought ... Great Changes.
23. The Milk Is Boiling ....
24. The Police Station Was Blown ... by The Terrorists.
25. He Brought Me ... In His Car.
26. The Band Had Brought ... Their Second Album.
27. He Was Brought ... by His Aunt.
28. Nobody Was Making Any Attempt to Bring Her ....
29. Seeing The Place Again Would Bring All The Horrors ... to Me.
30. The Administration Helped Bring ... A Peaceful Settlement.
31. The Talks Broke ... Over Differences on Doctrine.
33. Brush ... Your English!
34. The Company Has Now Branched ... INTO SELLING INSURANCE.

Translate INTO English.
1. The company soon dispersed.
2. In the docks broke out a strike.
3. In 1939, war broke out.
4. He broke the relationship with the firm.
5. He broke with the past.
6. They shot down (broke) the door.
7. She suddenly could not stand and burst out.
8. The engagement was upset.
9. It's time to finish work.
10. Thieves have entered the bank at midnight.
11. The party is over (and guests diverged).
12. He could not stand (lost his composure).
13. We fell (broke) this fence.
14. She suddenly silent.
15. My bike broke.
16. The conference ends.
17. Classes are corded (and holidays begin).
18. The group of prisoners accomplished escape.
19. A few days ago, the first book of this young poet was released.
20. She raised three children.
21. Soon the doctor brought her to feel.
22. His story reminded of our happy childhood.
23. Yesterday he returned my typewriter.
24. What caused this quarrel?
25. Milk fled.
2b. The bridge exploded.
27. I need to be filled with French.
28. Their pressure on us is enhanced.
29. Sleep will restore energy.

There is verb break. This verb, being ( break-broke.-broken.), refers to the number of the most common in use. In addition to its main values, "breaking, breaking, violating", as a phrase, this verb has another dozen values, which you can hardly guess the combination of the main value and (). That is why we remember how to translate phrasal verb break In combination with various pretexts. And the examples in which the use of a certain phrase verb is illustrated. break, help consolidate the stated material.

Values \u200b\u200bof phrasal verb break

Among the values \u200b\u200bof the phrase verb break There are also such:

  1. Break Away. - break out (from prison), refuse (from old habits), to roll out (from the group); dispel (about clouds), get rid of anything, end with something.

    WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO break Away. From This Bad Habit? - When are you going to end this bad habit?

    I. broke Away. From My Old Friends. - I moved away from my old friends.

    IT Was Very Cloudy In The Morning, But Soon The Clouds broke Away.. - It was very cloudy in the morning, but later the clouds were dissipated.

  2. Break Down. - to break down (door), break (resistance), served, collapse, break (not to withstand), break, turn out to be insolvent, disassembled, divided, deteriorate (about health), fail, break out, etc.

    WHEN SHE KNEW THAT HER FATHER DIED SHE bROKE DOWN. In Tears. "When she found out that her father died, she burst into tears."

    Our car bROKE DOWN. About Five Kilometers Out Of The City and We Had to Walk Home. - Our car broke out five kilometers from the city, and we had to go home on foot.

    My Health bROKE DOWN.. - My health was shaken.

    I FEEL OUR RELATIONSHIP hAS BROKEN DOWN.. - I feel that our relations ended.

  3. Breakforth. - break forward, break out, exclaim.

    The New Volcano. broke Forth. In The Valley. - A new volcano in the valley woke up. (In the valley there was an eruption of a new volcano).

    They broke Forth. Into Singing. - They panked loudly.

  4. Break In. - Washed (at the door), leave (horse), unwind (shoes), interfere (in conversation), tamper.

    Do You Know How To break In. A NEW CAR? - Do you know how to run a new car?

    The Door of This House Is Open. Somebody Might Have broken In.. - The door is open. Perhaps someone broke into the house.

  5. Break Into. - Suddenly start something, suddenly change the speed of movement, interrupt (conversation), break, invade, break out (laughter, tears).

    WHEN HE SAW HIS DAUGHTER HE broke Into. A Broad Smile. - He looked into all his teeth when he saw her daughter.

    The Garage Has Been broken Into. Three Times This Year. - This year the garage was hacked three times.

    Thief. broke Into. Bank Lavatory. - The thief broke into the bank toilet.

  6. Break Off - Cancel, break (relationship), terminate (engage), silence, stop (friendship), turn off.

    He Has. broken Off His Engagement with chrissy. - He ruined the engagement with Chrissy.

    THEY WERE NOT SATISFIED WRE THE TERMS OF A CONTRACT SO THE break Off negotiations. - They did not suit the terms of the contract and they decided to interrupt the negotiations.

    HE WAS TELLING HIS RIDICULOUS STORY AND SUDDENLY broke off.. - He told his ridiculous history and suddenly silent.

  7. Break Out. - Felt, flashet (about fire), to break out (about war), perform (rash), appear, start.

    He Was Afraid of Speaking In Public. BEING NERVOUS HE. broke Out.iNTO A SWEAT. - He was afraid to speak publicly. He nervous and covered later.

    The Prisoner. broke Out.. - enclosed escaped.

    My Son. broke Out. in hives. - My son has an allergic rash.

  8. Break Through. - break through, break through, to do, achieve, make a discovery, to perform, go, go across.

    The Sun. broke Through. Heavy Clouds Over My City. - In my hometown, the sun was made through the clouds.

  9. Break Up. - Blast (land), break (furniture), stop (assembly), make a breakdown in the family, deteriorate, change (about the weather), turn, weaken, closing (on vacation), etc.

    The Party Didn't break Up. Until Three in the Morning. - Guests dreamed (the party is over) only for the three o'clock in the night.