Description of interactive technology. Pedagogical Council "Interactive pedagogical technologies in the implementation of the Federal State Standards of Basic General Education"

Currently, dialogical methods of communication, a joint search for truth, development through the creation of educational situations, and a variety of creative activities are coming to the fore.

The main methodological innovations today are associated with the use of interactive teaching technologies. The word "interactive" came to us from the English word "interact". "Inter" - "mutual", "act" - to act.

Interactivity (from the English interact - interact) means the ability to interact or be in dialogue mode. Various aspects of the use of interactive methods and technologies in teaching are considered in the pedagogical and psychological works of scientists. So, V.P. Bespalko, A.I. Bogomolov, A.G. Molibog et al. determined the effectiveness of using interactive technologies in teaching, in the works of L.S. Podymova, V.A. Slastenina, E.N. Volkova, N. Suvorov and others identified the importance of interactive learning for the social development of personality.

Researchers believe that the main feature of interactive technologies is forced intellectual activity, since the technology of the educational process itself activates the thinking of its participants, regardless of their desire. By being involved in interactive activities, students learn to think critically, solve independently assigned problems based on the analysis of information extracted from various sources, apply acquired knowledge in non-standard situations, participate in discussions, prove the correctness of their opinions, and jointly solve significant problems.

Interactive learning is learning immersed in communication. Moreover, “immersed” does not mean “replaced”. Interactive learning retains the ultimate goal and main content of the educational process. It changes forms from broadcasting to dialogical, i.e. including the exchange of information based on mutual understanding and interaction. In interactive learning, in addition to this, the dialogue is built as interaction “student - student” (work in pairs), “student - group of students” (work in groups), “student - audience” or “group of students - audience” (presentation of work in groups), “student is a computer”, “student is a work of art”, etc.

Communication is complete when all three parties are present:

– informative (exchange of information);

– interactive (strategy development and coordination of joint actions of individuals);

– perceptual (adequate perception and understanding of each other).

Communication can take place both at the verbal and non-verbal level. Psychologists have found that in the conditions of educational communication, there is an increase in the accuracy of perception, the effectiveness of memory work increases, and such intellectual and emotional properties of the individual develop more intensively as: stability of attention, the ability to distribute it; observation in perception; the ability to analyze a partner’s activities, see his motives and goals; imagination (in this case we mean the ability to put oneself in the place of others). In the conditions of communication, self-control processes actively occur, “failures” and “doubtful places” (those parts of the material that neither of the partners can reproduce) are more clearly recognized. In the process of communication, a culture of feelings and emotions is fostered, the ability to sympathize, empathize, the ability to manage one’s behavior, and to know oneself is developed.

Psychologists note the importance of students’ interaction with each other, since counseling each other, carried out by the students themselves, or mutual learning is one of the most effective ways of acquiring knowledge. The psychological literature provides the following data: students retain in memory 10% of what they read, 26% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, 50% of what they see and hear, 70% of what they hear. what they discuss with others, 80% from what is based on personal experience, 90% from what they say while doing, and 95% from what they teach themselves (Appendix A). Based on this, interactive learning associated with discussion of material and students teaching each other is the most productive in terms of assimilation and memorization of educational material.

Interactive training simultaneously solves several problems:

– develops communication skills and abilities, helps to establish emotional contacts between students;

– solves the information problem, since it provides students with the necessary information, without which it is impossible to implement joint activities;

– develops general educational skills (analysis, synthesis, goal setting, etc.), that is, ensures the solution of educational problems;

– provides an educational task, since it teaches you to work in a team and listen to other people’s opinions.

Interactive technologies today mean such teaching methods in which the student is immersed in the learning situation, mastering knowledge in close interaction with other participants in the educational process.

Interactive technologies based on the activity approach help to achieve the requirements set by the standard, and also, importantly, provide the opportunity for self-realization of each participant in the educational process, free the teacher from the standard role of the didact, create an atmosphere of social partnership, form communication skills, independent searching and evaluating information, instilling personal responsibility in students for the results of their learning.

Figure 3 - Scheme of interactive learning technology

Interactive technologies according to V.V. Guzeev are a type of information exchange between students and the surrounding information environment. We can distinguish three main types (modes) of information exchange that form certain models of pedagogical interaction in the educational process: extractive, intraactive and interactive.

In the extraactive mode, the student acts in the passive role of an object of pedagogical influence, information flows are directed from the teacher-subject to the object of learning (student). This mode is the basis of a passive (subject-object) model of interaction; it does not cause subjective activity of students.

In the intraactive mode, information flows go to students or a group, causing active activity in them, closed within them. Students appear here as subjects of teaching themselves, teaching themselves. The intraactive mode forms an active model of interaction; it is characteristic of technologies of independent activity, self-learning, self-education, self-development.

In interactive mode, information flows cause active activity of the student and generate a reverse information flow, from the student to the teacher. Information flows, therefore, either alternate in direction or have a two-way (counter) nature. This mode forms an interactive model of interaction; it is characteristic of interactive technologies. The interactive model implements the idea of ​​organizing comfortable learning conditions in which all students actively interact with each other.

The key task of a teacher when using interactive technology is facilitation (support, facilitation) - direction and assistance in the process of information exchange: identifying the diversity of points of view; connecting theory and practice; addressing students’ personal experience, supporting their activity, encouraging creativity; mutual enrichment of the experience of dialogue participants; facilitating perception, assimilation, mutual understanding. If in traditional teaching the teacher plays the role of a “filter”, passing educational information through himself, then in interactive teaching he plays the role of an assistant in the work, activating mutually directed flows of information. At the same time, students become full participants in the information exchange; their experience is no less important than the advice of the presenter, who not so much provides ready-made knowledge as encourages independent search.

The teacher plays several main roles in interactive technologies. In each of them, he organizes the interaction of participants with one or another area of ​​the information environment. In the role of an expert informant, the teacher presents textual material, demonstrates videos, answers questions from participants, monitors the results of the process, etc. In the role of an organizer-facilitator, he establishes the interaction of students with the social and physical environment (divides them into subgroups, encourages them to independently collect data, coordinates the completion of tasks, preparation of mini-presentations, etc.). In the role of a consultant, the teacher draws on the professional experience of students, helps them find solutions to existing problems, independently set new ones, etc. The organization of interactive learning involves the modeling of life situations, the use of role-playing games, the general solution of issues based on an analysis of circumstances and the situation, the penetration of information flows into the consciousness, causing its active activity.

15 minutes

Part 1: Using an interactive learning model

Speech by the presenter (the head of the educational organization or his deputy). After the theses are expressed, the participants discuss important points and debate.

Thesis 1. New forms and methods of working with students are needed


Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” contains a definition of the concept of “education” - this is “activity aimed at personal development, creating conditions for self-determination and socialization of the student on the basis of sociocultural, spiritual and moral values ​​and accepted in society there are rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, society and state.”
In the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education, approved. by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897(as amended on December 31, 2015, hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education), the following features of educational work are approved:
  • ideal orientation;
  • value judgments;
  • following a moral example;
  • dialogical communication with significant others;
  • identification;
  • polysubjectivity of education and socialization;
  • joint solution of personally and socially significant problems;
  • system-activity organization of education.
It is necessary to choose new methods and forms of working with students. There is a need for interactive technologies aimed at:
  • to develop the student’s communicative culture;
  • providing conditions for his effective socialization;
  • development of individuality;
  • education of personality in situations of communication and interaction of people with each other.

Thesis 2. Technology is a tool for the professional activity of a teacher


The success of the implementation of the goals and objectives defined by the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education depends on the close interaction of teachers and parents of students. It is necessary to use new technologies not only in educational activities, but also in working with their parents.
What is educational technology?


Strictly scientific design and accurate reproduction of pedagogical actions guaranteeing success.


The teacher is required to be able to organize his influence in such a way that its end result is personal interaction at a pedagogically optimal level. The technology used in this case should be optimal from the point of view of the teacher’s influence on students, forming in them a value-based attitude towards the world.
The central component of the technology is a clearly defined end goal, built on a diagnostic basis. Accurate determination of the final and intermediate goals allows you to develop an optimal algorithm for achieving them, select tools for tracking planned results and, if necessary, make step-by-step adjustments. Technology is a tool for the professional activity of a teacher.
Pedagogical technology is distinguished by:
  • specificity and clarity of goals and objectives;
  • presence of stages: primary diagnosis; selection of content, forms, methods and techniques for its implementation;
  • the use of a set of means in a certain logic with the organization of intermediate diagnostics of achieving the goal, criteria-based assessment.

Thesis 3. The interactive model of teaching and upbringing focuses on the child’s personality


In modern pedagogy, the most significant types of technologies include technologies for personality-oriented education and training of schoolchildren. Their leading principle is taking into account the personal characteristics of the student and the individual logic of his development. In the process of training and upbringing, it is necessary to focus on children's interests and preferences in content and types of activities. Pedagogical activities with a focus on the student’s personality naturally contribute to his prosperous existence, and therefore health.
What teaching models are used in pedagogy?


There are several models of education:
  • passive – the student acts as an “object” of learning (listens and watches);
  • active – the student acts as a “subject” of learning (independent work, creative tasks);
  • interactive – inter (mutual), act (act) – the learning process is carried out in conditions of constant, active interaction of all participants in educational relations; The teacher and the student are equal subjects of the educational process.


The interactive model of training and education is an imitation of life situations, the use of role-playing games, project activities, and joint resolution of problem situations.
Interactive technology is a holistic system that covers a specific part of the educational process. It consistently includes games and exercises that shape the personal qualities of students, which ensure the effectiveness of entering society and their self-realization in accordance with interests and capabilities.
Advantages of interactive technologies, including gaming technologies:
  • activation and intensification of educational relations;
  • creating interpersonal interaction;
  • making collective decisions in various situations simulating real conditions;
  • flexible combination of various techniques and methods of work;
  • the ability to simulate almost any type of activity.
Name the principles of interactive learning and education.


Dialogical interaction; work in small groups based on cooperation and collaboration; active role-playing and training forms of work.
List interactive forms and working methods.


Discussion: dialogue, group discussion, analysis of practical situations, analysis of situations of moral choice, etc.
Gaming: didactic and creative games, including business/management games, role-playing games, organizational and activity games.
Training: forms of conducting classes (communicative training, sensitivity training), which may include discussion and game teaching methods.


In students’ extracurricular activities, interactive technologies can perform the following functions:
  • value-orientation (translation of social norms for solving current problems of social interaction);
  • individual-oriented (self-determination in status and function in social interaction);
  • instrumental-orientational (gaining experience of orientation in various social situations);
  • function of self-realization (getting pleasure from the process of interaction, realizing one’s own capabilities and needs);
  • stimulating (motivation to participate in extracurricular activities, achieve success, analyze and reflect on one’s own behavior);
  • constructive, diagnostic and corrective.
At today's pedagogical council, held in the form of an organizational and activity game, we will have to develop a set of conditions that will ensure the effectiveness of the use of interactive technologies in the activities of our school.

25 min

Part 2. Organizational activity game

It is useful to play the game with parents of students at parent-teacher meetings and with high school students during class hours, and discuss the results at the pedagogical council.


Divide into 4 equal teams: administration, teachers, parents, students. Assignments have been prepared for you, which contain questions from the positions of four social groups.
The game will start for all teams at the same time. You are given 15 minutes to think about it.
After completing the first task, the teams change places (“move” to the next social group), etc. You must play the roles of representatives of each social group.

The results of the discussion of issues in each group are recorded, then collectively discussed, analyzed, and adjusted.


Now let’s begin developing a system for the organization’s activities to introduce interactive pedagogical technologies.

Participants summarize the results of the game. The expert group selects the most acceptable options for solving the assigned problems and prepares a decision for the pedagogical council.


The Pedagogical Council decides:
  1. In order for teachers to master modern interactive pedagogical technologies, the methodologist must develop and conduct theoretical and practical classes with the team.
  2. To summarize the experience of teachers who effectively use interactive pedagogical technologies in working with students and their parents.
  3. The psychologist organizes individual and group consultations, the purpose of which is to correct the activities of teachers in introducing interactive technologies into the educational process.
  4. The administration should develop and provide organizational and pedagogical conditions that provide opportunities for the use of interactive pedagogical technologies in the educational space of the school.
  5. Create a new organizational management structure in an educational organization that ensures the inclusion of teachers and parents of students in self-government activities within the framework of the use of interactive technologies.
  6. At parent meetings, class teachers should inform parents of students about the results of the pedagogical council.
  7. Deputy heads of educational organizations for educational and educational work should create a bank of interactive pedagogical technologies for working with parents and students, taking into account age characteristics and various areas of educational activities.

In pedagogy, there are several teaching models:

Passive learning, when the student is the object of the educational process (listens, watches);

Active learning, when the student is the subject of the educational process (performs independent work, creative tasks);

Interactive learning (from inter - mutual, act - to act), when the learning process is carried out in the condition of constant active interaction

all participants in the pedagogical process.

Interactive (dialogue) training– this is training built on the principles of interaction between students and schoolchildren’s activities. This is learning through communication. The main feature of his methodology is that the learning process occurs in the joint activity of the teacher and students, where the teacher and students are equal subjects of learning (the teacher is the organizer of the learning process, the leader).

Interactive learning is a special form of organizing cognitive activity, which has a specific goal - to create comfortable conditions for learning, in which each student feels successful and intellectually capable.. The essence of interactive learning is that the educational process is carried out with constant, active interaction of its participants. Interactive interaction excludes both the dominance of one participant in the educational process over another, and one thought over others.

The organization of interactive learning involves modeling life situations, using role-playing games, and jointly solving problems based on an analysis of circumstances and situations.

Not the search for the only correct answer, but the ability to solve a problem is the essence of an interactive lesson.

During such training, students learn to be democratic, communicate with other people, think critically, and make thoughtful decisions.

Comparative characteristics of passive and interactive learning.


Passive learning

Interactive training

Amount of information

You can study a significant amount of material in a short period of time

A small amount of material requires a significant investment of time

Depth of assimilation of material content

Focused on the level of mastery of the material

Students master different levels of cognition (knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation)

Percentage of material mastery

Typically not tall

Typically high

Control over the learning process

The teacher constantly monitors the entire progress of students’ work, the depth and volume of assimilation of the material

The teacher exercises little control over the volume and depth of material mastery and the progress of the educational process

Source of motivation

External: teacher, parents, grades

Internal: the interest of the student himself

The teacher is the source of knowledge

Teacher – organizer, leader

Role of the student



As we can see, with an interactive learning model, schoolchildren’s learning capabilities are activated by involving them in dialogue, during which they are encouraged to express and justify their own thoughts instead of retelling “ready-made” information. Interactive forms of work contribute to the development of initiative, independence, self-discipline, and the ability to cooperate. They stimulate the development of cognitive processes, attract active participation in the learning process, and interest in joint activities. Students learn to work together, express their opinions, share experiences, and take responsibility for learning. And most importantly, learn to learn.

The backbone of interactive teaching approaches is the interactive exercises and assignments that students complete. The main difference between interactive exercises and assignments and ordinary ones is that they are aimed not only and not so much at consolidating already learned material, but at learning new things. Among the interactive approaches today we can highlight the following:

Creative tasks,

Work in small groups,

Educational games (role-playing games and educational),

Use of public resources (invitation of a specialist, excursions),

Extracurricular teaching methods (social projects, competitions, newspapers, films, performances, exhibitions, etc.),

Interactive lecture “student in the role of teacher”, “everyone teaches everyone”, etc.,

Discussion of complex issues (“Take a Stand,” “carousel,” “talk show,” debate, symposium, etc.)

Interactive study of literature is a process built on the interaction of the student-reader with the artistic and aesthetic environment by studying the content of works of art, scientific texts, literary critical articles in collective and group cooperation through the development of the relationship “student-reader - author - work of art (textbook ) – multimedia – teacher-facilitator – reader (student)”, where methodological methods and techniques contribute to the acquisition of reading experience, the formation of the spiritual world of the “I-personality”.

Interactive learning technologies under such conditions contribute to the development in students of the ability to see and identify problems in a work of art, to identify collisions and contradictions. During interactive learning, schoolchildren develop skills in analyzing a work, students develop the ability to study independently and form their own opinions. Also, interactive learning makes it possible to comprehensively consider a problem, take a creative approach to solving it, and organize the mental activity of schoolchildren.

The basis of any interactive method is creative task, which gives meaning to learning. The unknown of the answer and the opportunity to find your own solution, based on personal experience and the experience of your colleague or friend, make it possible to create the foundation for cooperation and communication of all participants in the educational process, including the teacher.

When choosing a creative task, the teacher must ensure that it meets the following criteria:

There was no clear answer

Was useful for students

It was connected with the life of schoolchildren,

Aroused students' interest

It served the learning purposes as much as possible (in our case, the formation of reading competence).

The assignments in literature lessons will be creative: use oral verbal drawing to illustrate a literary text; find in a 19th-century work problems that concern modern young people and prepare questions for discussion; create a crossword puzzle “Poems of the Silver Age poets”; write a letter to a 19th-century writer with a review of his book; add text to the work (for example, continue the monologue of Kabanova, the heroine of the drama “The Thunderstorm” by A. Ostrovsky), etc.

Since the educational process is carried out under the condition of interaction of all participants, this forms a spirit of collectivism among schoolchildren, develops personal connections, awakens a desire for care and support, increases self-esteem, and stabilizes the psychological state of students. There is a transfer of individual knowledge to another person and a common solution to problems. A sense of individual and group responsibility for decision-making and work results is formed.

Effective in this sense is small group training , where everyone has the right to achieve success. Interactive learning in them turns into mutual benefit between participants in the educational process, who, through constant interaction, cooperation, and co-creation, improve their knowledge and ability to navigate literary issues. Members of the same group know that everyone benefits from everyone's efforts; understand that all group members have the same goal; agree with the idea that the overall performance is based on the thoughts of each team member; For them, the success of each person is the pride of the entire team.

For example, when studying the comedy of A.S. Griboyedov’s “Woe from Wit”, in order to answer the question “is Chatsky a winner or a loser?”, students in groups draw up a portrait of the hero in comparison with other characters. The first group examines Chatsky through his relationship with Famusov, the second group compares Chatsky and Molchalin, the third analyzes the hero’s relationship with Sophia, the fourth - with the surrounding society. As a result of group research conducted over a certain period of time and the presentation of group representatives, schoolchildren find an answer to the question posed (or do not find a clear answer).

Group work in high schools may be appropriate in an introductory lesson. For example, before starting to study the topic “The cultural situation in Russia in the second half of the 19th century,” students were given an assignment in groups: “historians” should talk about the socio-political situation in Russia at that time, “literature” - about the literary struggle, “artists” - about activities of the Association of Traveling Exhibitions, “musicians” - about the organization of the “Mighty Handful”. During the lesson there is a presentation of the project and a portfolio.

Group work will also be effective in general lessons. For example, during a general lesson on studying the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" 5-6 groups of students are offered one task - to draw up a plan for an essay on the topic "People's Thought in the Novel." After the allotted time for work, a competition of completed plans takes place.

The success of group work depends on compliance with certain conditions :

Students must have the knowledge and skills necessary to complete the group assignment;

The teacher's instructions should be as clear as possible;

The group must be given sufficient time to complete the task;

Team members must understand that they are connected to each other in such a way that until one achieves success, the whole team will not achieve it;

In the process of work, everyone should help each other, interest each other in learning;

After work, it is necessary to discuss achievements and failures and analyze the effectiveness of interaction.

Effective group work is built on the basis principles of mutual respect and cooperation. Others must also be observed principles of group (cooperative) work:

The principle of equality of positions (the teacher and students are equal members of the group, only the teacher plays the role of a “catalyst” promoting the development of thinking; all group members have the same rights and responsibilities, they establish partnerships);

The principle of activity (activity depends on the level of interest in the problem, level of awareness, experience in group work, relationships in the group);

The principle of the participants’ research and creative position (openness to new experiences, the ability to actively monitor their own activities, implement the principle of partnership);

The principle of feedback (working in a group makes it possible to “see yourself through the eyes of other participants”);

The principle of confidential communication (the effectiveness of interaction depends on compliance with this principle);

The principle of partner communication (subject-subject), ensuring recognition of the value of the personality of another person.

You can, for example, develop together with students memo “Norms of behavior in the group”:

a) in joint work there are no “actors” and “spectators”, everyone is participants;

b) speak in such a way that you are understood, speak directly on the topic, avoid unnecessary information;

c) if the information given is not entirely clear, ask a question;

d) everyone has the right to ask for help; everyone is obliged to help someone who asks for help;

e) criticize ideas, not individuals;

f) the goal of joint activity is not the “victory” of one point of view. and the opportunity to find a better solution...

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences of the US University Caroline Henderson offers such group distribution scheme:

Grouping by ability (students have approximately the same level of knowledge);

Mixed grouping (students of different levels of knowledge work in one group);

Grouping by interests;

Grouping by gender;

Homogeneous grouping (students have the same attitude towards the work they read);

Heterogeneous grouping (students have different opinions about the work they read);

Blind grouping (groups are created spontaneously).

Each type of grouping has its advantages and disadvantages, it all depends on the goal pursued by the teacher. When performing various exercises in the lesson, the teacher can combine groupings.

Various possible options for organizing work in small groups . Here is one of them (according to O. Pometun and L. Pirozhenko):

    Grouping students into groups (5 – 6 people). Distribution

student roles:

The speaker (group leader) organizes the work in the group, involves everyone in the discussion, sums up the work, and determines the speaker;

Secretary (keeps a short and legible record of the results of the work, participates in the discussion);

Mediator (keeps track of time and participates in the work of the group);


Speaker, etc.

2. Communicating the task to the group and instructions for completing it.

3. Setting for a certain operating time.

4. Work in small groups for a set time (introducing proposals, information, opinions and their processing, accepting ideas...).

5. Presentation of work results.

6. Evaluation of group activities.

From intragroup communication, discussion moves to intergroup communication. The organization of the presentation of group solutions depends on the intended structure of the entire lesson and can be implemented in different forms.

Forms of intergroup communication

Options for presenting group solutions



Each group presents the result of its activities; solutions are discussed, the best is selected (“fair”)


The product of the activity of each group becomes a certain step towards solving a common problem (“ladder”, “relay race”)


From the proposals, certain aspects of group decisions are selected, on the basis of which a common result for the entire team is then developed (“mosaic picture”)

Interactive training is one of the best ways to accomplish teacher's mission . In this case, “the student becomes the creator of the literature lesson, and the teacher “the stage director, a wise adviser and organizer who makes sure that all participants can receive spiritual and aesthetic pleasure from the work they read and what they did during joint interaction” (V.I. Shular). The teacher is interested in students learning to understand and constructively evaluate what is happening, so he must be ready to accept different points of view of students.

When working in groups, a problem can arise when some students work, but everyone gets marks. Therefore, the teacher needs to take care of the distribution of roles, involve students in systematic work, develop cooperation documents in the team (for example, rules for working in a team, or an agreement, or assessment conditions, etc.). It is necessary to evaluate the work of the entire group, and in no case give different grades to children working together.

Interactive learning can be compared to playing in a movie. Student actors perform their roles, putting their abilities into the game, but the game is regulated by the director - the teacher. It is necessary to play according to a certain scenario, since excessive freedom of the actors can lead to a negative result. Therefore, the teacher needs to take into account not only the personal characteristics of schoolchildren, but also their behavior tactics in the classroom. The teacher must remember that only in a warm atmosphere do students perceive and assimilate information most easily. But the teacher must also know that it is he who establishes his own routines and rules in the class, which everyone must adhere to. Students should be aware of this in advance. This approach will ensure the required behavior of students and improve their cooperation. If problems arise in class, the teacher should not show his displeasure. It is necessary to give children the opportunity to make mistakes, then they will feel more responsible for their actions. However, the teacher must still guide students to correct mistakes.

When preparing for a lesson using interactive technologies the teacher must remember :

Organize the process of researching a task in such a way that it is perceived by the student as his own initiative;

It is necessary to involve all students to the extent possible and to varying degrees;

It is necessary to take care of the psychological preparation of schoolchildren. It will be useful to provide various incentives for students to actively participate in work;

Work in small groups will be productive (everyone should be heard);

It is necessary to think about the preparation of the room (students must be able to move freely);

All materials for small group work must be prepared in advance;

During the lesson, it is important to adhere to the regulations and procedures, to show

tolerance to any point of view, listen carefully to each participant;

Pay attention to students when forming groups;

In one lesson, it is advisable to use 1-2 interactive techniques;

When preparing assignments, the teacher needs to think through different answer options and develop criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the lesson in advance;

Lessons should captivate students, arouse their interest and motivation;

It is important to note that an interactive dialogue between students skillfully organized by the teacher contributes to the creative self-expression of the reader, his self-affirmation as an I-person capable of receiving aesthetic pleasure from what he read.

Interactive (dialogue) teaching can be successfully used in non-standard lesson forms.

The common goal of various teaching methods and types of lessons is the assimilation of knowledge by students. At the same time, the introduction of innovations is encouraged so that they fit harmoniously into the already established structure of the lesson. Learning models are divided into passive, active, interactive.

Classification of learning models

Passive The model (extractive mode) assumes the activity of the learning environment. This means that students learn the material from the text of the textbook or from the words of the teacher; there are no creative tasks and communication between them. A striking example of such a model is a lecture or traditional lesson. This model is used quite often, despite the fact that modern requirements for lesson structure require the use of active methods that would stimulate the child’s activity.

Active The model (intraactive method) is characterized by stimulating student independence and stimulating cognitive activity. In this model, creative tasks (usually at home) and mandatory communication between the teacher and students are encouraged. But it also has disadvantages, for example, the student acts as a subject of learning for himself, teaching only himself, who does not interact at all with the participants in the educational process, excluding the teacher. That is, the focus of this method is one-sided, aimed at independent activity, self-education, self-training, self-development; but it does not imply interaction in groups and the ability to exchange experiences.

Currently it is widespread interactive learning, one that is based on active interaction with the teacher. In essence, this is one of the options for communication technologies, since their classification parameters coincide. With interactive learning, a well-organized relationship and two-way exchange of information arises between the subject and the object of learning. Interactive learning technology is the organization of the learning process in such a way that the student participates in an interaction-based, complementary, collective process of learning cognition.

Using the Interactive Model

The goal of the interactive model is to organize comfortable learning conditions when all students actively interact with each other. When organizing interactive learning, they simulate life situations, use role-playing games, and solve questions based on an analysis of the situation and circumstances. Therefore, the structure of an interactive lesson is significantly different from the structure of a regular lesson, and therefore requires the experience and professionalism of the teacher. The structure of the lesson is based on elements of an interactive teaching model - interactive technologies that make the lesson interesting and rich.

It is acceptable to use interactive work in lessons where the new material presented is being mastered, in lessons where knowledge is applied, in special lessons, as a generalization or survey. At the initial stages of learning, working in pairs is quite effective. Its huge advantage is the opportunity for each child to speak out, exchange their own ideas with a partner, and then voice them to the whole class, and most importantly, every student will be involved in the work.

Main requirements that ensure the success of learning using interactive technology are:

  1. A positive relationship in which there is an understanding among all group members that the shared learning activity will benefit each student.
  2. Direct interaction in which all group members are in close contact with each other.
  3. Individual responsibility, in which each student must study the material provided and be responsible for helping others (more able students do not do other people's work).
  4. Development of teamwork skills, that is, students master the interpersonal skills that are necessary for successful work (planning, distribution, questioning).
  5. Performance appraisal, in which specific time is allocated during which the group evaluates the success of its work.

Implementation of an interactive model in the classroom

Interactive technologies allow students to play out various personal and job roles in the educational playing field and master them when creating a future model of human interaction in a production situation. When using interactive technologies in teaching, the student is as close as possible to the conditions of the educational material, is included in the situation being studied, is encouraged to take active action, experiences a state of success and motivates his behavior.

As part of the lesson, the interactive model can be implemented using the following interactive technologies:

  1. Work in small groups – 2,3,4 people.
  2. Exercise "Carousel". The students are divided into two equal groups, one of which is the inner circle and the other the outer circle. In this case, students sit facing the members of another circle, forming pairs with them. The teacher sets the topic for discussion and roles, for example, the outer circle of students are listeners who can ask clarifying questions, and the inner circle are storytellers who answer questions. Every 2 minutes the teacher gives a command, and the outer circle moves one person to the side, thereby changing pairs, while members of the circles also change roles among themselves. In this way, you can discuss no more than 3 topics at a time, and it is imperative that they have a positive focus, such as student achievement.
  3. Lectures with problematic presentation, in which a problematic situation for students is modeled, and it is assumed that they will find a new way to solve it, since the student cannot solve the situation using what is known to him.
  4. Lesson-seminar (debate, discussion).
  5. A heuristic conversation in which the teacher does not provide students with ready-made knowledge, but with correctly posed questions allows them to approach new concepts on the basis of existing skills and knowledge.
  6. Lesson-conference.
  7. Lesson using multimedia.
  8. Modeling technology.
  9. Technology of full cooperation.

Interactive game

One of the most productive pedagogical technologies is an interactive game, which creates optimal conditions for self-realization and development of students. Its goal is to change and improve the models of activity and behavior of the subjects of pedagogical interaction, and their conscious assimilation of these models. Interactive games help stimulate activity and social development, creating a magical world where everyone accepts its laws and norms. Children do not hide their emotions, communicate freely with the participants in the game verbally and non-verbally, make decisions, and try different roles.

Happens during the game interaction, which supports the development of personality and socialization, allows us to determine the development and integration of the knowledge and skills that schoolchildren already have. Active participants in the game learn more intensively and motivate themselves more, but those who focus on the leader do the opposite. Interactive games help children quickly establish contact with each other; the game helps to increase the rate of reaction and provides an opportunity to express their emotions, both negative and positive. The list of topics for interactive games is endless: exploring your body, seasons, colors, illustrating moods, mutual feelings, friends or family, home or school, gifts. Games can also take place as genre productions and improvisations.

Main directions, according to which game situations are implemented during the lesson, are the following:

  • The didactic goal is set in the form of a game task;
  • Educational activities follow the rules of the game;
  • Educational material is used as a means of play;
  • The element of competition is included in educational activities, and the didactic task becomes a game one;
  • A successfully completed didactic task is associated with the results of the game.

In order to correctly combine game elements and learning, to determine the place and role assigned to gaming technologies in the educational process, the teacher must understand the classification and functions of pedagogical games. There are four main features such games:

  1. direct and indirect rules;
  2. competition and emotional elation of activity;
  3. active, improvisational, creative nature of the activity;
  4. free developmental activity, which is undertaken only at the request of the child.

A didactic game is one of the most effective ways to awaken a keen interest in the subject being studied. The inherent desire to play in children must be used and directed towards solving various educational and educational problems. In order for the game to be interesting and accessible to children, the teacher must think it through and prepare it well; the rules of the game must be clear and concise. How effective the game will be depends on the teacher’s interest and emotional attitude to the game, the course of its development and the result. How effective a didactic game will be depends on how systematically it is used and the purposefulness of the game program.

A business game is an activity in which various practical situations are simulated. Game technology involves game modeling, when a model is created that replaces the real object of some situation, when the models are manipulated to replace real experiments with artificially constructed patterns of behavior. The rules of the game can be taken from a real situation or made up.

During business games, participants develop different positive attitudes:

  • Interest in activities and problems that are modeled and played out during the game;
  • Assimilation of a large amount of information, which contributes to the creative search for solutions to problems;
  • Ability to adequately analyze the real situation;
  • Formation of objective self-esteem of students;
  • Development of analytical, innovative, economic and psychological thinking.

In order for a business game to give the desired result, it must be based on theoretical knowledge and ideas about the field of activity that is being simulated.

Since one of the fundamental principles of the educational process is humanistic, you should pay attention to the fact that the goal of education should not be the child’s assimilation of a certain amount or set of knowledge, but the holistic development of his personality. A means of personal development that can reveal its potential abilities is independent thinking and cognitive activity. Hence the conclusion - the teacher must set himself the task of ensuring such independent and mental activity in the lesson, and this is facilitated by interactive technologies, in which the student independently opens the path to knowledge, and the assimilation of knowledge is the result of his activity.

Olga Pronyaeva
Modern interactive pedagogical technologies in working with preschool children

Currently, the rapid development of information and communication technologies there is an urgent need to modernize the content and structure of all areas preschool education. This is reflected in the new educational Standards. It was the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards and their introduction that became the impetus for the implementation interactive learning and interactive technologies in the work of a preschool institution.

IN pedagogy There are several models training:

With the passive learning method, information comes from teacher to student.

With an active learning method - interaction teacher and student.

At the core interactive learning lies in the interaction structure « teacher-child-child» .

Interactive teaching methods are ways of purposeful interaction between an adult and children, which provide optimal conditions for their development.

Interactive learning for preschoolers- this is a specific form of organizing educational activities, the purpose of which is to provide comfortable conditions for interaction, in which each child feels his success and, by fulfilling a certain intellectual work, achieves high performance.

Interactive teaching methods provide such learning that enables children in classes in pairs, microgroups or small groups to work through educational material, talking, arguing and discussing different points of view.

Basis of activity teacher in an interactive environment training is a person-centered approach. Its basic requirements compliance:

Humane pedagogical position;

A value-based attitude towards the child and his creativity;

Creation of a cultural, informational and subject-development environment in the classroom;

Knowledge of methods and fundamentals of educational technologies;

Purposeful development of children's individuality.

Structure interactive gcd

1. Motivational and orientation stage

The teacher introduces the topic, selected on the basis of a preliminary analysis of tasks, educational needs, problems, etc. It is reported in what form it will be carried out Job.

2. Search stage

Based on the results of the analysis of the information received from the participants, the goals and objectives of the upcoming work, a plan is drawn up.

3. Main stage

Implementation time for the basic active learning method selected teacher in accordance with the content of the topic under consideration, the cognitive and behavioral characteristics of children. It may be: "Brainstorm", KVN, project, etc.

4. Reflective-evaluative stage

Evaluating the effectiveness of the work done work, compliance of the result with the set goals, identification of personal acquisitions (what new did you learn, what did you learn, etc.).

Interactive technologies are considered in two values:

technologies, built on interaction with a computer and through a computer, are Information and Communication technologies(ICT)

organized interaction directly between children and teacher without using a computer. -This interactive pedagogical technologies

Please look at the slide for the main differences between forms and methods interactive learning from traditional

Distinctive features interactive classes:

Extreme clarity, compactness, and high information content of educational material are required.

Logical interdependence, interconnection integrated subjects.

Free placement of visual material.

Changing dynamic poses.

Involvement of specialized specialists and parents in conducting classes.

Interactive methods and technologies there are more than a hundred. In our kindergarten we most often use the following interactive methods in organizing educational process:



Synthesis of thoughts





Multi-channel activity method

Tree of knowledge

Case method (analysis of specific, practical situations)


A cluster is a method that helps you think freely and openly about a topic. This is a non-linear form of thinking. The breakdown into clusters is very simple.

A picture depicting a key word is hung on the board and children are asked to name words related to this word. This method can be used both in a group and individually with each child, who is offered several pictures and finds a connection between them.

« Work in pairs»

Children learn to interact with each other, pairing up at will and completing the proposed task. Working in pairs, children improve their ability to negotiate, consistently, and jointly carry out work. Interactive learning in pairs helps work out cooperation skills in intimate communication situations. Examples work in pairs:

Children take turns describing the picture.

-“Name the first sound in the word”

-work using mnemonic tables


Microphone - method work, during which children, together with the teacher, form a circle and, passing an imitation or toy microphone to each other, express their thoughts on a given topic. For example, a child takes a microphone, talks about himself in a few sentences, and passes the microphone to another child. All statements made by children are accepted and approved, but not discussed.

"Foresight"- method working with children, during which it is proposed "predict" possible solutions to the problem.

For example, invite children to name all the autumn months and talk about what they expect from each month.

Later, imagine yourself in the place of one of the months and talk about your predictions: “I am the first month of autumn - September. I am a very warm month. All the children love me because they start going to school.”

The next child continues to talk about this very month (work in pairs) .

"Round dance"

At the initial stage, the adult is the leader, since children cannot independently complete the task in turn. The teacher, with the help of an object, teaches children to complete a task one by one, thereby developing in them such qualities as the ability to listen to answers and not interrupt each other.

reception "Round dance" promotes the formation of initial skills of voluntary behavior in children preschool age.

The teacher, with the help of a ball or other object, teaches children to complete tasks in turn, thereby developing in them such qualities as the ability to listen to answers and not interrupt each other.

"Edible - not edible"

"Call me kindly" children practiced word formation.


« Synthesis of thoughts»

Synthesis of thoughts - method of work, in which children work in small groups to complete a specific task, such as drawing on a piece of paper. When one group draws, it passes the drawing to another group, whose members finalize the completed task. Finishing work make up a general story about what they completed and why.


Such technology implemented for the organization work in pairs. It is the dynamic couple that has great communicative potential, and this stimulates communication between children.

Interactive technology"Carousel" Forms in the child such moral and volitional qualities as mutual assistance and cooperation skills.

To do this, you need to find a partner and agree on who will be in the outer circle and who in the inner. Children standing in the inner circle call the hard consonant, and children standing in the outer circle call the soft consonant. Children actively interact with each other, reinforce hard and soft consonants.


Discussion is a method of collective discussion of a complex issue. All participants in the educational process prepare for the discussion; all children are actively involved.

At the end of the discussion, a single collective solution to a problem, problem or recommendation is formulated. Questions (tasks) No more than five should be offered. They should be formulated in such a way that it is possible to express different views regarding the problem raised. Children learn to express their own opinion: "I think.", "I think.", "In my opinion.", "I agree, but.", "I don't agree because.".


"Brain attack (brainstorm)"is one of the methods that promotes the development of creativity in both children and adults. This method is convenient to use when discussing complex problems or issues.

Time is given for individual reflection on the problem (it can even be up to 10 minutes), and after some time additional information is collected regarding decision-making.

Children - participants "brainstorming" must express all possible (and logically impossible) options for solving a problem that need to be listened to and the only correct decision made.


"Aquarium"- a form of dialogue when children are asked to discuss a problem "in the face of the public". Interactive technology"Aquarium" consists in the fact that several children act out the situation in a circle, and the rest observe and analyze.

What does this technique give? preschoolers?

Opportunity see their peers from the outside, see how they communicate, how they react to someone else’s thought, how they resolve an emerging conflict, how they argue for their thought.

"Multi-channel activity method"

Multi-channel activity method - method working with children, during which various analyzers: vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell.

For example, when looking at a painting, it is advisable to use the following subsequence: highlighting the objects depicted in the picture; representation of objects through perception by various analyzers.

After considering all the objects depicted in the picture, it is worth giving the children creative tasks:

"listen" sounds of pictures through "headphones"; conduct virtual dialogues on behalf of the depicted characters;

Feel "aroma" flowers depicted in the picture; "go beyond what is depicted";

Mentally touch the picture, determine what its surface is like (warm, cold, what the weather is like) (windy, rainy, sunny, hot, frosty) etc.

For example, when looking at a painting "Walk in the Woods" it is worth asking the following questions: What do you think the girls are talking about? Look at the bark of the trees, what is it like? Listen to the sounds of leaves rustling, magpie chirping, etc.

"Tree of Knowledge"- method work, which includes several stages: Selecting a problem that does not have a clear solution, for example, “What does a tree need to be happy?”. Considering a diagram in which a rectangle is "trunk"(which denotes this problem, straight lines are "branches"(the ways to solve it, and the circles are "leaves" (solution to the problem). Solution Problems: children in subgroups agree, discuss and draw, for example, a butterfly, a bird, etc., placing them on "decision tree" and explain their choice.

"Case- technology»

Case - technologies is a way of organizing short-term training based on real or fictitious situations.

Types of cases – technologies:

Photo – case;

Case – illustrations;

Analysis of specific situations;

Playing roles (role design).

Most often in We use technology when working with children"Photo case" And "Case illustrations". Technology"Case illustration" is relevant because it makes it possible to formulate a decision-making strategy with the help of which a child in the future will be able to overcome independently encountered life situations of varying complexity. The entity provided technologies is an analysis of the problem situation.

This technology contains:

Illustration corresponding to real events, which shows a simulated or real problem situation;

The teacher describes this problematic situation;

The teacher asks questions that motivate children to analyze the problem and make the optimal solution to the problem.

Children reason, express their opinions, analyze, and as a result come to the correct solution to the problem.

The teacher shows a photo of the correct solution to the problem.


Thus, interactive training is undoubtedly interesting, creative, promising direction pedagogy. It helps children realize all their potential preschool age taking into account their psychological capabilities. Usage interactive technologies relieves nervous stress in direct educational activities preschoolers, makes it possible to change their forms of activity, to switch attention to the issues of the topic of classes.

Usage interactive technologies makes it possible to enrich children's knowledge and ideas about the world around them, about relationships with peers and adults. Encourages children to actively interact in the system of social relations.

Designing an individual educational route preschoolers in preschool settings.

One more modern technology is the design of an individual educational route preschoolers.

A priority direction in organizing the educational process preschool institutions should take an individual approach to the child, preserving self-worth preschool childhood and nature itself preschooler.

In practice, the process of training and education is mainly focused on the average level of development of the child, therefore not every student can fully realize their potential. This puts before preschool teachers The educational institution has the task of creating optimal conditions for the realization of the potential capabilities of each student. One of the solutions in this situation is the preparation and implementation of an individual educational route (IOM). Individualization of training, education and correction is aimed, first of all, at overcoming the discrepancy between the level set by educational programs and the real capabilities of each student.

An individual educational route is a purposefully designed differentiated educational program (S.Vorobeva, N.A. Labunskaya, A.P. Tryapitsyna, Yu.F. Timofeeva, etc.). The individual educational route is determined by the educational needs, individual abilities and capabilities of the student (level of readiness to master the program).

When compiling an IOM, it is necessary to take into account certain principles that will comply with interests the child and are focused on the educational needs, individual abilities and capabilities of the pupil.


The principle of relying on the child’s learning ability;

The principle of correlating the level of actual development and the zone of proximal development;

Compliance principle interests of the child;

The principle of close interaction and consistency work“teams” of specialists in the course of studying the level of child development;

The principle of continuity, when the child is guaranteed continuous support at all stages of assistance in solving the problem;

The principle of refusal of average rationing;

The principle of relying on children's subculture.

Role teacher consists in creating conditions for the free creative activity of children and organizing the educational process using the method of real co-creation (with teacher, parents, others children) in different forms of interaction.

To the teacher the role of assistant, partner in a common cause and consultant is assigned. He performs the difficult task of creating optimal conditions for the child’s self-realization in the educational environment as a free individual.

Thus, the activity teacher is sent, first of all, to create conditions for meaningful choice children individual educational strategy, for individual assistance to each child in planning their activities, for advice on the use of certain information sources, teaching aids, art materials and tools.

Target (IOM):

Creating conditions in kindergarten that promote positive socialization preschooler, his social and personal development, which is inextricably linked with general processes intellectual, emotional, aesthetic, physical and other types of development of the child’s personality.


Create a favorable subject-development environment for the child’s development;

Organize a unified system administration work, teaching staff, medical staff of preschool educational institutions and parents on child development;

Improve your communication style teacher with child: adhere to a psychologically correct communication style, achieve respect and trust of the student;

Create conditions for the development of a child’s positive attitude towards himself, other people, the world around him, and the communicative and social competence of children;

To form in the child a sense of self-esteem, awareness of his rights and freedoms.

The route is created with the aim of maximizing the educational and social needs of children. In an individual educational route, a specific correlation of forms and types of activities, an individualized volume and depth of content, specific psychological educational technologies, educational and methodological materials.

Development and implementation of an individual educational route in preschool educational institution carry out teachers, specialists (educational psychologist, teacher speech therapist) in close cooperation with the child's family. When designing an individual educational route, specialists and preschool teachers institutions focus on the educational needs, individual abilities and capabilities of the student.

To determine the level of development of the child and when constructing the IOM, the teacher can use various methods.

Methods used in work:

Conversations, observations, games, activities, exercises;

Interaction with parents.

When compiling an IOM, there is a certain system that helps teacher plan your work and create an individual development path for each child. The essence of IOM is that it reflects the process of change (speakers) in the development and education of the child, which allows timely adjustment of components pedagogical process. An individual educational route can be implemented in all types of activities, at any time, it all depends on the desire of the child, on his choice, self-determination.

An individual educational route is a personal way to realize a child’s personal potential (pupil) in education and training.

IOM fully allows for the implementation of the principle of individualization, which consists in preschooler, is able to go his own way, purposefully mastering what is a priority for him, relying on his strengths, natural inclinations and abilities.

An example of an individual route in our kindergarten (on slide)

Thus, by building individual educational trajectories for children’s development, we provide our students with equal starting opportunities.