Human temperaments test printed. Who are you by type of temperament: full characteristics and features by age

The test will help you determine your type of temperament.

Take a piece of paper. Write the numbers of questions from 1 to 20, in front of them mark the letter of the answer ("a", "b", "c", or "d"). After going through, count the total number of letters.

Temperament test

Of the four statements, you need to choose the one that is most suitable for you.

a) fussy and restless;

b) cheerful and cheerful;

c) are cold-blooded and calm;

d) shy and shy.

a) hot-tempered and unrestrained;

b) businesslike and energetic;

c) thorough and consistent;

d) in a new environment you are lost.

a) are straightforward and harsh in relation to other people;

b) tend to overestimate themselves;

c) know how to wait;

d) doubt your abilities.

a) are unforgiving;

b) if something ceases to be of interest, you cool down quickly;

c) strictly adhere to the system in work and daily routine;

d) you involuntarily adapt to the character of the interlocutor.

a) you are the owner of impulsive, abrupt movements;

b) fall asleep quickly;

c) it is difficult for you to adapt to the new environment;

d) submissive.

a) they are intolerant of shortcomings;

b) are efficient, hardy;

c) in their interests are constant;

d) easily vulnerable, sensitive.

a) impatient;

b) you give up what you started;

c) reasonable and careful;

d) it is difficult to establish contact with new people.

a) you have expressive facial expressions;

b) fast, loud speech with lively gestures;

c) slowly get into work;

d) are very touchy.

a) you have a fast, passionate speech;

b) in new job turn on quickly;

c) you restrain the impulse easily;

d) very impressionable.

a) work in jerks;

b) you take up any new business with enthusiasm;

c) you do not waste your energy;

d) you have a quiet, weak speech.

a) you have a lack of assembly;

b) persistent in achieving the goal;

c) sluggish, inactive;

d) seek the sympathy of others.

a) quickly decide and act;

b) in a difficult situation, keep your composure;

c) equal relations with everyone;

d) uncommunicative.

a) proactive and decisive;

b) quickly grasp new things;

c) do not like to chat in vain, are silent;

d) tolerate loneliness easily.

a) strive for something new;

b) you are always in a cheerful mood;

c) love neatness;

d) timid, inactive.

a) stubborn;

b) interests and inclinations are not constant;

c) you have a calm, even speech with stops;

d) in case of failures, you feel confused and depressed.

a) have a tendency to fervor;

b) burden yourself with monotonous painstaking work;

c) little susceptible to censure and approval;

d) you have high demands on others and yourself.

a) risk appetite;

b) you easily adapt to different circumstances;

c) bring the work started to the end;

d) you are fatigued quickly.

a) sudden mood swings;

b) tend to be distracted;

c) have endurance;

d) too susceptible to censure and approval.

a) you are aggressive, bully;

b) responsive and sociable;

c) are gentle;

d) suspicious, suspicious.

a) resourceful in an argument;

b) failures are easy to experience;

c) patient and restrained;

d) have a tendency to withdraw into themselves.

Count how many times you chose the answer "a", how many "b", how many "c" and how many "d". Now multiply each of the 4 digits obtained by 5. You will get percentage answers.

For example:

"A" - 7 times * 5 = 35%

"B" - 10 times * 5 = 50%

"C" - 2 times * 5 = 10%

"G" - 1 time * 5 = 5%

Four types of answers correspond to 4 types temperament.

"A" - type of choleric

"B" - type of sanguine person

"C" - phlegmatic type

"G" is a type of melancholic.

In our example, type "b" dominates - sanguine (50%). Determine your dominant type.

Types of temperament


Unbalanced type. Stormy emotions, flashes. Speech is uneven, inconsistent. A sharp change in mood. With people he is quarrelsome, straightforward. Can't wait, impatient. Strives for new things constantly, unstable in interests.


"Lively", sociable, maintains composure in a difficult environment. Easily enters into a new team, is not constrained. Quickly switches from one job to another. The solutions are often not assembled. Speech is clear, loud, fast.

Phlegmatic person.

Balanced. Reasonable, careful, sociable in moderation. Inactive, inert. Steady in the interest. Adheres to a strict routine in the workplace. Slowly switches from one job to another.


Sedentary, unbalanced. All emotions are inside. Indecisive, does not believe in himself, very sensitive. Closed, prone to loneliness. Steady in the interest. Contacts are difficult.

Take this temperament test to gauge your reactions to events!

Briefly about the main thing:

1. Is temperament a genetic problem or an acquired gift?
2. How to learn to recognize people by their personality temperament?
3. What are the types of temperament?
4. Rate yourself! Temperament Type Test!

Is temperament a genetic problem or an acquired gift?

The concept of "personality temperament" was introduced by the founder of medicine Hippocrates. Even then, he divided people into four main categories that are still relevant today.

Sometimes personality temperament is confused with character, but this is not true!

Temperament is a person's innate characteristics that affect his behavior, the speed of reaction to events and stimuli, poise, self-development, etc. And character is a set of acquired qualities, for example, determination, courage, fearlessness, etc.

How to learn to recognize people by their personality temperament?

Knowing a person's temperament, you can:

  • predict his reaction;
  • get to know his lifestyle;
  • understand what he needs;
  • easily find an approach;
  • understand in what areas of activity he will be successful!

In fact, this is the key to anyone! How to pick it up? Read below!

What types of temperaments are there?

Sanguine- this is a sea of ​​positive. A person is cheerful, active, optimistic, quickly and clearly reacts to changes. If he is angry, he does not hide his emotions, studies everything new with interest, is prone to frequent changes in hobbies.

Choleric is usually quick-tempered and unbalanced, can be reckless and unpredictable. He is very emotional, often aggressive, jealous, prone to high self-esteem and suppression of others. Choleric people usually have a gloomy appearance, have a negative attitude towards others, suffer from overwork and mood swings.

Melancholic- a calm and thoughtful person, as a rule, is vulnerable, trusting and slow. Prone to low self-esteem, sudden mood swings for the worse, prone to depression. He always tries to follow the instructions strictly. Any innovation can upset him to tears. Sometimes such people are called couch potatoes and bores, but they are the best at showing themselves in the household.

Phlegmatic person- balanced and unperturbed, it is almost impossible to piss him off. Even if he gets angry, it instantly cools down. Very rarely shows emotions, it is difficult to adapt to new circumstances, not particularly quick-witted and resourceful. Tries to adhere to a strict plan. A phlegmatic person cannot perform several tasks at once, but he is always attentive, persistent and consistent.

How to determine your personality temperament?

Rate yourself! Temperament Type Test!

A "pure" type of temperament is extremely rare. The overwhelming majority of people have a mixed temperament, which is characterized by the features of various personality temperaments, but nevertheless, one must prevail.

There are four groups of statements in this test that describe different types of temperaments. You can either agree with them or not. Record your answers on paper.

So, let's start self-discovery!

What does the choleric think about himself?

  • I am extremely fussy and restless.
  • I often break out and flare up over trifles.
  • Patience is not about me.
  • When dealing with people, I can be harsh and rude.
  • I initiate various meetings and events.
  • I am stubborn.
  • I am resourceful and resourceful in an argument.
  • I cannot work at a certain pace.
  • I am inclined to take risks.
  • I'm not vindictive at all.
  • I have a quick and temperamental speech.
  • I can be very unbalanced.
  • I am unable to put up with other people's shortcomings.
  • I like to make biting remarks.
  • I do not hide my emotions.
  • I tend to make decisions quickly.
  • I am interested in everything new.
  • My movements can be jerky.
  • If the goal is set, I am not distracted by anything else.
  • My mood can change dramatically.

What does a sanguine person think of himself?

  • I can quite call myself a positive person.
  • As a rule, I am full of energy, and I know how to use it.
  • I don't often manage to bring things to their logical conclusion.
  • I can overestimate my capabilities.
  • I can quickly absorb new information.
  • I do not dwell on one thing and tend to change hobbies.
  • I'm not worried about failures, everyone has them.
  • I can easily adapt to any conditions.
  • I can do anything with enthusiasm.
  • I can quit what I started when I lose interest in it.
  • It is not difficult for me to switch from one job to another.
  • I get tired of monotonous work.
  • I easily make acquaintances, I have a lot of friends and acquaintances.
  • I am tough enough to work as long as I need to.
  • I speak loudly, I can express my thoughts quickly and clearly.
  • I keep my composure in unexpected situations.
  • I am always benevolent towards others.
  • I fall asleep quickly and wake up easily.
  • Sometimes I am prone to rash decisions.
  • I am inattentive in a conversation, I can lose the thread of the conversation.

What does the phlegmatic think about himself?

  • As a rule, I am balanced and very calm.
  • I perform all my actions in the intended sequence.
  • Prudence and caution are peculiar to me.
  • I can wait a long time.
  • I am not inclined to idle chatter, let others say.
  • I calmly express my thoughts, do not show emotions in a conversation.
  • I am characterized by patience and restraint.
  • I have no unfinished business.
  • I do not spray over trifles.
  • If it’s worthwhile, I can give it my best.
  • I try to stick to the plan in everything I do.
  • I am always in control of my emotions.
  • I usually don't respond to praise or criticism.
  • I am condescending to jokes in my address.
  • I am true to my hobbies.
  • I am uncomfortable with switching to another activity.
  • I have the same relationship with everyone.
  • I am characterized by pedantry and accuracy.
  • I have a hard time getting used to change.
  • Endurance and composure are characteristic of me.
  • I am gradually getting used to people, I cannot establish friendly relations.

What does a melancholic think to himself?

  • I am shy in society and very shy.
  • I am lost in an unfamiliar environment.
  • I can't just walk up and talk to a stranger.
  • I'm not sure I'm capable of anything.
  • I am not burdened by loneliness, I take it calmly.
  • My failures overwhelm me.
  • I can plunge into myself and stay in this state for a long time.
  • I get tired often and quickly.
  • I can't speak loudly.
  • It's easier for me to adjust than to defend my point of view.
  • I am very impressionable, sometimes I can be moved to tears.
  • I am pleased when they praise me.
  • I endure criticism very painfully.
  • I am always strict with myself, and demanding of others.
  • I am suspicious and suspicious.
  • I am easily hurt and hurt.
  • I am offended headlong and worry for a long time.
  • I cannot share my thoughts and feelings with others.
  • I am usually inactive, too timid.
  • I am not accustomed to argue and resignedly follow any instructions.
  • I like it when others show sympathy for me.

Temperament Type Test Results!

Accordingly, the more positive answers, the more pronounced you have this type of temperament.

To determine the percentage, count the sum of all affirmative responses. Then multiply the number of affirmative answers for a particular type by 100% and divide by the total number of affirmative answers.

What happened?

The type of temperament that scored more than 40% is considered the main one.

The type of temperament, which corresponds to 30 to 39%, is considered to be pronounced.

The type of temperament that scored from 20 to 29% is manifested only in certain circumstances.

The type of temperament that scored less than 20% is extremely weak.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Hippocrates (about 460 BC - about 370 BC) - the famous ancient Greek healer, physician and philosopher. He went down in history as the "father of medicine" (

Psychologists distinguish 4 types of temperament: sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic and choleric. Depending on which of them dominates, a person has certain character traits. After reading this article, you can easily determine the type of temperament by describing your personality traits. If you want to get more exact result then you can take tests created for this purpose. We will talk about them a little later.


Searching for an answer to the question "How to determine a person's temperament?" engaged in such a science as psychology. At the origins of the doctrine of temperament is Hippocrates, who lived in the time Ancient Greece... He believed that vital juices (blood, yellow and black bile, and phlegm) in certain proportions determine personality traits.

This idea was developed by the Roman Claudius Galen, who in his treatise gave a name to each of the 4 types of temperament. The word "choleric" is derived from the stem "bile" in Greek. The terms "sanguine", "phlegmatic", "melancholic" are translated as "blood", "phlegm" and "black bile", respectively.

Currently, the type of temperament is not accepted to be equated with "life juices". Personal characteristics depend on functioning nervous system... This theory was proposed by Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. Modern scientists have come to the conclusion that the type of temperament is inherited, it is influenced by the social environment, upbringing, and the individual's ability to self-control.

Currently, there are a large number of books on how to determine the type of temperament. In addition to literature, you can take tests on the Internet or sign up for a consultation with a professional. However, do not expect that the result will be one hundred percent. The fact is that it is impossible to have only one type of temperament. Each individual has the characteristics of all four types, it is just that some of them are more pronounced.


A person with a choleric type of temperament does not know how to control himself. Such people are often unrestrained and quick-tempered. Despite their unbridled disposition, they are quick-witted and quickly calm down after the manifestation of violent emotions. They say about them: "It flared up like a match!" Indeed, these people are "turned on" without a word, but just as suddenly they stop the surge of emotions. Choleric people deeply experience both happy and sad moments. The reaction to the events is not long in coming, one might say, it is instantaneous.

All experiences are pronounced, intense and fleeting. To understand if you are choleric, observe your behavior. Exploring the depths of your personality will help you answer the question: "How to define your temperament?" Choleric people are characterized by a rapid change in feelings and emotions. This can be seen in their facial expressions, facial expressions and gestures. Hotness and passion, however, does not mean that the emotions of choleric people are superficial. All experiences come from the depths of the soul, it's just that people with this type of temperament quickly switch from one event to another.

Age features

Choleric people at any age are distinguished by impatience and harshness in communication, energetic gestures and facial expressions, and a fast pace of work. In childhood, guys with this type of temperament are ringleaders in large companies, they easily incite their peers to participate in various adventures. During puberty, teens become extremely active, can get involved in fights, be rude to teachers, and even disrupt lessons! In maturity, choleric people often notice a dislike for monotonous work. They tackle a new business with enthusiasm, but very quickly "cool down", complete the started activity in a hurry, work carelessly.


To understand how to define your temperament, you need to get acquainted with each of the four varieties. Melancholic people are distinguished by their unbalanced character. They deeply experience any events that happen to them, but do not give free rein to emotions. Outwardly, they seem withdrawn and unemotional. Such people have expressionless, monotonous, restrained facial expressions. They don't gesticulate too much.

The voice of melancholic people is quiet and expressionless. These people are distinguished by anxiety, vulnerability and sensitivity. They are wary of new pursuits, afraid of difficulties and avoid any unforeseen situations. Melancholic people give preference to such actions that can be performed without experiencing mental stress.

And emotions are very monotonous and stable. At first glance, these people seem too sad and gloomy, withdrawn and uncommunicative. They are very vulnerable, which is why they react painfully to failure and criticism. Any difficulties in life cause them depression. Melancholic people are characterized by indecision and lack of strength, they are pessimistic about everything. They show disinterest in work. Melancholic people are treated as ephemeral creatures, unadapted to life and flying in the clouds.

Age features

Children of a certain temperament type behave differently. Melancholic children are calm and withdrawn, they are easily influenced by others. In the team, they are offended, teased and called names. They cannot resist injustice, they do not know how to defend their rights, which is why they often become the object of ridicule.

IN adolescence melancholic people find it difficult to adapt to new bands. They can become a "punching bag" for stronger guys. Teenagers are characterized by shyness, shyness, sometimes they show tearfulness and indecision. In maturity, these character traits are preserved.


People with a sanguine type of temperament are balanced, react quickly to events happening to them, but at the same time their emotions are rather moderate. Mental processes weakly intense, they are characterized by constant change. New emotional states appear quickly, depth is uncharacteristic for them.

To do this, you need to take care of yourself. For example, if you notice that you have expressive and rich facial expressions, active gestures, then most likely you are sanguine. Such people are very mobile and cheerful. They are impressionable, react to all external stimuli. Sanguine people practically do not go deep into their experiences, as they are carried away by the world around them.

People with this type of temperament are quick-witted, a sharp mind allows them to easily solve all kinds of problems, if they do not require a lot of work and perseverance. Sanguine people have a positive attitude to changing activities, quickly “light up” with new ideas. However, with the same speed they leave what they started when they find something more interesting to do. They often make decisions hastily.

Sanguine people are sociable, they make contact with any people. Relationships with them are very superficial, because the owners of this type of temperament do not become attached to others and easily part with friends and acquaintances. Sorrows and joys, grievances and reconciliation are quickly forgotten by sanguine people. The facial expressions and gestures of these people are very expressive, their speech is fast.

Age features

Sanguine people are able to work for a long time without feeling tired. They tend to choose a variety of activities, feel uncomfortable doing monotonous work. From childhood, sanguine people show a penchant for leadership. They are able to take responsibility. They are constantly looking for ways to get into the spotlight. Often people with a sanguine type of temperament make promises and do not fulfill them, admit their guilt and apologize, but continue to live in the old way.

Phlegmatic person

Personality features are manifested not only in the mental activity of a person. By movements, you can also determine the type of person's temperament. Phlegmatic people, for example, are not very active. Their gestures are slow, sometimes sluggish. For people with this type of temperament, heightened feelings are not characteristic of them. Feelings change infrequently and slowly. Phlegmatic people are very calm and imperturbable, so it is difficult for them to lose their temper and make them come into conflict with someone. These people are rarely seen agitated or discouraged.

Gestures and facial expressions are monotonous. Speech seems inanimate, since it is not accompanied by body movements. Phlegmatic people first think about their decisions, but if they want to do something, then they will confidently go towards their goal. They do not like changes, so it is necessary to warn them in advance about innovations.

G. Eysenck's methodology EPI

If you are interested in how to determine the type of a person's temperament, then, most likely, you are familiar with the method of G. Eysenck. This test consists of 2 variants of 57 questions each. To pass this test, you must answer "yes" or "no" questions, and you must be extremely honest with yourself. There can be no wrong answers, because they are absolutely individual.

The questions are aimed at identifying behavior and reactions to various situations. The results are revealed by several indicators, among which are the stability and instability of the reaction (neuroticism), introversion and extraversion.

A. Belov's test

One of the most popular tests for determining temperament is A. Belov's test. It consists of 40 questions, divided into 2 blocks. The structure of the test is similar to the method of G. Isaac. The subject is offered a series of statements, which must be answered "Yes" or "No". The results show the percentage of temperament types. Two of them tend to be dominant.

Professional techniques

How to determine your temperament? To do this, you can contact a professional. Psychologists use several methods, including "Temperament and Sociotypes" and "Pavlovsky Questionnaire". The first technique is aimed at determining the combination of behavior in society with the type of temperament. The "Pavlovsky questionnaire" allows to reveal the stability of the nervous system and the strength of the processes of inhibition and excitation.

How to determine the temperament of a child?

It doesn't take a lot of tests to understand what type of temperament your child has. It is enough to observe a boy or a girl, to analyze the attitude of children to daily activities.

  • Choleric people, as a rule, have increased excitability. In the game, they strive for leadership, are distinguished by mobility and activity. Very quickly they get bored with monotonous activity. Such children prefer football, basketball and dancing. They can unknowingly offend the people around them, so it is necessary to be patient in their upbringing.
  • Sanguine people are very friendly and active, they easily switch to other activities and quickly hammer grievances. These kids love team games like soccer and volleyball. Guys can be absent-minded and frivolous, but with proper upbringing, these character traits can be gotten rid of.
  • Phlegmatic people are silent and slow. These children want their own space. They do not show interest in various games, as they like to sleep and do not have a rich imagination. They love drawing, music and embroidery.

  • Determine the type of temperament of the child from the description of his personality traits before he goes to school, otherwise difficulties may arise. For example, phlegmatic people get tired quickly, they switch from one type of activity to another for a long time. These children are very touchy and a little cowardly, so at first it can be difficult for them to get used to the new team. Quiet activities, such as reading and drawing, are best for them.

School activities and school holidays


Students can be surveyed at class hour... To keep the answers honest, promise to share the test results with everyone personally.

Test for determining the type of temperament

The classification of types of temperament, developed by Hippocrates, is still relevant today. However, "pure" choleric people, sanguine people, phlegmatic people and melancholic people are rare. Most people have a mixed type of temperament, but only one is predominant.

Each of the 4 parts of the test contains 40 theses characteristic of a certain type of temperament. You need to agree or disagree with each of them.

Part 1

1. I am fussy and restless.
2. I am unrestrained and quick-tempered.
3. I am impatient.
4. I am harsh and straightforward in communication.
5. I am often the initiator of all kinds of events.
6. I'm stubborn.
7. In an argument I am very resourceful.
8. It is difficult for me to maintain a certain rhythm in my work.
9. I often take risks.
10. I do not remember grudges.
11. I speak very quickly and excitedly.
12. I am unbalanced and often get excited about little things.
13. I am intolerant of the shortcomings of others.
14. I love to tease people.
15. My facial expressions are very expressive.
16. I make decisions quickly.
17. I am attracted to everything new.
18. My movements are impetuous and harsh.
19. I always strive to achieve my goal.
20. My mood often changes for no particular reason.

Part 2

1. I am a cheerful person.
2. I am energetic and always know where to direct my energy.
3. I don't always finish what I started.
4. I often overestimate myself.
5. I catch everything new literally on the fly.
6. My interests are fickle.
7. I take my failures quite easily.
8. I find it easy to adapt to almost any circumstance.
9. Any business that I do fascinates me.
10. As soon as my interest in a case fades, I tend to drop it.
11. I easily get involved in a new job, and also switch from one activity to another.
12. Monotonous painstaking work depresses me.
13. I am sociable and responsive, I have many friends.
14. I have a high working capacity, I am very hardy.
15. I usually speak loudly, quickly and clearly.
16. Even in difficult and unforeseen circumstances, I do not lose my composure.
17. I am always friendly.
18. I usually fall asleep and wake up without difficulty.
19. I often make hasty, rash decisions.
20. Sometimes I listen to someone inattentively, without delving into the essence of the story.

Part 3

1. Usually I am calm and cold-blooded.
2. In all my affairs, I adhere to a certain sequence.
3. Usually I am reasonable and careful.
4. I calmly endure the wait.
5. If I have nothing to say, I prefer to be silent.
6. My speech is measured and calm, without bright emotional coloring.
7. I am reserved and patient.
8. I usually bring what I started to the end.
9. I do not waste energy on trifles, but I can be very efficient if I see that it is worth it.
10. At work and in life, I follow a familiar pattern.
11. It is easy for me to restrain my emotions.
12. Praise or criticism in my address worries me little.
13. I am condescending to jokes in my address.
14. My interests are consistent.
15. I slowly get involved in work or switch from one activity to another.
16. Usually I have an even relationship with everyone.
17. I am neat and I like order in everything.
18. I find it difficult to adapt to the new environment.
19. I am very self-possessed.
20. I establish contact with new people gradually.

Part 4

1. I am shy and shy.
2. In unfamiliar surroundings, I feel confused.
3. It is difficult for me to speak to a stranger.
4. Sometimes I do not believe in myself.
5. I can easily endure loneliness.
6. Failure oppresses me.
7. Sometimes I withdraw into myself for a long time.
8. I get tired quickly.
9. I speak very quietly, sometimes almost in a whisper.
10. I always adjust to my interlocutor.
11. Sometimes something impresses me so much that I can't help crying.
12. I am very sensitive to praise or criticism.
13. I have high demands on myself and others.
14. I can be suspicious and suspicious.
15. I am a vulnerable person.
16. I am easily offended.
17. I prefer to hide my thoughts from others.
18. I am timid and inactive.
19. I usually obey orders without complaint.
20. I would like to evoke sympathy from those around me.

The key to the test

Count the total number of positive answers: A.
Count the number of affirmative answers for each part: A1, A2, A3, A4.

Calculate the percentage of positive responses for each type of temperament:

  • choleric = (A1 / A) x 100%;
  • sanguine = (A2 / A) x 100%;
  • phlegmatic = (A3 / A) x 100%;
  • melancholic = (A4 / A) x 100%.

The results obtained will indicate how much of each of these types is in your temperament;

40% or more - this type of temperament is dominant;

30–39% - the features characteristic of this type are quite pronounced;

20–29% - average level the severity of the features characteristic of this type of temperament;

10–19% - features of this type of temperament are poorly expressed.

Parents will be able to determine the temperament of their child. Since the features of temperament junior schoolchildren have a significant impact on learning activities... Any person must constantly take into account the peculiarities of the temperament of the people with whom he has to work and communicate. This is necessary for effective interaction with them, reducing the likelihood of conflict situations avoiding possible stress.



Parents' meeting on the topic "Determination of temperament"

The characteristics of the temperament of younger schoolchildren have a significant impact on educational activity.

Temperament is a combination of individual psychological characteristics of a person that characterize the dynamic and emotional-volitional aspects of her behavior and activities. It acts as a kind of connecting link between the body, cognitive processes and personality. Taking into account the individual characteristics of students is necessary in relation to various aspects of his personality, including in relation to the temperamental characteristics of children.
The main personality traits include temperament and character. Temperament is determined by the type of nervous system and reflects predominantly innate characteristics of behavior. Temperament expresses the attitude of a person to the events taking place around him.
Any person must constantly take into account the peculiarities of the temperament of the people with whom he has to work and communicate. This is necessary for effective interaction with them, reducing the likelihood of conflict situations, avoiding possible stress. There are no better or worse temperaments. Therefore, efforts in contact with a person should be directed not at correcting him, but at the competent use of the merits and advantages of temperament with the simultaneous neutralization of negative manifestations.
The earliest classification of temperament types was developed in the 2nd century BC. by the Roman physician Claudius Galen. In this typology, four main types are distinguished: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. As a rule, one should talk about the predominance of certain features of temperament, the relationship of temperaments, their percentage in the personality. In "pure form" certain types of temperament are rare. However, let us characterize the "pure" types of temperaments.


Differs in increased excitability, actions are intermittent. He is characterized by sharpness and impetuosity of movements, strength, impulsiveness, vivid expression of emotional experiences. Due to imbalance, carried away by business, he is inclined to act with all his might, to be exhausted more than he should. Having public interests, the temperament manifests itself in initiative, energy, adherence to principles. In the absence of spiritual life, choleric temperament often manifests itself in irritability, efficiency, incontinence, irascibility, inability to self-control under emotional circumstances.


He quickly adapts to new conditions, quickly converges with people, is sociable. Feelings easily arise and change, emotional experiences are usually shallow. The facial expressions are rich, agile, expressive. He is somewhat restless, needs new impressions, does not regulate his impulses enough, does not know how to strictly adhere to the developed routine of life, the system in work. In this regard, he cannot successfully carry out a task that requires an equal expenditure of energy, prolonged and methodical tension, perseverance, stability of attention, patience. In the absence of serious goals, deep thoughts, creative activity, superficiality and inconstancy are developed.

Phlegmatic person.

It is characterized by a relatively low level of activity of behavior, new forms of which are developed slowly, but are persistent. Possesses slowness and calmness in actions, facial expressions and speech, evenness, constancy, depth of feelings and moods. Persistent and stubborn, he rarely loses his temper, is not inclined to affect, calculating his strength, brings the matter to the end, is even in relationships, moderately sociable, does not like to chat in vain. Saves energy, does not waste it. Depending on the conditions, in some cases, a phlegmatic person can be characterized by "positive" traits - endurance, depth of thought, constancy, thoroughness, in others - lethargy, indifference to the environment, laziness and lack of will, poverty and weakness of emotions, a tendency to perform only habitual actions.


His reaction often does not correspond to the strength of the stimulus, there is a depth and stability of feelings with their weak expression. It is difficult for him to concentrate on something for a long time. Strong influences often cause a prolonged inhibitory reaction in melancholic patients ("hands down"). He is characterized by restraint and muffled speech and movements, shyness, timidity, indecision. Under normal conditions, a melancholic is a deep, meaningful person, can be a good worker, successfully cope with life's tasks. Under unfavorable conditions, it can turn into a closed, fearful, anxious, vulnerable person, prone to difficult inner experiences of such life circumstances that do not deserve it.

The famous cartoonist H. Bidstrup once depicted the reaction of four people to the same incident: someone accidentally sat down on the hat of a person resting on a bench. As a result: the choleric was furious, the sanguine laughed, the melancholic was terribly upset, and the phlegmatic calmly put his hat on his head.


You are offered a set of personality traits in turn (80 questions). Answer affirmatively ("Yes") if this quality really manifests itself in you. Or shows up in your child. Otherwise, choose the answer "No".

The result of the test is the percentage of the types of temperament present in you.


1. You are restless, fussy



2. Unrestrained, quick-tempered



3. Impatient



4. Cutting, straightforward in dealing with people



5. Decisive and proactive



6. Stubborn



7. Resourceful in an argument



8. Work in spurts



9. Are rancorous and touchy



10. Have a fast, passionate, confused speech



11. Unbalanced, prone to fervor



12. Aggressive



13. Risk-prone



14. Intolerant of flaws



15. Have expressive facial expressions



16. Able to act quickly and decide



17. Strive relentlessly for new things.



18. Have sharp, impulsive movements.



19. Persistent in achieving the set goal



20. Are prone to sudden mood swings



21. You are cheerful and cheerful



22. Energetic and businesslike



23. Often don't follow through



24. They tend to overestimate themselves



25. Able to quickly grasp new things



26. Unstable in interests and inclinations



27. Easily get over setbacks and troubles



28. Easily adapt to different circumstances



29. Get down to business with enthusiasm



30. Cool down quickly if the matter ceases to interest you



31. Quickly get involved in a new job, quickly switch from one job to another



32. Burden with the monotony of everyday work



33. Are sociable, responsive, do not feel constrained with new people



34. Maintain composure in unexpectedly difficult situations



35. Hardy and able to work



36. Have a lively, loud speech, with lively gestures and facial expressions



37. You always have a cheerful mood



38. Fall asleep and wake up quickly



39. Often not collected, hasty in decisions



40. Sometimes they tend to slip on the surface in business, be distracted



41. You are calm and cold-blooded



42. Consistent and detailed in business



43. Careful and judicious



44. Know how to wait



45. Are silent and do not like to talk in vain



46. ​​Have a calm, even speech, without pronounced emotions, gestures and facial expressions



47. Restrained and patient



48. Bring the work started to the end



49. Don't waste your energy



50. Strictly adhere to the routine in life, the system at work



51. Easily restrain impulses



52. Few susceptible to approval or censure



53. Be kind, show condescension



54. Constant in their interests and relationships



55. Slowly get into work and switch from one activity to another



56. Equal in relations with people



57. Love neatness and order in everything



58. Difficulty adjusting to new surroundings



59. Inert, inactive, sluggish



60. Have endurance



61. You are shy and shy



62. Lost in a new environment



63. Difficulty making contact with strangers



64. Do not believe in yourself



65. Easily endure loneliness



66. Feel overwhelmed and confused when you fail



67. They tend to withdraw into themselves



68. You get tired quickly



69. Have a weak, quiet speech, sometimes reduced to a whisper



70. You involuntarily adapt to the character of a person



71. Extremely susceptible to censure and approval



72. Make high demands on yourself and others



73. Are prone to suspicion



74. Are prone to daydreaming



75. Painful and sensitive and easily vulnerable



76. Impressive to the point of corrosiveness



77. Overly touchy



78. Secretive and uncommunicative



79. Little active and timid



80. Strive to evoke sympathy and help from others



Test results.

The test has 4 groups of questions, each group contains 14 statements. The first 14 (from the first to the fourteenth statements) describe the choleric temperament. The second group, from the 15th to the 28th statement, describes a sanguine person. The third group, from 29 to 42 - phlegmatic type of temperament. And the last group, from 43 to 56, the statement describes a melancholic temperament.
If in one of the groups you received more than 10 pluses, then this type of temperament is dominant in you. If the number of pluses is 5-9, then these traits are expressed in you to a significant extent. And if there are less than 4 positive answers, then the features of this type of temperament are poorly expressed.