Surveying the routes of linear structures. Engineering and geodetic surveys Stages of tracing linear structures

During surveys for linear structures, first of all, the issue of the planned and altitude position of the route is decided.

Route - a line defining the axis of the designed linear structure, marked on the ground, topoplan, or plotted on a map, or indicated by a system of points in a digital terrain model. The main elements of the route: plan - its projection onto a horizontal plane and longitudinal profile - a vertical section along the designed line of the structure. In plan, the route should be as straight as possible, since any deviation from straightness leads to its lengthening and an increase in construction costs and operating costs. The longitudinal profile of the route must provide a certain permissible slope.

In real terrain conditions, it is simultaneously difficult to comply with the requirements for the plan and profile, since it is necessary to bend the route to avoid obstacles, areas with large terrain slopes and unfavorable geological and hydrogeological ones. Thus, the route plan (Fig. 1) consists of straight sections of different directions, which are connected to each other by curves with different radii. The longitudinal profile of the route consists of lines of various slopes connected by vertical curves. On some routes (electricity transmission, sewerage), horizontal and vertical curves are not designed and the route is a spatial broken line.

Depending on its purpose, the route must meet certain requirements, which are established by the technical specifications for its design. Thus, for road routes, the main requirements are smooth and safe movement at design speeds. Therefore, minimum permissible slopes and maximum possible radii of curves are established on road routes. On gravity canals and pipelines, it is necessary to maintain design slopes at permissible water flow rates.

Rice. 1. Elements of the route plan

The degree of curvature of the route is determined by the values ​​of the turning angles. The angle of rotation of the route is called the angle with the vertex φ , formed by the continuation of the direction of the previous side and the direction of the subsequent side. On the routes of main railways, pipelines and power transmission lines (PTL), turning angles should not exceed 15...20°. This leads to a slight extension of the future road or pipeline line.

Straight sections of railways, highways and pipelines are connected mainly by circular curves, which are an arc of a circle of a certain radius. On railways the minimum permissible radius is 400...200 m, on roads, depending on the category of the road - 600...60 m, on canals - no less than five times the width of the canal (irrigation canals) or six times the length of the vessel (shipping canals), on highways pipelines 1000 d, Where d- pipeline diameter.

On railways and highways, with curve radii less than 3000 and 1500 m, respectively, complex curves are arranged - circular with transition ones - for smoother and safer movement.

The most important element of the route profile is its longitudinal slope. In order to maintain a certain permissible slope, especially in difficult rough terrain, you have to not only deviate from the straight line of the route, but also increase the length of the route (develop the route). The need to develop a route most often arises in mountainous and foothill areas.

On the routes of main railways of categories I and II, the slope should not exceed 0.012; and on local roads 0.020; on mountain roads where vehicles with enhanced traction are used, slopes can reach 0.030; on highways, slopes range from 0.040 to 0.090. On the routes of irrigation and water supply canals, the slopes, which are assigned based on obtaining the so-called non-eroded and non-silted water flow rates through the canal, are 0.001...0.002. On the routes of pressure pipelines, the slopes can be very significant, but for power lines they have practically no significance.

The radii of vertical curves, depending on the type of structure and the direction of the curve (convex, concave), vary widely - from 10,000 to 200 m.

A set of engineering and survey work on the application of a route that meets all the requirements of technical specifications and requires the least cost for its construction and operation is called routing.

The optimal route is found by technical and economic comparison of various options. If the route is determined from topographic plans or aerial photographs, then the tracing is called office; if it is chosen directly from the area, then it is called field.

When tracing, plan and height (profile) parameters are distinguished. Plan parameters include rotation angles, radii of horizontal curves, lengths of transition curves, straight inserts; height parameters include longitudinal slopes, lengths of elements in the profile (“design step”), radii of vertical curves. For some structures (gravity pipelines, canals), it is most important to withstand longitudinal slopes; for others (pressure pipelines, power transmission and communication lines), terrain slopes have little effect on the design of the route and they strive to choose the shortest one, located in favorable conditions. When routing road routes, it is necessary to comply with both planned and profile parameters. Regardless of the nature of linear structures and routing parameters, all routes must fit into the landscape of the area without disturbing the natural aesthetics. Whenever possible, the route is located on lands that have the least value for the national economy.

The technology for surveying linear objects is determined by the stages of the survey.

At the feasibility study stage, reconnaissance work is carried out. They are carried out mainly in an office way, studying the topographic maps available for the survey area, materials from engineering-geological surveys, and survey data from previous years. Based on these data, several route options are marked on the map and a longitudinal profile is drawn up for each of them. Through technical and economic comparison, the most profitable options for further examination are selected and technical specifications for the design are developed.

At the research stage for the project, detailed desk and field routing is carried out according to the route direction specified in the technical specifications, during which the best route is selected and materials are collected for the development of the technical design of this route option and the structures on it.

To draw up a detailed design of the route, pre-construction field surveys are carried out. In the process of field surveys, based on the route design and terrain reconnaissance, the position of the turning angles is determined in situ and routing work is carried out: hanging lines, measuring the angles and sides of the route, laying out chainage and transverse profiles, leveling, securing the route, as well as, if necessary, additional large-scale shooting transitions, intersections, places with difficult terrain.

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1. Routing of linear structures

2. Geodetic work when designing linear communications

3. Geodetic work when laying routes of linear structures




The main task of designing linear structures is to select the optimal position of the route line on the ground. The chosen option should provide for a balance in the volume of excavation work, fit well into the surrounding situation, ensuring the least disruption to the environment. The main part of these problems is solved during desk (map, plan) and field tracing. Any route of any structure, based on an order, is pre-designed on maps or plans by the relevant specialized enterprises.

The customer of the work issues the beginning, end of the route and other regulatory documents. Based on the initial data, design enterprises perform desk tracing of the road on a small-scale map, i.e., they outline its most appropriate direction.

1. Routing of linear structures

Elongated artificial structures are called linear, for example, power lines, communications, pipelines (water supply, gas pipeline, sewerage, etc.), canals, roads (roads, railways).

The axis of a linear structure, marked on a map (plan, photograph) or on the ground, is called a route.

The characteristic points of the route are:

Beginning of the route (Ya. tr.) - the starting point of the route;

Vertices of turning angles (VA) are the points at which the track changes direction. The angle by which the route deviates from the continuation of the previous (old, rear) direction is the angle of rotation of the route<р: правый (Рф если трасса поворачивает вправо, и левый <рле„ если трасса поворачивает влево;

End of the route (K. tr.) - the end point of the route.

The main course is a theodolite course laid along the route

through the vertices of the corners of the VU.

The purpose of engineering and geodetic surveys for linear structures is to determine the axis of the future structure on the ground.

The process of finding the most appropriate route position on a map or on the ground is called tracing. There are desk tracing (the route is drawn using maps, plans, photographs) and field tracing (the route is laid directly on the ground).

Tracing (both field and office) is performed in two ways:

According to a given slope /, when the main attention is paid to ensuring acceptable slopes (canals, gravity pipelines, railways and roads);

In a given direction, when the focus is on the shortest, most cost-effective route (pressure pipelines, power and communication lines, etc.)

Office tracing along a given slope / consists in the fact that on a topographic map (plan) of scale M ~ 1: m with the height of the relief section H, a broken line is built, sequentially marking adjacent horizontal lines from the starting point to the final point with a compass, the solution of which corresponds to the location a with a given slope.

As a result, several route options are obtained (the adjacent horizontal line can be marked with a compass in two places), from which the most acceptable one is selected.

Field tracing with a given slope / is performed using a theodolite in the following order:

a theodolite is installed at the starting point of the route and its height is measured;

on the vertical circle of the theodolite, a reading corresponding to the slope is set, taking into account the location of zero;

in the direction of the route, they look for a point in the terrain at which the reading along the staff by the middle thread is equal to the height of the tool;

The road route is located as close as possible to the found points.

2. Geodetic work when designing linear communications

To draw up a project, it is necessary to know the exact location of the future route on the ground, have its profile, and know the geological and hydrological conditions along the route, especially in unfavorable areas (ravines, karsts, landslides, swamps). In addition, it is necessary to identify and study places for the extraction of building materials - sand, gravel, stone. All this information and materials are obtained as a result of road engineering surveys.

The preparation of a technical project begins with desk work: topographic maps are used for design:

Scales 1:10,000 - 1:25,000 - in flat areas;

1:5000 - 1:10,000 - in hilly areas;

1:2000 - in mountainous areas.

The best position of the route is selected on the map, and the volume of excavation work on embankments and excavations is calculated. Through a field survey, the desk version is clarified and the final laying of its individual sections on the ground is carried out.

When transferring a route design from a plan or map to reality, the following geodetic work is performed:

Detailed reconnaissance of the area;

Determination in situ of the position of the turning angles of the route;

Hanging lines;

Measuring angles and sides of stroke;

Breakdown of picketage and cross-sections;

Leveling, securing the route;

Large-scale photography of transitions, intersections, junctions, places with complex terrain.

At the same time, detailed engineering-geological, hydrometric, soil surveys of the route, and detailed exploration of construction materials quarries are carried out.

Based on detailed field surveys, a route design is drawn up, consisting of working drawings, an explanatory note with justifications, calculations, bills of quantities, approval documents, geodetic data and other estimates.

The breakdown data is entered into the picket book (route 20-40 m wide). The picket log records the vertices of the angles of rotation of the route axis, the measured values ​​of the angles and the elements of curves along the route.

Rice. 1. Layout of the route, turning angles, chainage

3. Geodetic work when laying routes of linear structures

The main task when designing linear structures, regardless of their purpose, comes down to determining on the ground the position of the axis of the structure (route) in plan and height. The design of extended engineering structures, such as highways, is carried out in several stages. Any route of any structure, based on an order, is pre-designed on maps or plans by the relevant specialized enterprises. The customer of the work issues the beginning, end of the route and other regulatory documents.

Based on the initial data, design enterprises perform desk tracing of the road on a small-scale map, i.e., they outline, as a first approximation, its most appropriate direction. Then possible route options are studied on plans of a larger scale (1: 5000 - 1: 10,000) and the optimal option is selected.

Typically, the route has to be designed bypassing various obstacles - residential areas and valuable lands, swamps, providing a bridge crossing at the narrowest point of the river, reducing the slope of the road, etc. In the process of field tracing, the approved option is transferred to the terrain according to the coordinates of the vertices of the turning angles or data relating them to local objects. In architectural services or other departmental organizations, geodetic points located near the route are determined, if there are not enough such points along the approximate axis of the future route, a polygonometric path is laid in parallel.

Before the start of the picketing on the route, after the vertices of the route turning angles have been taken out, field work is carried out related to the laying of the theodolite traverse of the corresponding category along these vertices. Distances are measured with measuring tapes or tape measures, or at best with light range finders. Angles are measured with technical precision theodolites. Currently, electronic total stations are widely used in geodetic production. This is a complex made up of geodetic instruments: a theodolite, a range finder, auxiliary equipment and a database storage device.

Next, a picket is laid out along the route, for which, from its starting point, called the zero picket, 100 m sections are successively laid out. The ends of each of them are secured with wooden stakes - pickets, abbreviated as PK0, PK1, PK2, etc. With this designation The picket number indicates the distance in hundreds of meters from the beginning of the route. In addition, stakes are used to secure bends in slopes and intersections of the route with rivers, roads, underground and surface communications. The position of each of these points, called plus points, is determined by its distance from the nearest junior picket.

To ensure smooth traffic movement at the turning points of the route, its adjacent straight sections are connected by curves, most often by circular arcs of a certain radius. To split a circular curve, it is enough to determine on the ground the positions of its three main points: the beginning of the curve (BC), the end of the curve (CC), and the middle of the curve (MC). For this purpose, their chainage designations are calculated. The starting points for the calculation are: the position of the apex of the route rotation angle, the radius of curvature R and the value of the rotation angle alpha. Based on the radius and angle of rotation of the route, using tables or special formulas for breaking down curves, the values ​​of tangent T, curve K, bisector B and dimension D are found. The correctness of the elements calculated from the tables is controlled by the formula D = 2T - K. Based on the values ​​of T, K, D and B calculate the chainage designations of the beginning and end of the curve.




P = PKNK (subsequent) - PKKK (previous),

where P is a direct insert (straight segment on the route).

The chainage position of the route vertices is made according to the formula: PKVUi+1=PKVUi + S - D.

When passing the route along a slope with a transverse slope of more than 0.2, lines perpendicular to the route are broken on the ground - cross-sections. The lengths of the crossbars depend on the width of the road. Simultaneously with the breakdown of picketage and curves, the situation in the area adjacent to the highway is being surveyed in a strip 200 m wide on each side of the highway. The survey results are recorded in a chainage log (see figure), in which the route is depicted conventionally in a straightened form, and the angles of rotation are indicated by arrows. The chainage log is kept on a large scale, for example 1: 2000. In the case of a complex situation and terrain with a large number of plus points, a larger scale is used; for areas with a monotonous situation and poorly defined relief, the scale of the picket log is reduced.

At the final stage of the survey, technical leveling of the route is carried out in the forward and reverse directions. In the forward stroke, pickets, plus points, main points of the curve and cross-sections are leveled; on the way back - only pickets. The level is installed in the middle between the pickets and measurements are taken along the black and red sides of the slats standing on the pickets. The plus points, the axis and ends of the cross-section, as well as the main points of the curve are leveled, counting only along the black side of the rail. When leveling steep slopes, when it is impossible to take measurements from the slats installed on the pickets, use plus points or select one or more auxiliary points, called X-points, and with their help transfer the mark from the rear picket to the front.

A necessary condition for field tracing is the linking of the route to state leveling benchmarks. The permissible discrepancy in excesses (in mm) is calculated using the formula mm, where 1. is the length of the route in km. Based on the data from the leveling and picketing logs, a longitudinal profile of the route is compiled.

Establishing the position of the road in the longitudinal profile in relation to the ground surface is carried out subject to a number of technical conditions, the main one of which is compliance with the longitudinal slope. The requirement to ensure the stability of the roadbed, convenience of surface drainage and protection of the road from snow and sand deposits is best met by its location in the embankment. However, in rough terrain, to reduce longitudinal slopes, the road is designed along a secant, cutting off elevated areas of the terrain. In this case, the design line is drawn under the condition of a zero balance of earthworks, i.e. approximate compensation of the volumes of embankments and excavations. The differences between the design elevations of the ground along the axis of the road are called working elevations.

Currently, with the development of aerial photography and methods for its processing, the time of survey work is reduced by 2-3 times. This increase in the efficiency of research is ensured by replacing field tracing at the first stage of design with office tracing using aerial photographs on stereo devices. Using a spatial image of the terrain, stereo pairs in the images mark the position of the main points of the route, break out the chainage, curves, cross-sections and determine the marks of all points of the route by photogrammetric leveling.

route linear structure geodetic


When designing roads and railways, the main focus is on ensuring smooth and safe movement at a given speed limit. Therefore, the slope of the design line should not exceed the maximum value, and the radius of the vertical curve should not be less than the permissible value.

When designing underground pipelines, the slope of the profile must ensure the movement of liquid in the pipes at a certain speed.

Broad prospects for improving the quality of design of linear structures and reducing its time are the introduction of computer technology, which provides the necessary accuracy, speed of calculations and automation of the process.


Ganyin V.N., Repolov I.M. Geodetic work during the construction of crane tracks. M.: Nedra, 2000.

Geodetic alignment works / N. G. Viduev, P. I. Baran, S. P. Voitenko and others. M.: Nedra, 2003.

Glotov G. F. Geodesy: Textbook for technical schools. M.: Stroy-izdat, 2009.

Grigorenko A, G., Serdyukov V. M., Chmchyan T. T. Geodetic maintenance of construction and installation works. Kyiv: Budivelnik 2003.

Zatsarinny A.V. Automation of high-precision engineering and geodetic measurements. M: Nedra, 2006.

Measuring vertical displacements of structures and analyzing the stability of benchmarks / V. N. Ganyin. A. F. Storozhepko, A. G. Ilyin, etc. M.: Nedra, 2001.

The engineering geodesy. M.: Nedra, 2008.

Engineering geodesy in construction/Ed. O. S. Razumova. M.: Higher School, 2004.

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8.1. General information

Research is the basis of design. There are economic and engineering-construction surveys. Economic surveys are carried out for the purpose of a feasibility study (feasibility study) for the construction of individual facilities in a given area. At the feasibility study stage, topographic maps of small scales 1:25000 – 1:100000 are used.

There are several types of engineering and construction surveys. Geodetic, geological, hydrological, meteorological, soil, climatological, survey of local building materials, etc.

Composition of engineering and geodetic surveys: 1) drawing up topographic plans of construction sites; 2) drawing up longitudinal profiles of linear structures (access roads, underground and overhead communications); 3) creation of a breakdown base; 4) coordination with other organizations on the supply of water, electricity, and gas.

Topographic plans are the basis of horizontal and vertical planning. The methodology for compiling them is outlined in the topic “Topographic Surveys”. Longitudinal profiles of linear structures serve as the basis for designing routes in height. Linear surveys are based on the methodology of angular, linear and height measurements, the topic is “Geodetic measurements”. The alignment base is necessary for the subsequent transfer of the development project to the area. On construction sites, the planned foundation is mainly built in the form of theodolite passages, and the high-rise foundation is constructed in the form of leveling passages. Coordination of issues with other organizations is of a legal nature; mainly issues related to land allocation.

The scale of filming, completeness and accuracy of filming depend on the stage of the project. To develop a master plan on which all designed structures and communications are located, topographic plans are drawn up at a scale of 1:2000 - 1:5000 (depending on the areas covered by construction). In addition to the general plan, a construction master plan is drawn up, which shows, within the boundaries of the construction site, in addition to the main structures, all temporary production buildings, storage areas for materials, etc. At the stage of working drawings, topographic plans are required on a large scale: 1:500 - 1: 1000. Based on these plans, vertical planning projects are drawn up.

Based on the drawn up working drawings and the constructed alignment base (the coordinates and heights of the points are calculated), data is prepared for transferring the development project to the area. The essence of the preparation is the calculation of the coordinates of the points of intersection of the axes of buildings and structures ( axial points).

8.2. Geodetic work during surveys of linear structures

The most complex set of geodetic works is performed when surveying highways. In industrial and civil construction, these are access roads to construction sites (short-length roads). Unlike sewer lines, water pipelines, communications, canals, power lines, etc., during the construction of highways, circular curves are included in the turning angles. Thus, the highway route is a combination of straight and curved sections. Therefore, in the future the work will be presented in relation to the survey and design of the highway.

By road called the axis of a linear structure. Distinguish desk tracing And field tracing. Cameral tracing is performed on a map at a scale of 1:10000. The map shows the angles of rotation of the route, which are measured with a protractor. Lengths of lines - compass and ruler. Markings of route points every 100 m are determined by graphic interpolation along horizontal lines. Calculate the volume and cost of work. Three options are outlined on the map. The optimal option is transferred from the map to the area. The turning angles of the route are transferred to the terrain or

coordinates, or by reference to local objects and secured with poles (pipes). And then field tracing is performed.

When constructing short-length roads, it is immediately carried out field tracing. The area is surveyed, the turning angles of the route are outlined, and signs are secured. The following geodetic work is carried out along the route fixed on the ground.

Angular measurements

Theodolite T30 or T15 measures angles right along the way, Fig. 43, in one step. In the corners calculate the angles of rotation of the route : right turning angles = 180 - , left corners  = - 180 . At the beginning of the route (NT), the direction is determined O (or by binding to points of the geodetic network ,

or orientation to the Sun). In the corners calculate directional angles of subsequent directions: 1 = O + 1 , 2 = 1 -  2 etc.

The lengths of the lines are measured with a tape (roulette) in one direction. When measuring, the tape is held horizontally by eye, obtaining a directly horizontal alignment. Every 100 m of horizontal extension, points are marked - pickets (PC). PK0 is combined with NT and then PK1, PK2, ..., as a result of which the PC number indicates the number of hundreds of meters from NT (PK5 = 500 m from NT). Pickets are secured with pegs: one level with the ground - dot, the other one nearby is 25-30 cm above the ground - gatehouse. The PC number is written on the guard. This process is called picketing breakdown.

Characteristic points of the relief between the pickets (inflections of the slopes) mark positive dots, Fig. 44, a. Plus points are fixed in the same way as pickets. The number of the rear picket and the distance from it are written on the guardhouse.

On long slopes, the tape is laid on an inclined surface, the angle of inclination measured with a theodolite and calculated the slope distance: D= dCos, Fig. 44, b.

a – breakdown of the plus point PC1+60;

b – breakdown PC on a sloping site


When passing the route along a slope with a transverse slope of more than 0.2, the terrain is broken diameters– lines perpendicular to the route. The cross sections are divided at pickets or plus points to the left and right from the axis of the route up to 25 m, Fig. 45. Transverse profiles are constructed along the cross-sections, from which the volumes of the embankment (excavation) between adjacent cross-sections are calculated.

Simultaneously with the breakdown of the picket, a survey of the terrain situation up to 200 m wide on both sides of the route is carried out using the perpendicular method. The lengths of perpendiculars up to 20 m are measured with a tape measure, then - by eye. The results of the picketing and survey of the situation are recorded in a log called picketing.

During the construction of highways, straight sections are mated with circular curves of radius R, which are set based on terrain conditions and technical conditions (TS) for road operation. When approaching the top of the angle of the first turn (ВУ1), the first curve is calculated and laid out on the ground. Tracing continues from the end of the curve.

Calculation and layout of a circular curve

TO A curve on the ground is indicated by three main points: the beginning of the curve (NC), the middle of the curve (MC), the end of the curve (CC), Fig. 46.

We will construct NK and KK if we draw a segment back and forth from the control unit using a tape measure T, called "tangent" SC is determined by placing a tape measure in the direction of the bisector (VU – center of curve O) of the segment B, called "bisector" The direction of the VU-O is determined by the theodolite by constructing the angle  2. The difference in travel along a broken line and along a curve is called "domer" D=2T- TO. Quantities T, K, B, D are called the main elements of the curve. They are calculated by arguments R And according to formulas that are easily derived from Fig. 46:

T = R tg(/2); K = R  RAD = R  0 / 0 ; B = R (1/cos(/2) – 1),  0 = 57.2958 0 – the number of degrees in one radian.

The main points of the curve are fixed, like the pickets. Their chainage values ​​are calculated using the formulas following from Fig. 46: NK = VU – T, KK = NK + K, KK = VU + T – D-control. Sign up at the gatehouses.

There are frequent cases when pickets fall on curves. The problem arises of laying out pickets on curves.

Laying out pickets on curves

Typically, the layout is carried out using the rectangular coordinate method, Fig. 47.

Calculate rectangular coordinates X And at breakable picket PC n in the NK coordinate system, if the picket is located before the SC, and in the KK coordinate system, if the picket is located behind the SC. Meaning X laid aside from the NK (or from the CC) in the direction of the BC and perpendicularly - value at. Calculation formulas X And at are easily derived from Fig. 47: x = R sin; y = R (1– cos) , Where 0 = (k / R) 0 ,

k= PCn- NK (ork= KK – PCn). It is easier to carry out calculations in the field using an MK.

When carrying out construction work, curves are divided in detail at a given interval, for example, after 10 m. Detailed layout is carried out mainly by the method of rectangular coordinates. Calculation X And at for k = 10, 20, 30, etc. m is calculated according to the given formulas.

Having completed the layout of the first curve, further tracing is carried out from the control room to the next control unit, on which similar layout work is performed. Using the picket values ​​of NK and KK of adjacent curves, the lengths of straight inserts are calculated R:R i =NK i –KK i -1 . When constructing highways of length R i must be more than 50 m. When R i 50 m change value R and make a new calculation.

Leveling the route

After the planned marking of the route on the ground, technical leveling of the designated points is carried out. The leveling course is laid either open between two benchmarks with known marks, or straight and back, forming a closed course if the point marks are calculated in a private height system. In the first case, the discrepancy in the excesses is calculated as f h = h – (H Rp 2 - H Rp 1 ) , in the second case - fh = ( h) ETC + ( h) OBR . (The signs of excess forward and reverse strokes are opposite). The permissible discrepancy in moves is calculated using the additional formula. f h = 50 mmL , Where L– number of km during the course. With double leveling L = L ETC + L OBR. If L ETC = L OBR, That L = L TR 2 , Where L TR- number of km of the route.

The connecting points during leveling are pickets, pluses, and x-points. X-points are used as connecting points when leveling steep slopes, when from one station

it is impossible to measure the excess between pickets, Fig. 48. Points x are chosen arbitrarily (at x distance from the picket and not necessarily in the alignment of the route) and secured with one peg.

With double leveling of the route, all points of the route are leveled in the forward move, and only tie points are leveled in the reverse move.

Cross-sections can be leveled simultaneously with leveling of route points. With steep transverse slopes, their own leveling passages are laid along the cross-sections, including the route points as the starting points for subsequent calculations.

Computational processing of route leveling is carried out according to the rules of the topic “Leveling moves”. Based on the leveling data, longitudinal and transverse profiles are drawn up.

Drawing up longitudinal and transverse profiles

The horizontal scale of the longitudinal profile is 1:5000 (one picket - 2 cm) for undeveloped areas with flat landforms with a small number of plus points, 1:2000 (one picket - 5 cm) in rough terrain with a large number of plus points, 1:1000 ( one picket – 10 cm) for built-up areas. The vertical scale in all cases is 10 times larger than the horizontal one.

Under the base of the profile is built profile mesh. Its type depends on the type of linear structure being designed. For roads - one type of grid, for canals - another type, for underground communication lines - a third, etc.

Transverse profiles are constructed on the same scale for horizontal and vertical distances. Usually at a scale of 1:200.

Picketless tracing method

Routing with chainage breakdown is a labor-intensive process. It is necessary to prepare a lot of pegs; driving pegs into hard or sandy soil is problematic. The process of calculating curves in the field, even on an MK, is labor-intensive. At Р i  50 m, a recalculation of the curve and even a re-division of the previous curve is necessary. A significant reduction in the volume of field work and calculations gives picket tracing method.

On the ground, the tops of the turning angles are secured with posts. A theodolite passage is laid along them. The rotation angles and line lengths are measured. The use of light rangefinders and laser rangefinders can significantly simplify the process of linear measurements with high accuracy. Mark the radii of the circular curves. Next, in the computer center, a complete planned calculation of the route is carried out automatically on a computer. If P i  50 m appears on some section of the route, then the radii of the curves are changed and a new calculation is made.

In the field, according to the planned calculation data, the beginnings and ends of the curves are divided, which are fixed with signs. They will indicate the alignment of the route. If the length of the direct insert is more than 500 m, then an additional sign is installed at its alignment. A leveling course is laid along the route marked with leading signs. Only characteristic relief points are leveled. You can install the level in the alignment of the route and determine the distance from it to the slats using a thread rangefinder. You can install the level outside the alignment of the route and then measure the distances between the connecting points and intermediate points with a tape measure. Leveled points are indicated by distances from the beginning of the route. For example, the back point is 340 m, the front point is 455 m, intermediate points are 382 and 431 m.

At the connecting points, the slats are installed on portable crutches (a railroad spike with a ring of wire), driven flush to the ground. After taking readings, the crutch along with the rod is transferred to the next point. At intermediate points, the rail is installed directly on the ground.

Computational processing of the leveling stroke is performed on a microcalculator or computer. The elevations of points that are multiples of 100 m (pickets) are determined by linear interpolation. Further construction of the profile, as with tracing with a chainage breakdown.

Engineering and geodetic surveys are a necessary and important part of the work carried out at the beginning of any construction to obtain data about an object or area. Surveys precede all work related to the earth: exploration of subsoil, construction of buildings, laying communication routes or construction of roads, therefore great importance is attached to the quality of the surveys performed.

Geodetic surveys are carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of building codes and current regulatory documents. Our company employs exclusively highly qualified surveyors who have extensive experience in field and office work in the field of surveys for construction and full support of the site. The company guarantees the quality and accuracy of the work performed in accordance with existing criteria and standards for engineering and geodetic surveys.

Purpose and purpose of the research

Construction surveys ensure the collection of the following data:

  • about the terrain;
  • about the current situation;
  • about buildings and structures, including above-ground and underground communications;
  • about planning elements.

Based on the collected data and their analysis, a detailed diagram or large-scale plan is drawn up indicating all changes in the relief and development that have occurred over time. The materials obtained from the results of geodetic surveys are used in the design and construction of objects; they can serve to justify the continuation of construction, and in addition they are used as information material for the assessment of finished objects.

Engineering and geodetic surveys are carried out using a variety of geodetic instruments. To obtain data of the required accuracy, not only high qualifications and professionalism of a specialist are required, but also a good technical base, that is, the availability of high-precision instruments. Not only the quality of the created digital models and topographic plans, but also the speed of work completion depends on the accuracy and reliability of the tool. Our company uses only high-precision instruments in geodetic surveys, manufactured by well-known companies, the quality of which has been tested by time. All instruments undergo annual testing and have an appropriate certificate.

Scope of work

Geodetic surveys include several types of work containing the following processes:

  • collection of materials from previously carried out surveys at the site;
  • performing reconnaissance (inspection of the area or object);
  • drawing up a program of planned work;
  • creation of a geodetic network for construction;
  • executive survey of the area, existing underground communications;
  • staking out the required points;
  • desk processing of data obtained in the process of engineering and geodetic surveys;
  • registration of the result in the form of a large-scale plan in 2D or 3D at the customer’s request;
  • drawing up a report, to which photographs and drawings are attached;
  • coordination of finished documentation with authorities.

Geodetic surveys carried out for linear structures additionally include the following work:

  • desk tracing and selection of various route options before carrying out surveys and field work;
  • field tracing;
  • survey of existing railways and highways with the compilation of a longitudinal profile, diameters (transverse profiles), indicating the intersection of all lines and pipelines;
  • determining the coordinates of points of structures and performing external measurements;
  • determining the length of the railway tracks at stations (full and useful), measuring between tracks and distances to buildings, as well as creating lists of tracks and dimensions.

Surveys during construction

When working at the stages of construction and operation of buildings and structures in accordance with the existing technical specifications issued by the customer, the following types of engineering and geodetic surveys are performed:

  • taking out into nature, that is, determining the future position of a structure or building on a given territory;
  • creation of a special geodetic network for a specific object;
  • layout and alignment during the construction process according to the documentation;
  • ensuring accuracy control during the construction process;
  • executive surveys of communications and building position;
  • control executive shootings;
  • monitoring the deformation of structures and their settlements;
  • geodetic support for installation of equipment and checking the verticality of structure elements;
  • geodetic work to locate underground communications and structures;
  • preparation of executive documentation.

Technical task

Before carrying out geodetic surveys, you need to receive a technical specification for the work from the customer. The task must contain the following data:

  • information about the system of heights and coordinates used in a given location;
  • data on the survey area and its boundaries;
  • data on linear structures and routing requirements;
  • indication of the required scale for each site, as well as recommendations for surveying communications and above-ground structures.

Technical report on the work done

Engineering and geodetic surveys end with the preparation of a report containing a text part, applications and drawings. The text part of the report depends on the requirements set by the customer in the technical specifications and should contain several sections:

  • general information;
  • physical and geographical characteristics of the site;
  • geodetic knowledge;
  • information about the technology and methods of performing geodetic surveys;
  • conclusion.

In the general information section, you must provide the following information:

  • information about the basis for the work;
  • the purpose and objectives of engineering and geodetic surveys at this site;
  • location of the area;
  • information about administrative affiliation;
  • landowner data;
  • indication of the coordinate system and heights with a list of data on benchmarks and
  • coordinated points;
  • types of work performed;
  • volume of work done;
  • timing of geodetic surveys;
  • information about the performers involved in the production of work.

Geographic characteristics include data about the area: relief, hydrography, geomorphology, information about existing hazardous natural processes. The section on geodetic study of the object contains:

  • information on the provision of the territory with topographic plans and maps;
  • information about organizations that previously carried out geodetic surveys and the time of their execution;
  • inventory data;
  • data on the availability of geodetic justification (benchmarks, marks and signs) and on the possibility of their use in the production of work;
  • on the technical characteristics of available geodetic and cartographic materials.

Information about the technology and methodology of the work performed contains information on the creation of geodetic networks, surveying, drawing up a plan, tracing linear structures, geodetic support for other types of surveys, that is, a description of all the processes that make up engineering and geodetic surveys. The report concludes with a summary of the results of the work, their assessment, and recommendations for those who will use this data.

1. Prices for engineering and geodetic surveys of railway and highway routes I-V technical categories are given depending on the categories of complexity of work given in Table 11.

2. The prices in the table, in addition to the costs specified in paragraph 3 of the General Provisions of Part I and paragraph 3 of this chapter of the Handbook, do not take into account the costs of performing:

Research for the construction of automation, telemechanics and communications devices on railways;

Topographic survey M 1:500-1:2000 sites for the design of complex road junctions with an area of ​​more than 6 hectares.

3. Prices for engineering and geodetic surveys of railway and highway routes are shown in Table 12 and take into account the costs of performing the following work: drawing up a survey program; desk tracing of options for railway and highway routes; reconnaissance survey on the ground of the planned route options; a complex of geodetic works on field tracing of the selected option with the laying of a theodolite traverse along the route; fixing turning angles and intermediate points with temporary signs; breakdown of picketage, plan elements and curves with the placement of characteristic points and pickets on the curve; sketch of the situation and description of the conditions for laying the route; leveling along the route axis and cross-sections; geodetic reference of the route to points of the support network; surveying intersections, narrow strips and individual small areas with complex terrain (slopes, ravines, etc.) on a scale of 1:500-1:2000; drawing up a route plan with drawing of the situation, land boundaries and recording picket values ​​of curve elements; drawing up a longitudinal profile of the route and cross-sectional profiles with calculation of working heights; preparation and release of reporting materials.

Table 12

Meter - 1 km of track

Note- The cost of surveying temporary roads is determined at the prices of § 3 using a coefficient of 0.6.

4. Prices for engineering and geodetic surveys of main pipeline routes and their branches, with the exception of sections laid through sea waters, large rivers more than 100 m wide and reservoirs,

5. Prices for surveying the routes of main pipelines are shown in Table 13 and take into account the costs of performing the following work: drawing up a survey program; desk tracing of main pipeline route options using maps and plans; reconnaissance survey of planned pipeline route options; preliminary surveys of competitive route options and final surveys (field routing) of the selected pipeline route option; fixing with temporary signs turning angles, aiming points and places of transitions over obstacles; geodetic reference of the route position to the points of the reference geodetic network; laying theodolite passages along the route with the breakdown and securing of the picket; leveling along the route picketage and control measurements; shooting intersections, narrow strips and individual small areas with complex terrain (slopes, ravines, etc.) on a scale of 1:500-1:2000; horizontal survey on a scale of 1:5000-1:10000 of a strip of terrain within the pipeline influence zone; survey of the road network in the area where the pipeline is laid; calculation of coordinates and heights of route points; drawing up a plan and longitudinal profile of the route, profiles of transitions over obstacles and various statements; preparation and release of reporting materials.

Table 13

Meter - 1 km of track

Notes: 1. When simultaneously surveying several parallel pipeline strings, the cost of each of the subsequent pipelines is determined according to the prices in this table using a coefficient of 0.4.

2. The cost of surveying each of the additional pipeline lines laid in the existing “corridor” (if topographic and geodetic survey materials are available for the section of the existing “corridor”) is determined at the prices of this table using a coefficient of 0.5.

3. The prices in the tables do not take into account and the costs for surveying and leveling of existing roads and railways (including in-plant ones) are determined additionally using the corresponding tables in the Directory.

6. Prices survey of underground utility networks (water supply, heating, sewerage etc.) in built-up areas are given for the complexity categories given in Table 11.

7. Prices for surveys of underground utility networks (water supply, heating, sewerage, etc.) in built-up areas are shown in Table 14 and take into account the costs of performing the following work: drawing up a survey program; analysis of available cartographic materials and data on underground and overhead communication networks; desk tracing of route options; reconnaissance survey on the ground of the planned route options (including the places of their inputs and outputs); topographic survey with a scale of 1:2000 in a strip up to 50 m wide; final research of the chosen option with clarification on plans and in reality of the direction of the route; tracing the axis of the underground structure with temporary signs fixing the angles of rotation, intersections and key points; linear connection of route points to permanent objects of the situation; picketing breakdown every 20 m; leveling by picketage; surveying intersection areas on a scale of 1:500; calculation of coordinates, heights and picket values ​​of all fixed points of the route with the compilation of a catalogue; drawing up a plan, longitudinal profile of the route and intersection profiles; preparation and release of reporting materials.

Table 14

Meter - 1 km of track

Notes: 1. The cost of surveying the routes of underground utility networks outside the built-up area is determined according to the prices of this table using a coefficient of 0.65.

2. The cost of surveying the routes of underground utility networks in large cities is determined at the price for category III of complexity using the following coefficients:

1.2 - when the number of intersections with existing communications per 1 km of the route is over 50 to 120.

1.4 - when the number of intersections with existing communications per 1 km of the route is over 120.

3. The cost of surveying the routes of underground utility networks with a detailed description and sketch of underground and above-ground existing and designed communications is determined according to the prices of this table using a coefficient of 1.3.

8. Prices surveying the routes of overhead and underground cable power and communication lines set depending on the type of line (overhead or underground cable), voltage of power lines 0.4-1150 kV and complexity categories given in Table 11.

9. Prices for surveys of overhead (OHL) and underground cable power lines with a voltage of 0.4-1150 kV and communication lines are shown in Table 15 and take into account the costs of performing the following work: drawing up a survey program; desk tracing of route options; reconnaissance survey on the ground of the planned route options with clarification of the position of turning angles and crossings over rivers up to 100 m wide and other obstacles; preliminary surveys of 35-1150 kV overhead lines, 35-220 kV underground cable power lines and cable communication lines in difficult areas; final surveys (field tracing) of the selected route option with determination on the ground and fixation with temporary signs of turning angles and direction points; geodetic reference of the route to points of the reference geodetic network or reference points; laying a theodolite traverse along the axis of the route with a breakdown of chainage and cross-sections; determination of the heights of all fixed and positive points on the route axis and cross-sections; surveying intersection areas and the situation on the highway; surveying on a scale of 1:500-1:2000 of individual small areas with complex terrain (slopes, ravines, etc.) and narrow strips in cramped areas (at the approaches of routes to substations); drawing up a plan and profile of the route and cross-section profiles, various diagrams, statements, tables, catalogs; preparation and release of reporting materials.

Table 15

Meter - 1 km of track

§ Name of works Difficulty category
Surveys of power transmission and communication lines
Overhead power lines 0.4-20 kV 1918 4106 7760
Same, 35-110" 3440 7075 12624
" 220-500 " 3833 7922 14251
" 750-1150 " 3838 10095 15970
Air trunk lines 2619 5099 9283
Underground cable lines:
power transmission 0.4-20 kV and communications 4146 7913 13867
power transmission 35-220 kV 4700 10853 14266

Note- When simultaneously surveying several parallel power transmission and communication lines, the cost of surveying each of the subsequent lines is determined according to the prices of this table using a coefficient of 0.4.

10. Prices surveying the routes of main and inter-farm canals, collectors are given for the difficulty categories given in Table 11.

11. Prices for surveying the routes of main and inter-farm canals, collectors are shown in Table 16 and take into account the costs of performing the following work: drawing up a survey program; reconnaissance of the route with location determination and temporary marking of route points on the ground; carrying out a set of geodetic works to thicken the points of the surveying plan-altitude geodetic network; fixing the high-altitude base with benchmarks; laying a theodolite traverse along the fixed axis of the route with a breakdown of chainage, curve elements and cross-sections; determination of heights of axis points and diameters; shooting a strip along the highway on a scale of 1-2000; calculation of coordinates and heights of fixed route points and cross-section points; drawing up a route plan with the drawing of picketage, elements of curves and situation, longitudinal profile of the route and cross-section profiles; preparation and release of reporting materials.

Table 16

Meter - 1 km of track

12. Prices for surveying the routes of embankment dams and surface water conduits are given for the difficulty categories given in Table 11.

13. Prices for surveying the routes of embankment dams and surface water conduits are shown in Table 17 and take into account the costs of performing the following work: drawing up a survey program; studying the route design using maps and plans; reconnaissance survey of the route on the ground to select the optimal route direction and crossing points over obstacles with the installation of identification signs; preparation of a project for laying out the route; condensation of points of the survey geodetic network; tracing the axis of an embankment dam or conduit; securing route points with temporary signs; breakdown of chainage and curve elements; determination of the heights of all fixed and plus points along the axis of the route; shooting of a highway strip at a scale of 1:2000 in difficult areas; calculation of coordinates and heights of points; drawing up a route plan with the drawing of picketage, elements of curves and situation, longitudinal profile; preparation and release of reporting materials.

Table 17

Meter - 1 km of track