In the winter cold, dictation. Crossbills in the winter cold in the spruce forest there is silence

2nd grade


purpose of work- check the ability to apply the passed rules: spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants at the end of a word, unstressed vowels, dividing soft signs, the ability to transfer words.

Option 1

Bird food

There was a blizzard at night. Yegor and Oleg go to the forest. They carry food for the birds. Beats in the face angry NS th wind. The boys put them on the old tree stumps e on. On the branches of the trees they are weighed and dry mountain ash.
A flock of sin flew up and c. Here comes the food!

Grammar tasks

1. From the fourth sentence write out a word that cannot be hyphenated.

2. Underline words with a separating soft sign in the text.

Option 2


Winter came. There is snow on the fields and hills like a fluffy carpet. The trees are still O... All the paths were covered with snow in the forest. You can only ski in the forest. Hit and whether severe frosts. The river is frozen. Guys with made a big skating rink. The rink is always cheerful O.

Grammar assignment

1. Write out three words from the text with an unstressed checkable vowel at the root of the word. Write the test words next to it.


purpose of work

Option 1

Glorious frost

The sun went down. The moon appeared in the blue sky, full, large, bright. Barked hoarsely watchdog... He turned around himself three times and lay down in his kennel. It was a glorious frost. The wind was biting great.
By morning, all the windowpanes were covered with a wonderful pattern of ice leaves. The weather was real winter.

Option 2


Snowflakes fell from the sky onto the roofs of houses. Winter was coming. The water in the puddles is frozen. Ice crunched underfoot. The birch twigs rang from the wind. Their tips were covered with ice. The sun came out. The snow became pure droplets of water. The droplets rolled down to the ground like beads. Nice view from the ground.

I. Instructional presentation on issues

Ice rink incident

It was a frosty sunny day. The boys were playing snowballs by the river. The girls were making a snowman.
Vitya ran out onto the ice on skates. Thin ice crackled. Vitya fell into the water and screamed.
Uncle Fyodor came running to the scream. He threw a rope to the boy. Vitya grabbed her and climbed out of the water.

Read the text. Find words in the text that can answer the questions.


1. What day was it?
2. What did the boys do?
3. What did the girls do?
4. Where did Vitya run out on skates?
5. What happened to the thin ice?
6. What happened to Vitya?
7. Who came running to the shout?
8. What did he throw to the boy?
9. How did Vitya get out of the water?


1. What was the weather like?
2. Where did the children play?
3. What were they doing?
4. What happened to Vitya?
5. Who saved Vitya?

II. End text


A rooster walked importantly in the yard. The warm sun warmed the yard. Dew drops rolled down from the leaves. Flowers raised their heads. Vaska the cat came out onto the porch. Suddenly a rooster for-ku-ka-re-kal.

III. Compose and write a short story on a given topic

In the forest in winter

winter, snow, trees, ground, woodpecker, footprints

Grade 3


purpose of work- check the ability to detect spelling in the text, write words in the range of learned rules.

Option 1

In winter

The wind howled. In the evening, the sky was covered with heavy, low clouds. Bad weather began at night. Flew snowy flakes. Snowstorm skidded track... At ten o'clock we looked out of the window. Crow and hare tracks are visible in the snow. A giant snowdrift poured across the porch. Slippery steps must be walked carefully. The cornice is hung with dangerous icicles.

Grammar tasks

1. In the second sentence, underline the main members of the sentence.

2. Disassemble the highlighted words according to their composition.

Option 2

Winter forest

Miracles e n Russian forest in winter! White fluffy snow hung on the branches of the trees. Cm O leafy cones adorn the tops of the firs. Nimble tits squeak in boughs. Patterns of hare and fox tracks are visible on the snowdrifts.
Here is a squirrel running across the road. Jumped on a pine tree, wagged her tail. Light snow dust flew. The woodpecker knocked on the trunk with a hammer.

Grammar tasks

1. In the third sentence, underline the main members of the sentence.

2. Find and write down two words that contain only a root and a zero ending.


Option 1

To write off the text. Find words in the text where the letter denoting an unpronounceable consonant is written. Underline this letter.

Autumn and winter

In late autumn, the weather in our area is often inclement. As if autumn is going through hard its loss to winter. Clouds fly in tatters across the firmament. The rain is pouring down. The sun looks like a soccer ball turned yellow from rain. The trees sway and squeak from the violent gusts of wind.

Option 2

Snow groats

It was the last days of late autumn. It rained all night, the wind hummed and whistled. By morning it got colder. I looked out the window. The clouds flew low above the ground. Soon, thorny groats fell out of them. She was as hard as sand. Sharply hit the glass. A thick snow mound quickly formed on the roof of our bathhouse. We wanted to go to the balcony, but we could not open the door. Snow covered her. We walked along a narrow path to Aunt Zoya and took a shovel from her.


I. Working on the text

Change the text - write a story not about a small kitten, but about a big fat cat. Determine which suffixes in words will help with this.

A small kitten is sitting by the porch. We named him Murzik. The kitten is gray, with a fluffy tail and a white tie on the chest. The cat closed his eyes, bent his back, wiggles his antennae. He hid sharp claws in his paws and purred sweetly, amusing the kids. We love to play with him.

II. Presentation of the text according to the collectively drawn up plan

Caring mother

A fox made his dwelling under an old spruce tree. There were kids in the hole. The fox was careful. Near the burrow, she dodged for a long time, tangling her tracks.
The cubs were very funny and very pliable. They tried to get out of the hole all the time. The kids loved to play in the green meadow. Mother was returning. The cubs fell silent. The fox took each fox and dragged it into the hole.
Soon all the cubs were back in the hole. Mother calmed down.

Approximate plan

1. Burrow under the spruce.
2. Restless kids.
3. Everyone is at home.

Key words: arranged, close, confused, get out, quieted down, by the collar, soon, again, calmed down.

III. Composition

Select a heading to which you can compose and write text.

Birds in the winter in the forest.
Fairy forest.
Interesting in the winter in the forest.

4th grade


purpose of work- check the ability to detect spelling in the text, write words in the range of learned rules, put a comma with homogeneous members of the sentence.

Option 1


They were born on a short autumn day. It was cloudy and dull on the ground. A cloud floated slowly. Snowflakes swirled in the air. In the whirlwind of the dance, they flashed with amazing lights. Snowflakes flew over the grove, field, village. Where to stay for the night? The roof of the lonely hut was empty. The snow beauties decided to stop here. They decorated the path to the river, the top of an old spruce. We laid down on the meadow like a fluffy carpet. In the morning, the first tracks of animals and birds appeared on the snow surface.

Words for references: slow, stop, here.

Grammar tasks

1. In the last sentence, underline the main members of the sentence.

2. Indicate the cases of all nouns in the tenth sentence. (They graced the path ...)

Option 2


There is silence in the spruce forest in the winter cold. All living things hid from the fierce cold.
Suddenly a whole flock of northern guests appeared. The crossbills flashed with a noise over the quiet clearing. Birds clung to the top of the furry spruce. At the very top were bunches of cones. With tenacious claws, the birds began to carry tasty seeds.
Their dwellings are hidden between the branches of the old spruce. Chicks have already hatched there. Caring mothers feed them with spruce porridge.
Why do crossbills winter in our area? They are warmer here than in the far North.

Grammar tasks

1. In the fourth sentence, highlight the main members of the sentence.

2. List the cases of all nouns in the fifth sentence. (Birds clung ...)


purpose of work- check the ability to copy text, detect spelling.

Option 1

Mishkino childhood

Mishka loved to go to the forest with his grandfather. The bear felt in the forest as if he was being hugged by someone big and affectionate. The oaks smiled good-naturedly. Aspens happily clapped their hands, greeting old acquaintances. Closer to autumn, the thin and tenacious hands of blackberries with handfuls of ripe berries protruded onto a narrow forest road: here, good people, help yourself! The boy noticed long ago that under his grandfather the forest became brighter and more joyful. And the grandfather walked and purred a song.

Option 2

A good spruce in winter, heavy hats of pure snow hang on its spreading branches-paws, high peaks are decorated with garlands of fir cones at the edge of a spruce forest; green young growth grows among people. freedom in the winter starry and moonlit nights the snow glitters on its branches as a fabulous tree in the moonlight.


I. Instructional presentation

The first steps

Early in the morning Marina woke up, looked out the window and gasped. The morning was sunny and frosty. The branchy trees were covered with shaggy frost. Such patterns are painted by frost on the windows. The yard skating rink looked like a mirrored saucer.
After breakfast Marina put on a downy shawl, put on her white fur coat and ran out into the yard.
The brothers brought her brand new skates. In five minutes, Marina was sliding on the shiny, smooth ice. Legs twisted. But the brothers took Marina by the arms.
A stinging wind beat in the face. It was breathtaking, but it was fun.

Add missing points of the plan.


1. ...
2. Marina runs into the yard.
3. ...
4. Marina is having fun.

Tell according to plan. Prepare to record the presentation.

Words for references: shaggy frost, on shiny (ice), turned up, was breathtaking.

Write down the presentation according to the plan.

II. Composition

Will there be different compositions

Dictation in Russian for grade 4

In winter

The fields turned white. The river was covered with ice, fell asleep, as in a fairy tale. Winter walks in the mountains, forests, valleys.

Here the wind blew off the white cap from a hillock in the clearing. The early sun came out and lit up the treetops. Red and green lights lit on fluffy snow, Good in the winter forest! Skis glide easily on the soft carpet.

Silence! The bear sleeps in a den. A prickly hedgehog in a hole closed with dry leaves. The cunning fox made a home. The cowardly hare sleeps under a bush during the day, and eats the bark of trees at night.

Mighty oak

A mighty oak tree grew on the edge. He was the most prominent in the area. A giant stood and surveyed the whole area, the foliage rustled softly. The emerald grass under the tree lay in a lush carpet.
Once people came to the oak tree and put benches. Now there were crowds of people here from morning until late evening. The freshness attracted everyone. Children loved to play at the edge of the forest. The oak gave joy to everyone. It's good to sit on soft grass! It has become a favorite vacation spot.

Blooming linden

I walked through the forest and caught the strong smell of linden. I turned off the path and headed for the edge. The tree was blooming. “It will win at any beauty contest,” I thought. Lipa complained: "An inept tailor was sewing clouds today." I threw back my head and saw that the tree was trying on the dresses of the clouds. The wind tosses her snow-white clothes aside. All the surrounding lindens were preparing for the flowering ball. The mushroom rain has started. A joyful ray of the sun peeped out through the cloud, a multi-colored rainbow lined up in the sky. Lipa decided to throw a rainbow over the dress. No one has ever seen such a wonderful outfit at the holiday. (87 words)

(According to A. Trofimov)

Be able to control yourself

A person must suppress anger, a bad mood in himself. There is no joyful and successful day in life. In moments of excitement, monkeys beat themselves in the chest, the dog growls and bares its teeth, the elephant waving its trunk. A person must control himself! Endurance is appreciated by people, but not easy. You sat down to play with a friend. You are in a wonderful mood. But now you are losing. Immediately you become suspicious, you check every move, you argue, you quarrel. Be fair and tell yourself, "My friend was stronger." Master your senses. Self-control will serve you well. (82 words)

Forest miracle

F andvet somewhere in the world is smalle n bkaya fairy. She has no one to play withb, so she ran away somehow into the forest. Goes towards lev and the little fairy l b wow never not saw. Zarych a l he is menacing, pr and sat down, by the way f ku cook tsya! And the fairy smiles affectionatelytsya, play b collecting with him tsya... Oud and vlya isa lion! Why its not a fighttsya? Is it bad or x O R O sho? WITH e rdi be need or see e I am be?.

NS O T I am nula fairy l bwoo magic fellpoint at. Lion cn a h a la left to fell glasses NS O d O walked, n Othe volume on the right. And sonot took. Nose e rdi be no way not get aElk. The fairy and the fearsome lion are coming soonO friends and fox.

(88 words, service 19)

Complex task

1 . The tale seems complete. And you make it so that the last sentence is the penultimate one.

2. Show any 10 traps in the text.

3. Find words with the letter "a" at the end. Show only those with the letter "a" in the base. It is necessary for everyone to see what kind of morpheme it is.

4. In the very first sentence, designate grammatical basis... Write from which island the words that work in it.

5. Find the sentence with which the second paragraph begins. We now need something that looks like magic wires between antennas in the beautiful city of Syntax. Then it will turn out to show each member of the sentence. It is important!

6. Choose any word from this sentence and tell us what you can learn about it if you remember which island it is from.

Autumn time

(dictation No. 1 of OS "Harmony")

The sultry summer has passed. The golden autumn has come. Take a look into the forest. Mushrooms grow along the edges. Among the withered grass boletus boletus turns red. On the edge of the spruce forest, you can find slippery milk mushrooms, fragrant mushrooms. Old tree stumps are covered with mushrooms. Moss bogs are strewn with ruddy cranberries. Rowan clusters are burning in the clearing. The days are fine. The sky is high and clear. Every blade of grass is visible at the bottom of the stream. The bird voices fall silent. There is peace and quiet in the forest. Good in the woods! ( 68 words)

Words for information: in the clearing, strewn, peace.

Grammar assignment:

  1. In the ninth sentence, find the grammatical basis, indicate the parts of speech.
  2. Parse the words: it has come, aspen, a blade of grass.
  3. Phonetic parsing of the word bunch.

The cranes fly away

(dictation No. 2 OS "Harmony")

In the autumn days, the cranes were preparing for the departure. They circled over the river and over their native swamp. Cranes were flying high in the sky. In a dense forest at the edge of the lake, birds stopped to rest. The forest stands dark and gloomy at this time.

It is still dark, and the sensitive cranes are already awake. An early dawn appeared in the east. Soon a cheerful sun will rise over the river. Everything will sparkle and shine with bright colors of autumn. The cranes will fly high. See you in the spring! ( 72 words)

Grammar tasks

  1. In the second sentence, emphasize the grammatical basis, show the connection of words in the sentence.
  1. Determine the case of nouns.

1st century Cranes were flying high in the sky.

IIc. An early dawn appeared in the east.

3. Write out two phrases from the text, a noun with an adjective.

Indicate the number, gender and case of the adjective.

4. In the first sentence, find the word (j) departureand parse it as part of speech (morphological parsing).

Autumn Walk

(dictation No. 3 OS "Harmony")

A group of schoolchildren went to the autumn park. All the trees have already shed their golden leaves.

The guys walked along a forest path into a clearing. A fluffy spruce forest grows all around. A clean spring gushes from the ground. The guys collected twigs and branches. The boys lit a merry fire on the bank of the river.

It was very quiet in the forest. The children sat around the fire. Seryozha filled the kettle with water. It's time to brew tea. Anna and Natalya treated the children to cookies. On the way home, everyone sang songs.

The joyful guys returned home. ( 75words)

Grammar tasks

1. In the third sentence, underline the grammatical basis, write down the phrases.

2. Write out the word joyful from the last sentence and parse it as part of speech (morphological analysis).

3. Analyze the words by composition: autumn, walked, (along) the path.


(dictation No. 4 OS "Harmony")

There is silence in the spruce forest in the winter cold. All living things hid from the fierce cold.

Suddenly a whole flock of northern guests appeared. The crossbills flashed with a noise over the quiet clearing. Birds clung to the top of the furry spruce. At the very top were clusters of ruddy cones. With tenacious claws, the birds began to carry tasty seeds.

Their dwellings are hidden between the branches of the old spruce. Chicks have already hatched there. Caring mothers feed them with spruce porridge.

Why do crossbills winter in our area? They are warmer here than in the far North.According to G. Skrebitsky (77 words)

Grammar tasks

1. Underline adjectives with a wavy line, highlight the endings, determine the number, gender and case.

2. In the first and second sentences, determine the declension and case of nouns.

3. Execute phonetic analysis the words ate.

Winter forest

(dictation No. 5 OS "Harmony")

Howwonderfulwinter forest! After the blizzard, the forest stood like in a fairy tale. The spruce was in coniferous chain mail. There is a snow cap on the top of a pine tree. At the birch tree, the blizzard has silvered the flexible branches with hoarfrost. Red clusters of mountain ash are visible from afar. How many footprints there are in the clearing by the path! Here the hare was cunning, looping, listening to the sounds winter night... A fox ran in search of prey. A lynx lurked at the top of the spruce. An elk crept through a snowdrift. And life glimmered under the snowdrift. You rake the snow to the ground, and there are bushes of lingonberries and blueberries.(78 words)

Grammar assignment.

  1. Determine the case and declension of nouns: in chain mail, at the path, at the top.
  1. Parse the sentence by the members of the sentence, write down phrases.

A lynx lurked at the top of the spruce.

  1. Parse words by composition: birch, winter, ran.

Spring morning

(dictation No. 6 OS "Harmony")

How good a spring morning! The sun appeared from behind the blue strip of the forest. In its rays the tops of giant pines blush. Mist swirls over the river like a golden haze. Here the fog disappears in the transparent air and reveals the blue surface of the river. In the mirrored surface of the river you see blue sky and clouds. Dew glistens on the bright greenery. A gentle breeze rocks the willow catkins. A blackbird on a spruce top is whistling a song. Whistles and listens. And in response to him, an amazing silence.

Grammar assignment

1. Parse the composition of the verbwhistles.

2. Find the verbs of the II conjugation and highlight the endings in them.

3. Form from a verbwigglesa feminine verb in the past tense.

Teddy bear

(dictation No. 7 OS "Harmony")

Once hunters were driven out of the den by a bear. And in the den, someone is screaming. Gennady Grigorievich pulled the bear cub out of the den. To the village, he carried the baby in a jacket.

The bear cub turned out to be very curious. There were flowers on the window. The kid caught on with his claws, pulled the pot with his teeth. He swayed and fell. The flower turned out to be sour and juicy. A fat and appetizing worm crawled out of the pile of earth. He crawled, wriggled. The worm was delicious too.

The hunter shook his finger at the baby. The bear hid behind the stove and grumbled. ( 73 words)

Grammar assignment.

1. Underline homogeneous members suggestions.

2. Disassemble the words by composition: kicked out, sour, threatened.

3. Write out the word hidden from the last sentence and disassemble it as a part of speech (morphological analysis).


(dictation No. 8 OS "Harmony")

At the edge of the forest, nuts have remained on the tree since autumn. Now they hang in large bunches. Two nimble squirrels often began to appear around them.

Once our cat saw them. He meowed, hissed and rushed at the animals. The squirrels jumped onto the fence and rushed along it to the trees. Can you imagine the picture ?! Light squirrels deftly jump along the fence one after another, and a cat chases them. But then the squirrels flew up a white-trunk birch and ran briskly along the trunk. The cat snorted angrily and trudged back.By L. Savonenkova (80 words)

Grammar tasks

1. In the first and last sentences, mark the main members.

2. Write out phrases from the last sentence, show the main and dependent words, write questions. Above the addicts, indicate the part of speech.

3. Above the nouns of the first sentence, indicate the declension, and above the word is chased-conjugation.

4. They jumped over the verb to inscribe its indefinite form.

5. In the last sentence, find compound word and show its structure.

Dictations by topic


Selective dictations

1. Write down only common sentences, sort them out by sentence members.

1) The bears are coming! 2) The sun has risen over the forest. 3) A nightingale snapped in the bushes. 4) The fire flared up. 5) Swifts whistled piercingly in the summer sky. 6) The wind died down. 7) Rooks announced spring. 8) Rooks were met in the fields by jackdaws. 9) Clouds are running. 10) Wild geese fly low over the tundra.

2. Write out phrases from sentences (subject and predicate do not make up phrases).

1) We were sitting in a hut. 2) A dark night has come. 3) A hare ran out of the forest. 4) The sailors left the ship. 5) Ice passed along the river. 6) In the morning a bright sun came out. 7) Stars shine in the night sky. 8) I returned from the forest at noon. 9) Apple trees bloomed wildly in the garden. 10) Black grouse sang at the edge of the forest.

Sample recording: sat (where?) In a hut, the night (what?) Is dark.

Free dictation

Former street children

A blue bell has grown by the road. So frail, so grimy. The leaves are like gray rags.

The teacher Sergei Stepanovich dug up this bell and transferred it to the school garden. There he has already planted many of these street children. Here are daisies, and here are cornflowers. Sergei Stepanovich takes care of them, watering them, feeding them.

And then miracles happen. Small daisies are made large, big-eyed. Cornflowers are in blue crowns. And there are so many flowers on the bells that there is enough for a whole bouquet. People admire flowers. And they do not know that these are former street children.

Verification dictations

Red snow

Polar explorers landed on the island and were surprised. Red snow lay by the rocks! The Arctic fox trotted - behind him a red line of footprints. The partridges ran - they left them with red crosses.

We made a snowball from the snow - pink! We skied down the hill - there were red stripes behind. Don't believe your eyes! But you have to believe your eyes. Why did the snow turn red? From the spring sun and warmth, a red algae grew in the snow. And the snow has bloomed! (63 words)

Early morning

The sun lit up the mossy swamp. Along the edges, the swamp is overgrown with frequent birch forests. Young pines darkened among the birches. The ground in the lowlands was covered with green moss. On the hillocks there are bushes of lingonberry and blueberry. The smell of herbs in the air. The first strands were gilded on the birches. Yellow leaves swirled in the air. Cold dew silvered the earth at night. In the morning, the earth and trees sparkled with lights. A ray of sunlight flashed in every blade of grass. (60 words)


Recovered dictations (write out homogeneous members of the sentence from each sentence first, and then write down the entire sentence from memory)

The summer sun floats over the fields, over the dusty road. I lie in the green grass, inhaling the moist smell of earth and plants. White, gold, blue flowers sway overhead.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

I poured bread crumbs to the sparrows, and then immediately threw a whole crust. The sparrows are huddled in a flock, run up on the hump, strive to pinch more.

(E. Shim)

The cat saw Kashtanka jumped up, arched its back, lifted its tail and ruffled its fur. The dog got scared, barked loudly and rushed to the cat.

(A. Chekhov)

Red-headed boletus boletus, greenish and pink boletus boletus, slippery milk mushrooms and fragrant mushrooms grow along the forest edges.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Visual dictations

Specify orally missing punctuation marks and write down sentences under dictation.

1) A frog-frog sat in a swamp catching mosquitoes and a midge in the spring croaked loudly with its friends (V. Garshin). 2) A heron flew to the lake, entered the water up to its knees, tilted its head and lurked (I. Drobkov). 3) There is an initial short but wonderful time(F. Tyutchev). 4) I saw foliage not only gold and purple but also scarlet purple brown black gray and almost white (K. Paustovsky). 5) The month of September is the time of variegated leaves; leaves fly, spin, fall, jump (N. Sladkov).

Verification dictations


Petka lived in the reserve. It was a big, black, serious bird. I once gave a raven a cookie. He took the biscuits and hid them in the underbody bag. I took out a small coin and showed it to Petka. He hid this coin too. Then Petka flew onto the road, made a round hole with his beak, hid the gifts in the sand. The raven pulled out a clump of grass and stuck it into the sandy house. (58 words)

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Words for information: in the reserve, coin, too, sandy.


Night in a dense forest. The moon came out from behind a cloud. The snowflakes on the branches, on the spruces, on the pines sparkled, sparkled. The trunk of an old aspen is silvery. A hollow blackened at the top. There lived a flying squirrel. A long animal ran up through the snow with soft leaps. He stopped, sniffed, raised his sharp muzzle up. The upper lip lifted. Sharp, predatory teeth flashed. It was a marten. The marten ran along the aspen to the hollow. The squirrel noticed a predator and easily jumped onto a branch of a nearby pine tree. (71 words)

(V. Bianchi)

Words for information: her, because of, neighboring.

End of August

Summer was over. Yellow strands appeared in the green foliage of the birches. Rooks and swallows huddled in huge flocks. Rooks walked around the meadow, hunted various bugs and worms. Swallows scampered over the meadow, over the river, hunted for midges and mosquitoes.

It was a warm but cloudy day on Sunday. Fallen leaves lay on the grass, on the paths in the forest. There were many mushrooms in the forest. Boletus, white and black boletus peeped out of the grass merrily. In the clearing, I saw two porcini mushrooms. The legs are thick and strong. (77 words)

in grade 4 for the first half of 2010-2011 academic year

The purpose of the work is to test the ability to detect spelling in the text, to write words in the range of the learned rules.
There is silence in the spruce forest in the winter cold. All living things hid from the fierce cold. Suddenly a whole flock of northern guests appeared. The crossbills flashed with a noise over the quiet clearing. Birds stuck to the top of the tree. At the very top there are bunches of delicious buds. With tenacious claws, the birds began to carry tasty seeds. Their dwellings are hidden between the branches of the tree. Chicks have already hatched there. Caring mothers feed them with spruce porridge. Why do crossbills winter in our region? They are warmer here than in the far North.
Words for reference: hidden, caring, seeds.
1. Analysis test work in Russian from __ December

Wrote with "5" ___ student (______________________________________________),
"4" ___ studying,
"3" ___ studying,
"2" ___ student (________________________________________________________).
We made mistakes:
Skipping, replacement of letters ___ student ___%.
Capital letter at the beginning of the sentence ___ students ___%.
Punctuation marks at the end of a sentence ___ study ___%.
Spelling of hissing ___ learners ___%.
Prepositions with the words ___ study ___%.
Paired calls and voiceless consonants at the root of the word ___ study ___%.
Unstressed vowels, tested by stress ___ study ___%.
Unstressed vowels, unchecked by stress ___ study ___%.
Spelling of prefixes in words ___ student ___%.
Separating mark ___ student ___% .___ student ___%.
Unstressed vowel in the endings of nouns ___ study ___%.
Double consonant ___ student ___%.
Other mistakes ___ students ___%.

Teacher: Assistant:


2. Analysis verification work in mathematics from __ December in 4th __ grade
According to the list: ___ students. Performed work: ___ student
Completed on "5" ___ studying, "4" ___ studying, "3" ___ studying, "2" ___ studying.

1. We solved the compound problem for difference comparison correctly ___ students ___%. We made a mistake in: a) the choice of arithmetic operations ___ students ___%. b) calculations of ___ students ___%.
2. Calculated the values ​​of the expressions correctly ___ students ___%.
We made a mistake on: a) replacing letters with numbers ___ students ___%. B) oral addition by a single number ___ students ___%. C) oral division by a single number ___ students ___%.
3. Calculated the values ​​of the expressions correctly ___ students ___%
We made a mistake in the course of: a) determining the order of performing arithmetic operations ___ student ___% b) written addition ___ student ___%. C) written subtraction ___ student ___%.
d) written multiplication of multi-digit numbers by a single-digit number ___ student ___%. f) written multiplication of the values ​​of quantities by a single-digit number ___ student ___%.
g) written division of the values ​​of quantities by a single number ___ student ___%.
4. Completed the task to establish relationships between units of quantities correctly ___ students ___%. We made mistakes in knowing the relationships between the units: a) mass ___ students ___%.
b) area ___ students ___%.
c) time ___ students ___%.
5. We drew the line segments correctly ___ students ___%. We made mistakes in the course of: a) the choice of arithmetic operations for calculating the lengths of the segments ___ study ___%. b) choosing an arithmetic operation to calculate the area of ​​___ students ___%.
c) calculations ___ students ___%.
d) records of names of ___ students ___%.

Teacher: Assistant:
Output: ______________________________________________________________________

3. Analysis of reading techniques from __ December
According to the list in 4th __ grade: ___ students. Reading method
They read by syllables - __ study;
Read by syllables and whole words - __ study;
Read in whole words –__ study.
Reading pace
Below the norm - __ student (_____________________________________________________

normal - __ student (__________________________________________________________
above the norm - __ student (_____________________________________________________


for the I half of the 2012-2013 academic year

Russian language

Grade 4 (1-4)


purpose of work- check the ability to detect spelling in the text, write words in the range of learned rules. Check the formation of the spelling skill case endings nouns, definitions of their declensions.


There is silence in the spruce forest in the winter cold. All living things hid from the fierce cold. Suddenly a whole flock of northern guests appeared. The crossbills flashed with a noise over the quiet clearing. Birds stuck to the top of the tree. At the very top were bunches of delicious cones. With tenacious claws, the birds began to carry tasty seeds. Their dwellings are hidden between the branches of the Christmas tree. Chicks have already hatched there. Caring mothers feed them with spruce porridge. Why do crossbills winter in our region? They are warmer here than in the far North.

Words for references: hide a us, worried and vye, sem e on.

Grammar tasks:

1. Write out the first sentence. Underline the main terms of the sentence. Indicate parts of speech. Indicate the cases of nouns.

2. Determine the declension and case of nouns. Highlight endings.

Option 1: with noise-…, spruce, top, across the sky, under a branch.

Option 2: with food - ..., distance, mother, in the wind, under a bush.




for the I half of the 2012-2013 academic year

Russian language

Grade 4 (1-4)


purpose of work - check the ability to detect spelling in the text, write words in the range of learned rules. Check the formation of the spelling skill of the case endings of nouns, determining their declensions.


There is silence in the spruce forest in the winter cold. All living things hid from the fierce cold. Suddenly a whole flock of northern guests appeared. The crossbills flashed with a noise over the quiet clearing. Birds stuck to the top of the tree. At the very top were bunches of delicious cones. With tenacious claws, the birds began to carry tasty seeds. Their dwellings are hidden between the branches of the Christmas tree. Chicks have already hatched there. Caring mothers feed them with spruce porridge. Why do crossbills winter in our region? They are warmer here than in the far North.

Words for references: hide us, caring and vie, family.

Current page: 8 (total of the book has 12 pages) [available passage for reading: 8 pages]


100% +


There is silence in the spruce forest in the winter cold. All living things hid from the fierce cold. Suddenly a whole flock of northern guests appeared. With a noise, the boughs swept over the quiet meadow. Birds clung to the top of the furry spruce. At the very top were clusters of ruddy cones. With tenacious claws, the birds began to carry tasty seeds. Their dwellings are hidden between the branches of the old spruce. Chicks have already hatched there. Caring mothers feed them with spruce porridge. Why do crossbills winter in our area? They are warmer here than in the far north.

According to G. Skrebitsky

Witch's brooms

The trees are bare. You will see this on them! You can't see it in the summer. All birches are in rook's nests. Come closer. And they are not nests at all! Some kind of black lumps of thin twigs. These are witch's brooms. Baba Yaga flies through the air in a mortar. The witch flies out of the pipe on a broomstick. So they let such a disease on different trees. Ugly clumps of twigs appeared on the branches. They are like brooms. So the storytellers assure. What is it really? These are sores on the branches from special ticks or special fungi.

According to V. Bianchi


Father brought to son new book... The boy looked at the pictures for a long time. The artist painted trees, sea, ships, animals.

Where did the book come from? Who invented the miracle of miracles? The life of the book begins in the forest. There is a long way from tree to book. People cut down trees and took them to the factory. The workers sawed them, boiled paper dough. Then the mass was rolled into thin strips and rolled into rolls. The finished paper is sent to the book factory.

There is a typesetting, printing and bookbinding workshop. From here the book goes to the library, store, and then to the reader.

According to A. Barkov


The duckling lay in the muddy swamp water. The exhausted neck was stretched out. His wings were spread. Only a tiny dot of the black eye was still faintly glowing. I carefully took the duckling, put it in my cap and carried it home. I had a hare and a little crow there. At home, I wiped the mud from the head, neck and wings of the duckling, put it on the table and got ready for the operation. The hare did not play naughty, but climbed into his corner and quieted down. The little crow cautiously climbed onto the headboard and looked over my shoulder attentively and a little fearfully, first at the duckling, then at the bandages. I washed the duckling's wounds, straightened the broken wings, bandaged them and put him in a soft box. Will the duckling survive? And who hurt him like that? Hawk, fox or pike?

According to A. Onegov

White partridge

In winter, in the snow-covered tundra, white partridges fall from the branches and burrow into the snow. They peck buds on trees, and look for frozen berries under the snow. Birds are saved there in a blizzard. In winter, partridges are white, and their eyebrows are red. In the spring, they put on a festive outfit. Warm winds will blow. The snow will begin to melt. Summer will come. In summer, partridges change their outfit again. This bird cannot be seen in the tundra until you approach it.

According to G. Snegirev


Bittern is a nocturnal bird. At night, she walks through the swamp, catches fish, frogs, water beetles, and during the day she stands on one leg in the reeds. During the day, hawks, swamp harriers, foxes attack the bittern. Bittern doesn't like to fly. She loves to hide in the reeds. You will notice a bittern among the reeds and you will approach her. But it won't take off. He will only press down on his feathers, stretch his neck and become skinny. You can pull your neck towards you. And when you let go, it will stretch out again. Bittern knows that it looks like last year's brown cane.

According to G. Snegirev


One of the largest volcanoes is Hekla. This Hekla has done a lot of trouble. During its violent eruptions, the air for many kilometers in a circle becomes dark from thick rain and ash. One day, violent explosions blew off the top of the mountain. And Hekla became a little lower. Large stones flew out of the crater along with fire and smoke. The fiery lava melted ice and snow. Dirty streams of water rushed from the mountains, dragging stones and large boulders with them. The fiery lava fell into the river and instantly turned the water into steam. There was a dry bed. People often died during such eruptions.

According to M. Gumilevskaya

the beauty

Man has always wanted to see the beautiful side by side. For a long time, the Russian people themselves surrounded themselves with beauty. Here is a simple peasant shirt. It is sewn from canvas. But what patterns are embroidered on it! They go along the collar, sleeves, hem. A wonderful design was applied to the fabric by the golden hands of craftswomen.

People decorated not only clothes, but also dwellings. Craftsmen carved thin lace from wood. Wood carvings were used to decorate window frames, porches, and rooftops.

According to A. Mityaev


The guys helped their grandmother plant peas, carrots, cabbage in the garden. It was interesting to observe how the plants grow and bloom. Once Natasha and her friends poured cucumbers from a bottle. The girl was in a hurry and forgot a bottle in the garden. The bottle lay with its neck to the golden flowers. The guys soon left for the camps. We returned home in August. How many fruits ripen in the garden! All the foliage is intertwined. Natasha saw a forgotten bottle. A cucumber settled in it. How did he get into the bottleneck? They plucked him from the garden and placed him in the room. The sly man sits, does not speak. Have you guessed?

According to Y. Pinyasov

How fish winter

The frost covered ponds, rivers and lakes with a thick ice crust. Only in the hole is clear water visible. Fish sleep in deep silence on the river bottom. In the deepest places lies a catfish in the fossa. Wide flat bream lie in rows without the slightest movement. The carp find a soft hole and sleep in it with the whole herd. A cheerful, agile perch loves stones, trees that have fallen to the bottom. Perch fall asleep in such places for the whole winter. Toothy pike does not sleep well. The predator often swallows sleepy fish.


I had a very good starling. His name was Kolya. I looked after him, fed him, played, taught him to sing. The starling rejoiced at my arrival. He flew to me, unbuttoned the buttons on my shirt, sang, ruffled my ear. Often the little bird would sit on the bed and sing. I didn't get up. Then the prankster jumped onto the pillow, pinched the ear, tugged at the sheet. He knew the time of dinner well and was the first to take his place next to mine. He ate with me from the same plate. I taught him to say his name. At the end of winter, I put him in a cage. He felt good in the cage, but in the room he was more interested. Soon the starling learned to open the cage and flew away.

Sunbathing snake

One morning I went with a basket to the forest beyond the Volga. There are many mushrooms there. Soon my basket was full of young aspen mushrooms and strong whites. I already wanted to relax on the forest lawn, but I noticed a boletus drenched in the sun. I wanted to take a large mushroom and held out my hand. Suddenly, on a huge mushroom cap, I saw a gray forest viper. The snake has chosen a very good place for its sunbathing. The rays of the morning sun have not yet penetrated into the dense grass. On the wide cap of the boletus one could bask as if on a stone or sand.

According to M. Mikryukov

Fishing bear

Mikhailo Ivanovich is sitting up to his throat in the water. Only a dry head sticks out of the water.

His head is huge, shaggy, with a wet beard. He will tilt it on one side, then on the other. You can see everything in the water. The fur stuck to the body.

The bear's body seems huge. A bear is sitting and suddenly it began to grab something in the water with its paws. Pulls out the fish. He bit the fish and sat down on it. Here is a second fish swimming by. The bear caught it, bit it and also sits on it. And when he sat down, he got up. The first fish was dragged away from under it. The bear will bark! Lost fish. It is not clear to the poor fellow what is being done with his stock. Grabbed a new fish. The old one rolled out from under him again. Oh you! What an insult! Fish is lost! The bear grumbles.

According to E. Charushin


Kangaroo is a well-known animal. It can be seen both in the zoo and on the pages of children's books. It is featured on Australian money and postage stamps. A giant red kangaroo lives in the depths of Australia, and its gray brother can be seen in the forests. These are very large animals.

They reach a length of three meters. But they have a relative the size of a mouse.

Most often, kangaroos live in steppes and dense thickets. The kangaroo has poor eyesight. But nature took care of the animals. She did not leave the kangaroo defenseless. Their hearing is wonderful. They discern the slightest rustle and are quickly carried away. The kangaroo constantly makes its way through the thickets of the bush, clings to it. The second and third toes on his hind leg fused together to form a handle. It is very convenient for her to comb the fur. Kenguryats are born the size of a walnut. Months pass, and a funny face peeps out of the mother's bag. The cub begins to get to know the world.

Flying foxes

My friend and I were visiting Australia and decided to get acquainted with a colony of flying foxes. These animals usually nest in secluded shady groves. The groves are far from human habitation.

We are trying to get through the mango bushes, wandering through the soft mud.

Angry mosquitoes hum around us. They ruthlessly attack us and are ready to eat uninvited guests. The hot air is getting heavier. We are getting closer to our goal. Eerie screams, screams and shrill screams can be heard from afar. We freeze in surprise.

The trees are covered with clusters of moving, flapping, squealing flying foxes. We will never forget this sight.

Hedgehog fish

This sedate fish lives among corals. It feeds on polyps. Polyps often peek out of their houses. The fish immediately grabs them. She has no teeth. The jaw bones are fused into a sharp beak. With such a strong beak, it can gnaw snails. The hedgehog fish slowly swims along the reef. She's in no hurry. There is a lot of food around, but she is not afraid of enemies. This fish is not even afraid of a shark. A hedgehog fish in its belly will swell, and sharp spines will pierce the shark's stomach. But usually the hedgehog fish defends itself in advance. He will see a predator, begin to swallow water and swell. Now this fish looks like a ball. But now the danger has passed. A sly fish with a funny grunt lets out water from itself. Everything would be fine, but the fish-hedgehog is pestered by the fish-fly. Worried about a fly fish with good intentions. She catches crustaceans and lightly bites a hedgehog fish. Crustaceans hide between the needles on the back of a hedgehog fish. Wherever the hedgehog fish is hiding! But the annoying fly fish finds it everywhere.

Strange creature

What is this strange creature? The head is equine, the tail of a monkey and is covered with a shell. This is a seahorse. Baby seahorse carries in a bag. The horse lives in warm tropical seas. Here he is slowly moving vertically in clear water... This strange fish has almost no enemies. Seahorses come in two to thirty centimeters in length. Their flexible tail is more than half the length of the body. How the horse uses it as an anchor. The fish clings to the algae and freezes. But the horse does not sleep, but hunts down its prey. Woe to shrimps and various small sea creatures when approaching a horse frozen in the sea grass.

Little defender

From Kipling's fairy tale, we all know about the mongoose. This adorable dexterous animal with a narrow curious muzzle and a fluffy tail saved a whole family in India from vipers. But some birds can also protect humans from snakes.

A poisonous snake creeps up to a child asleep by the fence. Suddenly a small bird rushes towards the snake. She fluffed up her feathers and lowered her head. The bird is like a cuckoo. The snake stops and then lunges forward. The bird jumps to the side, and then hits the snake with its strong beak. The boy wakes up and sees a huge dead snake. And next to her, his little protector is breathing heavily.

This brave bird lives in Mexico and is called the road runner.


Goldfinch is one of our most beautiful songbirds. This little bird can be proud of its bright, festive plumage. In the spring he is extremely careful. Therefore, it is rather difficult to see it among the branches and leaves. He betrays himself only with sonorous trills. Goldfinch nests on plum, apple, maple or poplar. He covers his house with pieces of moss. in rest, needles and scraps of birch bark. The nest is very well camouflaged. It is not easy to find it.

They feed their goldfinch chicks with insects and softened seeds. Here young goldfinches fly out of their nests. Goldfinches huddle in flocks and wander around. Goldfinches flock to burdock and other weeds to shred the seeds. The birds love to eat alder and birch seeds.


In large parks, in alleys, in the centers of large cities, flocks of rather large black-gray birds like to settle. These are jackdaws. At the end of April, jackdaws break dry twigs to build nests. They make nests in the hollows of trees and holes under the roofs of houses. Jackdaws insulate their dwelling with straw, feathers and wool. These birds feed their chicks with worms, beetles and even frogs. A month later, young jackdaws leave the nest and in a few days they already fly around the surroundings.

Adult birds love to eat plants. Jackdaws can fly into a cherry orchard and completely peck up the entire crop.

Gulchats are easy to tame. They imitate voices well and can even learn to speak words. But for this you need to deal with them specially.

Silver tail

All night long the wind whistled and hooted in the mountains. In the early morning, winter descended from the mountains. The sun appeared.

I walked slowly along the path. A fox was running along the river bank. She glided over the hard crust, fell through the soft snow. The fox had an amazing tail. It glowed with silver.

I followed the fox trail. Here she jumped over a stream and fell into the water. Wet and fluffy tail. Now every hair is covered with an ice cover. Dexterously deceived me by the winter sorceress. She showed me a beast with a fairy tail.

According to N. Sladkov

Himalayan bear

The Himalayan bear lives in the mountainous forests of Asia. He is all black, and on his chest is a white triangle. The triangle is like a napkin. The Himalayan bear has very long legs. He quickly climbs trees. The bear loves wild apples, berries, nuts. The bear climbs onto the bird cherry, breaks the branches and eats the berries from them. In winter, he sleeps in the hollow of a large tree. There are interesting cases. They cut down a huge cedar in the taiga, bring it to the village, and a bear crawls out of the empty trunk inside.

According to G. Snegirev


The porcupine is both ugly and scary. That is why it is called that. Porcupines love to wander at night, to rattle needles. His needles are long, thick, with sharp ends. They are almost the porcupine's only weapon. His teeth can easily gnaw through the wire mesh. The needles are held on a special muscle and are easily detached from it. Therefore, the porcupine can throw needles at the enemy. Although more often he scatters and stabs his needles backwards into the enemy.

The porcupine is stubborn. He does not even give way to a car. Will get up on the road, stomp with short hind legs and grunt viciously. Don't come near, or I'll kill you! The needles bristle and rattles terribly with them.

In summer, the female porcupine gives birth to five cubs. Cubs will be born with open eyes with incisors ready to gnaw and with needles. The needles are still soft, but they get stronger faster than the animals themselves. The mother is not very sensitive. Can the kids feed themselves? The mother leaves them immediately.

Porcupine meat is delicious. He was very much appreciated by the Romans. And rich Roman ladies stuck gilded needles into their hairstyles.


The marmot is a fat man with short legs. In winter, marmots hibernate. The construction of winter shelters is very interesting.

Before us, the dwelling of a marmot appears as a round hole and a solid mound of soil nearby. This is called butane. Like a rubble near a village house. Here you can relax, chat with a neighbor. Marmots are very sociable and often like to visit. In Bhutan, you can frolic, grab each other, sit with friends, sleep in the sun.

A hole in the ground continues a long corridor. You’ll go left. There is a chamber for garbage, faded wool. You’ll go right. And here is the collective bedroom. In winter, marmots sleep all together. Silence reigns in the bedroom. The animals lay down for the winter and sealed the entrance holes well.


Dry pears hang in a dark niche of the rock. Hang from the ceiling like pear tree branches. The pears turned into dry leaves. Could the inhabitant of the rocks dry pears for himself in reserve? I wanted to feel them, take a good look at the light, and held out my hand. Suddenly the pears trembled with fear. Pears twitch and shake. I stand and shudder. Pears are afraid of me, and I am afraid of pears. Then I looked closer and saw these objects. There are no pears hanging on the ceiling. These are bats. And they turned not into dry leaves, but into their leathery wings. My fear went away at once. After all, mice are trembling. Mice are not pears. But here's what's surprising. They tremble, but others are afraid. Their trembling drives others into fear. The inhabitants of the mountains call these bats shakes. Very apt!

According to N. Sladkov


Chinchilla is a small gray rodent. Nature has awarded the chinchilla with silver fur with a mother-of-pearl overflow. This fur made the animal famous all over the world. Its amazing fur is very durable, wearable, soft and lightweight. It is slightly heavier than thick silk. Very beautiful coats are obtained from chinchilla. But for each fur coat you need three hundred animal skins.

Chinchillas used to thrive in Peru, Andes and Chile. The chinchillas were very gullible. On the streets, they darted under the feet of passers-by. There were thousands of them in a day! Now these are rare animals. Chinchillas keep their coats clean. To do this, they bathe in volcanic ash every day.

Sly rat

I was lying on the stove and suddenly I heard a stomp. A rat appeared. I froze. There was a bottle of ghee on the floor. The rat examined her carefully. I was calm. The rat will not be able to pour out the oil. After all, for this it must be melted. The rat didn't think so. She examined the bottle, knocked it to the floor, and pulled out the paper cork with her teeth. Then she squeezed her tail into the narrow neck and dipped it in oil. Then she pulled it out and licked it. This was repeated several times. Finally the thief was satisfied and left. Soon she reappeared and brought the whole family with her. The older rat went to the bottle, stuck its tail into it, licked it and walked away. The rats repeated the operation. Soon the whole family was licking tasty tails together.


In late autumn, winter feathered guests come to us.

Bullfinches are very pretty in their red outfits. Bullfinches are knights. Even hungry bullfinches will always yield the best rowan clusters to the females. The flock calmly processes the tree and flies over to the neighboring one. The pack does it at the command of the leader. He slightly raises his wings and shows everyone White spot on the lower back.

The bullfinch flies easily and beautifully. In severe frosts, the flock rarely moves. And even then only for a berry or a kidney. There are usually ten birds in a flock.


The whole life of a woodpecker is associated with forests and trees. He descends to the ground very rarely. In the trees, a woodpecker can feed itself, build a nest. The fingers of this bird are equipped with sharp claws. The claws easily cling to the bark. A woodpecker hangs on two front toes. The feathers on its tail are stiff and durable. The woodpecker's tongue is long and flexible. The tongue ends with a sharp horny tip. The woodpecker pushes its sticky tongue with hard spikes into narrow cracks and extracts its prey from there. Woodpeckers feed on insects, larvae, seeds. The woodpecker has its own smithy. This is a cleft in the tree. There he carries pounding cones.

Two-headed snakes

In nature, snakes with two heads are not so rare. In water snakes, every fiftieth cub has two heads. But such snakes live a little.

A two-headed snake was caught near the city of Tashkent. The scientists who studied it made a number of interesting observations. The snake could not crawl into the narrow hole so easily. To do this, his heads were closely pressed against each other. Heads quarreled often. The prey went to the right head more often.

A poisonous sand snake has lived in the snake nursery of Africa for several years. She also had two heads. Heads quarreled often too. Then, during feeding, each of them was given a frog at the same time. Once one of the heads even swallowed the other. But scientists saved the head and brought it back to life.

Snake charmers

The caster squatted beside the basket and removed the lid. Everyone saw a spectacle snake curled up in rings. The caster took out something like a pipe and began to play a sad melody. The snake got worried, began to swing, expanded its shield and hissed viciously. She wanted to charge at the caster, but hesitantly stopped under her gaze.

But snakes hardly hear sounds. Music cannot influence them. Cobra can still bite. Therefore, spellcasters avoid making sudden movements and wean the snake from biting. To do this, she is forced to bite very hot objects.

Flying snake

In China and Indonesia, snakes often inhabit palm trees. What for? Insects and lizards live on each of the palm species. With the desire to eat them, tree snakes crawl onto the palm tree. Snakes are thin in body. They have graceful big-eyed heads. The scales play in the sun with bright colors. The snake easily crawls onto the palm tree and lives there for several months. But now the stocks of food on this tree are running out. The snake ate them all. She cannot climb down the smooth trunk of a palm tree. How to be? Do not wait for death from starvation! And the snake jumps down from a height of twenty meters. Having rolled it up with a spring, it quickly straightens the rear end of the body and throws itself to the ground. In flight, she tenses, stretches herself with a stick and sucks in her stomach. A shallow groove appears on it. It slows down the speed of the fall. The snake lands safely.

Attention! This is an introductory excerpt from the book.

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