Types of predicates test online.

Test "Types of predicate"

1. The predicate is a) a minor member of the sentence, depending only on the subject; b) the main member of the sentence, which depends only on the subject; c) the main member of the proposal, which does not depend on any other member.

2. Simple predicate a) cannot be verbal; b) can be verbal; c) consists of two or more words.

3. Predicates are a) complex and two-part; b) simple and compound; c) complex and one-piece.

4. Lexical and grammatical meaning ASGs are concluded a) in one word; b) in a nutshell; c) in a few words.

5. GHS is called a predicate, which consists of a) an auxiliary word and an indefinite form of the verb; b) from the auxiliary word and the personal form of the verb; c) from an auxiliary verb and an impersonal form of the verb.

6. The nominal part of the SIS can be (find the superfluous) a) noun name, adjective name, participle; b) gerunds and official parts of speech; c) number, places, adverb, syntactically indivisible phrase.

Determine the type of predicate in sentences (tasks 7-13) a) pgs; b) cgs; c) sis.

7. The door was ajar. 8. The swamps lay before us desolate and ominous. 9. Ducks start to swim.

10. All the birds hid somewhere. 11. The water still couldn't calm down. 12. Chichikov sent Selifan to find the gate. 13. The greatest pictorial power lies in sunlight.

Verification work on the topic "The main members of the proposal" Option 1

Three carriages have already drove up to Nozdryov's house. Father and son are studying the map. A flock of dolphins sailed alongside the steamer. Once, on a weekday, my grandfather and I were shoveling snow in the yard. Coming up with names is a special talent.The darkness of the approaching night could have relieved me of all danger. The day is threatening with bad weather. Sergei did not want to wake up grandfather. Vaska came home hungry. The Yenisei became wider and wider, becoming the sea. The night was starry in August. The fog begins to swirl over the water. She will always cry.

Verification work "Main members of the proposal" Option 2

1. Underline grammatical basis sentences, determine how the subject is expressed.Something was falling softly from the trees. Coming up with names is a special talent. The artist and Vasya barely made it home. Several years passed in such agonizing anticipation. The comrade with the things remained on the shore.2. Underline the grammatical basis of the sentence, determine the type of predicatesThe waves stopped hitting the stern with the same fury. The days are brighter and brighter. He wanted to forget about today. I have to answer her something. The sister was focused on her work. It all looked strange. Grandfather Timofey sat tired. I will work all day today.

Exercise 1.

Select the subjects and predicates in these sentences.

1. The lackey is shaking. The slave laughs. The executioner sharpens his ax. The tyrant shreds the capon. Sparkles winter moon... (I. Brodsky) 2. Well, turn us back, turn the ships back in order to again experience the ancient scarcity of the land? (N. Gumilev) 3. Someone no longer crushes the chipped leaf and gold of the grass in the groves with their heels. (S. Yesenin) 4. Where the mystery is always dormant, there are otherworldly fields. (S. Yesenin) 5. All goats have horns in autumn. (P. Bazhov) 6. And suddenly, as it happens in a booth, when a painted paper curtain breaks through in a star-like manner, passing a living, smiling face, a man appeared, out of nowhere, so unexpected and so familiar, a voice began to speak, as if all his life had sounded under mute and suddenly broke through the usual dregs. (V.Nabokov)

Exercise 2.

Write down the sentences, define their grammatical basis:

1) The train, driven into a dead end along the branch, began to be unloaded. 2) The announcer finished reading the ruling. 3) Fate cannot pour only generosity. (N. Gorbachev.) 4) I will ride over the hills of the slumbering Motherland. (N. Rubtsov.) 5) The mother was upset by her son's call.

Exercise 3.

Find the predicates and determine how they are expressed; formulate a rule about the predicate as the main member of the sentence.

1) This land is very humble.
2) Birds are our friends.
3) The first leaves are green.
4) I love the lush wilting of nature.
5) I took off my green summer caftan.
6) The morning is fresh.

Exercise 4.

Find the predicates and highlight them.

Sir, I am a master of hat and hat business. I make the best hats and caps in the world. Today I worked all night for you, sir, and cried like a child with grief. This is such a tragic, special style. This is an invisible hat. As soon as you put it on, you will disappear, and the poor master will never know whether it suits you or not. Take it, just don't try it on with me. I can't stand it! (E.L. Schwartz)

Exercise 5.

From these sentences, you first write out sentences with a simple verb predicate, then with a compound verb predicate.

The monkey decided to work. (IA Krylov) Dancing crowded and pushed each other. (A.I. Kuprin.) Let them leave Godunov. (A.S. Pushkin.) This is how anyone can sing. (A.P. Chekhov) Not everyone is able to live alone. The chervonets was stained and dusty. Two friends walked in the evening at times. Heroes by rights decided to figure it out. (IA Krylov) We parted to great friends. (A.S. Pushkin.)

Exercise 6.

Find simple and compound verb predicates.

They saw a young nobleman beating a servant with anything. The whole appearance of the stranger was remarkable, but the first thing that caught the eye was his huge nose. "What do you allow yourself?" - asked the philosopher sternly and heard in response: “I want to listen to the lectures of the great Gassendi, and this whip was spread out on my way. But I swear on my nose, I'll listen to this the smartest person, even if I have to pierce this fool or someone else with my sword! " Gassendi's voice grew noticeably warmer: “Well, maybe I can help you. What's your name, young man? " “Savignen de Cyrano de Bergerac, poet,” the guest replied proudly. (A.L. Tsukanov)

Exercise 7.

Find compound verb predicates.

How I want to breathe into a poem
This whole world, changing its appearance ...
I'm afraid it's too late
I began to dream of happiness.
I will not sleep on New Year's night
I'll start a new notebook today.
I wrote a long address on a piece of paper
I still could not say goodbye and kept the leaf in my hand.
The light spread over the cobblestones. On eyelashes, and on fur,
And wet snow began to fall on the gray gloves.
(A.A. Tarkovsky)

Exercise 8.

Find compound verb predicates in these sentences.

1. I want to caress someone like a kangaroo caressed me. (N. Gumilev) 2. The fisherman heard the cry from the river, the old man decided to play a joke. (S. Yesenin) 3. He did not want to live without a smile and a rose - he wanted to die with a smile and a rose. (D.Samoilov) 4. Someone is unable to resist inertia3. (L. Rubinshtein) 5. One should get up to get drunk, one should get up, but it’s lazy to get up. (A. Bashlachev)

Exercise 9.

Find compound nominal predicates.

Vaska Pechenkin's favorite hobby is flying a kite. From this peaceful occupation, he made himself a predatory trade. When his kite is set in motion, Vaska feels like the only master of the sky, and our poor snakes are like sparrows in front of a kite. The Pechenkin snake is powerful and huge. (K.I. Chukovsky)

Exercise 10.

Determine how many stems are in each sentence, highlight the stems, determine the types of predicates.

1. Murka, do not go, there is an owl embroidered on the pillow, Murka is gray, do not purr, grandfather will hear. (A. Akhmatova)

2. One must forever sing and cry to these strings, ringing strings, the maddened bow must always beat, curl. (N. Gumilev)

3. I will not curse you, I am sad with the sadness of parting, but now I want to kiss your leading hands. (N. Gumilev)

4. I have not thought for fifteen years. And if you think, you won't want to live. (S. Dovlatov

5. Take a look, look where it is not worth looking. (I. Brodsky)

6. I thought about asking about health, but I realized the tactlessness of these words. (I. Brodsky)

7. We lay down by the broken spruce, waiting for the light to begin. (Yuri Drunina)

8. Please sit down and have some tea. (N. Zabolotsky)

9. And you can go back and forth, ascend, fall and ascend as a star in dreams; but only the ashes of your cigarettes are the ashes of empires, and this can happen to you. (B. Grebenshchikov)

Find in offers short participles and short adjectives.

Exercise 11.

Determine the types of predicates of all sentences in the poem by A. Akhmatova.

I see, I see the moon bow
Through the foliage of thick willows,
I hear, I hear a steady knock
Rough hooves.
What? And you don't want to sleep
A year could not forget me,
Not used to my bed
Are you empty to find?
Am I talking to you
In the sharp cry of birds of prey
I'm not looking into your eyes
From white, matte pages?
Why are you circling like a thief
At a dormant dwelling?
Or do you remember the agreement
Are you waiting for me alive?
I fall asleep. Into the stuffy darkness
The month threw the blade.
Another knock. It beats like this
My heart is warm.

Exercise 12.

Show that all predicates in these sentences are compound nominal.

1. Spring is not like joy, and the sand is not yellow from the sun. (S. Yesenin) 2. Kolya appeared hungry and wet under the first spring rain. (L. Chukovskaya) 3. The travelers were saddened. (A. Volkov) 4. Eyes are a brain turned inside out. (M. Gorky) 5. This song is not a cry of despair. (I. Brodsky) 6. All the hospital nurses seemed pretty. (S. Dovlatov) 7. On ordinary days, life in the house of the Kornevs proceeded monotonously and monotonously. (N. Garin-Mikhailovsky) 8. The navel is an integral part of my body. (Vikt. Erofeev) 9. Fiction is not a deception. The idea is not yet the point. (B. Okudzhava)

Exercise 13.

In which sentences was the word a linking verb in a compound nominal predicate, and in which - a simple verb predicate?

1. There was a large and elegant store at the corner of Khreshchatyk and Nikolaevskaya Street tobacco products... (M. Bulgakov) 2. It was a great relief when the game ended and Irma could be taken away. (V.Nabokov) 3. A guard of honor was lined up at the Chir station on the platform on a cold December morning. (M.Sholokhov)

Exercise 14.

Determine the types of predicates in these sentences.

1. I will be an affectionate novice, and you will be a riotous wife. (S. Yesenin)

2. Buran will not be a month for revenge. (B. Pasternak)

3. We will fight together, until we lose consciousness, about the steep thresholds of raptures and torments. (V. Ilyina)

4. Even when the very last trace is erased, the Big Dipper will pour out its harsh light. (A. Shchukin)

5. If it suddenly rains and slush in the yard, while preparing the lessons, we want not to cry. (I. Brodsky)

6. The nightingale will sing to us in the green thicket. We will not think about death more often than a crow in the mind of a garden scarecrow. (I. Brodsky)

Exercise 15.

Text analysis. Find compound nominal predicates with zero connectives in sentences. Determine how the nominal parts are expressed in these predicates.

He has a small snake head. The ears are small and motionless. The pectoral muscles are fully developed. The legs are thin, strong, the pasterns are impeccable, the hooves are sharpened like a river pebble. The back is a little loose, the tail is bastard. He is a blood donor. Moreover: he is of very high blood, there is not a drop of foreign matter in his veins, and the breed is visible in everything. His nickname is Malbrook. (M.Sholokhov)

Exercise 16.

Show that the predicates in these sentences have three or more components.

1. Can you learn to make people happy? (M. Gorky) 2. How I want to thank the candle, make her beloved light public and provide the vigilant caress of epithets. (B.Akhmadulina) 3. Is it really necessary to toil all my life! 4. It is impossible to learn to understand yourself and your neighbors! 5. And where the east should be, two clouds learned to swim. 6. Darling, do not say that we need to say goodbye! (D. Samoilov) 7. This is the best that should have been in Russia ... (M. Bulgakov) 8. Summer promised to be hot and rich. (B. Pasternak)

Exercise 17.

Determine the types of predicates in all sentences.

Chekhov is the flight of our youth ... We are the intelligentsia. Chekhov is just like us, only a little better. To understand the Russian intellectual consciousness, our norm, read Chekhov. Chekhov is the prophetic everyday life of the Russian mentality. Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy - all this is extreme. We cannot be Gogol, and we don’t really want to, but you can become Chekhov if you try. (Vikt. Erofeev)

Exercise 18.

Rewrite the sentences using the correct spelling rules. Indicate how the main terms are expressed in simple and complex sentences... Pay special attention to the main terms, expressed in various stable phrases. Determine the types of predicates.

1. By order of the commander, the soldier went out of order. The machine is out of order.

2. Our lake is (not) deep. Lake Ladoga is (not) deep.

3. All of us asked to sing more. We sang. We started to sing.

4. Our teacher is a kind person. Our teacher is a good athlete.

5. Five minutes later, only the father and son were left on the empty site. I stayed with my little sister at home.

Exercise 19.

Write down, highlight grammatical bases in sentences. Determine the ways of expressing the subject and predicate. Indicate the types of predicates.

1. And something completely unexpected, unexpected happened to Ivan Ivanovich (Gogol).

2. The sun began to hide behind the snow ridge (Lermontov).

3. This "if", attributed by him to the past, to the impossible, came true (Turgenev).

4. The plain seemed endless.

5. Neapolitan artists were in the greatest excitement (Paustovsky).

6. It is not an easy matter in my position to remain calm (Kazakevich).

7. Kashtanka rushed forward, then back, once again crossed the road, but the carpenter just fell through the ground (Chekhov).

8. The sea air is clean and pleasant at any time of the year.

9. The Russian language is rich, imaginative and accurate (Paustovsky).

10. My thoughts, my name, my works will belong to Russia (Gogol).

Exercise 20.

Highlight the basics in all sentences.

The life of every star, that is, every sun, is periodic. It constitutes the first, relatively small period, lasting several billion years, depending on the size of the star. The larger, the more massive it is, the longer the period of its life. I made it out in my kinetic theory Sveta. I cite from it only the most probable conclusions.
Particles of ether, combining, give rise to electrons or other simple matter. Since there is matter of hydrogen and helium, then it must have some source. We only know about the existence of the ether. It is natural to assume that it was formed from the ether. This is similar to how we allow spontaneous generation on our planet. Otherwise, where did the first living matter come from? Perhaps from the sky, but the sky is the same as the Earth, and there are the same planets and are also illuminated by similar suns. (K. Tsiolkovsky)

Test on the topic "Predictable and its main types"

1. In which sentence the predicate is selected incorrectly?

1) let the storm break out stronger!
2) He made a promise to his brother.
3) Why did you stop talking to me seriously?
4) Autumn this year came cold and windy.

2. In which sentence is the predicate selected incorrectly?

1) He will teach you all the art of craft.
2) You will have a rehearsal tomorrow night.
3) The work must be completed by the specified deadline.
4) An absent-minded person can be talented.

3. Which sentence has a simple verb predicate?

1) I will be very worried.
2) The days got longer and longer.
3) Soon I gave up writing poetry.
4) The gardener was a fussy and talkative person.

4. Which sentence has a simple verb predicate?

1) The friendly whisper of the river has done me a real favor.
2) Speech, verse - the same music, the same singing.
3) Karl Petrovich finally agreed to return.
4) The youngest Maklakov was considered the most lost and unfit person in the city.

5. Which sentence has a simple verb predicate?

1) The window is washed to a shine.
2) The sky was overcast.
3) Daddy, order him to give the ring.
4) They are able to think and reason.

6. Which sentence has a compound verb predicate?

1) Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.
2) But was my Eugene happy?
3) Her hidden hour, apparently, should have come later.
4) The first weeks of sailing were disappointing.

7. Which sentence has a compound verb predicate?

1) Fate itself tells you to save me.
2) She will be in awe of him all her life.
3) The traitors have sunk into the water.
4) In the fall, I began to seriously engage in swimming.

8. Which sentence has a compound verb predicate?

1) Sheep are the first to approach the water.
2) The monkey, seeing his image in the mirror, quietly kicked the bear.
3) Everyone has or will have many cherished roads.
4) He is already ready to erect a whole city.

9. What sentence has a compound nominal predicate?

1) The same dream began to recur to me.
2) He got away with everything.
3) But still, let's figure it out first.
4) Doubts have now been dispelled.

10. What sentence has a compound nominal predicate?

1) Oh, as a brother, I would be glad to embrace the storm!
2) I often could not hide my attitude towards you.
3) As if the heart stopped beating.
4) This sadness was vague, vague, like a dream.

11. What sentence has a compound nominal predicate?

1) From excitement, she could not begin to speak for a long time.
2) The last to leave was the commander of the 332nd, Major Barabanov.
3) I'll go see a new movie.
4) I prefer spectacular cinema.

12. In what case is the correct version of the characteristics of the main members of the proposal given?

You must be our first playwright.
1) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound verb

3) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound nominal
4) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb

13. In what case is the correct version of the characteristics of the main members of the proposal given?

After tea, my brother and I invited the guests to walk in the garden.
1) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb
2) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound verb
3) the subject is expressed in a syntactically indivisible phrase, the predicate is a simple verb
4) the subject is expressed in a syntactically indivisible phrase, the predicate is a compound verb

14. In what case is the correct version of the characteristics of the main members of the proposal given?

After graduation, Fedor had to return to his hometown.
1) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb
2) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound verb
3) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound nominative
4) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb

Test "Types of predicate"

1. The predicate is a) a minor member of the sentence, depending only on the subject; b) the main member of the sentence, which depends only on the subject; c) the main member of the proposal, which does not depend on any other member.

2. Simple predicate a) cannot be verbal; b) can be verbal; c) consists of two or more words.

3. Predicates are a) complex and two-part; b) simple and compound; c) complex and one-piece.

4. The lexical and grammatical meanings of the ASG are enclosed a) in one word; b) in a nutshell; c) in a few words.

5. GHS is called a predicate, which consists of a) an auxiliary word and an indefinite form of the verb; b) from the auxiliary word and the personal form of the verb; c) from an auxiliary verb and an impersonal form of the verb.

6. The nominal part of the SIS can be (find the superfluous) a) noun name, adjective name, participle; b) gerunds and official parts of speech; c) number, places, adverb, syntactically indivisible phrase.

Determine the type of predicate in sentences (tasks 7-13) a) pgs; b) c gs; c) sis.

7. The door was ajar. 8. The swamps lay before us desolate and ominous. 9. Ducks start to swim.

10. All the birds hid somewhere. 11. The water still couldn't calm down. 12. Chichikov sent Selifan to find the gate. 13. The greatest pictorial power lies in sunlight.

Verification work on the topic "The main members of the proposal" Option 1

Three carriages have already drove up to Nozdryov's house. Father and son are studying the map. A flock of dolphins sailed beside the steamer. Once, on a weekday, my grandfather and I were shoveling snow in the yard. Coming up with names is a special talent.

The darkness of the approaching night could have relieved me of all danger. The day is threatening with bad weather. Sergei did not want to wake up grandfather. Vaska came home hungry. The Yenisei became wider and wider, becoming the sea. The night was starry in August. The fog begins to swirl over the water. She will always cry.

Verification work "Main members of the proposal" Option 2

1. Underline the grammatical basis of the sentence, determine how the subject is expressed.

Something was falling softly from the trees. Coming up with names is a special talent. The artist and Vasya barely made it home. Several years passed in such agonizing anticipation. The comrade with the things remained on the shore.

2. Underline the grammatical basis of the sentence, determine the type of predicates

The waves stopped hitting the stern with the same fury. The days are brighter and brighter. He wanted to forget about today. I have to answer her something. The sister was focused on her work. It all looked strange. Grandfather Timofey sat tired. I will work all day today.

Test on the topic "Predictable and its main types"

1. In which sentence the predicate is selected incorrectly?

1) let the storm break out stronger!
2) He made a promise to his brother.
3) Why did you stop talking to me seriously?
4) Autumn this year came cold and windy.

2. In which sentence is the predicate selected incorrectly?

1) He will teach you all the art of craft.
2) You will have a rehearsal tomorrow night.
3) The work must be completed by the specified deadline.
4) An absent-minded person can be talented.

3. Which sentence has a simple verb predicate?

1) I will be very worried.
2) The days got longer and longer.
3) Soon I gave up writing poetry.
4) The gardener was a fussy and talkative person.

4. Which sentence has a simple verb predicate?

1) The friendly whisper of the river has done me a real favor.
2) Speech, verse - the same music, the same singing.
3) Karl Petrovich finally agreed to return.
4) The youngest Maklakov was considered the most lost and unfit person in the city.

5. Which sentence has a simple verb predicate?

1) The window is washed to a shine.
2) The sky was overcast.
3) Daddy, order him to give the ring.
4) They are able to think and reason.

6. Which sentence has a compound verb predicate?

1) Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.
2) But was my Eugene happy?
3) Her hidden hour, apparently, should have come later.
4) The first weeks of sailing were disappointing.

7. Which sentence has a compound verb predicate?

1) Fate itself tells you to save me.
2) She will be in awe of him all her life.
3) The traitors have sunk into the water.
4) In the fall, I began to seriously engage in swimming.

8. Which sentence has a compound verb predicate?

1) Sheep are the first to approach the water.
2) The monkey, seeing his image in the mirror, quietly kicked the bear.
3) Everyone has or will have many cherished roads.
4) He is already ready to erect a whole city.

9. What sentence has a compound nominal predicate?

1) The same dream began to recur to me.
2) He got away with everything.
3) But still, let's figure it out first.
4) Doubts have now been dispelled.

10. What sentence has a compound nominal predicate?

1) Oh, as a brother, I would be glad to embrace the storm!
2) I often could not hide my attitude towards you.
3) As if the heart stopped beating.
4) This sadness was vague, vague, like a dream.

11. What sentence has a compound nominal predicate?

1) From excitement, she could not begin to speak for a long time.
2) The last to leave was the commander of the 332nd, Major Barabanov.
3) I'll go see a new movie.
4) I prefer spectacular cinema.

12. In what case is the correct version of the characteristics of the main members of the proposal given?

You must be our first playwright.
1) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound verb

3) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound nominal
4) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb

13. In what case is the correct version of the characteristics of the main members of the proposal given?

After tea, my brother and I invited the guests to walk in the garden.
1) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb
2) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound verb
3) the subject is expressed in a syntactically indivisible phrase, the predicate is a simple verb
4) the subject is expressed in a syntactically indivisible phrase, the predicate is a compound verb

14. In what case is the correct version of the characteristics of the main members of the proposal given?

After graduation, Fedor had to return to his hometown.
1) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb
2) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound verb
3) the subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a compound nominative
4) the subject is expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb

1. - 4)
2. - 4)
3. - 1)
4. - 4)
5. - 3)
6. - 3)
7. - 4)
8. - 4)
9. - 4)
10. - 4)
11. - 2)
12. - 3)
13. - 3)
14. - 2)

Test, Types of predicates, for grade 8

1.Specify a sentence with a simple verb predicate.T a \ Many sounds flow into the night bird choir.

b / I was already starting to worry.

c \ I was ready to agree.

Y / He would be glad to leave.

2.Specify a sentence with a compound verb predicate.

a / He got up and immediately sat down.

b / And three palms began to murmur against God.

Q / Soon it started raining heavily.

r / Lisa decided on it.

3.Specify a sentence with a compound nominal predicate.

a / The word is silver, silence is gold.

b / Peter decided to help his brother.

c / Andriy was ready to dispose of even Kiev.

d / He stopped and thought a little.

4. Give an example with an error in determining the type of predicate.

a / His face was sour (compound nominal).

b / Silence is gold (composite nominal).

c / We would like to compete (compound verb)

r / He sat down and wrote down the old woman's story (compound verb /

5. Specify a sentence with a simple verb predicate:

A) Approaches to obstacles and trenches are mined. (A. Ananiev)

B) Krutikov excitedly began to explain what had happened. (N. Gorbachev)

C) Liverovsky's assumptions turned out to be correct. (A.N. Tolstoy)

D) The air smelled thick of tar. (V. Bykov)

6. Specify a sentence with a compound nominal predicate:

A) Before the snowfall, the tree began to shed its leaves. (E. Nosov)

B) Squirrels will have a lot of worries in the summer. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

C) The car had to go half a meter behind Seryozha. (V. Tokareva)

D) The whole village was visible from the hillock. (A. Kuprin)

7. Specify a sentence with a simple verb predicate:

A) The city is stretched out in a long strip along railroad on one side of it. (B.Vetohin)

B) After yesterday's small storm, the water was especially turbid today. (G. Golubev)

C) After being silent, Pinchuk decided to mend a hole in his tunic. (M. Alekseev)

D) Landing on that site threatened to be disfigured. (D. Medve

8. Specify a sentence with a compound nominal predicate:

A) Let the enemy find the crossing point as late as possible! (E. Vorobyov)

B) The boat station was clearly visible from here. (A. Rybakov)

C) After dinner, Anfisa silently began to clear the table. (A. Ivanov)

D) At the edge of the mossy swamp, I ordered everyone to stop. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

9. Indicate sentences with a simple verb predicate.