Through the sad fogs are made through the moon. Winter road

Thugs through wavy fog
Moon pursues
On the sad glades
She pours sad light.

On the road winter, boring
Troika Borzaya runs,
Single bell
Tedious rattling.

Something hears his native
In the long songs of the yammer:
Then ragble remove
Then cardiac longing ...

Neither fire, nor black hut,
Wilderness and snow ... meet me
Only versts strzys
Come across one ...

Boring, sad ... tomorrow, Nina,
Tomorrow to the cute return,
I will forget by the fireplace,
I don't look out without visiting.

Doubled arrows hour
The dimensional circle will make
And, binding removing,
Midnight will not be separated.

Sad, Nina: My jumped path,
Dund migrated my rocket,
The bell alone
Removed Lunar Lick.

Analysis of the poem "Winter Road" Pushkin

A. S. Pushkin One of the first among domestic poets successfully combined in his works landscape lyrics with personal feelings and experiences. An example of this is the famous poem "Winter Road". It was written by the poet during a trip to the Pskov province (end of 1826).

The poet was recently released from the reference, so it is in a sad mood. Many former acquaintances turned away from him, freedom-loving poems are not popular in society. In addition, Pushkin is experiencing significant financial difficulties. The surrounding poet nature also gave melancholy. The author absolutely not happy with the winter trip, even usually cheerful and encouraging the "bell ... Tedious threatening." SUNTING SONGS OF THE Yamchik aggravate sadness of the poet. They are a purely Russian original combination of "Razgloga Dellest" with "Cardiac longing".

The endless Russian versts, noted by travel pillars, tediously monotonous. It seems that they can reach all their lives. The poet feels the immensity of his country, but this does not bring him joy. Weak light seems to be the only rescue in the impenetrable darkness.

The author places dreams about the end of the trip. There is an image of a mysterious Nina, to which he goes. The researchers did not come to a single opinion, whom Pushkin means. Some believe that this is a distant familiar poet S. Pushkin, with whom he was associated with love relationships. In any case, the author warmed memories of a woman. He imagines a hot fireplace, an intimate atmosphere and privacy with his beloved.

Returning to reality, the poet with sadness notes that the boring road was tired even the yamchik, who fell asleep and left his Barin in full solitude.

In some sense, the "winter road" Pushkin can be compared with his own destiny. The poet acutely felt his loneliness, he practically did not find support and sympathy with his views. The desire for high ideals is the eternal movement on immense Russian expanses. Temporary stops on the road can be considered numerous Pushkin's love novels. They were never long, and the poet was forced to continue his tiring journey in search of the ideal.

In a broader sense, the poem symbolizes the overall historical path of Russia. Russian Troika is a traditional image of domestic literature. Many poets and writers following Pushkin used him as a symbol of national destinies.

Thugs through the wavy fogs, the moon is brewed, it pours sad light to the sad glade. On the winter road, the boring three borsight runs, the bell alone thoroughly rattles. Something hears his native in the long songs of the yammer: then the ragble is a remote, then a hearty longing ... neither fire, nor black hut ... Wilderness and snow ... There is only the tops of the striped to meet me one. Boring, sad ... Tomorrow, Nina, tomorrow, to a pretty returned, I will forget by the fireplace, I don't look around without visiting. Doubled the arrow is an hourly dimensional circle, and, binding, removing, will not be separated by midnight. Sad, Nina: My jumper's way, I slept my rod, the bell alone, revealed Moon Lick.

The verse was written in December 1826, when Pushkin's friends - the participants of the Decembrists' uprising were executed or exiled, and the poet himself was in the link in Mikhailovsky. Biographers Pushkin argue that the verse is written about the poet's trip to the inquiry to the Pskov Governor.
The theme of the verse is much deeper than just an image of the winter road. The image of the road is an image life path man. The world of winter nature is empty, but the road is not lost, but designated by the versts:

Nor fire, nor black hut ...
Wilderness and snow ... meet me
Only liestone strzys
Come across one.

Way lyrical hero Not easy, but despite sad spirits, the work is full of hope for the best. Life is divided into black and white stripes, like the vest poles. The poetic image of the "striped lie" is a poetic symbol that personifies the "striped" life of a person. The author moves the reader's look from the sky to the ground: "On the road of winter", "Troika runs", "the bell ... rattling", the songs of the yamchik. In the second and third stanodas, the author two uses single-handed words ("sad", "sad") which help to understand the mental state of the traveler. With the help of alliteration, the poet depicts a poetic image of an artistic space - sad glades. Reading the poem, we hear the ringing of the bell, the creaking of the stalls in the snow, the song of a yammer. The long song of the yammer is long, long, long-term. Sedoka is sad, sad. And the reader was sad. In the song, the yamchik is embodied the main state of the Russian soul: "Razgulie remote", "Cardiac longing". Drawing nature, Pushkin depicts inner world lyrical hero. Nature relates to human experiences. On a small segment of the text, the poet uses four times four times - the poet wants to pass the sadness of the saddle. Something non-renewable is in these stocks. Maybe a person traveling in a kibitka does not want to share his sadness with anyone. Night landscape: black huts, wilderness, snow, striped verst poles. In all of nature, cold and loneliness. Friendly light in the hut window, which can shine lost by travelers, does not burn. Black huts - without fire, but "black" is not only a color, but also evil, unpleasant moments of life. In the last stanza again sad, boring. The smelter is fallen, only the "single-paced" bell sounds. The reception of the ring composition is used: "Moon" - "Removed Lunar Lick". But a long road has a pleasant ultimate goal - a meeting with your beloved:

Boring, sad ... tomorrow, Nina,
Tomorrow to the cute return,
I will forget by the fireplace,
I will not be visiting.

The poem "Winter Road" was written in 1826. From the very beginning, the reader becomes clear that the author's life at that moment was not bright. Pushkin describes the hero's life, as a dull, hopeless, comparing it with single glades. The feeling of the poet, like the landscape described in the work-gloomy.

In this poem, conventional philosophical notes that are characteristic of Pushkin lyrics are traced. The author describes the difficult path of the lyrical hero, thereby comparing him with his life. Nature has fallen over, no one is heard anywhere and cannot be seen. But even when around the darkness and despondency, it still remains hope for a bright future. The desire to go further and live the hero give thoughts about the beloved woman, he dreams, as he will be near her, and then all the troubles will retreat. The reader is accustomed to the fact that the nature of nature usually testifies to freedom, but not in the "winter road", the nature is right there is a person, so we see how the main character Hurry up home.

Pushkin's poem belongs to the genre of Elegia, the author's reflection and description of nature are disclosed in it. The use of verbs in the poem contributes to a detailed disclosure of the mental experiences of the lyrical hero.

Analysis of the poem A.S. Pushkin "Winter Road"

The poem "Winter Road" was created in 1826. In September of this year, a man arrived at Pushkin, directed by the Pskov Governor. The poet had to immediately appear in Moscow. There was Nicholas I, who was supposed to free Pushkin from censorship and promise personal patronage. It is likely that the poem was written just after a long trip.

The lyrical hero passes all the feelings that the author fell. From the very beginning, the poem becomes clear that the hero is in despondency and longing. We repeatedly encounter such words as "sadness", "sad", "boring." As if the whole life of Pushkin proceeds not in the most rainbow paints. The hero goes along the winter road, and some "tops striped" come to the meeting. These versts are the same striped as the life of a lyrical hero.

The work is written in choree, besides, constant and non-permanent pyricals give the poem more conversational. As artistic techniques, epithets are used ("on the road of winter, boring", "Cardiac longing"), metaphors ("Moon" makes their ways, "the face is rejoiced sadness"). Alliteration is represented by the expression "sad glades". There are an annular composition. This technique is expressed in a combination of "Moon" - "Removed Lunar Lick".

Lyric hero So sad, so also "the bell one-minded" and "long songs of the yammer" add despondency. In the second part, the image of some Nina appears, to which the hero must come and with which they will never break out. Here, the mood of the hero seems to be improving, but in the last lines of the work comes complete despondency: "The yamchchchik silent", "sounds one-way bell."

Analysis of the poem A.S. Pushkin "Winter Road"

In the poem "Winter Road", written in 1826, he sounds traditional for lyrics Pushkin subject Roads. However, unlike poems of the romantic period, here it is comprehended otherwise. Romantic hero - Eternal Skitalets, his whole life is on the road, on the road, and any stop means for him the loss of freedom. In romantic poetry, the topic of freedom with the theme of the road is connected very closely. Here the topic of the road is connected not with the desire for freedom, but on the contrary - the hero seeks home. The road here is associated with "wavy mist", "sad glades" and a "single-paced" bell, and the road itself is called "boring". This long and tedious path is opposed to home comfort:

Boring, sad. Tomorrow, nina,

Tomorrow to the cute return,

I will forget by the fireplace,

I don't look out without visiting.

Thus, if in romantic poems the motive of the road was associated with permanent traffic, with a nomadic life, and it is this life that seems to be the most closest to the ideal - complete freedom of man, then in 1826 Pushkin comprehends this topic differently.

The text "Winter Road" A. Pushkin

Thugs through wavy fog
Moon pursues
On sad glades
She pours sad light.

On the road winter, boring
Troika Borzaya runs,
Single bell
Tedious rattling.

Something hears his native
In the long songs of the yammer:
Then ragble remove
Then cardiac longing ...

Nor fire, nor black hut ...
Wilderness and snow ... meet me
Only versts strzys
Come across one.

Boring, sad ... tomorrow, Nina,
Tomorrow, to a cute return,
I will forget by the fireplace,
I don't look out without visiting.

Doubled arrows hour
The dimensional circle will make
And, binding removing,
Midnight will not be separated.

Sad, Nina: My jumped path,
Dund migrated my rocket,
The bell alone
Removed Lunar Lick.

Analysis of the poem Pushkin "Winter Road" №3

Alexander Pushkin is one of the few Russian poets, which in his works was able to masterfully transmit her own feelings and thoughts, spending a surprisingly thin parallel with surrounding nature. An example of this can serve a poem "Winter Road", written in 1826 and, as many researchers of the poet's creativity, dedicated to his far-relative - Sofia Fedorovna Pushkin.

This poem has a rather sad prehistory. Few people know that with the Sofia Pushkin Poet, not only related bonds were associated, but also a very romantic relationship. In the winter of 1826, he made her an offer, but received a refusal. Therefore, it is likely that in the poem "Winter Road" the mysterious stranger Nina, to which the poet drawn, and is the prototype of his beloved. The journey itself described in this work is nothing but a visit to Pushkin to his chosen one to solve the issue of marriage.

From the first lines of the poem "Winter Road" it becomes clear that the poet is not at all in the rainbow mood. Life seems to him sad and hopeless as "sad glades" through which winter night Rushing coach, harnessed by the top of the horses. The gloom of the surrounding landscape is consonant with those feelings that Alexander Pushkin experiences. Dark night, silence, occasionally violated by the bells and the sad song of the yamper, the lack of villages and the eternal satellite wanders - striped verst poles - all this makes the poet to go into some melancholy. It is likely that the author premonishes in advance the collapse of his matrimonial hopes, but does not want to admit this. For him the image of the beloved is a happy getting rid of a tedious and boring journey. "Tomorrow to the pretty return, I will forget by the fireplace" - with hope I dream of a poet, counting on the fact that the ultimate goal with interest justifies a long night journey and allow you to fully enjoy the rest, comfort and love.

In the poem "Winter Road" there is a certain hidden meaning. Describing his journey, Alexander Pushkin compares him with his own life, the same, in his opinion, boring, dull and inspired. Only some events contribute to it a variety like the Yamchchiki songs, removed and sad, break into the night silence. However, these are only short moments that are not able to change the life as a whole, give it the sharpness and completeness of sensations.

It should not also forget that by 1826 Pushkin was already held, a mature poet, but his literary ambitions were not fully satisfied. He dreamed of loud glory, and as a result, the highest society was actually turned away from him not only because of liberalness, but thanks to the unrestrained love for gambling. It is known that by this time the poet managed to rush a rather modest state, which was inherited from his father, and expected to correct his financial affairs thanks to marriage. It is possible that Sofya Fedorovna still fifth to his far relative Warm and tender feelings, however, the fear of ending their days in a poverty forced the girl and her family to reject the proposal of the poet.
Probably, the upcoming walling and waiting for the failure caused such a gloomy arrangement of the Spirit, in which Alexander Pushkin stayed during a trip and created one of the most romantic and sad poems "Winter Road" filled with sadness and hopelessness. And also faith in what, perhaps he will be able to escape from a vicious circle and change his life for the better.

"Winter Road" Pushkin: Analysis of the poem

"Winter Road" Pushkin, the analysis of which is the subject of this review, has become one of the most significant works in his work. Being lyrical and touching in content, it at the same time sums up his life and creativity. The essay is interesting that natural sketches are intertwined in it, love topics, as well as a deep philosophical meaning, which the inner monologue of the author is penetrated.

The most noteworthy example of Russian poetry is the poem "Winter Road" Pushkin. Analysis of this product should be started with brief characteristic The conditions for its creation.

Alexander Sergeevich wrote it in 1826. It was a difficult time for the poet. Being in love with his distant relative Sophia Pushkin, he intended to marry her, but he received a refusal. And this sadder of lost love was reflected in the poem. In addition, at the same time he experienced not the best times in his creative biography.

Having been a famous writer and poet, he nevertheless dreamed of loud glory. But in society he had an extremely ambiguous reputation of free-rope. Also, many unfriendly belonged to his lifestyle: a poet played a lot and missed his little inheritance from his father. All these circumstances, perhaps, caused Sophia's refusal, which did not decide to go against public opinion, although, as we know, he experienced sincere sympathy to the author.

The poem "Winter Road" Pushkin, the analysis of which it is necessary to continue the characteristic of the winter landscape, is mainly sketching the trick of the lyrical hero to his beloved. The product opens with a description of a sad, sad picture of an endless winter road, which stretches in front of the travelers of an endless strip, navigating longing and sad thoughts. One-year-old natural phenomena, characteristic of this time of year stand in front of the reader: Fog, wide glades, deserted distance, moon, which illuminates its dim light everything around. All these images are consonant with the inner mood of the lyrical hero, which is immersed in deep melancholy.

Love theme in poem

One of the most piercing poems is the "Winter Road" Pushkin. The analysis should include a description. spiritual state author. He is sad, but at the same time dreams of his beloved. Memories and thoughts about it support and comfort it for a long and boring way. Sad winter sketches are opposed to the paintings of homemade life and comfort. In his dreams, the poet represents a fireplace with hot fire, a warm room in which he wants to meet with his bride. The repetition of her behalf sounds like refrain in the poem, passing the hope of a lyrical hero on a quick happiness. At the same time, he would seem to the refusal, and that is why his speech is so sad and at the same time penetrated.

"Winter Road" Pushkin - a poem, which is included in school ProgramSince it combined the main motives of his creativity: the themes of nature, love and reflection about life. The image of an infinite road is also the symbolic image of his fate, which seems to him long and very sad. The only thing that clarifies the longing is the one-eyed songs of the yammer, but they bring only temporary consolation. So in the life of the poet there are few happy moments that do not bring calmness.

Pushkin poem "Winter Road", a brief analysis of which should include the analysis of the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe author, with amazing simplicity and directly transfers the philosophical reflections of the poet about life, and that it is especially interesting for understanding his work.

This work, as mentioned above, combined the main features of the poet's creativity. Perhaps it did not sound the topic of friendship, which occupies a prominent place in his works. The rest of the reader sees in a very compressed form, everything that can be found on the pages of its larger works: an accurate expressive style, a description of nature, reflections on fate, about lost love. Pushkin's poem "Winter Road" is completely different from the works of other poets the melodiousness and wealth of the language.

"Winter Road", Analysis of Pushkin Pushkin No. 5

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was always well able to express his mood through the pictures of nature. A vivid example of this is a poem "Winter road". Written in December 1826. He passed only a year after the Decembrist uprising, among whom had many poet friends. Some are already executed, other exists in Siberia. Pushkin himself served a link in Mikhailovsky, so his mood remained depressed.

From the first lines of the work, the reader becomes clear that the author is experiencing not the best minutes in his fate. Life is a hero of sad and hopeless, like lonely glades in the cold light of the Moon, through which the carriage rides, hardened by the top of the horses. The wanderer's way seems long and boring, and the monotonous sound of the bell is tedious. The grim landscape is harmonized with the feelings of the poet.

In the "Winter Road", traditional philosophical notes are characteristic of Pushkin lyrics. The mood of the hero is easily comparable to the mood of Alexander Sergeevich himself. Poetic image "Light striped"symbol with changeable fate a person, and the path of the hero of the work, like the path of the poet himself, is not at all easy. Nature sleeps with an incredible sleep, an ominous silence reigns everywhere. For a lot of miles around there are no homes nor lights. But, despite the melancholic tone of the poem, there is still hope for the best. The hero dreams about how soon the fireplace will sit with his beloved woman. It gives him strength and desire to continue his dull trip.

Characteristic for romanticism The topic of Pushkin's path treats here completely in another key. Usually road symbolizes freedom. The hero breaks on the nature of the cramped and stuffy room. In the "Winter Road" everything happens on the contrary. Nature is hostile to the hero, so he hurries home.

The work is written four-rescue choree. It is a description of nature with elements of copyrighted reflection and belongs to the genre of Elegy. Composition of poem - ring. In the first quatraisy, the reader is immersed in the winter landscape, and the last stanza returns it to the kingdom of winter.

The author opens its sad and sad mood with epithets: "Sad". "monotonous". "boring". Inversion increases the impression: "On the road boring". "Single-turn bell". "Troika Borzaya". "Arrow hour". Multiple words repeated several times characterize the mood of the author and an infinitely long winter road, emphasizing her monotony: "Sad". "Sad". "Boring". "Bored". "Poor" .

In the third quatrain there are epithets expressing the attitude of Alexander Pushkin to the Russian song. In two neighboring lines, the reader meets the opposite concepts of longing and delete fun, which help the author to hint at the inconsistency of the nature of the Russian man: "That ragble is a remote, then cardiac longing" .

In the fourth stanza, we are like hearing the horses of horse hoofs. This impression is created due to the repetition of the consonants "P" and "T". In the fifth quatrain, Pushkin uses alliteration with the sound "s", which is found in five words from eleven. In this part of the poem in two rows of a row repeats the word "tomorrow". Strengthening the sense of waiting for a meeting with your beloved. In the sixth stubborn, the sounds "h", "C", characteristic of clock ticks, are often repeated.

The final seventh stanza repeats the motif of the fifth, but in other interpretation. Word "way" Consisted here in a figurative sense. The sounds of "H", "L" in combination with the shock "y" again create a feeling of sadness, longing and infinitely long road.

Most verbs in the "Winter Road" reveal the spiritual experiences of the lyrical hero. Special mystivity and mystery of the landscape give the personification: Moon "Purses" Through the fog, sad lights light, lunar face "Remainted" .

The poem "Winter Road" was first published in 1828 in the Moscow Bulletin magazine. His musicality and stylistic beauty and to this day attract the attention of composers. More than fifty authors wrote music to the "Winter Road". Songs about the yamchik and Borzoy Troika have gained enormous popularity, many of them have long been folk.

Listen to Pushkin poem Winter road

Threads of neighboring writings

Writing Analysis Winter Road Analysis

"Winter Road" Alexander Pushkin

Thugs through wavy fog
Moon pursues
On sad glades
She pours sad light.

On the road winter, boring
Troika Borzaya runs,
Single bell
Tedious rattling.

Something hears his native
In the long songs of the yammer:
Then ragble remove
Then cardiac longing ...

Nor fire, nor black hut ...
Wilderness and snow ... meet me
Only versts strzys
Come across one.

Boring, sad ... tomorrow, Nina,
Tomorrow, to a cute return,
I will forget by the fireplace,
I don't look out without visiting.

Doubled arrows hour
The dimensional circle will make
And, binding removing,
Midnight will not be separated.

Sad, Nina: My jumped path,
Dund migrated my rocket,
The bell alone
Removed Lunar Lick.

Analysis of the poem Pushkin "Winter Road"

Alexander Pushkin is one of the few Russian poets, which in his works was able to masterfully transmit his own feelings and thoughts, spending a surprisingly thin parallel with the surrounding nature. An example of this can serve a poem "Winter Road", written in 1826 and, as many researchers of the poet's creativity, dedicated to his far-relative - Sofia Fedorovna Pushkin.

This poem has a rather sad prehistory. Few people know that with the Sofia Pushkin Poet, not only related bonds were associated, but also a very romantic relationship. In the winter of 1826, he made her an offer, but received a refusal. Therefore, it is likely that in the poem "Winter Road" the mysterious stranger Nina, to which the poet drawn, and is the prototype of his beloved. The journey itself described in this work is nothing but a visit to Pushkin to his chosen one to solve the issue of marriage.

From the first lines of the poem "Winter Road" it becomes clear that the poet is not at all in the rainbow mood. Life seems to be sad and hopeless, as "sad glades", through which the coach is rushed through the winter at night. The gloom of the surrounding landscape is consonant with those feelings that Alexander Pushkin experiences. Dark night, silence, occasionally violated by the bells and the sad song of the yamper, the lack of villages and the eternal satellite wanders - striped verst poles - all this makes the poet to go into some melancholy. It is likely that the author premonishes in advance the collapse of his matrimonial hopes, but does not want to admit this. For him the image of the beloved is a happy getting rid of a tedious and boring journey. "Tomorrow to the pretty return, I will forget by the fireplace" - with hope I dream of a poet, counting on the fact that the ultimate goal with interest justifies a long night journey and allow you to fully enjoy the rest, comfort and love.

In the poem "Winter Road" there is a certain hidden meaning. Describing his journey, Alexander Pushkin compares him with his own life, the same, in his opinion, boring, dull and inspired. Only some events contribute to it a variety like the Yamchchiki songs, removed and sad, break into the night silence. However, these are only short moments that are not able to change the life as a whole, give it the sharpness and completeness of sensations.

It should not also forget that by 1826 Pushkin was already held, a mature poet, but his literary ambitions were not fully satisfied. He dreamed of loud glory, and as a result, the highest society was actually turned away from him not only because of liberalness, but thanks to the unrestrained love for gambling. It is known that by this time the poet managed to rush a rather modest state, which was inherited from his father, and expected to correct his financial affairs thanks to marriage. It is possible that Sophia Fedorovna still fifted warm and tender feelings to his far relative, but the fear of graduating his days in a poverty forced the girl and its family to reject the proposal of the poet.
Probably, the upcoming walling and waiting for the failure caused such a gloomy arrangement of the Spirit, in which Alexander Pushkin stayed during a trip and created one of the most romantic and sad poems "Winter Road" filled with sadness and hopelessness. And also faith in what, perhaps he will be able to escape from a vicious circle and change his life for the better.

Thugs through wavy fog
Moon pursues
On sad glades
She pours sad light.

On the road winter, boring
Troika Borzaya runs,
Single bell
Tedious rattling.

Something hears his native
In the long songs of the yammer:
Then ragble remove
Then cardiac longing ...

Nor fire, nor black hut ...
Wilderness and snow ... meet me
Only liestone strzys
Come across one.

Tomorrow, to a cute return,
I will forget by the fireplace,
I don't look out without visiting.

Doubled arrows hour
The dimensional circle will make
And, binding removing,
Midnight will not be separated.

Sad, Nina: My jumped path,
Dund migrated my rocket,
The bell alone
Removed Lunar Lick.

Analysis of the poem A.S. Pushkin "Winter Road" for schoolchildren

This work reflects the realities of the century in which he lived and created his brilliant works by the Grand Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The poem was written in 1825 (one thousand eight hundred and twenty-fifth year). Then no electricity was not invented, asphalt road coverage and cars. The author in his ingenious work writes that he surrounds him, describes a trip to the sleigh on the winter road. The reader opens images that quickly replace each other.

A feature of this work is its rapid rhythm. It seems that the rattling sides turning from the sides make the poet throw from side to side. And his view is opening the moon, hidden behind the fogs, the back of the horses, the rod. Immediately, as in a strange dream, the image of Nina appears, to which Alexander Sergeevich is so in a hurry. This is all stirred in the consciousness of the author and transmits not only the emotional state of the author, but also a winter landscape, where the wind, the moon, sad glades.

  • epitts: "Wavy fogs", "sad glades", "boring road", "Single-paved bell", "ragble remote", "Lights striped", "Removed Lunar Lick",
  • wrongs: "Sad Polyany", Moon, Moon Lick makes his ways,
  • metaphor: Moon pouring sad light,
  • repeat: "Tomorrow, Nina, tomorrow, to a cute return" ..

Boring, sad ... tomorrow, Nina,
Tomorrow, to a cute return,
I will forget by the fireplace,
I don't look out without visiting.

In this quatrain there is a repetition - so the author means fatigue expensive, which exhausts and confuses thoughts, feelings. With the desire to escape from this uncomfortable travel, the poet is immersed in memories, but something again makes it back and hear a single bell tick, see how silently dormant is a bench.

Such a difficult was the winter road of the time that today is a story about some unknown to us in another world.

In the works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin appear the plots from his life. They are bright and affordable. Culture of speech and skill of the poet teach the culture of communication and narration.