The main features of romanticism in the Potsry Poem. Lesson: "Romanticism in Russian literature

Comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit" provided to the author, without any doubt, genuine immortality in centuries. The main character Works, Alexander Andreevich Chatsky, and at all became one of the most ambiguous and well-known literary "Golden Ages" of Russian literature. It is about him that opens a whole gallery of the images of the so-called "extra people", the brightest representative Which will be Pushkin Evgeny Onegin, criticism was extremely ambiguously disgraced.

The story of a progressive young man who has told on the pages of the play, who collided with a misunderstanding from the conservative aristocracy, was enclosed by Griboedov, the traditional interpersonal love conflict, which, however, is just one of the most superficial in comedy problems.

The main conflict, as already mentioned, is to confront the "century of the present" and the "century past". It is worth contacting the notive fact to confirm this assumption: initially a skillful diplomat A.S. Griboedov, who created his epochal work during the years of deploying a different kind of secret organizations, uniting advanced people of their time, called the Comedy "Mount Maew".

Later, in their diaries, he will write: "In my comedy twenty-five fools on one sensible person." So, it becomes an obvious conflict that the author himself put, what is called, in the chapter of the corner: the main hero of "grief from the mind" is opposed to a traditional society, whose life is completely soaked with falsehood, stupid; His values \u200b\u200bare meager and empty, it rejects everything new, rational.

Alexander Andreevich turns out to be a foreign body in the house of Famusov. His guilt is that he boldly and directly expresses his own opinion, coming against the conservative aristocracy orders. "It would be glad to serve, I am sick," he notices in response to the Montologist of the Famusov-Senior, who consists by the Chatskoma to earn himself. The hero of the alien morals of the insincere and stupid "highest light", where the ball is the doubtful etiquette.

Chatsky is amazingly smart; His speech is witty, Ostra and frank. And if it initially causes interest, then later, realizing that they would not be able to talk with this formed fighter for justice, for honesty, the mind would not succeed, society rejects the hero, announcing him crazy. This is an amazing drama of this immortal comedy.

For Alexander Andreevich, who returned to Moscow, three years later in Europe and the advanced ideas of that time, the picture of the life of Moscow light becomes especially transparent. He frankly opposes the sinovation, bribery, protectionism, reigning in the sphere of civil service.

He only accepts the service "case, not to persons" - and this comes in contradiction with the convictions of representatives of the "century past". In addition, the hero opposes the serfdom and even talks about the advanced landowner, having rides the peasants from the burden of slave labor. This extraimal hero, once mentioned in the narrative, it turns out a kind of "twin" of Chatsky - and, alas, in the story about his fate of Griboedov anticipates the outcome of the activity of the most important character: he is considered to be an eccentric and sideways.

Chatsky on everything has his own opinion and - he is ready to defend him. This open, sincere and dedicated character itself assesses people not by their position in society, but in their actions, internal qualities.

In a society, in which the protagonist does not see absolutely nothing positive and pleasant, he keeps him only the love of Sofa Famusov. It is interesting that the Chazzian himself largely behaves selfishly: he leaves the beloved for several years alone, without leaving no warnings about departure, and then returns completely unexpectedly - and behaves with the heroine so that there were no three years of separation.

Chatsky mistakenly considers Sophia's worldview close to his own, not understanding that she, unlike him, was not trained in the same way as he did not have the foul-free ideas. On the contrary, this girl who had all the chances of becoming close to the Chipsky in the spirit - no wonder she Sofya, i.e. "Wise" - mired in the life of Moscow light more than anyone else. Therefore, the heroine with the speaking name wears the "conservative" surname - Famousov. It is she who obrives Alexander Andreevich to the reputation of a madman.

Thus, Chatsky suffers defeat and on public, and on the love front. Drama, the character grief concludes not only in the conflict of his beliefs with the orders of life of a traditionally tuned aristocracy, but also in his absolute inability to accept differences in the worldview of other people, in the misunderstanding of the motives of other people and the rejection of the awareness of their own mistakes.

Alexander Chatsky is the first character in Russian literature, daring to openly conflict with the highest society. It is noteworthy that this is the only one positive hero Pieces "Mount from Wit". To create an image, the author borrowed an amplua of the "evil clever" from his literary idol.

History of creation

entered the program school Education Not in vain - the writer created a work with new trends in the literature. In a poetic play, romanticism and realism settled together with traditional features of classicism, and this mixture presented the creation of the glory of an innovative comedy.

In addition, the author mercilessly got rid of the idea of \u200b\u200bthree unity, leaving only the unity of the place and time, having risen the creation of two plots: the line of love is adjacent to the conflict with society. Plus, an unprecedented thing happened - at the end of the work, moral values \u200b\u200bdo not defeat the vices.

Work on the play started when the writer lived in Tiflis - in the courtyard stood 1820. Here were born the first two acts based on the memoirs of the Zhenya sin, Griboedov's childhood girlfriend. And for the sample, the author took the Mizantropropus's comedy Moliere, in which the protagonist is just as Chatsky, refuses the imperfections of society. Three years later, the writer with his head plunged into the secular life of Moscow in order to better know, feel from the inside the modern morals of the noble society.

The work was renamed three times. At first, Alexander Sergeevich Naren his "Mount Human", then "the grief is not from the mind," and only before the end of the play, the name was "grief from the mind." In 1825, the comedy was ready, but the censorship did not spare her, pulling out some of the episodes. However, the literary work did not reach theater either.

Piece Griboedova diverged in the form of copies among the reading public one more than a year earlier, "without bills" with delight accepted in the circles of the Decembrists. For the first time, the light officially saw the light after the death of the writer, and without censorship printing "grief from the mind" was allowed only in 1862.

Biography and plot

Early orphaned Alexander Chatsky was brought up in the family of Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, a friend of his father. The guardian gave the boy an excellent education, but never managed to instill his own views on life. The mature young man settled separately, continuing, however, often to be visited by the Famusov - between Chatsky and the daughter of Pavel Afanasyevich Sofia, fervent feelings broke out in childhood.

The main character dreamed of offering a beloved hand and heart, but one day he was suddenly bored with the metropolitan life, and he went on a journey around the world. And it did not bother to notify the plans to the beloved girl, the missing for three years. Upon returning to the Motherland, Chatsky was waiting for disappointment - Sophia headed a new beloved in the face of the father's secretary of Molchanlin. The young man did not even know about it at first, but at the very first secular meeting in the mansion of Famusov found out the truth and considered the act by betrayal.

The character says the lengthy monologues, in which the defects of the Moscow society, hurt almost all acting persons Pieces. The ulcerative criticism of the behavior of the hosts and guests from the mouth of Chatsky is annoying sophia, and the girl launched a rumor that he was not in his mind. All the work of the work takes one evening, during which Sophia also learns that Molchanin simply enjoys her attention to stay in the house and get a ticket to a rich life - there is no speech about love.

Alexander Gorko laughed at his beloved, over his blindness, over those who were merged with the Magazineview. And, by recognizing that in this society it is difficult not to lose the reason, left the guardian house.


Noble, proud, faithful to his opinion and the Word is the characteristics of the main character of the Griboedovskaya Piesen. Alexander Chatsky strikes with rectiality, and at the same time conquers a contemptuous attitude to the cruelty of the nobles and the serfdom right. Armed with the mind and knowledge that allow you to see the problems in the management of the country, as well as in Russian culture, because the plantation of the values \u200b\u200bof other states will lead to a catastrophe. A young man selflessly struggles with the injustice and outdated orders of orders who reign in society. The character is an extra person in the life of the highest light, where false and meanness flourish.

The author of the comedy "Woe from Wit" retained the principles of classicism in it - used talking surnames. The meaning of the name of the main character eloquently transmits its character and role in the play. Alexander means the defender of people, and the young man became a young man from the word "chapels" - frightens those surrounding incomprehensible views, violates the usual way of life, and at the same time he dwells his own disappointment and emotions.

Pupils studying the "grief from the mind" on school literature lessons, it is necessary to seek the answer to the topic: Who is Chatsky - winner or defeated? The question is not easy, because the hero refused to prove his right and left the forehead. Griboedov made a character, of course, the winner who managed to confront the temptation to become greedy, arrogant, envious people. The hero remained himself.

Debutated the play "Woe from Wit" in the St. Petersburg Theater in early 1831. In the future, the work survived many productions both in the homeland and abroad. In the Russian film, Alexander Chatsky played such famous actors like,.

In the archives of Moscow, about 300 lists (copies) of the play of Alexander Griboyedov are stored. And so far, researchers collect them in order to fully restore the picture of the unwanted work, because the copies were not the originals of the creation - the writer distributed multiplicated manuscripts as work on the work.

The first who became acquainted with the play was. Griboedov personally read the work of the Basinoisha, and at the end he asked:

"Not. This censors will not miss. They doll over my bass. And this is where it is faster! In our time, the sovereign for this Pesu in the first time in Siberia would have been translated. "

Under the pseudonym Alexander Chatsky hides a young novice poet Sasha Vashev. The newly written poem "Successful hunting" walks through the spaces of the Internet and collects a bunch of positive feedback.


"The grief from the mind" entered the list of the most cited Russian works. After reading the play, pre-advertise:

"Half of the poems should be included in the proverb."

As in the water looked. For example, the quotation of Chatsky:

"Caret me, carriage!"

every Russian knows. And even more so phrase:

"The smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!"

However, the character Griboedov presented a lot of winged expressions.

"Blessed, who believes warm to him in the world!"
"It would be glad to serve nauseous."
"Fresh legend, and hard with difficulty."
"And after all, I love you without memory."
"Tell me to the fire: I will go like for lunch."
"Houses of the new, but prejudice older."
"A little light - on the legs! And I have your feet. "

/A. Grigoriev. Regarding the new edition of the old thing. "Woe from the mind." Spb. 1862 /

So I now turn to the second of my position, - to the fact that Chatsky is still the only one heroic The face of our literature.<...>

Chatsky First of all - honest and active Nature, moreover, still a fighter, that is, the nature in high degree Passionate.

It is common to say that a secular man in a secular society, firstly, will not allow himself to say what Chapsky says, and secondly, it will not fight with windmills, to preach the Famus, silent and other.<...>

In Chatkom, only truthful nature, which will not shut any lies - that's all; And he will allow himself everything that will allow himself the truthful nature. And that the truthful nature is there and were in life, here you are evident: the old man is 1, the old man of Baghrov 2, the old man Dubrovsky 3. The same nature was inherited, it should be, if not from his father, then from grandfather or great-grandfather, Alexander Andreevich Chatsky.

Another question was whether Chatsky had to talk to people whom he despises.

And you forget the question that the Famuses, on whom he pours "all bile and all of the annoyance", for him is not just such a person or such a person, and the living childhood memory, when he was drunk "on the bow" to Mr., which the

I slears on many wounds from mothers, fathers of refrigerated children.<...>

<...> Chatsky less than you yourself believes in favor of your sermon, but bile in it boiled, in it the feeling of truth is offended. And he is also in love ...

Do you know how such people love?

Not this and not worthy of male love that absorbs all existence in the thought of a beloved subject and sacrifice this thoughts, even the idea of \u200b\u200bmoral cultivation: Chatsky loves passionately, insanely and speaks the truth Sofier that

I breathed you, lived, was busy continuously ...

But this means just that the thought of her merged for him with each noble thoughtless or the matter of honor and good. The truth is also saying, asking her about silence:

But is there a passion in him, then the feeling, the ferventness, so that, besides you, the world seemed to him as the world and bustle?

But under this, the truth lies the dream of his Sofye, as able to understand that the "world of the whole" is "dust and bustle" before the idea of \u200b\u200btruth and good, or at least able to appreciate this belief in his loved one who can love for it man. Just just perfect sophia he loves; another he is not needed: he will give another and with a broken heart will go

Search by light, where offended there is a feeling corner.

Look, with what deep psychological loyalty is visible all the conversation of Chatsky with Sofarya in the III act. Chatsky everything is prettring than silent it above and it is better; He even comes into conversation with him, trying to find it in it

The mind is a brisk, genius mature, -

and yet it cannot, unable to understand that Sofya loves Molchalin precisely for the properties opposite to the properties of him, Chatsky, for the properties of petty and vulgar (silence of silence still does not see). Just convinced of this, he leaves his dream, but he leaves her husband - irrevocably, he sees clearly and beyond the truth. Then he tells her:

You will make it up with him on the thinking mature. To twist! .. And why? You can scold him, and swear, and send for business.

Meanwhile, there is a reason why Chatsky loved this, apparently so insignificant and petty nature. What was it in it? Not the same childhood memories, but the reasons are more important, at least at least physiological. Moreover, this fact is not the only one in that strange, ironic cycle, which is called life. People like Chatsky, often love such petty and insignificant women like Sophia. Even you can say - for the most part love it. This is not a paradox. They sometimes meet with women quite honest, quite capable of understanding them, divide their desire - and not satisfy them. Sofia is something fatal, inevitable in their lives, such a fatal and inevitable, that for the sake of of this They neglect honest and hearty women ...

<...>You, gentlemen, considering Chatsky Don Quixote, write in particular to the monologue, which ends the third action. But, first, the poet himself put here his hero in the comic position and, remaining a faithful high psychological task, showed which a comic outcome can take energy late; And secondly, again, you must have not thought about how people with the making even some kind of moral energy love. Everything he says in this monologue, he speaks for Sophia; He collects all the strength of the soul, all his naturo wants to reveal, everything wants to convey to her.<...> The last faith of Chatsky in Nature Sophia is affected ...; Here for the Chatsky question about life or death of a whole half of his moral being. That this personal question merged with a public question - this is again true in nature of the hero, which is the only type of moral and male struggle in the sphere of life, which the poet chose.<...>

Yes, Chatsky is - I repeat again - our only hero, that is, the only positively struggling in that environment, where fate and passion thrust him.<...>

Chatsky, except for the general heroic value, has an even meaning historical. He is the first quarter russian XIX. Century, straight son and the heir of newcomers 7 and radish 8, comrade people

The eternal memory of the twelfth year,

mighty, still deeply believing in itself and therefore stubborn strength, ready to die in a collision with the environment, to die at least because of the time to leave the "page in history" ... He has no matter before the environment with which He fights, not only capable of understanding him positively, but even take him seriously.

But Griboedov, as a great poet, there is before that. No wonder he called his drama comedy.

Read also other articles critics about the comedy "Woe from Wit":

A.A. Grigoriev. Regarding the new edition of the old thing. "Woe from Wit"

  • Comedy Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" - Presentation of secular life
  • Chapter characteristic

I.A. Goncharov

V. Belinsky. "Woe from the mind." Comedy in 4 acts, in verse. Overactions A.S. Griboedov

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky, the son of the late friend Mizhsova Andrei Ilyich Chatsky, was a relatively young nobleman. He was not rich, but still had 300-400 fortific peasants, which allowed him to exist without working and did not work (Chatsky threw a military career and traveled to his pleasure).

Chatsky was very educated, smart, eloquent and wit. He is independent, honest and straightforward (even too) and is always ready to subjugate vulgarity, scoomy and limitations.

... A, Chatsky! You love all the jesters ride ...

... and cheerful, and Oster ...

... what says! And he says, as writes! ..

... I'm strange; and not strange who is? One who is on all fools like ...

... it would be happy to serve my sick ...

... and the judges who? ..

Chatsky Freedoming and believes that the conservative Moscow society in vain limits young nobility military or civil service. A person, in his opinion, should not have a framework and a wave (if he wants) to engage in science or art.

From young people, there is an enemy of quest,
Without requiring no places nor enhanced in Chin,
In science, he injects the mind, the harsh knowledge;
Or in his soul his himself will excite the heat
To art creative, high and beautiful ...

Moscow Society does not like Chatsky because of his liberty and liberal views:

... you insanely you glorified me with a chorus ...
... houses of the new, but prejudice older ...

Chatsky is well understood in politics, culture and public matters, but absolutely blind in love affairs (he thought that Sophia loves him).

Role in the plot of the play

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky, after a three-year travel "According to the Forgotim", returns to Moscow for Sofia Famusova, with which he has grown and which he loved. He comes to Pavel Famusov (her father), but, to his surprise, he gets cold reception in Sophia. She was offended by Chatsky for threw her for three years, and gathered to get married with the secretary of silence.

Chatsky despises Molchalin, this gray personality, this is the "most comprehensive creation." He does not understand how his Sofya was able to love him and, because of this, his feelings would fuss to her (he understands that Sophia is a very superficial person).

In the house of Famusov, Chatsky faces typical representatives of the metropolitan "elite" and, immediately, comes with them in the "fight", exposing them to ridicule.

Their institutional looks, a limited horizon and korestolubie bearing Chatsky and this makes him a very unpleasant person in the eyes of the Famusov guests. However, the "society" explains the liberal views of Alexander Andreevich and his audacity of the madness of a young man (these rumors of embittered Sophia).

At the end of the play, Chatsky, disappointed with the local elite, decides to leave Moscow.

... Won from Moscow! Here I am no longer a ride.
I run, do not look around, I will go to look for the light ...

The name of the play, as it is impossible to better characterize the place of Chatsky in the world of "Famusov".