Lyrical heroes I met you. I met you Tyutchev

Analysis of the poem F. I. Tyutchev "I met you ..."

Performed: Anna Bayeva 11 "A"

School GBOU SOSH №276

Teacher: Meshkova Elena Anatolyevna

I met you and all the past

In the suspended heart came to life;

I remembered the Time Golden

And the heart has become so warm ...

Like late autumn porous

There are days, it happens an hour

When it comes suddenly in spring

And something will start in us -

So the whole wield the spirit

Those years of spiritual fullness,

With a long forgotten skull

I look at cute features ...

As after the age-old separation,

I look at you, as it were in a dream, -

And here heard the sounds,

Not silent in me ...

There is not one memory,

Here life spoke again, -

And the same in us charming

And that in my soul of my love

F. I. Tyutchev-Famous Russian poet. An important place in his work is a love lyrics. It can be attributed to the poem "K. B.", written in 1870. The initials in the title are rearranged by places and decrypt as the "Baroness of the Kruden". This is a poem, like the memoil caused by the meeting with this woman. It reveals the most sincere feelings. The composition of this work includes 3 logical parts (entry, main part and conclusion)

In the entry, the "said heart" (epithet) of the lyrical hero is again experiencing love.

In the second stanza, the poet uses the description of the spring, which he compares with human youth. Spring here is opposed to autumn. The author uses pronoun in the plural, thereby he tells us that the love-feeling that applies to all people.

In the fourth stanza, the lyrical hero meets with his beloved. Here the author applies words with suffixes -an, " This makes the image of Baroness to a closer reader.

A poem sounding deserves special attention. The poet uses Assonance (the sound of O) is repeated in the first line 10 times). With this receipt, singer is achieved. The second and third strokes are filled with the sounds of "E" (Assonance) and "B" (alliteration). It helps us feel the lungs of the breeze.

It is impossible not to notice the parallel with the poem A.S. Pushkin "I remember a wonderful moment." The poem similar to the poetic plot, a special hill in the image of the feelings of the lyrical hero. Browsing these two poems and the fact that both are written by yamba, so they are easily perceived by rumor. Poems are close and in the nature of the metaphor. Both poems can be attributed to love lyrics.

The diversity of sensations, the feelings of the lyrical hero after the meeting with the baroness are transmitted using the metaphor "Time Gold", "the perunion of years of peaceful completeness," "Life spoke again." The poet uses the default reception, which indicates the confusion of the lyrical hero.

The poem completes the rhetorical exclamation "and that in the soul of my love!", Which indicates a possible continuation of the topic in future works.

This poem is figuratively and that the universal love theme is not very important to all people, i.e., may affect everyone.

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev is one of the most famous representatives of the heyday of domestic poetry. The main topics of his lyrics are love and sensations that accompany the person in this: admiration, in love, drama, elevation and inspirational. The Fedor Ivanovich Lyrics is particularly different from other singement manner - this is the reason for the fact that many poems have shifted to music for the performance of romances. One of them is the work "I met you - and everything was my own ...".

The poem of Tyutchev "I met you ..." has a truly significant place in his work. The hero of the poem feels the same thing that many young people experience, in love, so it is such a slight and air, revives some kind of joyful excitement in the soul. The main thing in this poem is that the hero is experiencing those feelings that everyone is understandable.

This lyricic work has a very real counterproof. Fedor Ivanovich was still in his youth with a girl, and a gentle, ardent feeling originated between them. But attendant of the parents, she had to marry a rich man with a respected rank. After many years, the lovers met again, which gave the poet the reason for writing the poem "I met you ...", or rather, the description of what he felt.

True, there is another version. The poem was born as if not after a meeting with Amalia, but after a mime dating with a clothily von Botmer. Cottilda is the sister of the first spouse of Fedor Ivanovich, with which he was familiar to a long time ago and who lived near the place of recreation of the poet. However, this version is not so widely known as the first.

Tools of artistic expressiveness

Ease of style that the poem is written "I met you ...", also provides the simplicity of his perception and reading, causing bright and relaxed feelings. The abundance of verbs gives rise to the movement of the poet's soul, something in it changes with the words "long-forgotten ecstasy", "spiritual fullness" ... The verbs make it possible to present the image of a light breeze, which inspires changes, movement.

In the poem, Tyutchev uses many artistic and expressive tools that show the depth of feelings and sincerity of the hero's emotions. Among them, the first place is occupied by metaphors and personification: the poet with warmth remembers the last, his heart came to life, even life itself - spoke. He compares with reunification after the age-old separation, time is gold, such familiar female features - gentle - this is proof of the abundance of colorful epithets.

Tyutchev skillfully operates inversion: changes "sounds" and "heard", instead of "days" puts "there". Also in the latter verse there is a repetition of the first words, which allocates more emotional parts is a sign of anphore.

Composition and verse size

The poem itself consists of five quatrains, each of which is a certain step in the "revival" of the author's soul. The first is talking about the very moment of the meeting and what feelings it awakened in the breast from the storyteller. In the second - memories of the past, which in the third quatrains are already echoing with the present. The fourth is the climax, the peak of the hero sensations, when he confesses that nothing died, and attachment is still alive in it. In the last quatrain, life inside the poet is blossomed by a beautiful fresh rose, like what he is experiencing - "and that in the soul of my love!" - This is a complete awakening.

In the poem "I met you ..." Cross rhythm. The first and third lines are a female, second and fourth - men's rhyme. Almost all quatrasion ends with ellipsis, even the last - a combination of a dot and exclamation mark. It is written a poem of a double-dimensional size - yamb.


The main theme of the poem "I met you ..." is the revival of love for life in the human soul and happiness, warm memories of the past, which, though, remains the past. The hero of the poem is a young man or, rather, a man, as if tired of himself. The feelings in it are almost dead, they stuck over time and weakened. For him, life is now static, not changeable, measured and calm. But the unexpected meeting turns his world from his legs on the head, having revived in it for a long time forgotten. He once loved this girl, he really lived with her, experienced a tortuous passion and tenderness. This meeting is a meeting with his own youth, when he still felt something and gave a living response to every minor change. She trembled him. Tyutchev finely characterizes the excitement of a young man: everything was so simple and invariably, as suddenly ... the heart came to life again.

The lyric work "I met you ..." is a story about mental transformations, mimoletny and fast, incredible, meaningful. Memories encourage him to understand what I want to live, breathe again, feel, rejoice, hope for happiness and inspiration.

Symbols and images

Internal metamorphosis The Hero of the poem is as if seasons: autumn is his old age, spring is a revived youth. It is autumn, in which spring suddenly breaks, "and everything wakes up, forcing the hero to turn to the" Gold Time "again.

In the poem there is a sleep motive - it manifests itself in the fourth quatrain: "I look at you, as it were in a dream." This string serves as a kind of transition, in addition to this indicates the significance of what is happening, emphasizes how unexpected. The reader sees that the lyrical hero is not yet dead inside, as it could seem that he is willing to feel emotions - in particular it is open to love.

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev - Master of the Art Word and an outstanding poet. He managed through the poem to explain the feelings of young lovers, plunged into memories of the happy past. This helped him that he was guided by his own feelings and described them. Through the poem "I met you", the poet shows that love does not know the time frame, and they are conquered by all ages.

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The poem "I met you - and all the past ..." F.I. was written. Tyutchev in 1870 in Karlsbad. It is devoted to the Countess of Amalia Leernefeld (in the marriage of Baroness Cuderier). First was printed in the journal "Zarya" in 1870. The work belongs to love lyrics, its genre is a lyrical fragment, which combines the features of spiritual OD and Elegy, style - romantic. The main topic is the awakening in the person of love and life, the memory of the heart.
The first stanza gives the joy of hero from an unexpected meeting with his beloved woman. His feelings, it turns out, alive in his heart. At the same time, the characteristic of the hero is given here. This is a person who has experienced a lot and tired of life, his heart is dead, as if zaled:

I met you - and all the past
In the suspended heart came to life;
I remembered the gold time -
And the heart has become so warm ...

Tavtology intentionally used by the poet creates a semantic oxumor here: "In the suspended heart came to life." Here is the author's reminiscence from the poem "I remember the Time Golden" ("I remembered the Time Golden"). Resurrected feelings in the shower are compared with the blow of spring, which suddenly feels a man in the middle of late autumn. Here the poet uses the reception of antithesis. And something responds in the human soul. Spring is associated with a hero with young people, with spiritual completeness, with the ability to love hotly and selflessly love:

So, the whole hang out the dunge
Those years of spiritual fullness,
With a long forgotten skull
I look at cute features ...

The hero Tyutchev seems to not believe his eyes, a wonderful meeting after long years of separation seems to him a magical sleep. Feelings are growing harder to his soul:

And here - heard the sounds,
Not silent in me ...

The heart of the hero flashed, the ability to feel the joy and completeness of life returned to him:

There is not one memory,
Here life spoke again, -
And the same in you charming
And that in the soul of my love! ..

The work of Tyutchev echoes the poem A.S. Pushkin "I remember a wonderful moment." We note the similarity of the lyrical plot, the reminissation from Pushkin ("Cute features"). However, images of lyrical heroes in these works are different. The soul of the Pushkin Hero "fell asleep", immersed in the life of the vanity, Love dispelled the "storms of a blowing rebellion." However, his heart was alive, experience did not coordinate him. His separation with his beloved woman fragmented is some kind of period of time when life has passed "without a deity", "without inspiration", "without love." But again she appeared - "And the soul has come awakening." The image of the heroine in Pushkin, with all his generalization, leaves a feeling of a constant presence in the work. Tyutchev has the same central the image of the hero, his life, his feelings and experiences. The heroine is described only by two strokes: "Cute features", "and the same charming in you." Behind the shoulders of the hero Tyutchev - a whole life and, obviously, not an easy fate: His heart "taped", dead. But the unexpected meeting also awakens in his soul "and a deity, inspiration, and life, and tears, and love." We also note the overall motive of sleep, sounding both poets. With the Gresses of youth, we are associated with the Pushkin epithet "Fleight Vision", the hero "dreams of cute features", finally, the life of "without a deity", "without inspiration", "without tears" and "without love" for him there is nothing but How gloomy sleep. The same sleep motive sounds in Tyutchev: "I look at you, as it were in a dream ..." The hero seems to not believe his eyes, and exactly the whole past life seems to him a heavy sleep.
Composite work is divided into two parts. The first part is a description of the meeting of the hero with the "Poison", the experience, seemingly left love, a comparison of a happy moment of life with a blow of spring (I and II Strafs). The second part seems to contain a consequence of the first. The memories of the experience awakened the feeling of completeness and joy of life (III, IV, V stanza) in man.
The poem is written by a four-stranded yamba, katroins, rhymes - cross. The poet uses various means of artistic expressiveness: epithets ("Time Golden", "Cute features"), metaphor and personification ("Everyone in the suspended heart came to life", "Life spoke again"), the comparison is simple and deployed ("like after the age-old separation , I look at you, as it were in a dream ... "," How late in the fall sometimes ... "), AnaForu (" There is no one memory here, here life spoke again "), inversion (" Will the dungery of those years of spiritual completeness "), syntactic parallelism ("And the same in you charming, and that in the soul of my love! .."), alliteration ("I met you - and all the past ..."), Assonance ("like late autumn porous ...").
The poem "I met you" is a masterpiece of love lyrics Tyutchev. It affects us with its melodic, musicality, deep feeling. The magnificent romance was written for these verses.

Tyutchev is a very famous Russian poet. He lived at one time with many famous poets and writers, and, in my opinion, it is not inferior to them. He describes unique moments in his poems, once that occurred or periodically occurring in the life of nature or a person, in their poems he shows harmony in our world.

One of the first places in his work is a love lyrics, as it is very much among all his poems, and he gave them throughout his life. Poem "K. B. " It was written in 1870, when he was already 67 years old. Initials "K. B. " In the name of the poem, they are rearranged in places and decrypt as the Baronuess Kruden. This woman conquered the poet with her beauty back in his youth, (he even dedicated her verse "I remember the Golden time ...") And after forty years later they met again in Karlovy Vary, there he wrote this poem.

It is very intimate, and he tells him about how memories of the past caused by this meeting, revived the soul of the old poet, forced him to feel, worry, love. In it, he reveals his most sincere feelings and shows the reader, how much can love a person. The composition of this poem includes three logical parts: accession, main part and conclusion, farewell to the reader.

In the accession, he shows that his "tagged heart" plunged into the world of happiness, life, in the "gold time". Speaking about the gold color of some time, Tyutchev expresses the Wednesday could melt the ice in the heart of the poet and forced him to experience the feeling of love, which is expressed in the author's words: "I", "you", "I", "you" - a person does not know How to express your love.

In the second stanza, the description of nature is connected in the spring - they are compared with the poet: spring at the poet is very similar to youth in humans (which, however, proves the existence of reincarnation). Here spring is opposed to autumn: at a time when autumn began for an elderly person in life, the youth went into the past, love, like spring nature, awakens him, pursues and fills the energy. Using pronouns in a plural, the author unites all people, says something that he told, spreads to all people.

In the third stubborn, the lyrical hero meets with his beloved, he comes to life, the same spring comes to him. Here he often uses words with suffixes -an, ", which makes the poem" Mile, "shows the reader that the author loves a woman who speaks about. The author does not believe that he meets with his beloved, he thought he broke up with her forever, he could not make him take it for reality, for him it "as if in a dream." The last stanza is filled with various allegations arguing his love, the beauty of his beloved, the perseverance of his love.

The author uses repetitions at the beginning of the lines, to better prove his reader to his opinion, saying the same out of the sense of statements several times. The exclamation of the last sentence is talking to the reader about the joyful orientation of his poem. It is written by a four-stroke yamba, which makes it very lyrical and singing. I like this poem, because it is very sensually, figuratively and, most importantly, universally: the topic of love spreads at all and at all times, because it can affect everyone.

I met you ", Analysis of the poem of Tyutchev

Mature Lyric Tyutchev was largely devoted to the topic of love, reflecting the full passion and disappointment of the personal life of the poet himself. The poem "I met you" belongs to the late period of creativity, according to the right of the Treasury of the Patriotic Love Lyrics. The life of Tyutchev wrote it on the slope of the years (aged 67 years), July 26, 1870 in Karlsbad.

The poem, created under the impression of a meeting with the Poet's Majust Love, "Majiye" Amalia Le Roesfield, describes a sense of man who has come to his happy past. The addressee of the poem is encrypted by the initials "KB", which mean the name of the woman - Baroness Kruden.

In the romantic poem, the poet combines the same and email intonation. With Elegy, the poem is relative to the image of a lyrical hero, with ODO - spiritual problem of the work and the active use of high book vocabulary ("entrusted", "entries"). A four-stranded jamb with pyrroine gives an amazing melodiousness to the poem. Tyutchev uses cross-rhymes, alternating female (1st and 3rd strings) and the men's (2nd and 4th lines) rhyme.

For a small amount of work written in the form of lyrical passage, the poet elected a two-part composition. In the first part of Tyutchev, says that after an unexpected meeting in his heart, ice melted, and the heart plunged into the amazingly beautiful world of happiness, "during the Golden". The string "I remembered the Time Golden" refers to the early poem poet "I remember the Time Golden" (1836), also dedicated to Amalia.

In the second stanza, a description of the nature of the spring, compared to the young man, appears. Tyutchev opposes autumn (his age) in spring (youth). As spring awakens the nature of the winter hibernation, so love awakens the poet to life, filling his energy and life. With a meeting with his beloved to the poet comes a surviving soul Spring.

The image of an inspiring poet's beloved in the poem is imposed, blurred. Only a sense of admiration and gratitude is captured, permeating all the work.
The poem is distinguished by a rich sound organization built on the contrast. Alliteration used in the work (Z - C, Dt, Bd) and Assonance (O, A, E) transmit the finest movements and gusts of the human soul, reflecting all the tenderness, peaceful trembling and the depth of the feelings of the poet.

Rhythmic pauses and dots leave space for unspoken, giving special intimacy a poem. The work is distinguished by the wealth of poetic intonations and emotional stratum of vocabulary for Tyutchev. Despite the presence of words painted in sad tones (late autumn, in the suspended, forgotten), in the poem "I met you" dominates the gentle, emotionally raised vocabulary (charming, cute, mud).

The product is saturated with stylistic figures and paths. The poet uses AnaFor (here is not one ..// here life ..., and the same ... // And the same ...), repeat, antithesis "Spring-autumn", parallelism, gradation (there are days, it happens).

The lyrical world of Tyutchev is surprisingly rich: metaphors ("all overwhelmed dunzen", "the heart has become so warm"), epithets ("taught heart", "century-old separation"), personification ("Life spoke again", "All the past in the suspended heart Roads ") give a special artistic expressiveness to the poem. Tyutchev masterfully compares the world of nature and the world of the human soul, spiritualizing all manifestations of life.

Memories are given inspiration and hope, love also revives the feeling of "completeness of life." A surprisingly clean and sincere poem Tyutchev proves: despite age, the human heart and the soul are not aging. The Great and Eternal Power of Love revives a person: "Life spoke again," and therefore life will continue.

I met you - and all the past
In the suspended heart came to life;
I remembered the gold time -
And the heart has become so warm ...

Like late autumn porous
There are days, it happens an hour
When it comes suddenly in spring
And something will start in us -

So, the whole wield the spirit
Those years of spiritual fullness,
With a long forgotten skull
I look at cute features ...

As after the age-old separation,
I look at you, as it were in a dream, -
And here - heard the sounds,
Not silent in me ...

There is not one memory,
Here life spoke again, -
And the same in us charming
And that in the soul of my love! ..

Analysis of the poem of Tyutchev "I met you - and everything was happening ..."

Fyodor Tutechev was married twice and at the same time had a continuous affair with Elena Denysheva, with which more than 15 years was civil marriage. However, the story is silent about the numerous lovers of the poet, who possessed passionate in nature and paid attention to every pretty woman who fell into the field of his vision.

Being a person already a very old age, in 1870 Tyutchev acquainted with the young Baroness Amalia Cuderier, which produces an indelible impression on him. This meeting occurred at the famous resort in Karsbad, where the 65-year-old poet correlated his secrecy. After the tragic death, Elena Denysheva Tyutchev no longer expected that his hearts would ever touched such an elevated feeling as love. And was discouraged when it still happened. That is why, referring to the young baroness, the poet notes: "I met you - and all the past in the suspended heart came to life." Tyutchev notes that an amazing warmth settled in his heart, and compares his feeling with a warm sunny day, which suddenly pleases with his beauty of a person in the midst of cold and sad autumn.

The poet does not hide that Amalia Gruzer combines the features of several women at once, whom he is idle. He sees the spiritual qualities of the first spouse in her, who left the life too early, the beauty of his mistress Elena Denysheyeva, the mildness and the piety of the second wife. Therefore, it is not surprising that such elevated lines are born in his soul: "I look at the cute features for a long time forgotten." For him, the beautiful Baroness is an personification of not only youth and beauty, but also reminds that once the poet was truly happy, having experienced real love in full, bright and all-consuming.

Now, when Tyutchev's life will tear to the sunset, he thanks fate for this amazing meeting.that allowed him to re-experience long-lost and forgotten feelings.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the author not only expresses great appreciation to his new acquaintance, but also notes that "there is not one memory here, here life spoke again." It does not count on reciprocity and does not feed the illusions about the fact that it will be able to pay attention to such a brilliant person. It is just enough that one presence allowed the poet to return to the past and again feel happy.

The poem of Tyutchev (I met you - and everything was ...)

Love Lyrics occupies an important place in Fedor's poetry Ivanovich Tyutchev. In each lyrical poem, we see a female image, a multilateral and complex female character.

The poem "I met you - and all the past ...", having the mysterious letters "K. B.", written by Tyutchev on July 26, 1870 in Karlsbad and is dedicated to the Countess of Amalia Leernefeld (in the marriage of Baroness Kruder, hence the name - "K. B. ").

This poem describes a sense of a person who was lucky to meet again with his past. It seems to be a hero in the form of a beloved woman. With her, he spent the finest days of his youth.

Now the hero is already the elder, it would seem, his heart survived a lot, but with the advent of his beloved, it comes to life with a larger passion:

I met you - and everything was

In the suspended heart came to life;

I remembered the gold time -

And the heart has become so warm ...

The diversity of sensations, the resurrected feelings of the lyrical hero when meeting with the woman are transmitted using these words. The motive of nostalgia is swaying in lines:

So, the whole hang out the dunge

Those years of spiritual fullness,

Forgotten's long forgotten

I look for cute features ...

As after the age-old separation,

I look at you, as if in a dream ...

In these rows, the hero appeals to the heroine as if she was present here. Feelings of the lyrical hero aggravated:

And here heard the sounds,

Not silent in me ...

Paying attention to these lines, the reader understands that the hero is still feeling a deep, gentle sympathy for heroin, his heart beats more often and is about to jump out of the breast from excitement overwhelming the soul.

In the poem, five stanza, each of which carries over the experiences, mood of the lyrical hero. Tyutchev uses constant epithets ("spiritual fullness", "century-old separation"), because the situation of an unexpected meeting of the former lovers, which suddenly flashed long fastened feelings - a frequent situation in life. The formation of the poem gives metaphors, personification ("Time Golden", "Dunzeny of years of peaceful completeness", "Life spoke again again") - traditional means of artistic expressiveness for the poet.

The poem sounding deserves a special analysis. The poet uses such an artist as Assonance (repetition of the same vowels). In the first stanza, about ten times the sound "O" is repeated - the extraordinary singers of words allowed to shift this poem to music. In the second and in the third stanza, the accumulation of gentle sounds "E", as well as "B" (taking alliteration - the use of the same consonants) helps to feel the breeze blow:

... suddenly comes in spring

And something will start in us -

So, the whole hang out the dunge

Those years of spiritual fullness,

With a long forgotten skull

I look at cute features ...

The rhyme in the poem is accurate, crossed. The first and third line have a female rhythm ("wasoy-golden", "porous-spring"), the second and fourth - the men's ("revived-heat", "hour-us").

The poem contains three sentences with ellipsis, which indicate a mess of thoughts of the lyrical hero, confusion. It should be noted that in the poem only one exclamation offer, ending, in addition, the dots: "And that in the soul of my love! .." First, this offer is a kind of summing up of meeting with your beloved woman, secondly, this Indicates the situation of the situation, for the possible continuation of the topic in future verses.

Of course, it is impossible not to notice the literary roll call F. Tyutchev with A. Pushkin (parallel with the famous "K *** -" I remember a wonderful moment "). "Cute features" - a reminiscence used by Tyutchev - again evidence that the sense of love is forever, it is impossible to sing it with the help of everyday words, classic lines involuntarily come to mind. Compare the final quatrains, Pushkin is reading:

And the heart beats in the jet,

And for him resurrected again

And deity and inspiration

And life, and tears, and love.

Tyutchev - the same feelings, the same rhymes:

There is not one memory,

Here life spoke again, -

And the same in you charming

And that in the soul of my love! ..

The attentive reader will notice the line from the early poem of Fedor Tyutchev himself - "I remember the Time Golden" (1836).

Despite the cold and cloudy days, in life there are warm and bright moments. They transfer a person to the world of excellent memories. And in everything "guilty" the feeling that dreamed in every person. Time comes, and it wakes up. As soon as it happens, everything in man and around him changes. He is remembered by the days of excellent youth, and again he has to survive that the state of the soul, which he experienced once before.

It turns out that in whatever the hopeless situation there is a person, it always lives real happiness, it is enough just to touch the tender and loving hand to this beautiful feeling.

For the characteristics of the art of the famous Russian poet F. Tyutchev, you can choose one of its most famous works for literary analysis. "I met you, and all the past ..." is a poem written by him in adulthood (in 1870) when the author has been more than sixty years old. The reason for his writing served his meeting with a woman he loved in his youth. The entire verse is permeated with a feeling of touching memories and experiences about gone love.


With the designation of the ideological base of the poem, a literary analysis should begin. "I met you, and all the past ..." is a work that is distinguished by the simplicity of the composition. It can actually distinguish two semantic parts. One piece is devoted to the description of the image of his beloved, the second - nature, which is consonant with the spiritual experiences of the lyrical hero. The overall verse is the transfer of nostalgic experiences of the poet.

Memories of the past do not cause a feeling of experience or bitter offense in the lyrical hero. On the contrary, he emphasizes that only one image of the beloved brought him peaceful calmness and made it again to survive a happy time of youth.


The description of the landscape in the analysis is of great importance. "I met you, and all the past ..." is a verse in which the world around us would be a mirror reflection of the spiritual experiences of the lyrical hero, which finds a response to its feelings in the beauties of the outside world. He compares its current existence in the fall, while an unexpected meeting with his beloved woman brought him a new fresh feeling of spring, happiness and beauty.

Image of beloved

A description of the beloved woman of the poet occupies the main place in the analysis. "I met you, and all the past ..." is a poem, in which memories of her seem like in a dream.

The poet says nothing about her appearance, but its image is better and fully revealed through his own spiritual experiences when meeting with it. The lyrical hero is experiencing heart trepid and almost youthful happiness. At the same time, the author emphasizes that the main advantage of a woman is what remained the same, and not so much physically as from a moral point of view. Tyutchev focuses the attention of the reader on the fact that it has survived the former charm, which passed to him.

Features poem

The poet F. Tyutchev gave a special melodiousness. "I met you, and all the past ..." - an amazing musical poem, whose text for this reason was put on the romance. In it, Refrene repeats the same thought about the memories of the lyrical hero. By its topics, it turns into something with a poem A. Pushkin "I remember a wonderful moment." Both poet show how at a meeting with the beloved in them, the previous feelings are revived in them, and they again begin to live a real full of life.

At the same time, the authors point out that before their existence was meaningless and heavy, and only the appearance of his beloved revives happy memories. The topic of love, as is known, occupies an important place in the work of Tyutchev. "I met you, and all the past ..." is the best sample in his love lyrics. In it, he briefly, in just a few quitters, shows the life of the lyrical hero and her rebirth after meeting with his beloved woman.

The image of the hero

Separately, it should be said about the very lyrical character, the feelings and experiences of which are in the center of the author. From the very first lines, the reader sees that this is a very sensitive person. It is inclined to romantic experiences and melancholic sadness. The poem "I met you, and all the past ..." permeated with a warm feeling of his memories and special, bright sorrow, which sets the tone to the whole piece.

And although the poet focuses on the form of his beloved, nevertheless his own person takes an equally important place, since it is his eyes the reader sees Heroine. It was to him as a person who, on the slope of his life, again experienced the happiness of youth and love. The lyrical hero of Tyutchev is not inclined to dramatic experiences. On the contrary, he sees in the gone love all the best: she pleases it and fills optimism. So, the poem "I met you, and all the past ..." The author Tyutchev is the best sample of love lyrics not only in the work of the poet, but also in all domestic poetry.

The poem "I met you - and everything was written by F. I. Tyutchev in 1870. It is one of the examples of the love lyrics of the poet, created in the late period of his creative career. You can familiarize yourself with a brief analysis "I met you - and all the past" according to plan. This analysis can be used when studying the work in the lesson of literature in grade 9.

Brief analysis

History of creation - The poem was written in 1870, when Tyutchev has already been 67 years old, this is one of the examples of the works of love.

The topic is a poem about the feelings forgotten by the poet, but again flashed at a meeting after a long separation.

Composition - Linear, the author informs the reader about his sudden meeting with once his beloved woman, compares it with a short-term sensation of spring in late autumn, describes his feelings, coming in the end to the awareness that all this is true love.

Genre- The points of view of the researchers disagree on the issue of genre affiliation: some are inclined to attribute this poem to ODE, others - to Elegia.

Poetic size - The poem is written by Yack, the exact, men's and female rhymes are used, and the latter alternate, the method of rhymes - crossflowed avav.

Epitts"In the suspended heart", "Gold time", "Peace fullness".

Hyperbola"As after the age-old separation ...".

Wanted"... all the past ... came to life, "... life spoke again".

Metaphor"All overwhelmed dunzen", "The heart has become so warmth".

Alliteration - Repeat the sounds "s", "s", "d", "t", "b", "p".

Assonance - Repeating vowels "O", "A", "E".

Anaphora"There is no one ...", "Life here ..."; "And the same in you ...", "And that in the shower ...".

Gradation"There are days, it happens ...".

History of creation

Fyodor Tyutchev's love Lyric Lyrics is particularly noteworthy in the late period of his work. In verses, his feelings, disappointment and dreams were reflected. The poem "I met you" he wrote in 1870 in the already mature age. But despite this, the work is filled with deep, bright emotions, the living force of a loving heart. It was caused by a meeting with a woman who loved the poet in the past. Her name was encrypted by him in the letters K.B.


The lyrical hero meets his last love, which again awakens in him former feelings. Memories are pleasant to him: "I remembered the Time Golden - and the heart was so warm ...".

The image of the beloved is not accurate, only the sensations of the poet are transmitted. We cannot imagine how this woman looked like, what had "cute features", but we understand that Tyutchev loved her.


The poem consists of five stanza, each of which carries a certain meaning, and together they create a single chain of the poet reflection. From the first we will learn about the hero meeting with his beloved, which he has not seen it for a long time. Past times associated with her, he calls - "Gold Time", they are the road to him. From a mental return to them, the previous feelings come to life - "and the heart has become so warm."

In the second stanza, the poet compares his life in the fall, and again reminded of himself sensations - with the spring.

The following stanzes are a gradual gain, influxing feelings: "heard the sounds that were not silent in me ...". And at the end of the poem, he boldly calls it with love: "Life spoke again."


The genre in which was written by verse, scientists are determined in different ways. On the one hand, it looks like the ODU, on the other - on Elegia. Now everyone is also known to the uniform beautiful, melodic romance, resulting from the imposition of poems to music.

The poem is composed of five stanches of four lines and is written by a yab. Different types of rhyme are used, they are alternating: in the first and third line - women's (past - gold, sometimes - in spring), in the second and fourth - men's (came to life - warm, hour - us). For all rows, an accurate rhyme is characteristic: dunzen - skull, completeness - features. The method of rhymes - crosswise (riffs rhymes on the principle of avav).

Means of expressiveness

The means of expressive used in the poem are sufficiently diverse. Their combination creates a sense of empathy to the lyrical hero, his feelings. Tyutchev uses epitts: "In the suspended heart", "Time Gold", "spiritual completeness", metaphor: "All overwhelmed by dunzen", "the heart has become so warmth."

Also interesting wanted: "... all the past ... came to life", "... Life spoke again," hyperbola: "As after the age-old separation ...".

The special melodiousness and observance of the poem is attached due to the repetition of sounds: "s", "s", "d", "t", "b", "p" ( alliteration). For example, the sound "T" in the first stanza is found seven times. As well as the Assonance - Repetition of Sounds "O", "A", "E".

To strengthen the poet effect produced on the reader applies such artistic means as anaphora("Not one thing ...", "there is life ..."; "and the same in you ...", "and that in the soul ..."), and gradation("There are days, it happens an hour").

Test by poem

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