Igor Mann quotes. Monday Quotes: Igor Mann

The most famous publisher, businessman, No. 1 marketer in Russia, Igor Mann, conducted a 6-hour seminar in Krasnoyarsk on the topic “How to become number 1 in what you do.”

Four from Alente spent this un-October hot and sunny weekend at MixMax. And this says something!

It is impossible to retell what I heard. Therefore, we offer the top 10 quotes, advice, recommended books and jokes from Igor Mann.

Multiply by charisma and enjoy!

10 quotes from Igor Mann, taken out of context, but without losing their meaning:

  1. “No. 1 gravitates toward No. 1.”
  2. "You don't win silver - you lose gold."
  3. “Know WHAT to do, know HOW to do it, and then take it and DO it”(this phrase is the pride of Igor Mann, his motto and at the same time the answer to the question “How to achieve everything?”).
  4. “To the question “Who is my target audience?” “ordinary citizens” is a very bad answer.”
  5. “What is quickly copied is not considered stolen.”
  6. “The sale was completed when the client made a recommendation. If he didn’t give a recommendation, it means I failed him somewhere.”
  7. "Unclean shoes can ruin your career".
  8. “If work doesn’t teach you, it’s slavery.”
  9. “Those who stopped making mistakes and falling in love can be buried”.
  10. “The one who achieves something in life is the one who is inspired not for 30 minutes or days, but for 30 years.”
  1. A leader should think about ensuring that as many people under his subordination as possible are No. 1. When we take on subordinates who are weaker than ourselves, we turn into an agency of pygmies. And when it’s the other way around - to the agency of giants.
  2. When creating a website, immediately take the domain zone com.
  3. Learn non-stop. Unfortunately, knowledge does not automatically make you rich. Success is achieved by those who maintain a balance between theoretical knowledge and the desire to do something.
  4. A great product and a good price do not guarantee success. Work with clients.
  5. Always bet on No. 1. On yourself, on others, on the team!
  6. The answer to the question “What am I proud of?” should bounce off your teeth.
  7. When you do something with your head, listen to musical compositions that have no words or the meaning of the words you do not understand. Classic - the best possible.
  8. Dress a little better than the audience you are speaking to.
  9. Spend one day as No. 1. And then another and another. You'll like it.
  10. Don't waste your life like you did this week.

10 books and applications from Igor Mann:

  1. « Marketing 100%"(Igor Mann)
  2. « № 1 "(Igor Mann)
  3. « Life without goals"(Shapiro Stephen)
  4. « Healthy body in 4 hours"(Tim Ferriss)
  5. « 12 weeks a year"(Brian Moran)
  6. « There is an iron man in everyone"(John Callos)
  7. « Outstanding results"(Jeff Colvin)
  8. « Platform" (Michel Houellebecq)
  9. iPhone application “Mann Filters”- to analyze the profitability of a business idea (fast, fun, truthful - we checked).
  10. iPhone application “10 years”- to plan your life 10 years in advance

10 jokes from Igor Mann:

  1. I am often stopped on the street:
    - Are you Igor Mann? I'm so glad to see you!
    - Yes, very nice, can I go further?!
  2. “Natasha is a good name, but the boy will suffer with it!”(about the importance of choosing the right name for the company/project).
  3. “I haven’t calculated the profit yet, but the turnover is awesome!” (from an anecdote about a hare who came up with a business - selling ruble banknotes for 95 kopecks. About the importance of cash flow analysis).
  4. In Russia, great ideas are broken down into two words: “So what?”
  5. Marketers know 5,000 tools for attracting customers. Tell me at least 10 that you use. No, you have to do this: take out your smartphone, saying: “Now I’ll read them to you...” This is your weapon, and it should be stored in the locker.
  6. I have a huge home library. And, by the way, the publishing house "MYTH" for me is a way to save money. This is how I take books!
  7. Radio "Chanson" playing in the store is commercial suicide.
  8. Write what you are proud of. You still have 5 minutes. Those who succeed can get together in pairs and dance.
  9. The Japanese word for death from overwork is karoshi. This does not threaten the Russians.
  10. When they ask me: “Igor, aren’t you sorry for sharing your knowledge just like that?”, I answer: “It’s not a pity, because by giving, we gain. Yes... and still no one will do anything!”

10 ways from Igor Mann to instantly make your life better:

  1. Smile.
  2. Take a deep breath.
  3. Turn off the phone.
  4. Look around.
  5. Take a sip of water.
  6. Give thanks.
  7. Stretch.
  8. Take a walk.
  9. Take a nap.
  10. Play your favorite track.

And finally, a reminder to those who are already No. 1: if the sweat from your leader's jersey does not dry out, you will not give it to anyone!

About the improvements:

Almost nothing can be improved in 24 hours. Don't get excited - be patient.

Ask your new hires—the ones who haven't yet been blinded—to walk through the customer journey and critique your touchpoints.

Nothing stimulates creativity and drive in a company like the rapid implementation of ideas generated during brainstorming sessions.

How to become No. 1:

I wish I could be an optimist and say that age doesn’t matter and any age is good for getting on the #1 path or becoming #1... But let’s be realistic: time and age matter. So start early. You have more energy, your head works better, and in general you can’t shake the feeling that the whole world belongs to you and only you and that your whole life is just beginning and everything is ahead!

The path to number 1 is not a short one. You can take a shortcut somewhere, speed up somewhere, somewhere you can (like in a board game) move a few cells forward... but the road will be long. And you can also forget about the eight-hour working day forever (God willing, I’m wrong).

I am convinced - and this is the formula for my success - that you need to work, work, work and at the same time study, study and study again. Yes, the formula is not simple, but it works for me.

About work:

Practice shows that one of the main reasons for lack of time is that we delay everything until the last minute, not knowing where to start or how to start. Desire + goal + hard work + excellent results - and everything should work out for you. Begin!

You should always ask yourself, “What is the simplest way to solve this problem?”

About the little things:

The little things are important. The power of little things is that there are a lot of them. Collect more “tricks”, quickly implement them, and you will get an effect that will not come even from the implementation of an expensive and lengthy project.

About ideas:

Once you have a good thought, writing it down is the first step to putting it into action. An idea that came to mind and one written down on paper are two different things.

But it’s not enough to just write down an idea that comes up. Now it needs to be quickly and efficiently implemented.

Fast means faster than your competitors will do it.

Qualitatively - this is so that it has an effect and does not have to be remade.

I'm lucky - I can come up with new ideas. I like to “borrow” interesting ideas from competitors, from other industries. I like to read a lot and put the ideas I read into practice. Probably the phrase “good idea!” - the one I use most often.

Friends, today is the birthday of our friend, colleague, author and co-founder of MYTH Igor Mann. Igor once said that MYTH for him is a child. So, Igor, you are the ideal dad for us, of whom we are very proud.

Always remain as charismatic, ambitious and inspiring! Happy birthday, Number 1!

Well, for you, friends, we have selected several bright quotes from Igor on a variety of topics, plus several photos from the MYTH celebration, which took place in December.

About the mentor and work

The highest form of gratitude is to become your mentor's best student.

Learn from your bosses or change your boss. If he doesn't teach, then what's the point of being his subordinate?

With whom you can laugh together, you can work together.

About self-improvement

…keep the goal in front of your eyes. A piece of cardboard the size of a business card in your wallet. Screensaver on your computer and/or phone. I like to set a goal as my iPhone screensaver. Always in front of you, and you see her at least 100 times a day. It is impossible to ignore it.

Everything you have done or are doing can be done much better.

Ideas don't work unless you work.

All investments in yourself pay off many times over.

About a smile

How to win over someone you can’t see, for example, when you’re talking on the phone or recording your voice on audio? Life hack: smile while talking. As if by magic, your voice will become warmer, friendlier, and the listener on the other end of the line will feel it. Guaranteed to work.

About writing

Check the text by reading it backwards, from right to left, word by word. Yes, the meaning is lost, but the gaze focuses more clearly on individual words.

Write briefly, try to keep it to 21 words. Break sentences into simple ones - three or four words. Imagine you are writing for a ninth grader or on Twitter.

About creativity

Someone who is absolutely uncreative has no chance of becoming No. 1. Creativity can be developed. To do this you need: read more books on this topic (there are thousands of them! but good ones - again, about 100); solve riddles and puzzles; Sweden! USA! - these are the countries where I feed my creativity :)) In the end, you can take courses for the development of creative thinking (by the way, there are a lot of them). Little children help a lot: they constantly ask you questions so that your brain doesn’t rust, and sometimes they give such comments that you are sincerely surprised (and take note of their solution or comment). Communicate with children more! Creativity will help you find faster and easier ways to become No.1. Develop it in yourself constantly.

One idea of ​​yours plus someone else's idea is another idea of ​​yours.

About marketing

Marketing is everything that sales managers don’t want to do, don’t have time to do, or can’t do.

One of my managers used to say that when you lose a client, you are at a loss twice: you didn't make their money; your competitors are getting your client's money. I would add that in addition to money, your competitor receives another advantage. If he correctly recognizes the reason and is able to react to it correctly, then he will have a trump card in the competition with you. This argument sounds strong: “Their customers buy from us.”

Be simpler - and people will be drawn to you. If you want to be a magnet for others, then simplify everything: marketing, communications, decisions, communication.


What MIF is doing now has very little to do with me. Now MIF is a large and talented team, which already has almost 150 people. And I am very pleased that the ideas we laid down at the start still work.

MYTH is now a bar for me to which I want to raise my other projects.

We were the first to do a lot of things. For example, we were the first to go to Lebedev for cover design. We were the first to make bookmarks. We started selling books by subscription. We are still innovators in the book market.

By and large, this is not a book on marketing, which many of you are already accustomed to; it is a workbook for those who buy literature not just for reading, but for work.

The main feature of the book is the uniqueness of the topic. You know how many books are devoted to the issues of forming loyal relationships with clients; even more books are devoted to the topic of attracting new clients. But for some reason, return marketing is ignored.

Probably because it's difficult. Probably because there are no experts on this issue. Probably because few people are ready to take on the responsibility to propose a specific working methodology.

And Igor and Anna took it and did it.

This is not a theoretical work in the style of classic academic literature on marketing with a bunch of terms that are incomprehensible to the mass reader. This is practical work that stimulates work.

Therefore, buy this book only if you want to do it.

Read more about the book below.

This workbook consists of 116 pages, which are presented in a “Homework Guide” bundle. The authors offer 13 rules or principles on which the procedure for returning lost clients is built.

That is, now you don’t need to do it according to the principle of probability theory or the finger and sky method - you are handed a ready-made system that you need to understand and implement.

I would like to highlight a few moments that stood out to me:

  • How to choose the right clients to return (and not to return)?
  • Japanese technique for finding out the true reason for a client's departure
  • An illustrative story about a football coach and three envelopes
  • Existing financial indicators of customer return success
  • Clear instructions for developing a customer winback plan
  • A list of reasons and reasons why your competitors may steal customers from you
  • The idea of ​​​​the need to look for reasons and incentives to return (other than the desire itself)
  • 4 Ways to Understand Why Your Customers Are Leaving
  • How to properly maintain a database of departed clients with whom you will work upon their return

And many many others…

A special highlight of the book are stories from Igor’s personal practice of returning clients. I especially liked the story about how Igor had to kneel down and also sign the book for his reader asking the departed client to return (the book was given to the client as a gift).

If you don’t return your customers, they will forever go to your competitors.

And now, as is tradition, I present 10 key quotes.

10 iconic quotes from the book “Returnees” by Igor Mann

  1. “A customer lost twice cannot be returned.”
  2. “You can’t attract all the customers, you can’t keep all the customers, and you can’t win back all the customers.”
  3. “Don’t set yourself the goal of returning all your clients - focus on the ones you need”
  4. “Stories of quick victories in returning clients, unfortunately, are the exception rather than the rule”
  5. “The job of winning customers back will not happen on its own – and you need someone/team to do it.”
  6. “A very important skill is to learn to look at the problems that arise in the relationship between the company and clients from the client’s point of view”
  7. “The problem cited by the client as the reason for leaving may not be such”
  8. “When it comes to returning clients, it’s not the process that’s important to us, but the result”
  9. “It’s better to write the letter by hand. The message must be personal. It is better to think through the layout of the letter very carefully (and here, perhaps, it is worth resorting to the help of copywriters).”
  10. “A returning customer is much more sensitive to problems that arise than a regular customer”

Do you need this book? And then you pose the question differently: do you like it when clients leave you, and you don’t want them to return? The question is rhetorical, but fair.